allergies. Such products are therefore less suitable for Transition Met. Chem. 4: 285-288
topical application. The zinc and cerium sulphadiazine Coenegracht. P. M. J., Franke. J. P., Metting, H. J.
samples used by Fox et al (1976, 1978) are identical to (1973) Anal. Chim. Acta 65: 375-384
our products. In accordance with our conclusions is Fox, C. L. (1968) Arch. Surg. 96: 184-188
the finding of Fox et al (1976) that zinc sulphadiazine Fox, C. L., Modak, Sh. M., Stanford, J. W. (1976)
Surg. Gynecol. Obstet. 42: 553-559
was partially blocked by p-aminobenzoic acid Fox, C. L. (1977) Pahlavi Med. J. 8: 45-64
(sulphadiazine is blocked) in contrast with silver Fox, C. L., Modak, Sh. M., Stanford, J. W. (1978)
sulphadiazine which is not blocked. In non-aqueous Burns 4: 233-239
media it is possible to prepare Zn(SD)*separately. Fox, C. L., Modak, Sh. M., Stanford, J. W., Fox, P. L.
(1979) Scand. J. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 13: 89-94
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287 Chem. 2: 181-183
blocking agents
E. R. Squibb & Sons Ltd, International Development Laboratories Moreton, Wirrd,
Merseyside. U.K.
Currently there are nine 8-adrenoceptor blocking drugs The n-octanol and the phosphate buffer were pm
and one a/,!?-blocker available for clinical use in the U.K. equilibrated by shaking together, separating and
The pharmacokinetics of the group vary significantly storing until required.
from one member to another. 8-Blockers can be highly The drug sample was dissolved in the phosphate
or only minimally bound to plasma proteins, their buffer at an appropriate level and an aliquot (5 ml) of
distribution varies from one drug to another and plasma the buffer was shaken with a suitable volume of the
half-life can be as little as 2 h (oxprenolol) or as long as saturated n-octanol (250 ml for atenolol; 50 ml for
24 h (nadolol). They can be almost entirely metabolized sotalol and nadolol; 2.5 ml for propranolol and
(propranolol) or be excreted unchanged (nadolol). One labetalol; 5 ml for all other compounds) for 1 h. The
of the major determinants of the pharmacokinetic mixture was then left to separate for 30 min, centrifuged
profile of a drug is its liposolubility (Kubinyi 1979). for 1 min and the layers separated. The U.V. absorption
Highly liposoluble /?-blockers undergo a high degree of of the aqueous layer was measured at an appropriate
first pass metabolism in the liver, are highly bound to wavelength, and compared with the original aqueous
plasma proteins and concentrate in the central nervous solution before partition.
system. The 8-adrenoceptor blocking drugs tested varied
Only incomplete and fragmented partition coefficient widely in their lipophilic characteristics. Results at room
data is available for 8-blockers and the current work is temperature (20 "C), pH 7 and at 37 "C, pH 7 and
aimed at obtaining directly comparable data. We have pH 7.4 are presented in Table 1.
investigated their comparative liposolubilities by
determination of their distribution between n-octanol
and aqueous buffer (distribution coefficients).
The drugs used were: nadolol, propranolol hydro- Table 1. Distribution coefficients n-octanol/buffer.
chloride, oxprenolol hydrochloride, sotalol hydro-
chloride, acebutolol hydrochloride, labetalol hydro- Previously
publishedg Distribution coefficients at:
chloride, metoprolol tartrate, pindolol, atenolol. distribution pH 7.0 pH 7.0 pH 7.4
timolol maleate. Drue coefficients and 20 "C and 37 "C and 37 'C
The n-octanol was washed with water and 1 M sodium Atenolol - 0.003 0.008
Nadolol - 0.008 0.022
hydroxide solution and then washed 3 times with Sotalol 0.01 1 0.01 1 0.012
Pindolol 0.12 0.20 0.29
distilled water. Acebutolol 0.62 (pH 7.4) 0.17 0.35
The phosphate buffers 0.1 M, pH 7.0 and pH 7.4 were Metoprolol 0.18 0.15 0.37
Tirnolol - 0.28 0.51
prepared from sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate and Oxprenolol 0.43 0.51 1.01
Labetalol - 4.6 8.3
di-sodium hydrogen orthophosphate. Propranolol 5.4 5.4 8.6