Iswa General Secretariat: Invoice Number

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Universitas muhammadiyah palangkaraya

ST.,MSi Rudy Yoga lesmana
Jl.delima 7, no.3
74323 SAMPIT

26 August 2018

Invoice Number: 2018-0806 Member Number: 18-1326

Dear ST.,MSi Yoga lesmana

Thank you for becoming an ISWA Individual Member.
According to the current conditions for ISWA membership fees we charge you as follows:

ISWA Individual Membership: € 200.00

Total: € 200.00

All stated amounts are free of VAT.

We strongly recommend Credit Card Online Payment via our website. For our
payment conditions or other payment options please note our Banking Instructions
on the following page.

Thank you very much for supporting ISWA!

Best regards,

Sheri Petrau
Finance and Member Service Manager

ISWA International Solid Waste Association

Auerspergstrasse 15/41, 1080 Vienna, Austria, Phone: +43/1/253 60 01, Fax: +43/1/253 60 01 99, e-mail:,
Unicredit Bank Austria AG, Schottengasse 6-8, A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Account holder: ISWA – International Solid Waste Association
Account Number: 51574 002 593, Bank Code: 12000, IBAN: AT83 1200 0515 7400 2593, BIC/SWIFT: BKAUATWW
UID/VAT Number: ATU64926067, ZVR (Register of Registration) No.: 101418989
(Payment transfers to ISWA bank in Austria)

ONLINE PAYMENT (recommended payment method)

Online payments can be made with VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Diners, JCB, PayPal and Online
Banking. To pay online, please log into your ISWA Member Area and follow the payment instructions that will
be shown on the screen:

IIf attempting to make a payment without using the website, credit card information can be provided to the
ISWA staff for processing (via fax, telephone, or email). You are advised to keep security considerations in
mind when transmitting credit card information. It is important to provide a method of contact in the event
additional information is needed to complete the transaction.

Send Credit card information for payment (Fax: +43 1 253 60 01 99 or email to

 VISA  Master Card  American Express  Diners  JCB

Card No: __________________________________ CVC-code: _______ Expiry date: _____________

Cardholder: __________________________________ ISWA Member Number: _____________________

Signature: __________________________________


Transfer can be made to ISWA’s bank account by indicating your ISWA member no. and/or the invoice no.:

Bank: Unicredit Bank Austria AG, Schottengasse 6-8, A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Account holder: ISWA - International Solid Waste Association
Account number: 51574 002 593
Bank code: 12000
IBAN: AT83 1200 0515 7400 2593

Important note: When making a bank transfer, please have your bank charge all domestic fees to your ac-
count. Any deduction by the sending bank (for bank transfer fees) against the amount due to ISWA will be
charged back to you.


A bank check can be remitted to the ISWA General Secretariat, Vienna, Austria. It is important that your
payment include some notation as to the reason for the payment, and should include your ISWA Member

Terms of payment:
Payment is due immediately on receipt of invoice.
All transfer costs incl. at recipient bank must be carried by the sender. Otherwise 10 EURO must
be added. Students must send a copy of their full time student ID card.

Feel free to contact our Finance and Member Service Manager, Ms. Sheri Petrau
( if there are any questions or you wish to inform us of the details of any payment.

ISWA International Solid Waste Association

Auerspergstrasse 15/41, 1080 Vienna, Austria, Phone: +43/1/253 60 01, Fax: +43/1/253 60 01 99, e-mail:,
Unicredit Bank Austria AG, Schottengasse 6-8, A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Account holder: ISWA – International Solid Waste Association
Account Number: 51574 002 593, Bank Code: 12000, IBAN: AT83 1200 0515 7400 2593, BIC/SWIFT: BKAUATWW
UID/VAT Number: ATU64926067, ZVR (Register of Registration) No.: 101418989

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