Intrusión Ortodóntica

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The article discusses different types of orthodontic intrusion, biomechanics, methods, and appliances used for intrusion as well as potential side effects.

The article discusses true intrusion, relative intrusion, intrusion of anterior teeth, and intrusion of posterior teeth.

Potential side effects of orthodontic intrusion discussed include flaring of crowns, lingual crown tipping of molars, and root resorption.

Sahu S et al.

: Orthodontic Intrusion REVIEW ARTICLE

Orthodontic Intrusion: An Insight

Sunita Sahu1, Shuvesa Samantaray2, Nivedita Sahoo3, Pritam Mohanty4, Snigdha Gowd5,
Baratam Srinivas6
1,2-Post Graduate Student, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics,
Correspondence to:
Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences, Bhubaneswar, India. 3,4-Reader, Department of
Dr. Sunita Sahu, Post Graduate Student, Department of
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences,
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Kalinga
Bhubaneswar, India. 5-Professor and Head, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial
Institute of Dental Sciences, Bhubaneswar, India
Orthopaedics, The study was
6-Professor, conducted
Department to determine
of Orthodontics theDentofacial
and commonOrthopaedics,
Contact Us:
Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences, Bhubaneswar, India.

Intrusion is a common orthodontic tooth movement which is employed in the cases of deep bite where anteriors are
intruded for correction, or in anterior open bite where posteriors are intruded to close the bite for correction. The article
discusses the biomechanics of Intrusion in Orthodontic treatment and various methods to achieve the Intrusion tooth
movement successfully without causing any deleterious effect to the tooth. It also presents the types of Intrusion, their
indications and contraindications in clinical scenario.Use of various removable and fixed appliances and their
modifications to achieve intrusion is discussed and reviewed at length.
KEYWORDS: Biomechanics, Intrusion, Deepbite
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Intrusion, as defined by Marcotte, is the "tooth movement  Avoiding extrusive mechanics
that occurs in an axial (apical) direction and whose center
of rotation lies at infinity. It is an axial type of
translation".1 Burstone defined intrusion as “Apical BIO-MECHANICS OF INTRUSION
movement of the geometric center of the root with respect True intrusion is obtained when an intrusive force is
to the occlusal plane or a plane based on the long axis of directed through the center of resistance of the anterior
the tooth”.2 The correction of deep overbite is one of the teeth. Unfortunately this is difficult to accomplish; spatial
major challenges to correct Class II malocclusion. This is relationship between center of resistance (CR) and point
done either by extrusion of posteriors or intrusion of of force application (P.F.A) varies depending on labio-
anteriors or a combination of both. However, for optimal lingual inclination of upper incisors intrusive force is
treatment, more intrusion is required in the upper arch normally applied to the labial surface of the incisors. This
than in the lower. Intrusion can be a true intrusion or produces a moment which tends to flare the crowns
relative intrusion. True intrusion is the movement of the forward and move the roots lingually.3
tooth along its long axis in an apical direction. Relative
intrusion is the intrusion in which incisors are in its place, In cases where incisors are markedly proclined, an
posterior teeth erupt while the mandible grows.2 intrusive force creates a large moment. In these cases
incisors should be retracted first to improve their axial
inclination before intrusive mechanics are initiated. Thus
INDICATIONS FOR the key to successful intrusion is light continuous force,
ORTHODONTIC INTRUSION which is directed towards the root apex of incisors. 3

 Intrusion of Anterior Teeth In Gummy Smile OPTIMAL FORCE FOR

 Deep Bite and Reduced Lower Facial Height INTRUSION
 Deep Bite and Increased Lower Facial Height
 Intrusion of Periodontally Involved Teeth Loading diagram of intrusive force is concentrated over a
small area at the apex. For this reason extremely light
 The intrusion of Posterior Teeth.
forces are needed to produce appropriate pressure within
the periodontal ligament during intrusion.4 An optimal
INDICATIONS FOR force is one that produces a rapid rate of tooth
ORTHODONTIC INTRUSION movements, without discomfort to the patient or any
tissue damage. Optimal force range for intrusion has been
 Controlling force magnitude and constancy. a long time controversy. Burstone(1977) suggested 50
 Anterior single point contact. grams of intrusive force for upper central incisors, 100
 Point of force application grams for central and laterals and 200 grams for six upper
 Control of anchorage unit anteriors. He advocated use of 40 grams for four lower
 Selective intrusion incisors and 160 grams for all six lower anteriors.2

How to cite this article:

Sahu S, Samantaray S, Sahoo N, Mohanty P, Gowd S, Srinivas B. Orthodontic Intrusion: An Insight. Int J Oral Health Med Res 2017;3(6):137-140.

International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research | ISSN 2395-7387 | MARCH-APRIL 2017 | VOL 3 | ISSUE 6 137
Sahu S et al.: Orthodontic Intrusion REVIEW ARTICLE

APPLIANCE REQUIREMENT FOR Intrusion Utility Arch: In Intrusion utility arch, the
posterior vertical segments do not lie against auxillary
UNIFORM INTRUSION tube on the 1st molar bracket. Arch is activated to intrude
Appliances which are used for intrusion should fulfill two the anterior teeth. Utility arch should produce 60–100
important criteria. grams of force on the mandibular incisors, force level
considered ideal for mandibular incisor intrusion.6
 It should deliver a constant moment to force ratio to
maintain the center of rotation of incisors. 2.Connecticut Intrusion Arch 7,8: Connecticut intrusion
 Appliances should have low load deflection rate with arch (C.I.A) introduced by Ravindra Nanda is fabricated
long range of activation so that greater force from Nickel – Titanium alloys as it is the material of
constancy over the activation range can be achieved. choice for delivering continuous forces under large
activation. C.I.A incorporates the characteristics of utility
One or more of the following ways can reduce load arch as well as those of conventional intrusion arch. C.I.A
deflection in the appliance5: on preformed wires with appropriate bends are necessary
 Reducing the cross section of the wire for easy insertion and use. Two wire sizes are available
 Increasing the inter bracket distance 0.016" x 0.022" and 0.017" x 0.025" maxillary and
 Wire material mandibular versions have anterior dimensions of 34 mm
and 28mm respectively. The bypass, located distal to
lateral incisors is available in two different length to
BASIC DESIGN OF AN accommodate for extraction, non-extraction and mixed
INTRUSION ARCH dentition. C.I.A’s basic mechanism of force delivery is a
V-bend calibrated to deliver approximately 40–60g of
There are two basic designs for an intrusion arch: force. Upon insertion, the V-bend lies just anterior to the
 Continuous arch molar brackets. When the arch is activated, a simple force
 Segmental intrusion arch system results consisting of vertical force in the anterior
The following Intrusion arches are reviewed in this region and a moment in the posterior region. Headgears
discussion. may be worn to counteract the side effect on the molars.

1. Utility arch 3.Burstone Intrusion Arch:9,10,11 In the 1950’s Burstone

2. Connecticut intrusion arch developed the segmented arch technique, which had
3. Burstone intrusion arch different cross-section of the wire within the same arch
4. Tip-back springs (intrusion springs) and wires that did not run continuously from one bracket
5. Three-piece intrusion arch to the adjacent bracket. Burstone concluded that one of
6. K-SIR the limitations of the continuous arch therapy is its
inability to produce genuine intrusion. Basic mechanism
1.Utility Arch:6 Utility arch was designed by Robert M. of Burstone intrusion arch consists of posterior anchorage
Ricketts in the early 1950’s and has been popularized as unit, anterior segment, and intrusive arch spring. To
an integral part of bioprogressive therapy. Regardless of increase the stability of the posterior segment, wires that
the presence or absence of loops, all utility arches have a are 0.018" x 0.025" or 0.021" x 0.25" stainless steel can
common design, which consist of be placed (depending upon whether it is 0.018 or 0.022
 Molar segments slot) after initial alignment. When alignment is completed
 Posterior vertical segment in the posterior segment, right and left buccal segments
are joined together across the arch by means of a
 Vestibular segment
transpalatal arch in maxilla and low lingual arch in
 Anterior vertical segment
mandible. Intrusive spring is not tied directly into the
 Incisal segment. incisor bracket. Anterior alignment arch or anterior
As advocated by Ricketts, utility arches are fabricated segment is placed in the central incisor or four incisors
from chrome – cobalt wires. In contrast to stainless steel and intrusive arch is either tied labially, incisally or
wire: chrome – cobalt wire is manipulated easily and gingivally to the wire.
loops can be formed in the wire with little difficulty. With
Intrusive spring: Intrusive arch consist of an 0.018" x
regard to selection of appropriate size of wire for 0.018"
0.022" or 0.018" x 0.025" TMA wire with a 3mm helix
slot appliance, recommended wire for mandibular utility wound 2½ times placed mesial to the auxiliary tube.
arch is either 0.016" x 0.022" or 0.016" x 0.016" wire. Curvature is placed in the intrusive arch, so that the
For maxillary arches 0.016" x 0.022" wire is incisal portion lies gingival to the central incisors. Thus,
recommended, with 0.022" slot, 0.019" x 0.019" wire can
an intrusive force develops when the arch is tied to the
be used in either arch. Generally rectangular wire is
level of the incisors. In order that the arch does not
preferable to round wire to control torque and prevent
increase its length during the activation, a gentle
unwanted tipping of incisors. Passive, Intrusion, curvature should be placed with the amount of curvature
Retraction and Protraction utility arches are the four types increasing as one approaches the helix. In this way the
of utility arches. activated arch wire will appear relatively straight and as it

International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research | ISSN 2395-7387 | MARCH-APRIL 2017 | VOL 3 | ISSUE 6 138
Sahu S et al.: Orthodontic Intrusion REVIEW ARTICLE

works out during intrusion arch length will decrease and 6. Kalra Simultaneous Intrusion Retraction:12 The
no anterior flaring is produced. K-SIR archwire is a modification of segmented loop
mechanics of Nanda and Burstone.
4.Tip Back Springs (Intrusion Springs):4 Burstone
proposed these springs which are made of 0.017" x It is a continuous 0.019" x 0.025" TMA archwire with
0.025" T.M.A wire, upper and lower arches have to be closed 7mm x 2mm U-loop at the extraction site. To
leveled and aligned and rigid stainless steel wire, obtain bodily movement and prevent tipping of teeth into
preferably of 0.017 x 0.025 inch dimension. Anchor the extraction space a 90° V bend is placed in the arch
molars should be reinforced with a T.P.A in the upper wire at the level of U-loop. This V-bend, when centered
and lingual holding arch in the lower arch. The intrusion between the 1st molar and the canine during space
springs are made from 0.017" x 0.025" TMA wire closure, produces two equal and opposite moments to
without a helix or 0.017" x 0.025" stainless steel wire counter the moments caused by activation force of
with a helix for optimal force for intrusion. A helix is closing loop. An off centered 60° V-bend located
formed by bending the wire gingivally mesial to the posterior to the inter-bracket distance produces an
molar tube. The mesial end of the spring is bent into a increased posterior clockwise moment on the 1st molar
hook and is engaged distal to lateral incisor, which which augments molar anchorage as well as intrusion of
according to Burstone is the approximate center of anterior teeth. To prevent the buccal segment from rolling
resistance of the four incisors. Mesial end of the spring mesio-lingually due to the force produced by loop
lies passively at the height of vestibular fold and spring is activation, a 20° anti-rotation bend is placed in the arch
activated by pulling the hook down and engaging it on to wire just distal to each U-loop.
the arch wire.
A trial activation of the arch wire is performed outside
5.Three Piece Intrusion Arch:11,12 The Three piece the mouth to releases the stress built up in bending the
Intrusion arch consist of the following parts: wire. After the trial activation, the neutral position of
each loop is determined with the legs extended
 Posterior Anchorage unit horizontally. In the neutral position, the U-loop is about
 The anterior segment with posterior extension 3.5mm wide and the arch wire is inserted into the
 Intrusion Cantilevers auxiliary tube of the 1st molar and engaged in the six
Posterior Anchorage unit: After satisfactory alignment anterior brackets. It is activated about 3mm aparting the
of the pre-molars and molars, passive segmented wire mesial and distal legs of the loop. To increase the inter-
(0.017 x0.025” stainless steel) are placed in the right and bracket distance between the two ends of the attachment,
left posterior teeth for stabilization. A precision stainless which increases the efficacy of the off centered V bend,
steel trans-palatal arch (0.032 x 0.032 inch) placed 2nd premolars are bypassed. When the loops are first
passively between the first maxillary molars consolidates activated, the tipping moments generated by the
the posterior unit now consisting of right and left retracting force will be greater than the opposing
posterior units. Canines may be incorporated into the moments generated by the V bend in the arch wire. This
buccal segment by retracting single. will initially cause controlled tipping of the teeth into the
extraction space. As the loops deactivate and force
Anterior Segment: The anterior segment creates a step decreases, the moment to force ratio will increase to first
of 3mm by bending gingivally distal to the laterals and cause bodily and then root movement of teeth. The arch
then bent horizontally. The distal part forms a hook wire should therefore not be reactivated at short intervals,
posteriorly to the distal end of the canine bracket. The but only every 6-8 weeks until all the space have closed.
anterior segment should be made of (0.018 x0.025 or The anti-centered V-bend will generate an extrusive force
larger) to prevent side effects created by bending of wire on the molars, which is usually undesirable. One of the
during force application. keys to preventing unwanted side effects of an appliance
Intrusion cantilever: The intrusion cantilever wire is is to keep the reactive force at a minimum, while exerting
fabricated from 0.017 x 0.025 inch T.M.A. bent an optimum level of force on the teeth to be moved. K-
gingivally mesial to the molar tube and a helix is formed. SIR exerts about 125g of intrusive force on the anterior
The mesial end of the cantilever is bent into a hook. The segment and a similar amount of extrusive force,
cantilever is then activated by making a bend mesial to distributed between the two buccal segments-generally
the helix at the molar tube, such that the anterior end with the 1st permanent molar and the 2nd premolars, connected
the hook lies passively in the vestibule. This is then by segments of TMA wire. Reactive extrusive force on
brought down to engage onto the horizontal portion of the the buccal segment is countered by force of occlusion and
anterior segment so that the resultant forces are made to mastication, adding teeth to anchorage unit, and banding
pass through the center of resistance of anterior teeth. An the 2nd molar will increase anchorage in the antero-
elastic chain can be attached to the hook for simultaneous posterior direction. The main indication of K-SIR is for
intrusion and retraction. However, to achieve true retraction of anterior teeth in a 1st premolar extraction
intrusion of anterior teeth it is always necessary to patient who has a deep overbite and excessive overjet and
balance the effective force of intrusion.10,11 who require intrusion of anterior teeth and maximum
molar anchorage because the intrusion of the six anterior

International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research | ISSN 2395-7387 | MARCH-APRIL 2017 | VOL 3 | ISSUE 6 139
Sahu S et al.: Orthodontic Intrusion REVIEW ARTICLE

teeth occur at the same time as their retraction, K-SIR shown that the use of light constant forces enables the
shortens the treatment time compared to conventional intrusion of teeth with minimal disruption of posterior
mechanics.12 anchor units. It has also been shown that as the forces for
intrusion are increased, more root resorption but not
One couple Vs Two-couple System: A one-couple
necessarily a greater rate of intrusive movement may
system applies force to a single point of force system
result. The upper incisors commonly must be intruded
which allows one to devise what type of force is being
more than lower incisors to maintain the original cant of
generated. This system can be statistically determinate. In
the plane of occlusion. The typical patient who requires
this system a couple is generated only at one end of the
intrusion also requires minimization of extrusion of the
intrusion arch, and thus this type of system is known as
posterior teeth. Understanding the basic biomechanical
one-couple system. For example, in a segmental intrusion
principles involved in effecting controlled tooth
arch. In a two-couple system the intrusion arch in
movement enables achieving successful orthodontic
engaged in the slots of the anterior brackets and at the
treatment outcomes which are more predictable and
tube in the posterior teeth, this creates a two-point contact
consistent. The choice of appliances and techniques used
system thus creating a scenario where the clinician does
by practitioners varies radically among individuals but
not have control over the force generated in a clinical
the fundamental forces and moments they produce are
setup. This type of system is statistically indeterminate
and can be seen with intrusion arches such as Rickett's
Utility intrusion arch.13
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Early studies of treated patients saw little intrusion of
incisors because the mechanics used tended to extrusion Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest: Nil
of posterior teeth with the mechanics used. It has been

International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research | ISSN 2395-7387 | MARCH-APRIL 2017 | VOL 3 | ISSUE 6 140

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