This document contains instructions for solving problems related to quantum mechanics. It includes 4 problems:
1) Finding the wavefunction and probabilities for a particle in a square well.
2) Solving for stationary states of a particle in an infinite square well with a step.
3) Determining the potential energy of a particle from its time-independent wave function.
4) Solving the Schrodinger equation to find bound states for a particle in a semi-infinite potential well.
This document contains instructions for solving problems related to quantum mechanics. It includes 4 problems:
1) Finding the wavefunction and probabilities for a particle in a square well.
2) Solving for stationary states of a particle in an infinite square well with a step.
3) Determining the potential energy of a particle from its time-independent wave function.
4) Solving the Schrodinger equation to find bound states for a particle in a semi-infinite potential well.
This document contains instructions for solving problems related to quantum mechanics. It includes 4 problems:
1) Finding the wavefunction and probabilities for a particle in a square well.
2) Solving for stationary states of a particle in an infinite square well with a step.
3) Determining the potential energy of a particle from its time-independent wave function.
4) Solving the Schrodinger equation to find bound states for a particle in a semi-infinite potential well.
This document contains instructions for solving problems related to quantum mechanics. It includes 4 problems:
1) Finding the wavefunction and probabilities for a particle in a square well.
2) Solving for stationary states of a particle in an infinite square well with a step.
3) Determining the potential energy of a particle from its time-independent wave function.
4) Solving the Schrodinger equation to find bound states for a particle in a semi-infinite potential well.
1. Particle in a square well. (We use k for classically allowed re-
gions and κ for classically forbidden re- A particle of mass m moves in an infinite gions).Your equations should be possible to square well of width a. Its wavefunction at ti- write in terms of k, κ, and z0 . me t = 0 is: As a numerical application, consider z0 = r r r 1 2 2πx 2 2 3πx Ψ(x, 9) = √ sin + sin 2π. How many states do you get with E < 3 a a 3 a a (1) V0 ? Find the possible values of the energy E in terms of V0 (use at least 4 significant Is Ψ in an energy eigenstate? Find Ψ(x, t). digits). What are the probabilities that a measure- ment of the energy at time t gives each of the following values: 3. Potential Energy of a Parti- ~2 π 2 4~2 π 2 9~2 π 2 cle (2) 2ma2 2ma2 2ma2 In a region of space, a particle with mass m What is the expectation value of x and p and with zero energy has a time-independent wa- at time t? ve function x2
2. An infinite square well with ψ(x) = Axe− L2 (3)
a step where A and L are constants.
A particle of mass m is moving in one dimen- sion, subject to the potential V (x): Determine the potential energy U (x) of the particle.
V (x) =∞, for x < 0
0 for 0 < x < a 4. Semi infinite potential well V0 for a < x < 2a (V0 > 0) A particle of mass m is moving in one dimen- ∞ for x > 2a sion, subject to the potential V (x): Find the equations that determine the sta- tionary states with energies 0 < E < V0 . V (x) =∞, for x < 0 For this we define: 0 for 0 < x < a 2mE 2m(V0 − E) V0 for x > a (V0 > 0) k2 = 2 , κ2 = 2 , ~ ~ 2ma 2V 0 Solve the Schrodinger equation for this potential z02 = 2 ~ and find (if any) the bound states.