MCB Report
MCB Report
MCB Report
Virtual University of
Evaluation Sheet for Internship Report
Fall 2011
Name of Student:
Evaluation Criteria Result
Khalid Written Work Status
(Internship Report)
Presentation & Viva
Student’s ID: mc100203060
Final Result
Internship Report on MCB
Dear student,
Internship Report on MCB
1- Title page
Internship Report
Muslim Commercial Bank Limited
Muhammad Khalid
Session 2010-2012
Submission date; 09January 2012
Internship Report on MCB
Internship Report on MCB
Internship Report on MCB
Internship Report on MCB
Internship Report on MCB
Internship Report on MCB
Internship Report on MCB
Internship Report on MCB
Sr. No. Details. Page. No.
1 Title Page --
2 Letter of Undertaken --
3 Scanned Copy of Internship Certificate --
4 Dedication --
5 Acknowledgement --
6 Executive Summary --
7 Table of Contents --
8 Introduction of the Origination 8
9 Over View of the Organization 9
-- a. Brief History 9
-- b. Organizational Hierarchy Chart 10
-- c. Business volume 11
-- d. Product line 12-15
-- e. Competitor 16
-- f. Brief Introduction of all the Department 16-17
-- g. Comment on Organizational Structure 18
10 Plan of my Internship program 19
11 Training Program 20-25
12 Ratio analysis 26-42
13 Future prospectus of the organization 43
14 Conclusion 44
15 Recommendation for improvement 45
16 Reference and Source used 46
17 Annexes 47
Internship Report on MCB
MCB Bank Limited , with more than 60 years of experience as one of the
leading bank of the Pakistan, was incorporated on July 9 in 1947 .the MCB bank was
ranked very high and make remarkable progress by deploying quality banking,
technology development, professional and the leading management and prudent an
ethical work methodologies. MCB was nationalized along with other private banks in
1974 as part of government of Pakistan’s economic reform movement and was later
privatized to Nishat Group lead consortium in 1991.
Since privatization MCB make exceptional progress and today in Sri Lanka
MCB is one of the largest foreign bank. MCB is the first bank in Pakistan which launch
the Global Depositary Receipts (GRD) in 2006, has strategic foreign partnership with
Maybank of Malaysia wit holds 20% shares in MCB through its wholly owned
subsidiary Mayban International Trust (Labuan) Berhad since 2008, has international
indirect regional presence in Dubai (UAE) , Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Hong Kong and Sri
Lanka and servicing through a domestic network of over 1130 branches and 600 ATMs
through nationwide in Pakistan and with a customer base of 4.5 million approximate.
MCB has a reputation of most strong financial institute and the leading bank in
Pakistan with a deposited base of PKR 462 billion, and total asset of PKR 605 billion
approximate .the MCB bank one of the oldest and one of the responsible banks in the
Pakistan and has played very important role in representing the country in the global
plate farm and MCB is include in few institution of the Pakistan that recognized and
trade in the international market.
The bank has also been acknowledge through prestigious and awarded by Euro
money, MMT, Asia money, SAFA (SAARC), the Asset and the Asians Banker
Internship Report on MCB
Internship Report on MCB
General Manager
Regional Manager
Branch Manager
Account Opening
Cash Deposit
Foreign Exchange
Bills Remittances
Internship Report on MCB
c. Business Volume
Internship Report on MCB
d. Product Line
MCB bank of Pakistan deals in all the schemes and the services of a bank in a
current scenario there are many sets of financial infrastructure with which the MCB
bank is leading in providing the services to its customers.
Consumer banking
The consumer portfolio, comprising the debit card, credit cards, auto loans,
personal loans and mortgages will be established phase by phase. However, we are
confident that our strengths, together with our largest network of online branches, a
superior technology platform, a big customer base and the Consumer Personal Banking
Group (CPBG), will take the Bank’s profitability to new heights.
Commercial banking
The MCB is also doing the commercial banking and it’s leading in this
MCB offers retail product to its consumers. The MCB main focus to introduce the
various financing and investing products to its valuable clients, and contributes the
steady growth to the financial industry. The commercial and the retail banking offers
the verity of asset and liability –based.
The MCB bank introduce different type of product and instruments which is mentioned
Islamic banking
Islamic banking division was formed with the effect from 1st januarary 2003,
which in a short span of time, has developed sufficient expertise necessary
infrastructure, information technology, and manpower to run Islamic banking
operations and offer Islamic banking products.
Internship Report on MCB
Deposit Product
Investment Products
Internship Report on MCB
Dynamic allocation fund
MCB Dynamic Allocation Fund (MCB DAF) is an open-end asset allocation
fund managed by MCB AMC which allows 0-100% exposures into debt or equity as
per market conditions and discretion of the fund manager. The aim of the fund is to
provide investors with a high absolute return.
Dynamic stock fund
MCB Dynamic Stock Fund (MCB DSF) is an open-end stock market fund
managed by MCB AMC. The objective of the fund is to provide long term capital
appreciation to investors. From time to time, MCB DSF may invest in short term fixed
income. Opportunities when it has a bearish view on equity/stock markets.
Auto loan
Life in the fast lane can be really slow without a car. MCB makes it a breeze to
finance/lease your new/used car.
Features and benefits
Option for financing or leasing
Financing tenures from 1 to 7 years
Option for new as well as used cars
Option for local as well as imported cars
Financing up to Rs.20 lacs
Option for early payment
Option for replacement loan
Minimum documents required (2 photographs and CNIC copy)
Up to 15% down payment only
Priority delivery on different vehicles
Credit Cards
Accepted at over 24 million establishments worldwide in 210 countries
including 10,000 in Pakistan displaying the Credit Cards logo, you can rest assured of
real value-added benefits at home and abroad.
Visa Debit card
Pakistan’s 1st chip based debit card. It allows the customers to enjoy unmatched
convenience, enhanced security and round-the-clock accessibility to their funds.
Internship Report on MCB
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to experience the exciting world
of MCB Visa Platinum Credit Card is the most reliable, competitive and gratifying
Credit Card offering a tantalizing mix of luxurious shopping, dining and traveling
opportunities which will undoubtedly be a treat for you
MCB visa
MCB Visa is not just another card in your wallet. Visa is the most secure,
affordable and rewarding credit card turning you’re shopping into a much more exciting
experience. MCB Visa is accepted at all ATMs across Pakistan as well as at 27 million
acceptance locations worldwide.
e. Competitor
The banking sector in Pakistan making very fast growth and there is many close
competitor of MCB bank of Pakistan
Internship Report on MCB
Faysal Bank Ltd.
Standard Charted Bank
Meezan Bank Ltd.
KASB Bank Ltd.
Bank of Punjab
d. Credit department
In this department the bank granted the loan to the customer and there are the
different type of the credit which is provided to its customer during my internship I
learned that if some individual request for the loan then bank granted him a loan
according to limit and some requirement for different kind of loan for example if the
organization request for the loan then bank granted the loan according to some
requirement and limits which apply on the organization.
Internship Report on MCB
e. Dispatch department
Dispatch department is the very important sector in the bank because all inward
and outward mails in which ordinary and sensitive as well, routed or transfer to this
department as the mail in the branches consists of documents covering title to goods,
cheques, inter branch Dr. Cr. Advices, letter of credit in international banking apart
from other routine letters. So it is important to handle dispatch carefully and make sure
there is not wrong devilry
f. Clearing department
There are two type of clearing in the bank and during my internship me doing
both type of the clearing.
Inward clearing
Outward clearing
g. Account department
This is important department in which the account are maintained and also the
voucher and the books and the all the expenses or expenditure of the bank are
maintained so it is the most important department of the bank maintain all the account
of the bank is the duty of this department and this department is working well.
h. Finance department
Financing department is the important department because bank finance in
various ways like advancing the loan and make the profit as a excess amount in the way
of interest the MCB finance in such a way giving the loan to the customer and also buy
the share of the private organization also finance in the agriculture sector and the
private sector as well
Internship Report on MCB
In my opinion that MCB bank of Pakistan doing the clear ,transparent and the
exceptional work which make the MCB bank (Ltd) a leading bank in the banking sector
of the Pakistan.
Thank fully I did my internship from MCB bank (Ltd) M.A Jannah Road
Okara branch. This Branch is online branch so I leaned that the working of the
management is very smooth and the efficient.
In this branch I observed that this branch doing a great business and the
management and the staff of the branch is efficient and the professional and the
manage handle all the working of the branch and this branch have the very good
contact and the relation with the shops business entities and the other sound parties
as well to increase the deposit of the branch and maintain the efficiency of the work
and enhance the organization.
Internship Report on MCB
And also the branch is well maintained and decorated and the entire
department have separate place with in the organization to doing there assign duties
and the environment of the organization attract the customer as well which is good
for the organization.
Starting and the ending dates of my internship program in the MCB bank (Ltd)
in a M.A Jannah Road (0770) Okara is
Internship Report on MCB
*** You are giving just the functions of different
departments, besides above also explain in detail the
Duties and tasks assigned to you and how you accomplish
Internship Report on MCB
12. Permanent address
13. KYC Foam (Know your Customer)
14. CNIC Required for KIN
The most important in account opening is SS Card signature because we grudge it may
which customer withdraw the money is original customer or not, and other step is KYC
Form in this form we collect all secret information like client Father and mother name,
income of the business, his email address, postal address, and content number. The last
one is CNIC required of KIN for those person who have a blood relation of client like
father, mother, brother, sister, in this there is no required for friend or other person NIC
only for those who have a blood relation of the client.
b. Cash department
During my internship I spent my 3rd week in the cash department and cash
department is totally deals with the cash whether the cash comes in the bank or out
from the bank during the learning in the cash department I learn the all the activities
which is perform in the cash department .in the cash department there is various sub
department according to the categories which are performing by the different persons in
the department in the cash department there are fore to five counters in which include
During my learning process I learned that first of all issue the token to the customer and
then in the receipt counter receive the cash and maintained the account and then if a
customer have a check then the cheque is verifies by the verification person and then
the casher makes the payment against the cheque and also transfer the money online
and maintained the all activities which is casher duties i.e. give the cash to the valuable
customer and the bill and the fees receive counter receive the bill payment and the fees
and maintain all the activities related to bill and fees collection.
The activities of the cash department of MCB bank (Ltd) is as under
1. Source of cash
2. Management of cash
3. Deposits
4. Demand draft and the online maintains
5. Treatment of surplus cash
6. Treatment of the cash deficit
7. Cash transit
8. Issuance of cash
9. Security arrangements
10. Verification of cheque
11. Receive the bill and the fees collection
Internship Report on MCB
This is the most important department of the bank I leaned while working in this
department that there is all about maintains of the cash in this department in the staff
work very carefully make sure there is no mistake and in the closing at evening both the
sides of the cash account is balanced or equal then the banks makes the profit.
c. Credit department
My 4th week during my internship in the credit department the credit department
is the one of the most important department of the bank. The credit department is works
with maintain the loan and credit and also issue the credit after necessary verification
and the security and the guarantee to the desire limit and there is the rule and the
regulation to issue the credit and loan to the customers.
Credit department of MCB bank (Ltd) deals with different type of running finance and
the type of loan is as under
Cash finance
Demand finance
Term finance
Short term and loan term loan
I learned in this department that the basic information that I entered for the issuance of
credit or loan is as under
If the individual wants to take the loan from the bank then there is the limits of the loan
which provided by the bank to any person or the organization. I leaned that for the
purpose of loan giving by the bank there is few many document and the guarantee
required by the bank according to the loan type the requirements is as under
Internship Report on MCB
5. Type of the business
6. Details in case of firm and companies associated with the loan
7. And the current financial position of the business
8. And the accurate financial statement of the business last two years or more
9. And the detail of the borrowers bank account with other banks
The purpose of the credit is for the starting the new business or the expansion of the
existing business or the purchase of the stock
d. Cleaning department
My 5th week is all about the clearing department. I learned the work and the
function which is performed in the clearing department. This department the important
department of the bank
I learn that clearing is the process in which bankers settle there mutual accounts by the
claming the arising account of various instruments presented by one bank drawn on the
other banks in a same city or the out side the city through NIFT (National Institutional
Facilitation Technologies). NIFT is the department of collection of clearing cheques of
each branch, these plays middlemen of the bank and client.
There are two types of clearing going in the bank Inward clearing and the Outward
clearing .we can say that the clearing is clear those cheque which cannot be cash at the
cash counter of the bank . the representative of the respective bank collect all the
cheque and the instrument which drawn on there and settle the account and doing the
clearing function this assembly of the representative of the bank is called Clearing
house NIFT perform the clearing on the behalf of the commercial banks in all the cities
through out the country.
The type of the clearing is as under
Inward clearing
the instrument and the settlement or the claim by the other banks or the other
branches of MCB on our branch of MCB bank in which include the cheque draft and
etc, are drawn by the other bank customer or by the MCB bank branches in clearing in
the inward clearing process there is few thing include which is mentioned as under
Internship Report on MCB
4. Payees account is credited and the stamp on the cheque and signature of the
operational manager
5. And before entering the cheque into the computer the stamp and the signature is
to be verified and the cheque is posted and drafted.
Outward clearing
I leant about outward clearing in MCB bank clearing department. out ward
clearing is that the settle of claims of our branch of MCB bank or the other branches of
MCB bank drawn of other banks or other branches of MCB bank deposited by our
customer in our branches of the bank , presented by our branch of MCB bank in out
ward clearing .
When the cheques of outward clearing is received then it is entered into the clearing
1. Serial No.
2. Account no. of the depositor
3. Depositor name
4. Drawer
5. Drawee
6. Cheque No.
7. Amount of the cheque
8. Cross stamp on the face of the cheque
9. And the clearing stamp
10. And the stamp on the back of the check payee account will be credited
The local clearing, a bundle cover is arranged manner the branch code stamp, total
amount and number of instruments. This amount should match the one that is kept in
the Clearing Register. The cheques or the instrument with bundle cover and outline are
packed in NIFT bag. Before putting these items in the bag, a plastic seal number is
required and should be written on the bundle cover and the same seal should be used to
close the NIFT bag. This is to ensure additional safety as when the seal is opened, it is
non-replaceable. If the seal number on the bag and on the bundle cover does not match,
it is a suggestion that the bag has been tamper with. Strict action can be taken by NIFT
and the Bank consequently.
Internship Report on MCB
e. Remittances Department
I learnt that the money transfer and remittances have following features
1. Quick and hassle free transfer
2. There is little charges of transfer
3. And same day devilry to MCB account holder
4. SMS alert facility
5. And for non account holders the funds transfers online or via bank draft.
And also when the nonresident person sends the fund to there family the bank is takes
the following steps;
1. Alert with a phone call or SMS to customer
2. No charges or no deduction to the recipient.
3. Received the 8 digit PIN from receiver and then check it whether the remittance
is received and fill the form
4. Then check the copy original national ID card
5. And then received the CNIC copy from the person
6. Then the verification Seal or stamp placed on the form
7. And the last step is that the person received the cash from the casher
Western Union
During my work in this department I deals with the customer which transfer
there money through the western union. Through the use of the western union one can
get money from all cities in the Pakistan from western union branches or any bank or
post office or the money changer. When person sent the money, the concerned company
or bank give the PIN number to the person against the name of the person and the cell
number who received the money through western union. When the receiver go to bank
for receive of money the bank takes the PIN number and the original CNIC copy from
the receive and give him money
Internship Report on MCB
Telegraphic transfer (TT)
Telegraphic transfer is that after filling the application form the concerned
officer fills the telegraphic transfer form after that it is sent to the required bank and
then the concerned bank makes the payment immediately to the customer and after that
the voucher sent to the bank by the mail.
2008, 2009
(Annual report 2009, page#70 profit and loss a/c unconsolidated)
(Annual report 2010, page#81 profit and loss a/c unconsolidated)
Internship Report on MCB
Net profit margin has been decreased over the year but in year 2009 and 2010 we can
say that it is relatively stable in values.
2) Gross spread ratio
Net interest margin / mark-up earned
Net income margin = mark-up earned – mark-up expanses
= 40043824-11560740=28483084
(Page#70 2009 profit and loss account –unconsolidated)
Net income margin = mark-up earned – mark-up expanses
= 51616007-15841463=35774544
(Page#70 2009 profit and loss account –unconsolidated)
Net income margin = mark-up earned – mark-up expanses
= 54821296-17987767=36833529
(Page#81 profit and loss account –unconsolidated)
Internship Report on MCB
Total income=interest earned + non mark-up income
=40,043,824+30,255,403 =70299277
Total income=interest earned + non mark-up income
=51,616,007 + 34,095,108 = 85711115
Internship Report on MCB
Non interest income to total Income ratio is decrease in 2009 and then increase in 2010
as compared to the previous years.
4) Spread ratio
Interest earned / interest expenses
2008, 2009
Page # 70 of 2009 profit and loss account unconsolidated
Page # 81 of 2010 profit and loss account unconsolidated
Internship Report on MCB
Spread ratio is decrease in 2009 as compare to 2008 and then increase in 2010 but there
is little difference in values.
This ratio is not about EBIT. Do not add interest expense only income before tax is
required. Recalculate.
EBIT = profit before tax + interest expenses
=21867566 + 11560740
=33428306 (page#70 2009 profit and loss account -unconsolidated)
Total assets =443,615,904(page#69 2009 balance sheet -unconsolidated)
2009- EBIT = profit before tax + interest expenses
=23,154,945 + 15,841,463
Internship Report on MCB
=38,996,408 (page#70 2009 profit and loss account -unconsolidated)
Total assets =509,223,727(page#69 2009 balance sheet –unconsolidated)
2010- EBIT = profit before tax + interest expenses
=26,253,075 + 17,987,767
=44,240,842 (page#81 profit and loss accounts -unconsolidated)
Total assets =567,552,613(page#80 balance sheet -unconsolidated)
Return on asset is increasing over the year and it is good sign for the organization.
Net income =15,374,600 (page#70 2009 profit and loss account -unconsolidated)
Internship Report on MCB
Sales = 40,043,824
Total assets = 443,615,904(page#69 2009 balance sheet)
DuPont return on assets = (Net income / sale) * (sale / total assets) * 100
= (15,374,600/40,043,824 * 40,043,824 / 443,615,904) * 100
= (0.383944 * 0.090267) * 100
Net income = 15,495,297 (page#70 2009 profit and loss account –unconsolidated)
Sales = 51,616,007
Total assets = 509,223,727 (page#69 2009 balance sheet)
Net income = 16,873,175 (page81 profit and loss account unconsolidated)
Sales = 54,821,296
Total assets = 567,552,163 (page80 balance sheet unconsolidated)
Internship Report on MCB
DuPont return on assets has been decrease over the years. It is due to the increase in the
net income as compared to the sales times the increase in sales over the worth of assets.
Net income 15,374,600 (page#70 2009 profit and loss account -unconsolidated)
Total equity 52,244,865 (page #69 2009 balance sheet unconsolidated)
Net income 15,495,297(page#70 2009 profit and loss account -unconsolidated)
Internship Report on MCB
Total equity 61,075,932(page #69 2009 balance sheet unconsolidated)
Net income 16,873,175(page#81 profit and loss account -unconsolidated)
Total equity 69,180,011(page#80 balance sheet -unconsolidated)
Return on total equity is decrease over the year this in not worthy for the organization
and it is increase by profit by saving more and more taxes.
8) Debt Ratio
Total Liabilities / Total Assets
Total liabilities 385,179,850(page#69 2009 balance sheet -unconsolidated)
Total assets 443,615,904(page#69 2009 balance sheet –unconsolidated)
Internship Report on MCB
Total liabilities 439,483,714(page#69 2009 balance sheet -unconsolidated)
Total assets 509,223,727(page#69 2009 balance sheet –unconsolidated)
Total liabilities 488,348,404(page#80 2010 balance sheet -unconsolidated)
Total assets 567,552,613(page#80 2010 balance sheet –unconsolidated)
Debit ratio has been decrease and relatively stable in 2009 and 2010.
Total liabilities 385,179,850
Total shareholders equity 52,244,865 (page#69 2009 balance sheet –unconsolidated)
Internship Report on MCB
Total liabilities 439,483,714
Total shareholders equity 61,075,932 (page#69 2009 balance sheet –unconsolidated)
Total liabilities 488,348,404
Total shareholders equity 69,180,011(page #80 2010 balance sheet –unconsolidated)
EBIT = profit before tax + interest expenses
=21867566 + 11560740
Interest expenses =11,560,740
Internship Report on MCB
(Page#70 2009 profit and loss account –unconsolidated)
EBIT = profit before tax + interest expenses
=23,154,945 + 15,841,463
Interest expenses =15,841,463
(Page#70 2009 profit and loss account -unconsolidated)
2010- EBIT = profit before tax + interest expenses
=26,253,075 + 17,987,767
Interest expense = 17,987,767
(Page#81 profit and loss account –unconsolidated)
Graphical Presentation of Time Interest Earned Ratio
Time interest has decrease first and then it is stable for the next 2009and 2010 years.
Internship Report on MCB
2008, 2009
Page # 69 of 2009 balance sheet –unconsolidated
Page # 80 of 2010 balance sheet -unconsolidated
Advance to deposit ratio is decrease over the period and it is good sigh for the
Internship Report on MCB
Current liabilities = bill payable + borrowing + deposit +other liabilities
=384742713 (Page#69 2009 balance sheet–unconsolidated)
Current liabilities = bill payable + borrowing + deposit +other liabilities
=436286971 (Page#69 2009 balance sheet –unconsolidated)
Current liabilities = bill payable + borrowing + deposit +other liabilities
=483414386 (Page#80 2010 balance sheet –unconsolidated)
Operating cash flow ratio first increase this is not worthy for the organization and in
year 2010 it is decrease again which is good sign.
Internship Report on MCB
Dividend paid = 9834175(page71 2009 cash flow –unconsolidated)
No. of outstanding shares = 6282768/10=628276.8 (page 98 2009 share capital note
Dividend paid = 6735510(page71 2009 cash flow –unconsolidated)
No. of outstanding shares = 6911045/10=691104.5 (page 98 2009 share capital note
Dividend paid = 8567574(page83 2010 cash flow –unconsolidated)
No. of outstanding shares = 7602150/10=760215 (page109 2010 share capital note
Graphical Presentation of Dividend per Share
Dividend per share of the company is fluctuation over the years. It depend upon the
company’s policy how much dividend it likes to share with its share holder.
14) Earning per share
Net income / number of outstanding
Internship Report on MCB
Net income = 15374600
Number of shares outstanding = 6282786 / 10 = 628276.8
Net income =15,495,297
Number of shares outstanding = 6911045 / 10 = 691104.5
Net income = 16873175
Number of shares outstanding = 7602150 / 10 = 760215
Earning per share has decreased over the years; it is need to be increasing it by
increasing the net income.
Internship Report on MCB
Market value per share = 125.81 (page 45 share information 2009)
Net income = 15,374,600
No of out standing shares = 6282786 / 10
= 628276.8
Earning per share = 15,376,600 / 628276.8
= 24.471061
Market value per share = 219.68 (page 45 share information 2009)
Net income = 15,495,297
No of out standing shares = 6911045 / 10
= 691104.5
Earning per share = 15,495,297 / 691104.5
= 22.421062
Market value per share = 228.54 (page 45 share information 2009)
Net income = 16,873,175
No of out standing shares =7602150 / 10
Earning per share = 16,873,175 / 760215
= 22.195267
Internship Report on MCB
Price earning ratio of the company has been increase over the years. It is good sign for
the organization.
Internship Report on MCB
The future prospectus of MCB bank(Ltd) for the convenience of the customer
the bank install the ATMs machines all the big cities and make all the branches online
these steps takes more technology in the banking sectors and make the business more
MCB team loyal to takes the Banking to the top level of success. Key features
for the future prospectus are given below.
In future the MCB bank work on the customer satisfaction and make the new
rules and launching new products to the valuable customer to attain the major share in
the market locally as well as globally like remittances , payroll and the trade policy and
making the cash management more effective. The MCB bank makes the all branches
online for the customer, the customer can make the transaction with more ease at home
and on his computer and make the payments of the all type of utility bill by using
online banking service and the other online facilities too. The MCB management
invests in his branches and franchise to make them more business oriented and
effective. MCB bank introduces the new financial product and service to take the
leading position as compare to its competitors and positively traveling to achieve it
MCB bank taken the steps to reduce the expenditure and invest in those things
and business to make sure to maximize its profitability. MCB bank focuses on the
expansion of its customer oriented franchises and especially in Islamic and SME
segments. The MCB bank is taking the steps and investment on the employees and
focus on their training because if there is no talented and professional employees in the
organization the organization not make effective progress.
And the final thing is that control and command by the central management so the
top management develops the strong culture and invest on their franchises and also in
other business activities and MCB doing a great gob for the purpose of the attainment
of the goal.
Internship Report on MCB
14- Conclusions
Write all major findings based on your ratio analysis and
learning experience. But as a FINANCIAL ANALYST, put
more focus on your ratio analysis. Mention all ratios those
are not up to standard and those are good ones. Also
mention any other deficiency or strength you found based
on your ratio analysis and learning experience.
I conclude through the study and perpetration of the ratio analysis I conclude that
the Net profit margin of the company decrease and it is need to be improved and Gross
spread ratio also decrease need to be improved, non interest income to total income is
relatively increase which is good sign for organization . Debt ratio of the company
decreased over the years. Re turn on asset (ROA) increasing on the year base its good
because the organization use its asset effectively and efficiently and there is also need
to improve the return on equity. Price earn ratio is stabilizing over the period of time
and the return of equity has been decreased.
Internship Report on MCB
Finally I conclude that by keep the entire thing in mind that organization doing
good business overall but the need to make the policies of the organization is more
effective and stabilized which makes the organization more sound reliable and strong.
The MCB bank (Ltd) doing good gob over the years that way the deposit of the
organization increase and the profitability also increase. The recommendation for the
improvement is as follow
Recommendation as the basis of the ratio analysis
Gross spread ratio of the organization is steady decreasing and need to be
Non interest income to total income ratio is improving and need to be
Spread ratio is good but organization must decrease the interest expenses which
help in improving in the interest income which is very good for the
Debt ratio is decrease over the period of the time and its thing need to be
Return on assets is improving over the year and make sure this is continued.
Organization takes the necessary step to stabilize the net profit margin.
Return on asset is increasing and this trend need to be continue
Gross profit margin and return on equity is not satisfactory need to be improved
And also the earning par share of organization needed to be improved.
And the other recommendation on the bank management for improvement is as follow
Security cameras
In some branches there is not the proper installation of the security cameras so I
suggest that in every branch there is the installation of the rotation security cameras
which is necessary for the security of the organization
Proper reception
There is no proper reception in the bank branches so the people have no proper
information no guide line so the organization takes a measure for the reception so that it
is good for the customer because every customer is valuable for the bank.
Token system
I observed that the token system has many problem because if there is lot of
customer and after the break or the closing of the bank and some time people have no
time so that they bring token with them it creates a problem for the bank and the
customer too so there is chance to loss the customer in my suggestion the organization
doing the measure no to loss the value able customer and increase the staff such as if
there is one casher counter increase it to two so that customer is treated hurry and there
is time saving both for the bank and the customer .
Behavioral and professional training
Last suggestion is that there is proper education and training of the staff of the
organization and also the work on the behavior of the staff. If there is proper training
Internship Report on MCB
and behavior it is good of the organization and this step hold the customer for long
period of time
Internship Report on MCB
17- Annexes
Thank you,