Physics Class 11 Important Question

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Half Yearly Examination

Class - 11
Sub- Physics M. M 100

There is no overall choice in the paper.

However, there is n internal choice in one question of 2 marks weight-age,

one question of 3 marks weight-age and all t three questions of 5 marks
weight age.

You can use log table if necessary. Use of calculator is not permitted.
1. Give pratical unit of power.

2. What is ultimate or tensile strength ? (Hots)

3. What is an adiabatic process ?

4. What are elastomer’s ? (Hots)

5. What is the basic condition for the motion of a particle to be S.H.M. ?

6. Derive S.I. unit of Joule (J) in terms of fundamental units.

7. “The direction in which an object moves is given by the direction of velocity of the object and
not by the direction of acceleration.” Explain with an example.

8. Find resultant of two vectors when the two vectors (a) along the same direction, (b) along
opposite direction, (c) at right angles to each other.

A force of 72 dyne is inclined to the horizontal at an angle of 60°. Find the acceleration in a mass
of 9 g, which moves in a horizontal direction.

9. Why there are two propellers in the helicopter ?

10. The speed of sound waves depends on temperatre but speed of light waves does not. Why ?

11. Point out the measurable likely to create the maximum error in the following experimental
measurement :

Young’s Modulus of the material of the beam is calculated using the relation

when w = mg, 8 = depression; 1, b, d = length, breadth, thickness.

12. The position-time (x-t) graphs for two children A and B returning from their school 0 to their
homes P and Q respectively are shown. Choose the correct entries :

(a) (A/B) lives closer to the school than (B/A).

(b) (A/B) starts from the school earlier than (B/A).
(c) (A/B) walks faster than (B/A).
(d) A and B reach home at the (same/different) time. (HOTS)
(e) (A/B) overtakes (B/A) on the road (once/twice).

13. The position of a particle is given by

r = 3.0t – 2-0t23 + 4.03k m,

where t is in seconds and the coefficients have the proper units for x to be in metres. (a) Find v
and a of the particle ? (b) What is the magnitude and direction of velocity of the particle at t = 2.0

14. A train rounds an unbanked circular bend of radius 30 m at a speed of 54 km h-1. The mass
of the train is 106 kg. What provides the centripetal force required for this purpose ? The engine
or the rails ? What is the angle of banking to prevent wearing out of the rail ?

15. What is coefficient of restitution ? Give its values for elastic collision, inelastic collision and
perfectly inelastic collisions.

16. Show that momentum is conserved.

17. Does the escape velocity of body from the earth depend upon :
(a) the mass of the body ?
(b) the location from where it is projected ?
(c) the direction of projection ?
(d) the height of location from where the body is launched ?

18. Figure below corresponds to two circular motions. The radius of the circle, the period of
revolution, the initial position, and the sense of revolution (i.e., clockwise or anticlockwise) are
indicated on each figure. Obtain the corresponding simple harmonic motion of the x-projection of
the radius vector of the revolving particle P, in each case.

What is transverse wave motion. Give examples.

19. (a) In deriving Bernoulli’s equation, we equated the work done on the fluid in the tube to its
change in the potential and kinetic energy.(a) How does the pressure change as the fluid moves
along the tube if dissipative forces are present ?
(b) Do the dissipative forces become more important as the fluid velocity increases ? Discuss

20. Derive equation of continuity.

21. Obtain degrees of freedom for

(a) monoatomic,
(b) diatomic and
(d) triatomic molecules.

22. Answer the following questions based on the P-T phase diagram of CO2 .
(i) At what temperature and pressure can the solid, liquid and vapour phases of CO2 co-exist in
equilibrium ?
(ii) What is the effect of decrease of pressure on the fusion and boiling point of CO2 ?
(iii) What are the critical temperature and pressure for CO2 ? What is their significance ?
(iv) Is CO2 solid, liquid or gas at :
(a) – 70° C under 1 atm.
(b) – 60° C under 10 atm.
(c) 15°C under 56 atm.

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