Lyrics Morning Gathering - November 3, 2019
Lyrics Morning Gathering - November 3, 2019
Lyrics Morning Gathering - November 3, 2019
He destined us to be
adopted through
To the praise
To the praise
we have a seal
To the praise
To the praise
Father, glorious
“Abba, Father”
We long for the day, Great One in Three
Speak now, Incarnate Word
Jesus, Savior
We long for the day, Great One in Three
Come, Holy Comforter
We long for the day, Great One in Three
Great One in Three
Inspired by "Come Thou Almighty King" by Martin Maddan (1726-1790).
Music and words by George Romanacce and Steve & Vikki Cook.
O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me,
by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping,
first in my heart,
High King of Heaven,
my victory won,
May I reach Heaven’s joys,
whatever befall,
Still be my Vision,
O Ruler of all.
Be Thou My Vision
W and M--Eleanor Henrietta Hull & Mary Elizabeth Byrne
Arr. Ryan Foglesong & John Martin
© 2010 Resolved Music
CCLI License #1501423
I stand amazed in the presence