Shamanish and Soul Recovery PDF
Shamanish and Soul Recovery PDF
Shamanish and Soul Recovery PDF
Soul Recovery *
Legal Disclaimer
The information in this book is meant for educational purposes only. It contains the
opinions and ideas of its authors. It is intended to provide information only about
Shamanism and Shamanic Healing. It is not a substitute for medical or psychological
evaluation or treatment.
Please feel free to share this report with a friend who may
benefit from it.
We dedicate this book to Spirit, our Guides and Teachers …
And to all the wonderful individuals who have or will walk this path with us.
We also want to thank Marianne Fransen for translating this e-book into Dutch.
Lost or stolen
Gently, carefully
Shamanism is an ancient art, a way of wisdom, arising from ages past, to align us with
the energies of Nature. It is a time-honored cross cultural quest for knowledge that
predates all known religions and philosophies. Research dates shamanism back at least
45,000 years to Stone Age.
Shamanism, in some form, is found in every culture during its history. It still exists in
many cultures today, and is a far-ranging practice in many cultures around the world.
Shamanic practices can be found in the many areas of Siberia/Russia, Australia,
China/Mongolia, South America, Mexico, Africa, Germanic/Scandinavian, as well as
among the Native American Peoples, Eskimos, and Celts.
Shamanism is a way of life — way of living in harmony with everything around you …
“All that is”. It is a deeply rooted system of awareness, of healing practices, ceremonies
and teachings for healing and solving personal and community problems. In its most
traditional form, it is the practice in which a Shaman consciously enters into an altered
state of consciousness, walking between the worlds, to contact the spirit world to gain
information, to help and heal others and the community.
Shamanism became a “household word” in the 1960’s with the help of anthropologist,
Dr. Michael Harner. Dr. Harner has been recognized as the pioneer and leader of the
revival of shamanism – including bringing the shamanic journey process into the
Western world. Contemporary shamanism is a path to knowledge gained through life’s
experiences and walking between the worlds of man and Spirit. Shamanism is emerging
in urban communities as more and more people are looking to the “old ways” to gain a
deeper understanding and balance with Spirit, Mother Earth and themselves. It is
through this understanding and balance that we can heal and re-balance ourselves,
others and the Earth.
A shamanic practice is not a religion of sacred dogmas nor about prescribed belief
systems, but about working in direct connection with Spirit, and the spirits of the Earth,
plants, animals, trees, etc.. It is a way of life. It reaches beyond dogma, religion or any
prescribed beliefs to offers a wide picture of "All that is". A shaman's way of life is of
being “connected”, walking one's talk and of living a heart centered existence.
The shaman understands that all things in the Circle of Life are alive and have spirit.
Walking a shamanic path is a way of living, giving honor and respect to all things and
learning what they have to tell us. It is communication with "All that is". In the words of
the Lakota Sioux, "Mitakuye Oyasin" - All My Relations, is a prayer of oneness and
harmony with all forms of life -- two footed, four footed, winged, finned, insects, trees,
plants and rocks. It is a reminder that we are connected to all aspects of Creation and
share a common kinship in the Circle of Life.
I recently read this very simple definition of the word shaman. It’s simple and concise…
“A shaman is one who helps people in their dealings with the other worlds.”
(The Truth About Shamanism, Amber Wolfe, 1994, p. 1)
The word shaman originated among the Siberian Tungus and literally means he/she
who has “the ability to know in an ecstatic manner”. The name Shaman was then
adopted to refer to all native healers that practiced in a certain way. Some healing
traditions prefer not to be referred to as a shaman, because they wish to retain the
integrity of their healing by retaining their traditional name such as Curanderos of the
Amazon, Mudangs in South Korea, or Angakok of the Inuit people. There are also
certain names that other cultures often apply to their shamanic healers, that translate to
mean "the dreamer", "the traveler", or "of the spirits."
The shaman is one who chooses to "walk between the worlds" of everyday reality and
the spirit realms for guidance or healing. They are able to slip out of their ordinary reality
into an “altered state of consciousness”. In this state of shamanic consciousness, the
shaman is aware of both the physical world and the spirit world or “Otherworld” at the
same time.
He/she acts as an interpreter for the spiritual realm. Shamans treat ailments/illness by
mending the soul. Alleviating traumas affecting the soul/spirit restores the physical body
to balance and wholeness. They also travel to the spiritual realm to obtain solutions to
problems afflicting the community. Shamans may visit other worlds/dimensions to bring
guidance to misguided souls and to ameliorate illnesses of the human soul caused by
outside elements.
Through his or her "journey", and working with spiritual guides, the shaman is able to
enter another's reality to retrieve parts of their life force, receive guidance for them and
remove or extract unwanted inclusions and/or attachments from that person. This
process is known as “soul recovery” or “soul retrieval”.
How an individual actually becomes a shaman varies from society to society. Initiation
into shamanism may entail learning tribal lore and ecstatic techniques and then passing
an initiatory ordeal, such as the “hero’s journey” commonly related by many myths. In
some societies it's possible to become a shaman by having a particularly vivid or
powerful vision in which spirits enter the body. In other societies, apprentices are
chosen by the tribal shaman and study for many years under their tutelage. Shamanic
abilities are also passed through family lineage and may skip a generation or two.
Not everyone who walks a shamanic path is called to be a shaman. The path of the
shaman as a healer is truly a calling. However, everyone has the ability to use the tools
of shamanic journeying to assist themselves in their growth and healing. We each have
a heritage that has some form of shamanic practice in its roots. This ability is
programmed in our DNA. As we become more attuned to Earth wisdom and the cosmic
energies, we begin to re-awaken these skills that lie dormant within us and apply these
skills to access the wisdom and support that lies within. And, as we explore this inner
wisdom, we see that the path of the shaman is truly the path to Self.
In shamanism it’s believed that parts of the soul are free to leave the body. Because the
soul is free to leave the body it may do so when dreaming or to protect itself from
potentially damaging emotional or physical situations. This is the soul’s “defense
mechanism” and is normal and natural. In these traumatic situations, the soul piece may
not return to the body on its own. When a shaman intervenes and returns the soul
essence, this is called “soul recovery” or “soul retrieval” and extraction (explained later).
Soul Recovery is a modern term for an ancient shamanic practice that helps recover
parts of one’s essence (life force-soul being) that have become blocked or disconnected
(usually due to a physical or emotional trauma). The Shaman “journeys” in altered state
to contact Spirit on behalf of the person needing healing, retrieves the lost “soul pieces”
and brings back information surrounding the loss of that soul piece, the how and why.
Often in our reality we encounter challenges that distance us from our true selves and
weaken us when we allow these encounters to deplete our life force. To preserve our
self and our reality, we leave "pieces" of our self behind. Soul Recovery aids in
recovering these lost or taken pieces of the individual's "soul being". In journey state,
the shaman with the aid of his/her guides, is able to retrieve the missing pieces as well
as information surrounding the loss of the piece. This information helps to clear the way
for physical and energetic healing as well as increased self- awareness, and gives us
additional tools to continue on our path to self-empowerment.
Soul pieces are parts of our essence, life-force, energy matrix or spirit that we have left
behind during the dramas and traumas of life. Losing soul pieces is like losing pieces of
the 1000 piece puzzle. When you've lost a few, you can't see the whole picture.
The shaman sees these soul pieces in many forms, from symbols to witnessing an
actual event. When the shamanic journey is completed and the soul pieces are
returned, the shaman will give you a detailed report on each soul piece, explaining the
symbols or circumstances under which they were found. The shaman doesn’t need to
understand the meaning of these symbols or situations, as they often have private
meanings for you or may trigger an association to a situation or event that can lead to
resolution of some long standing issues. In some cases, a piece may not immediately
be recognized, but information will come in during the weeks that follow the journey.
It is important to note that these returned soul pieces bring back what was lost at that
time, such as abilities or self-power. They do not bring back the trauma in which they
were found.
Soul pieces may split off during life’s dramas and emotional, physical, mental or spiritual
trauma. Most of us have experienced soul loss at some time during our life. It is
important to recognize that the “trauma” is what is experienced in the person’s
perspective at that point in their life. What is a “trauma” to a three-year-old would mean
nothing to us as an adult. But the soul fragments because of the perception of the three-
year-old, and the soul piece goes into hiding. This is a healthy protection mechanism
and our soul’s way of surviving without having to fully experience the trauma.
Sometimes these fragmented pieces will return on their own. If the soul pieces don’t
realize how to return, or if they don’t know that it’s safe to return – they may need
assistance to find their way home.
Some ways to lose a soul piece are: family arguments, unhealthy relationship dynamics,
loss of a job, a physical illness or accident, a car accident, being in a natural disaster (a
fire, hurricane, earthquake, tornado, etc.), death of a loved one, loss of a pet, divorce, a
move to another state or country, assault (abuse), sexual molestation, rape, living in a
dysfunctional family, past life experiences etc.
Another way to lose a soul piece is to give it to someone. Because we are not taught
about soul loss we do this soul sharing unconsciously. When two people are in love; or
in a family situation, sometimes they will give portions of their soul to their loved
ones. A mother may give or take a soul piece to her child because she wishes to
protect the child.
Soul pieces can be taken either intentionally or unintentionally. People with missing
pieces may unconsciously take a piece in order to help make them whole, or they take
because they are emotionally "needy". This “borrowing” can be innocent. You become
aware of someone with lots of energy and you borrow. Or, you are afraid of losing
someone, so you take a piece of that person with you so that you will always have him
or her close by.
Sometimes soul pieces are taken intentionally. But, for someone to take a soul piece we
must give them permission at some level to allow them to take it. We call this “giving
away our power”. Soul theft is a way to dominate another person. This often happens in
unhealthy relationships, such as, an abusive spouse takes a piece of his or her partner's
soul. We also see this in the work place with a domineering or demeaning boss or co-
Losing soul pieces is a normal part of our survival process. By leaving behind what we
can’t handle at the present time, the soul is able to continue on its journey. Later when
the pieces are retrieved, you have matured enough to process the information from the
soul pieces.
Everyone has lost soul pieces and in our opinion, could use a soul recovery; however
it is not something that can be forced on someone. The person has to be ready and
willing to engage the process.
Some indications that you may have experienced soul loss include:
Not feeling “whole” - Saying things like “I feel like I’m missing something” or “I
don’t have it all together”, “I just don’t feel whole.”
You are living “stuck” in the past. This could be after a loved one has died or
some other loss such as moving or loss of a job. You just can't seem to let go of
the past to live in the present.
Feeling ungrounded... "spacey", constantly daydreaming, not wanting to be here
on Earth, not wanting to CONNECT with reality.
You have blocks of memory loss ... from any time in your life... but particularly
from childhood.
You’re not able to release emotional trauma(s) from the past ... a death, divorce,
an accident, any kind of traumas such as those resulting from war-time,
relationships, birth, childhood/adolescence or loss of any kind.
Asking: "Why am I here?" You have no direction, focus, purpose or sense of
Addictions ... of any kind, such as alcohol, drugs, food, bingeing, anorexia,
cravings, gambling, love, codependency.
Loss of emotional feeling ... you can't cry or don’t feel ... you have a general
"emotional numbness".
Chronic disorders/dis-eases, especially those that you have had for a long time.
Depression of any kind.
Schizophrenia or any other kind of psychotic "break from reality" including PTSD.
You have no self-esteem/confidence, no self-worth.
Being tired all the time. You don’t have any energy.
You feel like you have no control of your life. You may feel like a doormat, puppet
or slave.
Everything you do is at one extreme or the other. There is no middle of the road.
Shamanic healing and soul recovery are helpful at times when you feel at a crossroad in
your life -- during a life crisis, relationship problems, depression and when you feel
stuck. It is helpful for inner child work. It can also help when you have lost a loved one,
when you reach a spiritual impasse and when you are preparing for a new phase in
your life. Everything that happens to us, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual,
impacts our Spirit. Shamanic healing works at the deepest levels of your spirit, providing
you with tools for growth and self-empowerment.
For the Shaman, all dis-ease of the physical body begins in the energy bodies.
Shamanic extraction means to remove the "blocks" stuck in your energy body and to
mend leaks of personal power that allow a person’s natural self-healing to take over.
These blocks or obstacles take on a symbolic form that is important to the person on
whom the extraction is being performed, such as a dagger or an arrowhead, a snake
or other animal or discoloration. These “things” can also be controls such as
shackles, weights or cords that have been self-imposed or someone has placed on
the person. Or, a block may be in place due to loss of a piece of soul, and it has
made its home in your aura as a result. These blocks sit in the energy body and
create stress on a system or organ of the physical body. Over a period of time, this
stress causes the system to dysfunction.
The shaman uses healing tools such as crystals, feathers, and rattles, to perform
“surgery” in a person's energy body to remove these blocks, repair chakras and perform
repairs on body systems that range from the general, down to the cellular level.
Extraction can be done with or without a soul recovery. Extraction can also be done
long distance and as often as needed, making it a helpful tool in recovering from
surgery or repeated invasive procedures such as chemotherapy.
Each person is unique and will experience different results from their soul
recovery. Some of the benefits that have been experienced by those who have
received a soul recovery include:
The ability to begin dealing with grief
Breaking old patterns – removing the “magnets” that draw the same situations to
your life
Understanding the root cause behind physical illness and healing it
Healing emotional trauma and conditioning from childhood
Healing deep emotional trauma and conditioning from sexual abuse
Healing emotional pain and patterns from relationships
Healing trauma and breaking patterns from past lives (whether you believe in
them or not!)
Removal of energy attachments
Changing limiting or negatives beliefs
Remove phobias
Understanding yourself and your soul contracts
Reconciling relationships
Increased vitality
An expanded sense of wholeness and well-being
Greater ability to release addictions and maintain changes
Stronger connection to spiritual source and soul purpose
Strengthened immune system
Feeling more balanced and centered
The ceremony used by the shaman is individual and will vary from shaman to shaman.
For an in person journey, the shaman will sit or lay next to the client touching hands as
physical contact. The client just sort of "hangs out" -- doesn't journey and tries to remain
conscious and receptive. The shaman enters altered state to walk into the spirit realm
and retrieves the soul pieces. Once all the pieces are found, he/she will blow the soul
pieces back into the client's heart and crown chakras. If an extraction is being done, the
shaman will scan the energy system with his/her hands several inches over the body.
Blocks will be removed and repairs are done using tools such as feathers, rattles and
crystals. The energy body is then sealed by circling the body with a rattle.
Since the shaman is working in a different dimension, Soul Recovery works equally
well, whether in person or by long distance. Long distance journeys work because the
shaman travels in the spirit realm where there is no time or distance. In the spirit realm,
the shaman is able to travel to you. From there, the shaman and his/her guides proceed
to collect your soul pieces with Spirit's permission.
Long distance journeys are very similar to in person journeys for the shaman, only the
client is not there physically. The shaman enters altered state and requests permission
of his/her guides and the guides of the client to perform the soul recovery. Once this
permission is granted, he/she will continue on and retrieve any lost soul pieces. An
extraction is done as well by scanning the energy body of the client while the shaman is
in altered state. After the soul pieces are retrieved and the extraction is done, the
shaman gives a report to the client by phone, mail or email.
That is the $64,000 question. The answer depends on many things and how many
traumas you have experienced in this and past life times that are affecting you in this
earth walk. Only Spirit can answer that question for you. We choose not to ask this
question of Spirit. We don’t want to be placed in a position of telling you that you have
“x” number of soul pieces that are still missing. This can be disempowering to you and
short change your growth process. Our agreement is that Spirit will let us know when a
client is “complete”.
On average, a client gets 2-4 soul pieces returned per journey. Once you have some of
your soul pieces returned, some less traumatized pieces may return on their own.
We leave it up to the client as to how many journeys they choose to have and at their
own pace.
Returned soul pieces need time to integrate, so soul recovery journeys are not done
closer than three months apart. The exception here is if you have a major trauma occur
in those three months, you do not need to wait to retrieve any newly lost soul pieces.
Extraction journeys can be done at any time and as frequently as needed to facilitate
And, just like on the physical level, an annual “check- up” is recommended to return any
additional soul pieces and clean your energy body.
Up until this point, the shaman has done all the work in retrieving your soul pieces.
The integration of your soul pieces begins after your journey. This is the most
important part of the work.
You will begin connecting with your soul pieces by asking questions of the returned
soul pieces and welcoming them home on a daily basis.
Celebrate the return of yourself! Welcome each soul piece home every day, or
anytime you think of them. Tell them how glad you are that they have returned.
Include them in everything you do, and for the younger pieces you many even want
to explain what you are doing and why. They have been away from you for a long
time and this is a way of letting them know that they are welcomed, loved and will be
taken care of by the current self. Continue this process for no less than 30 days.
Next, on the first day only, ask each piece “What gift and/or knowledge they have
brought back for me?” You will receive information regarding the question when the
time is right. Your awareness of the information can be a very subtle occurrence or may
be “in your face”. You may “hear” or “feel” the information, or it may come by intuition or
in dream time. Sometimes it may come from an external source, such as an “ah ha”
moment when you are talking with someone or from something you are reading or
Finally, ask “Is there is anything they want from me?” You only need to ask this
question on the first day also. Sometimes a soul piece may require something special to
acknowledge its return. It does not mean that they will leave if you do not respond. This,
too, can have a subtle answer ... it may be a feeling of the need to go to the park, go get
an ice cream cone, go for a hike, etc. Or maybe you need to have more fun to meet the
needs of the returned soul piece, or to go outside more, or you may need to give
yourself some time for quiet introspection.
Ask these questions only once in any manner that feels right to you such as during your
meditation, on a walk, in the shower or creating a special ceremony. Remember, it’s
however it feels correct to you. However you do your “homework” is correct. You CAN
NOT do this wrong. Once you ask the questions, let them go. Remain open and
conscious of their presence. It will be much easier to receive their messages in
whatever form it needs to take: a thought, a small voice, a dream, etc. To get the most
from your soul retrieval you must be aware and listen to yourself. Care for yourself as
you would a new born, and give yourself whatever you need now that the gift of you has
been received.
Don’t be afraid to use your imagination when you first begin working with the returned
soul pieces. If you are having difficulty communicating with them, begin by imagining
the conversation. The more you use your imagination, the more your logical left brain
will relax its control and allow you to access your intuitive right brain.
There are as many responses to soul recovery as there are clients. The return of the
soul pieces will mean different things to different people so it’s important not to have any
preconceived notions about what you might feel. Each person responds differently.
Some feel great joy or a sense of immediate relief, as if a weight is lifted off their
shoulders.. The 5 senses are completely engaged...everything may looks more colorful,
tastes are tastier, etc. Dreams return and are remembered, they become more vivid and
past memories that were lost, may come back. And sometimes people simple “feel
better” while others may feel nothing at all. The list is endless.
Sometimes returning soul pieces may bring up temporary challenges. There might be
tears, or physical or emotional pain. If you are integrating deeply emotional soul pieces
you may experience some emotional highs and lows in the first month after soul
recovery. A possibility exists for a temporary worsening of a physical ailment. Issues or
feelings, such as grief or anger, you have previously been unwilling to deal with can
come to the surface. Or, you may find that you can no longer stay in the situation which
you have been living in and you find you must make changes in your life. Your
shamanic practitioner should be able to provide support through these difficult situations
or may suggest a therapist or counselor.
If someone had taken your soul piece, that person may eventually call you, write you a
letter or show up unexpectedly after the soul, be aware. With the return of
pieces, there is a "reawakening" of the body on all levels of itself. The reactions
experienced are just too many to list. Just know that you will most likely feel “different”.
From the shaman’s perspective, soul recovery always works. The soul pieces are
retrieved and returned. It is extremely rare that a soul piece that has been returned
splits back off.
Integrating the pieces is an individual process. If “nothing” happens, it could mean the
person is in denial of the pieces or the process. They have closed the door to the
process for some reason, either consciously or unconsciously. Or, they may think soul
recovery is silly or they're afraid of it, and others are just not ready at this point in their
growth process to deal with the returning soul pieces, although they will say they're
ready consciously.
A person may “feel the same” after the journey. They have no awareness of the pieces
integrating. It is up to them if and when they become aware of the pieces. They may be
keeping the awareness away because their fear of change is greater than the reward of
what is being returned to them.
Sometimes, depending on the soul pieces returned, the trauma might be too minor to
feel the return of the soul piece. But, this soul pieces is necessary to lay the foundation
to begin the work for new healing and growth.
No matter the situation, the soul pieces will remain in the person's soul matrix staying
quietly in the background supporting their personal development.
The person performing the soul recovery is a tool of Spirit. Spirit uses the facilitator to
work through, like a conduit or translator. This is often referred to as being “the hollow
Another way to view the shaman is like the cosmic UPS man…we pick up and deliver!
Soul recovery and extraction should not be done without conscious permission of the
client. To do a soul recovery and/or extraction without permission is disempowering to
the person and violates their free will. There are exceptions such as children under the
age of understanding or someone who is mentally incompetent or in a coma.
The short answer is, yes. As we know, all healing is self-healing. You can recover
some of your own soul pieces, but it is not usually something a person does for
themselves. With appropriate training, an individual can do their own soul recovery
Recovering your own soul pieces isn’t as easy as we may think. Remember, the soul
pieces usually split off from some form of trauma. Attempting to retrieve our own
traumatized soul fragments could lead to more traumas if we aren’t coming from a
neutral, non-judgmental position. We may or may not be able to handle seeing a part of
our self, wounded or traumatized. This is where the shaman is able to assist from his or
her unbiased place and with the help of his/her spirit guides to safely return the soul
piece. With the aid of the shaman, a person is more often able to release the blocks and
doubts that have prevented them from reaching their deepest levels of wisdom and self-
Also, during a soul recovery journey, the practitioner creates a sacred space for you,
one where you are held in a container or love, and one that protects you from
interferences of the outside world. If a client becomes vulnerable during the soul
recovery, it is the practitioner’s job, with the help of his/her guides to keep you safe.
Often times after a soul recovery, additional soul pieces may return to you
spontaneously. The return of the original soul pieces opens the door for more to return.
You may become aware of them simply through intuition or through your dreams or
If you feel that you have soul pieces to return to others, it’s as simple as setting a clear
intention to return the soul pieces. It is only necessary for you to send a clear message
that you want to release the soul pieces, so use whatever method that feels appropriate
to you. State your request that your guardian spirits return the soul pieces you are
holding. Go outside, get a twig, and snap it in half to indicate that you would like to
release the soul pieces you are holding. You can take an object such as a quartz stone
that represents the person's soul and give it to the person as a gift. You do not need to
identify what pieces you are holding, just ask to release any energy/soul pieces that do
not belong to you.
Sometimes it may be difficult to let go of a soul piece, such as a lover we have broken
up with or a loved one who has made their transition back to Spirit. You may need to
grieve or do some work before being willing to release the pieces you are holding of
them. Or perhaps you may be unwilling to let go of control. Don't judge yourself.
Simply try to get to the bottom of why you are holding on and what you need to do to let
go. Remember this is a part of their soul that they need to live their life fully, and once
you begin to get your soul pieces back, you will no longer want or need to hang on to
these “borrowed” pieces.
Spirit guides are nonphysical beings that aid the shaman on his/her journeys and in
tracking lost soul pieces. The guides may offer specialized skills that can assist with the
journey or extraction process. Spirit guides also provide protection and guidance for the
shaman's journeys.
We all have spirit guides and a guide can also be provided during a journey for
someone to assist them in their growth process. The guides or guardian spirits that
volunteer to watch over us and provide us support generally appear in animal form,
although they may sometimes come in the form of—humans, deities, plants, angels,
elementals, mythical or extinct beings, faeries, spirit, energy and some are simply
The main role of these spirit guides is to protect you and keep you safe from harm. They
also may have come to teach you about the intimate details of your personality,
character traits and your spirit and spiritual gifts. These guides help guide you (and
sometimes push you) along your spiritual path, offer guidance regarding your questions,
and protect you on the spiritual, as well as, the physical plane.
These guides also act as healers. Because they are sent to us through Spirit, they can
share unlimited loving and healing energies to sooth our pain and illness, whether
physical or emotional.
You can even call upon these helping spirits for assistance with mundane, every day
activities such as finding a parking place in a crowded parking lot, escorting your bags
through airline chaos, getting you to the gas station ‘on fumes’ and protecting your
gardens from interlopers. They can even help you focus and allow ideas and writings to
flow through you.
The shaman can help the person who is dying to contact their Spirit Guides to help
make their transition easier. They may have soul pieces that need to be brought back
so that they can complete their transition. Extraction may need to be done to remove
any cords or attachments to/from family members and loved ones that may be holding
the person’s spirit or keeping them from crossing over. Also, with the help of the guides,
the dying person can return any soul pieces of others that they have been holding.
If the person has already crossed over, the shaman can help the person's spirit by
returning soul pieces and helping them move on into the light. This process is called
psychopomp or death walking. See Case #10
Journeys work on animals, plants and the Earth. Journeys are a healing process for all
of our relation.
Journeys can be used on animals to help heal physical conditions, behavior problems
and acute conditions after accidents or trauma.
Like people, our animal companions can experience soul loss. An animal can
experience trauma from day to day survival or at the hands of the people around them.
They also can develop physical conditions or emotional imbalances mirroring those of
their human family. Soul recovery and extraction are very helpful for bringing them back
into balance. See Case #8 & 9
A journey can be used for clearing stuck energy from houses, businesses and land as a
result of current or past traumas that have taken place there. Natural disaster, war,
death and violence can cause energy to be “stuck” in the land or in buildings. The
journey can also assist any spirits that are attached to a place to move on.
The names of our clients have been changed to maintain their anonymity.
Also, when we refer to “we” in our case histories, we are referring to the shaman and
his/her guides.
The cases represent some of the healings that are possible through soul recovery and
extraction. Soul Recovery, Extraction or any form of Shamanic Healing are not a
substitute for medical or psychological evaluation or treatment. Shamanic healing
should NOT be viewed as an exclusive method of addressing medical and/or
psychological issues, but as an adjunct to mainstream medical/psychological
Justin was a young man of 26. We had worked with his mother over the years, and he
had come to the point where he was ready to reach out for help. He was extremely
introverted and spent many hours alone indoors, with video games and social media
being his community contacts. He said he felt lost and that he was “too serious”, he was
dead inside and couldn’t smile. He also felt detached and extremely depressed. He said
he was fearful of beginning new things, so he had few interests, and relationships were
extremely uncomfortable. At the time he called he was feeling quite hurt by a young
woman that he cared for, but she was not returning his feelings, but not rejecting him
either. So, he was uncertain where he stood. Physically, he said he “could not feel
anything”, but had a cough that lingered all winter with mucus running down his throat,
especially when he was stressed.
When we began the journey, we were taken to a swamp in the Lower World. In the
swamp was a pond with dark, thick water. We could sense Justin’s energy there, but
could find no physical shape or form. My guides magnetized my shaman staff and we
directed it into the water. We began singing and with the song and the staff, sang Justin
back into a physical form, one cell at a time. This created a sense of self and physicality
that he had not had since he lost this soul piece at age sixteen. Once he was complete,
we removed him from the pond and wrapped him in a blue blanket and returned his soul
The next soul piece was at age thirteen and was found in the locker room. He was
sitting, frightened, sad and crying with his head down. He had been emasculated by the
other boys cutting off his penis. My guides performed surgery and sewed his penis back
on. This soul piece was then returned, along with his sense of masculinity.
We then found a twenty year-old soul piece in a warehouse, suspended by his heals
swinging back and forth like a pendulum. The swinging was erratic, back and forth and
side to side. Justin was blurry and dizzy. My guides stopped his swinging, untied him
and set him upright, supporting him while he gained his balance and regained his focus.
We then returned this balanced and centered soul piece.
For the last piece, we were taken to the young woman who he had feelings for. She
said she felt she had something that didn’t belong to her, but didn’t know what it was.
We checked her over and found that he had placed his heart chakra in her pocket, with
a long cord attached. She was more than willing to release his heart chakra and we
removed it from her pocket, cut the cord and returned it to Justin.
On extraction, the first thing we did was remove the invisibility cloak Justin was wearing.
We then began cleaning his aura. His whole aura was filled with black dust clouds. My
guides got out their handy-dandy wind machine and blew them from his aura.
Then, we removed Justin’s hands from his eyes, ears and mouth. He looked like the
little monkeys with see no evil - hear no evil - speak no evil.
Next we began to unlock and clean all his chakras. Each of his chakras had been
locked up in a lead box. No life force energy could get out. We removed the boxes and
cleaned and repaired each chakra as needed.
Justin’s liver began screaming at me for help. It was tired and ready to explode from all
the pent up emotions. My guides installed a drain and relieved the pressure until it felt
enough relief to begin working on its own again. His neck was in a plastic brace, stiff
and unable to turn. We removed the brace and checked his spine. Both his neck and
spine were flexible again once the brace was removed. Lastly, his lungs had atrophied
and were small and dry. There was no life force and he couldn’t breathe. My guides
performed CPR to return his breath and filled his lungs with gold light.
When Justin called in for his journey report, he immediately identified with each of the
soul pieces and was already able to notice a physical change in his breathing. About a
month later, I received an email from him entitled “the Justin so far”. The news was
wonderful. He said he was feeling “many times better.” He said he had learned a lot
about himself that he hadn’t paid attention to before because he “didn’t care to know
before, and it really helps to know.” He felt more confident and assertive and better able
to focus. He was able to express his feelings and was not glued to his computer. He
was even taking walks outdoors! His breathing was better and he was enjoying the
meditation and working with his soul pieces. He ended with “I don’t want to think about
how I was before to compare to how much better I am now.”
I received a request to journey for Margaret, a middle aged woman, who had
experienced physical, emotional, mental and sexual abuse through-out her childhood.
The abuser was her father, and she later married a similar type of abuser.
In a journey where chronic abuse is experienced, the individual may create layers of
protection that are needed to live through those times in their life. Because of the
survival protection created, a tremendous amount of extraction clearing was needed.
Margaret had created layers of protection that needed to be removed because they
were now blocking her energy system and her life. We started by removing a heavy
shell like barrier from her aura and the emotional energy around it trapped around her.
This created a self-pollution in her energy system. Next, we removed weight she
carried on her shoulders, which was composed of guilt, shame and self- judgment. For
more safety, she had covered her face with a mask to hide, which was removed and
allowed her perception to open up. A collar was removed from her neck which was an
energetic control placed on her by another person. Also removed were emotional armor
covering her torso, armor encasing her heart and reproductive system, and walls
created for protection in most of her chakras. Masking and armoring are frequently put
in place as protection, and are necessary at the time they are created. Later in life,
these protections keep the person blocked and unable to move forward or heal their
wounds. Additional energy congestion was also removed from most of her organs,
allowing her energy to flow throughout her system, which in turn allowed her to come
alive within herself.
We then went to retrieve Margaret’s soul pieces. I was first taken to the Lower World, in
a dimly lit, cave like setting. There I was shown three childhood soul pieces which were
being systematically abused on all levels. My guides cleared the area and we began
releasing all three soul pieces while explaining to them who we are and our reason for
being there. The soul pieces, upon understanding we were there to return them to their
older self, quickly agreed to let us return them. Before returning the soul pieces, the
guides healed all damage that they experienced, as the soul pieces bring back what
was lost-not the trauma. All three soul pieces were overjoyed to be home with the older
Margaret. The early loss of these soul pieces through these experiences caused her to
deaden and shut off her feminine, emotional and sexual self, essentially causing a
“numb existence” in her words.
Next, I was taken to her at age 12 to 13. This soul piece was found in a deep muddy pit
with steep sides. She was at the bottom of this pit, totally covered with mud. She felt
trapped, used, unwanted and had no self-worth. We convinced this soul piece that she
is wanted by her older self and she no longer need to stay trapped. We removed the
soul piece from the pit, cleaned and healed her, then return to the older self. Margaret
said that at this age, she started self-medicating to numb her pain, causing the isolation
and further loss of self-worth. This soul piece brings back herself worth, healthier
image, movement and freedom and a shifting or opening of her perception and reality.
The final soul piece in this journey was at her birth. I was shown her new born self in a
new born crib; her body was rigid with fear. The fear was in knowing what she was
going to experience in this life walk and about being trapped in a new body that, in her
perception, did not work. We calmed her and explained we wanted to take her to the
older self and that the fear she was feeling was actually in her past. As this soul piece
understood, she calmed and we returned her to Margaret. A loss at this stage of life
happens because we still have awareness of what we signed up for, and sometimes
this seems overwhelming or terrifying to the incoming spirit. When I was relating this
soul piece to Margaret, she has a memory of hearing her father telling her mother to
have an abortion because she was female. This accentuated her fear at birth. These
young soul pieces tend to bring back new life energy for the person that they had not
previously had access to.
With the return and integration of these soul pieces, she has come alive in herself. She
is reconnecting with her physical, feminine, emotional and sexual levels. She now looks
forward to each day. Because she feels good in herself, she is experiencing changes in
her outer world with her social and business connections and looks forward to her new
I received a call from a long time client, Robert, stating he felt like something had
“entered” him and ask if I would perform a journey to see if there was a foreign energy
or entity and remove it.
When I journeyed to Robert and was performing the extraction cleaning, I was not
uncovering any foreign energy, just the routine energy congestion that we build up in
our aura, organs, and systems in our bodies. This changed once my guides began
clearing his chakras.
What we found in his root chakra was a ‘gremlin like’ entity that was feeding on his
fears, doubts, confusion and pain. Additionally, this entity had created a “traveling
network” within Robert’s energy system and physical body. This network allowed the
entity to easily move to any site within Robert and to trigger or increase the fears,
doubts, confusion, and pain he was experiencing. This entity was a parasite, just like a
physical parasite. They feed off a person and drain their energy, creating more stress
and anxiety in their life, so calmness and peacefulness is not present in their reality.
The entity was captured by my guides and relocated to the dimension it belonged in.
Then the “traveling network”, which the entity had created, was disassembled and
removed, and the damage to the chakras and body organs was healed. Also, Robert
had a fracture across the toes on one foot from an injury several months ago, and the
injury was not healing. We went to the fracture and found an insulating layer in the
fracture which was impeding the body’s natural healing process. This layer of energy
was placed there by the entity for the purpose of having a longer lasting pain energy
resource for its own use. The interfering energy layer was removed and a healing
energy placed into the fracture to assist the body to heal easier and quicker.
Robert asked how long the entity had been. I don’t normally get the timing of these
occurrences on the extraction level. He said that he felt like something came into him
when his mother was getting ready to cross over about 8 months age, then he recalled
on a trip where he received another alternative treatment and the practitioner told him
that he had seen a gremlin in his navel. We could not pin the entrance of this entity
down, but this can occur when a person is under a lot of stress and exhausted, as in the
case of his mother crossing, plus the care taking required; or when we are energetically
open and have not created the scared space to work in which is also protection.
The client is now much calmer and relaxed which allows their energy to regenerate and
flow though their life without the previous stress, anxiety and pain.
Sam contacted me, asking if I could journey for him. In our discussion, I learned he
carried a huge amount of fear and that his condition began approximately five years
ago. Everything that was presented to Sam triggered his fear, from dealing with a clerk
at a store to associating with coworkers. Sam was on the brink of literally going crazy
(he was having mental images of insanity) because of the fear pressures he was living
under. I sensed that Sam had been psychically attack and questioned if he was
associating with a metaphysical or similar group. Sam told me that he had been working
with a group who were "light workers" before the all-consuming fear isolated him. We
then agreed on a date for him to call me and discuss his journey.
On the day of his journey I met my chief guide and spirit guides, and requested
permission to journey for Sam. My chief guide gave permission for the journey but
advised caution. We then traveled to Sam in the altered state of the real world. In this
reality Sam was completely tied by his fear, but the interesting thing in viewing Sam was
that most of his major energy centers (chakras) were missing. I ask my guides whether
to proceed with an extraction and remove the fear or recover missing soul pieces? My
guides told me the soul pieces need to be returned first or the extraction would not be
effective. I acknowledged this and ask my cougar spirit guide where we needed to go?
My guides then led me to a person of dark energy who was part of the "light workers"
that Sam was working with. My guides positioned themselves to protect me while
dealing with this person. I stated our purpose for being there and ask if he was holding
anything that was Sam's. The person was a member of a coven and had possession of
Sam's mental energy which I saw as a shrunken head. At this point the coven member
launched an attack against me which my guides deflected. I asked my guide how to
proceed and was directed to install an energy restraint grid over this person. An
important point is that in altered state our intent is to do no harm, even if there is an
attack. We only use defensive maneuvers or passive restraints. If we return the attack
or cause harm, this adds karma to our debt. I have enough of my own, thank you, I
don't need to add more. After the restraint was installed, one of my other guides flew in
and relieved the coven member of Sam's shrunken head. My guide suggested the
energy restraint be left as a means of protecting Sam from future taking by this person.
We then traveled to the next person in the coven...this one had taken Sam's throat
chakra energy and had to be dealt with in a similar manner. We finished recovering soul
pieces from six individual members of the coven. They had taken, in addition to the
ones mentioned, his beating heart, solar plexus chakra energy, navel chakra energy,
root chakra energy and a miniature full body self that was being used in sacrifice
ceremonies. If this was not loss enough, the coven had also installed energy siphon
hoses, for stealing energy, in the front and back of each chakra. Sam's future at this
point was actually rather short as he was headed for a mental institution and with the
energy drain and major pieces missing would possibly have died within a year. We then
returned these soul pieces to Sam, blowing them into his heart chakra and then his
crown chakra. Next we removed the fear that had him so tightly tied.
When Sam called to talk about the journey, he reported that his perception of himself
and surroundings were suddenly brighter and the continuous fear feeling was absent. I
mentioned that was a good sign and proceeded to explain the journey to him. As we
discussed the details, I could feel his fear being triggered as each soul piece was
brought up. This is a result of the training (abuse) the coven members gave his
individual soul pieces while in their possession. I recommended that he find a local
therapist because after a major trauma like this, he needed help in putting himself back
together in this reality.
Now an important thing to note is that Sam had to give these people his permission for
the pieces to be taken. No one can take a soul piece unless permission is given,
although we often give this permission with being consciously aware of it. (See WHAT
IS SOUL LOSS AND HOW DOES IS OCCUR?) This is one of our lessons in
discernment, if we go blindly and believe the label, you can bet that a lesson at hand.
Sometimes, after returning of soul pieces and an extraction, the person may experience
an aggravation from the journey. This can be very short and mild to intense and two to
three weeks in length. In Sam's case, the shock to his being was so traumatic (big
lesson) that at the smallest challenge from a totally positive source, he would drop (give
away) one of his chakra energies. Which one he would lose depended on where he
perceived the challenge was coming from. I have since made several journeys to pick
up dropped energy pieces and counsel him on how not to let the fear be triggered. Sam
is serious about growing out of his situation, but he is so sensitized that the fears are
triggered over what most of us would consider inconsequential. Sam did go to two
different therapists, but with his sensitivity he perceived threat from both. I ask him to
contact a therapist that has a background in metaphysics and is aware of what a person
goes through in physic attack. To date Sam is slowly putting his fear triggers away and
regaining his ability to function in reality. Sam is also much, much wiser on what
happens when you give permission.
This may seem like an extreme example, but if you consider Sam gave his permission
simply by working with people who he thought were in the "light", you see the giving of
permission takes on many different meanings. Holding a fear within yourself is also a
giving of permission or a doorway which can be opened.
I have many clients overseas, with a number of them in Israel. This particular case
surprised even me about the positive use of extraction. We don’t always see these kind
of results in an extractions, but sometimes, “miracles” happen.
Jane was in her sixties, and lives in Jerusalem. Her granddaughter, Ruth, had called me
on her behalf. Ruth asked me to journey for Jane because in two weeks, she was due
to go into the hospital for surgery to remove a malignant cancer tumor in her pancreas.
Jane also was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.
After receiving permission, the first place my chief guide took me was in the Real World.
I saw Jane, at age seven, and she was being beaten with a whip by her father. The
impression I received from the scene was that her father was teaching Jane obedience.
We stopped the beating and asked Jane if she’d like to return home. Tearfully, she said
she would.
The next place we were sent was again in the Real World. I found a sleeveless blouse
that belonged to Jane. The age impression was twenty-seven years old, and the blouse
had a V-neck. The material was linen and had a star on it. I was told this blouse dealt
with religion and marriage issues for Jane.
Next we began the extraction. In Jane’s bran in the lower portion, near the occiput,
there was a dark area. When I see this, I know that the area is not functioning normally.
My guide filled the darkened area a violet and yellow light. Then, we entered the dark
area. The brain matter was filled with brown, crystal-like objects. The violet and yellow
light dislodged the crystal-like objects and I began to scoop them up and out of the area.
This process continued until all the crystal-like objects were removed from the darkened
region. My chief guide then filled thousands of nerve endings and synapses with white
Next, my chief guide showed me Jane’s heart and there was a lot of sludge-like material
in and around the chakra propellers themselves. I cleaned these out so that her chakra
could begin turning and process life force energy that keeps us healthy.
The last place we worked was Jane’s pancreas. I saw the tumor, which was quite large,
and located in the upper right quadrant of the endocrine gland. I removed the tumor and
filled the void with healing green light.
Jane confirmed that her parents were very strict, and that she had been beaten a
number of times as a child, to be shown obedience. The blouse meant a great deal to
her, as they were very religiously, and she’d been married for over forty years.
A week after the journey, Jane was scheduled to go to the hospital in Jerusalem to get
the last round of tests before she went into. I received an excited call for Ruth, who was
bubbling over with joy. When the tests had been done on the pancreas, the tumor was
no longer there! It was completely GONE. Jane’s doctors have film showing the tumor,
and it had been growing, so in their minds, there was no way the tumor could have
disappeared just like that. But, it had! Needless to say, Jane was overjoyed, and she
didn’t have to have the surgery after all. However, she still has the shaking and
trembling connected with Parkinson’s Disease, and that has not diminished hardly at all.
I can’t explain why the tumor was taken, but the Parkinson’s wasn’t helped. As a
facilitator, I just do as I’m directed in the altered state. It had only been three months
since the extraction work was done on her brain and the nerve endings, and it could be
that Jane will need more pieces returned and then more work done on the brain,
afterward. Many times, especially in chronic disease conditions, all or most of the pieces
need to be returned first before we see progress or a slowing down of the disease.
Then, extraction can be done, and it will generally help.
My friend asked me if I could journey for Becky, even though Becky was unconscious
and unable to give verbal permission. I said yes, providing that either my chief guide or
Becky’s gave me permission to journey on her behalf.
I scheduled the journey for the next day since it was a lie-and-death emergency. I
received permission from my guides and traveled to Becky. On entering Becky’s
hospital room, I saw two Light Beings in the room, about half way to her bed.
Light Beings, or angels, are always in the room of someone who is dying. The closer
they are to the bed, the closer the person is to leaving this earth plane. I talked to the
Light Beings, informed them why I was there and asked if they could assist Becky into
the light, to die. The Light Beings informed me that she would die in three days if
nothing was done for her, and that yes, they would assist her into the light after she
died. I thanked the Light Beings and turned my attention to Becky.
Although Becky was physically unconscious, I was able to talk to her spirit, which was
completely conscious, lively and animated. We talked at length, discussing her situation
and what I and my guides could do for her. Becky decided that I would be allowed to
journey in her behalf.
The first thing that we did was performed an extraction on Becky. She was placed in an
“altered state intensive care unit,” and the massive infection in her abdomen was
removed. The infection was caused by a previous surgery in which part of a sponge
was left inside Becky. In the altered state the infection appeared as a sickly greenish
mass that infused her body on several levels.
Next, a black tar-like gooey mass in her solar plexus area was removed. I was then
directed to flush her body with white light to remove the last vestiges of the infection. My
attention was then directed to an object in her solar plexus. The object, glowing a
radioactive green color, was shaped like two triangles joined at the points. We removed
the object.
With the infection removed, we then turned our attention to the low white blood count
(leukemia). We applied healing gold light to Becky’s skeletal structure and
simultaneously infused her bone marrow with white, healing light. Next we applied silver
healing light to Becky’s glandular system, to strengthen and heal her body’s defenses.
Finally, we processed Becky through the soul filter to remove any contamination that
was too small for me to see.
I asked my guides if this was all that could be done. I was told that there were soul
pieces that needed to be returned. Becky gave me three pieces she had of other
people in her possession. These were returned. A man also had two pieces of Becky
that belonged in Becky’s heart chakra. He was keeping Becky’s heart pieces in a trophy
case for display.
At the end of the journey, I asked the Light Beings what effect this would have on
Becky. Would she still be taken to the light? They told me that Becky now had 21 days
to make her decision – a decision to live or die. It was not their decision to make to take
Becky into the light – it was HER decision.
One week after I completed the journey, Becky’s infection decreased seventy-five
percent, and the white blood count had increased from 3,000 to 30,000! Quite a
remarkable change. A count of 30,000 is high, and considered good for a leukemia
patient. Needless to say, the doctors attending Becky were baffled by her dramatic turn
around, especially since they removed her life support systems to allow her to die with
One month after the journey, Becky’s health has improved to the point where she’d
been discharged from the hospital and returned home to continue her life.
I had recently worked with a client whose husband had Alzheimer’s Disease. He had
died between the time the journey was requested and the time it was done on the
physical plane. This is not an unusual occurrence as Spirit performs the work
immediately and instantaneously. Where our linear time frame comes in is the time we
need to complete the “download” of information from Spirit and transfer it to the client.
Because the intervention from Spirit assisted in the husband’s easy transition to the
spiritual realm, a friend of this client asked me to journey for her brother, John, who also
was in the last stages of Alzheimer’s.
John was in his 80’s, and physically healthy, but had become aggressive and violent to
his care givers. His sister asked if anything could be done to help him and see if he was
ready to cross over.
I was given permission to journey by both my guides and John’s. We found John’s soul
piece at his current age sitting in a corner. We asked John about his aggressive
behavior and explained he was hurting those who were taking care of him. We were
immediately shown video clips of John’s life depicting many times where he was
“backed into a corner”, but his reason and logic prevented him from “fighting back” in
those situations. He had suppressed all his emotions so he was the “good boy”. My
guides gathered the soul pieces from each of these scenarios, like a sting of paper
dolls, then folded them and returned all these soul pieces to John.
We then returned to John in the corner. I felt a rocking motion (I often experience the
motion of a soul piece or feel their “pain” in my physical body during journeys). John
was huddled in his corner, rocking like a frightened animal. He was in the corner
because he thought there was a certain amount of safety there. His back was safe. He
said he was frightened when people came at him too quickly. He was like a feral animal
that you couldn’t get too close to. My guides provided a safe circle around us and I sat
on the wall next to him and began rocking, mirroring his rhythm. I placed my hand on
the floor near his and slowly inched closer until our hands were touching. Once John felt
safe with my presence, one of my guides gave me a soft, grey flannel shawl to wrap
around him. Wrapped in the shawl, he felt safe and protected and ceased his rocking.
We then returned this soul piece.
I asked my guides what else could be done to help John. I was told that he had
separated too far from his rational, logical self and had moved deeply into his limbic or
animal brain, and was functioning out of instinct. He had no cognition and there was
nothing that could be done on the physical level.
A few days after the journey, I received a call from John’s sister that he had crossed
over. She said in his last couple of days, he was much calmer, more relaxed and at
One of our clients that both Gary and I have worked with extensively over the years
called about her dog, Champ. Sara has had Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Disorder
(MCSD) and is very limited in where she is able to go. Her dog, Champ, had been her
companion and support for many years. Sara was concerned as he seemed listless,
was not eating well and she was worried about his health. He was an older dog, and
she was aware of the role that he played in her life and was worried he had taken on too
much of her illness.
From my experience working with dogs and cats, they each play a different healing role
with their humans. Dogs appear to energetically take on the weight of their charges dis-
ease, whether physical or emotional. They carry part of the burden. Cats on the other
hand, will tend to transmute the energy, acting as a conduit.
When my guides and I first visited Champ, we found him in the real world in the current
time. He was lying in bed next to Sara and he had merged his energy with hers. We
asked Champ why he had merged with Sara and he informed us that it was his “duty”.
He felt he was better able to carry the weight of her dis-ease. After some discussion
about how this was harming him and reminding him that she had people who were
helping her on the physical and energetic level, and that she need his moral support, he
agreed to be separated. Once the guides had separated Champ’s energy from Sara’s,
they returned the soul piece to him.
The next piece that we found of Champ was as a six week old puppy. He had just been
separated from his mother and the litter. He was afraid and feeling alone and unsure
why he was no longer with his family. We sat with him for a while and held him and
calmed him. During this time, we explained that this was part of growing up, but it was
okay to be scared. We told him that it was normal for him to leave his mother and the
other puppies and that he had a new home now with Sara. We also explained that she
would take good care of him and love him. Once he accepted this, the soul piece
agreed to return. This missing soul piece with its abandonment issues could explain part
of his extreme attachment and merging with Sara.
On extraction we found a cord going between Champ and Sara. This cord was draining
the toxins into him and he was processing them through his energy body. The guides
cut off this energy flow and disconnected the cord. Champ’s energy body was full of
highly toxic black sludge. With their typical sense of humor, my guides suited up in their
hazmat gear and began to bail out the sludge, sending bucket after bucket to the ethers
to be transmuted. Then, we proceeded to clean his liver and kidneys that were full of
black tar and removed a greenish, yellow puss from his stomach. Then they flushed his
liver, kidneys and digestive system with white, cleansing light.
We also discovered that Champ was wearing a hiking pack on his energy body. This
pack was heavy and creating stress fractures along his spine. We removed the pack
and repaired the fractures along his spine as well as inflammation in his hip joints from
the wear and tear of his heavy burden. Then we filled his spine and hips with green,
healing light. The guides also healed a fracture at the end of his tail.
Last, we found Champ’s energy body wrapped in a cocoon. We unzipped the cocoon
and removed him from it. This cocoon was holding all the toxic energy he had been
absorbing from Sara.
When Sara called in for the journey report, she said that Champ was doing much better.
He was eating again and had more energy. When we told Sara about the fracture in
Champ’s tail, she laughed and said that he had gotten his tail caught in a door when he
was a young pup. The fracture was at the very end and only she and her husband were
ever aware of the accident.
Sara was aware that there had been some disconnecting of energy between them, but
she had not been aware of the extent that he was processing for her and carrying her
burden. We suggested that she let Champ know that he did not have to carry this
weight for her, that she had others helping her and this was her responsibility. She let
him know that she cherished his companionship and wanted him to be with her without
the burdens. This helped Champ to let go of his sense of duty and return to his healthy
Dusty was a three year old horse that one of my clients had rescued. When Casey
called, he was having a health crisis. He was born with a facial deformity that affected
his breathing. He was choking and had had a seizure and was bleeding from his nose.
The vet had put him on some anti-inflammatory medication that was helping marginally.
Also, his esophagus was not closing correctly.
When I work with animals, I work quite differently than with humans. I usually approach
them in altered state to acquire their permission to journey and to gain their trust. This
usually entails some interaction such as petting or quiet conversation. But, as I entered
altered space to connect with Dusty, he ran from me. With the help of my guides, I was
eventually able to gain his trust and he informed me that he didn’t want healing. He was
unsure if he wanted to stay in this body and didn’t want to be healed. I asked then, if we
could do some work on him to make him more comfortable while he was making his
choice. He agreed to this. This was basically palliative care on the energy level.
We began with extraction to clean up his energy body. We found his brain was enlarged
and there were many broken synapses inside his brain. The guides worked to reduce
the swelling and repaired the synapses. His heart for not pumping correctly and the
guides repaired the upper left valve to increase blood circulation.
Dusty’s chakras were not connected. There was no energy flowing through his energy
body. We opened all his chakras, as much as was allowed, and returned some energy
flow. We massaged his neck to release blocked energy. There were sores on his front
legs that were wrapped in white light bandages. Last, we found all his internal organs
covered in a slimy, green film that was cleaned off and we filled his internal cavity with a
golden light.
I asked my guides if there were soul pieces that Dusty needed returned. I was
immediately taken to his birth. He was in distress. He was confused and afraid. He hurt
from the contractions. There was pushing and pulling as the birth process was difficult.
We soothed this soul piece and eased his physical pain as we returned the piece to
The last piece we were taken to was as a young horse, less than a year old. He was in
the barn on a short harness and a man was very angry and yelling at Dusty. Dusty tried
to pull away and the man hit him with a shovel. My guides immediately stepped in and
stopped the beating and removed the man while we calmed and soothed Dusty,
returning the soul piece feeling safe.
Casey couldn’t confirm that there was any physical abuse as the horse had been
through several owners before he came to her. The extraction helped and Dusty’s
condition didn’t improve, but didn’t worsen. He also didn’t have any more seizures.
About a month later, Casey emailed to let me know that they had put Dusty down. He
had immediately gotten worse and she and the vet felt that it was best to ease his
suffering. From the shamanic point of view, he had taken the month to assess what his
spirit wanted. Once he had made the decision that he no longer wanted to stay on this
plane, he re-created his symptoms to provide a vehicle for his crossing.
One of my clients called and asked if I could journey for someone who was deceased.
His bother-in-law had passed away a couple of years earlier and he had a suspicion
that he was still earth bound. I said I would check and see what I could do. And, as he
suspected, Tony was still stuck in his transition.
When we journeyed to him, we found him suspended over the city, with many ties to
him, like he was a balloon. So, there were many people, mostly family and ideas holding
him stuck between the physical and his spirit. When we work with souls that have
crossed over, we always ask if there are any pieces they have to return and if they need
to receive back any to assist in the transition. The ties that were holding Toney became
like tunnels and I could see the energy of the soul pieces being exchanged back and
forth in these tunnels. As the transactions were complete with each individual, the ties
broke free and he became less and less bound.
Tony handed his wife’s heart chakra to my guides to be returned. He had been holding
on to it for many, many years. He said he knew he needed to give it back but really
didn’t want to, yet he knew she needed it so he would return it. It kept him close to her.
Returning this freed the tie they had with each other in this lifetime. He also asked that
we tell her that he did love her dearly. He really wanted her to know that because it had
been a troubled relationship and he was not very demonstrative.
Once this was completed, the last tie to be released was his fear of what he would find
on the other side. He did not want to wind up in hell or feared he would simply
disappear. So, we held a counsel with him, his guides and mine and explained our
understanding about transitioning to spirit. The explanation that was given helped him to
release his fears and the remaining ties fell away.
We asked if he had more soul pieces that he needed back and they were returned.
Usually with deceased people, we do not see the particular soul pieces unless they are
relevant for a living person. So, all the pieces were simply returned and integrated and
he said he was ready to make his transition.
We asked if he had a special place he would like to leave from, and he did. I didn’t know
if the was a physical place or a special place in his mind, and neither did his brother-in-
law. He directed us to a lake in the woods during winter. There was snow all around and
the lake was frozen. It was very peaceful and beautiful. As we all approached we saw a
tunnel to take him to the light world. His guides and mine took him to the tunnel and he
was content and pleased. As he entered, he was met by some of what I call Light
Beings, energy beings that help people return to Spirit. He and his guides were escorted
into the tunnel and we watched as they proceeded until we could no longer see them.
Tony was no longer earth bound and his wife had been released from the ties they had
to each other. His wife at this time was very ill and we don’t know if she was aware of
the return of her heart energy, but on the soul level, she was more complete as well and
had received his message of love.
Don’t hesitate to email us. Please note that we do not do coaching by email, but we will
gladly answer your questions on shamanism and soul recovery.
To schedule a Soul Recovery, you can call us and we will schedule a session.
Long distance journeys are done by phone. We will schedule a time for your session.
Your journey will be completed by the time you call. You will call in at your appointed
time to receive your journey report.
“Having Debbie journey for me absolutely blew me away. We had never even met in
person, and still she was able to help me to resolve issues in my personal life. She also
was able to point to areas of my physical body that need work. My spirit has soared
through the work I have done at her suggestion” — Marcy in MA
“I’ve worked with Gary for many years and the changes and growth in my very being have
been profound. However, these changes could not have happened if it were not for the fact
that Gary is a true facilitator. The empowerment I’ve gained, I feel is mine – not from a
hidden or imposed agenda from Gary. The process is real – there have been tears of grief,
joy and great releases – the emotions run the gamut, but most of all there is laughter – a
most powerful healing tool “ — Deb in NJ
“A couple months ago, I had the pleasure of experiencing my first "journey". I was amazed
by the accuracy of the work done by Gary and his guides. The information and "pieces" he
brought back were extremely relevant for me. Working with the pieces over the subsequent
thirty days was a fascinating part of the experience and gave me some important insights
into my present life situation. I am eagerly awaiting my next journey! “ — Jane in NJ
When the Shaman succeeded in driving an
evil spirit out of a beautiful young woman,
she exclaimed,
"Thank you very much!"
and proceeded to hug the medicine man.
Gary and Debbie Gent a.k.a. Shamanic Connection are Shamanic Facilitators from Southern Oregon.
Their mission is to help people to reconnect with themselves, Spirit and Mother Earth through Shamanic
and other healing practices. They view their role as two-fold -- to assist their clients in reacquiring the
tools for their growth and then to hold a safe space for them to do their work. It is by using these newly
acquired tools that growth and healing happen.
Gary and Debbie came together as life partners over three decades ago, neither seeing the journey on
which they had embarked. Gary is a traditionally trained Shaman of Cherokee/Irish descent. He began his
shamanic training at the age of six. His father was one-quarter Eastern Cherokee of the Wolf Clan and
what Gary calls a "Closet Shaman". As is typical with traditional training, Gary's training began without
explanation, spending many hours on focus and concentration exercises, as well as learning to work with
Spirit, animals, and nature. After experiencing "life" for a time, Gary was called to finish his training.
As Gary returned to his shamanic studies, Debbie began refining the psychic and healing abilities that
were shut down during her childhood. Her close connection with Mother Earth and the Elemental realm
assisted her in teaching of their two children and raising them in a shamanic household, as well as
teaching her about plants and animals. She has also re-learned a number of body/mind/soul healing
modalities including shamanic training, hypnosis, flower essences, Reiki, aromatherapy, and energy
Together, Gary and Debbie began walking the shamanic path and helping others re-gain their
connections with Spirit and Mother Earth. Their journeys have taken them many places in the US,
Canada and Europe. They currently reside in Southern Oregon and continue to walk the shamanic path in
their daily lives.
Gary works full-time as a Shamanic Practitioner and Coach, doing journeys or shamanic healings, both
in-person or by phone consultations. He conducts workshops and individual retreats on soul recovery,
energy work and connecting with self, spirit and nature, showing participants how to walk a shamanic
Debbie works as a Shamanic Practitioner and Coach, Hypnotherapist, and Flower Essence Practitioner.
She has studied a number of body/mind/soul therapies and draws on these many skills and blends these
disciplines with her nurturing style. She also conducts self-empowerment workshops and past life
regression workshops, as well as facilitating group hypnosis programs and performing a Comedy
Hypnosis show — Laughter is the Best Medicine!
Gary and Debbie co-create workshops and conduct ceremonies such as sweat lodges, naming
ceremonies, joining ceremonies and weddings. Both are Ministers and Diplomats of Earth Stewardship of
The International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards.
For more information on:
Soul recovery
Flower essences
Sacred Ceremonies
Shamanic Retreats
Playshop (Class) schedules
Mother Drum Journeys —
Rhythms for Shamanic Journey
Live drumming by Shamanic Connection on their fabulous Mother Drum.
Three great tracks for journeying, meditation, and altered states “travel”.
For centuries, Shamans have used the beat of the drum to journey
into altered states of consciousness. Let these drum beats lead you
along your path of self-discovery.
To order:
(VISA, MasterCard or Discover)
Awaken Your Inner Shaman™
Through Playshops and Retreats
Offered by Shamanic Connection
Learn basic shamanic journey techniques and how to access the knowledge and wisdom that reside
This playshop is to assist you in connecting with your animal guide and developing a working relationship
which provides companionship, assistance and guidance.
In this experiential playshop you will explore and expand your Earth Chakra that is stored deep within
Mother Earth and bring this energy into your conscious awareness. You will connect with this chakra
center and subtle bodies opening and expanding your energy field, which allows Spirit to assist you in
returning to the center of your power and gaining awareness of your energetic connections with "All of
Our Relations".
The Shamanic Intensive - Individual or Couples Retreat is instrumental in removing fears, blocks,
resistances and unhealthy patterns which brings clarity, choice and freedom of self for the individual(s),
as well as allowing movement into your center of power and opening your abilities. Your gain and
accomplishment in this retreat is priceless and is a true investment in yourself.
For more information about these playshops and retreats and other
playshops we offer,
see our playshop page at:
Shamanism and Soul Recovery *
*Everything You Wanted To Know
But Didn’t Know What To Ask
Shamanism, in some form, is found in every culture during its history and
still exists in many cultures today. Indigenous people have long believed
that “pieces” of your soul can split off or taken during emotional, physical
and mental traumas, and that blocks or intrusions can be created in your
energy body.
Soul recovery and extraction are ancient shamanic healing methods that
return these "lost pieces” and remove the blocks from your energy body,
promoting physical and energetic healing and increased self- awareness.
Western medicine does not deal with "dis-eases" of the spirit that
eventually manifest into disease of the physical body. Soul recovery and
extraction can remove the root cause found in the spirit and facilitate true
healing on all levels: emotional, spiritual, mental and physical.
Debbie Gent and Gary Gent are both traditionally trained shamanic practitioners and
coaches with over two decades of helping people recover their fragmented soul pieces
to live whole and balance lives.