SWOT Analysis For Technology Planning For Jackson County Comprehensive High School What Is The Current Reality in Our School?

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SWOT Analysis for Technology Planning for Jackson County Comprehensive High School

What is the current reality in our school?

Jason Gregory Guzzardo

Instructional Technology Leadership-ITEC 7410

Fall 2018

Dr. David Beeland, Jr.


ESSENTIAL CONDITION ONE: Effective Instructional Uses of Technology Embedded in Standards-Based,

Student-Centered Learning

ISTE Definition: Use of information and communication technology (ICT) to facilitate engaging approaches to learning.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

❏ Inconsistent connectivity ❏ Most students likely have ❏ Funding to provide 1:1 for
❏ Students gain valuable ❏ Many students lack basic connection at home and each student at school and
skills to compete in the computer processing skills can complete learning home.
21st Century that align (Word/Docs, PPT/Slides, opportunities and ❏ Teachers may not buy into
with 21st Century etc.) which makes it assessments using planning time to
learning. difficult for them to ❏ Offer technology observe peers.
❏ Many teachers use some complete online projects. committee members to
type of technology for ❏ Become too focused on attend innovation
communication (email, testing and less on professional learning
Remind, Classroom, etc.), learning funded by the local and
allowing students to ❏ Technology Committee district budget.
practice digital indicates that day to day
communication soft skills. instructional use of
❏ Technology committee technology is not always
indicates that student aligned to research-based
technology is used best practices.
appropriately and ❏ Technology is not always
regularly towards student used for the enhancement
achievement of the of student learning.
Curriculum Standards
❏ Technology is geared
towards student
❏ PROWL Schedule allows
teachers to observe
creative integrated
technology lessons.
Summary of Results/Conclusions:
There is a big push not only at JCCHS, but at Jackson County Schools to personalize learning for students in that learning will focus
around the student’s growth. For that to occur technology has been at the forefront of conversation at JCCHS. According to the
JCCHS Technology Questionnaire teachers focus student learning around engagement, enhancement, and student growth.
Respondents indicate that technology is used appropriately for the most part to demonstrate regularly progress in the Curriculum
Standards. There is some concern about network and internet connectivity as it is inconsistent at times and creates a barrier in course
design implementation. Further concerns indicated that technology is not always used to enhance student learning opportunities and
many times technology is used to improve test scores not learning. However, teachers mostly agree that students likely have
connection to the internet to complete course work, but may not have an educational technology tool (ie laptop or CPU) in their
residence therefore would like to see the school and district make a push for 1:1 educational devices for all students to close the gap.
Moreover, teachers like the idea of student centered learning, but have indicated their may be some push back teacher due to a need for
professional development in this area.
Recommendations from Gap Analysis:
Most teachers at JCCHS are confident in using technology to personalize and center learning around students. In order to facilitate this
movement JCCHS should survey households and students capability to access the internet, whether or not they have home laptop or
desktop to complete coursework on or with, the household income, and positivity of participating in a device rental program if needed.
This feedback will allow JCCHS and the district to determine it’s immediate needs for 1:1 at school and/or at home and if a rental
program could solve and bridge the gap for teachers to progress further with personalized and student centered learning. If funding
either a full 1:1 initiative or rental program innovatoried by JCCHS or the district. A final recommendation could be a program similar
to ​UPGRADEUSA​, which provides leasing programs K through 12 without the financial obligations schools require.
Supporting Sources: J​ CCHS 2018-2021 School Improvement Plan, Teacher Technology Survey, Technology Committee Survey,
Technology Committee Collaboration and Observations.


ISTE Definition: Proactive leadership in developing a shared vision for educational technology among school personnel, students,
parents, and the community.
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
❏ There is an “unwritten” ❏ The newly created ❏ There is not a district wide
❏ Most teachers are on shared vision for technology committee can technology plan.
board in creating more technology, but it is not collaborate and create a ❏ JCCHS has a 13% poverty
opportunities to use necessarily viewed as a shared vision for rate which impacts student
technology in the common vision. technology integration and access from home or to
classroom to better ❏ The SIP does not have a emersion into classroom at bring device from access
prepare students for life in specific technology goal. JCCHS. at school.
the 21st Century. ❏ Some teachers do not ❏ A majority of the teachers
❏ Most teachers believe believe technology is at JCCHS are open to new
technology is used to necessary to improve ideas for technology use
engage or enhance student student achievement. and training, but want an
learning opportunities. ❏ Departments share 4-5 embedded or coaching
❏ Most teachers would like a chromebook carts of 20, model.
common/shared vision for which makes technology
technology use and integration into lessons
integration in the and learning opportunities
classroom. inconsistent.
Summary of Results/Conclusions:
According to the JCCHS Technology Survey most teachers are for creating more learning opportunities for students with the of
technology in the classroom. Whether these learning opportunities use a laptop, chromebook, tablet, Web 2.0 tools, Learning
Management Systems, or other instructional technology they are created a common/shared vision of technology use and integration.
Many teachers have an idea of what the technology vision is at JCCHS with many of the initiatives put in place across the district, but
do not have a “concrete picture” of what that is expected to look like in the everyday classroom. The school has a very solid SIP plan,
but there are no specific goals or definition of technology use at JCCHS. Despite technology not specifically indicated on technology
use teachers do have access to 4-5 chromebook carts of 20 per department. Due to class size however, 2 carts are often needed or split
to facilitate a lesson.

Recommendations from Gap Analysis:

Most teachers at JCCHS are confident the use of technology as it pertains to their day to day management of classes and coursework,
however there is a lack of confidence in understanding how technology can/should be integrated for student learning. JCCHS has
recently formed an informal technology committee that could analyze this concern and work with administration to develop a
common/shared vision for technology.
Supporting Sources: J​ CCHS 2018-2021 School Improvement Plan, Teacher Technology Survey, Technology Committee Survey,
Technology Committee Collaboration and Observations.

ESSENTIAL CONDITION THREE: Planning for Technology

ISTE Definition: A systematic plan aligned with a shared vision for school effectiveness and student learning through the infusion of
ICT and digital learning resources.
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
❏ A technology committee ❏ There is not an adequate ❏ Most teachers would like ❏ No technology plan has
has informally been plan to guide technology. to have the opportunity to been developed.
formed by the media ❏ The technology committee learn about new ❏ District and Local
specialist and experienced does not have a technology, Web 2.0 tools, feedback from parents and
teachers that integrate framework for integrating and other technology uses the surrounding has not
technology into their and immersing technology in an embedded meeting been assessed.
lessons on a regular basis. into the classroom. format. ❏ There is not a district
❏ School leaders support ❏ No regular meetings have ❏ The technology committee technology plan.
technology use in the been scheduled for the can connect with
classroom. technology committee to community leaders and
❏ Teachers have access to a initiate a technology plan parents interested in a
district resource portal for which has not been school technology plan to
various web 2.0 tools. created. get feedback in how they
envision technology used
at school and at home.
Summary of Results/Conclusions:
Teachers at JCCHS are support by school and district leaders to integrate technology into the classroom and in crouse frameworks.
This support however is somewhat hindered from a shared vision for technology not being present. Teachers use technology as
appropriate to their course material and setting and have a access to district resource portal for various Web 2.0 tools. These tools are
connected with teacher and student accounts alike making integration as seamless as possible. Teachers at JCCHS often struggle with
how to implement these tools therefore a newly and informal technology committee as been recently established to help facilitate this
learning curve for teachers. This committee is still in the formal development stages, therefore there is nor framework for technology
teaching and learning needs for teachers established yet.
Recommendations from Gap Analysis:
There is no system plan to align a shared vision for technology use and integration at JCCHS, but it is in works. JCCHS should use
current resources to continue to progress further in developing their shared vision for technology with a technology committee being
the driver of this plan. The technology committee should create a mission statement and objectives to better develop goals and areas of
improvements for JCCHS in regards to planning for technology. The technology committee can then assess and analyze feedback from
community leaders and parents in how they envision technology used at school and at home, so they can fully develop a shared vision
for technology. This will allow all stakeholders have input and feeling of commitment once this vision is published.

Supporting Sources: J​ CCHS 2018-2021 School Improvement Plan, Teacher Technology Survey, Technology Committee Survey,
Technology Committee Collaboration and Observations.

ESSENTIAL CONDITION FOUR: Equitable Access ​(Specifically Low SES and gender groups)

ISTE Definition: Robust and reliable access to current and emerging technologies and digital resources.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

❏ Most students, teachers, ❏ Strategies to address ❏ Students/parents/communi ❏ Student access to the
administrators and parents equity issues among Low ty should have access to internet and technology at
have equitable access to SES and gender groups support the school’s home makes up
computers to support are inefficient. shared vision for learning. approximately 60% of the
engaging, ❏ Only stationary student ❏ A few teachers have student body.
standards-based, student computers exist in indicated they have ❏ There is a 13% poverty
centered learning. classrooms except in the written grants to obtain rate at JCCHS therefore
❏ All teachers have a district CTAE classroom, which devices for their adversely impacting these
issued laptop and a digital only supports students individual classroom. student ability to complete
projector in their taking that course. ❏ Parents have the technology related course
classroom. ❏ Teachers in each opportunity to access work from home or
❏ Some teachers have a department must share 4-5 teacher web pages via outside of school hours.
bluetooth enabled laptop carts of 20, while Google Classroom and
projector. class sizes are 25+. Canvas.
❏ Most Mathematics ❏ Not all students have a ❏ Students have access to
classrooms have an device to access the school the media center and its
interactive smartboard. Wi-Fi. resources to complete
❏ Each department has 4-5 ❏ There is one computer lab course work before school
chromebook carts of 20. to accommodate an entire and during lunch.
❏ There are 2 laptop carts class. ❏ Students/Parents could be
that teachers may sign out ❏ There is not enough provided with information
through the media center. devices to support and advisement in how to
❏ All students are able to personalized learning obtain reduce cost internet
take a coding and various using technology in each from home based on
technology related classroom for each period parent/guardian income.
courses. of the day.
❏ All students are able to ❏ Students and Teachers
connect to a school-wide experience slow network
student Wi-Fi. especially during high
❏ All teachers are able to usage.
connect to a school-wide
faculty Wi-Fi.
❏ There is a BYOD policy
in place for students.
❏ All students have the
opportunity to access
teacher web pages via
Google Classroom and
Summary of Results/Conclusions:
Teachers at JCCHS have equitable access to technology for their everyday course management. JCCHS Teachers have a district issued
laptop and wired in connection to a classroom laptop. Many teachers are being upgraded to a bluetooth projector and by the end of the
SPRING of 2019 all teachers will have one in their classroom. Teachers have access to mobile chromebook labs within each
department, however each department only has 4-5 of these chromebook mobile labs for a class size of 25 plus students. Despite
sometimes not having enough school-owned devices all students do have access to the Student Wi-Fi while teachers have access to the
faculty Wi-Fi. This can combat a lack of devices of various scenarios in which there is not enough school owned-devices, students are
given the opportunity to use there own device. Student access to the Wi-Fi is equitable across all genders and races and have unlimited
access to their teachers Google classroom and Canvas pages. Accompanying this equity is the opportunity for all students to
participate and take coding and technology related courses (CTAE). The JCCHS technology survey suggest that the strategies used to
address equity issues for low SES and gender groups is inefficient.
Recommendations from Gap Analysis:
A common/shared vision for technology should be developed and all stakeholders should have access. Due to a lack of 1:1 devices in
every classroom teachers should be encouraged to write grants for chromebooks or similar. Teachers could also provide information to
students and parents in need of devices the information for affordable internet and computer leasing options due house income. The
newly formed technology committee should collaborate with counselors to identify students experience economic hardships. This will
allow the committee to narrow their focus on accomplishing digital equality and connectivity at school and at home. Strategies to
narrow the gap for this specific should include administrators, counselors and the technology committee.
Supporting Sources: J​ CCHS 2018-2021 School Improvement Plan, Teacher Technology Survey, Technology Committee Survey,
Technology Committee Collaboration and Observations.


ISTE Definition: Educators and support staff skilled in the use of ICT appropriate for their job responsibilities.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

❏ The newly formed ❏ Some teachers and school ❏ Departments can utilize ❏ District funding has not
technology committee personnel are not department meetings as an allowed an IT specialist be
reports that educators and comfortable using Google avenue to allow placed consistently at
support staff are skilled in Drive and its’ technology leaders in their JCCHS.
the use of technology applications. department expose and ❏ Funding to provide a
appropriate for the job ❏ Some teachers do not use teach colleagues new tools cluster or school
responsibilities. the district provided and technology strategies technology coach is
❏ All teachers and school access to Canvas. in the classroom. inefficient.
personnel are able to ❏ The current IT specialist ❏ Teachers can access ❏ Some Teachers and
communicate via email. serves two schools making teacher made webpages School personnel are not
❏ Most teachers and school assistance inconsistent and for independent learning supportive of additional
personnel are able to inefficient. on various tools and time outside of contract
collaborate using Google ❏ A number of teachers use technologies used by hours to learn technology
Drive and its’ their classroom JCCHS teachers. skills.
applications. technology for direct ❏ The technology committee
❏ All teachers are able to instruction only. can offer technology
access infinite campus, ❏ Most teachers have not coaching opportunities
Google applications and been exposed to the ISTE during common planning
Canvas to assist with the standards for Teachers and or agreed upon time(s).
management of their students.
classroom’s day to day ❏ Some teachers and
activities. personnel fear using
❏ Some technology leading technology in the
teachers have created classroom because they do
webpages as resources for not understand the
their colleagues to access. technology or its benefits.
Summary of Results/Conclusions:
The skilled personnel at JCCHS are mostly able to use the technology appropriate for their job. Some of these appropriate skills
include email, Infinite Campus, Canvas and Google Drive and its’ related applications. Teachers who are also considered to be
technology leaders have created websites as resources for their colleagues to access. However, not all teachers utilize the available
resources available to them on a consistent basis. Some of this is due to some teachers and personnel fear of using technology in the
classroom due to a lack of knowledge of the tool and its benefits. The IT specialist that serves JCCHS also serves the middle school,
which in turns making assistance inconsistent and inefficient for many issues that arise. This scenario also creates some frustration
with the teachers as many of their needs are not met in the expected timely manner. That being said it does force our teachers to try
and troubleshoot independently, which could lead to less IT tickets over time if resolved.
Recommendations from Gap Analysis:
It will be crucial that all skilled personnel be exposed to the ISTE standards and teachers understand how the ISTE teacher and student
standards apply to their courses. Departments at JCCHS should be encouraged to embedded technology uses specific to their content
in their department meetings to improve appropriate and consistent use of technology. JCCHS will need to work closely with the
district to ensure a skill IT specialist is hired and assigned to JCCHS to maintain a high level of technology accessibility. JCCHS may
also consider creating a position for a technology coach to successful provide technology integration assistance.
Supporting Sources: J​ CCHS 2018-2021 School Improvement Plan, Teacher Technology Survey, Technology Committee Survey,
Technology Committee Collaboration and Observations.

ESSENTIAL CONDITION SIX: Ongoing Professional Learning

ISTE Definition: Technology-related professional learning plans and opportunities with dedicated time to practice and share ideas.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

❏ Technology-related ❏ Technology-related ❏ District wide Professional ❏ Time after school or
professional learning professional learning in Learning on Teacher outside of contract hours
opportunities are matched not integrated into all Work Days is valuable to teachers
to the knowledge and professional learning ❏ JCCHS can publicize the personal time.
skills educators at JCCHS opportunities. Often opportunities for teachers ❏ Some veteran teachers are
needed to acquire. technology-related and administrators to apprehensive to change
❏ Lunch and Learn and professional learning is its attend GaETC. involving technology.
whole group innovative reflects isolated ❏ The technology committee ❏ There are no community
practice opportunities are continuing education. can offer technology based workshops offered
available at JCCHS. ❏ There are no expected or coaching opportunities to to parents to learn and
❏ A Technology Committee specified uses of colleagues. understand ISTE
is in its infancy stage, but technology integration ❏ Departments can provide standards, new
has been created to provided for teachers. technology learning educational technology
support technology ❏ Most teachers are opportunities embedded and instructional
integration and uninformed about ISTE into their department technology strategies uses
professional learning in standards for teachers and meetings. for student learning
the future. students. opportunities.
❏ Teachers collaborate ❏ Web 2.0 tools and
informally about resources are provided
successful technology with no tutorials provided
integration and learning be the local school or
opportunities that involve district.
technology. ❏ Isolated Technology
❏ Teachers are encouraged Professional Learning is
to take risk using various not desired by most
technology integration teachers.
❏ PROWL Schedule allows
teachers to observe
creative integrated
technology lessons.
Summary of Results/Conclusions:
The professional learning offered and planned at JCCHS matches the knowledge and skill required of educators. JCCHS offers lunch
and learn opportunities and examples/models for innovative practices at faculty meetings. Recently the media specialist has informally
created a technology committee as it establishes it framework and feedback on technology uses at JCCHS. Collaboration and
technology integration into coursework and lessons take place often between teachers informally and formally. JCCHS has created
PROWL schedule to allow teachers a master schedule of innovative upcoming lessons that colleagues may observe in a teachers
classroom. Most teachers agree that they would like to see technology related professional learning not be isolated learning, but
embedded into their collaborative groups or department meetings. There are no expected or specified uses of technology and/or Web
2.0 tools defined at JCCHS therefore making technology integration often confusing or not concrete. Most teachers are not aware of
the ISTE standards for either students or teachers leading to inconsistent appropriate and proper use of technology for coursework .
Recommendations from Gap Analysis:
JCCHS does an excellent job providing the necessary and appropriate professional learning to accomplish the school’s current learning
vision. JCCHS should look to embed technology related professional learning into department meeting or collaborative group
meetings to allow teachers to maximize their time at the events. During teacher work days JCCHS can offer technology training
relevant to a specific content lead by technology committee leaders. JCCHS could create and hold a community workshop for
community stakeholders to attend and obtain knowledge and understanding of today’s educational technology and how JCCHS will be
using technology in the future for their students. This workshop could also provide learning opportunities about student's learning
applications and tools that enhance their educational experience.
Supporting Sources: S​ upporting Sources: JCCHS 2018-2021 School Improvement Plan, Teacher Technology Survey, Technology
Committee Survey, Technology Committee Collaboration and Observations.


ISTE Definition: Consistent and reliable assistance for maintaining, renewing, and using ICT and digital resources.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

❏ The available technology ❏ JCCHS IT person serves ❏ There is a multitude of ❏ JCCHS currently does not
equipment at JCCHS is two schools and is only in independent help videos have an IT person
operable and reliable for the building for half a of available to that teachers assigned. The IT person
instruction. This day. and staff can seek on floats between our Middle
technology includes ❏ Tutorial videos for basic various video platforms to and High School.
bluetooth projectors and technology fixes or issues assist will basic ❏ Ticket request are also
laptops for teachers use to are not available to troubleshooting. filed by our district office
present content and teachers on the district ❏ The newly formed IT specialist when needed,
material, student portal. technology video can but there is a significant
chromebooks to use for compose tips, tricks, and time delay in responding
personalized learning help videos on the and addressing tickets.
experiences and school’s Google Drive for
assignments, and preferred Web 2.0 tools
workspace and digital and various technology
classrooms in the media integration in the
center to provide classroom.
instruction and learning
❏ Teachers needing
technology assistance or
repair submit a ticket
using school dude from
their teacher portal. For
Summary of Results/Conclusions:
The technology at JCCHS is reliable and provide learning experiences through various technology hardware, tools and settings.
Teachers are able to ensure technology is reliable and working by entering a ticket via “schooldude” to troubleshoot and fix
technology problems. Schooldude provides teachers and IT personnel a precise documented record of technology reliable to assess
data and apply solutions in for future technologies. Despite schooldude, the IT specialist at JCCHS also serves the cluster Middle
School therefore making resolving tickets problematic at times. Often teachers are left to resolve technology issues independently, but
could expidentied with local and common troubleshooting videos for various technology issues and tools.
Recommendations from Gap Analysis:
The newly formed technology committee should compose a video resource guide for recurring schooldude tickets. This could reduce
the number of tickets submitted for identical issues and to reduce the resolution time given that one IT specialist serves two schools. A
video resource can be also be created for Web 2.0 tools, google applications, learning management systems troubleshooting and
various technology integration into the classroom. Ultimately, JCCHS and the district should consider hiring an IT specialist solely
responsible for the JCCHS faculty, staff and students.
Supporting Sources: J​ CCHS 2018-2021 School Improvement Plan, Teacher Technology Survey, Technology Committee Survey,
Technology Committee Collaboration and Observations.


ISTE Definition: Content standards and related digital curriculum resources.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

❏ There are a plethora of ❏ The resources provided ❏ The media specialist can ❏ Parents are not aware of
digital curriculum often require training for introduce parents to the nor have an understanding
resources available to teachers to learn how to ISTE-S standards for of student technology
teachers on the JCSS use or time to figure it out students via newsletter or standards.
teacher portal. When on their own. No training school communication. ❏ A technology committee
students log into their videos are provided with ❏ The media specialist can could create and
google account provided the resources. introduce teachers to the implement a protocol or
by the district it ❏ Educators and students ISTE-E standards for guide for teachers to use
automatically links their need to be made aware of Educators and ISTE-S to allow technology
login and password to the the ISTE standards for standards for students literacy to be easily and
application resources students and learn how to using school e-mail readily assessed.
provided by the district. utilize them appropriately. communication or a brief
These resources allow ❏ Additional time is professional learning
teachers to integrate required outside of normal module viewed or
technology into the hours to understand ISTE completed individually by
curriculum as they see standards and its relevance teachers.
appropriate seamlessly. in a teacher’s course and
❏ Students are able to access classroom.
teacher websites via ❏ Student literacy is not
Google Classroom and readily assessed in most
Canvas to obtain course courses.
content, assignments and
❏ Assessment of student
literacy is occuring is
some courses.
Summary of Results/Conclusions:
The digital curriculum provided to JCCHS teachers and relevant and appropriate for its learners. Teachers using the district provided
digital curriculum are able to access it from their portal paralleled to student access. This allows for teachers and students alike to
integrate the digital curriculum into their courses using their district provided google account making integration seamless. Students
are also able to access teacher websites via Google classroom or Canvas which allows students to obtain course work, content and
resources. These resources often require training for new and non-tech savvy educators, but no training videos or resources are
provided by JCCHS or the district. According the JCCHS Technology survey regular student assessment of literacy is only occurring
in some courses by teachers. The survey also indicates that the ISTE standards are not well established at JCCHS and learning of these
standards takes additional time outside of the normal contract hours.
Recommendations from Gap Analysis:
The technology committee in coordination with possibly the media specialist can provide a newsletter to the community and parents
referencing the importance of ISTE and how it is used at JCCHS. Teachers should be assessed on their knowledge of the ISTE
standards, teachers not indicating appropriate knowledge of the standards for teachers and students should be required to attend a
professional learning via independent study or small group depending on their results. In conjunction with the ISTE standards the
technology committee could create and implement a protocol or guide for teachers to use to allow technology literacy to be easily and readily
Supporting Sources: J​ CCHS 2018-2021 School Improvement Plan, Teacher Technology Survey, Technology Committee Survey,
Technology Committee Collaboration and Observations.

Guzzardo, J. G. (2018). ​JCCHS Tech Committee SWOT Current Reality​ [Google form]. Retrieved from ​https://goo.gl/forms/CwEA8gs8wPrJnQZO2

Guzzardo, J. G. (2018). ​JCCHS Technology Questionnaire ​[Google form]. Retrieved from ​https://goo.gl/forms/MHhElGKoJ94Ex0Fa2

Lead & Transform Diagnostic Tool. (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2018, from ​https://www.iste.org/standards/lead-transform/diagnostic-tool

UPGRADEUSA: K-12 School Leasing. (n.d.). Retrieved November 02, 2018, from ​https://upgradeusa.com/k-12-leasing/


Appendix A: ​JCCHS Technology Questionnaire

The following is a questionnaire regarding your vision, current reality and evaluation of technology uses for instructional purposes at JCCHS. This
questionnaire is to be used for research purposes only and completely voluntary. All questions are not mandatory either, so you would answer as
much or little as you would like. Those that choose to participate and give feedback on all questions will receive a nice treat in their mailbox at the
conclusion of the research!
District Technology Integration Goals:
"A strategic goal of Jackson County School System is to personalize the learning experience for each of our students in every capacity".
"The Jackson County School System Technology department is dedicated to supporting the effective integration of technology into all aspects of
teaching, learning, and school administration".

1. How is technology being used now in our school?

15 responses
❏ Students use technology to complete assignments, collaboration, and to keep up with assignments.
❏ I use it for instruction daily for the students to interact with their literature and writing.
❏ For instruction, for tutoring, for data review and analysis, for self paced learning
❏ Smart Boards, laptops, student cell phones, Remind, teacher websites, Google Classroom, other websites
❏ We use our Smart Boards/projectors to give notes, show videos, play games, and interact with students. We are working on becoming 1:1 so
that technology is more readily available for students during the school day, and we can continue to utilize it successfully.
❏ Our school uses technology in a variety of ways, communication being one of the most common. We use several platforms to communicate
with students, parents, and community members and, in some cases, allow them to communicate with us. Technology is also employed to
make lessons more engaging, resources accessible even between classes, and data more easily trackable.
❏ To assist in lesson delivery, lesson development, and provide teachers and students with resources.
❏ For the most part, it is being used as an extra tool rather than a device to work alongside, and enrich learning. However, I think most teachers
are figuring out ways to make technology more immersive and enriching.
❏ I have greater access to resources at JCCHS than any other school. As a chromebook grant recipient, I spend quite a lot of time guiding
students through innovative technologies. I do feel that there's a bit of a divide among the teachers, with some being tech savvy and others
being more resistant to technology
❏ That varies from teacher to teacher I think. Obviously for instruction.
❏ Student access to Chromebooks and infrastructure that supports BYOT and student owned devices that can be integrated into the lesson.
Access to Teacher and Student support software to enhance learning and create a student centered learning environment.
❏ Technology is being used in many different facets of our classes. In science, we use all in learning to collect data on assessments, vernier
probes to collect data within labs (like CO2 output or O2 output), google classroom to share and collect assignments, pear deck for notes
within classes, kahoot and quizlet live to review for assessments, USA Test Prep to review for the EOC, etc. All but three of our teachers have
applied and received the grant for 1:1 instruction. So, we are able to use more technology because of this. We no longer have to fight for
computer uses.
❏ Smartboards, projectors, computers, web based applications for teaching and distributing information, Google,
❏ It is used on a daily basis in many classrooms. It is used as a tool of instruction and it is also used as a tool to aid instruction.
❏ It is being used to inspire, teach and maximize the unlimited potential within our students.

2. To what extent are our current uses aligned with the school/district’s vision?
16 responses
❏ Not all students have equal access to technology . The technology department is very helpful.
❏ I use Kami to annotate texts, which allows for audio, video, and written annotations.
❏ nearly perfectly aligned.
❏ the software we use (like IXL) personalized learning for students based on their weaknesses. Remind allows students to text teachers
questions about homework.
❏ I think that our journey to become 1:1 helps us align with both of our goals, that the learning experience will be more personalized for
students and that the tech department is supporting the effective integration of technology. Utilizing technology in the classroom allows for
more student choice and interaction with one another through games, discussion boards, blogs, etc.
❏ Our current uses are strongly aligned with the vision for our school and district.
❏ My classes (Computer Science Courses) all use computers every day. Students are learning to program and understand a bit about how
computers work. It is individualized to an extent in that some of the work they do is self-paced but they still have deadlines for when the work
is due.
❏ Very
❏ At this point, teachers are still figuring out ways to utilize tech to personalize learning. We have the ability, but many teachers don't know
how to use it. I think our tech department has provided staff with a plethora of tools to support learning with tech - both in hardware and in
❏ I think we are working towards this strategic goal as a whole, and I do think technology can really help to personalize learning.
❏ Not quite. Probably about 75 - 80% of our use is aligned with the district's vision.
❏ Access to a variety of tools used to demonstrate learned competencies and content standards. Examples include Pear Deck, Read Theory,
XtraMath, Socrative
❏ Learning is becoming much more personalized and diversified within our school because of the district efforts. Students are being
taught/re-taught based on where they are and not where the class as a whole is. Part of this is because it is much easier to analyze data quickly
and have a quick turn around with assignments and assessments that help students succeed based on their level of achievement.
❏ My students write papers, do projects, and research on computers.
❏ I think that we are approaching our systems views on instructional technology by getting closer to each school being 1 to 1. We are also
offered a lot of training opportunities in technology.
❏ I see the vision through the implementation of new Chromebooks, projectors and networking capabilities. I see that Technology is providing
the tools for teachers to be as successful as they can to teach students. I also see teachers that have this Technology available developing
lesson plans that tie Technology into the learning experience so there is a greater impact in learning.

3. What current conditions are enabling or impeding our ability to reach our school/district vision? Explain
15 responses
❏ Every student needs their own tablet or laptop.
❏ I really have to consider it because I think we are on our way.
❏ Not enough computers. We need 1 to 1.
❏ The wifi doesn't always work, though it has been better. Technology gets outdated quickly and it's hard to keep up.
❏ I think that the biggest condition that impedes our ability to reach this vision is the lack of funding. If we had Title 1 funding as we are
eligible for, I think we would be able to provide better tech options for our students. I think that our district's perseverance is one of the
strongest factors in enabling our district to reach our vision.
❏ A lack of foundational computer skills puts our students at a disadvantage when trying to incorporate tech tools seamlessly. Many of our
current students have never taken a typing, word processing, or computer skills class because it is mistakenly assumed that since they are
digital natives they are proficient in using educational and professional technologies. Incorporation of typing and computer skills courses
(how to create and format certain documents, how to use various functions in spreadsheets, how to prepare presentations, how to develop
graphics, etc.) would be beneficial to our students and would allow them to be more successful in their assignments across all disciplines.
❏ Occasionally, slow or outdated technologies impede our ability to reach the vision. Many of these technologies are in the process of being
replaced, which will further enable us to fully achieve the district vision.
❏ I have one class with over 30 students so that makes individualized instruction a little tougher. However, each student has a computer to work
with and wireless access allows us to reach the online component of the courses.
❏ Collaboration Time
❏ Access to devices is nearly 1:1 which is great! We also are given nearly every tool we ask for - which is good and bad because it leads to
"having too much" (yes there is such a thing). Also, many teachers need training on how to use many of the tools available to them - they are
usually pushed out with little to no clarification or training.
❏ Lack of funding.
Not enough computers for each student and time to learn to implement new technology ideas in class. One session does not make you an
❏ The amount of computers (although, we are a lot closer than we once were).
❏ While my students use computers, they do not always know how to reach the information they need. Many of my students either don't have
the internet or don't use it for educational purposes outside of school
❏ Funds. Getting more technology into school cost money.
❏ I think with the influx of new technology that we will only get closer to the main focus of our goal. The more Technology we can get in our
school system the closer we will get to 1:1 and that opens unlimited possibilities.

4. How do you think technology should be used in our school?

16 responses
❏ It should be used to complete assignments.
❏ I think students should be creating websites and blogs about their educational experiences in the classroom, which will enable them to have
global discussions.
❏ Like it is. I don't know how else.
❏ to improve learning, but we shouldn't use it for the sake of using it.
❏ I have a love/hate relationship with technology. As much as it bothers me that students consistently have their phones in their hands or on
their desks even if they're not using them, it can certainly be useful in the classroom. I don't believe that technology should be used for
everything (i.e. a paperless classroom). Research shows that students retain information better if they have to hand-write notes, and I think
that consistently having a screen in front of them leads to a worsened attention span in the classroom. Additionally, some of our students don't
have access to the internet outside of school and may struggle to complete assignments on time. However, I do think that technology should
be utilized to enhance and support learning in the classroom. It keeps teachers and students from losing materials, and can help with
organization as well. Pros and cons, for sure!
❏ I think our current uses of technology are appropriate for an educational setting. I would venture that that appropriateness is largely dependent
on how well or how strictly the supervising teacher/coach/etc. monitors technology use.
❏ I think we are doing a good job of enabling much of the work to be done electronically with Google Classrooms. This allows the students to
turn assignments in without having to print them and use up paper and ink.
❏ To assist in the learning process and not become a crutch
❏ Technology should be used to support students and to help enrich their learning. It should also be a tool they want learn how to use so that
they are better prepared for the real world. Many older students still don't see the significance of technology in the work world and are not
able to use it to its fullest capacity. Many students still shy away from some of it - especially when it comes to something new (i.e. Canvas).
❏ selectively. Not everything needs technology, and when we do use technology, we should do so mindfully.
❏ I think technology is great for instruction. As a fine arts teacher, however, I try to emphasize the "human" aspect of the arts. Admittedly, I am
not an extensive user of technology for the very reason that kids are immersed in it all the time, and for at least one class period they can
dispense with it.
Idea is headed in the right direction. Technology needs to remain updated and constantly relevant to student changing needs.
I think we are doing a great job of using technology. I believe though that it should be used more with computers and less with cell phones.
Students take advantage of using technology (apps, etc) when they have their cell phones out.
❏ Absolutely!!! I truly can't think of a job that does not use some form of technology.
❏ To make students better prepared for the world in which they live and to aide in their current instruction.
❏ I do not feel as though students should be stuck on a computer all day long while at school. I see it as a tool to guide and improve the learning
experience but I think too much screen time can be a bad thing. I think Technology is best used to compliment the lesson plan that was
delivered by the teacher.

5. Where should we be heading in the future in Regards to Technology? Why?

16 responses
❏ All assignments, lessons, and assessments should be completed using a tablet or laptop.
❏ It should ultimately replace pen and paper in the classroom. I love books, but they make ebooks. Digital classrooms make it possible for
students to engage in learning even when they are away from school. It is the wave of the future.
❏ More flipped lessons.
❏ Continue using it to improve learning, but don't forget about paper and pencil. The old way is better sometimes and we need to make sure we
are questioning every use of technology for how efficient it is at helping students master content.
❏ I would like to see our district continue on the path to 1:1. Like I stated in the previous question, I don't agree with paperless classrooms.
However, allowing each student to have a device in each class would smooth transitions from each activity, hold students accountable for
participating in online games like Kahoot or Quizlet Live, and open our doors to more instructional strategies.
❏ We should be implementing and reinforcing basic skills that will allow students to adapt to new technologies as they come out or as students
face them in work settings.
❏ More of the same and I believe computer courses should be required. There are very few jobs where computers are not used and students who
know how to use them are ahead of the game. Additionally, many colleges have required computer courses so students who take those classes
in high school will be well prepared for that part of their college course load.
❏ More efficient use technology
❏ Once we go 1:1, I think that there should be more different types of hardware available to students. Chromebooks are great for many things,
but students need to use technology that is found in the real world. Students need to be familiar with the wide variety of technology that is
available because Chromebooks are rarely seen in the work place. Computer engineering, robotics, medical field, and even agriculture are
using amazing tech tools these days, and our students need to know what they are and at least be somewhat familiar with them.
❏ I'd like to see us 1:1 with continued support to keep teachers on top of ways to keep the technology relevant and rigorous
❏ Unknown.
❏ Technology should be engaging, relevant and encourages the natural process of learning, extending the desire to be lifelong learners to foster
creativeness never substituting for actual knowledge.
❏ I think the direction we are going is good, but I do believe some people rely on technology too much (to take notes, to study, etc). There is
proven research that states that taking notes by hand (not on the computer and not by taking a picture of it) is linked to higher learning. So
even though there is a push for students to use computers/cell phones/etc, it is not always the best option when it comes to human learning.
❏ I think we should not only be a one student/one computer school, but I also think we should be working with internet providers to ensure we
have the best connectivity in the county. These students will be using computers and internet in future jobs. We need to send them out
knowing more about computers and technology than the current employers.
❏ 1 to 1. Everything that our students will do outside of the school walls involves technology to a certain extent. Schools should model that.
❏ I feel as though we should be trying to find ways to implement Technology into more of a hands on learning experience approach. I think that
would prepare students so much for the workforce once they move onto College and their careers. In my opinion you learn the best by
actually doing or getting more hands on experience.

6. What concrete goals do you think we can achieve in a year’s time frame that will move us toward our “technology vision”?
13 responses
❏ All students will receive a tablet or laptop by 2020.
❏ My goal is to have a paperless classroom by the end of the year. Like you, I am working on a Specialist Degree in Technology, and I am
trying to make things useful for my classroom to help us achieve a 21st Century classroom.
❏ purchase more computers or tablets
❏ This is a tough one. We could try to make it a goal to become 1:1 in at least one classroom per department in a school per year. That way each
department can more successfully integrate technology, and it would allow instructional strategies and student choice to grow.
❏ Evaluating student's knowledge or comfort levels using different technologies--could be accomplished via a survey completed during
advisement. Assessing whether students know (y/n questions) or how comfortable students feel (likert scale questions) performing basic
computer skills would confirm or negate whether there is a need to address this. (It could just be my students that seem to have this need.)
❏ I'm not sure about this one.
❏ Technology used for collaboration not just lessons.
❏ The goals need to start with the training of teachers. A one-time lunch and learn is not going to cut it for many teachers. They need time to be
shown how to use the tech themselves so that they can show their students how to use it. Once we are there, the vision would start to fall in
❏ Unknown.
❏ One on one technology
❏ With one on one, I believe it will help us to reach our personalized learning goal.
❏ Continue to get more computers in students hands. They need to be using technology on a daily basis in each class. We need to be at 75%
technology to student ratio by the end of next school year
❏ The continuing of purchasing new equipment to maximize learning.
7. How will we know if we reach these goals (how could we measure them)?
13 responses
❏ We could count how many students have them.
❏ We could actually visit student websites as they recount their educational experiences in the classroom.
❏ count :)
❏ We'll know if each department receives enough devices for another 1:1 classroom.
❏ We can know if we have evaluated by documenting what percentage of students complete the survey described above.
❏ Goals need to be measurable but I'm so new here I don't know what is in place and where we need to go.
❏ Time used for collaboration as well as lessons.
❏ Teachers need to be surveyed now to get a feel for where they are at, and what they want to learn.
❏ Then a survey mid-way through, and a survey at the end of a year.
❏ Unknown.
❏ Equal access to computers and support of technological improvements
1. Ask students, parents, and teachers in a survey if we are or are not reaching this goal and what we need to do improve
2. While Austin is fabulous at getting to tickets, the process stinks and he is a very busy man. If another technology person was kept just as
busy as Austin with some type of easier ticket measure we would know. Also, offering help sessions or counting the number of one-on-one,
group/dept, sessions around technology.
❏ 75% tech in hand
❏ By seeing what has been approved for purchase by the Board of Education.

8. What strategies and resources would you recommend that we will need to reach these goals.
14 responses
❏ Find a way to fit it into the budget.
❏ Blogger, Google Sites, Pear Deck, Kami, Google Suite
❏ fundraisers and elicit donations from the community
❏ We'll need more funding and to reach out to the community to make this a possibility!
❏ Deliver the survey via Google Forms during advisement.
❏ Maybe yet another committee to address these issues?
❏ Time and money
❏ Lots of PD time, outside training, bringing in trainers... just dedicating time to this - if it's something the district wants, then they need to start
with the most integral piece - the teachers.
❏ I am not the person to ask.
❏ Financial support of district initiatives and business and industry support via funding
❏ our media specialist. She is working tirelessly to learn and bring us different types of technology for the secondary classroom.
1. a good google survey
2. money for additional staff
❏ More funds to get computers
❏ A larger budget to be able to purchase more devices. Also, an openness from teachers to take on the learning curve of new Technology so
they can effectively develop more intricate lesson plans.

Appendix B: ​JCCHS Tech Committee SWOT Current Reality

The following questionnaire is obtain feedback from JCCHS Educators who are experts in integrating technology into instruction on a regular basis.
This feedback ask questions that related to one of the 4 categories for 8 conditions that you will assess as a member of the Technology Committee at

Strengths of our school and skilled personnel to further our technology vision.
Weaknesses of school that we could improve on to enhance our technology vision.
Opportunists outside of our school that we could take advantage of to expand our technology vision.
Threats outside of our school that could hinder the overall enhancement and accomplishing our technology vision.

Appendix C:​ ISTE Diagnostic Tool Result for JCCHS

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