Stock Prices and The Macro Economy in China: January 2009
Stock Prices and The Macro Economy in China: January 2009
Stock Prices and The Macro Economy in China: January 2009
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4 authors, including:
Nicolaas Groenewold
University of Western Australia
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Nicolaas Groenewold on 17 December 2013.
Jiangang Peng
Jie Cui
Fuyong Qin
Hunan University
Nicolaas Groenewold
Hunan University
The University of Western Australia
Jiangang Peng,a
Jie Cui,a
Nicolaas Groenewold,a b
Fuyong Qina
College of Finance,
Hunan University,
Changsha, Hunan Province, 410079
P. R. China
Economics Programme,
University of Western Australia,
Crawley, WA 6009
This paper analyses the relationship between stock prices and the Chinese macro
economy measured by the level of GDP. There are many possible channels of
influence between these two variables, channels which may operate in either direction.
There are also many theories relevant to these interrelationships. Rather than
explicitly testing theories, we focus on the empirical nature of this relationship which
we analyse in the context of a VAR/VEC model which allows for two-way influences
but is agnostic about the particular theoretical underpinnings. We apply tests for
stationarity and cointegration and find that there is a long-run, cointegrating
relationship between stock prices and GDP. We estimate a VEC model and use it to
analyse both short-run and long-run causality as well as to generate impulse response
functions (IRFs). We find that there is strong evidence of long-run causality from the
economy to the stock market but not vice versa. We also find modest but weaker
evidence of a similar short-run effect. These are borne out by the IRFs which show a
small and weak link from the stock market to the economy but a stronger and much
more substantial effect in the opposite direction. We rationalise our results in terms of
the relatively small size of China’s stock market.
Recent sharp changes in stock prices prompt a host of questions about the
relationship between the stock market and the rest of the macroeconomy. At a broad
level there are questions about the benefits of a deregulated financial system for the
health of the economy while questions with a narrower focus are also common, such
as: do the fluctuations in stock prices reflect economic factors or are they simply
bubbles driven by (irrational) investor sentiment? On the other hand, do the stock
price movements spill over into the rest of the economy, via consumption, investment
Given the importance of the stock market in the financial system of most
countries, it is not surprising that all of these questions have regularly exercised the
literature which has been recently surveyed in a wide-ranging paper by Levine (2005).
Measures of financial development in this literature include more than just those
relating to the stock market and range from assets and liabilities of banks and non-
bank financial intermediaries to the size of the bond market relative to the economy as
a whole, as well as stock market capitalisation and turnover variables. The focus of
the research in this area is long-run and typically uses large cross-country data bases
with variables measured as multi-year averages to capture the long-term nature of the
growth process although, more recently, panel data have also been used to enable the
development and economic growth and that stock market development makes a
connection has also been analysed from a short-run perspective, focussing on the
Here relationships may run in both directions, from the macroeconomy to the stock
market and vice versa. While the evidence points to a positive effect of stock prices
on output there is mixed evidence on the sign of the effect in the opposite direction.
The present paper reports on the analysis of the relationship between stock
prices and the macroeconomy in China for the period since the establishment of the
Chinese stock market in the early 1990s. Our focus is on the short-run interaction
between stock prices and the macroeconomy, in contrast to the long-run emphasis of
the finance and growth literature. Moreover, we confine our attention to output as the
Our motivation for this research is three-fold. First, the relationship between
output and stock prices is not clear; in particular, negative effects of output shocks on
stock prices have been reported in several papers such as Lee (1992) for the US,
Cheung and Ng (1998) for a set of five countries and Groenewold (2003) for Australia.
This is in contrast to other findings such as those by Gjerde and Saettem (1999) and
for different countries will provide more information on this important connection.
Secondly, China’s stock market is relatively small although it is developing
rapidly and an analysis of this case will balance the predominance of developed
economy research.
a very limited Chinese-language literature and, to our knowledge, only two English-
language papers address this issue, namely Zhao (1999) and Liu and Sinclair (2008),
only the latter of which throws any light on the issue. Given the growing importance
of China in the world economy and in the international financial system, the
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. The next section presents
background material by way of a review of the relevant literature while section III
presents background material on the Chinese stock market and briefly puts it in the
perspective of the Chinese financial system. In section IV we describe our data and
report the results of tests for stationarity. Tests for cointegration, the estimated
VECM and the associated tests of causality (both short- and long-run) and impulse
response functions which we use as the main instruments to address the issue of this
II Literature
There are various ways in which the short-run relationship between the stock
market and the macroeconomy has been modelled in the literature. One approach has
been from an asset-pricing perspective in which the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)
expected asset returns. Examples include the original work by Chen, Roll and Ross
(1986) who applied the model to the US as did Kim and Wu (1987) and Chen and
Jordan (1993). There have been numerous applications to other countries’ stock
prices such as: Beenstock and Chan (1988), Clare and Thomas (1994), Cheng (1996),
Antoniou, Garrett and Priestley (1998) and Gunsel and Cukur (2007) for the UK;
Entorf and Jamin (2007) for Germany; Tsuji (2007) for Japan; Ariff and Johnson
(1990) for Singapore; Martikainen (1991) for Finland; Groenewold and Fraser (1997)
for Australia; Mateev and Videv (2008) for Bulgaria and Ihsan et al. (2007) for
growth of aggregate consumption; see, e.g., Breeden (1979) and Grossman and Shiller
traditional one which is based on the notion that ultimately the share market reflects
the fundamental strengths and weaknesses of the aggregate economy so that the
direction of influence is from the economy to the share market. A similar focus is
found in the literature which explores the response of aggregate share prices to the
(expected) inflation rate in the spirit of the Fisher effect. Early work carried out in
this area is by Bodie (1976), Fama and Schwert (1977), Jaffe and Mandelker (1976),
Nelson (1976) and Gultekin (1983) whereas more recent applications include those by
O’Rourke and Thomas (1997), Siklos and Kwok (1999), Crosby (2001) and Boucher
Related studies assess the response of the share market (often, but not always,
at an aggregate level) to other macro variables such as those which capture monetary
and fiscal policy shocks; e.g. Pearce and Roley (1985), Jain (1988), Aggarwal and
Schirm (1992), Singh (1993), Thorbecke (1997), Cassola and Morana (2004), Wong
the financial economics literature is that between share prices and investment (in the
economist’s sense of capital formation). Studies of this type start with Tobin’s q-
theory of investment (Tobin, 1969) and include Fischer and Merton (1984), Morck,
Schleifer and Vishny (1990), Blanchard, Rhee and Summers (1993), Chirinko and
Schaller (1996, 2001), Baker et al. (2003) and Gilchrist et al. (2004). The question in
that literature is whether firms, in making investment decisions, should or do pay any
heed to share prices or whether share prices are simply a veil which can be dispensed
Another route through which stock prices have been seen to influence the real
economy is via consumption, the most common theoretical basis being the wealth
2000), realised and unrealised wealth effects, liquidity-constraint effect and a stock-
option value effect (Ludwig and Sløk, 2002) have also been suggested. Empirical
series and mixed (panel) studies; examples are Mankiw and Zeldes (1991), Parker
(1999), Starr-McCluer (2002), Ludvigson and Steindel (1999), Shirvani and Wilbratte
(2000, 2002), Case et al. (2001), Edison and Sløk (2002), Bertaut (2002), Lettau and
atheoretical empirical models have also been used to analyse the relationship between
the share market and the macroeconomy. These range from simple single-equation
ones of the types used by Chen (1991), Peiro (1996), Choi, Hauser and Kopecky
(1999) and Ioannidis and Kontonikias (2008) to more elaborate models which
recognise the two-way relationship between share prices and the economy as a whole.
However, unlike the models previously cited, they are not based on any particular
theoretical structure but seek simply to capture the empirical regularity between a
(VAR) and vector error-correction (VEC) models have been particularly popular in
this area, given that they can be used as a framework for formal examination of inter-
relationships within a given data set without the need to specify a theoretical
framework a priori. Once estimated, the model can be used to simulate the effects of
shocks in a way that is consistent with the historical patterns in the data by the use of
relationship between share prices and the macroeconomy is by Lee (1992) and more
recent ones can be found in Thorbecke (1997), Cheung and Ng (1998) and Gjerde and
Saettem (1999), Cassola and Morana (2004), McMillan (2005), Phylatkis and
An alternative approach which is theoretically-constrained is that based on the real-business-cycle
(RBC) approach to macroeconomics used by Canova and de Nicolo (1995) for the investigation of the
relationship between real activity and share prices. The extent to which RBC models are empirical is a
matter of some controversy. They are better seen as numerical simulation of theoretical models.
An approach which is closely related to the VAR/VECM procedure is one
which is due to Campbell et al. – see Campbell and Shiller (1987, 1988) and
Campbell and Ammer (1993). More recent applications are by Lee et al. – see Lee
(1995, 1998), Chung and Lee (1998) and Hess and Lee (1999). While a VAR model
is used, the approach differs in at least two ways. First, the VAR model is a
constrained one where the constraints are derived from a linearised dividend-discount
model. It therefore has the advantage of a theoretical structure while at the same time
employing the dynamic flexibility of the VAR model. The second difference derives
from the first and is that the focus is on the relationship between share prices and
other financial variables such as the dividend yield rather than macroeconomic
variables such as output. This limits the usefulness of the approach for our purposes.
We conclude this section with a brief account of the limited literature on the
several papers which deal with our topic although there appears to be some confusion
between output and growth, with several papers claiming to be an analysis of stock
prices and economic growth but actually analysing the relationship between stock
prices and GDP (often both in levels) so that they are directly relevant to the work
reported in this paper. Examples are: Ran, Zhang and Wu (2003), Ran, Hu and Wang
(2005), Liang and Teng (2005) and Fan (2006). These papers generally test for
stationarity and cointegration in the (logs of) stock prices and macro variables,
principally output, and then go on to test for causality between them. Interesting
variations are recent papers by Wei and Yong (2007) and Han, Zhang and Wu
(2008), the latter of which focuses on inflation and stock prices and decomposes
inflation shocks into supply and demand-driven ones which, it is found, have different
Finally, two English-language papers are also related to our work, the first by
Zhao (1999) and the second by Liu and Sinclair (2008). The Zhao paper uses a single
equation framework to regress the rate of change of output (so growth rather than
output) on the rate of growth of stock prices. A distinction is made between total
growth and unexpected growth and regressors are entered contemporaneously. The
finding most relevant to our work is that total growth has a negative and significant
effect on stock returns but the unexpected component of growth has a positive and
significant effect. The reverse effect from stock prices to output growth is not tested.
Interestingly, the Liu and Sinclair paper purports to analyse the question of the
relationship between the stock market and economic growth (for Hong Kong and
Taiwan as well as for mainland China) but, in fact, analyses the relationship between
the log of stock prices and the log of output in a VECM framework, thus being more
closely related to our work than the Zhao paper is. They find short-run causality
running from stock prices to output but not vice versa but claim that output affects
stock prices in the long run, although they do not present test results for this
The existing literature on the relationship between the stock market and the
economy as a whole in China is thus very limited and contradictory and considerably
In this paper we propose to use the VAR/VECM approach, given its flexibility
attractive, its theoretical restrictions are not directly applicable to the relationship
between share prices and the macroeconomy and we therefore use an unrestricted
model. Before turning to the modelling framework and the empirical analysis, we
digress briefly to present some basic information about the Chinese stock market and
III The Chinese stock market and the Chinese financial system
The Chinese stock market consists of two exchanges, the Shanghai Securities
Exchange (SHSE) and the Shenzhen Securities Exchange (SZSE). The SHSE was
opened in December, 1990 and the SZSE in February, 1991. Since 1998, the market
has been supervised by the Chinese Securities Supervision Commission, before which
it was regulated by a State Council committee. While it has been subject to many
complicated regulations, including price limits from time to time, the trend is towards
cautious deregulation.
An interesting feature of the market for the first two decades of its existence is
various types of shares. The two main types are A and B shares.2 A shares are
denominated in the local currency (Renminbi or RMB) and are traded by domestic
residents and institutions – foreign individuals and institutions are not permitted to
buy and sell A shares. B shares are denominated in US dollars on the Shanghai
Exchange and Hong Kong dollars on the Shenzhen Exchange. They were originally
intended for trading by foreign investors but the restriction that only offshore
individuals and institutions are permitted to trade in B shares was lifted in 2001,
Qi, Wu and Zhang (2000) distinguish 5 types of shares by further sub-dividing the A and B share
addition to A and B shares, some Chinese companies have shares listed on foreign
stocks exchanges such as H shares listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange.
Initially the scale of the market was very small with the SHSE listing 11
companies with a total value of RMB 500 million and the SZSE listing only 5
companies with a value of RMB 270 million. However, as shown by the data
reported in Tables 1 and 2, subsequent growth was rapid, with the number of
companies listing both A and B shares rising to 530 five years after the establishment
of the exchange with 85 of these companies listing only B shares. In addition, the
number of companies listing on the Hong Kong exchange has also risen steadily to
Table 2 provides some data on the size of China’s stock market since shortly
after its inception until the present. It shows strong growth in new financing, turnover
care, however. A hangover from state ownership of all enterprises is the continuing
high level of state ownership of listed shares which are effectively not tradable. This
is illustrated in Table 2 which distinguishes between total market value and tradable
market value with the difference between them being the shares held by government
and government-related bodies which are not traded. Clearly this is a sizable
proportion of total value – of the order of 75% of total shares by value are not tradable
– and the source of considerable market anxiety given that the government has on two
occasions attempted to begin unloading these shares with dramatic effects on share
prices leading to a rapid reversal of policy. As a measure of the size of the stock
market, the second figure is probably more appropriate than the first whereas the first
may be a better measure of the size of the listed corporate sector. Whichever measure
is used, however, it is clear that growth has been very rapid, although admittedly from
While the stock market has expanded rapidly since its establishment, it is still
a relatively small part of the financial system. Table 3 provides some summary data
and shows that the size of the stock market relative to GDP is of the order of 40-45%
which compares to a value of around 150% for developed economies such as the US
and the UK.3 But even this is likely to grossly overstate the case for China – if we
include only tradable shares, the ratio fell to around 15% in 2008. Thus by the
standards of developing economies, the Chinese share market is very small relative to
the size of its economy. In contrast, the ratio of loans to GDP is about 15 times this
magnitude. If we focus on new financing, the gap is even larger. Data in Tables 2
and 3 suggest that new financing from the stock market is approximately 1.2% of
GDP while loans from banks, etc. is over 100% (for 2008). All in all, the stock
market, while growing rapidly, is still a relatively small part of the Chinese financial
IV The data
Since the focus of the paper is on the interrelationships between output and
stock prices, we need only two series – one for stock prices and one for output. For
stock prices, we used the Composite Index for the Shanghai stock exchange (the
larger of the two exchanges) and for output we used GDP. Given that GDP is
Comparative international data are from the World Federation of Exchanges website:
The sample period used is 1992(1) to 2008(4), the start of the sample being dictated
The stock price data were obtained from the GTA-CSMAR data base. Data in
this data base are reported on a daily basis and were averaged over the quarter to
obtain quarterly observations. This was done (in contrast to, say, taking a single
observation during the quarter) in order to match the GDP data best since GDP
applies to each quarter as a whole. Moreover, averaging over the quarter removes
very high frequency movements in stock prices which are hardly likely to respond to
GDP variations (or vice versa). The GDP data were taken from the Wind data base
for the years 1992 to 2002 and from the China State Statistical Bureau’s “Financial
Neither series was seasonally adjusted. This was particularly obvious for the
GDP data which has strong seasonal fluctuations. We experimented with various
methods of seasonal adjustment for the GDP data, some of which were clearly
eventually undertook the main analysis with data adjusted using the X12 procedure
available in EViews. Even this sophisticated method did not seem to completely
remove seasonal influences so we checked our results for sensitivity to this seasonal
adjustment method and briefly report the results of using an alternative method later
in the paper.
Before undertaking the analysis of the relationship between our two variables,
we tested them for stationarity using standard augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) tests.
∆yt = α 0 + α1 yt −1 + α 2t + ∑ γ i ∆yt −i + ε t (1)
i =1
where y is the variable of interest, ∆ denotes the first-difference operator, t is a time
trend and ε is a random error term assumed not to be autocorrelated. Two choices
need to be made before carrying out the test; first, which of the deterministic
components (the intercept and the time trend) to include and, second, the lag length
(the value of k). For our data these choices were not very important since the test
has the interpretation of a continuous rate of change: the rate of capital gains for stock
prices and the growth rate for GDP. In Table 4 we report the ADF test statistics
together with their p-values for lags 1 to 4 and various combinations of the
deterministic components.4
the nature of the deterministic components and the number of lags. The results for ls
are not so clear, however. If the trend is omitted from the testing equation, ls is
stationary if lags are set at 0 and 3 and when a trend is included it is stationary at lags
3 and 4. The trend terms is marginally significant so that we focus on the second line
of results where the non-stationary null hypothesis cannot be rejected for lags 0 to 2
but is clearly rejected for longer lags. The SIC indicates 3 lags but tests suggest that 1
therefore conclude that, while the evidence is mixed, on balance there is evidence of
non-stationarity and we proceed under the assumption that both variables are non-
stationary and proceed to test for the stationarity of the first differences.
Note that we omit two deterministic cases – the one with no intercept in the levels test and the case
with trend in the first-difference test.
The second part of the table suggests that first differences are stationary for
both variables, although there is some doubt about the log of GDP which is non-
stationary when the intercept is omitted from the ADF equation and the number of
lags is chosen by the SIC. Inspection of the estimated equation, however, shows that
the intercept is significant in this equation and, at SIC-determined lags, the first
difference in log GDP is stationary. We conclude, therefore, that both variables are
V Results
Given our finding above that stock prices and output are both I(1), we need to
determine whether they are cointegrated before we can decide on whether to model
We use the Johansen test to address the cointegration question and in this case
there are also numerous different possible specifications of the testing framework
depending on lag length and the specification of the deterministic components of the
VECM used for the test. An inspection of the data suggests that we should include an
intercept in the cointegrating equation since the levels of the series are quite different.
Also, a constant in the VECM seems appropriate since GDP in particular has a
marked positive trend and we should allow for drift over time. Since both variables
have a positive trend over the sample period, it is unlikely that a trend term will be
required in the error-correction term of the VECM although we will report some
results with a trend to gauge the sensitivity of the test outcomes to this assumption.
Cointegration test results for these three specifications for lag lengths from 1
[Table 5 near here]
The test outcomes are clearly dependent on the specification, both on the nature of the
deterministic components and on the lag length so that a careful choice of each is
We begin with lag length. Tests of lag exclusion both for a VAR model in the
first differences and for a VECM show that the fifth lag can be excluded but the
coefficient on the fourth lag of the first difference of the log of GDP in its own
the autocorrelation in the equations of the estimated models also shows that four lags
strong at the fourth lag, confirming the regression results. We therefore choose four
An inspection of the cointegration test results for four lags in Table 5 shows
clear evidence of cointegration; this outcome does not depend on the deterministic
specification or on the type of test used. We therefore conclude that the log of GDP
and the log of the stock price index are cointegrated and proceed to a consideration of
regression of the log of GDP (ly) on the log of stock prices (ls) produces the following:
the slope coefficient are obtained from more sophisticated estimates such as those
obtained from the Johansen procedure. If we estimate the equation within Johansen’s
VECM framework with four lags and an intercept in the cointegrating regression but
whereas if we also add a constant to the VECM equations, the cointegrating equation
In both of these the slope coefficient is larger but of the same order of magnitude as in
the simple OLS estimate. All suggest that an increase in share prices of precent is
associated with an increase in real output of between 1 and 1.6 percent. Whether
these are plausible or not depends on the direction in which we imagine the causation
to run: a 1 percent increase in stock prices leading to a 1.6 percent increase in GDP
seems very large but a 1.6:1 relationship in the opposite direction is perhaps smaller
than many would expect. However, these equations cannot be used to infer causation,
To address the direction and strength of causation between our two variables,
we must turn to the estimated VECM. Before we do, however, we briefly consider
terms of lags of y and x and test for the joint significance of the lagged x variables.
simply difference the variables until each is stationary and then apply the standard test
also difference and then apply the standard test to the stationary differenced series.
But this ignores the error-correction term which should be added to the VAR in the
differences (thus making it a VECM) and therefore carries out the test within a mis-
specified model. Moreover, and more importantly, it ignores the information in the
error-correction term and in particular that this terms also contains lagged x. It is
possible in this context to distinguish between long-run and short-run causality. This
distinction builds on the common interpretation of the VECM that the error-correction
term represents deviations from long-run equilibrium while the lagged first-
for causality from x to y test the joint significance of the lagged ∆x terms in the
Long-run causality tests are less common. We propose to use one based on
the work in the unpublished papers by Canning and Pedroni (1999, 2004). Although
they developed it for tests of causality in cointegrated panels, the test statistics are
the test appears to be available for only two-variable models and we exposit it for this
deviations from the cointegrating vector which describes the long-run relationship
between the two variables. Since the two variables are governed by this long-run
equilibrium relationship, it must be the case that a change in one variable will be
associated, in the long run, with a change in the other in order to keep the relationship
satisfied. But this is not necessarily a causal relationship. It is possible, for example,
in x or, more likely, by a change in both x and y to ensure that equilibrium is re-
established. We can test this very simply using the significance of the coefficients of
equilibrium caused by a change in x has a significant effect on dy (that is, the error-
More formally, Canning and Pedroni say that x causes y in the long run if a
permanent shock to the x structural error has a permanent effect on y. In terms of the
long run at least partly by a change in y then x causes y in the long run. As already
explained, the Canning-Pedroni test for this is based on the significance of the error-
correction term in the VECM equations but requires an additional restriction which is
that a shock to the y innovation has a permanent effect on y itself. In Canning and
Pedroni’s application, they derive this supplementary condition from the theory
two-variable VECM in x and y. Define z = (x,y)’ and ∆z = (∆x,∆y)’ where x and y are
both I(1) and cointegrated. We can write the stationary vector-moving average (VMA)
where εt = (ε1t,ε2t)’ are the structural errors and F(L) is a (2x2) matrix of infinite-order
polynomials in the lag operator, L, Lnxt= xt-n. The (i,j) element of F(L) is given by:
This additional restriction appears to be ignored in many applications of the Canning-Pedroni
procedure, as does the restriction to two variables; see, for example, Basu, Chakraborty and Reagle
(2003), Christopoulos and Tsionas (2005), Narayan and Smyth (2008), Lee (2004) and Lee and Chang
F(L)ij = F0ij + F1ijL + F2ijL2 + …
which gives the time-path of the effects of a shock to εj on zi. Note that individual
elements of the Fτij sequence give the effects on ∆zi so that the sum gives the effect on
zi itself. The long run effect is just the sum of these effects from τ = 0 to ∞, that is
or just the accumulated effects on ∆zi. Write the matrix of F(1)ij elements as
F (1)11 F (1)12
F(1) =
F (1)21 F (1)22
For the question of the causality running from x to y we are interested in knowing
whether F21 is non-zero. By the Granger representation Theorem (Engle and Granger,
1987) if x and y are I(1) and cointegrated, F(1) will contain a singularity of the form
F(1)λ = 0 where λ = (λ1, λ2)’ is the vector of coefficients of the error-correction terms
in the VECM equations. The condition F(1)λ = 0 has two equations, the second of
λ1F(1)21 + λ2F(1)22 = 0
The additional condition which they derived from their underlying theory that a shock
to the y innovation has a permanent effect on y itself implies that F22 ≠ 0. Considering
all possible combinations of signs of the λs and using the implication of the Granger
Representation Theorem that not both the λs are zero, it is simple to show that
F(1)21=0 if and only if λ2 = 0. Hence we can test the null hypothesis that F(1)21 = 0
(i.e., that x does not cause y in the long run) by testing the significance of the
coefficient of the error-correction term in the equation for ∆y; if we reject the null, we
Similarly we can test that y causes x in the long run by testing the significance
impose that the restriction that the long-run effect of x on itself is non-zero.
based on the paper by Toda and Yamamoto (1995). It is applicable to variables which
may or may not be stationary and which may not be cointegrated (if non-stationary).
The test is based on a VAR model specified in the levels of the variables even though
they may be non-stationary. If this VAR model has known order of k and the highest
and standard tests for causality are carried out, but using only the first k lags.
We now return to the estimation results. Setting lag length at 4 (on the basis
of previous tests), we found that the estimated VECM equations are not sensitive to
Thus, the slope coefficient in the cointegrating regression as well as the implications
for short-run and long-run causality do not depend whether there is an intercept in the
cointegrating regression or in the VECM equations. Moreover, all three cases are free
We also experimented with a trend term in the cointegrating equation. This resulted in the trend term
completely dominating the relationship between output and stock prices so that the latter was not
significant implying no long-run relationship between the two, despite the outcome of the Johansen test
to the contrary. Despite the lack of a relationship between the two variables, the error-correction term
was clearly significant in both VECM equations implying cointegration and the anomalous result that
stock prices adjust much more quickly to the gap of GDP from trend than GDP itself does. We
therefore did not proceed with this case.
The implications of the VECM for short-run causality are straightforward to
derive and are reported in Table 7 for 4 lags and all three combinations of
deterministic components.
It is clear that there is no short-run causality from stock prices to output while there is
considerable evidence that there is causality in the opposite direction. The evidence
for the latter is strongest when there is an intercept in the cointegrating regression but
not in the VECM equations, marginal when there is no intercept in either and weak
when there is an intercept in both. As to the effects of varying lag length, the
evidence for short-run causality from output to stock prices is stronger with fewer lags
while the conclusion regarding causality in the opposite direction (no causality from
stock prices to output) is not sensitive lag length. We conclude that there is no
evidence of causality running from stock prices to output in the short run (irrespective
of the VECM specification) but considerable evidence for causality in the opposite
We turn now to examine the evidence for long-run causality. We focus on the
results using the Canning and Pedroni test. The results are reported in Table 8, again
for 4 lags and various combinations of deterministic components. The statistics are
just the estimated coefficients and corresponding t-statistics for the coefficients of the
The results paint a very clear picture – there is strong evidence for causality from
output to stock prices and no evidence at all of causality in the opposite direction. For
the results reported in the table there is no sensitivity to the specification of the
exclusion of a trend from the cointegrating equation. If this is included, there is
sensitivity to lag length – at three lags, there is weak evidence of causality from stock
prices to output for one of the deterministic combinations (an intercept in the
cointegrating regression but none in the VECM). Given our earlier discussion of
specification, however, these are not important qualifications to the results reported in
Table 8 since the results are robust for our preferred lag length and for our preferred
of long-run causality running from output to stock prices but none for causality in the
opposite direction.
VECM, we would specify the VAR in log levels with 5 lags so that the Toda-
Yamamoto tests requires estimating a VAR in 6 lags and testing the significance of
the first five to assess long-run Granger causality. The results of the application to
our data are that there is no evidence of causality in either direction. However, it is
quite possible that this is because the long lags substantially reduce the power of the
test. This is borne out by the results obtained from shorter lags – the evidence for
causality from output to stock prices grows steadily as the lag length is reduced but
there is little change in the p-value for the test of causality in the opposite direction as
long-run causality from simulations of the model to output and stock market shocks.
These also provide information on the sign, magnitude and timing of the inter-
relationships between the variables. In Figure 1 we report the IRFs for our standard
model – one with 4 lags and an intercept in the cointegrating equation but not in the
The shocks are all unit shocks and not orthogonalised. Unit shocks were chosen so
that magnitudes could be compared across shocks. Orthogonalised shocks (using the
Cholesky approach) and generalised IRFs were also experimented with but were little
different to the ones reported, reflecting the low cross-equation correlation of the
The IRFs bear out the conclusions we have built up so far. The two variables
are clearly non-stationary in that shocks to each has a permanent effect on the variable
itself, although the long-run effect is much smaller for share prices. In terms of
causality, in the short run there is a small positive effect running from stock prices to
output and a larger effect (initially negative) running from output to stock prices. The
initial negative effect of an output shock may explain the relatively weak evidence for
short-run Granger causality running in this direction despite the strong long-run
In the long run, the effects of shocks are positive in both directions but there is
clearly a much larger effect running from output to stock prices than vice versa; a unit
shock to output has a long-run effect of about 3 on stock prices while a similar shock
to share prices has a negligible long-run effect on output. In terms of the earlier
discussion of the estimated cointegrating equation, most of any gap that appears
between stock prices and output is adjusted to by stock prices rather than output
The change in the sign of the effect of an output shock on stock prices may
out earlier in this paper, some studies show a positive and others a negative effect of
output shocks on stock prices; our IRFs suggest that the effects may be negative for
the first two to three years before turning substantially positive. It is possible that
some of the differences arise from different time horizons, although there are
we vary the deterministic specification by also omitting the intercept from the
intercept in both the cointegrating regression and the VECM equations, the pattern of
effects is much the same although adjustment to the long-run position is quicker and
the magnitudes of the long-run effects are smaller. The inclusion of a trend in the
positive for output, zero for share prices and cross-effects are negative in both
If we reduce lag length to three, the overall conclusions are little changed: the
long-run effect of an output shock on stock prices is still positive and large while the
testing. Moreover, the magnitude of the effect of an output shock on share prices is
positive in the long run and at least an order of magnitude larger than the effect in the
Before rationalising our results and comparing them to the limited existing
literature, we return briefly to the matter of the seasonal adjustment of the output
series. It was noted above that there were often highly significant coefficients at four
lags in the VECM while lags 1, 2 and 3 were generally insignificant. This suggested
some residual seasonality after the X12 adjustment process. An inspection of the raw
data shows very distinct seasonal fluctuations as one would expect for quarterly
unadjusted GDP. There appears to have been a noticeable change in the seasonal
pattern in the middle of the sample period. In the first part of the sample the
amplitude of the seasonal fluctuations grow steadily as one would expect but around
2000 they decrease suddenly and markedly and then increase steadily again until the
end of the sample period. The X12 procedure, not surprisingly perhaps, has trouble
with this and there seems to be some residual seasonal movement in the middle of the
procedures and found that the use of the “Tramo/Seats” procedure available on
EViews produced an adjusted series without the above problems.7 The use of this
series resulted in outcomes reassuringly similar to those reported above – (i) the two
series are still clearly non-stationary, (ii)they are cointegrated, (iii)generally four lags
were required in the VECM but all lags were generally significant, (iv)the evidence
for short-run Granger causality is weak but less so from output to stock prices than
vice versa, (v)there is clear evidence of long-run causation from output to stock prices
but none for long-run causation in the opposite direction and (vi)the IRFs are similar
The EViews manual explains that “Tramo” is an acronym for “Time series regression with ARIMA
noise, missing observations and outliers” and “seats” for “signal extraction in ARIMA time series”.
Thank heaven for acronyms! It also claims that “it is a commonly used alternative to the Census X12
the IRFs for a VECM with four lags, and an intercept in the cointegrating equation but
We can summarise our results very simply. First, the logs of stock prices and
output are cointegrated with a significant positive long-run relationship between them.
stock prices but no evidence at all of causality running from stock prices to output in
the short run. Third, there is strong and robust evidence of long-run causality from
output to stock prices but no causality in the opposite direction. Fourth, the long-run
effect on stock prices of a shock to output is at least several times larger than the
effect of a stock-price shock on output. And, finally, these results are generally robust
to reasonable variations in the model (both lag length and deterministic specification)
In the light of the features of the Chinese financial system described briefly in
section 3 of the paper, these results are not surprising. We saw that while the Chinese
stock market has grown rapidly over the past two decades, it is still small relative to
the economy as a whole and provides only minor financing for new investment while
banks provide by far the bulk of financial resources for investment. Thus, it is
plausible that stock price fluctuations do not affect the rest of the economy through
either of the usual channels of investment and consumption. It is also consistent with
the results of one of the Chinese-language papers reviewed above, Liang and Teng
Our results are somewhat at odds with the two existing English-language
papers in the area. The paper by Zhao (1999) found a strong contemporaneous effect
on stock prices of output shocks, both total and unexpected output changes. However,
the former had a negative effect and the latter a positive effect. The negative effect is
consistent with our short-run effect although we do not distinguish between expected
and unexpected shocks. Moreover, Zhao does not report any analysis of the effects in
the opposite direction – not surprisingly, since only contemporaneous variables were
used. Hence the results are likely to be confounded by reverse causation and it
The results obtained by Liu and Sinclair (2008) are, however, more clearly
comparable to ours since they use a similar framework. While their conclusions
regarding long-run causation are similar to ours, their short-run results are the
opposite of ours – they find that short-run causation runs from stock prices to output
and not vice versa. They do not, however, report IRFs so it can not be seen how
quickly these are reversed over time as they must be if there is long-run causality
running in the opposite direction. Finally, Liu and Sinclair use real GDP data with
nominal stock prices which seems inconsistent and it is possible that the short-run
effects we have detected are mainly on the price component in the short run but on the
real component in the long run which would go some way to reconciling our results to
VI Conclusions
In this paper we have set out to analyse the relationship between GDP and
stock prices in China since the establishment of the Chinese stock market in the early
adjusted GDP and the Composite Index for the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Both
the first differences. Cointegration tests pointed clearly to the existence of a positive
long-run causality. The evidence for short-run causality was modest and favoured the
causality running from output to stock prices with no evidence for causality in the
opposite direction.
Evidence for long-run causality was much more clear-cut, with output clearly
causing stock prices in the long run. No evidence was found to support long-run
Simulations of the model confirmed these findings with output shocks having
an effect on stock prices which was much larger than any effect stock prices might
have on output.
We argued that this was consistent with the relative immaturity of the Chinese
stock market and its relatively minor role in the financial system as a whole. While it
is plausible for stock prices to respond to news of changes in the economy, it is not
surprising to find that changes in stock prices have at best minor repercussions on the
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Table 1. Listed companies on the Chinese stock exchange
1996 1998 2003 2008
Companies which list A shares and B shares 530 851 1287 1625
Table 4. Tests for stationarity
Variable Lags
SIC 0 1 2 3 4
Intercept, -1.5920 -1.4860 -1.2797 -1.8476 -1.1232
no trend (0.4811) (0.5345) (0.6341) (0.3547) (0.7016)
Intercept -2.7164 -2.2985 -2.0838 -3.0793 -3.040
and trend (0.2336) (0.4287) (0.5448) (0.1200) (0.1299)
Intercept, -2.6385 -1.6355 -1.4627 -3.3254 -1.7089
no trend (0.0905) (0.4590) (0.5461) (0.0177) (0.4219)
Intercept -2.9503 -2.5767 -2.3994 -4.9866 -3.8416
and trend (0.1540) (0.2921) (0.3765) (0.0007) (0.0206)
-6.8824 -3.8912 -2.2446 -1.5227 -1.4534
None 3
(0.0000) (0.0002) (0.0250) (0.1189) (0.1352)
-10.1346 -6.4643 -4.3612 -2.5787 -2.3246
Intercept 0
(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0008) (0.1027) (0.1676)
-8.2204 -6.1124 -2.1024 -3.7296 -4.0899
None 0
(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0350) (0.0003) (0.0001)
-8.1501 -6.0768 -2.0065 -3.6064 -4.1625
Intercept 0
(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.2834) (0.0083) (0.0016)
Notes: ly and ls denote the logs of GDP and the stock price index respectively; ∆ denotes the first-
difference operator; the figures in the “SIC” column represent the number of lags chosen on the basis
of the SIC criterion; “Intercept and trend”, “Intercept, no trend”, “Intercept” and “None” denote the
specification of the deterministic components in the ADF equation; p-values for the null hypothesis of
non-stationarity are in parentheses.
Table 5. Tests for co-integration
Deterministic Specification
Intercept and
Intercept in CE Intercept in CE
Lags Statistic trend in CE
no intercept in and in the
and intercept
in the VAR
36.6371 9.1596 14.3759
Trace statistic
(0.0001) (0.3508) (0.6265)
29.9114 6.9593 8.4693
(0.0002) (0.4940) (0.7776)
29.6691 8.8946 13.2218
Trace statistic
(0.0019) (0.3752) (0.7208)
22.8117 7.0616 7.2475
(0.0035) (0.4819) (0.8832)
39.3640 27.2697 42.1642
Trace statistic
(0.0000) (0.0006) (0.0002)
26.7391 23.6776 32.6145
(0.0007) (0.0012) (0.0004)
22.9220 18.6790 31.2505
Trace statistic
(0.0210) (0.0160) (0.0097)
17.6191 17.2630 17.8338
(0.0266) (0.0163) (0.0829)
16.2087 11.7551 24.9061
Trace statistic
(0.1649) (0.1690) (0.0656)
11.92037 11.0488 14.2602
(0.1906) (0.1518) (0.2372)
Note: “CE” denotes the cointegrating equation and “EV” denotes the eigenvalue; the null hypothesis
for each test is that there are zero cointegrating vectors; p-values in parentheses
Table 6: Estimated VECM: 4 lags, intercept in the co-integrating equation
Table 7: Tests of short-run Granger causality
Deterministic specification
Intercept in CE no
hypothesis No intercept in CE Intercept in CE and
intercept in the
or VAR in the VAR
2.1987 2.1929 1.4349
ly causes ls
(0.6993) (0.7003) (0.8382)
7.1973 10.0788 5.4419
ls causes ly
(0.1258) (0.0.0391) (0.2449)
Note: variables as defined in Table 4; the tests are based on a VECM with 4 lags; the statistics follow
from a Wald test of the restriction that the lags of the (first-differences of the) first variable are jointly
insignificant in the VECM equation for the (first-differences of the) second. They are χ2-distributed
with 4 degrees of freedom under the null of no causation. Numbers in parentheses are p-values.
Deterministic specification
Intercept in CE no
hypothesis No intercept in CE Intercept in CE and
intercept in the
or VAR in the VAR
0.1668 0.1544 0.1549
ly causes ls
[ 3.9544] [ 4.1414] [ 4.0002]
-0.0149 -0.0084 -0.0138
ls causes ly
[0.8674] [0.5460] [0.8860]
Note: variables are as defined in Table 4; the tests are based on a VECM with 4 lags; the statistics
follow from a t-test of the restriction that the coefficient of the error-correction term in the equation for
the first-difference of the second variable is zero. The numbers are the estimated adjustment coefficient
and the corresponding (absolute) t-ratio in brackets.
Response to Nonfactorized One Unit Innovations
Response of LY to LY Response of LY to LS
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
25 50 75 100 25 50 75 100
Response of LS to LY Response of LS to LS
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
25 50 75 100 25 50 75 100
Figure 1 Impulse response functions from a VECM with four lags and an intercept in
the cointegrating equation but not in the VECM. ly and ls are, respectively, the logs
of output and share prices.
Response to Nonfactorized One Unit Innovations
Response of LYTS to LYTS Response of LYTS to LS
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
25 50 75 100 25 50 75 100
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
25 50 75 100 25 50 75 100
Figure 2. Impulse response functions from a VECM with four lags and an intercept in
the cointegrating equation but not in the VECM; output seasonally adjusted using
“Tramo/seats”. lyts and ls are the logs of output (adjusted using Tramo/seats) and
share prices, respectively.