UFS HACCP Recipe Booklet English
UFS HACCP Recipe Booklet English
UFS HACCP Recipe Booklet English
As a chef you only want one thing: to
positively delight guests with your meals, 1. Inventory of all potential
giving them a memorable experience hazards
in your restaurant, so they’ll gladly
come back. A guest who experiences
symptoms of food poisoning or some 2. Set the Critical Control Points
other ailment is the last thing you want.
It’s not just down to you though. You are 3. Give each Critical Control
also dependent on those with whom you Point the critical limits
work with: wholesalers, suppliers and
employees. 4. Determine how the Critical
Control Points are monitored
To ensure that this whole food chain is
working safely, simply work according to 5. Determine the corrective
the HACCP principles. actions for each Critical
Control Point
5 Food Safety
1. Microbiological: fungi, harmful
viruses (e.g. hepatitis), harmful
parasites, bacteria (e.g.
1. Supplier: do your
suppliers work according
Your Critical Control to HACCP? ✔
Check Points: 2. Delivery: from truck to
Potential hazards at specific points in storage: what should you be
the process can be prevented, reduced ✔ on the look out for? ✔
to an acceptable level, or eliminated ✔
altogether. Below are the points that 3. Storage: how long and under
you need to monitor most closely.
what conditions are products
stored? ✔ Ambient stor age
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔
4. Preparation: in what
Did you know? environment, what kind of
Our Knorr containers have many materials and which method ✔
benefits which can improve food
✔ is being worked?
safety as they:
✔ High
✔ Low
From acceptable to
critical limit
Take for example the supply of fresh
beef, how do you determine the critical
Cooled is acceptable,
room temperature is not
1. Mix Knorr Shish Tawook Marinade, yoghurt, Knorr Corn Oil and tomato paste or
turmeric powder to make red or yellow marinade.
2. Add to the chicken cubes and marinate for 2 hours, keep it in the fridge.
3. Put the chicken on skewers with tomato and onion in between and grill on charcoal
or flat grill. Serve with garlic sauce, Arabic bread and fattoush salad.
1. Put oil in a pot, sauté onions until they soften
2. Place the chicken with the onions and keep mixing for 5 minutes
3. Add ginger & garlic paste, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon curry powder & curry paste.
Sauté all with chicken well
4. Wet the mixture with Knorr Chicken Stock then add Knorr Tomato Pronto, lemon juice &
coconut cream
5. Cover, simmer for 30 minutes or until chicken is tender with stirring from time to time
6. Serve it with white rice
1. For the marinade, butterfly the beef and fat, set aside.
2. Blend all the marinade ingredients together including Knorr Beef Shawarma
Marinade and marinate the beef and fat.
3. Skewer the beef, with half the fat in between, on the Shawarma stick. Finish by placing the
rest of the fat on top of the beef. Wrap with plastic and marinate for 4-6 hours in the fridge
till the beef meat becomes white and resembles milk fed veal.
4. Cook the beef on the Shawarma machine for 45 minutes. Then the first Shawarma
can be made. Carve the fist layers, and cook and carve layer by layer.
Deep fry chicken breasts, toast burger bun, spread Hellman’s Sandwich Mayonnaise on
both sides and build sandwich with lettuce & tomato.
1. Season the steaks with Knorr Corn Oil, salt and pepper, prepare the charcoal grill
and grill the steaks to desired doneness
2. Bring water just to a boil, remove from heat and whisk in the Knorr Mashed Potato
Powder, set on the side for 2 minutes, and then whisk again for a smooth mashed
3. For the sauce: whisk in the Knorr Demi-Glace Powder in warm water, and bring
to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for another 5 minutes or until the sauce is thick
enough to the desired consistency. Finish with cooking cream and serve.