Part List For Xerox 2020
Part List For Xerox 2020
Part List For Xerox 2020
5 Parts List
5.1 Introduction PL 9.1 Tray 1.................................................................................................................. 30
5.1.1 How to Use the Parts List...................................................................................... 3 PL 9.2 Tray 1 Component .............................................................................................. 31
5.1.2 Precautions ........................................................................................................... 3
5.1.3 Plate Composition ................................................................................................. 4
10. One Tray Module (Tray 2)
5.1.4 Terminology and Symbols..................................................................................... 4 PL 10.1 Tray 2 ,Feeder .................................................................................................. 32
PL 10.2 Tray 2 Component ............................................................................................ 33
5.1.5 Using Parts Navigation.......................................................................................... 5
PL 10.3 Tray 2 Feeder ................................................................................................... 34
5.2 Parts List PL 10.4 Left Cover ......................................................................................................... 35
PL 10.5 Takeaway Roll .................................................................................................. 36
1. IIT/UI PL 10.6 Electrical ........................................................................................................... 37
PL 1.1 Platen Cover ....................................................................................................... 7 PL 10.7 Cover ................................................................................................................ 38
PL 1.2 IIT Top Cover (with Platen Glass),IIT Front Cover.............................................. 8 PL 10.8 Frame................................................................................................................ 39
PL 1.3 IIT Base Frame Component................................................................................ 9
PL 1.4 IIT Scan Motor .................................................................................................... 10 13. MSI
PL 1.5 IIT Top Cover Component .................................................................................. 11 PL 13.1 MSI.................................................................................................................... 40
PL 13.2 MSI Component ................................................................................................ 41
2. ROS PL 13.3 MSI Lower Feeder ............................................................................................ 42
PL 2.1 LPH ..................................................................................................................... 12
14. L/H Cover
3. Drive PL 14.1 Simplex/Duplex L/H Cover................................................................................ 43
PL 3.1 Drive Assembly ................................................................................................... 13 PL 14.2 Simplex L/H Cover ............................................................................................ 44
PL 3.2 Drive Component ................................................................................................ 14 PL 14.3 Simplex L/H Cover Component ........................................................................ 45
PL 3.3 PH Drive Component .......................................................................................... 15 PL 14.4 Simplex Chute Component ............................................................................... 46
PL 3.4 Motor Drive Component...................................................................................... 16 PL 14.5 Duplex L/H Cover.............................................................................................. 47
PL 14.6 Duplex L/H Cover Component .......................................................................... 48
PL 14.7 Duplex Chute Component................................................................................. 49
PL 4.1 NOHAD ............................................................................................................... 17
15. Registration
5. Deve.
PL 15.1 Registration....................................................................................................... 50
PL 5.1 Dispenser,Deve Unit ........................................................................................... 18
PL 5.2 Dispenser Component ........................................................................................ 19 17. Exit
PL 5.3 Dispenser Drive Component............................................................................... 20 PL 17.1 Simplex/Duplex Exit .......................................................................................... 51
PL 5.4 Deve Unit Component......................................................................................... 21
PL 5.5 Deve Assembly Component ............................................................................... 22 18. Electrical
PL 18.1 Electrical-Front,Right ........................................................................................ 52
6. Transfer PL 18.2 Electrical-Upper Rear........................................................................................ 53
PL 6.1 IBT Belt Unit,2nd BTR Roll,MOB ADC Assembly ............................................... 23 PL 18.3 Electrical-Lower Rear........................................................................................ 54
PL 6.2 IBT Belt Unit Component .................................................................................... 24 PL 18.4 Wire Harness .................................................................................................... 55
PL 6.3 IBT Belt Assembly Component ........................................................................... 25 PL 18.5 Fax .................................................................................................................... 56
7. Fusing Unit 19. Cover
PL 7.1 Fusing Unit.......................................................................................................... 26 PL 19.1 Cover ................................................................................................................ 57
8. Xero. 56. DADF
PL 8.1 Marking Guide,Xero Unit..................................................................................... 27 PL 56.1 DADF Accessory............................................................................................... 58
PL 8.2 Marking Guide Component ................................................................................. 28 PL 56.2 DADF Component............................................................................................. 59
PL 8.3 Xero Unit Component ......................................................................................... 29 PL 56.3 DADF Base Frame............................................................................................ 60
PL 56.4 Upper Feeder.................................................................................................... 61
9. Feeder;Tray (Tray 1)
PL 56.5 Feed Roll Nudger Roll Assembly ...................................................................... 62
98. Screws
98.1 Screws.................................................................................................................... 72
To shorten the time searching for a Parts No., a navigation screen (illustration) is provided to search for As to replacement of any component designated SCC, the complete component unit must be
replaced. It must never be disassembled or no individual internal parts of it must be replaced.
the relevant parts in the illustration. When you have already identified a parts to be checked, search for
the relevant parts on this screen (illustration) to perform servicing efficiently. For how to use the Installation of any part other than the ones designated by Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd. shall be strictly
navigation, refer to ’5.1.5 Using Parts Navigation’. prohibited because it cannot be guaranteed in quality and safety.
• ISC followed by part name in the DESCRIPTION column represents Important Information Stored
Component that stores important customer information. To replace and discard an ISC, follow the
procedure for it described in chapter 4.
• The area codes are shown on plates each. The area codes (such as toner and Current Adjustment
values) which cannot be shown as parts on plates are listed on the list of area codes at the end of
this chapter.
Figure 1 5002
Informs you that the removal, installation and replacement procedures
for the part are described in Chapter 4 Repair and Adjustment.
Figure 2 5001
Informs you that the removal, installation, replacement and adjustment
procedures for the part are described in Chapter 4 Repair and Adjust-
Figure 3 5003
3 {4-10 This is indicated on the upper left or upper right of the illustration to
Figure 1 j0mf50001 show the item represents the assembly including the part. The example
shows Item 3 is the assembly of Item 4 through 10.
Table 1
(1/4PCS) Informs you that four identical parts are installed but that only one of
Section Name Chapter 5 Section Name them is shown in the illustration.
(1) Sub System Name the name of the subsystem -- This symbol in the PART NO. column shows the part is not managed as
(2) PLATE NO. Parts List Reference No. shown in each chapter a spare part.
(3) PLATE NAME Title name of the illustration, which shows the mechanism of the (P/O Item 5) This symbol in the DESCRIPTION column shows the part is not man-
sub system aged as a single piece of spare part, but as a part of the assembly. The
example shows the part is a part of Assembly Item 5.
(4) ITEM Matches the number in the illustration.
(New) (Old) This term in the DESCRIPTION column shows the new part is inter-
(5) PART NO. The number to be used for ordering parts and filling in the ser-
changeable with the old one. Unless otherwise specified or there are no
vice report.
particular reasons, order the old part.
(6) DESCRIPTION Provides the part name, V(MOD) Code and notes, etc.
(Alternate) This term in the DESCRIPTION column shows either one of the parts
(7) AREA CODE The code to be entered in the failure column of the service can be used.
This symbol shows the whole area of the framed illustration is modified
by the number in the circle. The area has the modified configuration.
Figure 4 5005
Table 1 5.1.5 Using Parts Navigation
Terminology and This section describes how to use the Navigation screen (illustrated)
Symbols Description
This symbol shows the whole area of the framed illustration has not The Navigation screen is divided into two layers, under which there is another layer of PLs.
been modified by the number in the circle. The area still has the previ-
ous configuration. • The first (top) layer
• Navi 1.1(Processor + Option)
The whole processor including DADF and Finisher is illustrated each for good
understanding. Find the module which includes the desired part and click on Navi 2.X or
Figure 5 5006
PL shown at the end of the call out. Navi 2.X shows there is a more detailed illustration of
The Item pointed to by this symbol in the illustration is modified by the the module. Otherwise, you will be directly linked to the applicable PL.
number in the circle. The item has the modified configuration.
• The second layer
• Navi 2.1 to 2.5
The module found in Navi 1.1 is divided into more modules, which link to the related PLs.
The screen here uses PLXX to show all the parts in the detailed module. Click on the
Figure 6 4001 applicable item, and you will see the illustration of the applicable PL. Find the desired
part in the PL illustration to learn the part’s item no. After that, obtain the appropriate part
The Item pointed to by this symbol in the illustration has not been modi-
no. from the list.
fied by the number in the circle. The item still has the previous configu-
ration. On E-DOC, clicking on the item no. makes the List screen displayed. Then the
appropriate part no. can be found.
• The third (bottom) layer has PLXXs.
<Returning from the lower layers to the higher layer>
Figure 7 4002 Clicking on Navi 2.X or PLXX on the upper left of the illustration makes you return to Navi
with 5V This symbol in the DESCRIPTION column shows the part is modified 1.1 for Processor parts.
by the number. The part has the modified configuration.
(w/o 5V) This symbol in the DESCRIPTION column shows the part has not been
modified by the number. The part still has the previous configuration.
(SCC) Fusing Unit SCC followed by part name in the DESCRIPTION column represents
Safety Critical Component. Handling Safety Critical Components shall
conform to Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd.-stipulated rules and regulations on
Safety Critical Components.
As to replacement of any component designated SCC, the complete
component unit must be replaced. It must never be disassembled or no
individual internal parts of it must be replaced.
Installation of any part other than the ones designated by Fuji Xerox Co.
Ltd. shall be strictly prohibited because it cannot be guaranteed in qual-
ity and safety.
(ISC) MCU/ESS ISC followed by part name in the DESCRIPTION column represents
PWB Important Information Stored Component that stores important cus-
tomer information. To replace and discard an ISC, follow the procedure
for it described in chapter 4.
*1: If the service operating on the remote terminal that has had a problem is a non-FX pro duct,use Area
Code 906
Figure 1 j0bs50022
Figure 1 j0bs50023
Navi 2.4 One Tray Module
Figure 1 j0bs50024