John Dee
John Dee
John Dee
Liber Mysteriorum, Sextus et Sanctus
John Dee
I first became interested in somewhat setting the Magickal Record straight, while
perusing materials for a project tracing the roots of H.P. Lovecraft, his Mythos and the
Necronomicon. After studying the Hay Turner Necronomicon. I was struck by the
patent absurdity that Dr. John Dee had ever produced anything remotely like that.
After considerable meditation and a lot of 'googling' I realized that there were a whole
generation of new readers, movie goers, Goths as well as gamers, out there who while
untrained and ignorant of High Magick were never the less experimenting with the
evocation of the powerful if mysterious spirits conjured by the hand and pen of the late
Howard Phillips Lovecraft, his many collaborators, and a host of fellow travelers and
Suddenly the thought struck me - 'why would anyone want to call up so potent and
nasty a demon as a Shogoth!' 'If called what might come?' Assuming that such a thing
were possible in order to protect the ignorant, and in the interest of 'shedding some
light' on real world sources of Lovecraft, his Mythos, and the Necronomicon, I present
this World Wide Web Edition of Liber Loagaeth. While much that was formerly
'hidden and forbidden' is now available on the World Wide Web, as well as major
University Libraries, private collections, and even large chain bookstores. Liber
Loagaeth has remained shrouded in mystery. Despite being elusive, untranslatable, and
extremely rare, I have willed to break silence and produce some of the formerly veiled
actual traditional materials found in the British Museum as well as other 'secret
Considerable serious study and intense debate has preceeded this first publication of
Liber Loagaeth and the Tables of Soyga. While there is much that remains obscured
by the veil somewhat can and should be revealed. Apparently quite a few angels may
dance upon the Head of a Pin, yet lest you, to your lasting grief and horror should call
up a Shogoth, unprepared, and anything should appear?! I most strongly recommend
and advise prior fortification of the body, mind, soul and the spirit, by the study of real
practical Magickal methods of attainment, commonly available in other places. It is
not my intention to instruct or take on students at this time, but for those sufficiently
willing, ammenable, and clever enough, you may email me. I will be most happy to
point you in your quest of Truth and Light towards suitable guides.
Concerning the relationship if any between Dr. Dee's Liber Loagaeth and H P
Lovecraft's Necronomicon, a staggering wealth of material some fictitious, some both
fraudulent, even laughable and some very seriously well thought out, is available,
elsewhere. In the interest of sanity and scholarly truth I have here below presented for
the first time on the World Wide Web, a representation of the Tablets Revealed to Dee
and Kelly, known as, Liber Loagaeth, in the Angelic Enochian Alphabet, of the
extremely rare 'untranslated', perhaps 'untranslatable' Sloane Ms.A.3189, Dee
Materials. You be the judge, 'Is this the real Necronomicon?' Or is it just another
enigma gathering dust in the British Museum. With all due respect and reverence for
the 'Holy Spirits' and by the leave and permission of the Secret Chiefs of the Third
Order I now present to you Liber Loagaeth
May the Blessings of Light, Life, Love and Liberty be thine in the name of
the Lord of the Aeon Ra Hoor Khuit.
Donald Correll
Sloane Ms.A.3189
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Leaf 48
Tables of Soyga
First Table
Second Table
Third Table
Fourth Table
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Enochian Keys Phonetic.
John Dee : "Rituel Evocation Des Anges De La Heptarchia Mystica French Version"
Ce document propose un essai de reconstruction du rituel pour linvocation des Anges de
lHeptarchia Mystica ou plus exactement un resume des instructions consignees par Dee
dans lensemble des Quinti Libri Mysteriorum ms sl3188 les prieres de Dee consignees
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Compendium Heptarchiae Mysticae.Il est evident que les informations laissees dans ces...
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