Life Multiplier Action Plan Life Multiplier Action Plan: Step 1 - Review Your Answers Step 1 - Review Your Answers
Life Multiplier Action Plan Life Multiplier Action Plan: Step 1 - Review Your Answers Step 1 - Review Your Answers
Life Multiplier Action Plan Life Multiplier Action Plan: Step 1 - Review Your Answers Step 1 - Review Your Answers
N Question Answer
1 Occupation Student
2 Schedule Full time student
3 Worrying about things you don't control? 1 hour a week
4 Worrying about your past as a student? 1 hour a week
5 Worrying about your future as a student? 2 hours a week
6 Useless chatter? 4 hours a week
7 Unconstructive emotions at your place of study? 2 hours a week
8 Worrying about past in personal life? 3 hours a week
9 Worrying about future in personal life? 4 hours a week
10 Useless chatter in personal life? 3 hours a week
11 Unconstructive emotions in personal life? 5 hours a week
12 Worrying about health? 1 hour a week
13 Social networking websites? 10+ hours a week
14 Useless 'entertainment'? 5 hours a week
Step 2 - Implement your personalized action plan
This action plan has been automatically created based on your answers. If you have any questions please
do not hesitate to contact us
Action Explanation
Set a HUGE goal Answers #6, #10, #13, #14 . A lack of purpose is the root
cause of being involved in useless chatter, social
networking websites, and useless 'entertainment'.
Massive goals will keep you excited and they will keep
you going. Is it the right time for setting one?
Stop living in the past Answers #4 and #8 reveal that you will benefit greatly
from eliminating unnecessary travels to the past to relive
painful experiences related to both studies and personal
You will start winning big in life the moment you stop
travelling to the future to imagine painful uncertainties
related to both studies and personal life
Stop worrying about things you don't Answer #3. Most people spend valuable time worrying
control about things they don't control. For example: their tutors,
study material complexity, economy, interest rates, other
people's opinions, etc.
There is only one thing you can do. Change your thinking.
If you don't control something master the skill of letting it
Take action to address your health Answer #12. Worrying about health creates a lot of
concerns stress and certainly doesn't help.
But the great news is, you can spend only 5 minutes to turn your life around by changing its direction.
So, if you think it's time to break out, here is the next 3 simple actions for you:
1. Join a closed Facebook group by invitation only - a community of like-minded individulals just like
you. Get the support you need.
2. Explore our mind inspiration series explaining why most people fail in life and how you can break
3. Apply for a one-on-one session with me if you have a burning problem to solve in your life
Roman Korobitsin
Breakthrough Evangelist
Top Results Academy