Emission Standard Regulation
Emission Standard Regulation
Emission Standard Regulation
Jongkyun Lee
Ichiro Kutani
Han Phoumin
© Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, 2016
ERIA Research Project FY2016 No.02
Published in August 2017
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form by any means electronic or mechanical without prior written
notice to and permission from ERIA.
The findings, interpretations, conclusions, and views expressed in their respective chapters
are entirely those of the author/s and do not reflect the views and policies of the Economic
Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, its Governing Board, Academic Advisory Council,
or the institutions and governments they represent. Any error in content or citation in the
respective chapters is the sole responsibility of the author/s.
This report was prepared by the Working Group for the ‘Improving Emission Regulations for
Coal-fired Power Plants in ASEAN’ study under the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN
and East Asia (ERIA) energy project. Members of the Working Group, who represent the
participating East Asia Summit (EAS) region countries, have discussed emission regulations
for coal-fired power plants and the current management system situation. The study is aimed
at deriving policy implications, not developed for commercial or business use. The Working
Group is not responsible for any loss caused by using the scenarios in the study outcomes.
Material in this publication may be freely quoted or reprinted with proper acknowledgement.
Reserved underground in many Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member countries,
coal allows power generation at a lower cost than other fuels. In the ASEAN member countries,
power consumption has increased along with their economic growth, and further increases in coal-
fired power generation are expected. Coal is one of the cheapest power generation fuels in terms
of cost, but its demerit is that it emits more air pollutants harmful to human health than other fuels.
For this reason, the countries using coal-fired power generation have enacted standards to regulate
air pollutants from coal-fired power plants. The bottom line is whether a management system has
been established and whether it is functioning for effectively monitoring emission standards. This
study examined and compared the emission standards for air pollutants from coal-fired power
plants and their management systems in some Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) member countries and the ASEAN member countries. This analysis will
provide further policy development options for reducing air pollutants from coal-fired power plants.
It is our hope that the outcomes of this study will serve as a point of reference for policymakers in
ASEAN countries and contribute to the improvement of air pollution in the region as a whole.
Ichiro Kutani
June 2017
This analysis has been implemented by a working group under the Economic Research Institute for
ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA). It is a joint effort of Working Group members from the East Asia Summit
(EAS) countries and The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ). We would like to acknowledge
the support provided by everyone involved. We would especially like to express our gratitude to the
members of the Working Group, ERIA, and IEEJ’s study project team.
Ichiro Kutani
June 2017
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
List of Project Members
MR ICHIRO KUTANI (WG LEADER): Assistant to Managing Director, Senior Economist, Manager of Global
Energy Group 1, Strategy Research Unit, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ).
MR SHIGERU KIMURA (ORGANIZER): Special Advisor to President for Energy Affairs, Energy Unit,
Research Department, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).
DR HAN PHOUMIN (ORGANIZER): Energy Economist, Energy Unit, Research Department, Economic
Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).
DR YANFEI LI (ORGANIZER): Energy Economist, Energy Unit, Research Department, Economic Research
Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).
MR KIN SOTHEA: Chief of Energy Planning, Energy Development Department, Ministry of Mines and
Energy (MME), Cambodia.
MS SWATI MITCHELLE D’SOUZA: Associate Fellow, Electricity and Fuels Division, The Energy and
Resources Institute (TERI), India.
MR ARIO PANGGI PRAMONO JATI: Electrical Inspector, Directorate General of Electricity, Ministry of
Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR), Indonesia.
MR MITSURU MOTOKURA: Senior Coordinator, Global Energy Group 1, Strategy Research Unit, The
Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ).
MR JONGKYUN LEE: Senior Researcher, Global Energy Group 1, Strategy Research Unit, The Institute
of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ).
MS KEI SHIMOGORI: Researcher, Nuclear Energy Group, Strategy Research Unit, The Institute of
Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ).
MR KHAMSO KOUPHOKHAM: Deputy Director General, Department of Energy Policy and Planning,
Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR.
MR MOHD RIZAL B. RAMLI: Head, Capacity Development, Department of Industrial Development and
the Electricity Market Regulation, Energy Commission of Malaysia (ST), Malaysia.
MR HLA MIN OO: Executive Engineer, Electric Power Generation Enterprise, Ministry of Electricity
and Energy (MOE), Myanmar.
List of Figures and Tables
List of Tables
Table 1 Emission standards for CPPs in selected ASEAN countries, China, and 24
Table 2 Emission standards for CPPs in selected OECD countries 34
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
Executive Summary
Coal is an optimum power generation fuel for ASEAN countries in terms of both cost and
energy security. However, coal combustion emits air pollutants that are harmful to both
human health and the environment. As a consequence, residents have started campaigns
against coal-fired power plants (CPPs), which have forced some new CPP projects to be
suspended or cancelled. For ASEAN countries, minimizing the emission of air pollutants is a
precondition for the future use of CPPs. But the problem is regulating the emission of air
pollutants from CPPs. In order to reduce the emission of air pollutants, creating regulations
and properly managing and operating CPPs are required. Based on this awareness,
regulations on the emission of air pollutants (including emission standards and
implementation of the regulations) are surveyed in this study.
This survey revealed that ASEAN countries have enacted environmental laws to identify air
pollutants to be regulated and to set emission standards. Compared to the Organisation of
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, however, the emission standards
are low in many ASEAN countries. Thus, it is important to raise the current emission standards
of air pollutants from CPPs to the equivalent levels in OECD countries. This is because more
stringent levels are essential for delivering a proper response to campaigns against CPPs and
can reduce the emission of hazardous air pollutants and reduce the health hazards to
residents. On the other hand, raising the level of emission standards leads to either an
increase in environmental expenses or an increase in electricity tariffs. In consideration of
national and government financial capabilities, a gradual tightening of emission standards
may be required.
Installing expensive environmental facilities in CPPs imposes a heavy burden, especially on
low-income countries. The most desirable method of sharing the cost burden is to increase
electricity prices. Passing on increased costs would place a temporary subsidy burden on the
government. This is not sustainable in the long term; therefore, it is recommended to stop
providing subsidies to electricity consumers as early as possible.
Ways of financing capital expenditure include borrowing from financial institutions and using
private funds. For borrowing, there are two options: one is from domestic financial
institutions, the other is from international financial institutions. Domestic financial
institutions are free from exchange risks; however, they may not have the practical knowledge
of large-scale financing for energy. For international financial institutions, long-term
borrowings can be made at low-interest rates; however, there are exchange rate risks and
loan procedures take time due to strict loan terms. Generally, the installation of
environmental facilities can be a good funding destination; however, some financial
institutions put restrictions on loans for new CPP construction. Private funding can include
funding from independent power producers and private finance initiatives. Using private
funds has the advantage of being able to construct new CPPs without increasing public debt,
resulting in the promotion of technology transfer through the operation of companies from
developed countries.
With emission standards of air pollutants from CPPs raised to the equivalent level in OECD
countries, ASEAN countries are required to install environmental facilities in CPPs and to
perform the following steps:
1. maintain and/or manage installed facilities for appropriate operation;
2. constantly monitor and/or record the air pollutants concentration level to keep
it below the standard; and
3. disclose the measurement results to local governments and residents to inform
them of the proper operation of the CPP.
With regard to the first step, continued proper operation of environmental facilities serves as
the base to gain support from residents. Regarding the second and third steps, the CPPs need
to show evidence of complying with the laws and regulations to gain the trust of residents.
Without information disclosure, residents living near a CPP could still raise concerns about
the plant even if it is run properly. CPPs are requested to make themselves more open by
continually providing transparent data to protect themselves.
Under these circumstances, a highly transparent system is required to monitor the air
pollutant concentration levels both for CPPs and local regions. This can be a challenge for
countries that have never created such a system. It is recommended to create a system that
will monitor the air pollution situation and to establish an international cooperative
framework for the proper operation and information disclosure, and to provide training to
central and local governments and CPP operators. Cooperation will bring mutual benefits to
both ASEAN countries and cooperating countries, which encourages them to build win–win
Table A shows the emission standards of sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and
particulate matter (PM) for new CPPs in selected countries. In case they differ depending on
the plant scale, the large-scale case was adopted. In case they differ depending on the period,
the daily basis (or 24 hours) was adopted. SOx and NOx have different units from one country
to another. In the countries where parts per million (ppm) measurement is used, accordingly,
it is converted into milligrams per cubic metre (mg/m3), regarding them as SO2 and NO2,
Table A: Emission standards for new CPPs in selected countries
Figures A, B, and C show the comparison of the emission standards of SOx, NOx, and PM for
new CPPs in selected countries.
Figure A: Emission standards for new PPs in selected countries (SOx)
Viet Nam
CPP = coal-fired power plant, mg/m3 = milligram per cubic metre, SOx – sulphur oxides.
Source: Authors.
Viet Nam
CPP = coal-fired power plant, mg/m3 = milligram per cubic metre, NOx―nitrous oxides.
Source: Authors.
Figure C: Emission standards for new CPPs in selected countries (PM)
Viet Nam
CPP = coal-fired power plant, mg/m3 = milligram per cubic metre, PM = particulate
Source: Authors.
Chapter 1
Reserved underground in many ASEAN member countries, including Indonesia, coal allows power
generation at a lower cost than other fuels. In the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
member countries, power consumption has increased along with their economic growth, and
further increases in coal-fired power generation are expected. Coal is one of the cheapest power
generation fuels in terms of cost, but its demerit is that it emits more air pollutants harmful to
human health than other fuels. For this reason, the countries using coal-fired power generation
have enacted standards to regulate air pollutants from coal-fired power plants. The bottom line is
whether a management system has been established and whether it is functioning properly for
monitoring the emission standards.
This study analyses essential elements to increase the effectiveness of emission control regulations
for coal-fired power plants in developing countries in ASEAN. In the power sector, air pollution
concerns can become a barrier for developing necessary power stations. As such, the appropriate
implementation of air pollution control regulations is crucial for the sustainable development of the
economy, and hence the study will highlight it.
The study also made a comparative analysis with selected Organisation of Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD) countries. The analysis is expected to derive policy recommendations for
ASEAN countries to improve their implementation mechanisms.
The study is consistent with the strategic themes in the ‘ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blue
Print 2025’ and its subordinate paper, ‘ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016–
2025 Phase 1’, and contributes to the ‘Coal and Clean Coal Technology,’ study as it dealt with
emissions from power plants. In addition, the study is consistent with the goal to create a
sustainable society in the ‘ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprint 2025’, corresponding
to the principles of C.1. Conservation and Sustainable Management of Biodiversity and Natural
Resources, C.2. Environmental Sustainable Cities, C.3. Sustainable Climate, and C.4. Sustainable
Consumption and Production.
2. Study method
The study surveyed the status of regulation and execution systems relevant to air pollution (SOx,
NOx, and PM) from coal-fired power plants (CPP). The survey included:
Emission standards
The study conducted a comparative analysis of regulations and systems in developed countries such
as Australia, Europe, Japan, and the United States. The subjected country and/or region will be
selected through a preliminary survey. The study will identify the advantages and disadvantages of
existing regulations and systems in ASEAN countries.
Based on each country’s situation and/or standards, the study team will propose ‘common
environmental standards for the coal-fired power generation in the region’.
The study derived policy recommendations for improving the capability of a country to implement
and execute air pollution control regulations for CPP.
(D) Set Up Expert Working Group
The study was set up an expert working group to discuss the issue and to share the results, hence
expects to contribute to improve the effectiveness of policy implementation and execution in the
Figure 1 shows the share of coal-fired power generation in total power generation in selected
ASEAN countries. Except for Myanmar, the share of coal-fired power generation increased from
1995 to 2005 and 2014.
(%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
ASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian Nations, IDN = Indonesia, MMR = Myanmar, MYS = Malaysia, PHL =
Philippines, THA = Thailand, VNM = Viet Nam.
Source: International Energy Agency (2016), World Energy Balances.
As a result of the increased share of coal-fired power generation, output increased greatly as shown
in Figure 2. In the entire ASEAN, from 1995 to 2014 the annual average increase rate of total power
generation output was 14%, but that of coal-fired power generation was 29%.
In ASEAN, coal is an important fuel for power generation and its consumption is expected to
increase along with higher electricity demand. From a viewpoint of energy security, the use of coal
enhances energy self-efficiency in ASEAN because there are coal export countries such as Indonesia.
Viet Nam
150 Philippines
50 Indonesia
Notes: Lao PDR is excluded due to no data availability. Brunei Darussalam has no coal-fired power
TWh = terawatt hours.
Source: International Energy Agency (2016). World Energy Balances.
(B) Necessity to regulate harmful air pollutants
The major harmful air pollutants from coal-fired power plants are sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen
oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM). SOx, NOx, and PM are harmful as follows.1
Short-term exposure to sulphur dioxide (SO2) can harm the human respiratory system and make
breathing difficult. Children, the elderly, and those who suffer from asthma are particularly sensitive
to the effects of SO2.
Emissions that lead to high concentrations of SO2 in the air also lead to the formation of other
sulphur oxides. SOx can react with other compounds in the atmosphere to form small particles.
These particles contribute to PM pollution: particles can penetrate deeply into sensitive parts of
the lungs and cause additional health problems.
At high concentrations, gaseous SOx can harm trees and plants by damaging foliage and decreasing
SO2 and other sulphur oxides can contribute to acid rain that can harm sensitive ecosystems.
SO2 and other sulphur oxides can react with other compounds in the atmosphere to form fine
particles that reduce visibility (haze).
The deposition of particles can also stain and damage stone and other materials, including culturally
important objects such as statues and monuments.
Breathing air with a high concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) can irritate airways in the human
respiratory system. Such exposure over short periods can aggravate respiratory diseases,
particularly asthma, leading to respiratory symptoms (such as coughing, wheezing, or difficulty
breathing), hospital admissions, and visits to emergency rooms. Longer exposure to elevated
concentrations of NO2 may contribute to the development of asthma and potentially increase
susceptibility to respiratory infections. People with asthma, as well as children and the elderly are
generally at greater health risks from the effects of NO2.
NO2 along with other NOx react with other chemicals in the air to form both particulate matter and
ozone. These are also harmful when inhaled due to the effects on the respiratory system.
Source: US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
NO2 and other NOx interact with water, oxygen, and other chemicals in the atmosphere to form
acid rain. Acid rain harms sensitive ecosystems such as lakes and forests.
The nitrate particles that result from NOx make the air hazy and reduce visibility. This affects the
many national parks that are visited for the view. NOx also contributes to the formation of smog
and acid rain which are harmful for health.
– PM10: inhalable particles, with diameters that are 10 micrometres and smaller; and
– PM2.5: fine inhalable particles, with diameters that are 2.5 micrometres and smaller.
Particulate matter contains microscopic solids or liquid droplets that are so small that they can be
inhaled and cause serious health problems. Particles less than 10 micrometres in diameter pose the
greatest problems, because they can get deep into people’s lungs, and some may even get into the
Fine particles (PM2.5) are the main cause of reduced visibility (haze).
To conduct the study, a Working Group (WG) was organized. The WG members consist of experts
from the region and a research team as a secretariat from The Institute for Energy Economics, Japan
In fiscal year (FY)2016, a WG meeting was held in February 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand.
First, the meeting explained this study. and proposed two study items. One is financing because
existing and new coal-fired power plants require huge investment for environmental measures. The
other is technical aspects because highly-efficient facilities are required for the environmental
measures. Since analysis results become complicated if multiple elements are contained, it was
acknowledged that FY2016 should focus only on the management system, with the other elements
as topics for the next fiscal year onwards. There were also concerns that the tightening of emission
standards might add to the cost of coal-fired power plants, which would cause the loss of cost
competitiveness in comparison with other fuels. It was also proposed that the minimum emission
standards should be compiled by ASEAN and India.
The management system in the selected OECD countries was then explained. The major opinions
are as follows. The technology selection assistance provided by the United States Environmental
Protection Agency is a good reference. Japan’s method of phased tightening of control in
accordance with the operators’ capability to cope and technological advancement is valuable
information for the ASEAN countries. Also, there were questions on the environmental control cost
recovery methods, specific procedures for suspension of operation, and the situation of monitoring
posts as with the Japanese cases.
Finally, there were presentations from the member countries, followed by discussions. Major
discussion points included the levels of emission standards, emission monitoring systems, relations
between the central government and local governments, and the price level of coal and natural gas
for power generation to provide competition, among others.
Chapter 2
The management systems of coal-fired power emission gases were surveyed in the ASEAN member
countries, based on the following items. The survey was conducted by the WG members in each
country. In Thailand, a hearing was also held at the Ministry of Environment.
National (Federal, Central)
Local (State, Municipality, District, City)
Regulated pollutants (relating to coal-fired power plants)
Emission standards
How authorities recognize the existence of facilities that emit air pollutants
Authority to suspend operation
Measurement of emissions by operator
Archive requirements
Public announcements
Compensation for damage and losses
Assistance (National, Local)
Ability of local governments
Relation to local community
Independent inspector
2. Summary of selected ASEAN countries, China, and India
Based on the survey in selected ASEAN countries, the results are summarized covering the legal
system and the management system. See Annexes 3, 4, and 5 for the emission standards in each
The ASEAN countries have different experiences with coal-fired thermal power. For instance,
countries such as Cambodia and Lao PDR started using coal-fired thermal power less than 10 years
ago, while Thailand has used coal-fired power since the 1960s.
2.1. General
(Emission standards)
Indonesia a. Law No. 32/2009 Regarding the Protection and Management of Environment
b. Law No. 30/2009 Regarding Electricity
c. Government Regulation No. 14/2012 Regarding Business of Electricity Supply
d. Government Regulation No. 27/2012 Regarding Environmental Licenses
e. Government Regulation No. 41/1999 Regarding Air Emission Control
f. Ministry of Environment Decree No. 21/2008 Regarding Static Emission
Sources Quality Standard for Business and/or Activities of a Thermal Power
Lao PDR Lao PDR National Environmental Standard
Philippines The Philippines Clean Air Act of 1999 (Republic Act No. 8749)
(Emission standards)
(Emission standards)
Factory Act
Viet Nam Emission standards are set by the Ministry of Natural Resources and
(B) Legislation (Local)
Cambodia 1. Air Pollution Control Act allows CPPs to set their own emission standards but
follow the government standard to establish regulations relating to air
pollution emissions.
Indonesia According to the Ministry of Environment Decree No. 21 Year 2008, local
governments may set:
Lao PDR Local authorities are involved in providing their recommendation for state of
feasibility study, construction, and operation of coal-fired power plants.
Thailand The law gives local governments power to establish their own emission
standards. But to date, no local government has set its own emission standards.
Indonesia SO2, NOx stated as NO2, total particulates (particulate matter), opacity.
Malaysia SOx (SO2 and SO3), NOx (NO and NO2), hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride,
carbon monoxide, total particulate matter, mercury, PCDD/PCDF
Philippines SOx, NOx, PM
Myanmar SOx, NOx, PM, CO, CO2, TVOC (hydrocarbon), O3, lead
Cambodia Legislation
Indonesia Government Regulation No. 14 Year 2012 Article 13 Paragraph (1): Business
The authority recognizes the power plant facility that emits pollutants based
on the environmental documents (Environmental Impact Analysis or
Environmental Management and Monitoring Scheme) and the environmental
Lao PDR The central and local government authorities recognize the information during
their environmental impact assessment of coal-fired power plants and
mitigation plans and periodic reports of the plants.
Malaysia All coal fired power plants are required to install continuous emission
monitoring systems (CEMS) that are linked to the Department of Environment
(DOE) in real-time.
Myanmar The owner or occupier of any business, material, or place that causes a point
source of pollution shall install or use an on-site facility or controlling
equipment to monitor, control, manage, reduce, or eliminate environmental
Thailand Power plants with capacity between 10MW and 100MW are required to have
an environmental impact assessment (EIA)
Power plants with capacity 100MW and more are required to have an
environmental and health impact assessment (EHIA)
Cambodia Based on an agreement between local government and the power plant
operator, the CPP can only restart operations after the government considers
that improvements have been satisfactorily made.
Lao PDR The central government (prime minister) and governors of the provinces have
full power to suspend the operation of the facilities if the pollutants emitted
are above the regulations allowed, based on a daily monitoring unit at the CPP.
Myanmar The government department and government organization have the power
to cancel the issued licence, permit, or registration, or suspend it for a limited
Thailand Ministry of Industry has the power to order partial or full suspension of CPP
Cambodia Air Pollution Control Act obligates operators to install public screen monitors
to show emission measurements automatically (SOx, NOx, PM) and to transmit
to the public through telemeters.
- For the CPP with capacity above 25 megawatts (MW) or below 25 MW but
using coal that has sulphur content above 2%, emissions are measured using
a continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) that is installed in power
plant’s chimney.
-For power plants that do not have a CEMS installed, manual measurement
is required and it must be done by the accredited laboratory with minimum
measurement frequency of once every per 6 months.
Lao PDR CPP and provincial operator measure the quantity or concentration of air
pollutants, and keep records.
Thailand Licensed third party selected by operators check emission data twice a year.
Cambodia MME and MoE explanatory notes provide financial assistance, technical advice,
or other assistance.
Indonesia National and local government provide technical assistance to the CPP owner.
Lao PDR Air Pollution Control Act stipulates: The (national) government shall endeavour
to provide the financial assistance, technical advice, other assistance.
Myanmar The (national) government shall endeavour to provide the technical advice,
other assistance.
(H) Relation to local community
Cambodia Environmental Impact Assessment Act requires operator to hold a meeting and
publish hearings with residents for explanation and discussion before they get
a licence. Construction of a new CPP will continue only after residents agree.
Indonesia Based on Government Regulation No. 27/2012 Article 9, the CPP owner must
hold a meeting and public hearing with residents for explanation and
discussion before preparing the EIA document.
The law does not require periodical meetings with local community. However,
community outreach programmes are usually performed by plant operators as
part of their corporate social responsibility.
Myanmar The law does not require periodical meetings with local community.
Ministry and operator to hold stakeholder meetings and public hearings with
residents for explanation and discussion on the site of the coal-fired power
Thailand Regular meetings between CPP and residents are held every 3 months.
2.2. Management system flow
(A) Monitoring
Cambodia Prefectural governors shall continuously monitor the status of air pollution.
Lao PDR Provincial authorities shall continuously monitor the status of air pollution.
Myanmar The ministry and state and regional governments shall continuously monitor
the status of air pollution. The owner or occupiers of any business have a
duty to monitor the environmental pollution.
Local government has a power to check emission data, but this rarely occurs.
[Archive Requirement]
All CPP operators should keep important data permanently (6 monthly) after
measuring emissions.
b. Report the results of monitoring and measurement of emissions every 6
months for power plants that manually measure emissions to the regent
mayor with a copy to the governor and minister in the environmental field.
c. Report annual total pollutants (ton/year) emitted for NOx, SOx, and CO2 to
the regent/mayor with a copy to the governor and minister in the
environmental field.
[Archive Requirement]
[Archive Requirement]
3 years.
[Archive Requirement]
Myanmar The project proponent shall submit a monitoring report to the ministry not
less frequently than every 6 months, as provided in a schedule in the
Environmental Management Plan (EMP), or periodically as prescribed by the
Ministry of Electricity and Energy shall require operator to report the status
of air pollutant emissions.
[Archive Requirement]
Coal-fired power plant operators keep the important data permanently in the
form of paper and electronic files.
(C) Inspection
[Independent inspector]
[Independent inspector]
Lao PDR Environmental management unit joint with provincial authorities conduct
official inspection.
[Independent inspector]
[Independent inspector]
[Independent inspector]
[Independent inspector]
Lao PDR Provincial authorities and EMU make public the status of air pollution within
the prefecture.
Myanmar Coal-fired power plants publish the status of air pollution on LED screens in
front of their power plants (example of Tigyit Coal-fired Thermal Power
(E) Penalty
Cambodia Violation of Air Pollution Control Act requires CPP operator to pay a fine or CPP
licence could be cancelled or plant shut down.
Strict Liability
- Administrative sanction
Anyone who violates the emissions quality standards shall be punished with
imprisonment of 3 years and a maximum fine of Rp 3 billion. Criminal offence
can only be imposed if administrative sanctions that have been imposed are
not complied with or the offences are committed more than once.
Strict Liability
Strict Liability
Malaysia Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any provisions of
Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 2014 shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding RM100,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or
Section 46E: ‘the person so convicted to pay the other person the costs and
expenses incurred or compensation for loss or damage to the property and any
other costs, in the amount as the court considers fit’.
Thailand Industry Act
(It is difficult to find responsibility of air pollution and evaluate damage and
Operators pay damages and losses voluntarily, i.e. hospital expenses, medical
examination, etc.
2.3. Summary
The following discussion outlines the survey results of the selected ASEAN countries.
(A) General
At the central government-level in each country, environment-related acts have been enacted,
regulated air pollutants have been identified, and emission standards have been stipulated.
Cambodia, Indonesia, and Thailand authorize their local governments to enact the emission
standards. As with Japan, Cambodia has further set the emission standards voluntarily with the
CPP operator.
The local governments implement regular monitoring in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar. In
these countries, coal-fired power generation started after the 2000s.
Central government: Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand
Myanmar: CPP publishes the status on LED screen in front of the plant
The following compares the national emission standards from the CPPs in the selected ASEAN
countries. Where the standards differ depending on the start year of operation of the plant,
the case of a newly constructed CPP was adopted. Where they differ depending on the plant
scale, the large-scale case was adopted. Where they differ depending on the period, the daily
basis (or 24 hours) was adopted. SOx and NOx have different units from one country to another.
In the countries where parts per million (ppm) measurement is used, accordingly, it is
converted into mg/m3, regarding them as SO2 and NO2, respectively.
Like Cambodia and Lao PDR, some countries have been regulating pollutants more strictly than
the national emission standards, based on the agreements concluded between the CPP and
the local government.
Table 1: Emission standards for CPP in selected ASEAN countries, China, and India
Viet Nam SO2: 500 mg/m3 NO2: 650 mg/m3 * 200 mg/m3
ASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian Nations, CPP = coal-fired power plant, mg/m3 = milligrams per cubic
metre, NO2 = nitrogen oxide, NOx = nitrogen oxides, PM = particulate matter, SO2 = sulphur dioxide, SOx =
sulphur oxides.
Note: *coal volatile content >10%.
Source: Authors.
Chapter 3
Based on the same survey items as in the ASEAN countries, a survey was conducted on the
management systems for emission gases from coal-fired power plants in the selected OECD
countries. See Section 1 chapter 1 for survey of management systems in ASEAN countries for the
survey items. The surveyed selected OECD countries include Australia, Germany, Japan, the
Republic of Korea, and the United States. The survey was conducted by referring to the websites,
among others, of the related agencies in each country. In the case of Japan, hearings were held with
coal-fired power plant operators.
Australia, Germany, Japan, and the United States are summarized for each survey item. The
Republic of Korea was also surveyed, but its management system was omitted in this study because
it is similar to the one in Japan. Because the survey is mainly focused on the regulations of the
central government, the situation of local governments are1 surveyed in a limited manner.
First, general items including the legal systems are described, followed by the management systems.
See Annexes 3, 4, and 5 for the emission standards in each country.
2.1. General
Germany - Air quality regulation is aligned with the European Union (EU) air quality
- Industrial emission is regulated under the Directive 2010/75/EU or Industrial
Emission Directive (IED)
Australia Each state establishes environmental legislation. Procedures vary from state to
Japan Local governments can establish necessary regulations relating to air pollutant
emissions (in general more stringent than that of the central government).
Germany SO2, NOx, PM, carbon, metals, volatile, asbestos, cyanides, chlorine, asbestos,
United States CO, lead, NO2, O3, PM, SO2, mercury, etc. 189 pollutants (Sections 108, 111,
(D) The way to recognize the facilities of emitting pollutants
Germany - Permit of authorities must take into account the whole environmental
performance of the plant.
Japan CPPs shall notify items (facility structure, pollutant control way etc.) to the
prefectural governor.
Australia (ex) NSW state: Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997
Clean-up, Prevention and prohibition notices are provided for under the
legislation. Only the minister can issue a prohibition notice on the
recommendation of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA).
Germany The authority may decide to suspend activities of a plant in whole or in part.
Japan Local governor has power to order emitters to suspend operation when they
violate the regulations.
When it continuously emits more than limit, local governor can order for
improvement until it is completed.
United States Title V of CAA requires major sources of air pollutants to obtain and operate in
compliance with an operating permit. Sources with ‘Title V permits’ are
required by the CAA to certify their permits at least annually.
Germany According to the Technical Instruction on Air Quality Control, SO2, NO2, PM shall
be measured continuously.
Japan Operator shall measure the quantity or concentration of air pollutant more
than every 2 months, keep records.
(In actual) Data are being monitoring continuously, and automatically
transmitted to local governor through telemeter.
United States Follows EPA Regulation 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart Da under CAA Section 111.
United States New Source Review (NSR) and Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)
require large industrial facilities to install state-of-the-art air pollution controls
when they build new facilities or make modifications.
Australia (ex) NSW state: The law does not require periodical meetings with local
Germany Relations take place at the measuring and monitoring stage, which gathers
from local Länder and federal agency.
Japan Air Pollution Control Act does not require periodical meeting with local
Another law requires CPP developers to hold meetings with residents before
new construction of CPP.
United States The regulation does not require periodical meetings with local community.
(I) Ability of local government
Australia (ex) NSW state: The EPA offers a 2-day course which has been designed to equip
authorized officers to fulfil their responsibilities as outlined in the Protection of
the Environment Operations Act 1997.
Japan Generally high, there are experts of measuring method in local government.
(A) Monitoring
Australia Areas with populations greater than 25,000 are required to install monitoring
(ex) NSW state: The Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) operates air
quality monitoring network.
Data from network is presented online as an index (air quality index, AQI)
based on hourly data and stored in a searchable database.
- The data from the two monitoring networks provide the foundation of the
country’s air quality.
Japan - Prefectural governors shall continuously monitor the status of air pollution.
United States (ex) PM: Operator of a facility shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate
opacity monitoring systems (COMS), and record the output of the system for
measuring the opacity of emissions discharged to the atmosphere.
Australia (ex) NSW state. The law does not require licensees to report emission data to
EPA periodically. Instead, licensees are required to publish pollution monitoring
[Archive Requirement]: Not available
Germany Operator shall supply the monitoring results to the authority regularly and at
least annually.
[Archive Requirement]
Publications shall be lodged in the archives of the German Patents Office for
safe custody and reference.
Japan National and local governors may require operator to report the status of air
pollutant emissions.
[Archive Requirement]
United States Performance test data from the continuous monitors must be reported to the
administrator. The owner or operator of the facility shall submit a signed
[Archive Requirement]
Record-keeping requirements
(C) Inspection
Australia (ex) NSW state: Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997
Operators must notify pollution incidents. Mandatory audits may be required
as a condition of licence if the EPA reasonably suspects.
[Independent inspector]
[Independent inspector]
Japan National and local governor may conduct official inspection.
[Independent inspector]
United States EPA’s policy: Incentives for self-policing (discovery, disclosure, correction, and
[Independent inspector]
Australia (ex) NSW state: Requirements for publishing pollution monitoring data
- There are offences for failure to publish monitoring data and for publishing
false or misleading data.
Germany All data on air quality are published on the internet shortly after they are
gathered, providing information on current pollution level.
The EU Pollutant Release and the Transfer Register (E-PRTR) is a public register
intended to provide environmental information and include data on emissions
as reported by the state.
Japan Local governments collect environmental data from various facilities and
publish the status of air pollution at screen monitors in their city hall. Everyone
can see the situation in anytime.
United States Everyone can access the air monitoring results on website.
(E) Penalty
Strict liability
Strict liability
Japan Violation of Air Pollution Control Act including disclosure of name of subjected
operator. Punishment includes imprisonment and fine.
Strict Liability
United States - If a civil defendant is found liable or agrees to a settlement: monetary penalty,
injunctive relief, additional actions to improve the environment.
Strict liability.
3. Summary
The OECD countries have effective and comprehensive regulation and management systems.
Consistency of legislation from national to local government, wide scope of regulating air
pollutants, precise and transparent monitoring, reporting and public announce system.
Local emission standards are likely more stringent than the national standard.
In general, local governors are stricter than central governors in regulating air pollutant
emissions. It may reflect the importance of the actual management system nearby
residents and the local governor’s abilities of controllership.
In general, periodical meetings with local communities are not required, except before
the new construction of a CPP, which is stipulated by another law.
The penalties for violating air pollution control acts are strict. Penalties include suspending
power generation facilities, imprisonment, and/or fines.
Overall, except for the regulation standards for air pollutants, the OECD countries have stricter
regulation standards and systems to monitor the air pollution status and publish it for the
Table 2compares the national emission standards from the CPPs in the selected OECD countries.
Where the standards differ depending on the operation start year of the plant, the case of a
newly constructed CPP was adopted. Where they differ depending on the plant scale, the large-
scale case was adopted. Where they differ depending on the period, the daily basis (or 24
hours) was adopted. SOx and NOx have different units from one country to another. In the
countries where ppm is used, accordingly, it is converted into mg/m3, regarding them as SO2
and NO2, respectively.
Table 2: Emission standards for CPP in selected OECD countries
CPP = coal-fired power plant, mg/m3 = milligrams per cubic metre, ng/J = nanogram per joule,
NO2 = nitrogen oxide, NOx = nitrogen oxides, OECD= Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development, PM = particulate matter, ppm – parts per million, SO2 = sulphur dioxide, SOx = sulphur oxides.
Notes: *1 Based on the CPP’s location, sulphur content of fuel, stack height, etc. emission standards vary by
CPP. The value is an example of a specific CPP based on an agreement between the CPP and local government.
*2 gross output.
Japan and Republic of Korea: More stringent standards in agreements between the CPP and local
government than the national standard.
Source: Authors.
Chapter 4
This chapter selects several survey items to compare the situation in the selected OECD countries
and selected ASEAN countries.
1. General
(1) Legislation
As with the selected OECD countries, the selected ASEAN countries have enacted environment-
related acts and regulation standards for air pollutants. In many countries, the regulation values are
sorted for each sector, regulating power generation as a sub-sector.
In the selected OECD countries, the local governments are generally authorized to enact stricter
emission standards than national ones. In the selected ASEAN countries, Cambodia, Indonesia,
Myanmar, and Thailand grant such authority to their local governments. In Thailand, however, no
local government has actually set its own emission standards to date.
In Japan and the Republic of Korea among the OECD countries, coal-fired power plants (CPP) and
local governments have concluded agreements to set stricter emission standards than the national
ones. Among the ASEAN countries, Cambodia and Lao PDR are following suit. In both countries, the
coal-fired power plants started operation less than 10 years ago. However, Cambodia and Lao PDR
seem to be rare cases that follow Japan’s experience to allow a CPP and local government to
conclude an agreement to set stricter emission standards than the national ones.
All the countries have set national emission standards for the typical air pollutants emitted from
the CPPs, namely SOx, NOx, and PM.
Where the CPPs violate the emission standards in the selected OECD countries, the local
governments generally have the authority to suspend operation. In the selected ASEAN countries,
on the other hand, the central government has the authority to suspend operations in Malaysia,
Myanmar, and Thailand, while both the central and local governments have the authority in
Indonesia and Lao PDR, and the local government has it in Cambodia.
When a new CPP is constructed, many countries require holding an advance meeting with the local
community. Once the CPP starts operation, however, it is presumed that few countries request for
a periodical meeting with the local community. In the selected OECD countries, once the CPP starts
operation, it is not legally required to hold a periodical meeting with the local community. In the
selected ASEAN countries, it was confirmed in Thailand that the CPP holds periodical meetings with
the local community every 3 months. In Lao PDR, the CPP has to hold periodical meetings with the
local community according to the agreement with the local government.
(5) Summary
When comparing the selected OECD and ASEAN countries, there are a few differences in the general
sections of the legislation, despite the existence of some cases where the central or local
government has authority.
2. Management systems
(1) Monitoring
In the selected OECD countries, monitoring is conducted by the central government, local
government, or the CPP. This is also the case with the selected ASEAN countries. Monitoring is
conducted by the local government in Cambodia and Lao PDR. In Indonesia, the local government
conducts it irregularly. In Malaysia, it is conducted by the central government. In Myanmar, it is
conducted by both the central government and local government. In Thailand, the CPP conducts
the monitoring and submits the results to the central government.
In the selected OECD countries, the situation differs from one country to another. In the case of
New South Wales in Australia, it is not obligated to report emission data. Accordingly, it is not
obligatory to keep the emission data. Instead, the CPP must publish the air pollution status. In
Germany, a CPP operator must periodically report the monitoring results. In Japan, the central or
local government may require the CPP operator to report the status of air pollutant emissions. In
the United States, the CPP operator must report the continuous monitoring status. The situation
varies among the selected ASEAN countries as well. In Cambodia and Lao PDR, the CPP must submit
the emission data every month based on the agreement with the local government. In Indonesia,
the CPP must submit the emission data to the central and local governments based on the law. The
frequency of submission is every 3 months when continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS)
are used, and every 6 months when manually measuring. Malaysia has a CEMS. In Myanmar, the
CPP must submit the emission data to the central government at least every 6 months based on the
law. In Thailand, the CPP must submit data twice a year.
Archive requirements also vary among the selected OECD and ASEAN countries. Australia and
Thailand for example, have no archive requirements. Even in the countries with archive
requirements, the archiving period varies from 6 months to 3 years.
(3) Inspection
The situation differs among the selected OECD countries. In NSW, Australia, mandatory audits may
be required as a condition of a licence if the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) reasonably
suspects violation of emission standards. In Germany, the law requires mandatory environmental
inspections to be done at least every 1 to 3 years. In Japan, the national or local government may
conduct official inspections. In the United States, the EPA’s policy is self-policing.
Among the selected ASEAN countries, the central government inspects with telemeters in
Cambodia. In Indonesia and Lao PDR, inspections are conducted by the central and local
governments. In Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand, inspections are conducted by the central
No independent inspector is legally requested in either the selected OECD or ASEAN countries.
Air pollutants are emitted from industrial boilers and vehicles as well as CPPs. Accordingly, the
regional air pollution status consists of a combination of different emission sources of air pollutants.
The selected OECD countries regulate the regional air pollution status as well as emissions of air
pollutants from the CPP. This is also the case with the selected ASEAN countries.
In regulating the air pollutants, it is important for the local community to always know the air
pollution status. In the selected OECD countries, the central or local government generally publishes
the air pollution status through websites or on screen monitors. The situation differs among the
selected ASEAN countries. In Cambodia, the central government publishes the air pollution status
through its website, while in Malaysia the status is published on a screen monitor. In Lao PDR, the
local government publishes the regional air pollution status. In Myanmar, the CPPs publish the air
pollution status inside the plants. In Thailand, the air pollution status is published in the annual
report submitted by the CPP’s operator. In Indonesia, the central government is developing a data
collecting and publishing system.
(5) Summary
The management system status differs among the selected OECD and ASEAN countries.
Figures 3 to 5 compare the national emission standards for CPPs for SOx, NOx, and PM. It is
necessary to note that the data are not actual emission values. Where the standards differ
depending on the operation start year of the plant, a newly constructed CPP was adopted. Where
they differ depending on the plant scale, the large-scale case was adopted. Where they differ
depending on the period, the daily basis (or 24 hours) was adopted. SOx and NOx have different
units from one country to another. In the countries where ppm is used, accordingly, it is converted
into mg/m3, regarding them as SO2 and NO2, respectively.
SOx is higher in the selected ASEAN countries than in the selected OECD countries. NOx is lower in
the selected OECD countries except for Australia. For PM, the regulation values in the selected
ASEAN countries are approximately the same as those in Australia and Japan, except for Cambodia.
Figure 3: Comparison of emission standards in selected countries (SOx)
Figure 5: Comparison of emission standards in selected countries (PM)
Chapter 5
Policy Recommendations
The merit of coal is that it is less expensive than other fuels and can generate power at low cost. In
countries with a low electrification rate, coal is an optimum power generation fuel for enhancing
the electrification rate at low cost. Furthermore, the world’s largest thermal coal export country,
Indonesia, is in the ASEAN region and the world’s second largest thermal coal export country,
Australia, is located close to ASEAN.2 With lignite included, many ASEAN member countries have
coal reserves. From a viewpoint of energy security, coal is a procurable fuel in the ASEAN region or
from a neighbouring country; its utilization helps enhance self-sufficiency in the ASEAN region.
Thus, coal is an optimum power generation fuel for ASEAN in terms of both cost and energy security.
However, the combustion of coal emits air pollutants, such as sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides
(NOx), and particulate matter (PM), harmful to human health and the environment. Consequently,
campaigns against existing CPPs have been launched, and have started other campaigns against the
construction of new CPPs, forcing some new projects to be halted or cancelled. For ASEAN countries,
minimizing the emission of air pollutants is a precondition for the future use of CPPs. But here the
problem is regulating the emission of air pollutants from CPPs. To reduce the emission of air
pollutants, it is required to create regulations and properly manage and operate them.
Based on this awareness, this study surveys the regulations on the emission of air pollutants
(including emission standards and implementation of the regulations).
This survey revealed that in ASEAN countries environmental laws have been enacted to identify the
air pollutants to be regulated and to set emission standards. The problem is the emission standard
Source: International Energy Agency, Coal Information 2016.
level. Compared to OECD countries, the emission standards are low in many ASEAN countries
depending on the country or the type of air pollutants.
Thus, it is important to raise the current emission standards of air pollutants from CPPs to the level
equivalent to OECD countries. This is because a more stringent level of emission standards is
essential for responding properly to the campaign against CPPs occurring in ASEAN countries.
Additionally, making the level of emission standards more stringent can reduce the emission of
hazardous air pollutants from CPPs and contribute to the reduction of health hazards to residents.
However, a gradual tightening of emission standards may be required according to each country’s
capability. Raising the level of emission standards can lead to an increase in environmental expenses
or an increase in electricity tariffs. The importance of strengthened regulations cannot be
understated, but national and government financial capabilities also need to be considered.
Expensive environmental facilities need to be installed in CPPs to reduce hazardous air pollutants
by tightening the emission standards of air pollutants. This imposes a heavy burden, especially on
low-income countries in the ASEAN region. The most desirable method of sharing the cost burden
is to pass on additional costs to end-consumers according to their electricity consumption. If passing
on increased costs is difficult, it may put a temporary subsidy burden on the government. This is
not sustainable in the long term; therefore, it is recommended to stop providing subsidies to
electricity consumers as early as possible.
There are several ways of financing capital expenditure. For borrowing, there are two options: one
is from domestic financial institutions, the other is from international financial institutions.
Domestic financial institutions are free from exchange risks; however, they may not have the
practical knowledge of large-scale financing for energy. For international financial institutions, long-
term borrowings can be made at low interest rates; however, there are exchange rate risks and loan
procedures sometimes take time due to strict loan terms. Generally, the installation of
environmental facilities can be a good funding destination. On the other hand, financial institutions
have their own view of loans for coal-fired power generation alone. Some financial institutions put
restrictions on loans for new CPP construction, which may limit the funding sources. There are many
types of loans and there is no one special way. A careful decision is required in view of the
circumstances including the factors mentioned in this document.
A combination of financing options can be used to construct new coal-fired power plants. For
example, private funds such as independent power producers and private finance initiatives can be
used for construction. These approaches have the advantage of constructing a new CPP without
increasing public debt, resulting in promoting technology transfer through the operation of
developed countries’ companies.
4. Monitoring system
Raising emission standards of air pollutants from the CPPs to the level equivalent to OECD countries
and installing environmental facilities in the CPPs will not be the end of the matter. As a first step,
the installed facilities need to be maintained/managed for proper operation. Second, constant
monitoring and recording are required to ensure that the facilities can provide guaranteed
performance and the air pollutants concentration level is kept below the standard. Third,
measurement results need to be released to local governments and residents for assuring proper
operation of the CPPs.
The first step is nothing special; however, some facilities cannot guarantee performance in the CPPs
in developing countries due to the lack of operational experience and maintenance. The continued
proper operation of environmental facilities serves as the base to gain an understanding of residents.
Regarding the second and third steps, the CPPs need to show evidence of complying with the laws
and regulations to gain the trust of residents. Without information disclosure, residents living near
a CPP have no means of knowing if the air pollutants emission level is kept below the standard.
Therefore, the residents may still raise concerns about the CPP, even if they run properly. Hazardous
air pollutants are emitted not only from CPPs but also from industrial boilers and automobiles. A
negative image of CPPs, however, prevents residents from distinguishing among these pollution
sources. CPPs are requested to continually provide transparent data to protect themselves.
Under these circumstances, a highly transparent system is required to monitor the air pollutants
concentration level both for CPPs and local regions. This can be a challenge for countries that have
never created such a system. It is recommended to create a system to monitor the air pollution
situation and to establish an international cooperative framework for proper operation and
information disclosure on the system, and to provide capacity building for central and local
governments and CPP operators. Cooperation will bring mutual benefits to both ASEAN countries
and cooperating countries, encouraging them to build a win–win relationship.
Annex 1
OECD Countries
The National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure (1998)
Amendment: 2003, 2011
National Environment Protection (National Pollutant Inventory) Measure (2008)
Germany (Federal)
Federal Emission Control Act (1990)
Latest amendment: 2000
European Union (EU) Directive
Industrial Emission Directive (IED – 2010/75/EU)
Large Combustion Plant Directive (LCPD – 2001/80/EC)
National Emission Ceilings for Certain Atmospheric Pollutants Directive (NECD – 2001/81/EC)
European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS 2009/29/EC)
Basic Law for Environmental Pollution Control (1967)
Basic Environment Law (1993)
Latest amendment: 1998
Republic of Korea
Environmental Protection Law (1978)
Basic Law for Environmental Policy (1991)
(Emission standards)
NO (1979)
CO, NO2, dust, ozone, hydrocarbon (1983)
Lead (1991)
Sulphurous acid gas, hydrocarbon (new standard, 1993)
United States
Clean Air Act (CAA) of 1963 and its 1970 amendments
Clean Air Act Amendment of 1977
Law No. 32 Year 2009 Regarding the Protection and Management of Environment
Law No. 30 Year 2009 Regarding Electricity
Government Regulation No. 14 Year 2012 Regarding Business of Electricity Supply
Government Regulation No. 27 Year 2012 Regarding Environmental License
Government Regulation No. 41 Year 1999 Regarding Air Emission Control
Ministry of Environment Decree No. 21 Year 2008 Regarding Static Emission Sources Quality
Standard for business and/or activities of a Thermal Power Plant
Environmental Protection Law (1999)
National Environmental standard (2009)
Environmental Quality Act 1974
Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations (1978)
Latest amendment: 2014
Environmental Conversation Law 2012
Environmental Conversation Rule 2014
National Environmental Quality (Emission) Guideline (2015)
Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure 2015
Philippines Clean Air Act of 1999
National Emission Standards (DENR Administrative Order No. 2000 - 81, 7 Nov 2000)
Environment Pollution Control Act (EPCA) (1999)
Environmental Protection and Management Act (EPMA) (2008)
Clean Air (Standards) Regulations (1978)
Environmental Protection and Management (Air Impurities) Regulations (2001)
Amendment: 2002, 2008
Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental and Quality Act (1992)
Ambient Air Standards (1995, 2004, 2010)
Emission standard from Coal-fired power plants (1996, 2001, 2010)
Viet Nam
Environmental Protection Law (2006)
Emission standards for Industrial sources (1995)
Emission standards for thermal power plants (2005 replaced by 2009)
Environmental Protection Law (1989)
Emission standards for air pollutants from coal-fired power plants (GB13223-2011) (2012)
Prevention and Control of Pollution Act (1981) (amendment: 1987)
Environment (Protection) Act (1986) (Latest amendment: 1991)
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (2009)
Annex 2
Emission standards
Details are described in an annex.
How can authorities recognize the existence of facilities that emit air pollutants?
The occupier of each reporting facility is to be required to provide information.
Measurement of emission by operator
Methods for pollutant monitoring: Australian standards
The law requires monitoring stations to be installed in areas with populations greater than 25,000.
Archive Requirement
Public Announcements
(Example of NSW state, Requirements for publishing pollution monitoring data)
Pollution monitoring data that is required to be collected by a licence condition must be published
by the licensee. There are offences for failure to publish monitoring data and for publishing false or
misleading data.
Publish monthly meaningful summary of pollution monitoring data on website, or required
frequency where monitoring occurs less than monthly.
NSW EPA publishes the current situation of air quality on the website.
Compensation for Damage and Losses
Independent inspector
Detail of Emission Standards
(Relating to coal-fired power plant)
(Example of NSW state)
Outline of Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2010
Schedule 3 Standards of concentration for scheduled premises: activities and plant used for specific
Electricity generation
Air impurity Activity or plant Standard of concentration
Group 1 400 mg/m3
Any activity or plant using a liquid or solid Group 2, 3, or 4 250 mg/m3
standard fuel or a non-standard fuel Group 5 100 mg/m3
Group 6 50 mg/m3
Any boiler operating on a fuel other than
gas, including a boiler used in connection Group 1, 2, 3, or 4 2,500 mg/m3
NO2 with an electricity generator that forms Group 5 800 mg/m3
part of an electricity generating system Group 6 500 mg/m3
with a capacity of 30 MW or more
Schedule 4 Standards of concentration for scheduled premises: general activities and plant
General standards of concentration
Air impurity Activity or plant Standard of concentration
Group 1 200 mg/m3
SO3 Any activity or plant
Group 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 100 mg/m3
Even though the word “Immission” may sound strange here, it is used in the English version of the Act as in
appears in several official government websites. In particular, the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature
Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety explains the use of the word Immission instead of Emissions in its
website: “Immission relates to the effects of emissions on the environment”
(http://www.bmub.bund.de/en/topics/air-mobility-noise/air-pollution-control/general-information/ ).
Local (State, Municipality, District, City):
In addition to the BImSchG, there are also provisions on air quality control at Federal State levels.
Basically, they represent the local enforcement of the BImSchG legal measures.
- Carbon monoxide
- Cyanides
- Substances and mixtures which have been proved to possess carcinogenic or mutagenic properties which may
According to the IED, different approaches of controlling emissions into air, water, or soil separately
may encourage the shifting of pollution from one environmental medium to another. The IED favours
an integrated approach to prevent and control pollutants and includes among the polluting
substances also those affecting water (for a detailed list on water pollutants see Annex II of IED -
Emission standards
- The emission limit values (mg/Nm3), i.e. concentrations that must not be exceeded in a given
period, are established by the EU legislation (IED 2010/75/EU) and ensure that, under normal
conditions, emissions do not exceed the emission levels associated with the BAT. The limit values
are determined through standards stipulated in European air pollution control directives and then
transposed into German law.
- Emission limit values shall apply at the point where the emissions leave the installation, and any
dilution prior shall be disregarded. Setting of emission limit values must not exceed the levels
associated with BAT.
Alternatively, different emission limits, in terms of values, periods of time and reference
conditions, can be set. In this case, the competent authority shall assess results at least annually
to ensure that emission levels do not exceed those associated with BAT.
How can authorities recognize the existence of facilities that emit air pollutants?
- According to the IED regulation, competent authorities in the MS shall grant a permit if the
installation emits polluting substances listed in Annex II and other polluting substances, as
required by the IED, Art. 14, para. A), and undertaking the industrial activities listed in Annex I of
the IED. Usually, they are industrial installations that have the potential to impact air quality and
cause air pollution (mainly iron, steel, coal, cement, chemicals, machinery, vehicles, machine
tools, electronics, automobiles, food and beverages, shipbuilding, textiles).
- The permits must take into account the whole environmental performance of the plant, in
accordance with the integrated approach of the IED regulation.
- Operators shall submit to the competent authority a baseline report before starting operation of
an installation. The report shall contain the information necessary to determine the state of soil
and groundwater contamination.
- The permit conditions are based on BAT as defined by the BAT Reference Documents (BREFs) set
after consultations of experts from MS, industry and environmental organizations. The
conclusions reached in BREFs are adopted by the Commission as Implementing Decisions and
constitute the reference for setting permits conditions.
Compliance with emissions limit values (IED, Part 4):
- If continuous measurements are required, compliance depends on:
- No validated monthly average exceeding limit values;
- No validated daily average exceeding 110% of limit values;
- In case of combustion plants using coal with a total rated thermal input below 50 MW,
no validated daily average exceeding 150% of limit values;
- 95% of all the validated hourly average values over the year not exceeding 200% of limit values.
- If continuous measurements are not required:
- Compliance if the results of each of the series of measurements do not exceed the limit values.
For example, for fine dust (PM10) a maximum permitted average annual level of 40μg/m³ and a
maximum permitted daily level of 50μg/m³, with a maximum of 35 exceeding days per year.
Frequency of measures
- The concentrations of SO2, NOx, and dust shall be measured continuously. The German Federal
Environment and the Agency German’s Länder monitoring networks measure data on ambient air
quality several times a day.
- For combustion plants firing coal or lignite, the emissions of total mercury shall be measured at least
once per year.
According to IED, Part 6, sampling and analysis of all polluting substances including dioxins and furans
as well as the quality assurance of automated measuring systems and reference measurement
methods to calibrate them shall be carried out according to CEN-standards.4 If CEN standards are not
available, ISO, national or other international standards which ensure the provision of data of an
equivalent scientific quality shall apply.
Air quality is measured by a sophisticated national air quality monitoring network. German air
monitoring networks are operated by:
- German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt [UBA]), which measures stations far
away from densely populated areas and cities. Situated in rural areas, the stations of the Federal
Environmental Agency (so-called background stations) collect concentration and deposition data
for the investigation of widely dispersed air pollution in rural areas and measure the quality of air
masses transported over long distances and across national frontiers. (UBA monitoring sites:
Westerland; Zingst, Neuglobsow; Waldhof; Schmücke; Langen; Schauinsland; Zugspitze).
- German’s Länder monitoring networks, which monitor the quality of the air comprehensively.
They operate measuring stations in cities, in conurbations, in areas with high traffic density as
well as in rural regions, to monitor and determine local and regional air quality.
Comité européen de normalization (CEN) or European Committee for Standardization.
The data from the UBA and the Länder monitoring networks provide the foundation for the
presentation of the country’s air quality. They are gathered in the centre of air monitoring situated in
Langen (Hesse) near Frankfurt/Main.
According to the IED, installations operating in accordance with a permit shall supply the competent
Authority regularly, and at least annually, with information on the basis of results of emission
monitoring (measurement methodology, frequency and evaluation procedure) in order to enable the
authority to verify compliance with permit conditions.
The IED requires mandatory environmental inspections to be done at least every 1 to 3 years (usually
1 year maximum for installations posing the highest risks and 3 years for installations posing the
lowest risks).
According to the BImSchG the Federal Government is authorized, with the consent of the Bundesrat,
to organize the inspections.
Each inspection plan shall include a general assessment of relevant significant environmental issues;
the geographical area covered by the inspection plan; a register of the installations covered by the
plan; procedures for drawing up programmes for routine environmental inspections; procedures for
non-routine environmental inspections; provisions on the cooperation between different inspection
Archive Requirement
Publications shall be lodged in the archives of the German Patents Office for safe custody and
reference. The ordinance shall indicate the date of publication and full particulars of the source
reference (BImSchG, Art. 7).
Public Announcements
All data on air quality are published on the internet shortly after they are gathered in Langen,
providing information on current pollution level.
MS shall ensure that the public has effective opportunities to participate in the procedures of granting
a permit for new installations, following any substantial change or updating (Art. 24). When a decision
on permits is taken, it shall be available to the public, including on the internet.
The IED ensures to the public the right to participate in the decision-making process and to be
informed on its consequences by having access to permit applications, permits and the results of the
monitoring of releases (IED, Annex IV).
The EU Pollutant Release and the Transfer Register (E-PRTR) is a public register intended to provide
environmental information on major industrial activities and include data on emissions as reported
by MS. The register contributes to transparency and public participation. It implements for the EU
Community the UN/ECE PRTR Protocol to the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public
Participation on Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters.
Severe cases of non-compliance can result in criminal liability. Criminal sanctions include
imprisonment and fines (up to €50,000).
Independent inspector
Independent inspections are not required.
Detail of Emission Standards
(Relating to coal-fired power plant)
According to IED (Annex V), all emissions limit values shall be calculated at a temperature of 273,15 K, a
pressure of 101,3 kPa and after correction for the water vapour content of the waste gases and at a
standardized O2 content of 6% for solid fuels, 3% for combustion plants, other than gas turbines and gas
engines using liquid and gaseous fuels, and 15% for gas turbines and gas engines.
a) For permits granted before 7 January 2013 (for details see IED, Art. 30, par.1), emission limit values
are the following:
1. SO2
Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for SO2
Total rated thermal input (MW) Coal and lignite
50–100 400
100–300 250
>300 200
2. NOx
Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for NOx
Total rated thermal input (MW) Coal and lignite
50–100 300 (400 in case of pulverized lignite combustion)
100–300 200
>300 200
Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for dust
Total rated thermal input (MW) Coal and lignite
50–100 30
100–300 25
>300 20
b) For all permits not covered by paragraph 2 (IED, Art. 30, par. 3), emission limit values are the following:
1. SO2
Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for SO2
Total rated thermal input (MW) Coal and lignite
50–100 400
100–300 200
>300 150 (200 in case of circulating or pressurized
fluidized bed combustion)
2. NOx
Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for NOx
Total rated thermal input (MW) Coal and lignite
50–100 300 (400 in case of pulverized lignite combustion)
100–300 200
>300 150 (200 in case of pulverized lignite combustion)
Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for dust Total Combustion plants using solid or liquid fuels except gas
rated thermal input (MW)
50–300 20
>300 10
Emission standards
Regal mandate: Details are described in an annex
1. Ordinance of MoE (general)
2. Local government ordinance (specified areas, more stringent)
3. Agreement between local government and power plants operator (more stringent)
4. Internal targets of power plants (operational standards, most stringent)
How can authorities recognize the existence of facilities that emit air pollutants?
Coal-fired power plants shall provide the following items to the prefectural governor.
‒ Name and address
‒ Location
‒ Type of air pollutant
‒ Structure of facilities
‒ Way of disposing of air pollutants, etc.
Based on an agreement between local government and CPP operator, when CPP is going to restart
after the order for improvement, the local government can resist its restart until improvement has
been satisfactorily made. This mechanism lets the CPP operator to comply with voluntary target to
avoid receiving order for improvement by the local government.
Measurement of emission by operator
CPP operator shall measure the quantity or concentration of air pollutant, and keep its record.
- Frequency of measuring:
SOx: more than every two months (Total emission controlling area: continuously(24hr-7d))
NOx: more than every two months
PM: more than every two months
- Measuring methods are stipulated in Law.
Coal-fired power plants set observing stations, for example, 10km, 20km, 30km away from CPP, to
monitor the emission continuously. The data is automatically transmitted to local government
through telemeter.
CPP operator signed agreement with local government, which stipulates, in most cases, stringent
emission standards and more frequent measurement. For example:
SOx: monitor quantity and concentration continuously
NOx: monitor quantity and concentration continuously
PM: every month
Prefectural governors shall continuously monitor the status of air pollution.
MoE or governor of prefecture may require CPP operator to report the status of air pollutant
MoE conducts integrated survey of quantity of air pollutant emission every three years.
According to an agreement between CPP operator and local government, an operator submits the
report to local government every month, although the CPP automatically sends data through
telemeter continuously.
MoE or a prefectural governor may conduct official inspection.
Public Announcements
Prefectural governors shall make public the status of air pollution within the prefecture.
Local governments collect environmental data from various facilities and publish the status of air
pollution at screen monitor in their city hall. Everyone can see the situation in anytime. Local
governments also publish environmental report periodically.
In case of accident, CPP operator publishes the status of air pollutant emissions through a press
Violation of Air Pollution Control Act including disclose of name of subjected operator.
Punishment includes imprisonment and fine.
MoE, in collaboration with Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in some cases, convenes
explanatory meetings with CPP operator when the law is amended.
Local governments also convene explanatory meetings with CPP operator.
MoE and local government post explanatory documents and application/report forms on their
website for easy download.
Another law requires companies to hold a meeting with residents for explanation and discussion
when they apply Environmental Impact Assessment before new construction of a CPP.
Independent inspector
Air Pollution Control Act does not require independent inspector.
If a coal-fired power plant has ISO 14001 certification, the plant is audited every year.
1. SOx
Air Pollution Control Act
q = K * 10-3 * He2
q: Maximum permissible limit of SOx (m3N/h)
He: Adjusted height of the Outlet (m)
K: Area of classification
General regulation K: from 3.0 to 17.5
Special regulation (new construction, specified area) K: from 1.17 to 2.34
He = Ho+0.65 (Hm+Ht)
Hm = 0.795√(Q*V) /{1+(2.58/V)}
Ht = 2.01*10-(3*Q*(T-288)*{2.30logJ+(1/J)-1}
J = (1/√(Q*V))[1460-296*{V/(T-288)}]+1
He Adjusted height of the Outlet (m)
Ho Actual height of the Outlet (m)
Q Quantity of emission at 15℃ (m3/s)
V Discharge rate of emission (m/s)
T Temperature of emission (absolute temperature)
2. NOx
Air Pollution Control Act
200ppm (O2: 6%)
3. PM
Air Pollution Control Act
100mg/m3N (O2: 6%)
Republic of Korea
Potentially affect the living environment (Basic Environment Act)
‒ Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
‒ nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
‒ Carbon monoxide (CO)
‒ Micro-dust (PM)
‒ Ozone (O3)
‒ Lead (Pb)
‒ Benzene
Emission standards
Legal mandate: Details are described in annexes 4, 5, and 6
1. Ordinance of MoE (General)
* In matters of the special measure areas, MoE can set the more stringent emission standards
than the general emission standards.
2. Local government ordinance (more stringent than the central government’s standards)
3. Agreement between local government and power plants operator (more stringent)
4. Operator’s internal targets of power plants (operational standards, most stringent)
How can authorities recognize the existence of facilities that emit air pollutants?
Coal-fired power plants should report the following items to the prefectural governor.
‒ Name and address
‒ Location
‒ License of facilities
‒ Type of air pollutant
‒ Structure of facilities
‒ Planning of controlling the air pollutant, etc.
Order for Improvement
Prefectural governor has the power to order CPP for improvement within 1 year* when it
continuously emit more than regulated limit.
* In case of not improving within 1 year with the force majeure, the operator should apply for
the extension of 1 year more to prefectural governor.
Based on an agreement between local government and CPP operator, when CPP is going to restart
after the order for improvement, local government can resist its restart until the government regard
improvement has been satisfactory made. This mechanism let CPP operator to comply with voluntary
target to avoid receiving order for improvement by the local government.
Measurement of emission by operator
Air Pollution Control Act obligates operators to install the telemeter in the stack of CPP for measuring
emission automatically and continuously.
- Telemeter installation object: Power generation plant(hydro, nuclear power is exemption)
- Measuring pollutants: SOx, NOx, PM
CPP operator signed an agreement with local government, which stipulate, in the most cases, very
stringent emission standards and real-time measurement.
The central and prefectural governors shall continuously monitor the status of air pollution.
Local governments should monitor through the own observing stations and report to the MoE the
monitoring results.
MoE or prefectural governor may require operators to report the status of air pollutant emissions.
According to an agreement between CPP operator and local government, an operator submits the
report to local government if necessary anytime, although CPP automatically send data through
telemeter continuously.
Prefectural governor should conduct inspection on every CPP through the telemeter basically and
report to the MoE by the end of March every year.
On-site inspection by local government: it depends on an Agreement between CPP operator and local
Archive Requirement
For 6 months after measuring the emission.
Generally, most CPP operators keep the important data permanently in the form of electronic files.
Public Announcements
Air Pollution Control Act stipulates MoE shall predict the air pollution status and announce the results
on press release or in the other ways. For this, MoE may require operators to submit the necessary
Local governments collect environmental data from various facilities and publish the status of air
pollution at screen monitor in their city hall and on the road. Everyone can see the situation in
anytime. Local Governments also publish environmental report periodically.
In case of accident, CPP operators publish the status of air pollutant emissions through press release.
Violation of Air Pollution Control Act: penalties include fine imposed on operator, suspension of
operation, cancellation of licence, or plant shutdown.
MoE and local government post explanatory documents and application and report forms on their
website and everyone can easily download them when the law is amended.
Ability of local governments
Ability of officers in local government is generally high. There are experts of measuring method in
local government.
Relation to local community
Air Pollution Control Act does not require periodical meeting with local community.
Environmental Impact Assessment Act requires operators to hold a meeting and public hearing with
residents for explanation and discussion before they try to get a license and construct a new CPP.
Until the residents agree to construct the CPP, operators should continue such a process.
Independent inspector
Air Pollution Control Act does not require independent inspector. But act stipulates operators to have
a special environmental technician for controlling the emission in the plants.
Republic of Korea
1. SOx
Air Pollution Control Act
- Established before 1996: 100ppm (O2: 6%)
- Established before 2014: 80ppm (O2: 6%)
- Established after 2015: 50ppm (O2: 6%)
Voluntary (Operators of new CPP)
- In-cheon: 20 to 25ppm (O2: 6%)
- Dang-gin: 40ppm (O2: 6%)
- Yeou-su: 30 ppm (O2: 6%)
2. NOx
Air Pollution Control Act
- Established before 1996: 140ppm (O2: 6%)
- Established after 1996: 70ppm (O2: 6%)
- Established after 2015: 50ppm (O2: 6%)
Voluntary (Operators of new CPP)
- In-cheon: 15ppm (O2: 6%)
- Dang-gin: 50ppm (O2: 6%)
- Yeou-su: 30 ppm (O2: 6%)
3. PM
Air Pollution Control Act
- Established before 2001: 25mg/Sm3 (O2: 6%)
- Established after 2001: 20mg/Sm3 (O2: 6%)
- Established after 2015: 10mg/Sm3 (O2: 6%)
Voluntary (Operators of new CPP)
- In-cheon: 5mg/Sm3 (O2: 6%)
- Yeou-su: 8mg/Sm3 ppm (O2: 6%)
United States
§60.44Da Standards for nitrogen oxides (NOx)
Section 112, CAA
Currently 189 pollutants
EPA’s latest regulation: mainly mercury
Emission standards
Details are described in annexes 4, 5, and 6
How can authorities recognize the existence of facilities that emit air pollutants?
40 CFR part 60 subpart Da
§60.49Da Emission monitoring
(Example of PM)
An owner or operator of an affected facility must monitor the opacity of emissions discharged
from the affected facility to the atmosphere.
The owner or operator of an affected facility shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate an
opacity monitoring system (COMS), and record the output of the system, for measuring the opacity
of emissions discharged to the atmosphere.
40 CFR part 60 subpart Da
§60.51Da Reporting requirements
For SO2, NOX, PM, and NOX plus CO2 emissions, the performance test data from the initial and
subsequent performance test and from the performance evaluation of the continuous monitors
(including the transmissometer) must be reported to the administrator.
(For SO2 and NOx: each 24-hour period)
The owner or operator of the affected facility shall submit a signed statement.
EPA’s policy: Incentives for Self-policing: Discovery, Disclosure, Correction, and Prevention of
On-site visit by EPA
Civil investigations
Record reviews: EPA, state, or local offices
Information requests
Archive Requirement
40 CFR part 60 subpart Da
§60.52Da Recordkeeping requirements
Public Announcements
Air Monitoring
Assistance (National, Local)
New Source Review (NSR) and Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) require certain large
industrial facilities to install state-of-the-art air pollution controls when they build new facilities or
make modifications to existing facilities.
EPA homepage: Investigations of coal-fired power plant sector have identified a high rate of
noncompliance with NSR/PSD when old plants are renovated or upgraded.
CAA (Section 108) requires EPA to develop information on pollution control techniques.
The Clean Air Technology Center
Independent inspector
The EPA regulation does not require independent inspector.
United States
Not to be exceeded more than once
PM10 and 24 hours 150 μg/m3
per year on average over 3 years
99th percentile of 1-hour daily
primary 1 hour 75 ppb maximum concentrations, averaged
SO2 over 3 years
Not to be exceeded more than once
secondary 3 hours 0.5 ppm
per year
Primary standards provide public health protection, including protecting the health of ‘sensitive’
populations such as asthmatics, children, and the elderly. Secondary standards provide public welfare
protection, including protection against decreased visibility and damage to animals, crops, vegetation,
and buildings.
1971–1978 520 ng/J heat input 300 ng/J heat input 43 ng/J heat input
Sep 1978–1997 520 ng/J heat input and subbituminous: 210 ng/J 13 ng/J heat input
90% reduction (or 70% heat input
reduction where <260 other coal types: 260 ng/J
ng/J); heat input
1978–Mar 2005 180 ng/J gross output New plant: 200 ng/J gross
65 ng/J heat input output
Reconstructed: 65 ng/J
heat input
Commenced construction: 180 ng/J gross output 130 ng/J gross output 18 ng/J gross output
Mar 2005–May 2011 95% reduction 6.4 ng/J heat input
Commenced 180 ng/J gross output 130 ng/J gross output Or: 13 ng/J input and
reconstruction: Mar 2005– 65 ng/J heat input 47 ng/J heat input 99.9% reduction
May 2011 95% reduction
Modified: Mar 2005–May 180 ng/J gross output 180 ng/J gross output 18 ng/J gross output
2011 65 ng/J heat input 65 ng/J heat input 6.4 ng/J heat input
90% reduction Or: 13 ng/J input and
99.8% reduction
Construction or 130 ng/J gross energy 88 ng/J gross output 11 ng/J gross output
reconstruction after: 3 May output 95 ng/J net output 12 ng/J net output
2011 140 ng/J net energy
97% reduction
Modified after: 3 May 2011 180 ng/J gross output 140 ng/J gross output 18 ng/J gross output
90% reduction 6.4 ng/J heat input
Or: 13 ng/J input and
99.8% reduction
Annex 3
Emission standards
Regal mandate details are described in annexes 4, 5, and 6
‒ The government standard and Ordinance of Ministry of Environment
‒ Agreement between local government with power plant operator
‒ Internal targets of power plants (operational standards)
How can authorities recognize the existence of facilities that emit air pollutants?
Coal-fired power plants should report the following items to the prefectural governor
‒ Name and address
‒ Location
‒ Type of air pollutant
‒ Structure of facilities
‒ Planning to control air pollutant
Authority to suspend operation
Based on an agreement between local government with power plant operator, when CPP is going to
restart after the order for improvement and local government can stand up to its restart until the
government regard improvement has been satisfactory made.
Measurement of emission by operator
Air pollution Control Act obligates operator to install a public screen monitor to show emission
measurements automatically (SOx, NOx, PM) and transmit to the public through a telemeter.
Prefectural governors shall continuously monitor the status of air pollution.
According to agreement with the government, a power plant operator submits data air pollution
emission every month generally, although CPP automatically send data through to telemeter.
Ministry of Environment conducts integrated survey of quantity of air pollution emission every 3
Ministry of Environment or government should conduct inspection on each CPP through the
Archive Requirement
All CPP operators should be keep the important data permanently every 6 months after measuring
the emission.
Public Announcements
MoE or government collect environment data from various facilities and publish the status of air
pollution to show on public screen monitor.
Violation of Air Pollution Control Act: penalties include fine imposed on operator, suspension of
operation, cancellation of licence, or plant shutdown.
Assistance (National, Local)
Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) and Ministry of Finance (MoE) shall provide financial assistance,
technical advice, or other assistance.
Independent inspector
Air Pollution Control Act stipulates operators have a special environmental technician for controlling
the emission in the plants.
Emission standards
The detail is in annexes 4, 5, and 6
How can authorities recognize the existence of facilities that emit air pollutant?
- Government Regulation No. 14 Year 2012 Article 13 Paragraph (1) and Government
Regulation No. 27 Year 2012 Article 1 and 2
Government Regulation No. 14 Year 2012 states that to obtain a business licence in electricity
supply, an applicant must meet the administrative, technical, and environmental
requirements. In terms of environmental requirement, in Government Regulation No. 27 Year
2012, it is explained that an environmental licence is a prerequisite to obtain business and/or
activity licence. An environmental licence is obtained through several stages of activities
1. Preparing the Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) or Environmental Management and
Monitoring Scheme (EMMS) (for power plant < 100 MW in one location)
2. Assessment
3. Application and issuance of environmental licence.
The authority can recognize the power plant facility that emit pollutants based on the
environmental documents (Environmental Impact Analysis or EMMS) and the environmental
licence, which was drafted at the beginning stages of planning the power plant as well as on
the reporting of the implementation of the monitoring of air emissions that are routinely
prepared by the company to be submitted to the technical authority.
In practice, even though a CEMS is installed, manual measurement is still required and it is conducted
by accredited laboratory every 6 months. The results from manual measurements are used as
comparative data and the result is also reported to the regent/mayor with a copy to the governor and
minister in the environmental field.
Irregular monitoring by local government.
Government Regulation 21 Year 2012 article 9
The responsible of the power plant is obliged to
a. Report the results of monitoring and measurement of emissions every 3 months for the
power plant that equipped with CEMS to the regent/mayor with a copy to the governor and
minister in the environmental field.
b. Report the results of monitoring and measurement of emissions every 6 months for the
power plant that manually measured the emission to the regent/mayor with a copy to the
governor and minister in the environmental field.
c. Report annual total emission (ton/year) emitted for NOx, SOx, and CO2 to the regent/mayor
with a copy to the governor and minister in the environmental field.
Law 32 Year 2009 article 72
Ministry of Environment or governor/regent/mayor are obliged to conduct supervision, and may
conduct on-site inspection.
Archive Requirement
Generally, most CPP owners keeps important data permanently.
Public Announcements
Ministry of Environment and Forests is currently developing an online reporting system, where the
results of such reporting can be accessed by the public. The Directorate General of Electricity is also
developing information systems for monitoring power plant emissions by taking a pilot project of one
power plant location (CPP Cirebon 1 x 660 MW).
Based on Law No. 32 Year 2009, penalty:
- Administrative sanction
- Fine and imprisonment
Anyone who violates the emissions quality standards shall be punished with imprisonment of 3 years
and a maximum fine of Rp3 billion. A criminal offence can only be imposed if administrative sanctions
that have been imposed are not complied with or the offences are committed more than once.
Assistance (National, Local)
National and local government provide technical assistance to the CPP owner.
Independent inspector
Not available
Static Emission Sources Quality Standard for CPP
Maximum level
No. Parameter (mg/Nm3)
1. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) 750 750
Provincial authorities shall continuously monitor the status of air pollution.
Local governments have observation stations.
Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment (MoNRE) or provincial authorities (EMU) jointly with
CPP operator to report the status of air pollutant emissions. MoNRE conducts integrated survey of
quantity of air pollutant emission every 6 months.
According to an agreement between CPP operator and local government, an operator submits the
report to local government every month generally, although CPP automatically sends data through
telemeter continuously.
Environmental management unit jointly with provincial authorities conduct official inspection.
Archive Requirement
3 years.
Public Announcements
Provincial authorities and EMU make public the status of air pollution within the prefecture.
Base on concession agreement.
Independent inspector
Base on concession agreement for CPP.
Detail of Emission Standards
(Relating to coal-fired power plants)
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.32
UV Fluorescence (1hr, 24hr,
Chemiluminescence or UV
Ozone O3 0.20
Absorption photometry
Atomic absorption
Lead Pb 1.5
Air Emission Standard for Power Plants
Type of
No. substances or Source Permitted emission value
Coal or gas power plant ppm mg/m3
2. Fuel 180 NA
3. Natural gas NA 60
Emission standards
Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 2014
Pollutant Capacity Limit value
Department of Environment (DOE)
Department of Environment (DOE)
Archive Requirement
Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 2014:
The records shall be kept for at least 3 years.
Public Announcements
Announcement through official portal (website) of Department of Environment and newspapers
Regular updates of Malaysian Air Pollutant Index (API)
Compensation for Damage and Losses
Environmental Quality Act 1974:
Section 46E: ‘the person so convicted to pay the other person the costs and expenses incurred or
compensation for loss or damage to the property and any other costs, in the amount as the court
considers fit’.
Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any provisions of Environmental Quality (Clean
Air) Regulations 2014 shall be liable to a fine not exceeding RM100,000 or imprisonment for a term
not exceeding 2 years or both.
Detail of Emission Standards
(Relating to coal-fired power plants)
Emission standards
Details and describe in annexes 4, 5, and 6
How can authorities recognize the existence of facilities that emit air pollutants?
The owner or occupier of any business, material, or place that causes a point source of pollution shall
install or use an on-site facility or controlling equipment to monitor, control, manage, reduce, or
eliminate environmental pollution. If it is not practical, it shall arrange to dispose the waste in
accordance with an environmentally-sound method.
Authority to suspend operation
The ministry shall, if the person obtained the prior permission who was impose with administrative
penalty under section 25 fails to comply with the terms and conditions, inform the relevant
government department, government organization authorized to issue licence, permit, or register for
the relevant business, work-site or factory, work shop to enable to take action as may be necessary.
The government department, government organization that received information under
subsection(a) may, after making necessary inquiries, if it is found that any terms and conditions of
environmental conservation contained in the prior permission is not complied with, cancel the issued
licence, permit or register or suspend it for a limited period.
Measurement of emission by operator
National Environmental Quality (Emission) Guideline (2015)
The ministry and state and regional government shall continuously monitor the status of air pollution.
The owner or occupiers of any business have the duty to monitor the environmental pollution.
The project proponent shall submit monitoring report to the ministry not less frequently than every
6 months, as provided in a schedule in the EMP, or periodically as prescribed by the ministry.
The monitoring reports shall include:
(a) documentation of compliance with all conditions;
(b) progress made to date on implementation of EMP against the submitted implementation
(c) difficulties encountered in implementing the EMP and recommendations for remedying those
difficulties and steps proposed to prevent or avoid similar future difficulties;
(d) number and type of non-compliance with the EMP and proposed remedial measure and timelines
for completion of remediation;
(e) accidents or incidents relating to the occupational and community health and safety, and the
environment; and
(f) monitoring data of environmental parameters and conditions as committed in the EMP or
otherwise required.
Ministry of Electricity and Energy shall require operator to report the status of air pollutant emissions.
Screening team that is organized by the Ministry inspect frequently. Inspection team that is organized
by the relevant ministries and/or organizations.
Archive Requirement
Generally, coal-fired power plant operator keeps the important data permanently in paper and
electronic files.
Public Announcements
Coal-fired power plant publish the status of air pollution at LED screen board in front of power plant.
(example of Tigyit Coal-fired Thermal Power Plant)
Compensation for Damage and Losses
Non-compliance Penalties Specific administrative
punishment of the ministry
Failure to take reasonable US$2,500 to US$10,000 or -Issue Enforcement Notice
steps to prevent an imminent equivalent Myanmar kyats -Suspension of approval of
threat of damage to the EMP, EMP-CP, or EMP-OP in
environment, social, human whole or in part
health, livelihoods, or -Revocation of approval of
property, where applicable, EMP, EMP-CP or EMP-OP in
based on the EMP, EMP-CP, whole or in part
Environmental Offences and Penalties
Ministry and operator to hold a stakeholder meeting and public hearing with residents for explanation
and discussion of the situation of coal-fired power plant.
Independent inspector
The law does not appear to require an independent inspector.
Detail of Emission Standards
(Relating to coal-fired power plants)
How can authorities recognize the existence of facilities that emit air pollutants?
Power plants with capacity between 10MW and 100MW are required to have an Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA)
Power plants with capacity 100MW and more are required to have an Environmental and Health
Impact Assessment (EHIA)
Emission permit: not to exceed national standard
Authority to suspend operation
Ministry of Industry has power to order suspend CPP operation partially or fully.
20 years ago, Mae Moh CPP was ordered to reduce emissions.
Measurement of emission by operator
Licensed third party selected by operators check emission data twice a year.
Monitoring station: 5 km away from CPP, monitored pollutants: PM and SO2
Operators should send emission monitoring data to Ministry of Industry with automatic method.
CPP submit EIA report to Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ministry of
Report: CPP Central Government Local Government
Local government has the power to check emission data, but this rarely occurs.
Twice a year
Department of Estate, Ministry of Industry inspects every industry plant.
In case of a large CPP, there is no site visit.
In case of severe accident, Ministry of Environment inspects.
Local government has the power to inspect, but there has been no case to date.
Archive Requirement
The law does not require keeping archives.
Public Announcements
Operators' annual report.
Local government does not publish emission data.
During coal transportation by truck, dust is emitted, which is more problematic than air pollution by
CPP in Thailand.
Industry Act.
Ministry of Industry can pose fines, maximum B200,000.
Independent inspector
Independent inspector is not required.
Emission standard
Type and Size of Power Plant
(PM) (mg/m3) (SO2) (ppm) (NOx) (ppm)
New Power Plant (since 15 January 2010)
1. Power Plant Size < 50 MW 80 360 200
2. Power Plant Size > 50MW 80 360 200
Power Plant (31 January 1996–15 January 2010)
1. Power Plant Size > 500 MW 320
2.Power Plant Size 300–500 MW 120 450 350
3. Power Plant Size < 300 MW 640
Existing Power Plant (before 31 January 1996)
1. Mae Moh
Unit 1–3 180 1300 500
Unit 4–7
180 320 500
Unit 8–13
Total SO2 Loading of Mae Moh Unit 1–13 shall not be more than 11 ton/hr
2. Other Power Plant 320 700 400
Annex 4
SOx Regulations
The National Guidelines for Control of Emission of Air Pollutants from New Stationary
Sources 1985
Pollutant Plant type Emission limits (mg/m3)
fuel-burning equipment 200 (expressed as SO3) 0.075
sulphuric acid mist and sulphur
sulphuric acid plants or plants kg/t of 100% acid or equivalent
trioxide (as SOx)
producing sulphur trioxide
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
Source: Outline of Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2010.
Group 5: After 1 August 1997 and before 1 September 2005
Group 6: After 1 September 2005
Emission limit values for coal combustion plants in German legislation: TA-Luft 2002
Applicable to plants with a thermal input of less than 50 MW
Pollutant Plant size (MWth) Daily emission limit value (mg/m3)
All 1300 (for hard coal)
SO2 (SO2 + SO3) All 1000 (other fuels)
All 3501 (fluidised bed combustion)
Applicable to new plants (in operation after 7 January 2014) with a thermal input of 50
MW or more.
Plant size Emission limit value (mg/m3)
Pollutant (MWth) Daily mean value Half-hourly mean Annual mean value
50-100 400 800
350 (fluidised bed) 700 (fluidised bed)
>100-300 200 400
SOx (SO2 + SO3) >300 150 300
200 (circulating or 400 (circulating or
pressurised fluidised pressurised fluidised
bed) bed)
Applicable to existing plants (in operation before 7 January 2014) with a thermal input of
50 MW or more.
Pollutant Plant size Emission limit value (mg/m3)
(MWth) Daily mean value Half-hourly mean Annual mean value
50–100 400 800
350 (fluidised bed) 700 (fluidised bed)
SOx (SO2 + SO3) >100–300 200 400
>300 150 300
200 400
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
(A) Air Pollution Control Act
q = K * 10-3 * He2
q: Maximum permissible limit of SOx (m3N/h)
He: Adjusted height of the Outlet (m)
K: Area of classification
General regulation K: from 3.0 to 17.5
Special regulation (new construction, specified area) K: from 1.17 to 2.34
He = Ho+0.65 (Hm+Ht)
Hm = 0.795√(Q*V) /{1+(2.58/V)}
Ht = 2.01*10-3*Q*(T-288)*{2.30logJ+(1/J)-1}
J = (1/√(Q*V))[1460-296*{V/(T-288)}]+1
He Adjusted height of the Outlet (m)
Ho Actual height of the Outlet (m)
Q Quantity of emission at 15°C (m3/s)
V Discharge rate of emission (m/s)
T Temperature of emission (absolute temperature)
Republic of Korea
Air Pollution Control Act
- Established before 1996: 100ppm (O2: 6%)
- Established before 2014: 80ppm (O2: 6%)
- Established after 2015: 50ppm (O2: 6%)
Voluntary (Operators of new CPP)
- In-cheon: 20 to 25ppm (O2: 6%)
- Dang-gin: 40ppm (O2: 6%)
- Yeou-su: 30 ppm (O2: 6%)
United States
(A) 40 CFR part 50 (air quality)
Primary/ Averaging
Pollutant Level Form
Secondary time
primary 1 hour 75 ppb 99th percentile of 1-hour daily
maximum concentrations, averaged
SO2 over 3 years
secondary 3 hours 0.5 ppm Not to be exceeded more than once
per year
Primary standards provide public health protection, including protecting the health of "sensitive"
populations such as asthmatics, children, and the elderly. Secondary standards provide public welfare
protection, including protection against decreased visibility and damage to animals, crops, vegetation,
and buildings.
2. ASEAN countries, China, and India
Emission Unit Cambodian standard World Bank standard
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
mg/Nm3 500 2000
Dry, 0 0c, 1atm, 6% O2
Emission standards for air pollutants from coal-fired power plants (GB13223-2011)
GB13223-2011 came into force on 1 January 2012, replacing GB13223-2003
Pollutant Application Emission limit value Location of monitoring and emission control
New boilers
SO2, mg/m3 Stack and flue
Existing boilers
Emission limits apply to plants in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Chongqing Municipality, Sichuan
Province, and Guizhou Province.
Source: WG member
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre
Static Emission Sources Quality Standard for CPP
Lao PDR12
(A) Ambient Air Quality Standard
Average time unit: mg/m3
Pollutant Hours Method of measurement
1 month 1 year
1 hr 8 hr 24 hr
UV Fluorescence (1 hr, 24 hr, 1 yr)
SO2 0.78 - 0.30 - 0.10
or Pararosaniline (1 hr, 4 hr)
Source: WG Member.
Source: WG Member.
Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 2014
Pollutant Capacity Limit value
Air Emission Level
Pollutant Unit Guideline value
SO2 Mg/Nm3 150-200
Lower value for plants of > 100 MW thermal equivalent, higher value for plants of <100 MW thermal
National Emission Standards for Sulphur Oxides for Stationary Sources (DENR
Administrative Order No. 2000 - 81, 7 Nov 2000)
Existing source New source
fuel burning fuel burning
other source other source
equipment equipment
emission limit, mg/m3 1500 as SO2 1000 as SO3 700 as SO2 200 as SO3
Environmental Protection and Management (Air Impurities) Regulations (effective from 1
Jan 2001, as revised in 2002 and 2008)
Standards for air pollutants emissions from stationary sources
Pollutant Plant type Emission limit value, mg/m3
SO2 any trade, industry or process (non-combustion 500
The emissions of sulphur dioxide into the air from fuel combustion are controlled by limiting the sulphur
content in fuels used by industries to not more than 1% by weight. Industries sited near urban areas are
required to use fuel with a lower sulphur content.
Source: WG Member.
Source: WG Member.
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
(1) Emission standard from coal-fired power plants
(A) New Power Plant (since 15 January 2010)
Pollutant Power plant size Unit Emission standard
<50 MW ppm 360
>50 MW ppm 180
Notification of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment published in the Royal Government
Gazette, Vol.127 Part 7, 15 January 2553 (2010).
Source: WG Member.
Viet Nam
Emission standards for thermal power plants were released on 16 November 2009
Vietnam’s standards are based on the size of operation and location of the
facility. The relevant emission standard for a pollutant is calculated using the following
Emission limit in mg/m3 = C x Kp x Kv
where C is the concentration parameter
Kp is the power plant size coefficient
Kv is the region coefficient.
Concentration parameter, mg/Nm3
Pollutant Existing plants operating before 17 October Plants operating since 17 October 2007 and
2007 and valid until 31 December 2014 all plants after 1 January 2015
SO2 1500 500
Annex 5
NOx Regulations
(A) National18
The current standards and goals for the Ambient Air Quality NEPM (National Environment
Protection Measure)
Maximum Maximum
Pollutant Averaging period concentration allowable
standard exceedances
1 hour 0.12 ppm 1 day a year
1 year 0.03 ppm None
The National Guidelines for Control of Emission of Air Pollutants from New Stationary
Sources 1985
Pollutant Plant type Emission limits, mg/m3
power generating boiler >30 MWe 800
Nitrogen oxides (as NO2) power generating boiler <30 MWe 500
industrial steam boiler 500
capacity of ≥30 MW
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
Source: Outline of Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2010.
An activity carried out, or plant operated
Emission limit values for coal combustion plants in German legislation: TA-Luft 2002
Applicable to plants with a thermal input of less than 50 MW
Pollutant Plant size, MWth Daily emission limit value, mg/m3
≥10 400
Applicable to new plants (in operation after 7 January 2014) with a thermal input of 50
MW or more.
Pollutant Plant size Emission limit value (ELV), mg/m3
400 (pulverised
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
Applicable to existing plants (in operation before 7 January 2014) with a thermal input of
50 MW or more.
Pollutant Plant size Emission limit value (mg/m3)
(A) Air Pollution Control Act
200ppm (O2: 6%)
(B) Life environment relevant ordinance (Yokohama City)
NO2: 100ppm
NOx: 200ppm
Republic of Korea
Air Pollution Control Act
- Established before 1996: 140ppm (O2: 6%)
- Established after 1996: 70ppm (O2: 6%)
- Established after 2015: 50ppm (O2: 6%)
Voluntary (Operators of new CPP)
- In-cheon: 15ppm (O2: 6%)
- Dang-gin: 50ppm (O2: 6%)
- Yeou-su: 30 ppm (O2: 6%)
United States
(A) 40 CFR part 50 (air quality)
Primary/ Averaging
Pollutant Level Form
secondary time
98th percentile of 1-hour daily
primary 1 hour 100 ppb maximum concentrations, averaged
over 3 years
and 1 year 53 ppb Annual Mean
Primary standards provide public health protection, including protecting the health of ‘sensitive’
populations such as asthmatics, children, and the elderly. Secondary standards provide public welfare
protection, including protection against decreased visibility and damage to animals, crops, vegetation,
and buildings.
2. ASEAN countries, China, and India
Emission Unit Cambodian standard World Bank standard
Emission standards for air pollutants from coal-fired power plants (GB13223-2011)
GB13223-2011 came into force on 1 January 2012, replacing GB13223-2003
Pollutant Application Emission limit value Location of monitoring and emission control
boilers, and power generating boilers commissioned or which received approval for construction before 31
December 2003.
the following table. The key regions include Beijing City, Tianjin City, Hebei Province, Yangzi River Delta,
Pearl River Delta, Central Liaoning Province, Shandong Province, Wuhan City and surrounding areas,
Changsha City, Zhuzhou City, Xiangtan City, Chengdu and Chongqing City, coastal areas of Fujian Province,
Central and Northern Shanxi Province, Guanzhong Region of Shaanxi Province, Gansu Province, Ningxia
Pollutant Application Emission limit value Location of monitoring and emission control
Source: WG member.
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
(A) National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Time-weighted Concentration in ambient air Measurement method
Static Emission Sources Quality Standard for CPP
d. For CPP with CEMS installed, the imposition of emission quality standard is for 95% of normal
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
Source: WG Member.
Lao PDR25
(A) Ambient Air Quality Standard
Average time unit: mg/m3
Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 2014
Pollutant Capacity Limit value
Air Emission Level
Pollutant Unit Guideline Value
Lower value for plants of > 100 MW thermal equivalent, higher value for plants of <100 MW thermal
National Emission Standards for Nitrogen Oxides for Stationary Sources (DENR
Administrative Order No. 2000 - 81, 7 Nov 2000)
Existing source New source
fuel burning fuel burning
other source other source
equipment equipment
Emission limit, mg/m3 1500 as NO2 1000 as NO2 1000 as NO2 500 as SO2
Source: WG Member.
26 Source: WG Member.
27 Source: WG Member.
28 Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
Environmental Protection and Management (Air Impurities) Regulations (effective 1 Jan
2001, as revised in 2002 and 2008)
Standards for air pollutants emissions from stationary sources
Pollutant Plant type Emission limit value, mg/m3
(1) Emission standard from coal-fired power plants
(A) New Power Plant (since 15 January 2010)
Pollutant Power Plant Size Unit Emission standard
Notification of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment published in the Royal Government
Notification of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment published in the Royal Government
Notification of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment No.3, B.E.2544 (2001) 29 January
B.E.2544 (2001), published in the Royal Government Gazette, Vol.118 special Part 24, 16 March B.E.2544
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
Source: WG Member.
(2) Ambient Air Standards
Pollutant Average Emission standard
Notification of National Environmental Board No.10, B.E.2538 (1995) under the Enhancement and
Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act B.E.2535 (1992), published in the Royal Gazette No.112
Notification of National Environmental Board No.24, B.E.2547 (2004) under the Enhancement and
Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act B.E.2535 (1992), published in the Royal Gazette No.121
Viet Nam
Emission standards for thermal power plants were released on 16 November 2009
Viet Nam’s standards are based on the size of operation and location of the facility. The
relevant emission standard for a pollutant is calculated using the following formula:
Pollutant Existing plants operating before 17 October Plants operating since 17 October 2007
2007 and valid until 31 December 2014 and all plants after 1 January 2015
P ≤ 300 1.0
Zoning area Kv coefficient
rural 1.2
Annex 6
PM Regulations
(A) National31
The current standards and goals for the Ambient Air Quality National Environment
Protection Measure (NEPM)
Maximum Maximum
Pollutant Averaging period concentration allowable
standard exceedances
1 day 50 μg /m3 None
1 year 25 μg /m3 None
1 day 25 μg /m3 None
1 year 8 μg /m3 None
The National Guidelines for Control of Emission of Air Pollutants from New Stationary
Sources 1985
Pollutant Plant type Emission limits, mg/m3
power plant boiler 80
other coal-burning boiler 250
Particulate any other trade, industry process, 250
industrial plant, or fuel-burning
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
(B) (Example of State) New South Wales (NSW)32
Schedule 3 Standards of concentration for scheduled premises: activities and plant used
for specific purposes
Emission standards for particulates
Air impurity Activity or plant Standard of concentration
Group 1 400 mg/m3
Any activity or plant using a liquid or solid Group 2, 3, or 4 250 mg/m3
standard fuel or a non-standard fuel Group 5 100 mg/m3
Group 6 50 mg/m3
Emission limit values for coal combustion plants in German legislation: TA-Luft 2002
Applicable to plants with a thermal input of less than 50 MW
Pollutant Plant size, MWth Daily emission limit value, mg/m3
≥5 20
<5 50
Applicable to new plants (in operation after 7 January 2014) with a thermal input of 50
MW or more.
Pollutant Plant size, Emission limit value (ELV), mg/m3
MWth Daily mean value Half-hourly mean Annual mean value
all 10 20
>300 10
Source: Outline of Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2010.
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
Applicable to existing plants (in operation before 7 January 2014) with a thermal input of
50 MW or more.
(A) Air Pollution Control Act
100mg/m3N (O2: 6%)
Republic of Korea
Air Pollution Control Act
- Established before 2001: 25mg/Sm3 (O2: 6%)
- Established after 2001: 20mg/Sm3 (O2: 6%)
- Established after 2015: 10mg/Sm3 (O2: 6%)
Voluntary (operators of new CPP)
- In-cheon: 5mg/Sm3 (O2: 6%)
- Yeou-su: 8mg/Sm3 ppm (O2: 6%)
United States
(A) 40 CFR part 50 (air quality)
Primary/ Averaging
Pollutant Level Form
Secondary time
primary 1 year 12.0 μg/m3 annual mean, averaged over 3 years
secondary 1 year 15.0 μg/m3 annual mean, averaged over 3 years
PM2.5 primary
98th percentile, averaged over 3
and 24 hours 35 μg/m3
PM years
Not to be exceeded more than once
PM10 and 24 hours 150 μg/m3
per year on average over 3 years
Primary standards provide public health protection, including protecting the health of ‘sensitive’
populations such as asthmatics, children, and the elderly. Secondary standards provide public welfare
protection, including protection against decreased visibility and damage to animals, crops, vegetation,
and buildings.
2. ASEAN countries, China, and India
Emission Unit Cambodian standard World Bank standard
mg/Nm3 400 50
Dry, 00c, 1atm, 6% O2
Emission standards for air pollutants from coal-fired power plants (GB13223-2011)
GB13223-2011 came into force on 1 January 2012, replacing GB13223-2003
Pollutant Application Emission limit value Location of monitoring and emission
Particulate, mg/m3 all 30 stack and flue
(A) Emission limits for particulate matter (PM) from thermal power plants
Plant size, MW Emission limit, mg/Nm3
<210 350
≥210 150
Source: WG member.
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
(B) National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Time Concentration in ambient air Measurement method
weighted Industrial, residential, Ecologically sensitive
average rural, and other areas area (notified by
central government)
Annual 60 60 gravimetric TEOM beta
PM10, μg/m3
24 hours 100 100 attenuation
Annual 40 40 gravimetric TEOM beta
PM2.5, μg/m3
24 hours 60 60 attenuation
Static Emission Sources Quality Standard for CPP
Source: WG Member.
Lao PDR38
(A) Ambient Air Quality Standard
Average Time Unit: mg/m3
Pollutant Hours Method of Measurement
1 month 1 year
1 hr 8 hr 24 hr
Suspended - - 0.33 - 0.10 gravimetric
gravimetric or beta ray or
taper element oscillating
PM10 .05 - 0.12 - 0
microbalance or
Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 2014
Pollutant Capacity Limit value
Air Emission Level
Pollutant Unit Guideline value
PM10 mg/Nm 30-50
Lower value for plants of > 100 MW thermal equivalent, higher value for plants of <100 MW thermal
Source: WG Member.
Source: WG Member.
Source: WG Member.
National Emission Standards for Particulate Matter for Stationary Sources (DENR
Administrative Order No. 2000 - 81, 7 Nov 2000)
Emission source
Fuel burning equipment
Other stationary
Urban and industrial
Other area sources
Emission limit, mg/m3 150 200 200
Environmental Protection and Management (Air Impurities) Regulations (effective 1
January 2001, as revised in 2002 and 2008)
Standards for air pollutants emissions from stationary sources
Pollutant Plant type Emission limit value, mg/m3
any trade, industry, process, 100
fuel burning equipment or
Particulate matter
industrial plant (except for any
cold blast foundry cupolas)
where there is more than one flue, duct or chimney in any scheduled premises, the total
mass of the particulate emissions from all such flues, ducts, or chimneys divided by the
total volume of such emissions shall not exceed 100 mg/m3 and the particulate emissions
from each of such flue, duct or chimney shall not exceed 200 mg/m 3 at any point of time.
(1) Emission standards from coal-fired power plants
(A) New Power Plant (since 15 January 2010)
Pollutant Power plant size Unit Emission standard
<50 MW mg/m3 80
>50 MW mg/m3 80
Notification of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment published in the Royal Government
Gazette, Vol.127 Part 7, 15 January B.E.2553 (2010).
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
Source: IEA Clean Coal Centre.
Source: WG Member.
(B) Power Plant (31 January 1996–15 January 2010)
Pollutant Unit Emission standard
Particulate mg/m3 120
Notification of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment published in the Royal Government
Gazette, Vol.113 Part 9, page 220, 30 January (1996).
Viet Nam
Emission standards for thermal power plants were released on 16 November 2009
Viet Nam’s standards are based on the size of operation and location of the
facility. The relevant emission standard for a pollutant is calculated using the following
Emission limit in mg/m3 = C x Kp x Kv
where C is the concentration parameter
Kp is the power plant size coefficient
Kv is the region coefficient.