SW NPM Datasheet 0512
SW NPM Datasheet 0512
SW NPM Datasheet 0512
Performance Monitor
nodes and interfaces on your network. From a single web page, you can drill into any element on your network
to see exactly what’s happening in real time.
SolarWinds NPM’s web interface provides real-time views of network performance and availability statistics,
as well as detailed monitoring and analysis of data from routers, switches, servers, and any other SNMP-
enabled devices. This performance monitoring data alerts you to poor network conditions like slow traffic,
loss of packets, or impaired devices.
With SolarWinds NPM, you can also automatically monitor and set alerts on disk space, CPU load, and
memory utilization for your network devices. With out-of-the-box support for many vendors and operating
systems, SolarWinds NPM ensures that you can easily collect and alert on conditions that could potentially
cause a network outage or performance degradation.
“I have continued to watch this In literally seconds, you can drag and drop devices into their appropriate locations on the network map so
that you can view the health of all network devices at a specific location; then simply click the ConnectNow
product evolve since version 7.0 and button to automatically discover and display the connections between your devices. Plus, Network Atlas
have always found the interface enables you to create your network map locally on your desktop and then export the map to SolarWinds
NPM where it is immediately updated with the current status of the added nodes.
and built in tools helpful and well
SolarWinds NPM can also display specific network maps (and specific types of network information indicated
thought out. The drill downs into on those maps) based on the viewer’s authorization level or responsibility for particular regions of the network.
more detailed reports on interfaces, For example, if a device fails within a particular subnet that a user is not authorized to access, then that user’s
map view will not go into alert condition, as the device is outside their scope of authorization.
nodes and resources have made this
LUCID Web Interface
product a mainstay in the network...
SolarWinds NPM simplifies network troubleshooting with a Web interface that is LUCID (Logical, Useable,
Definitely the best NPM product I Customizable, Interactive, & Drill-down) allowing you to manage by exception and focus on highlighted
have ever worked with.” issues that cross predefined thresholds as well as customizing and viewing data in graphs, tables, maps,
and top 10 lists.
- eusbreeves posted Based on feedback from thousands of engineers just like you, we have identified and implemented five
on solarwinds.com critical interface attributes that simplify network troubleshooting.
• Logical – The SolarWinds LUCID interface presents network performance information
in a logical and intuitive manner to help you quickly make informed decisions about your
network. The interface precisely presents the information you need to quickly determine
if your network is suffering from poor performance.
NetFlow Traffic Analyzer | Orion Module
Do-It-Yourself Deployment
Deploying SolarWinds NPM is a simple three-step process. First, install and configure SolarWinds NPM
using a simple wizard interface. Next, let SolarWinds NPM automatically discover your network. Finally,
begin monitoring your network for fault and performance issues. You’ll be done in less than an hour.
Even better, with SolarWinds NPM’s intuitive web interface, you won’t need to attend training classes, read
books with large animals on the cover, or pour through manuals to start being productive with NPM from
system requirements day one.
CPU 3.0 GHz
Speed: SolarWinds NPM Complementary Solutions
SolarWinds complementary solutions provide integration points with SolarWinds NPM allowing you to
Hard Drive
20 GB extend the capabilities of SolarWinds NPM to network traffic analysis, network change and configuration
Memory 3 GB management, IP address management, user tracking, VoIP infrastructure & WAN performance monitoring,
Windows 2003 and server & application monitoring, and end-user experience monitoring all in a customizable, fully integrated
2008 Server (32-bit or web console.
Operating 64- bit) including R2,
System with IIS installed, running • NetFlow Traffic Analyzer
in 32-bit mode; .NET 3.5
Framework • Network Configuration Manager
SQL Server 2005 SP1/ • IP Address Manager
Database 2008 (Express, Standard,
or Enterprise)
• User Device Tracker
• IP SLA Manager
• Server & Application Monitor
model manages:
• Synthetic End User Monitor
SL100 Up to 100 elements
SL250 Up to 250 elements
SL500 Up to 500 elements
SL2000 Up to 2000 elements
SLX Unlimited elements