Low Cost Housing
Low Cost Housing
Low Cost Housing
Our project deals with effective costing and following of techniques which help in reducing
the cost of construction through the use of cheaper alternative materials beside with
technology and improved skills without losing the power, performance and life of the
structure. There is huge misconception that low cost housing is suitable for only subnormal
works and they are built by using cheap building materials of low quality. The fact is that
Low cost housing is done by proper management of resources. Economy is also achieved by
completing the project in time. Cost of reduction is achieved by selection of more efficient
material or by improved design. Construction of low cost housing by using the low cost
construction materials increases the access to buildings by low income group peoples.
Advantages of low cost building materials are pollution prevention, Reducing Energy
Consumption and use of Natural materials, Use of Local material, Energy Efficiency, Use of
non-toxic building materials, Longitivity, durability and maintenance of building material,
Recyclability and reusability of building material and Biodegradability. The reviews on
various low cost building designs and management are presented in this paper.
Cost effective techniques in construction
Sr.no Description Pg.
1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………. 1
2 Literature review…………………………………………………………….. 2
3 3.1Mechanical splicing……………………………………………………… 6
3.1.1. Introduction……………………………………………………….. 7 Types of splicing……………………………………………. 8
3.1.2. Manufacturing and specification of couplers……………………... 9
3.1.3 Comparison of lap splice and mechanical splice………………… 10
3.2 Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum housing……………………………….. 12
3.2.1. Introduction……………………………………………………….. 13
3.2.2. Product dimensions and properties………………………………... 15 Mechanical properties ……………………………………... 16
3.2.3. Reinforcement requirement……………………………………….. 18
3.2.4. Cost comparison between RCC frame housing and GFRG housing 19
3.3.Filler slab………………………………………………………………... 33
3.3.1. Introduction………………………………………………………... 34 Advantages of filler slab……………………………………… 36
3.3.2. Material selection as per design……………………………………. 37
3.3.3. Comparison between filler slab and conventional slab……………. 38 Cost comparison…………………………………………….. 38 Strength comparison………………………………………… 39
3.4. Rat trap bond…………………………………………………………… 40
3.4.1. Introduction……………………………………………………….. 41
3.4.2. Material selection as per design…………………………………… 42
3.4.3. Comparison of rat trap bond and conventional brickwork………... 43
3.5. Concrete block masonry unit…………………………………………… 45
3.5.1. Introduction………………………………………………………... 46 Types of concrete blocks……………………………………. 46
3.5.2. Comparison of CLC block and conventional red brick:…………… 47
4 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………... 53
5 References…………………………………………………………………… 54
Cost effective techniques in construction
List of Figures
Fig. Title Page No
1. Types of mechanical splicing…………………………… 8
2. Installation of coupler………………………………………… 9
6. Building plan………………………………………………….. 19
Cost effective techniques in construction
List of Tables
Table. Title Page
No No
1 Reinforcement details………………..………………………………..… 10
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Low cost housing can be achieved by use of efficient planning and project
management, low cost materials, economical construction technologies and use of alternate
construction methods available. The profit gained from use of such methods can decrease the
cost of construction and make the low cost housing accessible to all. Affordable housing is a
general term used to define housing that is affordable to lower or middle income households.
Low-cost housing projects are characterized by an increasing demand mainly due to
urbanization. The selection of building materials should meet the needs of local circumstances
to improve value of life for the most desired ones by building innovative structures and/or by
refining existing structures. Sustainability regarding urban housing intends to progress new
approaches to succeed human settlements and integrate energy and environmental issues.
Cost effective techniques in construction
The objective of this study was to focus on views from the construction industry about the
difference of the two construction methods such as GFRG wall panel system and traditional
construction system based on the estimation value and also to generate some construction
management results
The main part of the project is estimating the building work for a residential house based on
the Quotation collected from five different zones for each work. The collection of quotation
includes Cost for each Material like Cement, Sand, Aggregate, etc and each activity like
Excavation, Centering work, Flooring, Plastering etc. The estimation work is carried out for
both wall panel system and conventional building system.
The scheduling of each work is also carried out by using Primavera. From scheduling we can
calculate the time requirement and time difference for every work of wall panel system and
conventional Building system.
Authors carried out study on cost effective of using low cost housing Technologies in
construction, it is observed that construction methods of foundation, walling, roofing and
lintel are compared. Strength and durability, safety and mental satisfaction are factors that
assume top priority during cost reduction. It is found that about 26.11% and 22.68% of the
building cost can be saved by consuming low cost housing technologies in assessment with
the traditional construction.
Study on Sustainable construction, it is observed that the objective in this paper were to found
if there is a belief within the commerce that sustainability means increased cost and to
investigate whether using sustainable construction methods save money by reducing a
building carbon output and running costs. Following the literature survey, a questionnaire
survey has been carried out to canvas opinions within industry. This paper will benefit
customers and designers as they can see how integrating sustainability into new buildings will
enable big savings on utility and maintenance costs once the building is operational. Study on
sustainable Housing and Building Materials for Low-income Households; it is observed that
sustainable goals for low-cost housing and applications are achievable. Measures concerning
the physical development of neighborhoods, such as urban density and connectivity are
Cost effective techniques in construction
3. Vivid Gupta, Shiavam sagar, Sushant singh, M.Haroon, 17, International research
journal of research and technology, vol. 4, pp1575-1578
Many authors have reported the use of fly ash brick in the replacement of conventional clay
brick, for the purpose of cost reduction. Many papers have been published on Low Cost
Housing, some of them are:
Authors carried out study on prefabricated building material, It was observed that In
prefabricated construction, as the components are readymade, self-supporting, shuttering and
scaffolding is eliminated with a saving in shuttering cost. Precast members can be used with
large number of repetition without causing damage to the mold whereas in conventional
method, the shuttering gets damaged due to its repetitive use because of frequent cutting,
nailing etc.
Cost effective techniques in construction
In prefabricated housing system, time is saved by the use of precast elements which are casted
off-site during the course of foundations being laid. The finishes and services can be done
below the slab immediately. While in the conventional in-situ RCC slabs, due to props and
shuttering, the work cannot be done, till they are removed. Thus, saving of time attributes to
saving of money.
This technique of construction can be easily adopted for the construction of all types of
buildings, once the cellular concrete blocks are available in the market. This is possible if
entrepreneurs set up production units near Thermal Power Plants, where they are given flyash
free of cost and space and facilities like power and water supplied at no-profit, no loss basis.
The large scale production of the blocks will help in the problem of disposal of flyash to a
great extent. In addition, it will result in saving of cement and steel and will lead to
affordable housing.
.6. Nilinjan sengupta, Jan 2008, Current science, vol. 94, pp 38-44
Author carried out study regarding greenhouse gases emitted during construction activity and
how to reduce it by cheaper alternative techniques. It was suggested that CO2 emitted during
production of construction materials can be minimized by adopting techniques like rat trap
bond, filler slab, brick arches, and compressed earth block.
Compressed earth block: Compressed earth blocks (CEBs) are earthen bricks compressed
with hand-operated or motorized hydraulic machines. Stabilizers such as cement, gypsum,
lime, bitumen, etc. are used during production or on the surface of the bricks. In many areas
of the world, proper materials are available for making CEBs, and thus this type of block may
be a better choice than any other building material. One of the factors that affect the use of
CEBs is the mental barrier of using simple earth rather than burnt clay bricks. Non-
availability of skilled manpower and technical guidance to produce large quantities of CEB
with proper quality is also a determinant force.
Cost effective techniques in construction
Authors carried out study regarding mechanical splices and it was found out that this method
of splicing of rebars is more efficient in terms of time, money, and labour compared to lap
splices. They carried out case study at Jaypee Greens new undergoing project 'Wish Town’ and
prepared an estimate comparing lap splice and mechanical splice. It was found out that mechanical
splice saved significant amount of money in large scale project.
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.1
Mechanical splicing
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.1.1
There are three basic ways to splice the bars: Lap splices, Mechanical connections and
Welded splices. Lapped joints are not always an appropriate means of connecting reinforcing
bars. The use of laps can be time consuming in terms of design and installation and can lead
to greater congestion within the concrete because of the increased amount of rebar used. It
also increases the overall reliability of reinforcement splices. Of the three, lap splicing is the
most common and usually the least expensive. Couplers especially threaded one can simplify
the design and construction of reinforced concrete and reduce the amount of reinforcement
required. The coupler system is designed to connect two pieces of rebar together in the field
quickly and easily. Taper threaded splices utilize the time-tested, field proven taper thread for
assurance of strength, consistency and reliability while simplifying installation. Designed for
use with worldwide grades of rebar, they develop the full tension splice strength requirement
per numerous design standards
The coupler system is available in several styles to meet virtually any application. The
applications include standard bar-to-bar connections, precaging applications, hooked bar
applications, closure pours, precast connections, rebar terminations and anchorages, transition
splices, segmental construction and connections to structural steel. Most popular splicing
systems are Interlock, Quick wedge, Speed sleeve, Terminator, Lock, Form saver, Taper
thread splices, and Cad weld splices.
More and more engineers are specifying mechanical reinforcement connections overlap
splices. They've found that mechanical connections afford a reliability and consistency that
can't be found with lap splicing. Lap splices depend upon concrete for strength so they lack
structural integrity and continuity in construction. Mechanical splicing assures the
maintaining of the continuity of the Load path in the reinforcement, independent of the
condition of concrete. Mechanical splices deliver higher performance than a typical lap splice.
Generally, this is 125% -150% of the reinforcement bar Mechanical splice can bear and can
deform more than a lap splice before failure occurs. Lap splicing, which requires the
overlapping of two parallel bars, has long been accepted as an effective, economical splicing
method. Lap splices usually are in contact, but in flexural members the bars can be separated
Cost effective techniques in construction
by as much as 6 inches. Bond between steel and concrete transfers the load in one bar to the
concrete and then from the concrete to the other (continuing) rebar.
This transfer of load is influenced by the deformations, or ribs, on the rebar. In projects with
small bar sizes such as of number 6 or number 8, relatively low yield stress in steel and
building heights of 15 stories or less, lap splices have performed well over the long run. In
recent years, however, there has been a shift. Continuing research, more demanding designs in
concrete, new materials and the development of hybrid concrete/structural steel designs have
forced designers to consider alternatives to lap splicing. Structural concrete building frames
are being pushed to 100 stories and more. Current design practice for structural framing uses
bar sizes from number 8 to number 11 with yields of 60 or 75 ksi. And concrete strengths of
8000 to 12,000 psi are accepted by code and increasingly used. Use of higher-strength
concretes allows for shorter lap lengths. However, these concretes are more susceptible to
splitting failures, raising questions about the adequacy and reliability of lap splices.
Types of splicing:
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.1.2
Generally couplers are manufactured from mild steel, but in some cases alloys of different
metals can also be used. The material should be such that couplers meet the minimum
strength requirement (125% of yield strength of rebar). The manufacturing of couplers
includes different basic steps as cutting, boring, threading, finishing. Every manufacturer
gives his own specifications regarding coupler selection. A very important aspect of coupler
selection is selection of material and specification given for them
The coupler is normally supplied to a reinforcing bar, ready to be installed and cast in
After casting of the concrete and when ready to extend, remove the plastic end cap
from the coupler, position the continuation bar in the sleeve and rotate the bar into
the coupler.
Continue to screw the bar into the coupler until tight and
To ensure correct installation, tighten the joint to the specified torque using a
calibrated torque wrench on the continuation bar
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.1.3
A case study was carried out at SRA’s project site, Andheri. It was an under construction site
where traditional lap splice technique was used to splice the bars in columns. Only one
column up till 5 storeys was considered. Size of bars used were 32mm. 25mm. and 20mm in
columns only. Floor to floor height was 3 meter. Lap length was calculated by IS- 456
G.f 16 8 0
1 16 8 0
2 0 24 0
3 0 16 8
4 0 16 4
5 0 16 4
Cost effective techniques in construction
32 32 90 2880
25 88 90 7920
20 16 90 1440
This report has included calculations for only 1 column whose details were available from the
site. This shows that couplers are an effective and an economic replacement of lap splice. This
coupler used at the site is known as “tapered thread” it is the simplest type of coupler. This
report shows how couplers have effectively saved a huge amount of money in a single
building. The total couplers cost Rs. 12240 which is very less when compared to lap slice.
Cost of lap splice was Rs. 37850.
The report concludes that the added structural and economic advantages of mechanical splices
over laps make the benefit-to-cost ratio extremely attractive because mechanical splices give
the structures added toughness and load path continuity that laps cannot offer. The
reinforcement couplers not only provide strength to the joints but are they are also an
economic means of connections of two bars. The taper-threaded splice is a widely used
mechanical splicing system worldwide.
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.2
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.2.1.
Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG) Panel branded as Rapid wall is a building panel
product, made of calcined gypsum, plaster, reinforced with glass fibers, for Mass-scale
building construction, was originally developed and used since 1990 in Australia. The panel,
manufactured to a thickness of 124mm under carefully controlled conditions to a length of 12
m and height of 3m, contains cavities that may be unfilled, partially filled or fully filled with
reinforced concrete as per structural requirement. Experimental studies and research in
Australia, China and India have shown that GFRG panels, suitably filled with plain reinforced
concrete possesses substantial strength to act not only as load bearing elements but also as
shear wall, capable of resisting lateral loads due to earthquake and wind. GFRG panel can
also be used advantageously as in-fills (no-load bearing) in combination with RCC framed
columns and beams (conventional framed construction of multi-storey building) without any
restriction on number of stories micro-beams and RCC screed (acting on T-beam) can be used
as floor/ roof slab.
The GFRG Panel is manufactured in semi-automatic plant using slurry of calcined gypsum
plaster mixed with certain chemicals including water repellent emulsion and glass fiber
rovings, cut, spread and imbedded uniformly into the slurry with the help of screen roller. The
panels are dried at a temperature of 275o C before shifting to storage area or the cutting table.
The wall panels can be cut as per dimensions & requirements of the building planned. It is an
integrated composite building system using factory made prefab load bearing cage panels &
monolithic cast-in situ RC in filled for walling & floor/roof slab, suitable for low rise to
medium rise (single to 10 storeys) building.
Cost effective techniques in construction
As load Bearing Walling – With cavities filled with reinforced concrete is suitable for
multi – storeyed housing. In single or two storeyed construction, the cavities can
remain unfilled or suitably filled with non – structural core filling such as insulation,
sand, quarry dust, polyurethane or light weight concrete
As partition walls in multi storeyed frame buildings. Panels can also be filled
suitably. Such walls can also be used as cladding for industrial buildings or sport
facilities etc.
As compound walls / security walls.
As horizontal floor slabs / roof slabs with reinforced concrete micro beams and
screed (T-beam action). This system can also be used in inclined configuration, such
as staircase waist slab and pitched roofing.
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.2.2.
These design guidelines are applicable to GFRG building panels, presently manufactured as
Rapid wall®, for the typical dimensions and material properties described in this manual.
Typical dimensions of a GFRG building panel are 12.0m × 3.0m × 0.124 m, as shown in Fig.
4. Each 1.0 m segment of the panel contains four ‘cells’. Each cell is 250 mm wide and 124
mm thick, containing a cavity 230 mm × 94 mm, as shown in Fig. 3.2. The various cells are
inter‐connected by solid ‘ribs’ (20 mm thick) and ‘flanges’ (15 mm thick), comprising
gypsum plaster, reinforced with 300 ‐ 350 mm glass fiber roving, located randomly but
centrally. The skin thickness is 15 mm and rib thickness is 20 mm
Cost effective techniques in construction
Mechanical properties:
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.2.3.
Reinforcement requirement:
Table 6:Comparison of reinforcement requirement for various types of houses
Infilling & Additional infilling and
Reinforcement Required reinforcement required, if
Sr.no House Type for walls any
In roof/floor slab panels can be used as flexural slab, whose strength can be significantly
enhanced by embedding ‘micro beams’, filled with reinforced concrete. Unfilled GFRG
panels can be used as pitched roofs for single storeyed small span buildings. Some nominal
filling with reinforcement may be done at eaves and ridge locations
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.2.4.
Cost comparison between RCC frame housing and GFRG housing
The estimation work is carried out for both GFRG panel system and conventional RCC
building system. Measurement sheet is prepared using partly center line and partly cross wall
method. From this comparative we can calculate the cost difference for each work of
construction activity.
Plan used is same for both GFRG and conventional RCC frame technique. However
foundation built in GFRG technique is step footing and in conventional RCC technique is
isolated footing. Item rates were taken from DSR Pune 2016.
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cost effective techniques in construction
vii) Staircase
a) Base of toe wall 2.8 0.25 0.2 0.14
b) waist slab of flight 2 2.79 1.4 0.15 1.17
c) Midlanding 2.8 1.4 0.2 1.17
d) Landing at first floor 2.8 1.5 0.15 0.63
e) Steps 18 1.41/2*0.25 0.17 1.07
Cost effective techniques in construction
I class B.W in C.M (1:6) in
foundation& plinth
For panels
i)L1 7.13 0.2 1.05 1.5
ii) L2 7.2 0.2 1.05 1.51
iii) S1 13.5 0.2 1.05 2.83
iv) S2 13.48 0.2 1.05 2.83
Earthfilling in foundation
6 (1/5)*115.63 23.13
7 Sandfilling in plinth 13.9 7.35 0.43 43.93
a) Deduction for portion
2 0.2 0.35 0.43 -0.06
occupied by column 5and 8
b) Stair portion 1.4 0.2 0.43 -0.12
Cost effective techniques in construction
Deduction for
D 2 1 0.2 2.1 -0.84
W1 9 1.2 0.2 1.2 -2.59
W2 3 0.9 0.2 1.2 -0.65
W3 2 0.6 0.2 0.7 -0.17
Band lintel over panel walls 43.6 0.2 0.7 -1.31
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cost effective techniques in construction
iii) Staircase
a) Waist slab of flight 2 2.79 1.4 3.906
b) Midlanding 2 2.8 1.4 3.92
c) Landindg at first floor 2 2.8 1.5 4.2
Deductions for openings
D 4 1 2.1 8.4
D1 2 0.9 2.1 3.78
D2 2 0.8 2.1 3.36
C.G 1 1.4 2.1 2.94
Lintels over 0
D 4 1.3 0.15 0.78
D1 2 1.2 0.15 0.36
D2 2 1.1 0.15 0.33
C.G 1 1.7 0.15 0.255
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cost of construction using RCC frame technique was 1262490.38 INR, while using GFRG
technique the total cost was brought down by 67449.82 INR.
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.3.
Filler slab
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.3.1
Filler slab technology is a simple and a very innovative technology for a slab construction.
The reason why, concrete and steel are used together to construct RCC slab, is in their
individual properties as separate building materials and their individual limitation. Concrete is
good in taking compression and steel is good in tension. Thus RCC slab is a product which
resists both compression as well as tensile.
Knowing this much if we want to move further to understand the “Filler slab” technology, we
will have to further study the cross section of a typical simply supported RCC Slab. Under its
own load and applied load, the slab will try to bend as shown in the Figure 1.
Cost effective techniques in construction
If we refer Figure 8, which indicates the neutral axis and also tension concrete in the bottom
fibers of the slab which is in tension but the top fibers will be in compression. Knowing this
much is the key to understand the filler slab technology. Tension in a slab is on the bottom
fiber and compression on the top fiber. That means if we want to optimize the structure we
can remove concrete from the tension zone where it is not much needed. That’s the key
behind filler slab construction.
This is a very cost effective roofing technology. Knowing the way slab is
constructed on site (w.r.t. Gujarat, India), it is not easy to remove, the concrete from the
tension zone, hence we try and replace (partially); that part of concrete using light weight and
low cost filler material. This method of construction is called filler slab. Filler slab technology
is being used across India, but substantial amount of work on the successful promotion and
transfer of this technology was done by Ar. Laurie Baker in South India. It is one place where
filler slab has crossed the boundary of research and controlled implementation to being one of
the regular options of construction by both government and private sector and also architects
and designers have been promoting this technology. These filler materials are so placed as not
to compromise the structural strength, stability and durability, resulting in replacing unwanted
and non-functional tension concrete, from below and thus resulting in economy of high
energy material consumption and respective cost savings and decreased dead load of the slab.
An internal cavity can be provided between the filler material which adds an extra advantage;
other than cost savings and energy savings; improved thermal comfort for the interiors. Also
an added advantage of lower dead weight transferred to the supporting elements and finally
onto the foundation to further adds up cost saving in design of these elements. These filler
materials are so placed as not to compromise the structural strength, stability and durability,
resulting in replacing unwanted and non-functional tension concrete, from below and thus
resulting in economy of high energy material’s, consumption and considerable cost saving
and decreased dead load of the slab.
Cost effective techniques in construction
By adopting RCC filler slab construction compared to a RCC solid (conventional) slab
in case where Manglore tiles are used as a filler material, you can save on
approximately 19% of the total concrete and including the cost of filler material, you
can save around 5-10% of your concrete cost.
Another advantage is, if the filler material is just a waste i.e. for ex temporary
manglore tiles that are removed from the roof to construct a pukka roof, you can save
upon nearly 15% on your roof concrete construction cost.
Building a 25 sq. m slab can save you approx. Rs. 5000 from your concrete cost.
Filler slab technology can also be applied to mass housing projects and township
projects to gain high cost saving and also saving in high energy consuming materials.
Another advantage can be of a better thermal comfort if a cavity is kept between the
filler material or the filler material itself has a cavity. For example tow manglore
tiles/Clay tiles can be kept one over the other to form an air cavity thus keeping the
interiors of your house remain cooler in summer and warmer in winters.
Filler slabs can be kept exposed (with proper workmanship) to create aesthetically
pleasing ceiling with a view of filler material from below and thus the cost of
plastering and/or painting also can be avoided.
RCC being made of cement, steel, sand and aggregates, is a very high energy intensive
material. So reduction in concrete quantity compared to conventional slab
construction, adds this technology to the list of sustainable and environment friendly
technologies and cooperating green building features.
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.3.2
Material selection as per design:
Light weight, inert and inexpensive materials such as low grade Mangalore tiles, Burnt Clay
Bricks, Hollow Concrete blocks, Stabilized Mud blocks/ Hollow Mud blocks, Clay pots,
Coconut shells etc. can be used as filler materials. These materials are laid in the grids of steel
reinforcement rods and concreting/concrete topping is done over them.
Filler material should be inert in nature. It should not react with concrete or steel in
RCC slab constructed.
Filler materials water absorption should be checked for as it will soak the hydration
water from concrete.
Filler material should be light in weight, so that overall weight of the slab reduces and
also the dead load onto the foundations is reduced.
Filler material should be low cost so that it cost is much lesser then the cost of the
concrete it replaces. This is very important to achieve economy.
Filler material should be of a size and cross-section, which can be accommodated
within the spacing of the reinforcement and also thickness wise could be
accommodated within the cross section of the slab.
Moreover the Filler slab also provides insulation (compared to a conventional RCC
slab) from the hot climate outside the building, providing thermal comfort to the user.
Filler material texture should match with the desired ceiling finish requirements so as
not to provide an ugly ceiling pattern.
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.3.3.
Comparison between filler slab and conventional slab:
Cost comparison
Assuming a 100 mm thick slab 2.54×3.86 m, and calculating the material and cost savings as
per market material rates of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, August, 2011 and comparing the savings
For 1 m3 : RCC Filler slab vs. Conventional Solid RCC Slab.
The table below shows the consumptions of materials and cost savings for 1 m3 quantity of the
Material Filler slab savings/cu.m Savings Rs
0.96 0.78 0.18 127
Steel (kg) 28.2 17.48 10.72 536
Total 1102
Cost effective techniques in construction
Strength comparison:
The cost of filler slab over conventional slab is around 30% less by cost and aesthetic view
has is much more pleasing then conventional slab one. Therefore, we can consider filler slab
instead of conventional slab with point of view of cost and architectural point of view.
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.4
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.4.1.
While laying bricks, the manner in which they overlap is called the bond. There are several
types of bonds developed in different countries from time to time. They are called as stretcher
bond, English bond, Flemish bond and rat-trap bond. A “Rat-Trap Bond” is a type of wall
brick masonry bond in which bricks are laid on edge (i.e. the height of each course in case of
a brick size 230x110x75 mm, will be 110 mm plus mortar thickness) such that the shiner and
rowlock are visible on the face of masonry as shown below.
This gives the wall with an internal cavity bridged by the rowlock. This is the major reason
where virgin materials like brick clay and cement can be considerably saved. This adds this
technology to the list of Green building technologies and sustainability for an appropriate
option as against conventional solid brick wall masonry. This cavity adds an added advantage
as it adds a Green building feature of help maintain improved thermal comfort and keep the
interiors colder than outside and vice versa. The Rat trap bond construction is a modular type
of masonry construction. Due care must be taken while designing the wall lengths and heights
for a structure. The openings and wall dimensions to be in multiples of the module. Also the
course below sill and lintel to be a solid course by placing bricks on edge. The masonry on the
sides of the openings also to be solid as will help in fixing of the opening frame.
Cost effective techniques in construction
1. Bricks
As far as possible, use of fired clay bricks should be checked with alternative bricks
i.e. fly ash bricks, bricks from construction waste etc. as firing of bricks is in general
highly energy consuming and air polluting.
These alternate bricks provide better strength and durability than fired clay bricks and
finishing cost of your wall can be saved with a better quality and aesthetically
2. Mortar:
By adopting this method of masonry, you can save on approx. 20-35% less bricks and
30-50% less mortar; also this reduces the cost of a 9 inch wall by 20-30 % and
productivity of work enhances.
For 1 m3 of Rat trap bond, 470 bricks are required compared to conventional brick wall
where a total of 550 bricks are required.
Rat trap bond wall is a cavity wall construction with added advantage of thermal
comfort. The interiors remain cooler in summer and warmer in winters.
Rat-trap bond when kept exposed, create aesthetically pleasing wall surface and cost of
plastering and painting also may be avoided.
Rat trap bond can be used for load bearing as well as thick partition walls.
All works such as pillars, sill bands, window and tie beams can be concealed.
The walls have approx. 20% less dead weight and hence the foundations and other
supporting structural members can suitably be designed, this gives an added advantage
of cost saving for foundation.
Service’s installations should be planned during the masonry construction if not
Cost effective techniques in construction
Virgin materials such as bricks, cement and steel can be considerably saved upon by
adopting this technology. It will also help reduce the Embodied Energy of virgin
materials and save the production of Green House Gases into the atmosphere.
In case for more structural safety, reinforcement bars can be inserted through the cavity
It has to be done by masons trained in rat trap bond, because there could be wastage of
mortar falling into the gap.
The other disadvantage is in using concealed wiring and plumbing. If you break one
brick, then more than one brick will fall down.
Material saving per m3: Rat trap bond vs. Conventional Brickwork.
Summarizing the material cost, an approximate saving of Rs. 478 (20% saving) is achieved
per m3 of Rat trap bond brickwork compared to conventional solid BW.
Cost effective techniques in construction
Assume building a house with 100 sq. m on each floor, and the periphery walls are
made of Rat trap bond instead of conventional bond, the savings in materials cost and
total brickwork cost that can be achieved are listed below:
The load bearing tests done at the Anna University has proven that a wall in rat- trap
bond performs as good as the usual English bond. Rattrap bond saves consumption of
bricks by 18% and cement by 24% as compared to conventional English bond in addition
to being lighter by 25% in weight.
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.5
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.5.1.
A concrete masonry unit (CMU) is a standard size rectangular block used in building
construction. CMUs are some of the most versatile building products available because of the
wide variety of appearances that can be achieved using concrete masonry units. Concrete
blocks are made from cast concrete (e.g. Portland cement and aggregate, usually sand and
fine gravel, for high-density blocks). Lower density blocks may use industrial wastes, such
as fly ash or bottom ash, as an aggregate. Recycled materials, such as post-consumer glass,
slag cement, or recycled aggregate, are often used in the composition of the blocks. Use of
recycled materials within blocks can create different appearances in the block, such as
a terrazzo finish, and may help the finished structure earn LEED certification. Lightweight
blocks can also be produced using autoclaved aerated concrete.
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.5.2.
Cost comparison:
Assuming a 10m3 Masonry, and calculating the material and cost savings as per market
material rates of DSR rates and comparing the savings for 10m3: CLC blocks vs Conventional
red bricks.
Material calculations:-
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cement 3 bags 350 1050
Sand 0.292 M3 3200 935
1985 ding
Head mason 2-Jan Nos. 650 350 0.5%
Mason 2 Nos. 500 1000
Mazdoor 2 Nos. 350 700
2050 materi
al cost
= 10
2. Contingencies @ 5% of 1,2,3 = 202.22
3. Work Charge Establishment @ 2.5% of 1,2,3 = 101.11
4. Contractors profit @ 10% of 1,2,3,4,5 = 434.773
Total cost =4782.50 Rs
Cost of Brickwork = 66759.05+4782.50 = 71540
Materials calculation:-
Cost effective techniques in construction
2. LABOURS cost =
Head mason 2-Jan Nos. 650 325 223.94
Mason 2 Nos. 500 1000 2. Con
Mazdoor 4 Nos. 350 1400
@ 5% of
1,2,3 = 2386.84
3. Work Charge Establishment @ 2.5% of 1,2,3 = 1193.42
4. Contractors profit @ 10% of 1,2,3,4,5 = 5131.72
Total cost = 56450 Rs
Cost effective techniques in construction
Cost effective techniques in construction
Strength comparison:
35 25 40
Water Absorb 17 -20% by Absorb 12-15% of Absorb 12-15% of water
absorption total volume water by total volume by total volume
Cost effective techniques in construction
Chapter 3.6
Techniques and materials discussed in this project report can bring down the cost of
construction up to a significant amount. These techniques of construction can be easily
adopted for the construction of all types of buildings. Also these techniques reduces the
amount of greenhouse gases emission hence reduces pollution.
Using mechanical splice in place of lap splice can reduce up to 67% of cost also it reduces the
time and labour required to splice the bar. However it is not convenient to use couplers for
bars below 16mm as it does not prove to be cost effective.
Constructing a house using GFRG housing technique instead of traditional RCC frame
housing technique proves to reduce the cost up to 5-6%. Though the cost difference is not
worth a change but the time saved by using GFRG housing technique is quite appealing. G+1
storey house can be constructed within 20 days with ready to move finishing. Hence this
technique will be useful when large amount of houses of same design and shape are needed
within quick amount of time, such as during flood or disaster housing relief. GFRG panel
manufacturing plant should be established throughout the country to reduce the transportation
cost of GFRG panel and to effectively utilize gypsum which is a waste product of a fertilizer
Constructing filler slab in place of traditional solid slab can bring the cost down by 30% of
cost. It also reduces the dead load acting on the structure.
Rat trap bond or Chinese bond uses almost 20% less bricks than conventional English or
Flemish bond. Houses up to 2 storeys can be constructed using this bond. These technique can
be implemented in rural areas where there is an urgent need of housing for all. But not
everyone could afford.
Constructing Concrete block masonry instead of red brick masonry proves to be advantageous
as it reduces the time and labour. Also using CLC blocks brings the cost down by 15% and
also reduces the dead load on structure.
Adoption of any alternative technology on large scale needs a guaranteed market to function
and this cannot be established unless the product is effective and economical. The government
agencies such as Hudco, Cidco, and Mhada must support these techniques to promote the low
Cost effective techniques in construction
cost construction techniques by making awareness amongst users and contractors executing
the works.
Cost effective techniques in construction