Anurag Doshi Roll No - 1914021 Epgp-Iimb
Anurag Doshi Roll No - 1914021 Epgp-Iimb
Anurag Doshi Roll No - 1914021 Epgp-Iimb
Corroborated Product: It implies that a product undergoes critical tests and survives through them.
Most of the root causes of the failure of the “New Product Development” (NPD) can be traced to Front
end stage because quality of the information which is fed to Formal NPD by front end is critical to NPD.
Typical NPD is flow is following- Front End New Idea Generation Concept
Definition GO/No GO for Formal NPD.
3 challenges before management to get reliable and valid input into formal NPD 1) Outcome of Front
end 2) Activities performed at front end 3) Knowledge about potential countermeasures to avoid pitfalls
while performing these activities.
Following 3 activities w.r.t. Idea and Concept (I/C) if performed at Front
end efficiently, a company can create corroborated product definitions – a)
I/C Development b) I/C Alignment c) I/C Legitimization. As seen the
framework shown towards right hand side, core of it must be supported by
alignment and legitimization.
I/C Development: Two activities under this which act opposite to each
other 1) I/C Refinement: Front End New Idea Generation Concept- Refine a preliminary
idea into Product. Concept. Main part is by seeking important information reduce uncertainty and
calculate risks. With the skills of probing and learning, I/C should be continuously updated or changed
(feedback loop). Process will be propagated by internal cooperation between functions and departments
and by cooperation with external actors such as customer itself.
2) I/C Screening: At this stage, there will be continuous activities undertaken to ensure whether I/C be
further propagated or not. For evaluation both qualitative and quantitative criteria should be used to
check whether I/C satisfy market needs, feasibility of technology, value added to firm and fitment
business strategy.
I/C Alignment: Development of I/C should align internal and external requirements. Internal
dimensions include Business Strategy, Resource and capabilities, Firm’s product portfolio and product
strategy. Product offerings by competition and technological developments can be part of external
dimensions. When alignment along either or both of the dimensions goes missing firm faces following 3
types of risks:
1) Type A: High internal, low external- undermining possibility to reach new customers with innovative
concepts 2) Type B: Low Internal, High external- Lack of incremental innovation, faced when firm
pushes for radical innovation. 3) Type AB: Low Internal, Low external- Most severe but if dealt wisely
can provide extra revenues to the firm
I/C Legitimization: I/C development should be protected from socio - political factors and issues. If
firms fail in these aspects, either good idea will be ignored or rejected or bad ideas will be pushed to far
towards formal NPD. To avoid these risks, senior management support, leadership by committed
enthusiast and heavy weighted project manager can be leveraged wisely.
Pitfalls and Countermeasures for Radical and Incremental Front-end Developments:
Expected outcome in case of Radical is new to firm and market. Below are countermeasures which can
be implemented to avoid common pitfalls at every stage of I/C front end development activity.
a) To reduce uncertainty collaboration with customers and lead users and Cross Functional Collaboration
b) Environmental scanning activities to avoid failure in identification of competitive offering c) Informal
Discussions and cross functional reviews for too hard or too soft screenings d) Product portfolio
planning to capitalize core competencies. e) Building capacity and agreements for partnership with
another firms f) concept commercialization
Limitations: This analysis can be only used for assembled products with incremental and radical
development. Key activities will vary significantly for non-assembled products and hence results should
be interpreted carefully by managers.