Industrial Training
Industrial Training
Industrial Training
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree in Bachelor of
Computer Science & Engineering Submitted to
DBATU , Lonere
Submitted By,
Prof. Bansode T. P.
DBATU , Lonere
This is to certify that the Project Work entitled
“Web Designing”
Pof. Bansode T. P.
Our special thanks to Prof. Bansode T. P. I/C Vocational training Head of Department
“Prof. Dounde P. P.” & Principal “Dr. Shendge R. B.” For their keen interest, encourage and
excellent support.
We would like to express our thanks to all of staff member of college who helped us
directly & indirectly during the completion of this training.
Table of Contents
no Contents Page no.
1 Introduction 5
2 6
Principles of Web Design
5 Bootstrap
6 JAVA script
7 Snapshot of Project 23
8 Conclusion 24
Web design is the visual aesthetics and page layout of a website. It goes hand-in-hand
with web development in the creation of a static website or dynamic web application.
Even if you don’t consider yourself a creative person, it’s still a good idea to learn web design.
No matter whether you want to make static websites or dynamic web applications, design is an
important part of the process. The design is the first thing people notice when they arrive on a
website, and if it’s not good enough, they’ll leave. You don’t want to create a site that frustrates
people, do you?
If you do identify yourself as a creative person, you might even consider a career as a web
designer. Today, there is a huge need for competent web designers with up-to-date skills. It’s not
an opportunity to be sneezed at.Learn coding and you’ll be a valuable asset to many. But learn
coding and design and you’ll be second to none!
The web design process starts with a visual concept, which you could sketch by hand or with
software like Photoshop. Then, you use HTML and CSS to build the website. HTML and CSS
are the codes for writing web pages. HTML handles the basic structure and ‘bones’ of your page,
while CSS handles the style and appearance.If you’re a good web designer, you’ll also pay
attention to concepts like responsive design, aesthetics, usability and accessibility when building
your site.
Responsive design is a popular technique for making websites look good and function well on
additional devices, like phones and tablets. It does this by setting different CSS rules for different
browser widths.
As already mentioned, there is no real consensus in the design community about what the main
principles of design actually are. That said, the following twelve principles are those mentioned
most often in articles and books on the subject.
One of the most common complaints designers have about client feedback often revolves around
clients who say a design needs to “pop” more. While that sounds like a completely arbitrary
term, what the client generally means is that the design needs more contrast.
Contrast refers to how different elements are in a design, particularly adjacent elements. These
differences make various elements stand out. Contrast is also a very important aspect of
creating accessible designs. Insufficient contrast can make text content in particular very difficult
to read, especially for people with visual impairments.
There are two basic types of balance: symmetrical and asymmetrical. Symmetrical designs
layout elements of equal weight on either side of an imaginary center line. Asymmetrical balance
uses elements of differing weights, often laid out in relation to a line that is not centered within
the overall design.
Emphasis deals with the parts of a design that are meant to stand out. In most cases, this means
the most important information the design is meant to convey.
Emphasis can also be used to reduce the impact of certain information. This is most apparent in
instances where “fine print” is used for ancillary information in a design. Tiny typography
tucked away at the bottom of a page carries much less weight than almost anything else in a
design, and is therefore deemphasized.
Proportion is one of the easier design principles to understand. Simply put, it’s the size of
elements in relation to one another. Proportion signals what’s important in a design and what
isn’t. Larger elements are more important, smaller elements less.
Hierarchy is another principle of design that directly relates to how well content can be
processed by people using a website. It refers to the importance of elements within a design. The
most important elements (or content) should appear to be the most important.
Repetition is a great way to reinforce an idea. It’s also a great way to unify a design that brings
together a lot of different elements. Repetition can be done in a number of ways: via repeating
the same colors, typefaces, shapes, or other elements of a design.
This article, for example, uses repetition in the format of the headings. Each design principle is
formatted the same as the others in this section, signaling to readers that they’re all of equal
importance and that they’re all related. Consistent headings unify these elements across the page.
Patterns are nothing more than a repetition of multiple design elements working together.
Wallpaper patterns are the most ubiquitous example of patterns that virtually everyone is familiar
In design, however, patterns can also refer to set standards for how certain elements are
designed. For example, top navigation is a design pattern that the majority of internet users have
interacted with.
HTML, What Is It?
HTML is an abbreviation for Hyper Text Markup Language.
HTML is actually used to create the webpage and the content that it has, like the images and
HTML as I said before is ….Hyper Text Markup Language...
Everything in HTML works by the use of 'Tags' , Tags are elements in an HTML document that
give commands to the writing or images or audio or video files what to do, where to be placed
etc in a website...
In HTML, tags always have "<" before and ">" after the tag...
ex-<b> (This tag makes the text bold)
Tags Descriptions
Multiple Classes
HTML elements can have more than one class name, each class name must be separated by a
The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element (the value must be unique
within the HTML document).
The id value can be used by CSS and JavaScript to perform certain tasks for the element
with the specific id value.
In CSS, to select an element with a specific id, write a hash (#) character, followed by the id of
the element:
CSS Introduction
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen,
CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages
all at once.
CSS can be added to HTML elements in 3 ways:
Inline - by using the style attribute in HTML elements
Internal - by using a <style> element in the <head> section
External - by using an external CSS file
The most common way to add CSS, is to keep the styles in separate CSS
files. However, here we will use inline and internal styling, because this is
easier to demonstrate, and easier for you to try it yourself.
Inline CSS
An inline CSS is used to apply a unique style to a single HTML element.
An inline CSS uses the style attribute of an HTML element.
Internal CSS
An internal CSS is used to define a style for a single HTML page.
External CSS
An external style sheet is used to define the style for many HTML pages.
With an external style sheet, you can change the look of an entire web site, by changing
one file!
To use an external style sheet, add a link to it in the <head> section of the HTML page:
CSS Fonts
The CSS color property defines the text color to be used.
The CSS font-family property defines the font to be used.
The CSS font-size property defines the text size to be used.
The selector points to the HTML element you want to style.The declaration block contains one
or more declarations separated by semicolons.Each declaration includes a CSS property name
and a value, separated by a colon.A CSS declaration always ends with a semicolon, and
declaration blocks are surrounded by curly braces
CSS Selectors
CSS selectors are used to "find" (or select) HTML elements based on their
element name, id, class, attribute, and more.
The selector points to the HTML element you want to style.The declaration block contains one
or more declarations separated by semicolons.Each declaration includes a CSS property name
and a value, separated by a colon.A CSS declaration always ends with a semicolon, and
declaration blocks are surrounded by curly braces
CSS Selectors
CSS selectors are used to "find" (or select) HTML elements based on their
element name, id, class, attribute, and more.
The id Selector
The id selector uses the id attribute of an HTML element to select a specific element.
The id of an element should be unique within a page, so the id selector is used to select
one unique element!
To select an element with a specific id, write a hash (#) character, followed by the id of
the element.
The style rule below will be applied to the HTML element with id="para1":
Introduction of Bootstrap
Bootstrap was also programmed to support both HTML5 and CSS3. Bootstrap is a free
collection of tools for creating a websites and web applications. It contains HTML and CSS-
based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface
components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.Bootstrap will help you to build an
attractive, responsive website, but some mobile users could be turned away by the slow loading
time and battery drain issues. Bootstrap comes with a lot of lines of CSS and JS, which is
a good thing, but also a bad thing because of the bad internet connection.Bootstrap is a
framework to help you design websites faster and easier. It includes HTML and CSS based
design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, modals, image carousels, etc.
It also gives you support for JavaScript plugins. ... Bootstrap's responsive CSS adjusts to phones,
tablets, and desktops.As the web evolves more and more toward responsive design, it can be a
real challenge for web developers to keep up. Bootstrap can make things a whole lot easier.
Bootstrap enables you to create responsive websites without you needing to do the "responsive"
bit. Bootstrap takes care of that.
Bootstrap is promoted as being One framework, every device. This is because websites built with
Bootstrap will automatically scale between devices — whether the device is a mobile phone,
tablet, laptop, desktop computer, screen reader, etc.
Not only is Bootstrap responsive, it is mobile-first. This means that it is primarily designed for
mobile devices, then scales up from there (as opposed to being designed for desktop, then trying
to scale it down to mobile devices).
Bootstrap Components
Bootstap includes components such as buttons, navbars, dropdown menus, alert boxes, and more.
In most cases, you can make use of a component simply by using the appropriate class name.
We'll be looking at these components throughout this tutorial. We've got plenty of interactive
examples that enable you to see exactly how these components work.
Advantages of Bootstrap
One of the main benefits of development frameworks like Bootstrap is that they can help speed
up development times, while maintaining quality and consistency across the site. You no longer
need to re-design every element. And you don't need to spend hours trying to get everything
looking and working right across browsers, platforms, and devices. By using Bootstrap, all
(most) of the hard work is done for you.Given Bootstrap is the most popular frontend
development framework on the web, this skillset could be a useful one to learn. Adding
Bootstrap to your bag of tricks could help you in many ways — from building websites faster, to
landing your dream job.Also, although Bootstrap comes with its own set of styles, these are easy
to override. You're not locked into the "Bootstrap design". You are free to use whichever
Bootstrap components you choose, while adding your own on top. There are thousands of
websites out there that are built on Bootstrap, but with their own design.
Introduction of Javascript
Features of JavaScript
JavaScript is a client side technology, it is mainly used for gives client side validation, but it
have lot of features which are given below;
It is light weighted.
Most of the javascript control statements syntax is same as syntax of control statements in
C language.
An important part of JavaScript is the ability to create new functions within scripts.
Declare a function in JavaScript using function keyword.
For Example:
Snapshot of Project:
During my industrial training, there are many changes from the point of learning
environments and discussion among colleagues. It can directly increase the dedication and
rational attitude toward myself.
However, there are still some weaknesses that can be improved in the future. Therefore I
conclude that the industrial training program has provided many benefits to students even if there
are minor flaws that are somewhat disfiguring condition , so that this weakness can be rectified
in the future.
I can conclude that this industry is through training I received a lot of exposure in the
computing world. I would like to thank also the Polytechnic Balik Pulau giving students -
students find their own experience with having Industrial Training like this.