Canal Water Cleaning Machine: Synopsis Report On
Canal Water Cleaning Machine: Synopsis Report On
Canal Water Cleaning Machine: Synopsis Report On
The motive of the project is to automate the sewage cleaning process in drainage, to reduce
the spreading of diseases to human. The black water cleaning process helps to prevent pest
infestations by reducing the residues that can attract and support pests. It also improves the
shelf life and sensory quality of food products. In the proposed system, the machine is
operated with remote control to clean the sewage. Hence, this system avoids the impacts from
the sewage waste. and its harmful gases. This helps to prevent the mosquito generation from
the wastage. The system has a wiper motor that starts running as soon as the set-up is
switched on. Two power window motors are connected to the wheel and it is driven with the
help of the remote control set-up. The process starts collecting the sewage wastes by using
the arm and it throws back the waste into the bin fixed in the machine at the bottom. An arm
is used to lift the sewage and in turn a bucket is used to collect them. The set-up runs even in
sewage area with water (limited to a particular amount) so that the wastages which floats on
the water surface also gets collected. The garbage which affects the drainage is also picked up
and removed. This system has limited human intervention in the process of cleaning and in
turn reduces spreading of diseases to mankind. Modern services are becoming polarized.
Design consists of application of scientific principle, technical information, and imagination
for development of new mechanism to perform specific function with maximum economy
and efficiency. Hence careful design approach has to be adopted. The total design work has
been split into two parts.
1. System design
2. Mechanical design
System Design:-
System design is mainly concerns the various physical constraints and ergonomics, space
requirements, arrangement of various components on frame at system, man-machine
interaction, no. of controls, position of controls, working environments, of maintenance,
scope of improvement, weight if machine from ground level, total weight of machine and a
lot more. In system design we mainly concentrated on the following parameter:-
Chances of failure:-
Losses incurred by owner in case of any failure are important criterion of design. Factor of
safety while doing design should be kept high so that there are less chances of failure.
Moreover periodic maintenance is required to keep unit healthy.
Servicing facility:-
Layout of components should be such that easy servicing is possible. Those which require
frequent servicing can be easily disassembled. ‘