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Alberta REMvue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture Aggregation Project

March 2018

Offset Project Report Form

Alberta REMvue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture
Aggregation Project

Project Developer:
Blue Source Canada ULC

Prepared by:
Blue Source Canada ULC

Reporting Period:
October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017

March 9, 2018
Alberta REMvue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture Aggregation Project
March 2018

Greenhouse Gas Assertion

Project Developer:
Blue Source Canada ULC

Yvan Champagne

1605, 840 7th Avenue SW

Calgary, Alberta, T2E 3G2

(403) 262-3026



Project Documents:

Offset Project Report Form: Alberta REMVue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture
Aggregation Project

Alberta REMVue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture Aggregation Project, Offset
Project Plan, December 20, 2013

Quantification Protocol for Engine Fuel management and Vent Gas Capture Projects, October
2009, Version 1.0

Project Identification:

Alberta REMVue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture Aggregation Project (1090-

October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017

The project objective is to increase the fuel efficiency of both lean burn and rich burn engines
and thus reduce combustion emissions attributed to the operation, and to capture otherwise
vented emissions from engine packing, casing, etc. and re-inject into a natural gas combustion
The greenhouse gas reductions will be achieved through the retrofit and installation of various
engine management technologies on existing or new engine units within Alberta. This can include
engine modification in the form of air/fuel ratio (AFR) control, vent gas capture systems and
other features to improve engine start performance such as improved spark plug design. The
emission reductions associated with each subproject have been counted only once.

Multiple locations throughout Alberta as provided in the spatial locator.

Alberta REMvue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture Aggregation Project
March 2018

Emission Reduction Removal, Sequestration or Capture Assertion:

Vintage Gas Type Quantity (tCO2e)

October 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016 CO2 2,055
CH4 60
N2O 9
Total Quantity 2016 CO2e 2,124
January 1, 2017 – September 30, 2017 6,666
CH4 200
N2O 35
Total Quantity 2017 CO2e 6,901

Total Reporting Period Quantity CO2e 9,025

Alberta REMvue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture Aggregation Project
March 2018

Table of Contents
Greenhouse Gas Assertion ..................................................................................................... 2
1.0 Contact Information .............................................................................................. 6
2.0 Project Scope and Site Description .......................................................................... 6
2.1 Project Implementation .......................................................................................... 7
2.2 List of Included CPAs ............................................................................................. 8
2.3 Information Management System .......................................................................... 10
2.4 BSFC Determination ............................................................................................ 11
2.5 Unit Maintenance ................................................................................................ 11
2.6 Protocol ............................................................................................................. 12
2.6.1 Flexibility Mechanisms ......................................................................................... 12
2.7 Risks ................................................................................................................. 13
3.0 Project Quantification .......................................................................................... 13
3.1 Summary Table Non-Levied Emissions ................................................................... 13
3.1 Summary Table Levied Emissions and Biogenic CO2 ................................................. 14
3.2 Calculations ........................................................................................................ 15
3.2.1 Project Emissions ................................................................................................ 17
3.2.2 Determination of Site Specific Emission factors ....................................................... 17
3.2.3 Sample Calculation: GHG Data Logger IMS ............................................................. 20
3.2.4 Sample Calculation: Detechtion............................................................................. 22
4.0 References ......................................................................................................... 24

List of Tables
Table 1: Project Contact Information ...................................................................................... 6
Table 2: Project Information .................................................................................................. 6
Table 3. REMVue AFR subprojects and their respective CPA's and location within the P1 aggregated
project. ................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 1. Map of P1 subprojects in Alberta, containing REMVue AFR technology. ........................ 10
Table 3. Default rated engine load for included engine models ................................................. 15
Table 4. Site-specific emission factors and gas density for Repsol sites during the October 1, 2016
to September 30, 2017 reporting period. ............................................................... 18
Table 5. CNRL natural gas combustion emission factors and density for units that use Detechtion to
obtain data ......................................................................................................... 19
Table 6. CNRL natural gas combustion emission factors and density for units that use GHG data
loggers to obtain data .......................................................................................... 19
Table 7. Default emission factors.......................................................................................... 20
Table 8. Global warming potentials: 100-year time horizon ..................................................... 20
Table 9. BSFC based on RMP and BHP, and fractional change pre and post audit conditions ......... 21

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Alberta REMvue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture Aggregation
March 2018
1.0 Contact Information
Table 1: Project Contact Information

Project Developer Contact Information

Blue Source Canada ULC

Kelly Parker

Suite 1605 – 840, 7 Avenue SW

Calgary, AB T2T 3G2

403 262 3026 x260



Authorized Project Contact (same as above)

Company Name

Main Contact Name

Company Street Address

City, Province, Postal Code

Telephone number with area code

Website Address

Email address

2.0 Project Scope and Site Description

Table 2: Project Information

Project title Alberta REMVue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture
Aggregation Project

Project purpose and The project objective is two-fold: 1) To increase the fuel efficiency and
objectives thus reduce combustion emissions from both lean burn and rich burn
engines, and 2) To capture otherwise vented emissions from engine
packing, casing, etc. and re-inject into a natural gas combustion engine.

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Alberta REMvue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture Aggregation
March 2018
The greenhouse gas reductions will be achieved through the retrofit and
installation of various engine management technologies on existing or
new engine units within Alberta. This can include engine modification in
the form of air/fuel ratio (AFR) control, vent gas capture systems and
other features to improve engine start performance such as improved
spark plug design.
Activity start date The earliest subproject began on August 25, 2005 and is a result of
actions taken on, or after January 1, 2002.
Offset start date January 1, 2013
Offset crediting January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2020
Reporting period October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017
covered by the
Actual emission October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017:
2016 – 2,124 tonnes CO2e
2017 – 6,901 tonnes CO2e
Total – 9,025 tonnes CO2e

Unique site identifier The subprojects within the aggregation are located in Alberta. Refer to
the project registration package (included at time of project submission)
for the subproject tracking form for detailed location information and
see Section 2 for further information.

Project boundary The project boundary includes the REMvue AFR units and associated
engine at each subproject location.

Ownership Blue Source Canada ULC, “Bluesource”,is the aggregator and project
proponent for this project. Via the agreements with each participating
company (i.e. the owners of the technologies that have been installed),
Blue Source is given authority to aggregate and register the project's
Offset Credits. The ownership model varies with each participating
company depending on the respective agreements. In some cases
ownership is defined by the Direct Purchase agreement with transfer of
title occurring at time of registration, while other agreements follow the
Agency model, with title remaining with the subproject owner until time
of sale. For each participating company, the respective agreements will
be made available at time of verification to define ownership of all
CPA number CNQ 3573 was sold and has been removed from the

2.1 Project Implementation

The Project was implemented according to the Offset Project Plan (OPP) dated December
20, 2013 under the Quantification Protocol for Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas
Capture Projects (version 1, October 2009). Emission credits are only being claimed
once for the subprojects included in this aggregated Project.

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March 2018
Relative to the previous offset project report (OPR), no additional changes have been
made to the following:
• Calculation procedures
• Data collection
• Record keeping procedures
• Emissions factors

The Project will be affected by the carbon levy (effective January 1, 2017) alignment
process with the offset system and the release of new offset protocols; whereby levied
emission sources will be excluded from the reduction claim. It is anticipated that
existing offset projects will be required to update to the new protocols in 2019.
Please see the below subsections for project implementation technologies and

2.2 List of Included CPAs

The following included units were non-operational during the reporting period:
1. CNQ2250 (shut in after 11/05/2014)
2. CNQ2566 (shut-in 9/05/2013)
3. CNQ3573 was sold.

Talisman Energy Inc. was acquired by Repsol in 2015 and renamed to Repsol Oil & Gas
Canada Inc affecting engines originally coded as TLSM0160, TLSM0161, TLSM0162,
TLSM0163 and TLSM2010. No changes to the operation of the original Talisman owned
CPAs, company contacts, or contractual amendments occurred due to this acquisition and
the codes were renamed to REP0160, REP0161, REP0162, REP0163 and REP2010
No new subprojects were added to the aggregated project during this reporting period.
Table 3 below summarized the CPA’s with the Site Description and Site Name for each of
the 18 included subprojects.
Table 3. REMVue AFR subprojects and their respective CPA's and location within
the P1 aggregated project.

Legal Land Project Spartan Site Description System

Location Type Panel/Project Unique
(EFM/VGC) Number Identifier

14-28-59-22 W5 EFM RP-11229-AA Bigstone – Pass Creek K160

14-28-59-22 W5 EFM RM-18303-AA Bigstone – Pass Creek K161

14-28-59-22 W5 EFM RP-11231-AA Bigstone – Pass Creek K162

14-28-59-22 W5 EFM RP-11232-AA Bigstone – Pass Creek K163

10-20-56-23 W5 EFM RP-27247-AA Wild River P1 K2010

8-5-53-21 W5 EFM 35354-B Medlodge 8-5 C-300 CNQ2808

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Alberta REMvue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture Aggregation
March 2018
1-24-96-5 W6 EFM RP-20135-AA 2891 Chinchaga CNQ2891

14-29-38-22 W4 EFM RM-14464-AA Nevis 14-29 CNQ5046

01-24-52-20 W5 EFM RM-13638-AA Edson W.01-24 #3 CNQ6008

09-28-14-11-W4 EFM RM-15763-AA Alderson 9-8 CNQ6067

8-5-53-21 W5 EFM RM-14976-AA Medlodge 8-5 C-200 CNQ6125

1-24-96-5 W6 EFM RP-28490-AA Chinchaga C-2000 CNQ2888

1-24-96-5 W6 EFM RP-28491-AA Chinchaga C-2100 CNQ2889

01-20-39-7 W5 EFM RP-26701-AA Ferrier 01-20 C350 CNQ3549

07-18-40-09 W5 EFM RP-25512-AA Ferrier 7-18 C-2000 CNQ3552

8-36-80-4 W6 EFM RP-26909-AA Fairview 3585 SAT 3A CNQ3585

16-17-081-04 W6 EFM RP-26908-AA Fairview 16-17 Sweet Unit A CNQ3590

02-14-77-25 W5 EFM RP-25259-AA Eaglesham 02-14 CNQ3622

Figure 1 below contains the map of subprojects in Alberta.

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Alberta REMvue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture Aggregation
March 2018

Figure 1. Map of P1 subprojects in Alberta, containing REMVue AFR technology.

2.3 Information Management System

The CPAs included in this reporting period are monitored in one of two ways, either through
operating logs and records in Detechtion or through the installation of a GHG data logger.
Where both systems are available, data from the GHG Data Logger (GHGDL) is preferred
as it limits errors introduced through human-machine interface (HMI) interactions.
Detechtion Technologies EnalysisTM
This web-based software tool is employed by some participants within the aggregation. By
performing a compressor search using the corresponding Detechtion number, a summary
of all generated EnalysisTM Reports since its entrance into the Fleet Management System
are available. In the EnalysisTM Report the following information is available:
• Engine parameters such as the Driver running speed;
• kilowatt (or horsepower) used
• Make and model
• Compressor Name
• Location
• Operation Name
• Fuel gas used
• Maintenance records such as:
o Total run hours on Unit

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Alberta REMvue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture Aggregation
March 2018
o Scheduled and unscheduled downtime

Speed, horsepower used, fuel gas consumed and total run hours on unit are then exported
to Microsoft Excel where it is then copied and pasted into the corresponding calculator
REM Technology’s GHG Data Logger
Some CPAs have installed the GHG Data Logger (GHGDL) made by REM Technology to
complement the REMVue 500 suite. Data is downloaded from the GHG data logger via USB
key and entered into the quantification calculator following the steps laid out in section

2.4 BSFC Determination

As described in the OPP, there are two different methods used in determining the BSFC:
The Master Map and The Flexibility Mechanism. A combination of the two methods is also
employed. The choice in methodology will depend upon the operating range of speed and
engine horsepower used. In some cases, the engine is not run under standard conditions
and the combination of speed and load fall outside the applicable range of the Master Map.
Where no BSFC can be found from the Map, the flexibility mechanism as described in
Appendix A of the Protocol is employed. This modification from the project plan is to the
calculation procedure but not the equations or Map. Therefore, it is expected that with this
additional step of combining the two methods, a more accurate GHG emission reduction
will be calculated.

2.5 Unit Maintenance

Maintenance on each unit is dependent upon the owner’s implemented fleet management
practices and procedures. Repsol sites are required to fill out a “Large Bore Engine Service
Checklist” form upon completing an engine inspection. These forms are typically completed
after 2500-unit engine hours. An example of some of the work performed during the
inspection is:
✓ Change oil and filters;
✓ Change coolant filter;
✓ Replace fuel gas filter;
✓ Drain fuel gas scrubber;
✓ Change spark plugs;

in addition to 28 other items to inspect, clean or replace. Also recorded during the engine
service are the pressures and temperatures in addition to the completion of a compression
test. Ironline Compression is a third-party company that also services the Bigstone and
Wild River compressors.
Canadian Natural operators service the engines every 2250 hours and fill out a “Regular
Maintenance and Inspection Report”. Inspection includes components relating to the
engine, governor, compressor, exhaust temperature readings, and compression checks.
The fuel system setups are proofed at each service by verifying the oxygen content in the
exhaust. A more comprehensive service is performed at 4500 engine hours, including both
the engine and the compressor.

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March 2018
2.6 Protocol
The Project was implemented under the Quantification Protocol for Engine Fuel
Management and Vent Gas Capture Projects (version 1, October 2009).

The Protocol is relevant to the project as it is the result of an engine management

system that saves fuel gas and did not impair the functionality of the unit. There are
currently no regulations in place that require the capture and destruction or conservation
of vent gas from the engines. Section 2.5 of the OPP discusses project eligibility in
relation to the Protocol in detail. The project uses the advanced method of the
quantification methodology, whereby a master map of pre and post engine audit data
was created based on engine load and RPM parameters.
2.6.1 Flexibility Mechanisms
The following flexibility mechanisms from the protocol have been utilized by the Project:

i) (2) For project scenarios where it is not possible to measure the brake specific
fuel consumption before and after the installation of a new engine management
system the project proponent may use fractional fuel savings data from other
engines of the same make and classification. The project proponent should apply
the protocol flexibility mechanism under the SS “B4 Unit Operation” to ensure
that the estimation of the baseline fuel consumption is overly conservative across
the full spectrum of engine speeds and loads. The use of this approach is
contingent on there being sufficient data from at least 5 similar engines of the
same make and classification operating with the same type of engine
management system. For further details, refer to Appendix A.
Occasionally, the Engine Map of Pre and Post audit values does not encompass the
operating conditions of a specific engine. If this should occur, an average of the
fractional BSFC savings will be used to estimate the associated GHG reductions as
outlined in Appendix A of the protocol.

ii) (3) Engine fuel management systems and vent gas capture systems can be
installed on a single engine or on multiple units at multiple sites. As such, the
protocol allows for flexibility in quantifying offsets from multiple installations
The Project allows for three subproject technologies (REMVue EcoPlug, REMVue Slip
Stream, or REMVue AFR,) from multiple engine units and participants. A subproject
tracking sheet will accompany the project submission detailing included sites and

iii) (5) Site specific emission factors may be substituted for the generic emission
factors indicated in this protocol document. The methodology for generation of
these emission factors must be sufficiently robust to ensure accuracy. In
particular, project proponents that conduct site specific engine exhaust gas
emission testing may develop dynamic emission factors for use under SS “B4 Unit
Operation” such that the project and baseline conditions have distinct emission
factors for methane and nitrous oxide. The development of these emission factors
must follow the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 40 CFR Part 60

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Alberta REMvue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture Aggregation
March 2018
Guidelines (i.e. Method 7E for NOX and Methods 18 or 25A for methane). Exhaust
gas analyses must be completed for each load and RPM set point during the Pre
and Post-Audits to ensure that the baseline and project emission factors are
representative of the full range of operating conditions for the original engine and
the modified engine.
Where available, site specific CO2 emission factors will be used. If no site-specific data is
available, the emission factors will be sourced from the most recent published version of
the Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook.
No other changes to the methodology have been implemented or deviation requests
made that require approval from the Alberta Climate Change Office (ACCO). While the
Protocol is currently flagged for alignment with the carbon levy, this is an ongoing
project that does not require director approval.

2.7 Risks
Table 3 in the OPP discusses regulatory, technology, and project risks associated with
the REMvue aggregation. No additional risks have been identified at this time.

There are no other offset projects at the locations included in the aggregation at this

3.0 Project Quantification

3.1 Summary Table Non-Levied Emissions

Vintage Gas Type Baseline Project Total

Emissions Emissions Reduction,
or Capture

2016 CO2 2,055 n/a n/a

2016 CH4 60 n/a n/a

2016 N2O 9 n/a n/a

2016 Other n/a n/a n/a


Total 2016 CO2e 2,124 tCO2e 0 tCO2e 2,124 tCO2e

2017 CO2 6,666 n/a n/a

2017 CH4 200 n/a n/a

2017 N2O 35 n/a n/a

2017 Other n/a n/a n/a

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Alberta REMvue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture Aggregation
March 2018
Total 2017 CO2e 6,901 tCO2e 0 tCO2e 6,901 tCO2e

Total for CO2e 9,025 tCO2e 0 tCO2e 9,025 tCO2e


Table 3.1 “Summary Table Levied Emissions and Biogenic CO2” below has been excluded
from this report, as the project is not required to exclude levied emissions for this reporting
period. When the carbon levy alignment with the offset system process has concluded, and
new protocols released, the Project will update the quantification and address levied sources
as necessary. Until such time, all emissions are reported as “non-levied” in the table above.

3.1 Summary Table Levied Emissions and Biogenic CO2

Vintage Gas Type Baseline Project Total

Emissions Emissions Reduction,
or Capture

Year X CO2 n/a n/a n/a

Year X CH4 n/a n/a n/a

Year X N2O n/a n/a n/a

Year X Other n/a n/a n/a


Year X Biogenic n/a n/a XX tCO2

Total Year X CO2e XX tCO2e XX tCO2e XX tCO2e

Year Y CO2 n/a n/a n/a

Year Y CH4 n/a n/a n/a

Year Y N2O n/a n/a n/a

Year Y Other n/a n/a n/a

Year Y Biogenic n/a n/a XX tCO2

Total Year Y CO2e XX tCO2e XX tCO2e XX tCO2e

Total for CO2e XX tCO2e XX tCO2e XXtCO2e


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Alberta REMvue Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture Aggregation
March 2018
3.2 Calculations
GHG emission reductions were calculated following the Quantification Protocol for Engine
Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture Projects (version1.0, October 2009). The
activities and procedures outlined in the Offset Project Plan provide a detailed
description of the project’s adherence to the requirements of the quantification protocol.
The formulas used to quantify greenhouse gas offset by the project are listed below.
The rated loads for each of the following engine VHP models are as listed in the table
below. These default factors are used unless engine specific data is available and obtained
from the GHG data logger set-up file or recorded in the unit’s Detection log.

Table 3. Default rated engine load for included engine models

Engine Model Rated Load
L7042GSI 1480 bhp
P9390GSI 1980 bhp
L5108GSI 1067 bhp
F3521 GSI 738 bhp

The following equations serve as the basis for calculating the emission reductions from the
comparison of the baseline and project conditions:

Emissions Baseline = sum of the emissions under the baseline condition =

Emissions Unit Operation = emissions under SS B4 Unit Operation + emissions
under SS B1 Fuel Extraction and Processing

Emissions Project = sum of the emissions under the project condition =

Emissions Unit Operation = emissions under SS P4 Unit Operation

SS B4 Emissions Unit Operation

Emissions generated from natural gas combustion are determined from the following

EmissionsUnit Operation = ∑(Fuel Consumptioni × Fractional ChangeB−P ×

EF FuelCO2 ; ∑(Fuel Consumptioni × Fractional ChangeB−P × EF FuelCH4 ; ∑(Fuel Consumptioni ×
Fractional ChangeB−P × EF FuelN2O (1)


(BSFCPre−audit −BSFCPost−audit )
Fractional ChangeB−P = (2)

The Master Method involves using the specific pair of (rpm,hp) to determine the corresponding
BSFC from measured audit data. Wherever appropriate, and for the majority of CPAs, the
Master Method was employed. These engines operated in the range supported by field
measurement data obtained during the pre and post audit tests for Alberta Waukesha VHP
series engines conducted by Power Ignition and Controls, a Division of Spartan Controls. With
some engines falling outside the map’s measured range of speed and load, the flexibility
mechanism as described in Appendix A of the Protocol was used.

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March 2018
Flexibility Mechanism to determine BSFC:

Average Fractional Change (%FCFM) over all load and rpm pairs of the aggregated subprojects
was calculated by the following equation:

∑i→n(%FCFM (load1, rpm1) + %FCFM (load2, rpm2) + ⋯ + %FCFM (loadi, rpmi)

%FCFM = = 0.1790

%FCFM = average fractional change over all load and rpm pairs of the CPAs
n = number of load and rpm pairs in aggregation following the Master Method

An adjustment factor (AF) as described in the Flexibility mechanism is applied to the final
determination to ensure conservativeness. The AF is the standard sample deviation1 as a
percent of the Fractional Changes in BSFC obtained from the Master Map measurement data
for the load and rpm pair. As this flexibility mechanism is only in conjunction with the average
fractional change of the Master Map, this can also be called the standard deviation of the

∑(FC − ̅FC
σ=√ = 0.1044


σ = sample standard deviation

̅̅̅̅= sample mean
n= number of FCs in sample

σ 0.1044
AF = = = 58.39%
̅̅̅̅ 0.1788

AF = adjustment factor

Therefore, a conservative estimate of the fractional change (FC) was used by subtracting the
%FCFM by the error σ, instead of multiplying the %FCFM by (1-AF) as shown in the Protocol.
Therefore, if the Master Map returned pre and post BSFC data for a specific operating
parameter such that the %FC was without error, %FCFM would equal %FC and the
corresponding AF would be 0% as the flexibility mechanism was not used.

As the measurement data captured by the Master Map is only a sample of the operating
load and speed of engines in the field, the standard deviation was calculated based upon a
sample population of data generated by the project load and RPMs.

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March 2018
EmissionsUnit Operation
= ∑(Fuel Consumptioni × (%FCFM
− σ)
× EF FuelCO2 ; ∑(Fuel Consumptioni × (%FCFM

− σ) × EF FuelCH4 ; ∑(Fuel Consumptioni × (Fractional ChangeB−P − σ) × EF FuelN2O


Fuel savings = Σ (Fuel Consumptioni × (%FCFM − σ)

SSB1 Fuel Extraction and Processing Emissions

For emissions saved from upstream extraction and processing activities the following
equation is used with fraction change as determined above:

EmissionsUnit Operation
= ∑(Fuel Consumptioni × Fractional ChangeB−P

× EF FuelX&PCO2 ; ∑(Fuel Consumptioni × Fractional ChangeB−P

× EF FuelX&PCH4 ; ∑(Fuel Consumptioni × Fractional ChangeB−P × EF FuelX&PN2O

The emission factors used to determine extraction and processing emissions from natural
gas are as listed in Table

3.2.1 Project Emissions

Project emissions from SS P1 Fuel Extraction and Processing and SS P4 Unit Operation
have all been quantified under their baseline equivalent SS.

3.2.2 Determination of Site Specific Emission factors

Tables 4 through 6 below summarizes the site-specific emission factors for natural gas
consumption at the Repsol site locations. REP 0160 – 2010 all reflect the same emission
factors as the gas analysis covered all four engine locations within the Bigstone field.

For months where no sample occurred, the reporting period average was used.

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Table 4. Site-specific emission factors and gas density for Repsol sites during the October 1, 2016 to September
30, 2017 reporting period.

Wild River Bigstone

CO2EF Density Gas Type CH4 N2O CO2EF Density Gas Type CH4 N2O
for CH4 & for CH4 &
Year Month kg/m3 kg/m3 N2O kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 N2O kg/m3 kg/m3
Factors Factors
2016 October 2.146 0.789 marketable 0.00004 0.00003 2.045 0.761 marketable 0.00004 0.00003
2016 November 2.138 0.793 marketable 0.00004 0.00003 2.074 0.772 marketable 0.00004 0.00003
2016 December 2.116 0.784 marketable 0.00004 0.00003 2.045 0.761 marketable 0.00004 0.00003
2017 January 2.118 0.797 marketable 0.00004 0.00003 2.045 0.761 marketable 0.00004 0.00003
2017 February 2.138 0.792 marketable 0.00004 0.00003 2.031 0.756 marketable 0.00004 0.00003
2017 March 2.142 0.795 marketable 0.00004 0.00003 2.045 0.761 marketable 0.00004 0.00003
2017 April 2.131 0.791 marketable 0.00004 0.00003 2.045 0.761 marketable 0.00004 0.00003
2017 May 2.117 0.786 marketable 0.00004 0.00003 2.049 0.753 marketable 0.00004 0.00003
2017 June 2.135 0.792 marketable 0.00004 0.00003 2.045 0.761 marketable 0.00004 0.00003
2017 July 2.131 0.791 marketable 0.00004 0.00003 2.045 0.761 marketable 0.00004 0.00003
2017 August 2.119 0.787 marketable 0.00004 0.00003 2.023 0.761 marketable 0.00004 0.00003
2017 September 2.130 0.791 marketable 0.00004 0.00003 2.045 0.761 marketable 0.00004 0.00003
Period - 2.130 0.791 2.045 0.761

Table 4 summarizes the emission factors used for the Repsol subprojects. Site specific data was used for the CO2
combustion emission factors; whereas default values from the Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook (2015)
were used for CH4 and N2O combustion, as well as all extraction and processing emissions.

Tables 5 and 6 below summarize the emission factors and densities for the CNRL subproject site, separated by
data type (GHG Data Loggers and Detechtion).

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March 2018

Table 5. CNRL natural gas combustion emission factors and density for units that use
Detechtion to obtain data

Gas Type for

Density CO2 CH4
CPA CH4 and N2O N2O (t/e3m3)
(kg/m3) (t/e3m3)2 (t/e3m3)
2808 Marketable 0.795 2.161 0.00004 0.00003
2891 Marketable 0.831 2.163 0.00004 0.00003
5046 Marketable 0.693 1.868 0.00004 0.00003
6008 Marketable 0.771 2.085 0.00004 0.00003
6067 Marketable 0.691 1.819 0.00004 0.00003
6125 Marketable 0.795 2.161 0.00004 0.00003
Average 0.763 2.043 0.000 0.000

For sites that lacked specific gas analysis, the average density of the samples was used.

Table 6. CNRL natural gas combustion emission factors and density for units that use
GHG data loggers to obtain data

Gas Type for

Density CO2
CPA CH4 and N2O CH4 (t/e3m3) N2O (t/e3m3)
(kg/m3) (t/e3m3)3
2888 Sales 0.831 2.163 0.000037 0.00003
2889 Sales 0.831 2.163 0.000037 0.00003
3549 Sales 0.826 1.918 0.000037 0.00003
3552 Sales 0.784 1.918 0.000037 0.00003
3585 Sales 0.785 2.127 0.000037 0.00003
3590 Sales 0.808 1.918 0.000037 0.00003
3622 Sales 0.810 1.918 0.000037 0.00003

Where gas analysis performed within the reporting period (October 1, 2016 – September 30,
2017) were not available, the default “marketable” natural gas consumption emission factors were
used from the Handbook.

Table 7 provides further detail on the default methane and nitrous oxide emission factors used for
the subprojects. All emission factors have been updated to reflect those values published in the
latest handbook from Alberta Environment and Parks: ESRD Carbon Offset Emission Factors
Handbook, 2015, version 1.0 (“the Handbook”).

Please note that the CNRL subproject use “t/e3m3” for emission factor units in the quantification
(Table 5), whereas Repsol units use “kg/m3” emission factor units (Table 4). The units are
equivalent in magnitude.
Please note that the CNRL subproject use “t/e3m3” for emission factor units in the quantification
(Table 5), whereas Repsol units use “kg/m3” emission factor units (Table 4). The units are
equivalent in magnitude.
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March 2018

Table 7. Default emission factors


Parameter Relevant
Emission Emission Emission Emission Factor Source
Factor Factor Factor
The Handbook:
Natural gas 1.918 0.000037
B4, P3 0.000033 Producer consumption,
combustion kg/m3 kg/m3
Natural Gas 0.0427 0.00234 0.000004
B1 The Handbook
Extraction kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3
Natural Gas 0.0904 0.0003 0.0000032
B1 The Handbook
Processing kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3

As this report covers 2016 and 2017 vintage credits, Global Warming Potential values for CO2,
CH4 and N2O were used as per the memo issued by Neenu Walia, Section Head, Regulatory and
Mitigation on January 23, 2014 and are summarized in the below table:

Table 8. Global warming potentials: 100-year time horizon

Methane Nitrous
Vintage Year Source dioxide
(CH4) oxide (N2O)
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report
2016, 2017 1 25 298
3.2.3 Sample Calculation: GHG Data Logger IMS
Some REMVue systems are equipped with software called the GHG Data Logger (GHGDL). This
REMVue data historian records the time stamp, the accumulated fuel mass consumed for the 24-
hour period, the downtime, and the daily average RPM. This data must be manipulated in four
steps listed below in order to get the pair of engine speed and brake-horsepower (RPM, BHP) that
are used to determine the baseline and project BSFC values on which the fuel gas savings
calculations are based.

Step 1: Calculate the Engine Load

Step 2: Look-up (via the Master Map) the BSFC
Step 3: Calculate the Fuel Savings
Step 4: Calculate the GHG reductions

Step 1: Determining the Engine Load

The GHGDL measures the mass flow of fuel gas consumed by the engine. However, in this case
the integrated sum of the daily fuel mass consumed must be divided by the run hours of the
engine to determine the average instantaneous fuel consumption. This rate of fuel consumption
is then correlated to the engine load through the use of a Willans Plot 4.

The Willans Plot is a standard analysis technique for heat engines that defines the linear
correlation between fuel consumption and power output.
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With the REMVue systems, Spartan Controls does a pre-installation and a post-installation testing
regime where power output and fuel consumption are recorded, allowing the Willans Plot to be
developed. Ideally the testing will be done according to the requirements of the offset protocol,
which calls for the tests to be performed at three different RPMs, and at three different loads per
RPM, giving a 9-point “map” of engine performance. In the case of the Bigstone: Pass Creek site,
the post-installation tests were done at three different loads with three different RPMs, which does
not follow the offset protocol requirements. However, as established using the validated project
plan, the savings from such as site can be quantified using the Master Map method. Regardless
of whether the Advanced or Master Map method is used, these test points gathered in the pre and
post audit reports are used to generate the Willans Plot.

The equation of the line from the Willans plot outputs brake horsepower which is corrected to
approximate the load at the measured values for speed and fuel flow rate. In the GHGDL the
Willans Plot calculation is performed internally, and the Fuel Index5 returned.

Step 2: Calculate the Fractional Brake Specific Fuel Savings with the Master Map

When the RPM is also rounded down to the nearest whole number, the (RPM, BHP) pair of
(1200,894 for example) are the inputs to find the respective Baseline and Project BSFC values
from the Master Engine Performance Map (for the Waukesha 7042GSI engine equipped with
REMVue controls). For the speed and load operating conditions, the respective BSFC values,
drawn from the Master Engine Performance Map, are shown in Table 9 To determine the fractional
change in BSFC, the following formula was used:

Fractional Change in BSFC =

Table 9. BSFC based on RMP and BHP, and fractional change pre and post audit
BSFC Pre-Installation BSFC Post-Installation Fractional Change
(BTU/hp.hr) (BTU/hp.hr) (%)
1200 894 11927 9418 +27%

Step 4: Calculate the Fuel Gas Conserved

The measured instantaneous fuel consumption must be converted from mass (kg) to volumetric
(m3) data. This calculation is achieved by dividing the mass of fuel consumed by its density. The
fractional change in BSFC in combination with the site-specific density is then used to calculate
the fuel saved. For our example, the natural gas conserved was:

Fuel Consumption
Natural Gas Conserved = × (Fractional Change)
Density of Gas
= kg
× 27%
0.762 m 3

= 𝟏, 𝟓𝟒𝟖 𝐦𝟑

The Fuel Index is a proprietary calculated output of the GHGDL. Details have been made available
to the verifier.
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Step 5: Calculate the Emission Reductions

The baseline emissions due to the operation of the engine can then be calculated as shown below.

Emissions Unit Operation = emissions under SS (B4) Unit Operation

The site-specific gas analysis follows the emission factors published for marketable Combustion.
Therefore, the generic equation and calculated emission reductions were determined as outlined
Emissions per GHG = Volume of Natural Gas Conserved(m3 ) × GHG Emission Factor (m3)

Carbon Dioxide Methane Nitrous Oxide

SSB4CO2 = 1,548 m3 SSB4CH4 =1,548 m3 SSB4N2O = 1,548m3 x
SSB4 Equation
x 1.918 kg CO2/m3 x 0.00003 kg CH4/m3 0.00006 kg N2O /m3
SSB4 Emissions 3,207.23 kg CO2 0.05 kg CH4 0.09 kg N2O
SSB1CO2 = 1,548 m3 SSB1CH4 =1,548 m3 SSB1N2O = 1,548m3 x
SSB1 Equation
x 0.133 kg CO2/m3 x 0.0026 kg CH4/m3 0.000007 kg N2O /m3
SSB1 Emissions 205.91 kg CO2 4.03 kg CH4 0.01 kg N2O

GHG Emission Reductions = Emissions Baseline – Emissions Project
Emissions Baseline = Emissions B1 + EmissionsB4
Emissions Project =0

GHG Emission Reductions = EmissionsB1 Fuel Extraction and Processing + Emissions B4 Unit Operation

Emission Reduction for this site = Emissions Baseline – Emissions Project

= (3,207.23 kg CO2 + 0.05 kg CH4 x 25 kgCO2e/kgCH4 + 0.00006 kg N2O x 298 kgCO2e/kgN2O)
+(205.91 kg CO2+4.03 kg CH4 x 25 kgCO2e/kgCH4 + 0.01 kg N2O x 298 kgCO2e/kgN2O) - 0

= 3,550 kg CO2e or 3.5 tonnes CO2e

Emissions savings for a vintage year are calculated by following this process for each day of the
year, and then summing the results on a monthly basis.

3.2.4 Sample Calculation: Detechtion

Some sites with REMVue control systems installed do not have the upgraded software that includes
the daily GHGDL. For these sites, the site operator physically logs the runtime data from the
compressor control panel, recording such parameters as total run hours on the unit, total gas
consumed, RPM, and HP used. The operators send the runtime data via facsimile or email to a
third-party asset management company called Detechtion, who assemble the data into an online

Each compressor entered into Detechtion is assigned a unique identification number. By searching
the Detechtion Compressor database for this number, Enalysis reports and field data can be
generated back to the initial addition of the unit to Detechtion. For CNRL site Aldseron, the unique
Detechtion number is 6067.

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To obtain the data the most recent Enalysis report was selected. Detechtion allows the user the
ability to create a plot of the parameter over time and export the date to excel. This method was
used to collect the runtime data for all CNRL sites, that do not have the data logger.

The Enalysis report gives the (RPM, BHP) pair necessary to use the Master Engine Map look-up
table to find the respective BSFC for the baseline and the project cases (without having to go
through the step of correlating fuel consumption to engine load via the Willans Plot). Therefore,
the data manipulation followed the following steps:

Step 1: Determine the Engine Uptime hours

Step 2: Calculate the Fuel Consumption
Step 3: Look-up (via the Master Map) the BSFC
Step 4: Calculate the Fuel Savings
Step 5: Calculate the GHG reduction

Step 1: Determine Engine Uptime Hours

Because the engine operating data is logged monthly by the operator, and the fuel consumption
is reported as the average instantaneous flow, it is first required that the engine running hours be
determined. This is determined by the total run hours recorded on the unit time counter by the
operator. The monthly uptime hours of the engine is found by subtracting the past reading
recorded by the operator by the current months reading: 25,909 – 25,193 to result in 716 unit
recorded run hours. Oftentimes due to time counter interruptions, resets or operator error in
recording these values, the run hours can be negative. Therefore, the following checks and
corrections are performed on the unit run hour data:

✓ That the total run hours recorded each month continuously increase in value;
• If there is a singular decrease in run hours that can be corrected through linear
interpolation or manual correction of the value this should be performed.
✓ That the unit run hours in the time period do not exceed the total available hours of that period;
• If the unit run hours are more than the length of time available in a period, the total
hours in the time period will be used.
*Note that by basing the engine uptime hours upon the difference between the current engine
hours counter reading and that of the previous recording, the fuel savings calculated may not be
for the duration of one month. Sometimes the operator logs may skip one month of recordings,
or perhaps perform two recordings in a shorter time frame. These variances result in some months
having zero fuel savings, however this does not affect the total reductions achieved by the engine,
but only the month in which they are allocated.

Step 2: Calculate the Total Monthly Fuel Consumption

Therefore, for June 1, 2017 as 716 hours is less than the total available hours of 720, the unit run
hours are used in the following equation for fuel consumption:

Monthly Total Fuel Consumption = Instantaneous Fuel Gas used × lesser of (Unit Run hours or Total Hours)

e3m3 716 hrs

= 0.125 ×
d hrs

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= 89.46 e3m3

Steps 3 to 5 follow the methodology presented in the previous example with the calculation being
performed monthly instead of on a daily basis. The analysis of the monthly operator logs gives
the total monthly generation of GHG offsets for the site. The total annual GHG offset assertion
is then the summation of the monthly offsets over each calendar year.

4.0 References
Alberta Environment. Quantification Protocol for Engine Fuel management and Vent Gas Capture
Projects (version 1.0, October 2009)
Environment Canada, 2015, National Inventory Report 1990-2013: Greenhouse Gas Sources and
Sinks in Canada. Environment Canada, Ottawa.
ESRD Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook, 2015 version 1.

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