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First Issue 13/11/14

RPH3 controlled switching device Rev. date 14/11/14
Page 1 of 4

1. Introduction

RPH3 is an advanced microprocessor based synchronizer relay. It is mainly intended for controlled or point-
on-wave (POW) switching of circuit breakers to prevent switching transients during closing and opening
operations on high voltage networks. Point-on-wave controlled switching consists of issuing switching
commands to the breaker at the optimal voltage-phase-angle.

The purpose of this technical note is to illustrate the function and features of RPH3 controlled switching

2. RPH3 – controlled switching sequence and environment

The RPH3 controller continuously monitors a variety of information from its mechanical and electrical
environment and stores in its integrated memory. Upon receipt of a command to open or close the breaker,
the relay processes the command based on this stored information and issues the switching command at
the optimal moment. After every switching operation, RPH3 stores the switching parameters and
communicates the results of controlled switching operation through its communication ports. The controlled
switching sequence is shown in the following figure.

Figure 1 : Controlled switching sequence of RPH3

Prepared by: Ravindra Kumar. U Approved by: Santosh Kumar. A

First Issue 13/11/14
RPH3 controlled switching device Rev. date 14/11/14
Page 2 of 4

The functional diagram of RPH3 with various inputs and the output is shown in the following figure:

Figure 2 : Functional diagram of RPH3 controlled switching device

3. RPH3 display

For most of the applications, the optimum switching sequence is predetermined by network parameters,
type of load and the circuit breaker parameters. Hence the RPH3 relay is programmed with the
corresponding settings during commissioning. Once programmed, the relay executes controlled switching
operations based on these initial settings, taking into account the necessary compensations determined by
the real-time conditions. Thus the configuration of relay is not a regular task.

Controlled switching, unlike condition monitoring does not require a permanent display of the switching
events data since:

An event (switching operation) is not a disturbance but a default application

The event is not a consequence of long term effects
There is no localisation fault or defect due to the event
To verify the function, the data during the event is more significant compared to that under idle

Prepared by: Ravindra Kumar. U Approved by: Santosh Kumar. A

First Issue 13/11/14
RPH3 controlled switching device Rev. date 14/11/14
Page 3 of 4

Hence the display on the front panel of the relay is limited to the status indication of the following alarms:

1. Power supply – normally green

2. Switching status – normally switched off
3. Self-checking status – normally switched off
4. General alarm – normally switched off

Figure 3 : RPH3 front panel with alarm display

As long as the alarms are in normal condition, there is no need to intervene.

As mentioned in the previous section, RPH3 continuously samples data concerning the primary and
secondary voltages, the ambient temperature and the position of the CB auxiliary contacts. Based on the
ambient conditions it calculates various compensation factors. After a switching event, the relay stores the
prevailing conditions during switching and the results. RPH3 can store the switching data for the last 1000
operations and a complete record of the waveforms for the last 25 operations. Besides the real-time data
and the results of last switching operations, RPH3 keeps tracks of various alarms concerning its operation.
In order to extract and visualise this data along with the control settings, RPH3 is equipped with an
embedded web server. User can connect to the web server with a PC/laptop enabled with any standard web
browser through the Ethernet/optical/serial link communication ports provided on the relay. The web server
can be accessed over HTTP protocol by knowing the IP address of the specific RPH3. There is no need to
install any software.

Figure 4 : RPH3’s web based control interface

Prepared by: Ravindra Kumar. U Approved by: Santosh Kumar. A

First Issue 13/11/14
RPH3 controlled switching device Rev. date 14/11/14
Page 4 of 4

4. Conclusion

RPH3 is an advanced microprocessor based synchronizer relay for controlled switching of circuit breakers.
The relay continuously monitors the condition of network, circuit breaker and ambient atmosphere. Upon
receipt of a command to open or close the breaker, the relay processes the command based on this stored
information and issues the switching command at the optimal moment. After every switching operation, the
relay stores the switching parameters and communicates the results of controlled switching operation
through its communication ports.

The display on the front panel of RPH3 is limited to the status indication of alarms since a switching event is
not a consequence of long term effects. Moreover, since each relay is associated with a single CB, there is
no concept of fault localisation which may require a permanent display for overview. The real-time data &
status of alarms and the controlled switching results can however be viewed over the HTTP protocol in any
standard web server without the need to install any software.

Prepared by: Ravindra Kumar. U Approved by: Santosh Kumar. A

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