7.article14 Aggravating
7.article14 Aggravating
7.article14 Aggravating
These are circumstances, if attendance in the commission of reasonable doubt. accomplice and accessories to whom the circumstances are
the crime, serve to increase the penalty without exceeding the 4. INHERENT attendant.
maximum penalty provided by law for the offense. By necessity, this accompanies the commission of the
- This is based on the greater perversity of the offender crime. AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCE BASED ON
as shown by: o Evident premeditation is inherent in robbery, KNOWLEDGE
a. Motivating power theft, estafa, adultery, and concubinage The following circumstances shall serve to aggravate the
b. Place of commission liability of only those who had knowledge of them at the
c. Means and ways employed AGGRAVATING BUT DO NOT INCREASE PENALTY time of execution of the act or their cooperation therein:
d. Personal circumstance so the offender or offended 1. Those that constitute a crime punished by special law a. Material execution of the act
party o Arson, destruction b. Means employed to accomplish it
e. Time 2. Included by the law in defining a crime and
prescribing penalties therefore. AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCE NOT PRESUMED
4 KINDS OF AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCE o In robbery in an inhabited house, the The aggravating circumstance should be proved as fully as the
1. GENERIC following shall not be considered: crime itself in order to increase the penalty.
This generally applies to all crimes. Act committed in the dwelling of the - It is never presumed.
(1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,18,19,20, except by means of motor offended (par 3)
vehicles) Committed after unlawful entry (par ARTICLE 14
If it is not alleged, it may be proved during the trial 18) The following are aggravating circumstances:
over the objection of the offense and may be Destruction of wall, roof, floor, or 1. That advantage be taken by the offender of his public
appreciated in imposing the sentence. In such case, it window (Par 19) position.
serves only to aid the court in fixing the limits of the 3. An aggravating circumstance inherent in the crime 2. That the crime be committed in contempt or with
penalty. It does not change the nature of the crime. and necessarily accompanies the commission thereof. insult to the public authorities.
2. SPECIFIC o Evident premeditation in theft,robbery, estafa, 3. That the act be committed with insult or in disregard
This applies only to particular crimes. (15,16,17,21) adultery of the respect due the offended party on account of his
3. QUALIFYING o Taking advantage of public position in rank, age, or sex, or that is be committed in the
This changes the nature of the crime. (6 treachery; and 13 bribery, malversation, etc. dwelling of the offended party, if the latter has not
evident premeditation) given provocation.
This must be alleged in the information because it is AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCE PERSONAL TO 4. That the act be committed with abuse of confidence or
an integral part of the offense. Otherwise, it is only OFFENDER obvious ungratefulness.
generic. Aggravating circumstances that arise from: 5. That the crime be committed in the palace of the
These need not be preceded by the words a. Moral attributes of offender Chief Executive or in his presence, or where public
aggravating/qualifying. It is enough that they are b. Private relations of the offended party authorities are engaged in the discharge of their
c. Other personal cause duties, or in a place dedicated to religious worship.
6. That the crime be committed in the night time, or in 17. There is treachery when the offender commits any of punished as a private individual without this
an uninhabited place, or by a band, whenever such the crimes against the person, employing means, aggravating circumstance.
When the crime could have been committed had the
circumstances may facilitate the commission of the methods, or forms in the execution thereof which tend
perpetrator not been a public officer
offense. directly and specially to insure its execution, without Failure of an officer in his duties as such is
Whenever more than three armed malefactors shall risk to himself arising from the defense which the tantamount to abusing office
have acted together in the commission of an offense, offended party might make. o When the VP voluntarily joins a band of
it shall be deemed to have been committed by a band. 18. That means be employed or circumstances brought brigands, such act increases his liability.
7. That the crime be committed on the occasion of a about which add ignominy to the natural effects of the It is not aggravating when the act is an integral
element of the offense
conflagration, shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic or act.
o Example: malversation and falsification by
other calamity or misfortune. 19. That the crime be committed after an unlawful entry. public officers
8. That the crime be committed with the aid of armed 20. There is an unlawful entry when an entrance of a UNIFORMS
men or persons who insure or afford impunity. crime a wall, roof, floor, door, or window be broken. - Wearing the fatigue uniform and being armed is not
9. That the accused is a recidivist. 21. That the crime be committed with the aid of persons sufficient to establish that such officer took advantage
A recidivist is one who, at the time of his trial for one under fifteen years of age or by means of motor of his position.
- In the same way, the non-wearing of uniform does not
crime, shall have been previously convicted by final vehicles, motorized watercraft, airships, or other sufficiently disprove that the official did not take
judgment of another crime embraced in the same title similar means. (As amended by RA 5438). advantage of his position, if the offended party was
of this Code. 22. That the wrong done in the commission of the crime aware that he was a policeman
10. That the offender has been previously punished by an be deliberately augmented by causing other wrong not Paragraph 2
offense to which the law attaches an equal or greater necessary for its commissions. CONTEMPT/ W/ INSULT TO PUBLIC AUTHORITY
penalty or for two or more crimes to which it attaches Based on greater perversity of the offender as shown by his
lack of respect for public authority
a lighter penalty. Paragraph 1
11. That the crime be committed in consideration of a TAKING ADVANTAGE OF PUBLIC POSITION 1. The public authority is in the exercise of his
price, reward, or promise. Based on greater perversity of the offender as shown in the function
12. That the crime be committed by means of inundation, means employed and his personal circumstance PUBLIC AUTHORITY is a person in authority; he
WHEN AGGRAVATING is directly vested with jurisdiction or the power to
fire, poison, explosion, stranding of a vessel or This aggravating circumstance is applicable only to a public govern and execute the laws.
international damage thereto, derailment of a officer who takes advantage of his public position. o Councilor, mayor, governor, barangay
locomotive, or by the use of any other artifice o It must be proven that he used his influence, prestige, captain, and barangay chairman
involving great waste and ruin. or ascendancy that his office gives him This circumstance cannot be availed of if the crime
13. That the act be committed with evidence o It must be shown that the crime would not have been was performed in the presence of the AGENT OF A
committed had he not occupied his position. PERSON IN AUTHORITY. He is a person who is
WHEN NOT AGGRAVATING charged with the maintenance of public order and the
14. That the craft, fraud or disguise be employed. When a public officer commits a common crime protection of security of life and property.
15. That advantage be taken of superior strength, or independent of his official functions and does acts not o Barrio councilman, barrio policeman,
means be employed to weaken the defense. connected with the duties of his office, he should be barangay leader, or any person who comes to
16. That the act be committed with treachery (alevosia). the aid of persons in authority.
2. The crime is not directed towards the public This applies both to victims of tender and old age. b. The violation of the sanctity of the home by
authority - When the injuries inflicted without any thought or trespassing therein with violence against the will of
The crime becomes direct assault if directed towards intention to insult the person on account of his or her the owner.
the public authority age, the circumstance is not considered aggravating. o The reason why this is aggravating is because
3. The offender knows him to be a public authority DISRESPECT ON ACCOUNT OF SEX the law accords the sanctity of privacy in the
The absence of this requisite indicates lack of This refers only to the female sex. human abode.
intention to insult the public officer. - Killing a woman is not attended by this aggravating Requisite:
4. His presence has not prevented the perpetrator to circumstance of the offender did not manifest any The offended party must not have given provocation.
commit the crime specific insult or disrespect towards her sex. If the offended party gave provocation, then the fact that the
- Disregard of sex is absorbed in treachery. offense occurred in his dwelling does not make it as an
Paragraph 3 NOT APPLICABLE IN THE FOLLOWING: aggravating circumstance.
(1)INSULT/DISRESPECT OF RANK, AGE, OR SEX a. The offender acted with passion and obfuscation. The The provocation referred to must be:
(2) CRIME IN THE DWELLING OF THE OFFENDED offender could not have been conscious that his act a. Sufficient
Based on greater perversity of the offender, as shown by was done with respect to the offended party. b. Given by the owner of the dwelling
the personal circumstances of the offender and the place b. There exists a relationship between the offender and c. Immediate to the commission of the crime
of commission of the crime the offended party.
c. When the condition of being a woman is WHEN CIRCUMSTANCE APPLIES
There are 4 circumstances contemplated in this paragraph. indispensable in the commission of the crime. 1. When the offended party did not give provocation and
Their concurrence has the weight of one aggravating the crime against him transpired in his dwelling
circumstance only. CRIME IS COMMITTED IN THE DWELLING OF 2. Even if the offender did not enter the dwelling, but the
- This provision is applicable only to crimes against THE OFFENDED victim was shot from under the house.
person or honor. DWELLING is the building or structure, exclusively used for - Also, it is enough that the victim was attacked inside
- Hence, this will not apply in robbery with homicide rest and comfort. Hence, a combination of house and store his house, although the assailant devised means to
because homicide is a mere incident of robbery, a cannot qualify as a dwelling place. attack him from outside the house.
crime against property. - This includes dependencies, foot of the staircase, and 3. Even if the killing took place outside the dwelling, as long
the enclosure under the house. as the commission of the crime began in the dwelling.
INSULT/DISRESPECT OF RANK, AGE, OR SEX Dwelling, as distinguished from domicile, may be temporary. - In abduction or illegal detention where the victim
To be considered as aggravating, it is not enough that the Hence, the following may also be considered as a dwelling was taken from his or her house and carried away to
crime is directed against a person of high rank, an person of place such that crimes committed against the dweller therein another place, dwelling is aggravating.
old or tender age, or against a woman. will be aggravating: 4. When the deceased has 2 houses where he used to live,
- There must be proof that the accused deliberately a. Boarding house the commission of the crime in any of them is
intend to offend or insult the rank, age, or sex of the b. Paternal home where the victims were guests at the aggravating.
offended party. time and did not reside 5. When the husband kills his wife in a house solely
DISRESPECT ON ACCOUNT OF RANK c. The victims were guests in the house of another occupied by her even if it is not the conjugal home.
RANK refers to a high social position or standing. For this person.
circumstance to apply there must be a difference in the social Dwelling is not included in treachery. WHEN THE CIRCUMSTANCE DOES NOT APPLY
condition of the offender and the offended party. WHAT AGGRAVATES THE COMMISSION OF THE a. When both the offender and the offended
- There must be proof that the accused intended to CRIME IN ONE’S DWELLING occupy the same house.
insult the rank of the victim a. The abuse of confidence which the offended party EXCEPT: If adultery took place in the conjugal
DISRESPECT ON ACCOUNT OF AGE reposed in the offender by opening the door to him. dwelling of the spouses, the dwelling is
considered as an aggravating circumstance with The confidence reposed could not have facilitated the o The place referred to is the place where the
respect to the crime of adultery. commission of the crime if the offended party could officer was engaged in the performance of his
But if the wife, her paramour, and the
offended party all lived under the resists, although unsuccessfully, the commission of duty. (His office)
same roof, dwelling is not the crime. PARAGRAPH 2 VS PARAGRAPH 5
b. When robbery is committed with force upon The ungratefulness must be obvious, manifest and clear. Public authorities in the exercise of duty
things, because the entering the dwelling is Duties outside the office Duties in the office
inherent or is part of the definition of the crime. Paragraph 5
o However, dwelling is aggravating in robbery Officer not the offended Officer may be the
with violence against or intimidation of
c. In crimes of trespass to dwelling This is based on the greater perversity of the offender, as WORSHIP
d. When the owner gave sufficient and immediate shown by the place of the commission of the crime. This does not include cemeteries since they are not
provocation In any of the following, the offender must have intention to
e. When the crime was committed in the dwelling dedicated to the worship of God.
commit the crime when he entered the place. Paragraph 5
that does not belong to the offended party.
f. When the crime is committed in the portion of the 1. PALACE OF THE CHIEF EXCECUTIVE Paragraph 6
structure which is not used for rest or comfort. o This is aggravating even if there is a state or Based on the time and place of commission of the crime and
(Example: 2nd floor is used as a store) official function being held. means and ways employed
(1)ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE o The chief executive need not be in BY A BAND
(2) OBVIOUS UNGRATEFULNESS Malacanang. Requisites to be aggravating:
Based on greater perversity of the offender as shown by the a. It facilitated the commission of the crime; or
o His presence in any place where the crime is
means and ways employed Nighttime may facilitate the commission of the crime
committed is enough to constitute the
aggravating circumstance when because of the darkness of the night, the crime
o His mere presence is enough, even though at can be perpetrated unmolested, or interference may be
such time that the crime was committed, he avoided, or there would be greater certainty in
1. The offended party trusted the offender
was not in the discharge of his functions attaining the ends of the offender.
The circumstance does not avail if the trust was
3. ANY PLACE WHERE PUBLIC OFFICERS ARE b. Sought for by the offender to insure the
reposed by a person other than the offended party.
ENGAGED IN THE DISCHHARGE OF THEIR commission of the crime or for the purpose of
(parents, friends, etc)
DUTIES impunity; or
2. The offender abused such trust by committing a
o The public officer must be engaged in the This exists when the offender sought for it or waited
crime against the offended party
performance of a duty or lingered until night time to realize the crime with
3. The abuse of confidence facilitated the commission
more ease.
of the crime.
o This is absent when the notion to commit the reasonable possibility of the victim receiving some The reason for this aggravation is that this is a debased form
crime was conceived only shortly before its help of calamity met in one who, in the midst of a great calamity,
commission or when the crime was BY A BAND instead of lending aid to the afflicted, adds to their suffering
committed at night upon a mere casual A crime is committed by a band whenever more than 3 by taking advantage of their misfortune to despoil them.
encounter. armed malefactors shall have acted together in the - If the accused is provoked by the offended party to
o This is not necessary when a and c are commission of the offense. commit the crime during calamity or misfortune, there
present. - By this definition, a crime is not committed by a band is no aggravation because the accused did not take
c. When the offender took advantage thereof for the when only one of the several men committed the advantage.
purpose of impunity crime. The phrase other calamity or misfortune does not include
“For purpose of impunity” means that he wanted to o All of them must have direct participation in chaotic conditions after liberation.
prevent his being recognized, or to secure himself the perpetration of the crime. Hence, if one - An exception is the ruling in the case of People vs
against detection and punishment. of the 4 is a principal by inducement, there is Penjan
no band.
NIGHTTIME - At least 3 should also be armed. (Stone is considered Paragraph 8
This is the period of darkness beginning at the end of dusk an arm) CRIME IS COMMITTED WITH THE AID OF (1)
and ending at dawn. Nights are from sunset to sunrise. BAND AND OTHER FELONIES ARMED MEN OR (2) PERSONS WHO INSURE OR
- The crime must be begin and be accomplished at 1. This is not aggravating in brigandage because it is AFFORD IMPUNITY.
nighttime inherent in the said crime. Requisites:
- The crime must be committed in the darkness of the 2. The aggravating circumstance of taking advantage of 1. The armed men took part directly or indirectly
night. Hence, when the place of the crime is superior strength is absorbed by the generic The casual presence of armed men near the place
illuminated by light, nighttime is not aggravating. aggravating circumstance of the commission of the where the crime was committed does not constitute as
- Nighttime by and of itself is not aggravating offense by a band. an aggravating circumstance.
- It must be shown that the offender sought for it and 3. This is not available in crimes against chastity. 2. The accused availed himself of their aid or relied
took advantage of it to commit the crime 4. This is considered in crimes against property and upon them when the crime was committed
It is a place where there are no houses at all, at a considerable 5. It is considered in illegal detention and treason. Present even if one of Requires that at least 4 armed
distance from town, or the houses are scattered at a great the offenders merely malefactors act together
distance from each other. Paragraph 7 relied on the aid of the
- This should not be considered when the place where COMMISSION OF THE CRIME ON THE OCCASION armed men; actual aid is
the crime happened could be seen or the voice of the OF CONFLAGRATION, SHIPWRECK, not necessary
victim could be heard. EARTHQUAKE, EPIDEMIC, OR OTHER CALAMITY Note: armed women also included
- The determining factor is whether or not in the place OR MISFORTUNE WHEN CIRCUMSTANCE NOT APPLICABLE
of the commission of the crime, there was a This has reference to the time of the commission of the crime 1. The offender and the offended were equally armed
2. When the accused and those who cooperated with him Additional Notes: 3. He is convicted of the new offense
in the commission of the crime acted under the same a. There is recidivism no matter how many years have
plan and for the same purpose intervened between the first and second felonies. RECIDIVISM VS REITERACION
b. Pardon does not prevent a former conviction from RECIDIVISM REITERACION
Paragraph 9 Final judgment is sufficient Offender must have served
being considered as an aggravating circumstance.
Offenses in the same title Offenses MUST NOT be in
THE ACCUSED IS A RECIDIVIST o Pardon for a preceding offense does not the same title of the RPC
A RECIDIVIST is one who, at the time of trial for one obliterate the fact that the accused is a Always an aggravating Not always aggravating, such
crime, shall have previously been convicted by final judgment recidivist upon his conviction of a second circumstance unless given as when the first offense was
of another crime embraced in the same title of the RPC. offense embraced in the same title of the amnesty a crime against property and
Requisites: RPC. the subsequent offense a
1. The offender is on trial for an offense crime against persons.
o Amnesty, however, extinguished the penalty
Note that the basis is the time of the trial, and not the and all its effects. 4 FORMS OF REPETITION:
time of the commission of the crime. a. Recidivism
2. Previously convicted by final judgment of another Paragraph 10 b. Reiteracion or habituality
crime REITERACION OR HABITUALITY c. Multi-recidivism or habitual delinquency
o There is not recidivism if the subsequent The basis is the greater perversity of the offender as shown by HABITUAL DELINQUENCY arises when a
conviction is for an offense committed before his inclination to crimes person, within a period of 10 years from his last
release or conviction for the crimes below is found
the offense involved in the prior conviction. Requisites: guilty of the same crimes for the 3rd time or oftener.
o Person is not a recidivist if the conviction of 1. The accused is on trial for offense o serious or less serious physical injuries, theft,
the prior crime was on December 30, and the 2. He has previously served sentence for another estafa, robbery, falsification
conviction of the latter crime was on offense to which the law attaches equal penalty, d. Quasi-recidivism
December 23 of the same year. greater penalty, or lighter penalty for 2 or more QUASI-RECIDIVISM arises when a person
commits a felony after having been convicted by final
At the time of the commission of trial crimes.
judgment, before beginning to serve such sentence or
for the 2nd crime, he was not yet o It is essential for the offender to serve the while serving the same.
convicted. sentence.
3. The first and second offenses are embraced in the o What is contemplated is the penalty Paragraph 11
same title of the RPC attached by law to thee offense, and not CRIME COMMITTED IN CONSIDERATION OF A
a. Title 10: Crimes against property- robbery and the penalty actually imposed. PRIICE, REWARD OR PROMISE
theft o Hence, if two different crimes were The basis is the greater perversity of the offender as shown by
b. Title 8: Crimes against persons- homicide and punished by prision mayor but the other the motivating power
physical injuries. one was imposed with the maximum Requisite:
4. The offender is convicted of the new offense period and the other only for the 1. There must be 2 or more principals:
minimum, there is still habituality.
a. One who offers the price- he directly induces the o There should be actual intent to kill, and the The prosecution must prove:
latter to commit the crime; principal by use of the fire should be purposely adopted as a. The time when the offender determined to commit
a means to that end. the crime
inducement o Without intent, it is plain arson o This is essential for the computation of the
b. One who accepts the price- he directly commits b. By means of explosion lapse of time for reflection
the crime o There should be actual intent to kill, and the b. An act manifestly indicating that the culprit has
2. The price, reward or promise must be for the use of the explosion should be purposely clung to his determination
purpose of inducing another to perform the deed. adopted as a means to that end. o This must be based on external acts and not
o Without intent to kill, it is a crime involving presumed from lapse of time
o It should not be taken as an aggravating
destruction. o It must be shown that it was deliberately
circumstance if the reward was given after the c. By means of derailment of locomotive planned and the person persistently and
commission of the crime as an appreciation o There should be actual intent to kill, and the continuously followed his plan.
This aggravating circumstance affects equally the offeror and derailment of locomotive should be purposely c. A sufficient lapse of time between the
the acceptor. adopted as a means to that end. determination and execution, to allow him to
o If only property is damaged as a result of reflect upon the consequences of his act and to allow
Paragraph 12 derailment, it is merely damage to means of his conscience to overcome the resolution of his will.
CRIME COMMITTED BY MEANS OF communication. o 3 hours or less was considered sufficient
a. INUNDATION o If there is no intent to kill but someone dies, it o However, in People v Dumdum, 1 hour was
is complex crime of damage to means of held to be sufficient
communication with homicide o In People v Crisostomo, 2 hours was not
c. POISON o When there is intent to kill and someone dies, enough
d. EXPLOSION it is murder.
e. STRANDING OF A VESSEL OR When this aggravating circumstance already qualifies the CONSPIRACY PRESUPPOSES PREMEDITATION
INTERNATIONAL DAMAGE THERETO crime to murder, it shall no longer be taken into consideration When conspiracy is directly established with proof of the
f. DERAILMENT OF A LOCOMOTIVE for the purpose of raising the penalty. The means become part attendant deliberation and selection of the method, the time
of the definition of a particular crime. and the means of executing the crime, the existence of evident
premeditation can be taken for granted.
INVOLVING GREAT WASTE AND RUIN. Paragraph 13 - Premeditation may not be appreciated if the
The basis is the ways and means employed CRIME COMMITTED WITH EVIDENT conspiracy is only implied
AS A GENERIC CIRCUMSTANCE The basis is the ways of committing the crime They can co-exist but premeditation is absorbed by the reward
Unless used by the offender as a means to accomplish the PREMEDITATION or promise.
criminal purpose, any of these circumstances cannot be The execution of the criminal act must be preceded by cool
considered to increase the penalty or to change the nature of thought and reflection upon the resolution to carry out the PLAN TO KILL A PARTICULAR PERSON NOT
the offense. criminal intent during the space of time sufficient to arrive at a NECESSARY
calm judgment. a. If there was a plan to kill a particular person and a
AS A QUALIFYING CIRCUMSTANCE - This may be considered as to the principal by different person was killed, there is no evident
When used as a means to kill another person, the crime is inducement. premeditation as an aggravating circumstance.
qualified murder. Requisites of evident premeditation
a. By means of fire Premeditation must be evident, not merely suspected.
b. If there was a plan to kill any person, and a person DISGUISE (Disfraz) o However this is not considered in parricide
was actually killed, evident premeditation as an Resorting to any device to conceal identity because being a woman is inherent in such
aggravating circumstance exists. o But if the victim recognizes the accused, crime.
c. Where the victim belonged to the class designated by disguise is not aggravating
the accused, premeditation as an aggravating This constitutes superficial but effective WHEN THERE IS NO TAKING ADVANTAGE
circumstance also exists. dissembling to avoid identification 1. One attacks with passion and obfuscation
o When one is easily recognizable, it was not 2. When the encounter arose unexpectedly
PREMEDITATION IN ROBERY W/ HOMICIDE considered to be a disguise. Tanga lang siya. 3. When the attack was made alternatively
GENERAL RULE: This is not considered because Examples: 4. When one acted as principal and the other as
premeditation is inherent in robbery. o Wearing a mask to conceal identity accomplice
EXCEPTION: It may be an aggravating circumstance if it is o Use of assumed name in the publication of a o It must appear that the accused cooperated
shown that there was premeditation as to the killing of the libel together in some way designed to weaken the
victim. o Covering face with handkerchief so as not to defense
When the death of the victim was only incident to the robbery, be recognized CRIMES WHEN ABUSE OF STREGNTH IS
premeditation is disregarded. CRAFT DISGUISE AGGRAVATING
misrepresentation as to the Use of props to conceal 1. Coercion and forcible abduction, when greatly in
Paragraph 14 identity of the accused to identity excess of what is required to commit the offense
CRAFT, FRAUD, OR DISGUISE BE EMPLOYED avoid suspicion 2. Illegal detention
The basis is the means employed More mental or intellectual More physical 3. Robbery with rape
(Intellectual or mental means to carry out the crime) 4. Multiple rape
CRAFT (Astucia) Paragraph 15 5. Robbery with homicide
This involves chicanery or intellectual trickery and The basis is the means employed
o Pretending to be the lover of the servant to This means using purposely excessive force out of proportion This is appreciated based on This is appreciated based on
gain access to the house to that means of defense available to the person attacked. the number of perpetrators. the relative physical strength
o Pretending to be a passenger in a cab to kill - This is absorbed by treachery a. There must be at least of the accused vis a vis the
the driver Evidence of relative strength is necessary. It must be shown 4 malefactors victim.
Craft is not appreciated independently as an that the accused was physically stronger than the victim and b. All must be armed
aggravating circumstance when it is an element of an that they abused such superiority.
offense. Numerical superiority does not always amount to MEANS EMPLOYED TO WEAKEN THE DEFENSE
FRAUD (Fraude) taking advantage of superior strength. It must be This is applicable only in crimes against persons.
This involves insidious words or machinations used to shown that: - Sometimes applicable in crimes against both persons
induce the victim to act in a manner which would a. There is a marked difference of physical strength and property
enable the offender to carry out the design between the accused and the victim. OR This aggravating circumstance is absorbed by treachery.
b. The aggressors are armed in such a way that is not
CRAFT VS FRAUD proportionate to that if the victim, if ever he was Examples:
CRAFT FRAUD also armed. 1. One throws sand to the eyes of the other and attacks
The act of the use was done There is direct inducement by When a man attacks a woman with a weapon, it may the latter
in order not to arouse insidious words or be considered as abuse of superior strength 2. One throws a cloak over the head of the other and
suspicion the victim machinations attacks the latter
3. When the accused made the deceased intoxicated Even if the murder was not PROOF OF TREACHERY
o However, if it is shown that the victim was in consummated, alevosia applies This must be proven as fully as the crime itself
a state of intoxication such that he cannot put o The treacherous character does not depend on - Treachery cannot be presumed
up any sort of defense, treachery may be the result, but the means itself - The suddenness of the attack does not, of itself,
considered. c. The mode of attack is consciously adopted suffice to support the finding of alevosia
o This can be inferred from the circumstances
Paragraph 16 o The mode of attack must be thought of, and EXAMPLESS OF ALEVOSIA
TREACHERY (ALEVOSIA) not a product of unexpected turn of events GENERAL RULE: In the absence of proof, there is no
The basis is the means employed o The accused must make preparations to alevosia.
ensure its execution - The victim is not totally without opportunity to
TREACHERY o Treachery cannot be appreciated when there defend himself
This occurs when the offender commits any of the crimes is nothing to show that the accused pondered - The witness did not see how the crime began and
against the person, employing means, methods, or forms in upon the mode or method of killing the developed so as to show that there was treachery or
the execution thereof, which tend directly and specially to deceased or remove or diminish any risk to that the accused completely deprived him of defense
insure its execution, without risk to himself arising from the himself that may arise from the defense of the - The encounter was merely accidental. The accused
defense which the offended party might make. victim. could not have planned the treachery.
Element of surprise marks the presence of treachery. - Decision to kill was sudden
- The offended party was not given the opportunity to WHEN THERE IS TREACHERY - Perpetrator hid behind a tree not to insure the
make the defense 1. Shooting the victim from a distance commission of the crime, but because he was scared
In treachery, the identity of the victim is not necessary. 2. Surprise attacks that the victim might have a gun with him.
That is, the perpetrator is liable for his acts even if the 3. Shooting or wounding from the back EXCEPTIONS:
victim of the attack was not the person whom he intended o But treachery may also exist even if the attack Circumstances that clearly show that the victim was rendered
to kill. is face to face, as when the attack was so defenseless
Requisites: sudden and unexpected and the victim did not - Both hands were tied. Victim had no way to defend
1. At the time of the attack, the victim was not in a have the time to prepare or defend himself. himself
position to defend himself 4. Deliberate, sudden, and unexpected attack of the - Treachery is appreciated in the killing of a child even
2. Offender consciously adopted the particular means, victim from behind and without giving him an if the manner of attack was not shown.
method or form of attack employed by him opportunity to defend himself.
5. Shooting the victim whose hands were raised in plea MUST TREACHERY BE PRESENT AT THE
RULES of his life and in showing that he does not want to BEGINNING OF THE ASSAULT?
a. Available only to crimes against persons fight It depends.
b. Means methods, and forms need not insure the 6. Killing a woman asking for mercy a. When the aggression is continuous, treachery must
accomplishment or consummation of the crime be present at the beginning of the assault.
o The law speaks only of insuring its execution WHEN THERE IS NO TREACHERY b. If the assault was not continuous, or that there was
The accused attacked the victim 1. Attack preceded by warning interruption, it is sufficient that treachery was
unexpectedly and the wounds 2. Accused gave the deceased a chance to prepare present at the moment the fatal blow was given.
inflicted would have caused death, 3. Shooting was preceded by heated discussion Note:
had there been no obstacles during 4. The victim had provoked the assailant. He should - Intent to kill is not necessary in murder with treachery
the execution.(frustrated murder have expected retaliation. (People v Cagoco)
with alevosia)
- Intent to kill is necessary in murder by means of fire There is UNLAWFUL ENTRY when an entrance is effected The reason for this is because this practice is resorted to by
(US v Burns) by a way not intended for the purpose. professional criminals to avail themselves of minors taking
- Treachery, evident premeditation, and use fo superior - Unlawful entry is a means to effect entrance, not advantage of their irresponsibility.
strength are absorbed in treason by killings. escape
- Treachery absorbs use of superior strength, aid of Examples: MOTOR VEHICLES, AIRSHIPS, OR SIMILAR MEANS
armed men, by a band, and means to weaken the Entering through the window, which is not proper The use of motor vehicles is aggravating when it is used to:
defense. entrance into the house a. Going to the crime scene
- Craft is included in and absorbed by treachery Rape committed in a house after entry into window b. Carrying away the effects of the crime
- Treachery is inherent in murder by poisoning Murder when the accused entered through the window c. Facilitating escape
- Treachery cannot co-exist with passion or obfuscation o In this case, dwelling and unlawful entry are
Some rules: taken separately as aggravating circumstances It is also AGGRAVATING when:
1. When there is conspiracy, treachery is considered Robbery with violence against or intimidation of a. Used as a means for the flight or concealment of the
against all the offenders. persons offender.
2. When it is not shown that the principal by induction o However, not applicable in robbery with force b. It plays an important role in the commission of the
directed the killer to adopt the means and methods he upon things because unlawful entry is an crime
adopted, treachery cannot be considered as to the element of the crime.
principal by induction.
Paragraph 17 Paragraph 19
The basis is the means employed BROKEN a. The use is merely incidental and not purposely sought
IGNOMINY The basis is the means and ways employed to facilitate the commission of the offense or to render
This is a circumstance pertaining to the moral order, which Breaking of the parts of the structure above must be as a the escape easier.
adds disgrace and obloquy to the material injury caused by the means to the commission of the crime. b. When there is no showing that it was used to facilitate
crime. - The circumstance applies if the part of the structure the commission of the crime or that that without it, the
- There must be clear showing that the effect is more was resorted to as a means to enter, not to escape. crime would not have been committed
humiliating or puts the offended party to shame, - Cutting of the canvas of the tent where soldiers are
adding moral suffering sleeping and thereafter said soldiers were murdered. OTHER SIMILAR MEANS
- Hence, it presupposes that the victim survives after Note: what aggravates is the act of breaking. Hence, it is not This refers to motorized vehicles or other efficient means of
the commission of the crime. A dead person cannot be necessary that the offender should have entered the building. transportation similar to automobile or airplane
humiliated. Difference with Paragraph 18:
This is applicable in: d. In 18, there is no breaking. In 19, there is Paragraph 21
1. Crimes against chastity breaking. WRONG DONE DELIERATELY AUGMENTED BY
2. Less serious physical injuries e. In 18, there must be actual entry. In 19, there CAUSING ANOTHER WRONG NOT NECESSARY
3. Light coercion may or may not be entry. The basis is the ways employed
4. Grave coercion
5. Murder Paragraph 20 CRUELTY
Paragraph 18 The basis is the means and ways employed This exists when the culprit enjoys and delights in making his
CRIME COMMITTED AFTER AN UNLAWFUL CRIME IS COMMITTED WITH THE AID OF: victim suffer slowly and gradually, causing him unnecessary
ENTRY PERSONS UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE physical pain in the consummation of the criminal act.
The basis is the means and ways employed Requisites:
1. Injury is deliberately increased by causing the other
2. The other wrong is unnecessary for the execution of
the purpose of the offender.
It must be shown that:
a. The wrong done was intended to prolong the
suffering of the victim, causing him unnecessary
physical pain.
o Hence, this cannot arise when the acts are
committed after the person died. A dead
person cannot feel pain.
o This must be proved, not assumed
b. The accused enjoyed and delighted in such
a. Number of wounds alone does not show cruelty.
o It could merely be caused by multiple
o Mere fact of inflicting various successive
wounds upon a person to cause his death,
without appreciable time to show that the
offender wanted to prolong the suffering of
his victim, is not sufficient.