Mca Management

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Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No.

P1857 [Total No. of Pages :2

MCA. (Management Faculty) (Semester - I)
(2012 and 2013 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 and 7 are compulsory.
2) Answer any four from Q.No. 2 to 6.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Draw Neat diagram wherever necessary.
Q1) a) Discuss 64-bit pentium Dual core processor architecture with neat
diagram. [10]

b) Explain Instruction and Execution Cycle. [5]

Q2) a) Construct 1 × 8 De-multiplexer and explain it with truth table. [5]

b) Construct D-flip flop and describe its functions. [5]

Q3) a) Convert the following: [5]

i) (127.6)8 = (?)16

ii) (AFED.15)16 = (?)10

b) Solve F (A,B,C,D) = ∑ (1,3,5,9,13,15) using karnaugh's map. [5]

Q4) What is DMA? Draw the block diagram of DMA transfer operation. [10]

Q5) Explain various types of interrupts. [10]

Q6) a) Compare RISC Vs. CISC architecture. [5]

b) What is pipelining? Discuss arithmetic pipelining with flow diagram.[5]

Q7) Write short notes on any three. [3 × 5 = 15]

a) Universal Gates

b) Assembler

c) Types of registers in Microprocessors

d) Micro Programmed Control Memory


[4775]-101 -2-
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1858 [Total No. of Pages : 2

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - I)
(2012 & 2013 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question 1 compulsory.
2) Solve any five questions from question number 2 to 7.
3) Assume suitable data whenever necessary.
4) Figure at right hand indicates full marks.

Q1) Answer the following questions. (any four) [4 × 5 = 20]

a) What are command line arguments? Explain
b) What is the benefit of using an enum rather than #define constant?
c) Discuss the precedence of operator in C.
d) What are macros?
e) List all Dynamic Memory allocation functions.

Q2) a) Find LCM of a number using recursion in C program. [5]

b) Write a C program to find the sum of following series. [5]

x 2 x4 x6 xn
cos( x )  1   .......
2! 4! 6! n!

Q3) a) Write a C program that find the sum of lower triangular elements of
matrix. [5]
b) Write a function to concatenate the two strings without using library
function. [5]

Q4) a) Find the nth bit of a number is one or zero using bit- wise operators.[5]
b) What is ternary operator? Explain with example. [5]

Q5) Write a graphics C program that accept ‘n’ points from user and draw a
polygon and fill it with cross line pattern. [10]

Q6) Write a C program to calculate difference between two dates. (use structure
variable to store date) [10]

Q7) Write a C program to read a text file and find out the frequency of each
character. [10]


[4775]-102 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1859 [Total No. of Pages : 2

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - I)
(2012 & 2013 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 & 7 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any three from the remaining.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Write assumptions wherever necessary.

Q1) Following activities describe a simplified process model of Loan Accounting

System of a Bank. Reserve Bank of India sends parameters such as Loan
Limits, Interest Rates for different type of loans. Customers approach bank
for loans and furnish all details. Bank scrutinizes the applications and either
approves or disapproves the proposals. For approved proposals the new
loan account is created and loan amount is debited on that loan account.
Customer pays loan installments every month and upon such payments the
account is credited and the transaction is recorded. The interest is computed
every month by scanning all transactions (credits) during that month. Whenever
the customer demands, Statement of Account is given. Interest Statement is
given to General Manager from the Interest Register. New Loan Sanctioned
Statement is generated every year and is submitted to RBI.
Prepare SRS (Scope, objective, function requirements, system specification)
for the above system. [20]

Q2) Draw Decision Tree and Decision Table for the following case : [10]
All the states in country have arranged to implement Value Added Tax (VAT)
on the various commodities sold in their respective states. The VAT rules are
as follows:
1. If the commodity is product within the state 4% VAT is applicable.
2. If commodity falls in Specified List. Non-listed Commodities will be
charged 8% VAT.
3. If the commodity is from outside state, 8% VAT is applicable for all.

4. If the commodity is imported, then 12% VAT is applicable for all.
5. If it is second sale, the 4% VAT is applicable for all Commodities.

Q3) A RTO has laid down following procedure for obtaining Permanent Driving
License for various noncommercial vehicles. A candidate for valid Learning
License can submit his form and License test fees of his own or through
Motor Driving School. The data on form is entered and exact date and time of
driving test will be allocated to the candidate. The available Inspector will
conduct Test and ask question related to traffic sine to the candidate. On the
basis of test and answer, the concerned Inspector puts his remarks on the
form and makes signature along with his name and designation. If the remark
is PASSING, the candidate has to pay License Fees at a cash counter and a
cash receipt will be given to candidate. Candidate can collect License after 3
days. The clerk at cash counter adds the test data, Fees data details to the
form record. The form test data then is compiled by EDP officer, generates
license and hands it over to counter clerk. A License will be given to candidate
after the cash receipt.
A) Draw E-R Diagram [5]
B) Draw context DFD [5]

Q4) Compare Spiral Model and RAD Model. [10]

Q5) Explain the features of a modern GUI form with a suitable example. [10]

Q6) Explain method of estimating software maintenance cost. Give various

components of legacy systems. [10]

Q7)Write short notes on (any 4) : [20]

a) Agile process.
b) Code Design.
c) Reverse engineering.
d) Prototype Model.
e) Case Tools.

[4775]-103 2
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :

P1860 [Total No. of Pages : 2

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - I)
(2012 & 2013 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any 3 from the remaining.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) Define OB. Explain the different challenges in OB with reference to

globalization & its impact on people management. [15]

b) Describe the various decision making environment with example. [10]

Q2) What are the different ego states? Explain use of transactional analysis for
conflict management. [15

Q3) Define Leadership & State its importance along with its styles. [15]

Q4) Discuss the contribution of 'Henry Fayol' for the field of management. [15]

Q5) Define 'Organization'. Also write in detail on Organization structures. [15]

Q6) Write short note (any 3) : [15]

a) Principles of Bounded Rationality

b) Theory of X Vs Theory of Y.

c) Team building.

d) Planning.

e) JOHARI window.

[4775]-104 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :

P1861 [Total No. of Pages : 3

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - I)
(2012 & 2013 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any two from Question number 2, 3 & 4.
3) Use of statistical table and non programmable calculator is allowed.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Attempt the following :

a) Test the validity of the following argument : [5]

P1 : ¬ (A∧¬B), P2 : ¬ B∨D, P3 : ¬D, C: ¬A

b) Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and R = {(1, 2,), (2, 1), (2, 3), (3, 4)}. Find R +
(Transitive closure) by using Warshall's algorithm. [5]

c) How many words, with or without meaning, can be formed out of the
letters of the word 'CORRESPONDENCE'? How many if two R's should
be together? [5]

d) Find the number of integer valued solutions of the following equation.[5]

x1 + x2 + x3 = 33 x1 > 4, x2 ≥ 6, x3 > 4

e) State and prove formula Derangement. [5]

f) Show that ( Z 7* ,q7 ) is an abelian group. Where Z 7* a set of all prime

residue classes modulo 7 and ×7 is multiplication modulo 7. [5]

Q2) Solve the following :

a) Obtain PCNF for the following : [5]

(P∧ Q) ∨ (¬P ∧Q) ∨ (P ∧¬Q)

b) Let X ={1, 2, 3} and f,g and h be relations defined on X given by : [7]

f = {(1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 1)}

g = {(1, 2), (2, 1), (3, 3)}

h = {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1)}

Determine which of the above relations are function, injective function

and surjective function.

Find the coefficient of x4y9z4 in the expansion of 2 x 2 3 y 3  z

c) i)

ii) Find the number of ways of seating m women and n men (m<n) at
a round table so that no 2 women sit side by side.

Q3) Solve the following :

a) Indicate the variables that are free and bound. Also show the scope of
the quantifiers in the following : [5]

i) ( x )(P( x) ∧ R( x) ) → ( x) P( x) ∧ Q( x)

ii) ( x ) P ( x ) ↔ Q ( x ) ∧ ( ∃x ) R ( x ) ∧ S ( x )
b) Write code words generated by H where : [7]

⎛1 1 1 1 0 0 ⎞
H = ⎜⎜1 1 0 0 1 0 ⎟⎟
⎜1 0 1 0 0 1 ⎟
⎝ ⎠

What is the minimum weight of the non-zero code word in the above
code words? How many errors can the code generated by H detect?

[4775]-105 2
c) i) Using combinatorial argument prove the following binomial identity.

⎛ n ⎞ ⎛ n ⎞ ⎛ n + 1⎞
⎜ r ⎟ + ⎜ r − 1⎟ = ⎜ r ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

ii) A survey of 500 television viewers produces the following

information: 285 watch cricket; 195 watch hockey; 115 watch tennis;
45 watch cricket and tennis; 70 watch cricket and hockey, 50 watch
hockey and tennis; 50 do not watch any of the three games. [4]
How many people in the survey watch all the 3 games?

Q4) Solve the following : [5]

a) Let X = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and R : X → X be defined as :

R = {(1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 1), (5, 2), (4, 5) (5, 1)} find :

i) Converse of relation R.

ii) Relation matrix.

iii) Graph of relation.

b) Test the validity of the following argument : [7]

If Tina marries Rahul, she will be in Pune. In Tina marries Ganesh, she
will be in Mumbai. If she is either in Pune or Mumbai, she will definitely
be settled in life. She is not settled in life. Thus she did not marry Rahul
or Ganesh.

c) i) There are six questions in the paper of Discrete Mathematics, how

many ways are there to assign marks to each problem if the sum of
the marks is 70 and each question is worth at least 10 marks? (No
question carries fractional marks). [8]

ii) Show that in a group (G,*), if for any ∀a, b ∈ G (a * b) 2 = a 2 * b 2

then G is an abelian group.

[4775]-105 3
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1823 [Total No. of Pages : 2

[4775] - 11
M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - I)
(2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q.1 and Q.7 are compulsory.
2) Solve any four from the remaining.
3) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.

Q1) a) Compare pentium processor with 80486 processor architecture with neat
diagram. [10]
b) Explain any one synchronous counter in detail. [5]

Q2) Convert the following : [5 × 2 = 10]

a) (101110)2 = (?)8
b) (952)10 = (?)8
c) (11010011)2 = (?)16
d) (ABC)16 = (?)2
e) (127.54)8 = (?)10

Q3) What is duality theorem? Explain master slave flipflop working in detail. [10]

Q4) Explain memory Hierarchy with neat diagram in detail. [10]

Q5) Write a brief note on programming language paradigm. [10]

Q6) Explain instruction-Execution-Interrupt cycle in detail with neat diagram.[10]

Q7) Write Short notes (Any three): [3 × 5 = 15]
a) Interrupts
b) Performance of processor.
c) Multiplexer
d) Addressing modes.


[4775] - 11 -2-
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1824 [Total No. of Pages : 3

[4775] - 12
M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - I)
(2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question one is compulsory.
2) Solve any five questions from 2 to 7.
3) Assume suitable data whenever necessary.
4) Figure write hand indicates full marks.
5) Answer all parts of a question at one place.
6) Answer each part concisely.

Q1) Explain and find output of the following programs. [20]

a) #include<stdio.h>
int main (){
int x,num=4;
return 0;
int call(int num){
static int x=1,y;
return x;
b) #include "stdio.h"
int main(){
char arr[100];
/* Suppose that input value given
for above scanf is "GeeksQuiz"*/
return 1;

c) #include <stdio.h>
// Assume base address of "GeeksQuiz" to be 1000
int main(){
printf(5 + "GeeksQuiz");
return 0;
d) #include<stdio.h>
#define TOTAL_ELEMENTS (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))
int array[] = {23,34,12,17,204,99,16};
int main(){
int d;
return 0;
e) # define prod(a,b)=a*b
int x=2;
int y=3;

Q2) a) Write a recursive function to find the sum of digits of a number. [5]
b) Write a C program to find out the sum of series 1/1! + 2/2! + ... + n/n!.[5]

Q3) a) Write a C program to accept a matrix of order N × N and display its

major and miner diagonal elements. [5]
b) Write a C program to print Pascal triangle: [5]


[4775] - 12 -2-
Q4) Write a C program to create a file called emp.txt and store information about
n persons, in terms of their name, age and salary. Read the file and display the
persons whose salary is more than average salary of all persons. [10]

Q5) Write a C program to create Item structure having field Item_code, Item_name, Price
and Quantity. Store n items information in Item structure and calculate the total price of
each item and total price of all items. (total price of item = item price × quantity) [10]

Q6) a) Write a graphics program to display concentric ellipse. [5]

b) Write a C program to find the position of a sub-string in another string.[5]

Q7) Write Short notes (any two) : [10]

a) Command-line arguments in the C language.
b) Conditional inclusion
c) Union in C.


[4775] - 12 -3-
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :

P1825 [Total No. of Pages : 1

[4775] - 13
M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - I)
(2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Questions No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any 3 from the remaining.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) Explain the need and scope of management in every type of organization.[15]
b) Explain with examples the management skill is essential for efficient and
effective management. [10]

Q2) What is organisational structure? Discuss the principles of organisational

structure. [15]

Q3) What are the different 'Leadership styles'? What types of leadership style is
effective in informal organisation. [15]

Q4) What are the causes of organisational conflicts? Explain with help of Johari
window. [15]

Q5) What do you understand by "Managerial Decision making"? Describe the

various decision making environments with examples. [15]

Q6) Write Short Notes (any three) : [15]

a) Line Vs Staff
b) OB models
c) Group Dynamics
d) Team Building
e) Planning Function

Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1826 [Total No. of Pages : 2

[4775] - 14
IT - 13 : Operating System Concepts
(2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Questions 1 & 7 are compulsory.
2) Answer any Four questions from remaining (Q2-Q6).
3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.

Q1) a) What is resource allocation graph. [2]

b) Observe the following Resource allocation graphs tell whether there is a
deadlock situation or not. Give the explanation for the same. [8]

Q2) Consider the following set of jobs with their arrival times, execution time (in minutes).
Job Ids Arrival Time Execution Time
P1 0 5
P2 1 15
P3 3 12
P4 7 25
P5 10 5
Calculate the mean turnaround time and the average waiting time for FCFS
and SJF Scheduling algorithms.

Q3) a) What is Inter process Communication? [2]
b) Explain Shared Memory and Message passing models for IPC. [8]

Q4) How many page faults occur for FIFO, LRU and optimal page replacement
algorithms for the. Following reference string with 3 page frames? State which
algorithm gives you the minimum no of page faults. [10]

Q5) Explain the concept of segmentation with the help of example. [10]

Q6) Explain the different levels of RAID. [10]

Q7) Write short notes (any four) : [20]

a) Layered structure for operating system.
b) Memory Fragmentation
c) C-SCAN Scheduling
d) Global Operating system
e) Network File system (NFS)


[4775] - 14 -2-
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :

P1827 [Total No. of Pages : 2

[4775] - 15
M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - I)
(2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any two questions from Q. No. 2,3 and 4.
3) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.
4) Use of scientific Calculator is allowed.

Q1) a) Show that P l Q

l Q º P “ Q . [5]

b) Prove that x
P x
’ Q x

l x
P x
’ x
Q x
. [5]

c) Let A  \1, 2,3^ and f, g and h be functions from A to A such that

f  \ 1,2
, 2,3
, 3,1
^ , g  \ 1,2
, 2,1
, 3,3
^ and h  \ 1,1
, 2,2
, 3,1
^ .
Then find [5]
i) fog ii) fogoh
iii) fohog
d) Given A \1,2,3,4^ and relation R:A→Ais R  \ 1,2
, 2,1
, 2,3
, 3,4
, 4,1
Find the transitive closure of R. [5]
e) Show that sum of degrees of all the vertices in a graph is twice of the
number of edges. [5]
f) Define Complete graph, Regular graph with suitable examples. [5]

Q2) a) A relation
R  \1,1,1,2 ,1,4 , 2,1, 2,2 , 3,2 , 3,3 , 4,4 ^
defined over the set A  \1, 2,3, 4^ . Is R an equivalence relation? [5]
b) Let A  \1,2,4,6,8^ and for a,b ‰ A, define a < b if and only if b/a is an
integer. Show that < defines a partial order on A. Also draw the Hasse
diagram. [7]

c) i) Obtain the PDNF of ‘P “ ‘Q
l P j ‘Q
ii) Prove that a binary tree T with n vertices has (n+1)/2 pendant vertices.[4]

Q3) a) Obtain the incidence and adjancency Matrix for the following Graph.[5]

b) Define : Eulerian Circuit & Hamiltonian Circuit With Examples? [7]

c) i) Show that x
P x, y
l W x, y

, ‘W a, b
º ‘P a, b

ii) Show that the following set of premises is inconsistent.

A l B l C
; D l B ’ ‘C
and A ’ D [4]

Q4) a) Let G  \1, 2,3,4,5,6^ . Find whether (G,X7) is a cyclic group. If yes
how many generators are there? [5]
b) Define Hamming distance between two words X and Y. State the properties
of Hamming Distance. Define the minimum distance of a code. Give
examples. [7]
c) Write the code words generated by H, where [8]

  1 0 1 1 1 0 0¯
¡ °
H  ¡ 1 1 1 0 0 1 0°
¡ °
¡ 0 1 1 1 0 0 1°
¢ ±


[4775] - 15 -2-
Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. :

P1862 [Total No. of Pages : 4

[4775] - 201
M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - II)
(2013 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question 1 is compulsory.
2) Answer any six questions from remaining questions.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) A) What will be the output of following program? [10]

# include < iostream.h>
# define SQUARE(x) x*x
inline float square(float y)
return y*y;
int main()
float a = 0.5, b = 0.5, c, d;
c = SQUARE(++a);
d = square(++b);

cout <<c <<endl <<d;

return 0;

B) Const int size = 5;
void print (int * ptr) {
cout << ptr [0];
void print (int ptr [ ]){
cout << ptr [0];
void main ()
int a [size] = {l,2, 3,4, 5};
int *b = new int (size);
print (a);
print (b);
C) int & fun ()
static int a = 10;
return a;
int main ()
int & y = fun ();
y = y+30;
cout << fun ();
return 0;

[4775]-201 2
D) #include<iostream.h>
void execute (int x, int y = 200)
int temp = x + y;
x + = temp;
if(y! = 200)
cout <<temp<<x<<y<<endl;
void main()
int a = 50, b = 20;
execute(a, b);
E) #include<conio.h>
void main()
int x=100;
float f=56.75;

Q2) A) Explain static member function and static data member. [5]

B) Write a program to demonstrate copy constructor. [5]

Q3) A) What is the need of virtual base classes? Give an example to illustrate the
need for virtual base class. [5]

B) What is name conflict problem? How can it be solved using namespaces?


[4775]-201 3
Q4) Explain different types of inheritance with suitable examples of each type.[10]

Q5) A) Write a program to overload ‘+’ operator to concatenate two strings.[5]

B) Write a program to read text file and count number of characters in it. [5]

Q6) A) Write a program to demonstrate default arguments and constant arguments

for a function. [5]
B) Draw a comparison between different casting operators. [5]

Q7) A company has following details of their employees in the file ‘emp.dat”. [10]
a) Emp ID
b) Emp Name
c) Emp Address
d) Emp Dept (Admin/Sales/Production/IT)
e) Emp phone
f) Emp Age
Write a program to read the above file. Create new files such as Adm.dat,
Sal.dat, Pro.dat, IT.dat respectively, to store the employee details according
to their department.

Q8) Write short notes on (any two) : [10]

A) Virtual Destructors
B) Friend function and Friend Class
C) Exception Handling Mechanism

[4775]-201 4
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :

P1863 [4775] - 202

[Total No. of Pages : 2

M.C.A. (Semester - II) (Management Faculty)

(2012-13 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q. No. 1 and 6 are compulsory.
2) Solve any three questions from remaining.
3) State asumption wherever necessary.

Q1) Global computer institute conduct various short term Diploma courses. Each
diploma course has various subjects. One faculty can teach more than one
subject and one subject can be tought by more than the faculty. There are
three Batches of morning. Afternoon and Evening. Student can opt for any
one batch. The students can pay the fees of the course in 2 installments.
Represent the above can study through an ER diagram and normalized (3NF)
file layout. [20]

Q2) Define characteristics of DBMS. Explain Database Users. [10]

Q3) Explain two phase locking techniques in concurrency control. [10]

Q4) Explain Log-band recovery technique in detail [10]

Q5) Write SQL statement for the following (any 5) [10]

a) Supplier (Sup-no, sup-name, city, states)
b) Part (part - no, part-name, weight, colour, price)
c) Shipment (sup-no, part-no, qty).
sup-no and part-no are primary keys.
i) find the entire supplier who supplies “SCREW”
ii) Display the total no. of suppliers from each city.

iii) Display the supplier name, part name with quantity more than 100.
iv) Delete the supplier from city ‘Pune’ and status is 10
v) Change the status for Mumbai as 20
vi) Find the total weight and total price for all parts.

Q6) Write short notes on (any four) [20]

a) E.F. Codd’s rules any five
b) Non-SQL database
c) Mandatory access
d) File Organization
e) Generalization


[4775] - 202 -2-

Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1864 [Total No. of Pages : 1

[4775] - 203
M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - II)
(2012-13 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours]
) [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question 1 and 7 are compulsory.
2) Solve any 4 (four) from remaining.
3) Make suitable assumptions & Draw neat diagrams if required.

Q1) a) Explain the concept of paging with example. [10]

b) What is difference between contiguous and Non Contiguous memory
allocation? [5]

Q2) Explain Different types of Disk scheduling algorithms with suitable examples.[10]

Q3) Explain file structure and directory structure. [10]

Q4) What do you mean by process synchronization? Explain critical section

problem. [10]

Q5) Explain preemptive and non-preemptive CPU scheduling algorithms. [10]

Q6) Explain SCAN and C-SCAN algorithms for disk scheduling. [10]

Q7) Write short note on (any 3) [15]

a) Virtual Machine
b) Process Control Block
c) Centralized OS Vs Distributed OS
d) Features of Android OS

Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1865 [Total No. of Pages : 1

[4775] - 204
M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - II)
BM - 21 : 204 - Management Information System and Business Intelligence
(2012 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours]
) [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q. 7. is compulsory.
2) Solve any five questions from Q. 1 to Q. 6.

Q1) Draw and explain B. I. Architecture. Enlist BI Application in various

domains. [10]

Q2) What is system. Explain types of systems. Also explain how feedback control
is important within the system. Give suitable example. [10]

Q3) Define M.I.S. Explain the structure of MIS based on Management functions.[10]

Q4) What is BI Analytics. Explain discriminant and logistic regression method with
suitable example [10]

Q5) Define D.S.S. Explain characteristics & capabilities of DSS [10]

Q6) Explain the Herbet - Simon model with example. [10]

Q7) Write short notes on (any four) [4 × 5 = 20]

b) Expert system Vs conventional system
c) Data Mart & Data warehouse
d) Law of requisite variety.
e) Sensitity Analysis

Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1866 [4775] - 205

[Total No. of Pages : 1

M.C.A. (management faculty) (Semester - II)

(2012 & 2013 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours]
) [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Que. 1. is compulsory.
2) Attempt any 5 Questions from Q. 2 to Q. 7.

Q1) Answer the following questions [20]

a) What is use of ERP in the large scale IT organization.
b) Arya school is international school having 300 branches all over India.
They have implemented the Educational ERP software for their over all
functions & operations.
You as an IT Expert needs to justify why ERP is useful in Educational

Q2) Define ERP Implementation Life cycle in detail with example. [10]

Q3) Explain standardization of data code & Benefits of Integration. [10]

Q4) What is Business Process Re-Engineering Give one Example of the same.[10]

Q5) How Data warehousing & Data mining is useful in today’s business world 10]

Q6) Define functions of Human Resource management & production planning

management [10]

Q7) Write short notes on (any two) [10]

b) CRM
c) SCM
d) Quality Management

Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. :

P1828 [Total No. of Pages : 2

[4775] - 21
M. C. A. (Management) (Semester - II)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours]
) [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question 1 and 8 are compulsory.
2) Solve any four from Q2 to Q7.
3) Figures to right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
5) Draw suitable diagram wherever necessary.

Q1) a) Write a program to evaluate postfix expression. [10]

b) Write a program for INSERT and DELETE operations in circular queue.

Q2) Write a program for addition of sparse matrices. [10]

Q3) Draw AVL tree for the following : [10]

Nita, Pratik, Priti, Ravan, Somu, Joggy, Amar, Parmeet, Naresh, Varun.

Q4) Write a program for traversal, insertion and deletion in linear single linked list.

Q5) Write a function for insertion of a node in a threaded binary tree. [10]

Q6) Write an algorithm and program to insert and delete an element from a queue.[10]

Q7) Generate BFS, DFS for node A adjacency matrix, adjacency list for following
graph. [10]

Q8) Write short note on (Any two) : [2 × 5 =10]
a) Abstract Data type.
b) Applications of Graph.


[4775] - 21 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1829 [Total No. of Pages : 2

[4775] - 22
M C A (Management Faculty) (Semester - II)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours]
) [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any five questions from remaining.
3) State assumptions wherever necessary.

Q1) A telecom company has launched its mobile services in Pune the following
procedure is proposed by the authorities : [20]
a) At present there are 3 schemes for subscription.
b) Pune region is divided into different sales offices.
c) Customer can collect subscription forms from any sales office.
d) As per subscription type, payment by Do/cheque can be submitted.
e) Forms are verified, subject to realization of payment, customers is informed
about mobile number later by a letter.
f) Customers picks up equipment from sales office normalize the case up
to 3 NF and draw an E-R diagram for the same.

Q2) Differentiate between 2 tier and 3 tier architecture. [10]

Q3) What do you understand by recovery? Explain different recovery techniques.


Q4) Explain relational algebra. Describe about any 5 symbols in detail. [10]

Q5) What is data warehousing? Explain it with proper diagram. [10]

Q6) a) Explain object oriented data base management system. [5]

b) What is the purpose of Indexes? Explain with example. [5]

Q7) Write short notes on (Any two) : [2 × 5 =10]
a) ACID properties.
b) Entities and attributes.
c) Relational model.
d) Database users.


[4775] - 22 2
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :

P1830 [Total No. of Pages : 2

[4775] - 23
M. C. A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - II)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours]
) [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q. 1 and Q. 6 are compulsory.
2) Attempt any three from the remaining.

Q1) Nanded District Co-operative Society is interested in computerizing some of

the activities. The Society has a branch at every taluka and Gram Panchayat.
The activities are namely :
a) Maintain register of members.
b) Minutes of meetings.
c) Generate notices to the members and defaulters.
d) Annual subscription, membership dues etc.
i) Draw context level and first level DFD. [10]
ii) Prepare the SRS for the same [10]

Q2) Design a GUI form for Railway reservation system. [10]

Q3) Describe the phases of SDLC in detail. [10]

Q4) Explain the role of documentation in maintenance and types of documentation.


Q5) Explain decision tree, decision table with proper examples. [10]

Q6) Write Short Note : (any four) [4 × 5 = 20]
a) Reverse engineering.
b) Code Design.
c) Structured English.
d) Data Dictionary.
e) Structured charts.


[4775] - 23 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :

P1831 [Total No. of Pages : 1

[4775] - 24
M. C. A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - II)
BM - 21 : 204 : SOFT SKILLS
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours]
) [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any three questions from remaining questions.

Q1) a) Discuss formal and informal communication. [10]

b) What is communication? Explain the process of communication. [15]

Q2) Highlight the importance of listening and the barriers of listening. [15]

Q3) Discuss in brief self-esteem. Explain low and high self-esteem. [15]

Q4) Prepare a circular to inform Donars and Volunteers to offer gifts to orphan.[15]

Q5) Write any three short notes : [15]

a) Work culture a need of Business.
b) Email etiquette.
c) Telephone etiquette.
d) Importance of Time Management.

Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :

P1832 [Total No. of Pages : 3

[4775] - 25
M. C. A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - II)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours]
) [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 and Question No. 4 are compulsory.
2) Solve any one from Question Nos. 2 and 3. And solve any one from Question Nos.
5 and 6.
3) Use of statistical table and non programmable calculator is allowed.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) State and prove formula Derangement. [5]

b) If there are 5 gentlemen and 4 ladies to stand in circle. If no two ladies
can stand next to each other, in how many ways can they stand? [5]
c) A survey of 500 television viewers produces the following information :
285 watch cricket; 195 watch hockey; 115 watch tennis; 45 watch cricket
and tennis; 70 watch cricket and hockey, 50 watch hockey and tennis; 50
do not watch any of the three games. [5]
i) How many people in the survey watch all the 3 games?
ii) How many people watch only hockey?

( )
d) Find the coefficient of x 4 y 9 z 4 in the expansion of 2 x 2 + 3 y 3 − z .[5]

Q2) a) Using combinatorial argument prove the following binomial identities.[8]

⎛ n ⎞ ⎛ n ⎞ ⎛ n + 1⎞
i) ⎜ r ⎟ + ⎜ r − 1⎟ = ⎜ r ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

⎛n⎞ ⎛ n ⎞
ii) ⎜r ⎟ = ⎜n −r⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
b) Find the number of integer valued solutions of the following equation.
x1 + x2 + x3 = 41 x1 ≥ 4, x2 > 3, x3 > 0 [7]

Q3) a) Determine the discrete numeric function corresponding to generating
function. [8]
(1 − 2 z ) (1 + z )
b) Solve the following recurrence relation. [7]
a n − 7 a n −1 + 10 a n − 2 = 3n , given that a0 = 0, a1 = 1

Q4) a) Define the following terms : [5]

i) Probability (classical definition).
ii) Independent events.
iii) Moment Generating function.
iv) Probability mass function.
v) Conditional probability.
b) The following is the probability distribution of a discrete random variable X.
xi -2 -1 0 1 2 3
P (xi) 0.1 0.30 0.70 0.85 0.95 1.0
i) Find probability distribution
ii) Find P (x < 0))
iii) Find P (x = 3 | x > -1)
c) Following table represent joint probability distribution function of (X, Y).
Y 1 2 3 4
1 4/36 3/36 2/36 1/36
2 1/36 3/36 3/36 2/36
3 5/36 1/36 1/36 1/36
4 1/36 2/36 1/36 5/36
Find : i) Marginal Distribution of X and Y,
ii) Conditional distribution of X given Y = 3.
d) State and prove Memoryless property for Exponential distribution. [5]

[4775] - 25 2
Q5) a) Find MGF and CGF of Gamma distribution and hence find its expectation
and variance. [8]
b) Following is a p.d.f of a continuous random variable X : [7]

⎧k (3 + 2 x), for 2 ≤ x ≤ 4
f ( x) = ⎨
⎩0, otherwise
Find : i) k
ii) Var X

Q6) a) Suppose two dimensional continuous r.v (X, Y) has a joint P.D.F. [8]

⎪ (6 − x − y ), for 0 ≤ x < 2, 2 ≤ y ≤ 4
f ( x, y ) = ⎨ 8
⎪⎩0, otherwise

Find : i) P ( x < 1, y < 3)

ii) P ( x + y < 3)

iii) P ( x < 1| y < 3)

b) Of a large group of men, 10% are under 60 inches in height and 45% are
between 60 and 65 inches. Assuming a normal distribution find mean
height and standard deviation. [7]


[4775] - 25 3
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1867 [4775] - 301

[Total No. of Pages : 2

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - III)

(2012 & 2013 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours]
) [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q. 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any five from Q. 2 to Q. 7.
3) Draw neat diagrms wherever necessary.

Q1) Write DTD file for validating the information of students and apply the
following [20]
a) Create XML file using DTD file
b) Convert XML file into HTML format with header and footer.
c) Apply external CSS file to XML file.
(Alternative element data should be in different color)
(Assume your own structure for writing DTD file)

Q2) Design HTML form for creating bank account and apply external CSS which
includes font, margin and border styles. [10]

Q3) Explain History and Navigator objects in JavaScript with examples. [10]

Q4) Explain chaining, Gatters and setters in Jquery with examples. [10]

Q5) Explain Authentication in Apache web server. [10]

Q6) Explain event handing in JavaScript with examples. [10]

Q7) Write short notes on (any two) [10]

a) Ajax methods

b) SSL certificate

c) DOM in JavaScript


[4775]-301 -2-
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1868 [Total No. of Pages : 2

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - III)
(2012 & 2013 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q.1 and Q.7 are compulsory.
2) Attempt any Three from remaining.
3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.

Q1) a) Justify with True or False (not more than 60 words). [10]
i) In OSI network Architecture the dialogue Control and Token
Management are responsibilities of Session Layer.
ii) To connect LAN’s with different protocols a translating bridge can
be used.
iii) Firewalls operate in one of two filtering modes: Deny all or pass all.
iv) RIP is a dynamic distance vector method based on Hop counts.
v) Sequencing is provided in virtual circuit approach, since all packets
follow the different route.
b) The received Hamming code word is 101101010. Using odd parity
locates and corrects the bit in error. [10]

Q2) a) Find the maximum number of hosts available on a class-B address with
a subnet mask of 255.2555.255.192. [5]
b) Find the subnet ID for the IP address with a subnet mask
of [5]

Q3) What is HTTP? What are the different types of HTTP Request? Explain any
five of them. [10]

Q4) Why DHCP? Explain the addressing schemes in DHCP. List the characteristics
of DHCP. [10]

Q5) Explain Open Shortest Path First routing protocol. Why it is efficient? [10]

Q6) Define threat and attacks. Explain active attack and passive attack. Why Digital
Signature is used? [10]

Q7) Write short notes (any Four) : [20]

a) Wi-Max

b) Topologies

c) IP-Routing

d) Packet format of IPv4.


f) P2P Protocol


[4775]-302 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1869 [Total No. of Pages : 2

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - III)
IT - 33 : Data Structure Using C++
(2012 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Questions 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any four questions from Q. 2 to Q. 7.

Q1) Write short note on any two : [10]

a) Generalized Linked List
b) B+ Tree
c) Queue empty and full condition of a circular queue.

Q2) a) A graph is implemented by adjacency matrix Write a non-recursive

algorithm for depth first search. [7]
b) Write a C++ code for circular queue with insert, delete & display function.

Q3) a) Write a C++ code for addition of two polynomials. [7]

b) Convert prefix to postfix form and show contents of stack at each step.[8]
Q4) a) Write a program to evaluate postfix expression. [7]

b) Write C++ code for insertion & deletion of elements in a queue. [8]

Q5) a) Write a function for Right-Left rotation. [7]

b) Draw AVL tree for following: [8]


Q6) a) Write a function to insert node in threaded binary tree. [7]

b) Draw a binary search tree for following. Also write preorder traversal for
this. [8]


Q7) a) Write a program to implement priority queue using Link list. [7]

b) Write a function to insert an element in B tree. [8]


[4775]-303 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1870 [Total No. of Pages : 2

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - III)
IT - 34 : Advanced Database Management System
(2013 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any five questions from Q. 2 to Q. 7.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) Compare RDBMS, OODBMS and ORDBMS in detail. [10]

b) Explain the operations of OLAP. [10]

Q2) Explain Inter - operational and Intra-operational parallelism with relevant

examples. [10]

Q3) Explain 2PC protocols. Discuss its failure & recovery techniques. [10]

Q4) Describe classification. Explain any two classification algorithms with examples.

Q5) What are the various applications of XML? Elucidate the difference between
DTD & XML schema. [10]

Q6) Explain multimedia architecture. Mention the requirements for mobile databases.

Q7) Write short notes on (any two) : [2 × 5 = 10]

a) N-tier architecture


c) Text mining

d) Snowflake Schema


[4775]-304 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1871 [Total No. of Pages : 2

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - III)
(2012 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 and 7 is compulsory.
2) Solve any four from the remaining.
3) Mention assumptions for solving case studies.

Q1) Disha is a Vehicle Inspection Centre. The centre carries out the inspection
process as follows:
Customer arrives at the centre with his vehicle and stand in a queue. The data
of vehicles are recorded when they come for initial inspection and the registration
number is allocated to them. For the next inspection customer has to provide
his registration number. The clerk searches the vehicle information with the
help of the registration number. Actual inspection is performed and the vehicle
data is updated. The future appointment data is generated by the clerk for
vehicle inspection. The clerk has to maintain the dates for which bookings for
inspection are full and should also consider the holidays on which the centre
is closed.
a) Draw Use Case diagram. [10]
b) Class diagram. [10]

Q2) Draw the State Transition Diagram for a petrol station where on arrival for
filling gas, attendants can perform two task in parallel, filling petrol as well as
washing windshield. [10]

Q3) a) Draw a Sequence diagram for sending friend request on Facebook Make
suitable assumption. [5]
b) Differentiate between aggregation and composition. [5]

Q4) MCA admission procedure is as followed : [10]

a) DTE advertises the date of MCA entrance examination.

b) Student has to apply for the entrance examination.

c) Results are declared by DTE.

d) Students has to fill up option form to select the college of his/her choice.

e) DTE displays the allotment list in the website and intimation to all colleges.

f) Students should report the allotted colleges and complete the admission
procedure. Draw Activity Diagram.

Q5) Compare Grady Booch Methodology with OMT. [10]

Q6) Explain four major approaches of Rational unified Process. [10]

Q7) Write short notes on any two : [10]

a) CRC approach

b) Benefits of Pattern

c) Testing Strategies

d) Multiple Inheritance


[4775]-305 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1833 [4775] - 31
[Total No. of Pages : 2

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - III)

IT - 31: Web Support Technologies
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q.No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any five from remaining.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) Explain error Handling in VBScript with examples. [10]

b) Explain event handling in JavaScript with examples. [10]

Q2) Design a form to accept international conference registration details and validate
any five fields with different formats using JavaScript. [10]

Q3) Write XML to maintain ‘International Journal’ details like volume, issue, ISSN,
Title, publisher, subscription-rate, etc and convert XML into HTML format
with header and footer. [10]

Q4) What is CSS? Explain different types of CSS properties with examples. [10]

Q5) a) Explain DOM parser with examples. [5]

b) Explain string and date object in java script. [5]

Q6) a) Explain Global.asa with examples. [5]

b) Explain request and response object with examples. [5]

Q7) Write short notes (any two) [10]

a) N-tier Architecture.

b) History and location object in DOM.

c) SOAP.


[4775] - 31 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1834 [4775] - 32
[Total No. of Pages : 2

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - III)

IT - 32: Data Communication and Computer Networks
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q.1 and Q.7 are compulsory.
2) Attempt any three from remaining.
3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.

Q1) a) Justify with True or Flase (not more than 60 words). [10]

i) The data rate of the ISDN basic access D-channel is 192 Kbps.
ii) HTTP is a request and response protocol.

iii) A 1-persistant strategy requires a station to transmit immediately

after sending on idle medium.

iv) The more host addresses allocated for, the fewer network address

v) Only the dynamic address allocation scheme is used in DHCP.

b) What is HTTP? What are the different types of HTTP request? Explain
any five of them. [10]

Q2) What is the limitation of network and host addressing scheme of Class - A,
Class-B and Class-C. What is the default mask for the following IP host
addresses 172. 14.6.8 and
(Solve with proper procedure). [10]

Q3) Define and explain transport layer services. What are the advantages of UDP
over TCP? [10]

Q4) What is firewall? Explain policies and rules of firewall. [10]

Q5) Explain DHCP scope resolution with examples. [10]

Q6) What are the advantages of using virtual path in ATM? Explain traffic
management in ATM. [10]

Q7) Write short notes (any 4). [20]

a) Packet switching.

b) TCP/IP model.
c) Resource record.

d) FTP.

e) SNMP organization.

f) Secure socket layer.


[4775] - 32 2
Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. :

P1835 [4775] - 33
[Total No. of Pages : 3

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - III)

IT - 33 – 303 : Object Oriented Programming Using C++
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q.No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any six from Q. 2 to Q. 8.

Q1) Write output with Explanation : [5 × 2 = 10]

a) #include <iostream.h>
#define SQUARE(x) x*x
inline float square (float y)
return y * y;
int main()
float a=0.5, b=0.5, c, d;
return 0;
b) #include<iostream.h>
void main( )
int x=100;
float f=56.75;

c) #include<iostream.h>
void main( )
char s [ ] =” PROGRAM”;
int i ;
d) #include<iostream.h>
class MCA
int a;
int b;
int c;
void main ( )
e) #include<iostream.h>
void main( )
int a=10;
while( 1 )
case 10:cout<<a++;
case 11:cout<<a--;
case 12:cout<<a++;

[4775] - 33 2
Q2) a) Write a program for finding largest of three elements using function
template. [5]
b) Write a short note on friend function. [5]

Q3) a) What is namespace? Explain how it is used to solve conflict. [5]

b) Explain how to create user define manipulators with example. [5]

Q4) a) What is constructor? Explain type of constructor. [5]

b) What is Exception? Explain how certain exception types are not allowed
to be thrown. [5]

Q5) Write a program that create file which has information Name, A/c number,
balance and perform following operation on it through menu. [10]
a) Add record
b) Modify balance of specific a/c no
c) Display content of file
d) Display name of person having balance > 10,000

Q6) a) Write a program to overload (). [5]

b) Explain need of virtual base class with example. [5]

Q7) Write a program that create two classes Dangle and Rangle. Dangle stores
angle in degree and Rangle stores angle in Radian. Write appropriate function
so user can be able to write D = R and R = D. Where R is object of Rangle
and D is object of Dangle (Angle in Radian = Angle in degree * 3.142 / 180).

Q8) Write short note on (any two) [2 × 5 = 10]

a) New style cast.
b) Standard template library.
c) Static data member & static member function.


[4775] - 33 3
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1836 [4775] - 34
[Total No. of Pages : 1


IT 34 – 304: Advanced Database Management Systems
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q.No. 7 is compulsory.
2) Solve any five questions from 1 to 6.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Explain intra-operational and inter - operational parallelism. [10]

Q2) Differentiate between: OODBMS, ORDBMS, RDBMS. [10]

Q3) Explain 2PC protocol in distributed DBMS. [10]

Q4) What is data mining? Explain any 2 approaches/algorithms used in data mining.[10]

Q5) Discuss the ETL process in detail. [10]

Q6) What is XML? Explain what is DTD & its importance with example. [10]

Q7) Write short note any 4 [4 × 5 = 20]

a) Visualization.
b) Multimedia databases.
c) Outlier analysis.
d) Predictive mining.
e) Fact constellation schema.

Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1837 [4775] - 35
[Total No. of Pages : 2

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - III)

BM - 31 : Management Support System and Is Security
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q.No. 1 and 7 are compulsory.
2) Attempt any four from Q. No. 2 to Q. No. 6.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Define exception and explain how to handle exception in management support
system. [10]

Q2) Explain in detail the structure of MIS based on management activities and
functions. [10]

Q3) Brief newell - simon model of human information processing system. [10]

Q4) Explain the information requirement for functional area with respect to
production management. [10]

Q5) What is heuristic programming? Explain decision making heuristics in detail.[10]

Q6) Define expert system. Differentiate conventional and expert system. [10]

Q7) Write short notes on (any four) [4 × 5 = 20]

a) Simulation technique.

b) Operational research techniques.

c) Subsystem approach.

d) Feedback control.

e) Integrated executive information system.

f) Control audit of information security.


[4775] - 35 -2-
Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. :

P1872 [Total No. of Pages : 2

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - IV)
(2012 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any six from the remaining.

Q1) Solve the following questions : [10]

a) Explain finalize ()
b) List out four methods of Enumeration Interface.
c) Explain difference between Static & Member Method.
d) What is object serialization.
e) What is URL?

Q2) Write GUI based JDBC application for candidate registration. Assume suitable
table structure. [10]

Q3) Write Java application to demonstrate add, replace delete, copy node in Hashset.

Q4) Write a Java socket program to accept file name at client side, and server
accepts file name and sends no. of words in the file or indicate that the file
doesn't exist. [10]

Q5) Write an applet to display scrolling text from right to left in an applet window.

Q6) Explain RMI architecture and write RMI application to check whether entered
No. is palindrom No. of Not. [10]

Q7) What is exception? Explain types of exceptions with example. [10]

Q8) Write notes (any two) : [10]

a) Beans persistence

b) Layout managers

c) Thread life cycle

[4775]-401 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1873 [Total No. of Pages : 1

[4775] - 402
M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - IV)
(2012 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q.1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any 5 from the remaining.

Q1) a) What are cellular systems? Explain the main reasons for using cellular systems.[5]
b) What is Mobile IP? Explain the various components of Mobile IP. [10]
c) What is handover? Explain the reasons why handover is needed in GSM.[5]

Q2) What is Android? Explain the Architecture and Features of Android. [10]

Q3) What is database hoarding? Explain the various caching Invalidation mechanism.[10]

Q4) Explain the various file system in Android. [10]

Q5) Write an Android Program to demonstrate TIP calculator. [10]

Q6) What is G+ Talk? Explain the various Techniques for managing chat sessions.[10]

Q7) Write short notes on (Any Two) [10]

b) Palm O.S.
c) Map based Activities.

Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1874 [Total No. of Pages : 1

[4775] - 403
M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - IV)
IT - 43 : Information Security and Audit
(2012 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q.1 and Q.7 are compulsory.
2) Solve any four from Q.2 to Q.6.
3) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.

Q1) A person buying gadgets through online shopping comes across a popup window with
a discount offer and requested to share bank account details. Discuss security related
issues. [10]

Q2) What are the components of ISMS and explain conceptual framework. [10]

Q3) Explain the threats of information security. [10]

Q4) Which are the different types of information security policies. [10]

Q5) Explain COBIT framework in detail. [10]

Q6) Explain logical and physical access control. [10]

Q7) Short notes on (any Four) [4 × 5 = 20]

a) NGS auditor
b) Internet access security
c) BCP and DRP
d) Ethical hacking
e) Audit standards

Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. :

P1875 [Total No. of Pages : 1

[4775] - 404
M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - IV)
IT - 44 : Design and Analysis of Algorithms
(2012 & 2013 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question 1 and 8 are compulsory.
2) Solve any five questions from Q.2 to Q.7.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) What is an algorithm? State different characteristics of good algorithm. [5]

b) Differentiate between the Greedy and Dynamic approach of the problem solving.[5]

Q2) Design an algorithm for fractional knapsack problem using greedy method.
Trace it with suitable example. [10]

Q3) What are the characteristics of divide and conquer method? Discuss Quick
sort algorithm with its complexity. Assume suitable data. [10]

Q4) Write an algorithm for multistage graph using dynamic programming technique.[10]

Q5) Write and analyze the recursive Tower of Hanoi algorithm with n = 3. [10]

Q6) Discuss 0/1 Knapsack problem using branch and bound technique and write
the algorithm for same. [10]

Q7) Explain the term heap. State the types of heap and write a heap sort algorithm
for max - heap. [10]

Q8) Write short note on any two of the following : [10]

a) Asymptotic Notations.
b) Graph Coloring
c) NP complete and NP Hard Problems.
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :

P1876 [Total No. of Pages : 4

[4775] - 405
M.C.A. (Faculty of Management) (Semester - IV)
(2012 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any Three from the remaining.
3) Use of non programmable calculators is allowed.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) Solve the Transportation Problem [7]

D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply
O1 40 25 33 22 100

O2 44 35 30 30 30
O3 38 38 30 28 70
Demand 40 20 30 50
b) The following information regarding a project is given [7]
Time in days
Activity Immediate Most Most Most
Predecessor Optimistic Likely Pessimistic
A - 4 6 8
B A 5 7 15
C A 4 8 12
D B 15 20 25
E B 10 18 26
F C 8 9 16
G E 4 8 12
H D,F 1 2 3
I G,H 6 7 8
i) Construct an arrow diagram for this problem.
ii) Determine the critical path and compute the expected completion time.
iii) Determine the probability of completing the project in 55 days.
c) In a bank with a single cashier, customer arrives on an average every 10 minutes.
The cashier takes 5 minutes to attend a customer. Find : [7]
i) The average number of customers waiting for the cashier.
ii) The average time spend by a customer in the bank.
iii) The probability that there will be 5 customers in the bank at any point of
d) There are seven jobs, each of which has to be processed on machine A and then
on Machine B. Processing time is given in hours. Find the optimal sequence in
which the jobs are to be processed so as to minimize the total time elapsed.[7]
Jobs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Machine A 3 12 15 6 10 11 9
Machine B 8 10 10 6 12 1 3

Q2) a) Solve the following LPP by Dual Simplex Method. [7]

Min : Z = 36x1 + 60x2 + 45x3
Subject to :
x1 + 2x2 + 2x3 > 40
x1 + x2 + 5x3 > 25
x1 + 4x2 + x3 > 50
x1, x2, x3 > 0
b) A firm is thinking of replacing a particular machine whose cost price is
Rs. 12,200. The scrap value of the machine is Rs. 200/-. The maintenance
costs are found to be as [7]
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Maintenance Cost in Rs. 220 500 800 1200 1800 2500 3200 4000
Determine when the firm should get the machine replaced.

Q3) a) The demand for an item is 3000 units per annum. The cost of one
procurement is Rs. 100 and the holding cost per unit is Rs. 2.40 per
year. The replenishment is instantaneous and no shortages are allowed.
Determine [7]
i) Economic order quantity
ii) Number of order per years
iii) The time between the orders.

[4775]-405 2
b) A small garment making unit has five tailors stitching five different types of
garments. All the five tailors are capable of stitching all the five types of garments.
The output per day pertailor for each type of garment is given below : [7]
1 2 3 4 5
A 7 9 4 8 6
B 4
Tailors 9 5 7 8
C 8 5 2 9 8
D 6 5 8 10 10
E 7 8 10 9 9
Determine which type of garment should be assigned to which tailor in
order to optimize production?
Q4) a) Define : [7]
i) Gradual Failure of Machines
ii) Optimum Lot Size
iii) Critical Path
iv) Dummy Activity
v) Pessimistic Time
vi) Activity
vii) Total Float
b) Solve the following using Dual Simplex Method. [7]
Minimize Z = x1 + x2 subject to
2x1 + x2 > 2
– x1 – x2 > 1
x1, x2 > 0

Q5) a) A small project has the following activities, duration (in weeks) and
associated cost. Draw the network diagram, find the normal duration
and normal cost. Also systematically crash the activities to find the
optimum cost. Indirect cost is Rs. 1000 per week. [7]
Activity Preceding Normal Crash
Activity Time Cost Time cost
A - 5 25000 2 34000
B - 4 30000 2 40000
C A 10 45000 6 81000
D A 5 30000 3 38000
E B 7 30000 6 37000
F C, D 5 20000 3 26000
G E, F 4 35000 2 44000
H F 6 35000 3 65000
[4775]-405 3
b) In a departmental store one cashier is there to serve the customers. And
the customers pick up their needs by themselves. The arrival rate is 20
customers per hour and the cashier can serve 24 customers per hour.
Assuming Poisson arrival rate and exponential distribution for service
rate, [7]
i) Average number of customers in the system.
ii) Average time a customer spends in the system.
iii) Average time a customer spends in the queue.


[4775]-405 4
Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. :

P1838 [Total No. of Pages : 2

[4775] -41
M.C.A.Management Faculty (Semester - IV)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates :
1) Question 1 compulsory.
2) Solve any six from remaining.

Q1) Answer following : [10]

a) What is Adapter class?

b) Explain checked exceptions.

c) What is method overloading?

d) How static keyword is used?

e) Explain Result set Metadata.

Q2) Write JDBC application to register Kabaddi team for Pro-Kabaddi matches.
Assume suitable structure. [10]

Q3) Write multi threaded server - client chatting application. [10]

Q4) Write an applet to display mouse position on status line. [10]

Q5) What is user defined exception? Explain with example. [10]

Q6) Write Java application that reads lower case stream from command line and
writes it to file strcomp.txt in upper case. [10]

Q7) What is RMI architecture? Explain with example. [10]

Q8) Write Notes : (Any Two) [10]

a) Types of beans

b) Explain any 5 controls of AWT.

c) Access specifiers.


[4775] - 41 2
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :

P1839 [Total No. of Pages : 2

[4775] - 42
M.C.A.(Mgt. Faculty) (Semester - IV)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates :
1) Q. 1 and Q. 6 are compulsory.
2) Attempt any 3 from the remaining.
3) State assumptions if any.
4) Draw neat labeled diagrams where necessary.
5) Figures to right indicate marks.

Q1) Write a detailed test plan for web based railway reservation system. Your plan
should cover scope of testing, risks and contingencies, strategies and schedule.
Write test cases for login screen, ticket availability screen, ticket booking and
cancellation screen, source and destination fields. [20]

Q2) What do you mean by Acceptance testing? Explain functional testing attributes
in detail. [10]

Q3) Calculate cyclometric complexity & design test cases for printing the area of
a rectangle. [10]

Q4) Write a brief note on Testing Life cycle. [10]

Q5) What is the need of process improvement & how it can be achieved? [10]

Q6) Write short notes on (Any four) [20]

a) Reliability Models

b) SQA building blocks


d) Testing levels

e) White Box Testing.


[4775] - 42 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1840 [Total No. of Pages : 2

[4775] - 43
M.C.A.(Management Faculty) (Semester - IV)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates :
1) Q.1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any 5 questions from remaining.
3) Mention the assumptions made for solving case study.

Q1) ICBI Bank is a global commercial bank based in China. It plans to build an
online Credit Card Management System in order to handle a large amount of
information in an efficient way and provide better service to their
customers.Most commercial banks provide the following major online services
to facilitate their credit card business. Credit Card application, on-line credit
card payment, Special offers to customer, Credit Card transaction checking
etc. With the advance of information technology, ICBI is planning to extend
the above services through online Credit Card Management System (CCMS).

· Customers may make an application by filling up an online application form

through the CCMS.

· The transaction data with respect to customer’s payments and purchases

taking place randomly are transferred from the Card Brand Corp. to CCMS
on a daily basis at each midnight (12:00 p.m.)

· CCMS allows customers to check their Credit Card transactions and monthly
statement information online.

a) Draw use Case diagram.

b) Draw class diagram.


Q2) Explain Coad -Yourdan methodology for object Oriented Analysis (OOA).[10]

Q3) Draw the activity diagram for online Flight Reservation System. Write your
own assumptions. [10]

Q4) a) Draw a Sequence diagram for the registration at Job Portal for
placement. [5]

b) Draw a Collaboration diagram for sending an SMS to your friend. [5]

Q5) Draw a State - transition diagram for an automatic washing machine. [10]

Q6) Explain Unified Approach with all the components. [10]

Q7) Write short notes on (Any Two) [10]


b) Common Class Pattern approach

c) Categories of Pattern

d) Test Case Guidelines.


[4775] - 43 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :

P1841 [Total No. of Pages : 4

[4775] - 44
M.C.A. (Semester - IV) (Management Faculty)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any TWO questions from question Nos. 2,3, and 4.
3) Use of Scientific Calculator and Statistical Tables are allowed.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) A project consists of different activities and relevant data as follows: [9]
Immediate Duration (weeks)
predecessor Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic
A - 2 3 4
B - 2 2 2
C A 2 4 6
D A 5 7 9
E B 1 2 3
F C 2 2 2
G E 2 3 4
H E 1 4 7
I D,G 1 3 5
J F, I 1 5 9
i) Draw PERT Network of the project.
ii) Find the Expected duration of the project and variance.
iii) Fine the probability that the project will completed before 16 weeks.

b) Solve the following Integer Programming Problem: [9]

Max : Z = 2x1 + 5x2
Subject to :
2x1 + 5x2 < 10
4x1 + 3x2 < 20
x1, x2 > 0 and integers

c) A TV repairman finds that the time spent on his jobs has an exponential
distribution with mean 30 minutes. If he repairs sets in the order in which
they come in. if the arrival of sets is approximately Poisson with an average
rate of 10 per 8-hour day, Find: [6]
i) Repairman’s expected idle time each day.
ii) Expected number of TV sets in the shop.
d) Following table represents performance of salesman (sales in ‘000 units) in
different districts. Solve the assignment problem to optimize the sales. [6]
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
S1 7 8 2 5 2
S2 2 8 6 7 6

S3 8 4 3 9 6
S4 9 8 4 2 5
S5 2 8 5 3 6

Q2) a) Find the Optimum Solution for the given Transportation Problem: [9]
Warehouses Supply
A 10 8 7 12 500
B 14 12 8 8 600

C 7 9 14 10 200
D 8 10 12 14 700
Demand 700 550 450 300

b) The following are the failure rates of certain types of capacitors. [6]
Week: 1 2 3 4 5
percent of failing at end of week: 10 25 55 80 100
There are 1000 such capacitors are present in the machine. The cost of
replacing individually a failed capacitor is Rs.3. If all the capacitors are
replaced at fixed interval, whether they are working or not working, it
would cost Re.1 per capacitor. What policy the maintenance manager
should follow between individual replacement policy and group re
placement policy, if group policy is adopted, at what interval of time he
should replace all capacitors.
c) Draw the network diagram for the following data: [5]
Activity A B C D E F G H I J K
Predecessor - A A C,B D D D G F,H I E,I

[4775] - 44 -2-
Q3) a) Solve the following LPP by Big M method : [9]
Min : Z = 3x1 + 6x2
Subject to :
7x1 + 5x2 > 35
4x1 + 10x2 > 80
x1, x2 > 0
b) An aircraft requires 5000 Kg of rivets per year. The cost of 1 Kg of rivet
is Rs. 20 and it costs Rs.200 to place an order and the carrying cost is
10% per unit per year. Find: [6]
i) The Optimum Lot Size
ii) The time interval between the orders
iii) Minimum yearly total cost.
c) Explain the terms: [5]
i) Optimistic Time
ii) Slack
iii) Unbounded Solution
iv) Unbalanced Transportation Problem
v) Alternate Optimum Solution

Q4) a) The time (days) and costs of a certain project is given in the following
table: [9]
Normal Crash
Time Cost Time Cost
1-2 7 1600 4 1900
1-3 8 2000 5 2900
2-3 4 1100 2 1500
2-4 3 800 2 1400
3-4 0 0 0 0
3-5 6 900 3 1500
4-6 10 2500 6 3500
5-6 3 500 2 800

[4775] - 44 -3-
The indirect cost of the project is Rs. 300 per day. Draw the project
network and find the normal duration and cost. If the activities are
systematically crashed,. then what would be the optimum duration and
cost of the project.
b) Express the following Assignment Problem as LPP: [6]
I 3 8 5 3 8
II 2 4 4 6 8
III 3 3 5 7 4
IV 5 4 2 2 7
V 8 1 8 5 3

c) Describe the various characteristics of the queuing system. [5]


[4775] - 44 -4-
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1842 [Total No. of Pages : 2

[4775] - 45
M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - IV)
(2008 Pattern) (Elective)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
1) Q.1 and 7 are compulsory.
2) Solve any four questions from remaining.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Define MIS. Explain need and objectives of MIS in detail. [10]

Q2) How Information Technology charging the way Human Resource function is
performed. [10]

Q3) Explain the different threats to IT Infrastructure. [10]

Q4) Explain the informational needs of the manager working at different levels of
managerial hierarchy. [10]

Q5) Explain the impact of IT Infrastructure on the Socio-economic environment

of the organization. [10]

Q6) Explain the role played by IT - Infrastructure in operational control and decision
support system in an organization. [10]

Q7) Write short notes on (Any four) [4 × 5 = 20]

a) Group Decision Support System

b) Competitive Advantage

c) Expert System

d) Critical Success Factor in Implementing IT applications

e) Objectives of good IT Policy.


[4775] - 45 2
Total No. of Questions : 9] SEAT No. :

P1843 [Total No. of Pages : 2

M.C.A. (Faculty of Management) (Semester - IV)
(2008 Pattern) (Elective)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any Seven from the following.
2) Use of non-programmable calculators is allowed.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Explain the various Models of Queuing system. [10]

Q2) A retailer purchases strawberries every morning at Rs.50 a case and sells
them for Rs.80 a case. Any case remaining unsold at the end of the day can be
disposed off next day at a salvage value of Rs.20 per case (thereafter they
have no value). Past sales have ranged from 15 to 18 cases per day. The
following is the record of sales for the past 120 days. [10]
Cases Sold 15 16 17 18
No. of Days 12 24 48 36
Find how many cases the retailer should purchase per day to maximize his

Q3) A management is faced with a problem of choosing one of three products for
manufacturing. The potential demand for each product may turn out to be
good, moderate or poor. The probabilities for each of the states of nature
were estimated as follows: [10]
Nature of Demand
Good Moderate Poor
X 0.70 0.20 0.10
Y 0.50 0.30 0.20
Z 0.40 0.50 0.10

The estimated profit or loss in Rs. Under the three states may be taken as:
Product Good Moderate Poor
X 30000 20000 10000
Y 60000 30000 20000
Z 40000 10000 -15000
Prepare the expected value table and advise the management about the choice
of the product.

Q4) Explain the steady state Markov process with example. [10]

Q5) In a Bank, handled by one teller, customers arrive at the rate of 15 in an hour.
The teller takes 2 minutes to handle a customer. Find: [10]
a) The probability that the teller is busy.
b) Expected number of customers waiting in the bank.
c) The average time spent by the customer in the bank waiting for their turn.

Q6) Explain the various decision making criteria with illustrations. [10]

Q7) Solve the game for the given pay-off matrix: [10]
–5 3 1 20
5 5 4 6
–4 –2 0 –5

Q8) Explain the dominance rules in Game with proper example. [10]

Q9) A company manufactures 30 items per day. The sale of these items depends
upon demand which has the following distribution: [10]
Sales 27 28 29 30 31 32
Probability 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.35 0.15 0.05
The production cost and sale price of each unit are Rs.40 and Rs.50
respectively. Any unsold product is to be disposed off at a loss of Rs.15/-
Use the following random numbers to estimate total profit/loss for next 10
10 99 65 97 01 79 11 16 20 34

[4775]-46 2
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :

P1844 [Total No. of Pages : 1

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - IV)
(2008 Pattern) (BME-1) (Elective)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q.1 and Q.6 are compulsory.
2) Solve any 3 from Q.2 to Q.5.
3) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.

Q1) You are appointed as an external auditor for a networking firm ABC. Explain
various physical & logical network controls for handling network issue of the
firm. Generate the report of list of evidences. [20]

Q2) Explain Audit Standards in detail. [10]

Q3) Explain various steps involved in Risk Assessment process. [10]

Q4) Discuss in brief different IT crimes along with security and privacy issues.[10]

Q5) Explain the framework of e-commerce. [10]

Q6) Short notes (any four) : [4 × 5 = 20]

a) Digital Signature.
b) Management Control.
c) Segregation of duties.
d) E-governance.
e) Long term and short term plan.

Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1845 [Total No. of Pages : 1

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - IV)
(2008 Pattern) (Elective)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any five questions.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Explain in detail Mckinsey’s 7s frame work. [14]

Q2) What are the different stakeholders of an organization? What roles do they
play in strategic issue identification and resolution? [14]

Q3) Explain different types of growth strategies and issues involved in post
acquisition scenario with examples. [14]

Q4) Explain Porter’s Five forces Model in detail. [14]

Q5) Explain the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility. [14]

Q6) a) Define strategy and strategic management.

b) Define Budgeting. Explain the importance of budgeting in corporate

Q7) Write short notes (Any Two) : [14]

a) Diversification Strategies.
b) Project implementation.
c) Symptoms of malfunctioning of strategy.
d) Competitive Advantage.

Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1846 [Total No. of Pages : 1

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - IV)
(2008 Pattern) (Elective)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question 1 and 7 are compulsory.
2) Answer any four questions from remaining questions.

Q1) Discuss various models of ES and DSS integration. [10]

Q2) Explain importance of Artificial Intelligence and expert system in DSS. [10]

Q3) Explain traditional SDLC and state alternative development methodologies.[10]

Q4) Explain the database organization and structures used in DSS. [10]

Q5) What is Data Mining? Explain the classification of data mining tools and
techniques. [10]

Q6) Define MIS and explain the role of DSS. [10]

Q7) Write short note on (any four) : [20]

a) SCM.
b) Risk factors in end user developed DSS.
c) DSS Implementation.
d) OLAP.
e) ODSS.

Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :

P1847 [Total No. of Pages : 2

M.C.A. - II (Semester - IV)
(2008 Pattern) (BME - I)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 & 6 are compulsory.
2) Solve any three from Q.2 to Q.5
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) ‘Ratnadeep Warehouse Pvt. Ltd’, is a well reputed business organization

engagged in warehousing, supply chain management and transportation
activities across Maharashtra. Presently the organization is having manual system
for administrative work which is time consuming and incompetent. So the top
management has decided to develop the integration of various functionalities
for office automation. As an ERP consultant discuss the pre-implementation
& post implementation key success factors. Also prepare the detail report
about the ERP implementation. [20]

Q2) a) Explain the importance of component based ERP system. [5]

b) Discuss the Human Resource Management module in purview of ERP

implementation. [5]

Q3) a) Explain the importance of Data mining tools for ERP system. [5]

b) Explain the role of middle management in ERP implementation. [5]

Q4) What is BPR? Explain BPR lifecycle in detail with suitable diagram. [10]

Q5) Explain ‘CRM attained through ERP’ with suitable example. [10]

Q6) Write short notes on any four of following : [20]

a) GAP Analysis.

b) Data Warehousing.

c) DSS.

d) Applications of OLAP.

e) Fmea & SCM.


[4775]-50 2
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :

P1877 [Total No. of Pages : 1

[4775] - 501
M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - V)
(IT - 51) : Software Testing & Quality Assurance
(2012 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question 1 & 6 are compulsory.
2) Solve any 3 from the remaining.

Q1) Write a detailed test plan for a mobile Application “Movie - Masti” to book online
movie tickets. Also write test case for this movie ticket booking system. Also write
about test document & test strategies. [20]

Q2) Explain path, statement, branch and decision coverage in structural testing.
Give examples for each. [10]

Q3) a) Calculate cyclomatic complexity for checking even/odd number. [5]

b) Compare Alpha Vs Beta Testing [5]

Q4) Explain software reliability models and measures in detail. [10]

Q5) Explain different types of reviews with suitable examples? [10]

Q6) Write short notes on following :(any 4) [4 × 5 = 20]

a) Equivalence partitioning.
b) Tester’s workbench
c) Black box Vs white box testing.
d) CMM
e) Web based Application Testing.

Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. :

P2828 [4775] - 502

[Total No. of Pages : 2

M. C. A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - V)

502 : Software Project Management
(2013 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions carry equal marks.
2) Solve any seven questions from Q. No. 1 to 8.

Q1) Draw a network diagram from the given information. [10]

a) Find Start Time, End Time, Total Float and Critical Path.
b) If activity D crashed by 2 weeks, draw network diagram and find out
critical path and shortest path.
Activity ImmediatePredecessor Duration (in week)
A - 3
B A 4
C - 4
D C 3
E D,J 4
F E,B 3
G F 3
H - 5
J H 3

Q2) A new project with estimated 350 KLOC system has to be developed. For
development project also requires. [10]
a) Software reliability is High (1.15)
b) Product Complexity is High (1.15)
c) Analyst Capability is high (0.86)
d) Programming Language Experience is low (1.07)
e) Remaining all driver are treated as Nominal.
Calculate the effort, development time, average staff size and productivity of
the project.

Q3) Consider a project with the following functional units [10]
a) Number of User Inputs – 42
b) Number of User output – 42
c) Number of User enquiries – 57
d) Number of User files – 06
e) Number of external Interfaces – 06
In addition to above, system requires significant data communication (4)
In addition to above, system requires significant data communication (4)
Performance is very Critical – (05)
Designed code may be moderately reusable – 02
Other Complexity factors are treated as average. Compute the functional
point for the project.

Q4) What is risk management? Explain the different stage involved in risk
management [10]

Q5) Explain versioning and version control. [10]

Q6) Explain performance management. [10]

Q7) Explain user role in project management. [10]

Q8) Write short note on (any two) [10]

a) Gantt Chart.
b) Project Organization.
c) Defect Management.
d) Rayleigh Curve.


[4775] - 502 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1878 [Total No. of Pages : 1

[4775] - 503
MCA (Semester - V)
IT - 53 : Emerging Trends in Information Technology
(2012 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 & Question 7 are compulsory.
2) Solve any four from Questions from the remaining.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) A deemed university want to implement e - learning model for distance learning
programs. As an IT consultant do comparative analysis of various e - learning models
and suggest suitable e - learning model to university also justify your suggestion.[15]

Q2) Explain advantages & disadvantages of cloud computing. [10]

Q3) Explain different types of social networking sites. [10]

Q4) Explain various electronic payment methods. How transactions are performed
in E - banking.

Q5) Explain telemonitoring and E - coaching. [10]

Q6) Explain E - commerece architecture. [10]

Q7) Write A short Note (Any 3) : [15]

a) Features and need of social networking.
b) Meeting Tools.
c) Cloud computing models
d) POS
e) Applications of m - commerce.

Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1879 [Total No. of Pages : 2

[4775] - 504
M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - V)
IT - 54 : Advanced Development Technology
(2012 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q.No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any Four questions from Q.No. 2 to Q.No. 7.
3) Figures to the right indicates full marks.

Q1) Explain ASP. Net server side state management techniques in detail. [10]

Q2) Explain various login controls in detail. [15]

Q3) Explain the concept of error pages and error logging with the help of suitable
example. [15]

Q4) Design a form and write code to : [15]

a) Populate and display student’s name in a drop down list.
b) Select a student from DDL and display its details in underlying text boxes.
c) Add a record.
d) Delete selected record.
e) Edit selected record.
Name of table : Studentmaster (StudID, StudName, DOB, percentage,
Name of server : MYASPDB (SQL Server)

Q5) a) Write a code and steps to create and consume web service. [10]
b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of client side state management
technique. [5]

Q6) Explain uses, properties and methods of following controls (Any Three)[15]
a) Gridview control.
b) Drop downlist control.
c) File upload control
d) Check Box control

Q7) Write short notes on following (Any Three) [15]

a) Compare Validator control.
b) Menu Navigation control
c) Ajax control
d) Exception handling


[4775]-504 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1880 [Total No. of Pages : 1

[4775] - 505
M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - V)
(2012 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question 1 & 7 are compulsory.
2) Answer any Four questions from remaining (Q2 - Q6)
3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.

Q1) a) What is JSP? Explain JSP elements with example. [10]

b) Explain SESSION and COOKIE in PHP. [5]

Q2) Explain CGI architecture. Write a perl program to create a file, insert into that
file and display the contents into that file. [10]

Q3) Explain Http Servlet Request and Http Servlet Response with suitable
examples. [10]

Q4) What is ORM and Hibernate? What are the levels of ORM? [10]

Q5) Design html page to display list of available books in a list box. Allow user to
select multiple books & submit form. Write Servlet code to display selected
book. [10]

Q6) Write PHP code to accept Passport registration information from the customer,
store it into the database and display the customer information. [10]

Q7) Write short notes on (Any 3) [15]

a) Servlet life cycle
b) Arrays in PHP
c) JSP directives
d) Perl array functions
e) Aspects which can affect the performance of Tomcat server.
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1848 [Total No. of Pages :2

[4775] - 51
M.C.A.(Management Faculty) (Semester -V)
(2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :70

Instructions to the candidates :
1) Q. 1 is compulsory.
2) Answer any five from the remaining (Q2-Q7).

Q1) Answer any four. [4 × 5 = 20]

a) What are the guidelines for data entry?
b) What are the goals of system engineering?
c) Explain individual window design.
d) Write icon-specific guidelines.
e) Explain presentation styles for error messages.

Q2) Explain OAI Model for Web site Design. [10]

Q3) Explain four phase framework for textual search. [10]

Q4) Explain eight golden rules of Interface design. [10]

Q5) Explain three pillars of design. [10]

Q6) Explain Goals of co operations. [10]

Q7) Write short note on (any two). [10]

a) Response time and display rate.

b) Speech recognition.

c) Surveys.


[4775]-51 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1849 [Total No. of Pages :2

[4775] - 52
M.C.A.(Management Faculty)(Semester - V)
(2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :70

Instructions to the candidates :
1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any five from remaining.

Q1) a) Explain COCOMO Model in depth with all its models & examples.[10]
b) Explain in detail Software Configuration Management. [10]

Q2) Explain Project Development Life Cycle with the help of a Diagram. [10]

Q3) Explain different Software Testing Methods. Compare Black Box & white
Box testing methods. [10]

Q4) What is function point analysis? How is it used to determine cost of project?[10]

Q5) State benefits of component based Software development. [10]

Q6) Explain CMM in all its phases with example. [10]

Q7) Write short notes (ANY 2): [10]

a) Version Control

b) Software reviews


d) Practices & controls in HRM.


[4775]-52 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1850 [Total No. of Pages :2

[4775] - 53
M.C.A.(Management Faculty) (Semester -V)
(2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :70

Instructions to the candidates :
1) Q. 1 and Q. 7 are compulsory.
2) Attempt any four from remaining.

Q1) Star - auto is a automobile industry specialized in designing and manufacturing

hatch back cars - it has corporate office in pune and 5 plants in all over India.
Design business Continuity Planning System which would be implemented in
corporate office and all the plants of star auto. [15]

Q2) Discuss various E-learning models in detail. [10]

Q3) What is knowledge managements? Explain architecture and tools of it. [10]

Q4) What is GIS? Explain spatial objects and data models. [10]

Q5) What is E- agriculture? Explain corp management. [10]

Q6) Explain in detail warehousing management and transportation management.[10]

Q7) Write short notes (any three). [3 × 5 = 15]
a) ERP packages

b) Digital signatures

c) Palm devices



[4775]-53 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1851 [Total No. of Pages :2

[4775] - 54
M.C.A.(Management Faculty) (Semester -V)
(2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :70

Instructions to the candidates :
1) Questions NO.1 & Question No. 7 are compulsory.
2) Attempt any four questions from remaining.
3) Right side indicates marks.

Q1) What is E-commerce? what are the types of E-commerce? Explain benefits of
E- commerce. [15]

Q2) Write a servlet program to accept online registration details of candidates for
appearing campus drive for Infosys.Assume suitable table structure. [10]

Q3) Write a PERL program to accept a string , character from user and count the
number of times that particular character occurs in a given string also display
number of characters, number of words & No. of punctuations (!,?,",etc)
present in a string. [10]

Q4) Write a PHP code to display company wise student's placement report of
MCA-III yr. (Assume suitable table structure). [10]

Q5) Explain pattern matching in PERL with example. [10]

Q6) Explain types of arrays, with any five methods in PERL. [10]

Q7) Write short note on any three. [15]

a) Cookies in servlet

b) ISP standard Actions

c) ISP directives

d) CGI Architecture

e) PHP Error Handling


[4775]-54 2
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :

P1852 [Total No. of Pages :2

[4775] - 55
M.C.A.(Management Faculty) (Semester -V)
(2008 Pattern) (Elective)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :70

Instructions :
1) Que. 1 and Que. 6 are compulsory.
2) Solve any three from remaining questions.

Q1) a) What is E-Governance? Explain one example of E- Governance. [10]

b) Explain Certifying Authorities with its need and authority. [10]

Q2) Explain violations of Data Privacy under Cyber Crimes. [10]

Q3) Describe the Digital Signature with advantage and disadvantage. [10]

Q4) Explain Cryptography in details with its type. [10]

Q5) Explain E-Commerce. How to provide security to E-Commerce Application.


Q6) Write short note on following (ANY 4) [20]
< Trademark dispute

< Certifying authorities

< Guideline for protecting information from unauthorized access

< Ethical Hacking

< Framing & Spamming


[4775]-55 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1853 [Total No. of Pages :2

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - V)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 1 and 7 are compulsory.
2) Attempt any FOUR questions from remaining.
3) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.
Q1) Explain program interpretation and execution in conventional computer
with block diagram. [15]

Q2) Explain binding time classes and its importance in programming Language.

Q3) Explain implementation of recursive function call. [10]

Q4) Explain syntactic elements of a programming Language. [10]

Q5) Explain stack and heap storage management. [10]

Q6) Explain analysis of source program with block diagram. [10]

Q7) Write short notes (any three): [15]

a) Composite Data Types

b) Firmware Computer

c) Methods of parameter transmission

d) Features of Java Language


[4775]-56 -2-
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1854 [Total No. of Pages :2

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - V)
ITE - 1: ADVANCED UNIX (Elective)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. one and seven are compulsory.
2) Solve any four from remaining.
3) Assume suitable data whenever necessary.
4) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.

Q1) Explain the following system calls/functions (any five): [5 × 2 = 10]

a) open()

b) mount()

c) wait()

d) close()

e) kill()

f) free()

Q2) Describe the use of File and Record locking. And explain how to implement
them. [10]

Q3) What is Orphan Process? Explain the ways by which it can be avoided.

Q4) What are pipes? What happens when a pipe system is called? Explain how
they are different from ordinary files. [2 + 4 + 4]

Q5) What are message Queues? Explain the structure of information maintained
by Kernel for every message Queue. [4 + 6]

Q6) What is shared memory? What is the importance of it? Explain in detail
about the process of "Allocating a shared memory segment". [3 + 2 + 5]

Q7) Write short notes on (any four): [4 × 5 = 20]

a) inode table

b) Methods of Inter Process Communication

c) Process states

d) Zombie process

e) buffer queue


[4775]-57 -2-
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1855 [Total No. of Pages :2

M.C.A. - III (Management Faculty) (Semester - V)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question 1 and 7 are compulsory.
2) Attempt any three from remaining.

Q1) a) Define the following Terms. [10]

i) TCP issue

ii) CDMA

iii) SIM

iv) Mobile Management


b) Compare DSSS & OFDM. [10]

Q2) Explain the logical channel of GSM network. [10]

Q3) How can DHCP used for mobility & How it support to mobile IP. [10]

Q4) What is WAP gateway? What are its function. [10]

Q5) What is Hidden rode problem and how it is resolved in 802.11. [10]

Q6) What are the Advantage and disadvantage of wireless networking. [10]

Q7) Write short notes (any four): [20]

a) Visitor Location Register

b) Frame Error Rate

c) Function of mobile Management


e) Distributed Computation


[4775]-58 -2-
Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. :

P1856 [Total No. of Pages :2

M.C.A. (Management Faculty) (Semester - V)
(2008 Pattern) (Elective)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 8 is compulsory. Solve any 5 from remaining.
2) Draw suitable diagram where needed.
3) Give suitable examples if required.
4) Whenever necessary state assumptions.
5) Right side indicates marks.

Q1) Explain the various Distributed design Issues. [10]

Q2) What are the different types of fragmentation? Explain with suitable example. [10]

Q3) What is query optimization? Explain the various factors governing query
optimization. [10]

Q4) What is a transaction and explain the various goals of transaction

management with respect to distributed databases. [10]

Q5) What is Dom? Explain the various reasons why objects are distributed.[10]

Q6) What is reliability in DDBMS and explain the various types of failures.[10]

Q7) Explain the various concurrency control mechanism for Distributed

databases. [10]
Q8) Write short notes (any four): [20]

a) Objectives of query Processing

b) Global Directory Issues.

c) Advantages of DDBMS.

d) Fragmentation and its types.

e) States of Transaction.


[4775]-59 -2-

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