The receipt is from Jaipuria Institute of Management in Lucknow for student Sanjev Kumar Suman. It details a payment of 150,000 rupees received on October 10, 2019 for the 5th installment of the tuition fee and miscellaneous charges for the 2018-2020 PGDM course. The payment was made via NEFT on October 5, 2019 from - Bank.
The receipt is from Jaipuria Institute of Management in Lucknow for student Sanjev Kumar Suman. It details a payment of 150,000 rupees received on October 10, 2019 for the 5th installment of the tuition fee and miscellaneous charges for the 2018-2020 PGDM course. The payment was made via NEFT on October 5, 2019 from - Bank.
The receipt is from Jaipuria Institute of Management in Lucknow for student Sanjev Kumar Suman. It details a payment of 150,000 rupees received on October 10, 2019 for the 5th installment of the tuition fee and miscellaneous charges for the 2018-2020 PGDM course. The payment was made via NEFT on October 5, 2019 from - Bank.
The receipt is from Jaipuria Institute of Management in Lucknow for student Sanjev Kumar Suman. It details a payment of 150,000 rupees received on October 10, 2019 for the 5th installment of the tuition fee and miscellaneous charges for the 2018-2020 PGDM course. The payment was made via NEFT on October 5, 2019 from - Bank.