Gloabl Employee Number Employee Number Dialogue Year Dialogue Name Achieve - Line

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Gloabl Employee Number Employee Number Dialogue Year Dialogue Name ACHIEVE_LINE

546372 1246 2007

706137 1687 2007
716135 1546 2007
707071 1866 2007 88%
550002 662 2007 90%
549999 154 2007 94.05%
506075 1711 2007 78%
549436 513 2007 85%
706146 79 2007 82.25%
506075 2659 2007 100%
547766 231 2007 94.04%
716259 1111 2007 90.35%
549049 1 2007 99%
716105 812 2007 95.60%
552723 2631 2007 72.65%
547752 106 2007 100%
504336 769 2007 93.15%
548565 C231 2007 94.20%
702824 1342 2007 96.78%
716105 2126 2007 43.45%
549052 31 2007 88.18%
550539 222 2007 94.18%
550583 798 2007 88.60%
706144 88 2007 97.69%
706137 2335 2007 93.20%
716106 1763 2007
707073 1847 2007 85%
716109 2359 2007 93%
702820 1128 2007 88.10%
504336 239 2007 100%
504336 1821 2007 86.10%
549510 129 2007 100%
700175 599 2007 87.35%
716106 2389 2007 90.08%
706152 44 2007 94%
716104 1632 2007 89.92%
706158 799 2007 100%
550003 661 2007 88%
706140 29 2007 96%
716107 1132 2007 100%
707473 2105 2007 85%
550001 649 2007 96.25%
550321 225 2007 99%
550322 725 2007
700173 159 2007 95.30%
549051 8 2007 88.60%
706156 1354 2007 85.80%
706154 801 2007 91.50%
706160 12 2007 90%
706147 1704 2007 85.75%
716104 2352 2007 85.10%
707072 2108 2007 82%
703432 1394 2007 92.50%
549833 353 2007 88.90%
706157 1311 2007 91.50%
716260 724 2007 96.50%
706150 955 2007 93.65%
700171 112 2007 93%
716103 2450 2007 60.25%
549831 549 2007 97.30%
549495 560 2007 97.25%
549835 594 2007 90.40%
716103 893 2007 84.30%
706161 131 2007 85%
547455 C232 2007 95.50%
720691 54 2007 88%
550538 656 2007 98%
702823 811 2007 95.50%
547747 1053 2007
550853 128 2007 80.25%
550323 22 2007
547749 13 2007 80.50%
550000 2138 2007 92.60%
716111 2368 2007 91.90%
549435 512 2007 88.50%
549310 505 2007 90%
703430 1380 2007 89.20%
703424 C233 2007 95.50%
716105 2034 2007
550852 814 2007
706154 1730 2007
550000 142 2007 94.05%
506075 C235 2007 96%
703428 1273 2007 80.40%
703431 1385 2007 89%
549053 4 2007 69%
550322 872 2007 92.86%
547767 43 2007 80.05%
706162 55 2007 80.60%
706155 72 2007 93.60%
716260 1135 2007 100%
552672 969 2007 87.07%
716103 2395 2007 86.75%
547746 153 2007 87.25%
547753 81 2007 90%
549832 7 2007 94.75%
710813 1831 2007 91%
716104 2106 2007 87.50%
707470 1850 2007 81.50%
504336 C237 2007
716110 1531 2007
550000 1603 2007
706138 864 2007 94.68%
547509 9 2007 88.96%
706145 897 2007 92.80%
550057 700 2007 78%
706143 544 2007 97.10%
546372 3 2007 84.50%
716110 165 2007 67.05%
707468 1824 2007 93.25%
553127 794 2007 91%
706148 1280 2007 85.25%
547512 121 2007 95%
707471 527 2007 93%
552731 848 2007 92.50%
716259 2509 2007 87.50%
716109 2374 2007 90.75%
547769 97 2007 83.50%
547765 102 2007
720689 1836 2007 100%
716106 2355 2007 85%
706159 732 2007 88.70%
703426 1403 2007 83.85%
506075 2367 2007 98%
706142 69 2007 94.30%
716135 1362 2007 97.75%
549517 485 2007 97.50%
549304 345 2007 94.40%
547768 145 2007 86.01%
549309 228 2007 83.90%
703427 1402 2007 98.75%
549048 2 2007 92.90%
706153 33 2007 84.10%
716103 2014 2007
549312 522 2007 79%
550324 598 2007
716116 1462 2007
716109 1664 2007 74.60%
706137 1590 2007
547744 15 2007 94.23%
549513 2458 2007 86.25%
549431 140 2007 85.50%
550000 2339 2007 93%
547764 279 2007 90%
707074 495 2007 93.95%
716135 2330 2007 80%
716105 2411 2007 92.10%
716110 2327 2007 89.85%
550537 785 2007 89.50%
707469 1710 2007 88.25%
550326 74 2007 96.90%
700168 223 2007 88.50%
550327 722 2007 88.50%
707070 1862 2007 88%
Overall Rating

Overall you are a good resource, just need to put in efforts to ensure timely delivery of tasks and raise alarms where required.
Ambreen is a good asset to the company and has contributed well to support Procurement operations but she needs to improv

A Professional Employee who is always dedicated to his job....

Ali is real assets to the Company posessing diverse range of technical and IT knowledge and skills. Further, his interest toward
Irfan has a very strong business understanding far outside the regulatory area. He is very well connected locally and on Feder
He needs to improve on his Approach towards things and think positively. If he can control his emotions he can really excel in
2- To be able to get reviewed financials from Imran (Ashraf) by June 2008
I am very happy with your support and performance, you represent the CTO Office very well and i doubt i will find a better repla
He is supervising one franchisee in Sailkot, Hardworker and honest person, He has potential to take more resposibilities
michael has been a great support and colleague. He is demanding, but contributes a lot to the business. He is a great resourc
Ibrahim has taken CRD a tremendous leap forward. Still a lot of work remains, but the unit is heading towards becoming a ben

Usman is a strong manager and has good control over vendor relationship. level of detail of RF, and Transmission is the best w
Atiq holds one of the most challenging roles in TP and has a responsibility of a network 24/7 with many external and internal is
Nauman is hard working, dedicated and responsible. His performance in the past year is upto my expectation and I expect him

Riasat is a good asset to the company. He has managed the Admin/HR/Security team and purchases very professionally. He i
Ready for extra Responsibilties in 2008.
Ali has overall done a very good job in the last year. He's excellent when it comes to floor management especially during crisis
continue the way you do and things will come to you.
need to do projects which lead to value addition in our existing routine/processes. This will help in getting rid of the feeling of u

I have very happy with Shafqats perfroamcne he is a lynch pin in the success that the Technical Division has had in 2007
A very good, hard working and dedicated resource to have in team. have good potentail to excel in other areas of unit.

I have no complaints about work but Sapna needs to improve her communication. She waits till someone asked a question. I a
Nayab is very competent in his area and has developed his DIvision well. He is empowering his people and developing them.

Needs to focus more on the Management side of overal Division and not only within Operations. Has to develop people under
Ahsan has been a vital member of the ICO team since the lasy one and a half year. He has been meeting all the assigned dea

Needs to focus on developing resources and Managers under him. Has to prepare and groom a clear #2 within his team. Has
I believe Asif is a dedicated worker. He has recently been promoted to an Assistant Manager role and i beleive he should take
He is a hard worker . He has shown improvement , but need to seriously work in his improvement area.

Ishtiaq has performed exceptionally well in all the tasks coming in his area of work. He has improved alot and shown great apt
Amir has improved a lot over the past year and has met almost all of his targets. He has develpoed high performance work rou
Saad needs to add a professional/academic qualifications to complement his experience and advance in the company. He is a
Bilal is a true team player with excellent leadership skills and adequate job knowledge. He is a very dedicated person and is al
Abbas has developed IA team to be the best I have worked with in Telenor. Proactive, looking at the job from a controlling, but
Kashif hss grown over yeras within Telenor and has demostrated initiative and commitment at the same time.
Yasser Niaz needs to improve on his Analytical Skills. He needs to focus on the accuracy and sanity of the data he is reporting
Shakeel has been a constant strength within the technical division. he is supportive of his peers and is tollerant of the organiza

Asim has shown tremendous improvement and has contributed well towards the department. His control over opeartional inve

Peter has made the technical Organization effecient and target driven. Execution is good. Peter has the skillset to manage the
Kashif has come a long way in 2007. He successfully completed PMP and mostly delivered on his targets during the year. The

I am happy to have you as my team member. I hope you will keep on contributing positively to the team. Well done.

Faisal has to gain more knowledge on the management of Information Security and compliance issues.
Since he has transferred himself from IT to Technical we found him very sincere, result oriented, problem solving attitude, so w

Basit is an important member of the team and has performed his tasks very effectively and efficiently. Basit has been seen ver
An excelent resource with vast experience in ERP. Demonstrates team spirit and leading attitude. Takes responsibility and is to
Adnan, has done good work during the year. He has handled his domain in an efficient and effective manner. I have to give him
Peter is an experienced CFO with a very good understanding of the financial aspects. Has also picked up cellular telecom fast

Ronny is a "total" resource covering many aspects of the telecom business. His experience and skills have added substantial v
Good resource
Andre is a very excellent asset and he has been solely handling the RE purchases for the year 2007. He has done tremendou
Khalid has been running IT since the beginning and developed the organization to be focused on delivery and execution. His b

Usman's performance this year has been disappointing. I feel he needs to be more hands on and effective in guiding his team

Haroon has shown committment and dedication towards his work and displayed capability to take on further complex and bigg
Ali is an excellent resource and a star performer and with more hard work and focus he would go way up in his life & career

Farhan has improved his technical knowlege on various SDH products. He has been very supportive to other team members i
Jawad needs to cahallange the other departments more often on their submissions. He also need to be more aggressive.
Aliza is very focused and organized and in the short time I have observed her (Oct to Dec) has shown a lot of promise. Her pre

This is Mahmood's first full year with Telenor Pakistan. In this time he has significantly strengthened his Department and demo
Nasir has developed valuable reports in a short spam of time. Going forward I expect that his hard work will continue, and will
Murtaza as performed exceedongly well in 2007 as supported by Telenor Pakistan's raing in the Group when compared to othe
Aamer has contributed significantly to Telenor Pakistan's success in 2007. He has very good grasp of all aspects of his current
Waqi still needs to improve the awareness and overall visibility of his dept within IT Division as well as TP. I still find the Securi
A good resource to have in team. Has gained sufficient job & business processes knowledge and delivers accordingly. Posses
After setting up the NSS Team and taking it through the initial stability phase,NSS team is now ready for renewel and challeng

I have found asif as shy person, he has to meet people frequently because for TL it is very necessary, secondly he has to be s
You have been an excellent resource who has exceeded expectations. You have worked independently and had a great intern
Shes someone I can rely on to get the job done pro actively and with great responsibility.

Yousaf, has handled his domain very effectively and efficiently. He is very pro-active and on top of things all the time. He keeps

Recommended to be promoted to the poisition of Assistant Manager

Monam has shown marked improvement in his managerial capabilities in handling certain critical situations

Anita is a very dedicated and service oriented individual. she has very good interpersonal skills and fullfills her tasks very well.
Kail demonstrates sound job kowledge and works with minumum supervision. Has the positive attitude to tackle with situations

Rashid is having a vast knowledge of procurement related activities with good negotiations skills. When ever a task is assigne
I see a thrill filled rollout year up ahead us in 2008, wish you best of luck!

Asim is very competent, knowledgeable & responsible individual. He is very focused and organized in his work, has exceptiona
Sobia is an energetic and dedicated resources who takes effort to improve things beyond the 'call of duty'. Her contribution to t

Aleya has worked well in achieving her objectives for 2007. I have higher expectations from her in 2008
Usman Hayat is a good resource of our department and he taken-up things very smmoothly. in year 2008, I see his involveme
the walks and car trips will be missed. a lot of good innovation was done on the pakistan's roads...
Bilal has developed his area from a very negative and difficult start to a well working machinery. He is dedicated, honest, hard
Asif is an excellent resource in managing to deliver business value from IT¿s corner. He posses good technical and managem

A very good performance where Imran has contributed greatly to Telenor's success.
Rehan has all the ingredients to be a successful employee at Telenor Pakistan.
Salman has performed very well in 2007 and has contributed to Telenor Pakistan's success. He has passion for his job and is
He has always taken his responsibility. He has always been found to have responded immediately to the call of duty .He comm
Tahir is a key resource since inception. He needs to be more focused and result oriented. He is accepted and liked by his peer
Excellent resource
A valuable resource with requried technical job knowledge. Has great potential to excel in AP with commitment.
Has lot of potential, very hard working, intelligent and a great team player. a motivator for his team and helps in maintaining a h

Ali has done pretty well in 2007 bearing in mind that he was responsible for the Commercial side, implementation of Contiki an
Meets expectations.
Deena is always supportive and knows the business well enough to give the CEO the necessary backing on relevant areas. D

3- Puncurality
Customer focus, system improvment, analytical, honest, hardworking, takes the team along, fair in dealing,analytical .
Team player - Shares team work load when required

Time Management
Strong managment skills
Hardworking, trustworthy. flexiable as per the Job Description, Multitasking, taking responsibilities.
Teamwork, Technical knowledge of Telecom industry i.e. BSS, NSS systems etc. Knowledge of tools under use by RA & Fraud
Strong business understanding, passion, follow-up, Hard working and focused, Builds a well functioning team
Motivational & leadership skills.
2-Co-operative and Candid
Iram has developed superior Executive Assistant capabilities, her understanding of the orgnization and the ability to support th

Michael is very strong with numbers and has been an extremely important player in terms of analysis, pricing, churnmanagem
Ibrahim is an excellent communicator, motivator and inspiration for his team. he is willpowered and makes things happen. He k

coming a strength for TP going forward.Can be firmer with managers and needs to develop the Technology and Strategy areas.
Very Strong Management capability and ability to manage many tasks at once. Good focus on improving O&M processes and
I believe I am a hard working and a dedicated individual. I have taken on additional responsibility and have successfully met m
Hardworking, efficient, committed, self motivated, responsible, loyal and sincere,

Interested in stretching abilities

I believe that I've a very strong communication and negotiation skills.

5) Complete Knowledge of retails outlets
People management, Floor Management, Dependable
structured step by step approach, team player and good at making others winners, good manager as to exploiting and focusin
Strong communication & Negotiation skills, Object oriented approach to problem solving.

3) empowerment of my team (e.g. USF)

Shafqat is an excellent manager with the ability to keep great control over a lot of project detail and is well organized. He has t
Cooperative, hardworking, efficient, Sound technical job knowledge
I perform my designated duties/work/responsibilities within the provided time frame.
- Completion of Cost Benchmarking project 2007
Outstanding knowledge and application of core area of HR; Innovative and experimental in HR. Excellent connect with people

Verstile, aggressive, socializing skills.

Committment, Loyalty and dedication.
3. Excellent interpersonal skills and personal outlook

Functionally deliver on-time, keep majority of people motivated and establish good informal working relationships with colleagu
according to my point of view My strengths that distinguished to me to all others are strong positive attitude and determination

My strengths are adaptability, conscientiousness, uphill struggle, prompt in response and integrity. These strenths helped me a
Project mangement & follow up skills. A good decision maker, as seen in SA practices.
3) Good inter personal skills

3) An ability to work and enjoy working with a variety of people.

Team Player, Reliable, Trustworthy
Understands his weakness areas and is willing to improve on them
ed areas of improvment - however needs to get more involved in the GSM part of the technical division
4) Detail oriented
7- Job Commitment
4) Act with honestly and according to code of conduct.
Self starter and take initiative to deliver quality work with improved efficiency and through out the year manage and provide ful
I have been a good leader for the technical division and i have been able to align activites within the Division for better co-ordin
Team player

A good team player and flexible in multitasking

Interpersonal Skills, responsible,hardworking, Ability to come up with quick resolutions to problems
Faisal's strength is his knowledge of the IT systems in Telenor Pakistan. He has worked in different capacties in his three years
Perfection is my AIM of life and with this aim I took my job and actions seriously and try my level best to perform accurately. I fe
Good job knowlede, quick learner, clear sense of priorities, interested in stretching abilities.
Self motivated and stimulated by new challenges. Manages team very well and efficiently, and has good relationship with both
7- Challange acceptence orinted attitute
I have a personality which makes me a lot of friends even in situation where people may like to dislike me.
Professionalism, vision, leadership, team building, results driven, determination

Strong customer follow up

Ability to adapt and learn and then apply and transfer the knowledge gained in an effective way.
I am self motivated, i am stimulated by challenges, i manage my work and time effeciently, i have good people skills, i am a fin
Industry knowledge, Committment, Loyalty, Lead from the front, Business focused. Try to practice and preach Telenor values in

Professional excellence, diplomacy

Focussed on team work. Willing to accept changes; delegation and empowerment; Believes organizational values here to help

Hard working and can handle tasks independently.

Professional expertise and company's operational knowledge

I enjoy analytical challenges and thrive in environments where logic and structured approach is required. I consider project ma
He is honest and very passionate
Professional excellence, diplomacy, leadership, vision
and work under pressure
Professional excellence, attention to detail, commitment to deadlines.
Professional competence, leadership, diplomacy, negotiation skills
My ability to inspire, respect and appreciate my subordinates and coworkers to meet the objectives/goals willingly. Ability to wit
3) Takes responsibility
Farhan is a highly focussed and committed Manager.He inspires his young team to consistently deliver quality output.He has p

My strengths are that due to my proactive approach my team¿s overall score is above 4.3 and quality and product knowledge
f)Effective communicator: can easily over come communication gaps. Good at imparting knowledge.
Farhat has excellent analytical skills and a very good grasp on financial concepts. She has a knack for delivering results and is

Leadership, Dedication & harworking

my strenghts include maturity, experience,reliability,dedication and devotion to duty
Professional knowledge, pragmatism and hardwork.

Good team player.

Job knowledge, quick decision making, sound interpersonal skills and relationship building with internal as well as external cus

Activeness, solution oriented, hard working, excellent interpersonal skills, capable of handling multi tasks & excellent commun
3- Acceptance of targets and acheive on time.

Flexibility and adaptation according to working environment. Discipline work approach and ensuring 100% compliance with the
Technical skills, Project Management and Time Management

competent, knowledgeable, command on critical issues & details, organizes work effectively, manages overlapping tasks & pro

strong commitment,dedication and resilience

Innovative, creative, very good business understanding, great executioner. Jahanzeb has been one of the key contributors to t
Honest, Committed, Good inter-personal / people skills, Good communication skills, Good team management skills. Positive o

Professional excellence, effective management, calmness under pressure, leadership

Project Management Skills, strong follow up & co-ordination skills, dedication & sense of responsibility towards my work.
Professional excellence, integrity, attention to detail, deadline driven
He has remained associated with me in providing and organizing the security of the BTS. Keeping in view the importance of B
Product knowledge, follow-up & acceptance of responsibility
3-Can Take Extra Pressure
Team worker, Co-operative, Committed, Friendly, Efficient, Ability to perform under high work load, Honest & Loyal, High on int
6-Hard working.
1) Internal customer satisfaction: Inspite of stringent controls and audit requirements, the ability to support UD in such a manne
Capacity to absorb the work pressure and adjust to situations

clear headed.
stands up against even directors
Sound techno functional knowledge of ERP

4- Improvement required on ERP system knowelde specificaly payable module

Technical tarining.Courses on services from service experts .
Need to ensure that financial alarms are raised before hand, so that corrective actions should be taken.
i want to improve the area of contract management and issuing and dealing individually with contracts and big purchases. Inte
Time management, Communication Skills
Advanced skills on power systems in the network

Knowledge of financial concepts.

Paitence, Articulation
Guidence from the supervisor can improve my leadership skills.
3- Time efficient
Need to make more notes of activites that need to be completed in the week, sometimes the small things slip through the crac

be a bit less personal about work related issues

Needs to provide more follow up at an appropriate level to network issues, RCA and reports demonstrating lessons learnt and

Strategic business development skills

Time Management and Prioritization.

Project management

Contract Managment. I need some extra training on contract management.

Strategic Management.
some way to go as to business talent and presentation skills. i am sure you have many years to come in telenor.
Conflict resolution.
Hard work for auto ticketing, auto escalation
2) Further development of leadership skills
I would like to improve on my timings, I've realised reaching just on time can be improved by reaching before hand. I also belie
Can somtimes get too bogged down in the details and needs to come up to look at the big picture so that he can look for altern
ERP system knowledge, Presentation & communication skills
- Need to have a cl
I believe that there is always a room for improvement, I shall keep on endeavoring more & more exactness in my work and wil

At times get too close to people - must know when to keep a healthy distance for greater operational efficiency.

Computer skills, budget training

Visibility within organization and more frequent visits to regions and interaction with other divisions.
4. to some extent, lacks business overview and necessary IT skills

Interpersonal and presentation skills.

Need to improve on communication written & verbal
No body is perfect. I still think i can improve and polish my self more in all the areas especially in property manager module by
Need to improve teams performance & concentrate on building a high performance team. Needs to do expectation manageme
2) Leadership skills and presentation skills
Most of all my role more than ever requires me work in a selfless manner and go justice to my team members

need to take more pressure

Reluctant to ask for help when required

3-Higher level exposure

3) Need to improve Communication and Leader ship skills

Sometimes i get a little ahead of myself and the orgnization without proper consultation. i work on an intuative nature to what is
Project handling skills

Planning, Project Management

Faisal has to work on his communication skills both written and verbal. He has to effectively use his experience and knowledge
Well as I join technical team recently. So I feel that I need to gain technical knowledge as much I can. With this I can be a team
Customer business/processes insight
Improve my management skills more on the soft side. Need more training , exposure and improvement for complex and high
3) Core Accounting, understanding accounting principals & effects of transactions on accounts
In adition to my current role i need to get hands-on experience on the purchasing side also. This additional responsibility shall
I should be more communicative and outgoing

Dealing with the clients more patiently.

I need to improve my project management skills, currently i am relying mostly on my limited experience and common sense, m
Exposure and contribution to Financial(more than just budgeting) and Commercial side of business
Needs definate improvement in language & computer skills.
Change management, target achievement, assertiveness, vision
Time management; project timelines and management;

My communication skills and more importantly making my presence noticed - as suggested before - have improved from the la
Strategic planning and thinking

Leadership skills and telecom knowledge

I need to be more forthcoming in saying "No" to projects, activities or tasks that I can't deliver on, either due to lack of time or d
Azim can be a little shy of conflicts
Challenge, assertiveness
Improvemnet area is to be more proactive and initiator of tasks
To develop a more holistic view of the business.
Aamer is a well rounded individual.
Information security is very complex and full of interdependencies. This means that I have to further improve on refining the too
Regional team's level of incvolvement needs to be increased through common goal setting and Qtr. follow-up

More extroverted approach, Passion for buisness & improve maturity level
a) Civic Minded
The other area of improvement is image building of her function and customer oriented
-Understanding and realizing the criticalness and dependency of assigned tasks/roles in over all DWH &
Exposure to higher level of planning& procurement
Balance between proffessional and private affairs
Financial Modeling

Skill to develop cooperation and coordination.

Project management skills and Advanced Communication Skills

Need advanced trainings in office management & computer knowledge.

Communication Skills, Contracts handling and executions

Technical skills for NOKIA BSS , Nokia BSC and BTS commissioning and integration
- Saying 'NO' to upcoming tasks
Formal project management activities especially project Status Reports, Milestone plans, Risk analysis. Requires more exposu

Need to be more assertive

need to control temper and be a bit more patient. when down, you have a negative influence on others in the team which you s
I could be a bit more politically aware as that is an important organistaional skill. While I have shown tangible improvement in t

Execution of deadlines from other Divisions

To be more pro-active and enhance my Leadership skills further.
A little more compromise, the ability to 'pick the battles to be won', accept small steps rather than all or nothing.
He is advised to read more to enhance his vocabulary & professional knowledge.

Leadership qualities, should work with minimum supervision, decison making

3-Team Work
Punctuality, Knowledge and need to take more responsibility
3-Diverse educational base & capabilities.
1) Better management of my team: need to be more interactive with my team and built a more dynamic relationship with them.
Need to be more responsive, vigilant and proactive in addressing the problems and issues with the employees.
At times, attention to detail
team development
follow up on agreed tasks outside the daily routine (cost reports/ analysis)

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