Our Research Paper
Our Research Paper
Our Research Paper
Brand Trust
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In the name of ALLAH the most beneficent and merciful
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The purpose of this study just to analyze the customer behavior regarding to the celebrities and
its loyalty of the brand relationship so we want to analyze the role of celebrity in advertisement
and now a day’s media is playing very vital role of businesses so that’s why we selected this
topic and we got the results with facts and figures and we analyze the behavior of D.G.Khan
people regarding to their hand wash soaps and we found that D.G.Khan peoples are loyal to the
Lux brand and they are loyal to this brand.
Advertisers is often used and endorsed or known as credible sources to influence consumers'
attitudes and purchase intentions. Corporate credibility is the reputation of a company for loyalty
and expertise and it is another type of source credibility that can effect consumer reactions to
advertisements and shape brand patterns. The current study analyzed the impact of phenomenal
speaks and corporate credibility on attitude toward the attitude toward the brand, and purchase
intentions. We viewed 150 consumers those who witnessed a nominal response for simple and
commonly used Soaps Companies. they assesses bran reliability, the brand trust, and their blind
faith towards the company, and their behavior-toward-the-adds. Path analysis assured that
celebrity credibility had its strongest impact on advertisements while corporate credibility had its
strongest impact on consumers. Over all findings suggested that celebrity credibility played an
important role in consumers' reactions to advertisements and brands, independent of the equally
important role of celebrity credibility which makes it pretty clear and crystal visible on the
Table of contents
Chapter 1: Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………..8
1.3Significance of study…………………….………………………………………………………………………………….11
1.4Scope of study…………………….…………..……………………………………………………………………………….12
4.0Data area………..…………………….………………………………………………………………………………………...21
Chapter 5: Discussion………..……………………………………………………………………………………………….26
Chapter 6: Conclusion/recommendations…………………………………………………………………………..28
Chapter 7: References……………………………………………………………………………………………………….30
A phenomena and generally used definition of the word Celebrity mean a famous personality or
a known figure. They may be film stars, sport stars or TV entities. The marketers usually use
them for promoting their brands and making or adding glamour to it. A firm which decides to
deploy or engage celebrity to promote its product or brand has always the free choice of using
the celebrity to give a testimonial, to give an endorsement, as an actor or role player in a
commercial, or as a company spokes person. The most important reason that why celebrity has
been used in the commercial is that they play a major and vital role while gathering and grabbing
consumer attention with this commonly used method
advertising that uses credibility of celebrity enjoys high popularity among brand managers (e.g.,
Amos et al., 2008).Each year, companies spend vast amounts of money to convince to trus their
products and brands (e.g., Jaiprakash, 2008); for instance, Nike spent about $339 million on for
dissemination in advertising campaigns in 2004 (Thomaselli, 2004). In the United States,
Approximately 25% of all televised commercials feature celebrities (Erdogan et al., 2001); in
Germany, approximately 12% of all advertising campaigns employ these credibility (Ipsos
Response, 2008).This communication strategy benefits from the widespread belief that
celebrities positively influence the image of the advertised brands, such that a key outcome is a
favorable effect on brand image (e.g., Erdogan et al., 2001). Strong, unique, and favorable brand
associations help companies differentiate their products from those of competitors and thus
support a competitive advantage (Krishnan, 1996). As a brand value driver, brand image also
establishes an important foundation for a brand’s monetary value (Keller, 1993).Two prior
narrative reviews (Erdogan, 1999) and one meta-analysis (Amos et al., 2008) have attempted to
summaries credibility celebrity literature, yet no systematic investigation reveals success factors
for brand image effects. That is, in these reviews the contribution of celebrity to brand image
has not been examined explicitly or separately from other measures of advertising effectiveness,
such as attention, recall, or purchase intention.
Furthermore, existing reviews are limited to literature pertaining to the selection of celebrity
including source effects such as credibility, attractiveness, fit or negative information. Erdogan‟s
(1999, p. 291) review, for example, tries to surf variables, which can be nominated in any
celebrity selection process by sketching together strands from various archives or already
available literature. To add more value to the limited and current done works about phenomena
in the consumer-brand domain, the authors usually focus on the concept of Brand Trust. The un-
existence of a vast accepted measure of this concept is surprising due to the fact that:
(1) Trust is viewed as the cornerstone and one of the most desired qualities in a relationship and,
(2) It is the most important attribute any brand can own. In the vast fields or areas like
management and marketing, several authors suggest that trust is
An important part of relationships in business environment (Garbarino and Johnson 1999).In
summary, trust is an effective variable affecting mankind relationships at every levels (Rotter
1980). Thus, whether concepts and theories from research on intrapersonal relationships are used
to categorized and evaluate consumer brand relationships, trust should be explored as another
facet of the bond between consumers and brands. But unluckily no recent scale exists to measure
trust in a brand setting.
Drawing on the above mentioned literature we define brand trust as:
While feeling of security and satisfaction of the consumer in his/her interaction with the brand
that it is stressed on the assumptions that the brand is trustworthy and responsible for the benefits
and welfare of the consumer.
This above definition is permanent with the accordance to the components of already existing
research on trust. Very first brand trust involves as a self willingness to put oneself at a grave
risk, be it through reliance on the promise of value that the brand represents.
Secondly, it is also derived by feelings of reliability and security. Third, brand trust involves a
common projection because it cannot exist at all without any mean of possibility of being in error
or omission. Fourth, it is also related to positive or non-negative outcomes. Fifth, it requires
making dispositional attributions to the brand such that it is regarded as reliable, dependable, and
so on.
More significantly, these images of enhancing decisions have the objective of increasing the
loyalty of existing customers and aiding in attracting new customers (Aharoni, 1993). A
consumer’s loyalty for a particular celebrity and credibility will be influenced by the consumer’s
brand loyalty and by the brand’s image.
Following were the key objectives of the research.
1: Influence of the celebrity in buying behavior of the consumers
2: how the brand trust is built in the consumers
3: To examine how the image of a fine dining soap affects customers’ decision to
Return to the brand in the future;
4: what basically causes brand loyalty in the consumers?
The purpose of this research was to determine the reasons for which can be effect on brand
loyalty and how comes brand trust. The research focused on two potential rationales: 1)
determines and find out the purposes of brand loyalty s, which are defined by the researcher and
2) how much celebrities are effectives for organizations by the consumer as brand loyalty.
Specific research questions include
This study is significant for three reasons, the first of which is the current void in literature.
There exist many reasons for brand loyalty, but few discuss the industrial ramifications in terms
of customer loyalty, trust and credibility. This study examines these potential consequences
through industry case studies. Second, past research has been focused on the implementation and
consequences of celebrity, but do not consider the effects on the credibility. The research is
specifically important to academics as they continue their research and teaching of competitive
strategy selection and implementation.
Third, the study is unique in its attempt to analyze both quantitative and qualitative data to
understand both consumer and industry behavior. Much of the current literature focuses on
individual, attitudinal data which expresses what a consumer might do, but does not actually
represent true behavior or actions. This research deals with consumer behavior as well.
This holistic approach allows a better understanding of how soap companies interact to
successfully produce soap industries.
As the competition is increasing day by day in Pakistan, similarly the use of celebrities is
increased to maximum for glamour and eye catching purpose as well as to determine and grab
the attention of consumers. So it can be a big reason for consumer trust and satisfaction
So in future this study would be a great scope and value for the companies as well as for the
The review of literature invites an investigation of the prosperity of logic used in the idealized
framework for this study. More additionally, it focuses on the current archives that is literature
available in academic or on the industry. In nut shell, this part realized the past related studies
and the assessment for further exploration in the field of textile and apparel private label strategy.
This idealized framework for this study extends prosperity of logic and theory to
The development of private label products, as well as their draw backs and benefits for
While marketing an extensive approach to Celebrity credibility via history key people in the
areas of sport and popular culture have been eliminated to celebrity status. Thus , it was only in
the 20th century that the celebrity phenomenon purely allowed society, media, and culture
(Meenaghan, 1997). Through their public manifestations, celebrities hold specific meanings in
the eyes of the receiving audience which grab the judgment.
The extensive use of credibility of celebrity in the field of advertising is aimed at increasing
message persuasiveness and its practice dates back to the 1800s. In the mid-1990s, it was
identified and assumed that as much as 20 percent of American network television advertising
uses celebrity endorsers (Shanklin, 1994).
Dicther (1966) explored the purchases that oriented from word of mouth as a total direct result
of celebrity advertisement, and Myers (1975) focused on the useless of celebrities at low risk
purchases. Freidman and Freidman (1979) prevailed that celebrities and stars have produced
more favorable behaviors towards the products than other types of credibility.
How the use of Internet and weblogs has changed and participate news reporting and journalistic
credibility is discussed.
Trust is important and has gathered a valuable attention from scholars in several disciplines for
instance psychology (Rotter 1980)
Oliver (1999,p.34) Defines brand loyalty as:
A completely intense commitment to re-buy or re-sell any specific product/service consistently
in the future, therefore causing reversing same brand or same product set buying despite of
situational participation and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behavior.
Behavioral and attitudinal are typically two different dimensions for the customer loyalty and
then their reliability (Kandampully & Suhartanto, 2004). The dimension of any behavior refers
to a customer’s attitude on repeatness of any soap for a specific brand over time (Shoemaker,
1998). Attitudinal dimensions, on one side nominates to a customer’s intention to re-purchase
and recommend, which are positive and optimistic indicators of a loyal and devoted customer
(Thompson, 1994). Moreover, a customer who has acquired the intention to repurchase and
recommend is very obvious to remain with the brand.
While Customer satisfaction or service quality are extensive prerequisites of loyalty (Brown,
1997). Numerous researchers noted that high customer satisfaction and service quality finally
result in higher customer loyalty and willingness to recommend any service (Mattsson, 1998).
Bitner (1990) assured that the word-of-mouth becomes optimistic as satisfaction gets increase.
This was the research paper in which we took three variables, first was independent variable that
was credibility of celebrity and the second was brand loyalty dependent on credibility of
celebrity and brand loyalty is being influence by celebrity of credibility. Brand trust was working
as a mediator between both of these and mediator enhance the relationship between variables and
further details and relationship between these variables elaborate below
Research was dependent on three hypotheses which are describe and appending below.
Brand Trust
H2 H3
Credibility Brand
Of Loyalty
Hypothesis Development:
H1: C.C has a significant impact on Brand Loyalty.
The hypothesis is based on the assumptions that the C.C has a radical impact on
the Brand loyalty. The loyalty increases as the customer is more satisfied with a specific
brand and proves this loyalty through the attitudinal and behavioral actions.
H2: C.C will be positively influenced by Brand Trust.
C.C is hypothesized to be influenced by brand trust and the C.C for the meantime, is
defined as “an overall positive or negative feeling about the net value of services
received from Vendors” (Woodruff, 1997).
On the basis of brand trust if the company offers products on customer value oriented
price than the customer will be satisfied and will be influenced positively. There is also
empirical evidence in our questionnaire that if the brands offer fairly charges as
compared to his competitor and give value than it positive effect and the customer will
be satisfied.
Dera Ghazi Khan is a city located in Dera Ghazi Khan District, Punjab, Pakistan. Dera Ghazi
Khan is one of the most populous cities in Southern Punjab, and it is the largest district in Punjab
in terms of area, being approximately 5,306 square miles (13,740 km2) in extent. The study was
conducted randomly in Dera Ghazi Khan. The district covers an area of 5,306 m² and it is a long
narrow strip of country, 198 meters in length, sloping gradually from the hills which form its
western boundary to the river Indus on the east. This locality is the one of the regions of Pakistan
Random and casual sampling method was used. Sample size: 150 respondents were selected with
random sampling method.
The study was casual. It measured the impact of Credibility of Celebrity on Brand loyalty for
soap in Dera Ghazi khan.
The extent of researcher interference was minimal in this study because the study setting was
natural environment or non-contrived setting or field experiments.
The study setting was non-contrived due to the fact that the data was collected from the field. No
lab or special arrangement was made to check the response of the customers.
We use non probability sampling technique, such type of technique in which units of the
sampling are selected on the basis of personal judgments. Our target was to find out celebrity
influence and how brand loyalty can be comes from celebrities use in advertisements so research
was conducted in Dera Ghazi Khan so data was collected from the different research paper. We
visited different markets and different areas and filled the questionnaires from the customers
available there. We also filled up some questionnaire from our campus students of Bahuddin
Zakriya university sub campus Dera ghazi khan.
The unit of analysis refers to the level of aggregation of the data collected during the subsequent
data analysis stage. Here the unit of analysis was individual because we are interested in to get
responses from individuals.
The time horizon was considered to be cross sectional as the study was done to gather data just
once, continued the study for almost 3 to 4 months in order to answer the research questionnaire.
Descriptive Statistics
Less than 25
115 76.2
25-35 30 19.9
35-45 05 3.3
45 Years Plus 1 .7
Male 92 61.3
Female 58 38.7
The maximum response we get from the students of age from 15 to 25. They have well
awareness and interest to fill questionnaires and they were 76.2%.
61.3% respondents were males while 38.7% were females. These questioners all about soap
selection and people were interested to give the answers of questionnaires.
We didn’t ask other personal informational questionnaires so our personal questions are ended
here and other questions were related to the research
Variable Mean Standard Deviation
The predictor credibility of celebrity standard deviation value deviate 70.0400 and for Brand
loyalty it is 67.4267 and Brand Trust value is 50.3133 which is acceptable.
Inferential Statistics
.038(a) .001
Here R is .052(a) which showed the correlation of the independent variables with the Brand
loyalty variable. Results acquired from the data explained that in this model the predictor
Credibility of Celebrity cause 18.7% of the variation in the store loyalty of customers. It
illustrated that the model used in this research caused only 18.7% of the variation in the criterion
variable and the remaining 81.3% is due to some other factors that need to be exposed.
Table-2 ANOVA
Sum of Squares DF Mean Square F Sig.
Dependent Variable: Brand Loyalty
In the ANOVA table, F is obtained by dividing mean squares of regression model with the
mean squares of residual and the value is .396, which is significant at the level of .530(b) and
explains that the model is significant at 99%. Therefore the model is acceptable. This denoted
that the model is able to clarify the dependent variable.
Table-3 Coefficient
Beta T Sig.
Credibility of
-.038 -.462 .645
Regression Model:
Y = a + bx
Purpose of the Coefficients tables is to check the variation in the regression model. In the
model under discussion, C.C(X) has the value of beta .433, which means that with the increase of
1 unit in store satisfaction(X) there is -.052 average increases in Brand loyalty(Y). Coefficient
table explains that C.C has a significant effect on the Brand Loyalty of customers. So there is
direct relationship between dependent and independent variable
R R Square
.029(a) .001
Here R is .034(a) which showed the correlation of the independent variables with the Brand
Trust value. Results acquired from the data explained that in this model the predictor C.C cause
7.8% of the variation in the Brand Trust . It illustrated that the model used in this research caused
only 7.8% of the variation in the criterion variable and the remaining 92.13% is due to some
other factors that need to be exposed.
Table-2 ANOVA
Sum of Squares DF Mean Square F Sig.
In the ANOVA table, F is obtained by dividing mean squares of regression model with the
mean squares of residual and the value is .169, which is significant at the level of .681(b) and
explains. Therefore the model is acceptable. This denoted that the model is able to clarify the
dependent variable.
Table-3 Coefficient
Beta T Sig.
Regression Model:
Y = a + bx
Purpose of the Coefficients tables is to check the variation in the regression model. In the
model under discussion, C.C(X) has the value of beta -.034, there is -.034 average increases in
Brand Trust (Y). Coefficient table explains that C.C has a significant effect on the Brand Trust of
customers. So result shows that and proved that there is direct relationship.
R R Square
.150(a) .023
Here R is .034(a) which showed the correlation of the independent variables with the Brand
Trust value. Results acquired from the data explained that in this model the predictor C.C cause
7.8% of the variation in the Brand Trust . It illustrated that the model used in this research caused
only 7.8% of the variation in the criterion variable and the remaining 92.13% is due to some
other factors that need to be exposed.
Table-2 ANOVA
Sum of Squares DF Mean Square F Sig.
In the ANOVA table, F is obtained by dividing mean squares of regression model with the
mean squares of residual and the value is .169, which is significant at the level of .681(b) and
explains. Therefore the model is acceptable. This denoted that the model is able to clarify the
dependent variable.
Table-3 Coefficient
Beta T Sig.
the purpose of the study to find out the impact of credibility of celebrity on brand loyalty and we
find very good results in our research and we have observed that people are influenced by
celebrities and in few cases people can become a brand loyal due to their favorite celebrities and
we selected soap as a brand because its our observation that in soap advertisements people
considers celebrities a lot so that’s why we selected top four brands in questionnaires.
Lux, Safeguard, life buoy and dove in questionnaires and we have observed that mostly people
are brand loyal or satisfied with Lux soap and 52% people are loyal to lux so it’s because of that
lux is using most credible and attractive celebrities in their advertisement and in our research
paper there was a question regarding to that how much influence of celebrity in advertisement
and near to 85% people gave the the answer that the are attract with the advertisement and with
the celebrity and further questionnaires were related to that celebrity mean what type of good
qualities and features of their favorite celebrities and how much that can be reliable for them and
40% people are like technology in the advertisements and 38 % people celebrities in the
Further questions are related to the brand trust and brand loyalty so regarding with the brand trust
people trust on trust worthy soaps and the company which have good results and in past the
company have good image so D.G.Khan people like that soap and Lux is consistently working
with fully good image so that’s why mostly people like the Lux and loyal to this soap and won’t
to use and relay on any other brand
and when consumers are loyal to any brand when he always prefer to that brand and never relay
on any other brand even he prefer to their friends and family members as well so brand loyalty is
the part of word of mouth so companies must to think about brand loyalty and make the
consumers loyalty to their brand that will make other customers to that brand so its entire the
results of this research paper
The objective of the study was to measure the Credibility of celebrity and impact on
brand loyalty of customer. And the results were fully positive and confirmed us that celebrity can
be a important part in advertisements and brand trust can be come in advertisements and good
technology as well and brand loyalty can be on the behalf of celebrities as well as on the behalf
of quality of the product and companies must to adopted good ways of advertisements so that
was the conclusion of our research paper
The celebrity usually gathers and gains an immediate attention and adds more attraction to the
nominal and simple advertisement. Thus a consumer could be swiftly attracted to the celebrity
add. While the marketers also have to improve as well as prove their confidence over quality of
the brand being to advertised for the reason that they can enjoy long term benefits and merits.
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Instructions: please read carefully and give the best answers of the questions.
Name (Optional)__________________________________________ Gender: Male Female
Less than 25 Years. 25 – 35 Years. 35 – 45 Years. 45 Years plus.
1. What is your favorite brand in hand wash soap?______________________________________
4. Which is your favorite celebrity? And what do you like in His/her personality?
This Celebrity is Experienced.
5. I would likely pay attention when my favorite celebrity perform in this product in an advertisement on TV
6. The use of same product which have shown in the advertisement using a celebrity will increase my loyalty
Please choose the response (ie., a number from 1 to 7) which best reflects your current feelings about your
favorite brand trust
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8. _____ The brand can be depended on to do what is right. 9. _____ The brand has high integrity.
10. _____ The brand is competent. 11. _____ The brand can be trusted at all times.
Brand Loyalty:
Please choose the response (ie., a number from 1 to 7) which best reflects your current feelings about your
favorite Brand.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
11.___ When I think about purchases I’ve made with this soap I’m usually pleased.
14.___ When I have a need for this type of product, I will only use this company products.
15.___ I would not even consider another company for my personal and family use.
21._____ I consider this brand as my first choice when I purchase this type of product.
25._____ There is no chance that I will switch brand in the near future.
26.___ This soap has more benefits than others of this type.
27.___ This soap has better results than others of this type.
28.___ I have grown to like this soap more than others of this type.
29. How would you define a “brand loyalty” would it be in terms of?