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Canal Water Cleaning Machine: Synopsis Report On

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Synopsis Report


Canal water cleaning machine

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

Requirements for the award of the degree

Submitted By:- Faculty Supervisor :-

Sachin(16BME1101) Er. Rohit Kumar
Prince Jaswal(16BME1090)
Niraj kumar(16BME1114)
Rahul Sharma(16BME1074)



Sr.No. Content Page no.

1. Introduction
2. Literature Survey
3. Methodology
i. Material Required
ii. Work to be Done
iii. Approximate Cost
iv. Work Place
The “Canal cleanup machine” used in that places where there is waste in the water body
which are to be removed. This machine is consist of waterwheel driven conveyer mechanism
which collect & remove the wastage, garbage & plastic wastages from water bodies. This
also reduce the difficulties which we face when collection of debris take place. A machine
will lift the waste surface debris from the water bodies, this will ultimately result in reduction
of water pollution and lastly the aquatic animal's death to these problems will be reduced. It
consists of Belt drive mechanism which lifts the debris from the water. The use of this project
will be made in rivers, ponds, lakes and other water bodies for to clean the surface water
debris from bodies. Waste water is defined as the flow of used water from homes, business
industries, commercial activities and institutions which are subjected to the treatment plants
by a carefully designed and engineered network of pipes. The biggest impact of cleaning the
chemical wastes can cause respiratory diseases and it plays a challenging issue for the
municipality officers Water damage is classified as three types of contaminated water. They
are clean water, gray water and black water. Clean water is from a broken water supply line
or leaking faucet. If not treated quickly, this water can turn into black water or gray water,
depending on length of time, temperature, and contact with surrounding contaminants. A
drainage ditch is a narrow channel that is dug at the side of a road or field to carry away the
water. Nowadays, even though automation plays a vital role in all industrial applications in
the proper disposal of sewages from industries and sewage cleaning is still a challenging task.
Drainage pipes are used for the disposal of sewage and unfortunately sometimes there may be
loss of human life while cleaning the blockages in the drainage pipes. The municipality
workers are only responsible to ensure that the sewage is clean or not. Though they clean the
ditches at the side of buildings, they can’t clean in very wide sewages. The municipality
workers need to get down into the sewage sludge to clean the wide sewage. It affects their
health badly and also causes skin allergies

1. M. Mohamed Idhris, M. Elamparthi, C. Manoj Kumar Dr.N.

Nithyavathy, Mr. K. Suganeswaran, Mr. S. Arun kumar(DESIGN AND

The motive of the project is to automate the sewage cleaning process in drainage, to reduce
the spreading of diseases to human. The black water cleaning process helps to prevent pest
infestations by reducing the residues that can attract and support pests. It also improves the
shelf life and sensory quality of food products. In the proposed system, the machine is
operated with remote control to clean the sewage. Hence, this system avoids the impacts from
the sewage waste. and its harmful gases. This helps to prevent the mosquito generation from
the wastage. The system has a wiper motor that starts running as soon as the set-up is
switched on. Two power window motors are connected to the wheel and it is driven with the
help of the remote control set-up. The process starts collecting the sewage wastes by using
the arm and it throws back the waste into the bin fixed in the machine at the bottom. An arm
is used to lift the sewage and in turn a bucket is used to collect them. The set-up runs even in
sewage area with water (limited to a particular amount) so that the wastages which floats on
the water surface also gets collected. The garbage which affects the drainage is also picked up
and removed. This system has limited human intervention in the process of cleaning and in
turn reduces spreading of diseases to mankind. Modern services are becoming polarized.

2. Mr.Abhijeet. M.Ballade, Mr. Vishal.S.Garde, Mr.Akash.S.Lahane and

Mr.Pranav.V.Boob (Design & Fabrication of river cleaning system).
India is holy country & during lots of festival like ganesh visarjan, navratri durga puja &
mainly Siahnsth kumbhmela there is lots of water pollution of Godavari River at Nashik. The
water pollution is very important problem in rivers, ponds and water bodies near Godavari
River at Nashik. Due to increase in water pollution in the form to waste debris; it is
hampering the life of aquatic animal and make their life in danger. Similarly sometimes the
aquatic animal tends to eats surface waste debris considering it as a food; which ultimately
cause the death of animals. Due to polluted water many skin diseases to human kind are
observed. So that to reduce the water pollution we are trying to make river cleanup
machine.“River cleanup machine'' a machine which involves the removing the waste debris
from water surface and safely dispose from the water body. The river cleanup machine works
on hydropower to extract waste water debris, plastics & garbage from Godavari river at

3.Basant Rai - Pollution and Conservation of ganga river In modern India.

According to a World Bank Sponsored Study (State of Environment Report- U.P.) (In:
Mallikarjun, 2003), pollution levels in the Ganga are contributing 9-12% of total disease
burden in Uttar Pradesh (U.P.). The coliform bacteria levels are in excess of 2 lakh MPN as
against the national water quality standard of 5000 (Mallikarjun, 2003). The report estimated
total health damage on account of water pollution in up to is around 6.4 million daily
(Disability Adjusted Life Year).According to the CPCB survey report, the total municipal
sewage generated in the identified 25 towns in 1985 was of the order of1340 million liters per
day (mld). Apart from this sewage, 260 mld of industrial wastewater, runoff from 6 million
tons of fertilizers and 9,000 tonnes of pesticides used in agriculture within the basin, large
quantities of solid waste, including thousands of animal carcasses and human corpses were
being released into the river every day. Out of this, works corresponding to 873 mld only
(65%) were taken up under the first phase of GAP. The remaining sewage was to be taken up
under the 2nd phase of GAP which is already in progress. The Action Plan primarily
addressed itself to the interception and diversion for treatment of the targeted municipal
sewage of 873 mld. According to report of Water Resources Planning Commission (May,
2009), the programme GAP and NRCP has been positive. Water quality monitoring done by
reputed independent institutions indicates some improvement in the water quality over pre-
GAP period. The water quality analysis of samples collected at 16 stations on River Ganga
during 1986 and 2008 shows improvement in Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels at 4 locations
namely up and down streams of Allahabad and Varanasi. All the 16 stations except Patna
downstream and Rajmahal show reduction in Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) values.

4.Huang Cheng, Zhang Zhi Identification of the Most Efficient Methods

for Improving Water Quality in Rapid Urbanized Area Using the MIKE 11
Modelling System.
The Liangtan River basin is shared by Jiulongpo, Shapingba and Beibei district in
Chongqing, China. The Liangtan River pilot project comprised identification of key pollution
sources leading the Liangtan River basin pollution and the most efficient projects and
technology for improving water quality in rapid urbanized area using the MIKE 11 modeling
system. Ammonia-N (NH4 -N) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were found to be most
illustrative representing nutrient load from municipal and diffuse rural sources and industrial
sources, respectively. The scenario modelling for2015 shows that in terms of improving the
water quality, the different sectors should be addressed in the following order: Urban
wastewater, industrial pollution load, rural wastewater, livestock pollution load, domestic
solid waste and fertilizer pollution load. The largest improvements to water quality by 2015
can be achieved by enhancing municipal wastewater treatment to meet higher wastewater
discharge standards for nutrients and by supporting investment in clean technology at the 50
largest industrial enterprise.
Methodology used for whole processing of pump is given below; this methodology gives way
about how work is to be carried out in systematic way. It is standard process of describing
process, how it is done in simplest manner.

Design consists of application of scientific principle, technical information, and imagination
for development of new mechanism to perform specific function with maximum economy
and efficiency. Hence careful design approach has to be adopted. The total design work has
been split into two parts.
1. System design
2. Mechanical design

System Design:-
System design is mainly concerns the various physical constraints and ergonomics, space
requirements, arrangement of various components on frame at system, man-machine
interaction, no. of controls, position of controls, working environments, of maintenance,
scope of improvement, weight if machine from ground level, total weight of machine and a
lot more. In system design we mainly concentrated on the following parameter:-

System selection based on constraints:-

Our machine is used in small-scale so space is major constrain. The system is to be very
compact so that it can be adjusted in small space

Arrangement of various components:-

Keeping into view the space restrictions all components should be laid such that their easy
removal or servicing is possible. Every possible space is utilized in component arrangements.

Chances of failure:-
Losses incurred by owner in case of any failure are important criterion of design. Factor of
safety while doing design should be kept high so that there are less chances of failure.
Moreover periodic maintenance is required to keep unit healthy.

Servicing facility:-
Layout of components should be such that easy servicing is possible. Those which require
frequent servicing can be easily disassembled. ‘

Scope of future improvement:-

Arrangement should be provided in such way that if any changes have to be done for future
scope for improving efficiency of machine.

Height of machine elements from ground:-

All the elements of the machine should be arranged to the height from where it is simple to
operate by operator. Machine should be slightly higher than the waist level, also enough
clearance should be provided from the ground for cleaning purpose.
Weight of machine:-
Total weight depends on the selection of material of all components as well as their
dimensions. Higher weight will result in difficulty in transportation; it is difficult to take it to
workshop because of more weight.

Approximate cost and Materials Required :-

Sr No. Name of Parts No. of Units Material Cost

1 Solar Panel 1 1200
2 DC Motor 2 2000
3 Conveyor Belt 1 400
4 Battery 1 800
5 G.I Sheet 1 350/sq. mtr
6 Propeller 1 1000
7 Al. Net 1 500
Total 8 7000

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