Analysis of Incomplete Block. Designs With Reference Samples in Every Block
Analysis of Incomplete Block. Designs With Reference Samples in Every Block
Analysis of Incomplete Block. Designs With Reference Samples in Every Block
r 1010107
Author Gacuia is with the Armour Research Center, Scottsdale, AZ (4)
0 1978 Institute of Food Technologists where a 1 denotes the presence of the treatment and 0, its
absence in the layout. -Text continued on page 1462
I 1
I$ =. 1010 (5)
100 1
In (9), the value of the design parameters are b = sR = 6, r = s
and the product between 3 and E’, if all elements are either 0 = 3, X = 1 and Au = 3. The parameter Xu is used later in the
or 1 (Pearce, 1960), yields a matrix with the main diagonal analysis of CIBD with reference sample. The number of repli-
elements (underlined) equal to r and the off-diagonal elements cates for the reference standard is always equal to b.
equal to X: Table 2 contains the intrablock analysis of variance for a
BIBD with a reference sample. In this table, CF (correction
factor), SST, SS,, SSbZp’SS, adl. and SS, are computed by
the standard procedure described by Yates (1936), Rao (1947)
and Cochran and Cox (1957). Because of incomplete blocking,
that is, not all treatments are contained in a given block (k <
Only the upper half in (6) is shown because the matrix is t), it is well known that the treatment totals Tl should be
symmetrical. adjusted for block effects accomplished by calculating,
BIBD with reference sample
The idea of having a reference sample in every block of
Qi&$ , i = 1,2, . . ., t + 1
BIBD’s traces back to the independent work of Pearce (1960)
and Basson (1959). The construction of BIBD with a reference where B(t) refers to block totals in which treatment i occurs.
sample is achieved by simply adding the reference sample to all The calculations of effects due to treatments and reference
blocks of BIBD in a manner shown in the lower half of Table sample, as well as their variances, are obtained by the formulae
1. The order of tasting of the three samples within each block derived by Basson (1959) and are given as formulae (11)
is determined at random and not as shown in the layout. The through (15) below. The estimate of effect due to the refer-
addition of the reference sample modifies the parameters t and ence sample (tR) is
.k to t + 1 and k + 1, respectively. The BIBD’s are widely
catalogued, therefore, the construction of the augmented (11)
design, that is, the BIBD with the added reference sample is
greatly facilitated. Note that formulae (1) through (3) do not with variance,
apply to the augmented design.
The incidence matrix of the augmented design (lower half, (12)
Table 1) is
111111 and that for the ith treatment,
[ 1 101010
with variance,
1, 2, . . .) t, where s is the grand meanexcluding the reference
Repetitions P-l ss, =
b (k+ 1)/p sample, and the reference sample by Xu = $ + t^u. Standard
procedures, such as the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test, the
Panelists p(b - 1) SSb,, = -~ Least Significant Difference Test (LSD), are used to perform
within repetition b (k + 1 j/p multiple comparisons of effects or the adjusted means.
Example of BIBD with reference sample
Treatments t st adi. = B 4Qi
(adj. for panelists) The data in Table 3, taken from the author’s file pertaining
Error By difference SS, = By difference to a nitrate/nitrite study on canned chopped ham, are a part of
a larger body of sensory data. For each panelists, the order of
Table 3-Nitrate-nitrite study designed as a BIBD with reference SamPIeS. Design Parameters: t+ 1 =$k+l=3,p=2,pr=6,pb=12,ph--2
Repetition Panelists R 1 2 3 4 Bj RQ
I 1 4 5 4 13
2 5 3 6 14
3 5 7 6 18
4 4 4 4 12
5 5 6 5 16
6 4 5 3 12 85
II 7 5 6 3 14
8 3 4 4 11
9 5 6 7 18
10 4 6 5 15
11 4 7 5 16
12 6 5 2 13 87
Ti TR=54 37 27 ’ 29 25 G= 172
BO) 172 95 79 88 82
Bcij/k + 1 57.3333 31.6667 26.3333 29.3333 27.3333
B(i) t+1
Qi = Ti -- -3.3333 5.3333 0.6667 -0.3333 -2.3333 Z Qi=O
i I
Source of E= 211221
variance DF Sums of squares 212112
Total N-l SST = XX; - CF i = 1,2, ., t and the layout of this matrix is given in Table 5. T?ie design
j=l,2 I ., b parameter h is the off-diagonal elements of matrix w--
NN’’ which
Panelists b-l Ss,=ZBf/k-CF is equal to 13:
i 1~
Treatments t - 1 E 13 13 13
SS, adj. = (k/U1 ZC? 1
Interaction fb - I) ft - 1 I SSht = ZXi/nfj - CF - SSh - SSt aoj. -15 - 13
Pure error N - bt SSe = Zdifi2 15
NV’ = 15 13 -13
CF = (CXij)s/N, correction factor; N is the total number of observa- The main diagonal, to be defined later, is a design parameter
tions. for CIBD with a reference standard. The parameter X is also
a,= Ti3!L obtained by (Trail and Weeks, 1973)
h = h* (n, - n,)’ + n,(2r - bn,,) (18)
nij = Number of times the ith treatment occurs in the jth block and
is equal to the elements of the incidence matrix N,. where A* is the parameter of the generating BIBD (upper half,
dij Xii, - Xij,, difference between duplicate samples where fi,j) Table 1).
cell is duplicated. The analysis of variance for the CIBD layout in Table 5 is
shown in Table 6 and follows closely the standard calculations
in incomplete block designs. A numerical example of CIBD is
found in Cornell and Schreckengost (1975).
Table 7-Layout of CIBD with reference R When a CIBD is augmented with a reference sample, the
result is a supplemented balance design (Type S) described by
Panelists (Blocks) Pearce (1960) as shown in Table 7. The augmented CIBD has
Treatments 1 2 3 4 5 6
12 samples less, per basic design, than the RCBD with two
observations per cell. As in the BIBD’s, the sample presenta-
R X X X X X X tion within panelist is randomized. The incidence matrix of
X X X -X X X the augmented CIBD is
[ 1
B X X X X X X 121212
C X X X. X X X
D X X X X X X N= 212112
X X X and,
Design parameters: 2418181818
t+1=5 r=9 h= 13 s= 15
k=8 ‘R= 12 AR= 18 SR = 24
EN = (20)
Table 8-Analysis of variance of CIBD with reference samples Table g-Data and statistical calculations. Design ParameWS:
t+~=5,k=8,b=6,r=9,rR=12,h=13,h~=,18,S=15.s~ =
Source of 24
variance DF Sums of squares
Total N-l SST = XX; - CF i=1,2,...,t+l
j=1,2,...,b Panelists R A 0 ‘2, D Bj
Panelists b-l SSb= ZB;/k-CF
(blocks) 1 2 3 4 2 1 16
Treatments t SS, adj. = CtiQi 1 2 1
(adjusted) 2 3 3 2 3 2 19
Interaction t(b - 1) SSbt = zX&/nij - CF - SSb - SSt adj. 2 2 2
Pure error N-bb(t+l) SS, = Edi/ 3 2 2 2 4 2 19
1 3 3
4 1 3 3 3 2 18
1 2 3
5 2 1 1 3 2 14
where each matrix element is given by (9) and equals the 1 2 2
following design parameters (Pearce, 1960): sR = 24, defined 6 1 2 1 2 1 13
as the number of self-concurrences for the reference standard; 2 2 2
AR = 18, the number of times that the reference sample and
treatment appear together in a block; and s = 15, the number Ti 19 20 20 24 16 G=S9
of self-concurrences for the treatments. When the design lay- ; = 2.0625
out in Table 7 is repeated p times, b, r, rR, h, hR, s and sR are nijBj 198 149 151 147 147 t+1
each multiplied by p. Note that rR is the number of replicates kQi = kTi - nijBj -46 11 9 45 -19 ZkQi=O
for the reference standard. t+1
The analysis of variance of the layout in Table 7 is shown a, -5.750 1.375 1.125 5.625 -2.375 zq = 0
in Table 8. With repetitions of the basic design layout by
different panelists, the source of variance will include repeti-
tions (SS,), and the panelists sum of squares (SSb) become ti -0.4792 0.1526 0.1240 0.6383 -0.2760
nested with repetitions (SSb:p). Both SS, and SSb:p are ob-
tained by the formulae given in Table 2; however, a minor xi=i+ii 1.58 2.22 2.19 2.70 1.79
change in the denominator of these formulae should be made
by using k instead of k + 1. The estimates of standard errors CF = 9S2/48 = 204.1875
SST=(2*+12 ...+12+2z)-CF=235-CF
and effects due to treatments including the reference standard
= 30.8125
are obtained by the formulae given in Pearce (1960); these
16’+19’+.. +13*
formulae are given by (21) through (24). Ss,= L- CF
The estimate of effect due to the reference standard is 8
determined by = 4.1875
bkIR = 6(8)18 = 864 rRA - rhR = 12113) -S(18) = -6
iR = rQR/bhR fh+*R=4(13)+18=70
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