CPU Usage Is High On HANA
CPU Usage Is High On HANA
CPU Usage Is High On HANA
The HANA system becomes unresponsive.
When checking the Alerts tab, there is an alert with a description such as “suse-hanajl01 runs out of CPU resources! CPU consumption user mode 0%, system
mode 0%, wio 0%, idle 0%”
l In HANA Studio you would find the alert by directory Administration Console -> Alerts -> Show: all alerts.
l In Solution Manager, you would find the alert using transaction DBACOCKPIT -> choose HANA system -> expand Current Status -> Alerts.
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Remember for this “Check host CPU utilization” alert in Solution Manager, it is auto-refreshed every 15 minutes, so the time stamp on the alert may be not
exact time when alert occurs.
To check the exact time, please go to Administration Console -> Alerts -> double click on the alerts -> more occurrence for this alert.
SAP HANA Database
Normally there are 3 reasons for this alert:
1. The threshold value of "Check host CPU utilization" in "Configure Check Settings" is improper. The default value is Low: 25, Medium: 15, High: 10.
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A high CPU consumption could be caused by the reasons including but not limited to:
They will generate a high calculation workload on CPU by either frequent access to database or joining between huge tables.
As we experienced in previous customer cases, you may experience bad query performance with BW on HANA cubes (e.g. by executing a query using
transaction RSRT).
i. For the alert triggered due to improper threshold value setting, it could be resolved by resetting it to the default value or a more reasonable threshold value.
l Please troubleshoot the reason for the High CPU using the information in the SAP Knowledge Based Article 2100040 - FAQ: SAP HANA CPU.
l If the alert occurs when running a specific job you could do a trace of this job. The trace should include the SQL trace and the performance trace. Both of them
could be done in the Trace Configuration tab.
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- For the SQL trace, after changing it to “Active” and giving a new file name, click “Finish”.
- For the performance trace, just give a new file name and click “Finish”.
l If you are not sure which process has caused this alert then try to find the process as described below:
i. Goto tab Landscape to check which server encounters the high memory consumption issue. E.g: The highest CPU usage is on indexserver with Port 30003.
ii. Go to Performance -> Threads, check which threads are running. E.g: a SQL statement is executed in the figure.
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iii. Execute the SQL statement again, if the issue is reproduced we can say that the statement is the cause of the alert.
iv. If it is not clear why the statement causes High CPU do the HANA trace as previously mentioned and enclose the trace files in the Customer Incident
l The trace files can be found in tab Diagnosis Files. The SQL trace file can be opened by double clicking on it.
In order to be able to read the performance trace file, you need to open it in the HDBAdmin tool. Please refer to WIKI page wiki HDBAdmin on Linux on how to
execute the tool.
In the SQL trace file (richard0128.py), we could download it to local and open it with Notepad++, then find the SQL tracing info,
After you prepare your environment and execute the HDBAdmin tool, we could load the .tpt file and read it.
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Then we could filter the result with known info (e.g Service is indexserver, Method is SqlExecuteStatement, User is SYSTEM) and take a further analysis on the
SQL statement.
3. If you are using an old HANA Database revision we strongly recommend to upgrade the HANA DB to the latest version.
Operations Recommendation, #OpsRec-HANA; Check host CPU utilization; Configure Check Settings; Long running SQL statements; hanging jobs; HDBAdmin
tool; sql trace; performance trace;
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This document is referenced by:
SAP Knowledge Base Articles (2)
1977220 How to handle HANA Alert 54: Savepoint Duration
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