Nquesh Reviewer

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NAME: ____________________________

____ 1. When a school head takes the lead in the involvement of all the internal and external
stakeholders of the school in its operation, he / she professes which of the following
definitions of school leadership ?

A. School leadership is deciding what is best for the school by the school head.
B. School leadership is setting directions for the organization.
C. School leadership is developing people.
D. School leadership is transforming the school into a more effective organization that
fosters powerful teaching – learning for all students.

_____ 2. A school head who is able to inspire his/her teachers to do their best to improve the students’
learning outcomes exemplifies best which of the following school leadership principles ?

A. School Head takes responsibility.

B. School Head develops teamwork.
C. School Head keeps every teacher informed.
D. School Head sets the example.

______ 3. RA 9155 envisions the School Head as an instructional leader. Which of the responsibilities of
the school head would prove that the School Head is an instructional leader ?

A. Setting the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the school.

B. Accepting donations, gifts, bequest and grants.
C. Introducing new and innovative modes of instruction to achieve higher learning
D. Administering and engaging all personnel, physical and financial resources of the school.

______ 4. The principal plays the role of a visionary leader who leads in setting the vision / mission and
goals of the school. The KSAs that the school head must possess in order to perform
this role are the following:

A. Networking, organizing, social mobilization

B. Development of teamwork, negotiation skills
C. Change and future orientation skills
D. Participating planning and administrative management

______ 5. As a Fiscal Resource Manager, the School Head

A. Administers and manages all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of the school.
B. Creates a physical and psychological climate conducive to teaching and learning.
C. Localizes and implements the school curriculum
D. Leads in developing and managing the School MIS
Identify the level of leadership of the school head in each situation.

______ 6. School Head innovates and institutionalizes continuous school improvement process and gives
attention to instructional leadership.

______ 7. School Head initiates the organization of stakeholders.

______ 8. School Head performs greater responsibilities in school management.

______ 9. Arrange in a logical order:

1. School Head is trained on SBM Responsibilities.

2. School Head promotes and shares SBM experiences.
3. School Head acts as a resource person on SBM.

a. 123 b. 2 3 1 c. 2 1 3 d. 3 1 2

______ 10. School Based Management is characterized by

A. Vision, Mission, Decision Making, Collaboration, Autonomy, Transparency, Governance

B. Vision, Mission, Decision Making, Collaboration, Autonomy, Transparency, Shared
C. Shared Vision, Shared Mission, Shared Decision Making, Collaboration, Autonomy,
Transparency, Shared Governance
D. Shared Vision, Shared Mission, Decision Making, Autonomy, Transparency, Shared

Complete the Vision of DepEd.

We dream of ___________________ who _______________________

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love their country and whose _____________________________ and values enable


them to realize their ____________________ potential and ____________________

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meaningfully in __________________________ the nation.


As a __________________________ public institution the Department of Education


___________________________, improves itself to better _______________________

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its __________________________.

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