Test Bed para Dinamometro
Test Bed para Dinamometro
Test Bed para Dinamometro
Functionally, a model rocket motor is affixed to a loadcell, which generates a very small
analog voltage difference, proportional to the force applied. The small voltage is applied
to an HX711 breakout board, which amplifies the voltage and converts to serial digital
data. The serial data is received by the Arduino microcontroller, which applies a
calibration factor so that output is shown as grams of force. When a motor is affixed to
the loadcell, and the igniter is placed and wired, AND the momentary pushbutton is
activated, a 10-second warning time begins, with flashing of a bright yellow LED. When
the 10 seconds is up, the yellow LED turns off, a red LED turns on, and a relay is closed
allowing the full 12V from a gel-cell battery to be applied to the igniter. Immediately
afterwards, the Arduino logs the time, and begins acquiring force data at 80 samples
per second. After 800 readings are acquired, the relay shuts down, acquisition stops
and the stop time is logged. In the meantime, the Arduino is also displaying gram-force
on the LCD display, and showing the status of the acquisition run.
Beginning with the loadcell, they are a beam with strain gages attached, in a
Wheatstone Bridge arrangement. Loadcells can be purchased new from several
sources including Sparkfun, or Aliexpress.com, or may be liberated from old,
nonfunctional industrial scales.
Fig.1 shows a collection of loadcells from old scales…the electronics break down long
before the loadcell does! The large one at center is rated to 2400Lb!
Next is the HX711 breakout board. The one in use is the YL-112 module from
Aliexpress.com. The cable between the HX711 board and Arduino should be at least 4’.
One easy hack is necessary: to change the sample rate from 10 samples per second to
80 samples per second, pin 15 needs to be desoldered from ground, and attached to +5
instead. This is done by using a fine tipped iron, and using a needle to pull up the pin
the instant the solder melts. After the pin is bent up, run a short jumper from the pin to
any +5V spot on the board. An even easier option is to use the Sparkfun HX711 board
which is configurable for either 10 or 80 sa/sec. Fig.2 shows the HX711 hack:
Arduino Uno/LCD Keypad shield: solder headers to the top row of the LCD shield and to
the bottom 2 rows. Pin identifications on the top row of the shield, from left to right are
D13, D12, D11, D3, D2, D1, D0 to the Arduino. Plug the LCD shield into the Arduino
and add the remainder of the circuit except for the 12V/igniter section, fig.3:
Fig.3 Circuit schematic
Model Rocket Engine Dynamometer - Nick Cinquino 9/1/15 - V.5 Original 10Kg loadcell
Modified from Nathan Seidle, SparkFun Electronics, November 19th, 2014
Output data in grams (g). There are 101.97 gram-force per Newton, for conversion.
Your calibration factor may be very positive or very negative. It all depends on the
setup of your individual loadcell, and the direction the sensors deflect from zero state.
Need to experiment!
Hack the HX711 board to set pin 15 high, for 80 samples per second.
This example code uses bogde's excellent library: https://github.com/bogde/HX711
bogde's library is released under a GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
Arduino pin 2 - HX711 Clock
pin 3 - Serial Data In
5V - VCC
Yellow LED on pin 13, igniter transistor/relay on pin 11, momentary pushbutton on pin
Most any pin on the Arduino Uno will be compatible with DOUT/CLK.
The HX711 board can be powered from 2.7V to 5V so the Arduino 5V power is fine.
#include "HX711.h"
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(8,9,4,5,6,7);
const int buttonPin = 12; // start sequence button
const int ledPin = 13; //LED indicator and/or buzzer
const int igniterPin = 11; //igniter transistor circuit
int buttonState = 0;
#define DOUT 3
#define CLK 2
HX711 scale(DOUT, CLK);
float calibration_factor = -560; //-560 works for my 10kg loadcell.
void setup() {
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(igniterPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
Serial.println("HX711 Rocket Motor Dynamometer, V.5");
Serial.println("Affix motor nozzle up. Place igniter in nozzle. Move away from test
Serial.println("Press start button to initialize ignition sequence.");
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.print(" MODEL ROCKET");
lcd.print(" DYNAMOMETER");
scale.tare(); //Reset the scale to 0
long zero_factor = scale.read_average(); //Get a baseline reading
Serial.print("Zero factor: "); //This can be used to remove the need to tare the scale.
Useful in permanent scale projects.
Serial.println(" ");
void loop() {
lcd.print(" Rocket Dyno");
lcd.print(" STDBY " );
lcd.print(" g");
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
if (buttonState == HIGH) {
lcd.print(" Rocket Dyno");
lcd.print(" STAND CLEAR!");
Note the line highlighted in yellow: this is the calibration factor that the Arduino uses to
convert the signal from the loadcell/HX711 into grams. This value varies widely, even
for 2 apparently identical loadcells! You just have to place a known weight in grams on
the loadcell and try some values until you zero in on the best value that reads your
calibration weight in grams on the LCD.
Loadcell/motor mount: This can be designed and built to suit; the general guidelines
are, keep it light (no use in burning up dynamic range), and, importantly, nonflammable!
Ours uses a thin sheet steel circular base (such as the cutout from a coffee can) bolted
down to the loadcell, with a cemented motor tube with retaining clip attached to the
center of the steel base. The motor tube is a half inch longer than the motor, with vent
holes at the bottom so that on ejection, the motor moves forward against the retaining
clip while ejection gases escape via the bottom vents. Fig.5 shows the loadcell with
Fig.5 Motor mount on loadcell
When all systems are ready and connected and the Arduino is running the program,
open the Arduino serial window on your laptop. Observe the LCD information. Push the
momentary pushbutton. The yellow LED should start blinking, for 10 seconds. Then the
red LED turns on and you should hear the relay click. Data should start streaming
rapidly on the screen, and stop after 10 seconds. Relay clicks off. Take note of the start
time and stop time on-screen. Subtract stop from start time to get delta T. Divide by 800
to get milliseconds per sample (should be around 11), useful for the chart X axis.
Convert to samples per second (1/X) which should be between 80-90sa/sec. Copy only
the weight data column, and paste into Excel. Make a line chart of this test run.
If everything above went well, you’re ready for a burn test! Make sure the area all
around is free of anything flammable. Set up your laptop, with a 6’ USB cable to the
Arduino section, then the 4’ cable to the HX711/loadcell section. Leave the 12V battery
unconnected until the last step. Open the Arduino serial window. Check status. Insert
motor into your loadcell/motor mount, and add igniter. Connect igniter to igniter leads
(battery is still unconnected). Move back to the Arduino section, check status on LCD
and LED’s. If everything is go, then connect the 12V battery, and push the momentary
button, move away from the area.
When the run completes, as in the test, note the start and stop times and copy/paste the
gram data into Excel. If desired, add a new column converted into Newtons (grams /
101.97 = Newtons). Generate an exact time scale from the stop – start calculation.
Following are results from 2 runs of (old) C6-5 motors:
Fig.6 Actual test data
Fig.9 Closeup of burn time, test 2. Kind of a spooky looking peak thrust!
Fig.10 Anticipated thrust curve of a C6 motor; higher than what we found from old
Note that the test motors burned slightly longer.
Github source of HX711 library:
HX711 board:
Loadcell sources:
www.aliexpress.com/ (search loadcell on the site)