Gec 104 Syllabus

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Quezon

College of Criminal Justice Education


VISION: The Laguna State Polytechnic University is the center of sustainable development initiatives transforming lives and communities.

MISSION: LSPU provides quality education through responsive institution, distinctive research, and sustainable extension and production services for improved quality of life towards
nation building.

QUALITY POLICY We at LSPU are committed with continual improvement to provide quality, efficient and effective services to the university stakeholders’ highest level of satisfaction
through a dynamic and excellent management system imbued with utmost integrity, professionalism and innovation.


Program: _________________________________________ Academic Year: 2019-2020
Course Title:GEC-104 Mathematics in the Modern World Semester: First
Pre-Requisites: None No. of Units: 3 No. of Hours: 54 hrs.

Part 1.Course Description

Mathematics in the Modern World

This course deals with the nature of Mathematics, appreciation of its practical, intellectual, and aesthetic dimensions and application of mathematical tools in daily life.
It begins with an introduction to the nature of mathematics as an exploration of patterns (in nature and the environment) as an application of inductive and deductive reasoning. By exploring
these topics, students are encouraged to go to beyond the typical understanding of mathematics as merely a bunch of formulas but as a source of aesthetics in patterns of nature, for example
and a rich language in itself ( and of science) governed by logic and reasoning.

Then, it proceeds to survey ways in which mathematics provides a tool for understanding and dealing with various aspects of present day living, such as managing personal finances, making
social choices, appreciating geometric designs, understanding codes used in data transmission and security, and dividing limited resources fairly. These aspects will provide opportunities for
actual doing mathematics in a broad range of exercises that bring out the various dimensions of mathematics as a way of knowing, and test the students’ understanding capacity.

The course is intended to build capacity among the students/participants to be able to train additional faculty who can teach the new GE course, Mathematics in the Modern World.

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Rationale The course exposes students to exploration of patterns, data transmission, application of reasoning and problem solving and the use
of mathematics as a tool.
This enables students to use Mathematics concepts to higher order areas of finance, engineering, business and management,
education, agriculture and other fields.

Focus: This course is designed to provide the skills that form the groundwork of students’ understanding of numbers and arithmetic.
Mastery of these skills is essential for students preparing to study higher-level-mathematics, such as, Number Theory and Advanced

Outcome: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. (K) Discuss and argue about the nature of mathematics what is, how it is expressed, and used
2. (K) Use different types of reasoning to justify statements and arguments made about mathematics and mathematical
3. (K) Discuss the language and symbols of mathematics:
4. (S) Use a variety of statistical tools to process and numerical data ;
5. (S) Use mathematics in order areas such as finance and business codes and coding schemes, networks voting health and
medicine, environment, arts and design, and recreation;
6. (S) Teach and train others to teach the new GE course Mathematics in the Modern World;
7. (V) Appreciate the nature and uses of mathematics in everyday life.
8. (V) Affirm honesty and integrity in the application of mathematics to various human endeavors.

Part2. Outcomes-based Macro Curriculum Framework

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Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
General Education Course Intended
Institutional (ILOs)
Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes
LSPU Graduate Attributes
When you have fully completed the GE Courses, you should When you have fully completed the Mathematics in
be graduates who: the Modern World you should be graduates who:
LSPU Graduates is expected to be a:
1. Responsible and Upright Citizen, who is capable of • Reflect on moral norms/ imperatives as they affect Demonstrates patriotism and loyalty in dealing with

achieving high level personal well-being contributive to the individuals and society mathematics word problems and be courteous and
harmony and betterment of the profession, family, society, respectful.
and nation. • Contribute personally and meaningfully to country’s Shows industry in understanding mathematical
development problems and honesty in answering the given tasks.
2. Professionally Skilled, who applies technological as worker- Relates love in doing work with others in answering
 Work effectively in a group

leader in the field of expertise apt to the global needs,. math problems.

 Negotiate the world of technology responsibly

 Solve real-world problems

Demonstrate basic work-related skills and knowledge

3. Creative and Critical Thinker, who articulates and produces  Are critical, analytical, and creative thinkers Operates honesty in formulating formulas and dealing
entrepreneurial resources extended to families and Reflective, critically on shared concerns and think of with mathematics problems.
community for improvement. innovative, creative solutions guided by ethical standards

4. Competent Research Oriented Individual, who is able to  Apply different analytical modes (quantitative and Relates productivity to produce creative work and
analyze facts methodically, discover and establish new qualitative, artistic and scientific, textual and visual, output in different tasks assigned in math.
theory to use in solving problems and decision making experimental, observation, etc.)
contributory to the sustainability of the needs of the
community.  Apply computing and information technology to assist and
facilitate research

Part 3. Curriculum Mapping

Professional Courses Program Outcomes

LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 October 2019
Knowledge (Intellectual Competences)
1. Analyze “texts” (written, visual, oral, etc.) critically.
2. Demonstrate proficient and effective communication (writing, speaking, and use of new technologies).
3. Use basic concepts across the domains of knowledge.
4. Demonstrate critical, analytical and creative writing.
5. Apply different analytical models in problem solving.
Values (Personal and Civic Responsibilities)
1. Appreciate the complexity of the human condition.
2. Interpret the human experience from various perspective.
3. Examine the purpose of communication from both Philippine and global perspectives.
4. Take responsibility for knowing and being Filipino.
5. Reflect critically on shared contents.
6. Generate innovative practices and solutions guided by ethical standards.
7. Make decisions based on moral norms and imperatives.
8. Appreciate various art forms.
9. Contribute to aesthetics.
10. Advocate respect for human rights.
11. Contribute personally and meaningfully to the country’s development.
Skills (Practical Skills)
1.Work effectively in a group.
2. Apply computing tools to process information effectively.
3. Use current technology to assist and facilitate learning and research.
4. Negotiate the world of technology responsibly.
5. Create solutions to problems in various fields.
6. Manage one’s knowledge, skills, and values for responsible and productive living.
7. Organize one’s self of lifelong learning.

L - Learned
P- Practiced
O- Opportunity

Part 4. Teaching and Learning Matrix

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Week # Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Course Contents Teaching-Learning Activities Assessment Tasks
1 Orientation of Vision, Mission, Quality Interactive Reflective Exercises
Policy, Goals, Objectives, Rules and Lecture Course Paper and Pencil Test
ILO1: ILO 1. Regulations of the school, outcomes of the Preparation
Put into practice the VGMO of the Assignment
Course and the Student Handbook.
university. (CILO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

2 ILO 2: The course will guide you through Section I. The Nature of Mathematics Lecture Reflective Exercises
all the major topics of beginning 1. Mathematics in Our World Demonstration Paper and Pencil Test
And mathematics (CILO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) - Patterns and Numbers in Seatwork Examination
Nature and the World Board Work
- Fibonacci Sequence Problem solving
3 - Mathematics helps organize Discussion
patterns and regularities in the Recitation
world Brainstorming
- Mathematics helps predict the
behavior of nature and
phenomena in the world
- Mathematics helps control
nature and occurrences in the
world for our own ends
- Mathematics has numerous
applications in the world
making it indispensable
2. Mathematical Language and
- Characteristics of Mathematical
- Expression vs. Sentences
- Four basic concepts: sets,
functions, relations, binary

LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 October 2019

- Elementary Logic
- Formality


6 ILO 3: The course addresses themes that 3. Problem Solving and Reasoning Lecture Reflective Exercises
can sometimes frustrate students (CILO - Inductive and Deductive Demonstration Paper and Pencil Test
And 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Reasoning Seatwork Examination
- Intuition, proof and certainty Board Work
7 - Polya’s 4-steps in Problem Problem solving
Solving Discussion
- Problem Solving strategies Recitation
- Mathematical Problems
Involving Patterns
- Recreational Problems Using

LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 October 2019

8 ILO 4: The course then expands on these Section 2 : Mathematics as a Tool Lecture Reflective Exercises
basics by considering other important 1. Data Management Demonstration Paper and Pencil Test
topics (CILO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) - Data Seatwork Examination
- Measures of Central Tendency Board Work
- Measure of Dispersion Problem solving
- Measures of Relative Position Discussion

10 - Probabilities and Normal Lecture Reflective Exercises
Distributions Demonstration Paper and Pencil Test
11 - Linear Regression and Seatwork Examination
Correlation Board Work
12 Problem solving
13 ILO 5: The course concludes by 2. Electives (Based on the Lecture Reflective Exercises
addressing some very important topics appropriateness to the Program Demonstration Paper and Pencil Test
14 (CILO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Goals) Seatwork Examination
- Geometric Designs Board Work
15 - Codes Problem solving
- Linear Programming Discussion
16 - Mathematics of Finance Recitation
- Apportionment and Voting
17 - Logic
- Mathematics Graphs
- Mathematical Systems
-Activity 5: Characterizing Myself
-Group Sharing


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Part 5. References
 Nature’s Numbers. New York, NY: Basic Books, Stewart, I. (1995)
 Nature by Numbers, Cristobal Vila, (2010)
 Learning the Language of Mathematics, Language and Learning across the Disciplines, Jamison, R. E., (2000)
 The Language of Mathematics
 The Language and Grammar of Mathematics
 Mathematical Excursions, Aufman, R. N., Lockwood, J. S., Nation, R. D. & Clegg, D. K. (2013)
 Probability and Statistics - Advanced, Lawsky, E. et al. (2014)


 Laptop
 Printed Materials
 White Board and marker
 Chalkboard
 Scientific Calculator
 Rectangular Coordinate Paper
 Straight Edge
 Computer Application

Part 6. Learners’ Assessment (Grading System)

Range Grade
99-100 1.00
Lecture (100%)
96-98 1.25
1. Major Exams --- 40%
93-95 1.50
2. Quizzes --- 30%
90-92 1.75
3. Attendance --- 10% 87-89 2.00
4. Class Participation --- 20% 84-86 2.25
(seatwork/assignment/research/recitation) 81-83 2.50
100% 78-80 2.75
75-77 3.00
70-74 4.00
50-69 5.00

Part 7. Course Policies

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1. Regular attendance is required for all students; seven (7) unexcused absences will mean automatically dropped from the course.
2. Wearing of the University students’ ID and uniform at all times is required for all the students except when having field activities.
3. Active participation individually or in group is expected.
4. Fifteen (15) minutes of tardiness is equivalent to one (1) period of absence.
5. Student shall abide the instructor/professor’s policy on the submission of learning outputs based on the metrics and deadlines given.

Prepared by: Reviewed : Approved:

Faculty Deputy Administrator Dean/Associate Dean

LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 October 2019

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