Study of Human Resource Accounting Practices: April 2018
Study of Human Resource Accounting Practices: April 2018
Study of Human Resource Accounting Practices: April 2018
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1 author:
Ganesha Ks
Dayananda Sagar Institutions
All content following this page was uploaded by Ganesha Ks on 04 April 2018.
Abstract: Human Resource Accounting (HRA) was introduced in 1980s, it is the process of identifying,
communicating, and measuring data about human resources. It is highly complicated in today’s market to find
well knowledge, and highly motivated people. But Human Resource is one of the most important operations for
any organization or business. Without the human involvement can lose its efficiency in work, and all the areas
of business and levels human efficiency is required with machine efficiency. Thus companies have to recognize
and appreciate the value of their employees. It is worth and capital investments. The objective of this paper is to
study the Human Resources Accounting practices, to identify challenges and issues, and to give suggestions
based on the findings of the study.
Keywords: Capital investment, Human Resource Accounting (HRA), HRA Challenges, HRA Issues, HRA
I. Introduction
Human Resource Accounting (HRA) is to measure the value and cost of the people in the organization,
it measures the cost incurred to recruit, hire, train and develop employees and managers. After measuring, the
organization prepares a report, that report is called HRA Report. The report can be viewed by employees,
managers and outside investors.
The concept of human resource accounting was first developed in the year 1961 by Sir William Petty,
but truly begins in the 1960 by Renis Likert. Mainly the success factor for any knowledge based company is its
intelligence and skilled workforce.”Real assets will not appreciate much as businesses get commoditized;
innovation and Intellectual power are going to be the key to the future” (Mohandas Pai, CFO, INFOSYS).
“Human Resource Accounting is an attempt to identify and report investment made in resource of the
organization that are not presently accounted for under conventional accounting practice”
[ By Woodruff ]
“Human Resource Accounting as a term used to describe a variety of proposals that seek to report and
emphasize the importance of human resource-Knowledgeable, trained and loyal employees-in a company’s
earnings process and total assets” [Prof. Sidney Davidson ]
“It is a process of identifying and measuring data about human resources and communicating this
information to interested parties” [American Accounting Association]
VII. Perceptions
Bricker et al. (1995) and Previts et al. (1994) they proposed that analyst will react negatively to any
parting from accepted accounting practice. Porter (1995) and Hines (1988) suggest that accountants define or
shape user perception of reality when employing accepted accounting recognition criteria. Capitalizing a human
resource asset on the financial statements using replacement cost methodology deviates significantly from
current acceptable accounting practice. Porter (1995) might imply that, not only accepted practice but also
fundamental assumptions made to preserve an insecure accounting profession’s misunderstanding of “objective”
financial reporting, analysts would judge it as less reliable.
His literature suggests that financial analysts receiving information presented under a replacement cost
framework are more likely to allow their perceptions regarding available information reliability to overcome any
perceived relevance of the presented training cost information.
VIII. Problems With The Current Practice Of Accounting For Human Resource
In this accounting principles treat all labor costs, including benefits, wages, training, recruiting as
expenses. This is similar to commodities such as materials or supplies, and labor moved from the farm to the
factory due to capital concentration in and near major cities. While accepting the accounting theory the long-
term nature of capital assets and natural resource reserves, the current accounting system masks labor’s long
term contributions to the firm. The accounting methodology has addressed current trends in the economy
regarding non capital assets, with a general change toward a market-to-market.
IX. Conclusion
Where HRA would give an organization a right vision towards the way forward, but most of the
organizations do not value their plans and human resources to implement of HR are at a very early stage. So
they should more concentrate on both theoretical as well as practical. Hence considering the importance of
HRA, the government has to take proper initiation as well as the Professional Boards at the national and
international levels in respect of formulation of special accounting standard, and valuation models on the
measurement and reporting of the value of HR.
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