Araby Is Thus A Frustrated Quest For An Ideal
Araby Is Thus A Frustrated Quest For An Ideal
Araby Is Thus A Frustrated Quest For An Ideal
Araby is the name given to Grand Oriental Fete,held in Dublin from May 14-19,1894 and
Mangan’s sister is the ideal beauty.It is as if,the deity comes down to have compassion on the
boy ,seeking escape from the miserable and annoying world of North Richmond
Street.Everything about this place is unhealthy and unhygienic,the houses have brown
imperturbable faces,the air is musty,the pages of the books are damp,the air is cold and
stinging.The gardens are dark,deep odours come from ashpits.So,the place is around North
Richmond Street,is the sphere of sorrow,from which Mangan’s sister is imagined to be a form
of escape ,the boy is fascinated and so charmed that he cannot think anything else.
“But my body was like a harp and her words and gestures were like fingers
running upon the wires”.It was a great relief to the boy narrator when she spoke to him.He
waited and waited to have a talk to her and finally when the occasion arrived,he could not say
anything sensible in his ‘confused adoration’,but her words about Araby is that;”It could be a
splendid bazaar” taught his imagination and the syllables of the word,Araby were called to him
through the silence on which his soul luxuriated.He promised to bring something for her,it
would be an offering the soul,an expression of feeling of worship within him.
All his thoughts are now turned on one thing that is to go to the Araby and bring something for
her.That is the only thing his life seemed meant for,if he has to do anything else,they are
meaningless.Even study in school seemed,’Child’s play,ugly monotonous child’s play’.The
intervening days seem tedious.He asks for money and leaves to go to the bazaar on
Saturday.He has to wait till the day comes and also for his uncle to come,to give him money.On
that day he has his eyes on the clock and its ticking begins to irritate him as he waits for his
uncle to arrive.The irritation of waiting increases as his uncle delays return home.It reaches its
highest point and he finds the delay unbearable when his uncle says that he was sorry that he
has forgotten about it.It is a psychological battle that the boy fights and he shows remarkable
patience in waiting on and on.
Ultimately the long wait seems to be over,the train arrives and he sees.”In front of me was a
large building which displayed the magical name”.imagination and hope are at their highest,he
is as if looking at the walls of paradise from the outside.But the moment he enters,his feeling
changes.He finds the stalls closed and the greater part of the hall in darkness.The same image
of the half-light,half-dark is continued here.Whenever the boy saw Mangan’s sister ,he saw only
those parts on which light fell and he never saw her in totality or completeness.The same is the
true of the bazaar.
The romance is gone,the long wait has been meaningless.The Galahad has failed in his quest for
the Holy Grail.The boy becomes angry.It is an anger arising out of his disillusionment,
“Gazing up into darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity;and my eyes
burned with anguish and anger”.The boy feels as Mr.Duffy feels at the end of ‘A Painful Case’;
He felt that he was alone:Here,The boy realizes that Araby is a place very much
like North Richmond Street,most hostile to romance.However much we try to live according to
an ideal,it fails.Araby thus becomes a story of man’s universally frustrated quest for an ideal.