History of Money: 1. Early Money 3. Paper Money - Carrying Around Large Quantities of
History of Money: 1. Early Money 3. Paper Money - Carrying Around Large Quantities of
History of Money: 1. Early Money 3. Paper Money - Carrying Around Large Quantities of
1. EARLY MONEY -carrying around large quantities of
-In small communities ,they have coins/money could be exhausting work
remembered the payments and receipts of It was early Chinese Rulers, that hit on the
what have been exchanged idea of keeping the heavy coins back in the
TABS/TALLY – used to record who being palace.
paid/and who still owed
As community grows-exchanges become They start issued I OWE YOU cert. on
numerous ,So they implemented TAX paper for long distance trading , Although
COLLECTION the paper had no intrinsic value, people
Early people used I owe you /IOU notes – trusted that its worth what it said it was
but its hard to verify ,so they used object worth, and they could always exchange it
like for gold or silver.
Whales teeth- as aform of trade from As Global trade groups, the idea Paper
anyone. Money goes on- But traders and lenders
“As humans invented MONEY ,they also were concerned that it was a bit too easy to
invented DEBT” print money.
So they tried to linked the value of money
2. METAL MONEY for the value of gold ,w/c have a benefit for
-People encounter problems with the a standard for exchange between different
current barter system . currencies.
-Barley was heavy to carry, not durable or Then the used of paper moneys ,continues
portable (Best Before 900 BC) for centuries,But the needs for flexible
Whales teeth a s a form of exchange for exchange rates prevail , So In early 1970’s
goods- hard to split by two. –not easily ,people stop for the idea of gold standards.
Shells- it is easily to pick up at any beach – 4. CONTROLLING MONEY
not valuable/ scattered everywhere Long ago in 500 AD In the Pacific Island , or
Feathers hard to trade to other community . so called “ Island of Yap , they are using
stone money , that was known for “Rai
-So then ,the idea was from a King “Having Stone” nearest thing for gold was the,Rai
lots of money , means being powerful , and stone noticeable for enormous size and
power means you can have more of it (more weight.
money) greedy King
The chief decided to ask for their taxes and
-The king hints the idea of minting rai stone.The currencies become universal
coins,from precious metals,and stamped w/ unavoidable,and under the control of the
his emblem –to gurantee the value. The chief.
coin has intrinsic value,so it can be used for
trade to any communities. Because of the The most valuable stone were so heavy ,so
success of the metal money ,it brought to people in the Island leave the Rai Stone in
temptation, to produce more coins --- so the one place. and trade effectively w/ promises
King ordered to slim the coins and used or the use of promissory note./promised to
cheap metal based for making metal pay.
Characteristics of money in early years--- Any trader , who own a Rai Stone ,could
Legitimized by the Ruler/King , Hard to issue a promissory note against the value of
forge/Durable /Portable and Divisible the stone.
And thus- banking was born ,And
Once the chief of the Island --- accepts this the planet. Leading many countries
promissory note,instead of Rai Stone for inclusing Britain to store large reserves of
their taxes they effectively loose control on dollars.The UK
the amount of money in circulation ,”The
money supply “ 7. MONEY AND BUILDING BANKS.
In 20 th century ,Some economist argues at By the 19th century banking had become a
the amount of money circulation thoroughly respectable business---------
directly affects the economic performance Making a profit by basic money lending,
and its important for the government to tried banks paid a lower rates of interest with the
to control, and It wont be easy most money they took in that they charged on
especially If private lenders creates most of money they loan out, But the bank soon
it . realized ,that as long as depositors,didn’t
get their money at once.
5. MONEY AND INFLATION They could in fact lend out many times more
In the 16th century in Spain,travelers money than they have on deposits/ this is
brought home additional supply of precious known as “Fractional Rerserve Banking .
metals from the columnist , On rare occasssions when depositors all
But what seem like a dream come true, tried to get their deposits or money out at
turns sour when traders simply turns the once, There was a run on the bank .
price of the goods to match this new -And the effect on a wider economy was so
purchasing power. serious,that government started to ensure
So returning the explorers ,where no better customers deposits,to prevent it from
off, And those without the new gold were happening .
even worse off. And those who have debts, -And thereby enabling bank to loan out
is better off. more and more.By the 21 st century some
Too much money ,chasing too few goods bank had taken fractional reserve banking
can cause inflation, Unless traders produce to a whole new level, Funding most of their
more goods,or unless bigger money supply loans not from cash deposits from savers
,circulates less rapidly , by people saving but w/ loans from other banks often secured
more or gloomy about the future . against bundles of previous loans.
So when there was a run on the bank ,in
6.INTERNATIONAL MONEY 2007,banks is like northern rock, not only
In the 18th century, The British forced their did have not enough money to pay out but
columnist in America, to pay their taxes in the effect is way beyond just one bank.
pounds And they make it illegal for the
British Coulmnist to print their own 8.MONEY AND SAVING THE BANKS
money,this meant The British columnist -To understand how gov’t. try to prevent
were forced to trade with the motherland ,to global financial melt down on 2008,
access the currency . Economist distinguished between two kinds
Accdg to Benjamin Franklin , The American of money . Money created by banks, inside
war independence was cause by the the banking system, and Money created by
shared burden of the British taxation and the government ,outside the banking
the disadvantageous trade needed to system.
access British pound,
And the hard one freedom after the war -When a bank creates money by making a
Allow the Americans , to create the new loan ,the bank acquires a new private
American Dollar asset to the loan w/ an equivalent private
liability to the borrower to pay it (This is
Which because of the countries vast trade money created inside the banking sytem )
and trustworthy tax based, eventually -Gov’t can create money by selling new
became the most widely used currency on bonds,these bonds is going to circulation,as
new private asset ,but theres no equivalent charactersistics of money being hard to
to private liability to pay them,Instead this forge, durable,portable ,divisible, and limited
outside money is added to the public debt . in supply and w/c may even challenge the
- Those normal a very small percentage ,of power of government pack of money.
total money in the economy,it was this But instead of government accepts of taxes
outside money ,that was used to buy a ,Bitcoin ,or other privately issued
banks bad private debts and write them currencies.
off.The private sector retain its wealth with Banks stop lending in them .There are not
new assets inside the system supposedly much difference from any other tokens
government if public debt from outside the One sign that a new form of money has
system . becoming important ,when the govt and
banks trying to control it , And if govt and
9. THE POWER OF MONEY banks continue to have the power to control
Since the last traces of a Gold standard money ,those who used it ,will always
disappeared in 1973,The world has carried wonder to what purpose will they put to that
on trading ,in Us Dollars even though these power.
was not armed backed with anything of
intrinsic worth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CY2o
The US government decisions to borrowed WCEiUA
billions for its bank rescue and stimulus
plan, to be downloaded
Dramatic increase in the supply of dollars
And some predicted that this will lead to a Introduction
big fall in the dollars value, on the basis that
the Economist w/c print money ,so they
consume more than they produced--- will
Money is the essential monetary transaction
suffer from price inflation and exchange rate
that people use every day. Without Money,
there will be no marketing and economy in
human kind. Money acts as a fundamental
In 6 yrs on ,it still hasn’t happened
medium of exchange which clears up both
Why then does the dollar retain its value?
humanity’s past and present obligations.
After so much of the world, holding its
Economists define money as widely
wealth in the US dollar assets, people
accepted by society and acts as payments
simply have faith that the dollar will retain its
for goods and services.
value, and the knowledge that so many
others shared that faith—reinforces the
general optimism that the dollar will stay Money is an essential commodity that
strong. helps you run your life. Exchanging
goods for goods is an older practice and
10. FUTURE MONEY – without any money, you cannot buy
-Minted coins and paper money, once the anything you wish. Money has gained its
cutting edge of technology (and now used value because people are trying to save
in only 2% of the transactions) wealth for their future needs.
… credit card and electronic banking Philosophically speaking, money cannot
technology has enable massive global buy everything but practically money is
transactions to take place in a fraction of a the basic thing that is used for
calculating the status of any person.
And digital technology ---is enabling new
curriencies to be created.
(Lindon Dollars Bitcoins, and other Krypto
currencies w/c exhibit the enduring
Functions of Money 2.Furthermore, as a Measurement of
Value, it measures provides the fixed value
As a general rule, economists have finalized of all kinds of goods and services which are
and defined all the four types of functions of manufactured and produced in the
money which are medium of exchange, economy. Money performs as unit of value
measurement of value, standard of and acts as the standard of value of all
deferred payments and lastly store of goods and services. In barter trading, it is
value. very burdensome and challenging to
measure and decide the quantity or volume
1.As for Medium of Exchange, ever since it of goods to be exchanged for another given
being introduced into the economic society, quantity of goods. Having the knowledge of
money has been fulfilling its duty to act as the average value of a good assists both the
an essential function which is medium of seller and purchaser to make decisions
exchange in the society. Money facilitates about the quantity and volume of goods to
well as our monetary transactions to be exchanged. (Bullard, 2013)
purchase and own both tangible and
intangible goods and services as a medium 3.Moreover, as for Standard of Deferred
of exchange. Payments money is able to act as a
As manufacturers sell their productions to monetary transaction to be used to pay both
the wholesalers or retailers in exchange of before or over time for other goods. This
money as an earning. While wholesalers means that goods and services can be paid
and retailers sell the same finalized goods for installments over a period of time such
to the final consumers in exchange of as hire purchase. Unlike barter trade,
money as their own earning. transactions do not need to be settled at a
lump sum at a time.
Similarly, all service providers of the society Money, besides acting as a monetary
sell their services in exchange of money as support of current transactions, it also acts
their earning. Then, all these sections of the as the monetary support of deferred
economic society which are manufacturers, payments which is future payments, loan
wholesalers, retailers and service sellers repayments acts as an example for deferred
such as doctors, lawyers and more will then payments.
use the earnings which they have made to 4.Money must hold its value over time; it
consume on other goods and services must act a Store of Value. As before, goods
which they need or want. (Harcourt, 2013) were beyond possible to store its surplus
value under barter economy. After the
Without the existence of money, every creation of money, the following issue has
transaction of money for goods and been solved efficiently. Retailers and sellers
services may have to be conducted by can now store their surplus retailing
barter trading, which engages direct and earnings. Saving money is now secure in
absolute exchange of one good or value without having to worry its loss of
service to own or use another. The only value Rather than spending today, you can
obstacle which barter system always faces store it for use in the future.
is when in order to obtain a specific good or Which serves as Functions of Money
service from a seller, one has to be able to
provide another good or service which The characteristics of what serves as
consist of equal value with the good and money depend somewhat on the degree of
service they want to possess, which the complexity in the society. A relatively simple
seller desires to obtain. (Harcourt, 2013) economy, with relatively few goods and
services, few producers and consumers,
and few transactions, may be able to
function with a form of money that would not characteristic to perform the function of
work in a more complex society. standard of deferred payments.
*There are some general characteristics 5.Limited supply is a characteristic which
that are usually important for whatever helps in storing the value of money,
serves as money in a modern economy.* meaning that constraints on the amount of
money in the monetary circulation ensure
First, to serve as an effective medium of that values remain constant for the
exchange and store of value, money currency. Currently most of the respective
must be durable. Durability is when an item country’s government has the responsibility
is able to withstand all the hardships and is to control an adequate money supply based
still able to maintain to be undamaged and on market with their monetary policies, such
usable after a long term of usage. as expansionary monetary policy and
1.Durability is crucial for money to be able contractionary monetary policy.
to perform the following functions of medium 6.Acceptability supports the function of
of exchange and store of value. Coins and medium of exchange. The essential quality
paper bills are made to perform and to act of money is that it must act as an item being
as the currency. Nowadays, Money is acceptable to all, without having any
manufactured with the materials such as hesitation in the exchange for goods and
paper, metal and plastics, which results to a services. Acceptability means that everyone
long lasting medium. must be able to accept the money for
transactions. Money is universally accepted
2.Portability, which also serves as a around the world as a universal mean for
medium of exchange, means that money transaction.
can be movable from place to place to be 7.Lastly, the characteristic of non-
used as monetary transaction to be counterfeitability which functions as the
exchanged for goods and services. store of value means that money cannot be
Portability also means that consumers are easily duplicated. As money cannot be
now able to carry money along with them to easily duplicated, it prevents the
be used as transactions for goods and unrestricted and illegal creating of
services. In modern days, money is carried duplication of money. Besides, preventing
from one location to another without the duplication of money to happen is one of
needing much effort as all types of money the main reasons of government existence.
such as cash notes, coins and cards are COINAGE
carried easily in a wallet. Free coinage:
Is practiced when the owner of the metal
3.Furthermore, divisibility is a are given the freedom to bring the mint
characteristic which means the money can any amount of such metals to be
be divided into small units and that it can be converted into solid coin as specified by
used in exchange for goods and services. law.
As to function as the medium of exchange,
as it is divisible, it can be used to purchase
Limited coinage:
all kinds of goods with different values. The gov`t purchase the precious metal
As money functions as the medium of in the open market quantity it deems
exchange it must have denominations to sufficient to facilitate. Manufacture them
be traded for all goods and services, and as medium of exchange and sells them
everything in between. to the public at their fare values.
Gratuitous coinage:
4.Moreover, uniformity means that all System of coinage where the gov`t
types of the same denomination of money manufacture coin without cost to the of
must consist of purchasing power. It is a precious metal.