Ls 1 Paper - Cavitenhs
Ls 1 Paper - Cavitenhs
Ls 1 Paper - Cavitenhs
Blood loss is one of the common problems encountered during accidents, and the time it takes to cease the
blood flow, takes so much time causing life to be at risk. This study was conducted to determine the response of
platelets to pure extracts of Tridax procumbens and Cosmos caudatus on the basis of human blood coagulation.
Disinfected fingertip was punctured with a sterile lancet. The blood was plunged into a glass slide and then mixed
with the extracts. After which, the clock was started. For every 25 seconds, one end of a toothpick is passed to the
blood drop. Once filamentous materials are seen adhering on the tip of the toothpick, the clock was stopped.
The highest mean coagulation time was observed with the untreated blood sample. On the other hand, T.
procumbens showed higher mean coagulation time compared to C. caudatus. One-Way Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA), at 5% level of significance, revealed that there was a significant difference in the mean coagulation time
of the treatments. Tukey’s pairwise comparison showed that untreated blood has significantly longer coagulation
time compared to blood treated with asteraceous plant extracts. However, blood treated with T. procumbens and C.
caudatus did not exhibit any significant difference in blood thickening time. Thus, the extracts of the two asteraceous
plants promoted the formation of fibrin strands faster than untreated blood strengthening the platelet plug during
blood clotting.
Results of the study validated that the two asteraceous plants can be powerful source of precursor of blood
factors necessary for coagulation.
in calcium and vitamin A. Its leaf has high the testing is specified. Objectives of the study were
antioxidant property, each 100 grams of the fresh also discussed together with the safety and
leaves have the same antioxidant property to the 2400 confidentiality of the testing procedures. From the
mg of ascorbic L-acid (Atie, 2011). participants who voluntarily joined, 30 were
randomly selected as the blood donor.
With existing information on the ability of
plants to be used as a remedy for blood coagulation, Extract Application. Disinfected fingertip
very few literature cites and compares the different was punctured with a sterile lancet. The blood was
weeds and plants of the Philippines as a potential plunged into a glass slide and then mixed with the
alternative. extracts. After which, the clock was started. For
every 25 seconds, one end of a toothpick is passed to
The general purpose of this study is to the blood drop. Once filamentous materials (fibrins)
determine the blood coagulation time in different are seen adhering on the tip of the toothpick, the
plant extracts from Family Asteraceae such as T. clock was stopped and data was recorded. The above
procumbens and C. caudatus. Specifically, it seeks to procedure was done to the 30 randomly selected
find answers to the following question: participants, taking three blood samples, which is as
big as pinhead, each.
Do T. procumbens and C. caudatus have the
ability to hasten the formation of fibrin in blood? Statistical Analyses. The data was entered in
the computer program PAST ver. 1.42 (Hammer, et
Is there significant difference on the blood al.,2001). Analyses of Variance (ANOVA) were
coagulation time in these plant extracts? conducted for all measured quantitative parameters.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Comparing the average blood coagulation
time of the three treatments, blood sample treated
Extracts from two asteraceous plants (Tridax with C. caudatus showed faster reaction, followed by
procumbens and Cosmos caudatus) were applied to T. procumbens treated blood and lastly by the
blood drops from 30 samples. The time of appearance untreated blood sample (Figure 3). This suggests that
of the fibrin strands, indication that blood coagulation there is an increased platelet response-time in the
happened, was recorded for every treatment. Results blood samples treated with the aster extracts
are summarized in Table 1. compared to untreated one.
Table 1. Human Blood Coagulation time in The extracts of the two asteraceous plants
Different Treatments promoted the formation of fibrin strands faster than
untreated blood strengthening the platelet plug during
Coagulation Time (min) blood clotting.
Min Max Mean
Figure 1. Human Blood Coagulation Time of Samples Treated with T. procumbens and C. caudatus
Data were subjected to one way analysis of reaction of the juice to the blood exerts inflammatory
variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s pairwise reaction (Yaduvanshi et al., 2011).
comparisons at 5% level of significance. The null
hypothesis subjected is that the blood coagulation CONCLUSION
times of the three treatments are not significantly
different. Results of the statistical analysis are From the data gathered from the study, it
summarized in Table 2. was concluded that species of Family Asteraceae is a
potential pro-coagulant. Cosmos caudatus and Tridax
Table 2. Summary of the Analyses of Variance at 5 procumbens showed significant effect on the blood
% Level of Significance coagulation time over the control group, therefore it
proves that the two extracts hastened the coagulation
time of blood. C. caudatus showed faster effect on
Sources of Sum of Mean F
dF the blood coagulation than T. procumbens, but as the
Variation Square Square value
data shows, there is no significant difference between
their mean coagulation. Therefore, they are both
Between groups 70017.50 2 35008.70 39.86
considered a potent pro-coagulant.
Within groups 76409.60 87 878.27
Total 146427.00 89
One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA),
at 5% level of significance, revealed that there was a
Since the computed F value (39.86) is higher significant difference in the mean coagulation time of
than the tabulated F value (3.10) the null hypothesis the treatments. Tukey’s pairwise comparison showed
is rejected. Thus, coagulation time of blood treated that untreated blood has significantly longer
with T. procumbens, C. caudatus and control (no coagulation time compared to blood treated with
treatment) are significantly different at 5% level of asteraceous plant extracts. However, blood treated
significance. Tukey’s pairwise comparison further with T. procumbens and C. caudatus did not exhibit
showed that the coagulation time of the control group any significant difference in blood thickening time.
is significantly different from treatments with T. Thus, the extracts of the two asteraceous plants
procumbens and C. caudatus but no significant promoted the formation of fibrin strands faster than
difference was seen among the mean coagulation untreated blood strengthening the platelet plug during
time of T. procumbens and C. caudatus. blood clotting.
From the results of the study, it shows that Results of the study validated that the two
C. caudatus has the greatest ability of being a potent asteraceous plants can be powerful source of
pro-coagulant because of its high calcium content precursor of blood factors necessary for coagulation.
which is required in the coagulation factors. Calcium Based from human blood coagulation time
works together with vitamin K and a protein called documented, the two aster plants revealed the
fibrinogen in the clotting cascade (Parr, 2011). Just presence of anti-thrombolytic activity, however, clot
like C. caudatus, T. procumbens is also a potent pro- formation property and active components are yet to
coagulant because of its different wound healing be established out.
activities reported (Suseela et al., 2002).
Since it was proven that C. caudatus and T.
Faster formation of fibrin strands, procumbens are a potential pro-coagulant, the
strengthening the platelet plug during blood clotting, researchers would like to offer the following
in C. caudatus- treated blood can be attributed to the recommendations:
antioxidative compounds present in the plant extracts
(Huda-Faujan et al., 2009). Antioxidants are 1. determine through chemical analysis the
postulated to help control wound oxidative stress and composition and properties present in the
thereby accelerate wound healing, including blood extracts of C. caudatus and T. procumbens
clotting (Fitzmaurice, 2011). which contributed to the coagulation of
On the other hand, T. procumbens juice was
proven to have a direct stimulatory effect in the initial 2. investigate the coagulation process through
stage of blood release in wound healing due to an microscopic analysis; and
increased oxidation activity (Udupa et al., 1991).
However, blood clotting with this plant extract may 3. know other species of Family Asteraceae
be inhibited in the soon period since increased that can be also a potent pro-coagulant.