Otf English
Otf English
Otf English
What is OpenType? improvement in cross-platform portabili- supported at the system level, and any
ty for any documents that use type. program that gets its font support by
OpenType is a new font format cre- ❙ Better Language Support standard system calls can use OpenType
ated jointly by ADOBE SYSTEMS and MI- Based on Unicode, an international two- fonts.
CROSOFT that can be viewed as a superset
byte character encoding that covers vir- A few applications deal with fonts
of TrueType and PostScript, with added tually all of the world’s languages, more directly, bypassing some of the
capabilities for advanced typography. It OpenType fonts can make multilingual standard system functions, in which
is based on Unicode, which gives it a typography easier by including multiple case the system-level support may not be
model to support any of the world’s language character sets in one font. necessary. Some Adobe applications
languages. ❙ Exciting typographic capabilities via work this way and you can install
OpenType fonts may include an ex- OpenType features: arbitrary ligatures, OpenType fonts for that program’s use
panded character set and layout features real (not scaled) small caps, old-style fig- in the application’s private “fonts” fold-
to provide richer linguistic support and ures, arbitrary fractions, alternates and er--regardless of OS and ATM versions.
advanced typographic control. many more, all in a single font. This is true with InDesign (all versions),
Technically, a cross-platform Open- ❙ “Wide” fonts: OpenType fonts may Photoshop 5.5 and higher, and Imag-
Type font is similar to a Windows-style have up to 64K glyphs, instead of being eReady 2.0 and higher.
TrueType font, with additional tables. limited to 256 encoded glyphs (as with However, it is likely that you will
An OpenType font with PostScript-style today’s Type 1 fonts). With a typical want to use these fonts in multiple ap-
outlines has an “.otf” extension and Western PostScript fonts you are forcing plications.
uses a different table for the outline to install and manage two or more style- Requirements for this depend on
data than one with TrueType outlines. related fonts in order to access “expert your operating system.
An OpenType font with TrueType out- set” characters. OpenType significantly ❙ Windows 95, 98, or NT4: ATM 4.1
lines normally has a “.ttf” extension. simplifies font management and the Light or Deluxe;
Note that using OpenType does not publishing workflow by ensuring that all ❙ Windows 2000: ATM not required;
mean one has to abandon one’s existing of the required glyphs for a document ❙ Mac OS 8.1 through OS 9: ATM 4.6
fonts. OpenType fonts can co-exist with are contained in one cross-platform font Light or Deluxe Application.
Type 1 and TrueType fonts on a com- file throughout the workflow.
puter. ❙ the “.otf” flavour of OpenType fonts
uses Adobe’s “Compact Font Format”
Advantages of Open Type (CFF, or Type 2) to represent the font
❙ Cross-platform fonts! Use the same outlines. As a result, the individual fonts
font file on Mac or Windows as easily are only 50-200K in size, despite their
as you move document files back & large character sets (some have over
forth. Any OpenType font uses a single 1,000 glyphs).
font file for all of its outline, metric,
and bitmap data, making file manage- Additional Software Requirements
ment simpler. In addition, the same font (ATM, OSes, applications)
file works on Macintosh and Windows Just like any other kind of font, ap-
computers (Picture 1). As a result, Open- plications must have a means of access-
Type lets you move font files back and Picture 1. Macintosh PostScript Type 1 Font;
ing OpenType fonts. The OpenType Windows PostScript Type 1 Font; OpenType Font
forth between platforms with noticeable fonts are added to the kinds of fonts Macintosh & Windows;
If you are using an OpenType-savvy
ATM, or an OS such as Windows 2000,
which has native OpenType support,
OpenType fonts should work just as
well as Type 1 fonts with almost all ex-
isting applications. Additionally, to ac- Picture 3. Small Caps feature from Character
palette in InDesign.
cess automatic features of the fonts
requires an OpenType-savvy application.
Currently, Adobe InDesign is the only Цифров печат
such application.