Bamboo Spine - X-Ray Findings of Ankylosing Spondylitis Revisited
Bamboo Spine - X-Ray Findings of Ankylosing Spondylitis Revisited
Bamboo Spine - X-Ray Findings of Ankylosing Spondylitis Revisited
Fig. 3. Antero-posterior view of the thoracic and lumbar spine. Note the
calcification of the interspinous ligaments secondary to enthesitis, with the
Fig. 2. Lateral cervical spine X-ray. The white arrowhead indicates classic dagger sign (white arrowheads) stretching into the pelvis. The trolley
syndesmophytes, representing calcification of the anterior portion of the track sign can also be seen in the lower lumbar spine and thoracic spine (open
annulus fibrosis. Calcification of the interspinous ligaments can also be seen arrowheads), lateral to the calcified interspinous ligaments, representing the
(open arrowhead). calcified apophyseal joint capsules.
Ankylosis of several of the joints causes structural abnormalities of
the axial skeleton. Marked ankylosis is seen at the sacro-iliac joints
(Fig. 4) and facet joints of the thoracic spine, and costovertebral
and costotransverse joints1 that causes an exaggerated kyphosis with
decreased chest expansion during inhalation and increased susceptibility
to respiratory tract infections.
AS is a debilitating disease with very specific radiological abnormalities
that can, if detected early, be successfully managed by medical and
physical therapy. It remains the role of the radiologist to keep a look-out
for early radiological abnormalities in susceptible patients.
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Fig. 4. Antero-posterior view of the pelvis. The open arrowheads indicate 4. Cansu DU, Calisir C, Savas Yavas U, et al. Predictors of radiographic severity and functional disability in
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Enthesitis (trolley track and dagger signs)9 6. Momeni M, Taylor N, Tehrani M, et al. Cardiopulmonary manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis. Int
Ossification of the supraspinous and interspinous ligaments produces J Rheumatol 2011;1:1-6.
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a characteristic single or double radio-dense sign on the AP view of
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the spine (Fig. 3). The trolley track sign derives from the 2 lateral lines 8. Helms CA. Arthritis. In: Brant WE, Helms CA, eds. Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology. 3rd ed.
of ossification representing the apophyseal joint capsules, and the Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007:1136-1140.
9. Olivieri I, Ciancio G, Scarano E, et al. The extension of the ankylosing spondylitis “dagger sign” into the
dagger sign from the central line of ossification visible on the AP view.
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Enthesitis precedes ossification of the ligaments.9