STP Guidelines, Deptt. of Management Studies, CUH
STP Guidelines, Deptt. of Management Studies, CUH
STP Guidelines, Deptt. of Management Studies, CUH
1.1. Each student of MBA Second Semesterhas to undergo a summer trainingin any
organization (public/private/co-operative)/institution/company/firm/bank/financial
institution/corporate entity/NGO etc. The training will start just after the completion
of his/her Second Semester Examinationand the duration will be for 6-8 week long
period. Every student has to join any Company/organization/Institution/NGO/PSU
or any other organisation as summer trainee. As a summer traineethe student will be
guided by the Supervisor of that organisationand a Faculty member of the
Department will be monitoring the progress. The student has to carry out the
responsibility assigned to him/her by the supervisor of that organisation in
consultation with the internal faculty assigned to him/her.After completion of the
Summer training, each student will have to get registered in the core course Summer
Training Project having 3 credits and he/she has to submit a Summer Training
Project in the form a Dissertation to his/her Supervisor and the University. The
semester long Project will be evaluated on a regular basis by the faculty as per the
evaluation criteria mentioned in point no. 6 below.
1.2. Each student has to submit a certification from Supervisor on the formal letter head
of the organization certifying that the student has carried out training satisfactorily.
See Appendix E for format of Supervisor Feedback form.
1.3. Each student has to submit the fortnight progress report to faculty monitoring his/her
project via emailfor ensuring regular interaction. See Appendix D for format of
Supervisor Feedback form.
1.4. Students need to sign a “Workplace Confidentiality Form” if desired so by the
organization. This form needs to be submitted to organization before the training
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
3. Viva-voce 30%
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH Objective Itshould be pragmatic and consistent with the title of
the study or work carried out by you during your
Summer Training project and achievable during the
course of summer training within the prescribed
schedule. Students are advised to develop the
objectives in consultation with their respective
supervisors from the organisation and faculty from the
department. The objectives must start with action
oriented verbs. A sample of objectives is given below
as example:
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
Students also have to explain the concepts, tools and techniques used
for data analysis. The rational and justification for using a particular
tool and technique should be explained. For example if a student uses
Standard Deviation as a statistical tool, he should explain the concept
of Standard Deviation and its relevance to the study along with its
A brief theoretical description of concepts, tools and techniques used
in project along with definition of key words and formulae etc. should
be included Rational
Why this project in summer training is being carried out. This section
will highlight the problem to which the project is addressing
1.8.4. Analysis and Interpretation (Chapter 4) Raw data (primary or secondary) collected must be reduced to
standard formats such as tables, charts, graphs, diagrams etc and is to
be presented in this chapter. The tool for data presentation should be
suitably selected so that interpretation and inferences could be drawn
easily and become self explanatory. Proper titles, legends, scales,
source (s) etc must be mentioned along with each diagram.
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH Limitation
The limitations could be mentioned in terms of data insufficiency,
time & expertise constraints etc.
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
For Book:
Kumar, R., & Singh, R. (2013). Name of Book. Place:
Publisher Name.
Kumar, R. (2013). Business Statistics (3 ed.). New Delhi:
Sage Publications.
Kumar, R., & Singh, R. (2013). Business Statistics (3 ed.).
New Delhi: Sage Publications.
For Report:
Kumar, R. & Singh, R. (2013). Name of Report. Place:
Publisher Name.
Kumar, R. (2013). Problems in Indian Automobile Sector.
New Delhi: Indian Research Institute.
Kumar, R., & Singh, R. (2013). Problems in Indian
Automobile Sector. New Delhi: Indian Research Institute.
For Conference Proceedings:
Kumar, R., & Singh, R. (2013). Title of Paper. Conference
Proceedings Name (Page Range). Place: Publisher Name.
Kumar, R. (2013). Green Marketing: A Problem or Solution.
Current Issues in Marketing (20–30). New Delhi: Sage
Kumar, R., & Singh, R. (2013). Green Marketing: A Problem
or Solution. Current Issues in Marketing (22-34). New Delhi:
Sage Publication.
For Website:
Kumar, R., & Singh, R. (2013). Webpage Name. Retrieved
Month & Year Name, from link of website
Kumar, R. (2013). Yahoo India. Retrieved November 2013,
Kumar, R., & Singh, R. (2013). Yahoo India. Retrieved
November 2013, from
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
1.8.8. Appendices The appendices are to be attached at the end of the report and to be
numbered as Appendix-A, Appendix-B etc. right justified at the
top of the page. Below the word Appendix, write in parenthesis
“Refer Para No__”. The para number is to be the number in the body
of text where the reference of appendix is given. An appendix may
have annexure(s). If there are annexure, there are to be attached
immediately after the said appendix. The annexure are to be
numbered as Annexure-I, Annexure-II etc.
As a part of your MBA program, students are required to undergo summer training
in asector. The significance of the summer training can be appreciated from the
factthat it is an opportunity for the students to put into practice the knowledge gained
during theentire first year. (Frequently companies, during campus interview, ask
questions regardingtheir summer internship). In this regard please take note of the
1. The summer training project demands that the student is proficient in report
writing,data analysis apart from functional skills.
2. It is an absolute must that the student is disciplined and well behaved during the
entireperiod of the summer training. The University will take action in case of any
misconduct reported by the industry supervisor.
3. The student must keep the department informed about his/her progress on
fortnightlybasis(APPENDIX D) by sending an email to Internal Supervisor and
always mark a copy of every mail to IndustryMentor on his/her email address or the
vice-versa.If the Student fail to send the Fortnight report then in that case the
final STP dissertation will not be considered for final evaluation.
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
4. The student must maintain an individual daily dairy wherein he/she is required
towrite daily observations related to ST in his/her hand writing. The pages of the
diary must be numbered.
5. The student is required to furnish the following information within ten days of
the joining: Name of the industry mentor with email address and cell phone number,
dateof commencement and completion of the training, title of the project, and name
of thecompany with complete postal address, landline# and website.
6. In most of the cases the topic for the STP is given by the industry mentor but insome
cases he/she may ask for the topic from the student, in that case you should
bementally prepared and ready with some topics after consulting your Internal
7. If in case the project allocated by the company is the team project, you may work
onthat project and submit the report with the company but for the academic
requirementyou shall be submitting the individual summer training project report.
8. No two project reports with the same title will be accepted by the department.
9. Student must ensure, as far as possible, the use of primary data and shouldform the
hypothesis and then test the same.
10. The project title shall not be changed during the summer internship without
informing the' Industry mentor, Internal supervisor and the placement
11. The student must ensure that their Industry Mentor is fully satisfied by the quality
ofhis/her efforts.
12. The student must procure the brochure, annual report, visiting card (of
industrymentor, office bearers in HR) etc. of the corporate to enable the university to
pursuefinal placement in the very same organization in which the student is
undergoingsummer training.
13. At the end of the training, the students must obtain a "certificate of training" on the
Letter Head of the Companyfrom hisIndustry Mentor which should clearly state
the duration of the training (in any casethe duration must not be more than 8 weeks),
the project title, the feedback of theguide etc. This certificate of training will be
enclosed in the Final Project Report.
14. It is mandatory for every student to get the Industry Mentor Feedback Form.
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
15. If the summer training report is not submitted in the prescribed format
provided by the department, then the report will not be accepted by the
I hereby promise that any information collected by me or made available to me during the
Summer Training at _______________________________________________________
will remain confidential. I will not disclose any confidential information as long as it is
brought to my attention that it is confidential.
I will also obey all safety, security and other instructions given by Organisation .
Name of Student
Signature of Student
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
Signature of Student
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
1. Period of Training
No. Evaluation Criteria Poor Bad Average Good Excellent
General understanding about the working
1 of the organisation:
Awareness about the global and national
2 business environment:
Conceptual clarity and ability to apply
3 management concepts:
Level of efficiency in work performance
4 and capacity to achieve targets:
Inter-personal effectiveness and ability to
5 work in teams:
6 Punctuality and regularity:
7 Etiquettes and general conduct:
8 Adaptability to organizational culture:
Communication skills:
2. Any otherRemarks:
Name of Supervisor:
Signature of Supervisor
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
___________________(Title of Project)_______________________
Undertaken at
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
Certificate of Originality
(To be filled in by the student in his / her handwriting)
(Student's Signature)
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
Date :
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
1) Duration of Training:
2) Company Name:
3) Company Address:
7) Company Website:
15) Was the Project identified by the student or by the Industry Mentor?
16) Is the Mentor interested in coming to CUH at the time of Summer training
presentationsby the MBA students :
18) If YES then his core specialization area or his favorite topic for guest lecture:
19) Is the Mentor interested in taking students for Summer Training (next year) from
20) Is the Mentor interested in taking students for Final Placement from CUH:
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
21) Is the mentor interested in giving suggestion for enriching the course curriculum &to
increase the Institute/Industry Interface:
22) Would the company be interested in any area where the Faculty can carry out any
study or MDP or research work:
STP Guidelines, Deptt. Of Management Studies, CUH
S No Topic Page No
1 Certificate -
2 Certificate of Originality -
3 Acknowledgement -
4 List of Tables -
5 List of Figures/Charts -
6 Main Body of Dissertation( Chapters)
7 Conclusions
8 References/ Bibliography
9 Appendices
Figure Title Page No
S No Symbol Nomenclature & Meaning
S No Abbreviated Name Full name