Chaud Huri 1989
Chaud Huri 1989
Chaud Huri 1989
Abstract-Although current literature abounds in a variety of edge of noise in the image degrades the performance of gra-
detection algorithms, they do not always lead to acceptable results in dient based algorithms appreciably. The use of gray-scale
extracting various features in an image. In this paper, we address the
problem of detecting blood vessels in retinal images. Blood vessels nsu- morphology has been suggested in 131. It involves simple
ally have poor local contrast and the application of existing edge de- erosion and dilation operators and can be implemented for
tection algorithms yield results which are not satisfactory. We intro- real time processing by bsing suitable hardware. This al-
duce an operator for feature extraction based on the optical and spatial gorithm appears to work better in extracting edges from
properties of objects to be recognized. The gray-level profile of the
images with salt-and-pepper type of noise.
cross section of a blood vessel is approximated by a Gaussian shaped
curve. The concept of matched filter detection of signals is used to de- The Sobel operator involves the computation of local
tect piecewise linear segments of blood vessels in these images. We con- intensity gradients and the responses due to nonideal step
struct 12 different templates that are used to search for vessel segments edges are not good. A modification of that is the detection
along all possible directions. We discuss various issues related to the of second-order zero-crossings, and the corresponding
implementation of these matched filters. The results are compared to edge operator is called the Laplacian [ 2 ] . In order to re-
those obtained with other methods. The automatic detection of blood
vessels in the retina could help physicians in diagnosing ocular dis- duce the effect of high frequency noise, a bandwidth re-
eases. striction can be imposed by convolving the original data
by a two-dimensional Gaussian window before applying
the Laplacian operator [4]-[7]. It has been shown in [4]
I. INTRODUCTION that the above scheme is a limiting process of the differ-
spheroidal wave functions. This filter is optimal in the produces dilated tortuous veins, arteriosclerosis can cause
sense that it produces maximum energy for a specified the arteries to acquire a copper or silver color, and dia-
resolution of edge localization in the vicinity of the edge. betes can generate new blood vessels (neovasculariza-
A stochastic model of the edge structure in the image has tion). Thus, a reliable method of vessel detection is
been proposed in [14], where a two-dimensional digital needed, which preserves various vessel measurements.
recursive filter has been used to minimize the least mean An edge detection algorithm, similar to the morpho-
square (LMS) estimation errors. Characterization of in- logical edge detector, has been used for automatic rec-
dividual edge elements in an image by using generalized ognition of arterio-venous intersections [ 191. A line find-
splines and discrete cosine transform (DCT), in relation ing algorithm along with a probabilistic relaxation scheme
to its neighborhood and in terms of the topographic prop- has been used for the extraction and subsequent descrip-
erties of the image intensity surface, has been reported in tion of blood vessel patterns in retinal images [20], [2 11.
~51. However, these algorithms do not result in a continuous
An important motivation for using algorithms based on map of the vasculature of the retinal surface. An individ-
template matching is the ease of implementation on spe- ual blood vessel may be broken into several segments due
cialized high speed hardware as well as the possibility for to branching of vessels or arteriovenous intersections.
parallel computations. In all of these approaches, com- Most of the algorithms mentioned above and in the pre-
putations could be performed in parallel on individual vious section may be considered as generalized edge de-
pixels. Such kernel-based methods for edge detection tectors, and do not take account of the special properties
have, thus, become increasingly popular. As the size of of the objects being detected. Blood vessels have a special
the convolution mask is increased, a better operator (in property that the two edges of a vessel always run parallel
the sense that it is less sensitive to noise) can be designed,to each other. Such objects may be represented by piece-
but the computation increases significantly. Although wise linear directed segments of finite width. The gradient
these methods may reduce the spatial resolution signifi- directions for these two edge elements are 180” apart and
cantly [ 111, they may be used very efficiently not just to hence, they are sometimes referred to as “anti-parallels”
detect individual edge elements but to extract certain spe- [22]. Thus, one method of extraction of such objects in
cial features in the image. Our goal is to design an oper- an image consists of identifying the anti-parallels and
ator which is nearly optimal for the recognition of certain tracking them along their gradient directions [22]. This
special objects in the image, particularly for the detection algorithm has been used for locating roads, rivers, etc.,
of blood vessels in retinal fundus images. in geological images. In our experience, the contrast be-
The organization of this paper is as follows. The im- tween vessels and the background was too low for these
portance of edge detection in image processing applica- methods to reliably define blood vessels without fragmen-
tions and the currently available different types of edge tation [23].
detectors have been reviewed in this section. Section I1 Methods of extraction or enhancement of directed line
describes the need for the detection of blood vessels in segments in an image have been proposed in [24], [25].
retinal images and a brief survey of the existing literature. These methods employ sector filters in the frequency do-
Some of the special properties of blood vessels in fundus main and fail to yield good results in the presence of blob
images are reported in Section 111. The concept of matched type objects in the image [26]. It has recently been brought
filter detection of 4gnals is briefly reviewed here, and then to our attention that a method of enhancement of finger-
extended to the detection problem for 2-D signals. Sec- prints has been proposed in [27], [28]. The intensity pro-
tion IV describes the implementation of the proposed al- files for individual lines are modeled by cosine shaped
gorithm. Some of the results of application of this scheme curves, the dominant angle of orientation in a local neigh-
to fundus images are given in Section V. The performance borhood is estimated, and then a proper template is used
of this algorithm is compared to that of some other com- to enhance the line segments. However, the process of
monly known algorithms. Finally, conclusions and rec- estimating the local orientation consumes about 85 per-
ommendations are presented in Section VI. cent of the computation time. The method that we propose
here is quite similar to the above approach, but it does not
11. DETECTION OF BLOODVESSELS require this pre-processing step. The proposed method is
Information about blood vessels can be used in grading discussed in the next section.
disease severity or as part of the process of automated
diagnosis of diseases with ocular manifestations [ 161- 111. DESIGNOF MATCHED FILTER
[ 181. Blood vessels can act as landmarks for localizing the We observe three interesting properties of the blood
optic nerve, the fovea (central vision area), and lesions. vessels in retinal images.
As a result of systemic or local ocular disease, the blood 1) Since the blood vessels usually have small curva-
vessels can have measurable abnormalities in diameter, tures, the anti-parallel pairs may be approximated by
color, and tortuosity. For example, central retinal artery piecewise linear segments.
occlusion usually causes generalized constriction of reti- 2) Since the vessels have lower reflectance compared
nal arteries, hypertension may result in focal constriction to other retinal surfaces, they appear darker relative to the
of retinal arteries, central retinal vein occlusion typically background. A few representative samples of blood vessel
radially outward from the optic disk, such a change in 0 1 . I . I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I
are found to lie within a range of 2-10 pixels (36-180 Distance in pixels from center of blood vessel
pm). For our initial calculations, however, we shall as- Fig. I . The gray-level (brightness) profiles of the cross section of several
blood vessels in the image of Fig. 7(a). The shapes of the curves are
sume that all the blood vessels in the image are of equal similar although the vessels have different widths and intensities. The
width 20. trough i n each curve represents the center of the corresponding blood
Now let us consider the detection of an arbitrary 1-D vessel.
signal s ( t ) in an additive Gaussian white noise. If the
signal is passed through a filter with transfer function
H ( f),the output signal s o ( t )is given by sponses are to be compared, and for each pixel only the
maximum response is to be retained.
Consider the response of this filter for a pixel belonging
to the background retina. Assuming the background to
have constant intensity with zero mean additive Gaussian
where S( f ) is the Fourier transform of s ( t ) , and r ( f ) white noise, the expected value of the filter output should
is the noise spectrum. Using Schwartz's inequality, it can ideally be zero. The convolution kernel is, therefore,
be proved [29], [30] that the filter H ( f ) that maximizes modified by subtracting the mean value of s ( t ) from the
the output signal-to-noise ratio is given by Hop,( f ) = function itself.
S * ( f ). Since the input signal s ( t ) is real valued, hopt (t) It has already been mentioned that the vessels may be
= s ( - t ) . This optimal filter with the impulse response considered as piecewise linear segments. Instead of
h ( t )is commonly known as the matched filter for the sig- matching a single intensity profile of the cross section of
nal s ( t ) . In a typical communication system, if there are a vessel, a significant improvement can be achieved by
n different signals s , ( t ) , i = 1, 2 , * . * , n , the received matching a number of cross sections (of identical profile)
signal is passed through a stack of n matched filters. If along its length simultaneously. Such a kernel may be
the response due to the j t h filter is the maximum, it is mathematically expressed as
concluded that the signal s, ( t ) was transmitted.
~ ( xy ,) = -exp ( - x 2 / 2 a 2 ) for lyl I~ / 2( 2 )
Under the present context, it may be noted that the in-
tensity profile can be assumed to be symmetrical about the where L is the length of the segment for which the vessel
straight line passing through the center of the vessel. is assumed to have a fixed orientation. Here the direction
Hence, s ( - t ) = s ( t ) . The optimal filter must have the of the vessel is assumed to be aligned along the y-axis.
same shape as the intensity profile itself. In other words, For the vessels at different orientations, the kernel has to
the optimal filter is given by h,,,(d) = -exp ( - d 2 / 2 a 2 ) . be rotated accordingly. L was determined experimentally
The negative sign indicates that the vessels are darker than by analyzing vessels in both normal and abnormal retinas.
the background. Also, note further that instead of n dif- The above procedure reduces the possibility of false de-
ferent types of objects having to be identified, the prob- tection of blood vessels in a nonideal environment. Also,
lem reduces to deciding whether or not a particular pixel it suppresses the response due to the noise significantly in
belongs to a blood vessel. If the magnitude of the filtered the background retina where no blood vessel is present.
output at a given pixel location exceeds a certain thresh- Such a scheme may be compared to Canny's edge detector
old, the pixel is labeled as a part of a vessel. [7], where the maximum of directional derivatives at every
When the concept of matched filter is extended to two- pixel is calculated and is averaged along its perpendicular
dimensional images, it must be appreciated that a vessel direction.
may be oriented at any angle 0 (0 I0 5 a).The matched
filter s ( t ) will have its peak response only when it is IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ALGORITHM
aligned at an angle 0 f a / 2 . Thus, the filter needs to be The two-dimensional matched filter kernel in a discrete
rotated for all possible angles, the corresponding re- grid is designed as follows. Let = [x y ] be a discrete
0 - 4 - 5 - 6
0 0 0 - 6 -
0 -4
0 0
- 5 -
2 3
4 4 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
and the corresponding
- point in therotated coordinate sys- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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