An Essay On Thomas Kuhn's First Scientific Revolution
An Essay On Thomas Kuhn's First Scientific Revolution
An Essay On Thomas Kuhn's First Scientific Revolution
This paper was originally presented at the conference on The Legacy of Thomas S. Kuhn
at the Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology in November 1997. I would
like to thank I. Bernard Cohen, Anthony Grafton, John Heilbron, and Karl Hufbauer for
very helpful information and advice in its revision; Hufbauer’s paper, “Thomas Kuhn’s
Discovery of History (1940–1958),” has also been invaluable.
CR Kuhn, The Copernican Revolution
ET Kuhn, The Essential Tension
SR Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
US Conant, On Understanding Science
[ 64 ]
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 65
Greene, passim, Freedman, 322–30, 355–56, which Conant thought indiscreet, and
Hershberg, 90–92, 97–99. The volume by Professor Jerome D. Greene, the director of the
Tercentenary, runs to no less than 492 pages. Conant, who evidently relied on his memory,
improved upon Roosevelt’s remarks; Greene and Freedman give a longer but less sharp
version, although the point is the same, and print Roosevelt’s entire address, prepared by
Frankfurter, which was not a “stump speech” and contains a (long and obscure) quotation
from Euripides. (The one comparable event I can think of was when President Kennedy,
invited by Yale to receive an honorary degree on 11 June 1962, not exactly to the delight of
the Old Blues, opened a speech at Commencement, which in principle does not allow
speeches, with the words, “It might be said now that I have the best of both worlds, a
Harvard education and a Yale degree.” The audience applauded and the president proceeded
to give a fairly technical lecture on government monetary and fiscal policy.)
2 Conant, My Several Lives, 651–58.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 67
Conant later remarked that his defense of free inquiry was widely
applauded while his suggestion for historical studies found few sup-
porters either in 1936 or thereafter. In that year Harvard had estab-
lished a Committee on Higher Degrees in the History of Science and
Learning, the predecessor of the history of science department, but this
was a graduate program not concerned with general education. It was
to be ten years before Conant could put his ideas into practice. In 1943
he appointed a committee under the dean of the Faculty of Arts and
Sciences, Paul H. Buck, to write a report on “The Aims of General
Education in a Free Society,” the project being supported with a grant
of $60,000. Conant twice appeared before the committee, and sug-
gested a course on “The Advancement of Knowledge in Modern Times,”
to show how knowledge had been advanced in the last four hundred
years, choosing the examples to correspond to certain decisive periods
in the development of various disciplines. What he had most in mind
was the history of the experimental sciences. In 1945 the committee
presented its report, General Education in a Free Society, known as the
“Redbook,” a comprehensive examination of secondary and collegiate
education, one chapter of which concerned general education at Har-
vard. Now, if there is a rule that governs innovation in general educa-
tion it is this: Programs for the reform of general education are either
unrealistic or inconsequential. The University of Chicago, which could
hardly be accused of vocational education, chose the former in 1942
and has still not completely recovered. The Harvard Plan falls into the
latter category, which is probably just as well, and consisted essentially
of requiring students to take at least three general education courses,
one each in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, as
well as some other distribution requirements. Compared to the earlier
change from electives under President Charles William Eliot to concen-
tration and distribution requirements under Lowell, this was hardly
radical, although the creation of separate courses for general educa-
tion, which was not in itself new and which most universities continue
to this day, has had lasting effects in separating general and specialized
education. Presumably through Conant’s influence the natural science
courses were to be given a significant, even central, historical compo-
nent. The curious justification offered by the Redbook was that, as
much of elementary science is no longer challenging to scientists, or
even to well-informed students, a historical approach might make it
more interesting by showing that topics that are now “scientific detri-
tus” were once matters of concern and controversy.3
3 General Education in a Free Society, 225–26; I am not making this up. Nevertheless, the
traditional and liberal, perhaps insufficiently concerned with the effects of dire poverty—the
depression is seldom mentioned, segregation and discrimination never—yet calling upon
the federal government to enlarge and more nearly equalize educational resources and
opportunity throughout the nation. It calls training in foreign languages in secondary schools
a “Copernican step” (pp. 119–27). Conant’s account of the report and the natural science
courses is in Conant, My Several Lives, 363–73. Kuhn published a comment on the report in
the Harvard Alumni Bulletin (22 Sept. 1945), 23–30, which he later listed as the first publi-
cation on his curriculum vitae.
4 US, 1. He wrote to J. W. Shirley, “. . . I have in mind starting a young man who is not at
all interested in science down the road which will end with his being a citizen—we hope a
leading citizen—who can read about modern science and talk to modern scientists with some
kind of understanding.” Shirley, 421. Conant wrote a great deal about education in general
and scientific education in particular, and what he wrote was of considerable importance in
American education following the war. But it goes beyond the subject of this essay.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 69
5 US, 11–20.
6 US, 18.
70 n. m. swerdlow
7 US, 24–25.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 71
8 US, 101–04.
9 US, 106.
72 n. m. swerdlow
10 Conant, The Growth of the Experimental Sciences , 5–10; Shirley, 422–23, criticized the
course for attempting to do too much, integrate scientific, social, and humanistic studies, but
actually doing too little, the experimental sciences narrowly conceived; Keller, 17, on the
later criticism. My own opinion, for what it is worth, is that the history of science is not an
effective way to teach science, or about science, in general education, and one is better off
with science courses. But I also believe that students in the sciences can benefit from serious
technical, historical study of their own subjects—it is a part of knowing the subject
thoroughly and it is better to get these things right than wrong—and that serious history of
science properly belongs within science departments.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 73
important that discovery may have been in the hands of Priestley and
Nevertheless, as history of science itself, which admittedly was not
their purpose, the Case Histories are pretty good. The first thing one
notices is that what was read by Harvard undergraduates in a general
education course fifty years ago contains more science, and on a higher
technical level, than most of the reading assigned to graduate students
in history of science courses today, higher even than the scientific level
of most scholarly books and articles written on these subjects, or in
general, by historians of science in the last twenty or thirty years. And
problem sets included in some of the Case Histories, as well as specimen
examinations published by Conant in his progress report, would be over
the heads, not only of most of today’s graduate students in the history of
science, but most of their professors. The reason is not far to seek. The
Case Histories were written and the natural science courses were taught
by scientists, who, in Conant’s words, had a “feel” for the Tactics and
Strategy of Science, knew a good deal of science, and found science
interesting, the very opposite of the conditions that now prevail among
historians of science. This is a sensitive subject with a history of its own,
and I hesitate to say more about it here, but it is worthy of reflection.
The published Case Histories were all in the experimental sciences,
but to judge by Conant’s progress report, the more theoretical sciences
were also treated, bringing us closer to our principal subject. 11 In 1947
Kuhn had lectured in Conant’s course on the origins of seventeenth-
century mechanics, which was notable because, as he later wrote, it
was in preparing the lectures during the summer that he discovered
that Aristotelian physics was not so absurd as it first appeared if only
one understood what was meant by words like “motion,” “change,”
and “quality” that differ greatly from what we mean by them today. “I
did not become an Aristotelian physicist as a result, but I had to some
extent learned to think like one.”12 The next time he participated in the
course, in the fall of 1950, he began lecturing on the subjects of The
11 What follows is brief. A more detailed account of Kuhn’s teaching in the natural
sciences course and other courses in the history of science can be found in Hufbauer’s paper
and in Kuhn’s own reminiscences in “A Discussion with Thomas S. Kuhn.” Hufbauer notes
that the natural science course was successively renamed “Research Patterns in the Physical
Sciences” and “The Process of Research in the Physical Sciences,” which show an extension
beyond the original experimental sciences. According to the listings in the 1951–52 Harvard
University Courses of Instruction sent to me by Hufbauer, there were then five natural science
courses: 1. The Physical Sciences in a Technical Civilization; 2. Principles of Physical Science;
3. The Nature and Growth of the Physical Sciences; 4. Research Patterns in Physical Science; 5.
Principles of Biological Science.
12 ET, xii. Readings for the course among Kuhn’s papers at MIT include Aristotle,
Benedetti, and Galileo. I am again grateful to Karl Hufbauer for advising me to consult
Kuhn’s papers following the presentation of the original version of this paper.
74 n. m. swerdlow
13 “. . . I started with lectures on the Copernican revolution. The book really, though it’s
got more detail, was modeled very precisely [on those lectures]; it’s an extended case history
of the sort there.” “A Discussion with Thomas S. Kuhn,” 172. Kuhn’s papers confirm the
accuracy of this description, lectures and readings on a large case history, including eighteen
problems in astronomy; nevertheless, a great deal of expansion and rewriting went into the
14 CR, ix.
15 CR, vii–viii. This is also true of Herbert Butterfield’s The Origins of Modern Science,
1300–1800 (London, 1949, rev. ed. London, 1957), which Kuhn noted “had particular
influence on the structure of this book” (CR, 283). I assume this refers both to the inclusion
of intellectual history and to Butterfield’s emphasis on “those cases in which men not only
solved a problem but had to alter their mentality in the process, or at least discovered
afterwards that the solution involved a change in their mental approach” (Collier ed., p. 8).
Kuhn was already concerned with this independently. For two decades following its publication
Butterfield’s excellent book was of the greatest importance in creating general interest in the
history of science, and was approached or equaled in this only by CR. I would guess that
prior to SR they were the two most widely read books on the subject.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 75
tinction from the Case Histories was not enunciated in the preface, but
was very much on Kuhn’s mind and is central to the book. The Case
Histories were concerned with change in science, with the replacement
of one conceptual scheme by another, but none addressed the question
of how it takes place in general or in all its specific complexity. Conant
had made a start at this in his section on the definition of science in On
Understanding Science, and he clearly recognized in his foreword to
The Copernican Revolution, which is worth reading, that Kuhn had
gone much farther.16 The subject had already concerned Kuhn for sev-
eral years. “After stumbling upon the concept of a scientific revolution
in 1947,” by which he meant the change from Aristotelian to Galilean
and Newtonian mechanics—“While discovering history, I had discov-
ered my first scientific revolution”—he turned his attention to the ques-
tion of how this happens, along with the history of science in general.
In 1951 he presented his ideas on the subject in a series of Lowell Lec-
tures, The Quest for Physical Theory: Problems in the Methodology of
Scientific Research, “but the primary result of that venture was to con-
vince me that I did not yet know enough history or enough about my
ideas to proceed toward publication.”17 The Copernican Revolution,
Kuhn’s first published attempt at an answer, may be understood as a
great case history of one of the monumental changes in the history of
science in order to provide an explanation of how so great a revolution
happens, and I use the present tense deliberately. In this sense, it is his
first scientific revolution. Kuhn regarded the book in later years as
something he had written for a course that was not really in his field—
as he put it to me, he was, after all, a physicist, and what he knew best
was modern physics—in which he was still finding his way in the history
16 Among Conant’s remarks (CR, xviii): “This book is no superficial account of the work
of scientists; rather it is a thorough exposition of one phase of scientific work, from which
the careful reader may learn about the curious interplay of hypothesis and experiment (or
astronomical observation) which is the essence of modern science but largely unknown to the
nonscientist. . . . I wish to register my conviction that the approach to science presented in
this book is the approach needed to enable the scientific tradition to take its place alongside
the literary tradition in the culture of the United States.”
Kuhn’s acknowledgment of Conant in the preface (CR, ix): “Many friends and colleagues,
by their advice and criticism, have helped to shape this book, but none has left so large or
significant a mark as Ambassador James B. Conant. Work with him first persuaded me that
historical study could yield a new sort of understanding of the structure and function of
scientific research. Without my own Copernican revolution, which he fathered, neither this
book nor my other essays in the history of science would have been written.
“Mr. Conant also read the manuscript, and its early chapters show many signs of his
productive criticism.”
According to Hershberg, 410, Conant was critical of SR.
17 ET, xiii, xvi. The lectures are among Kuhn’s papers. See also Hufbauer’s paper.
76 n. m. swerdlow
18 CR, 1–4.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 77
unlikely to prove final. Not that the mutability of its fundamental con-
cepts is an argument for rejecting science. “Each new scientific theory
preserves a hard core of the knowledge provided by its predecessor and
adds to it. Science progresses by replacing old theories with new,” and
the history of Copernican theory, as of any scientific theory, can illus-
trate the processes by which scientific concepts evolve and replace their
The first subject considered is pre-scientific cosmology, as that of
Egypt, which is actually quite important for already here the point is
made that from the beginning a cosmology must both explain observed
phenomena and provide a “psychologically satisfying world-view,” two
functions that are not always compatible, for the astronomer, entirely
for astronomical reasons, may destroy the very cosmology that made
the universe meaningful. Right here is a good part of the explanation
of the resistance to Copernican theory, and we see why such resistance
is hardly something new. Ancient scientific cosmology is explained phe-
nomenologically, through first describing the characteristic apparent
motions of the stars and the sun. The observations of phenomena are
objective, but the theories or “conceptual schemes” derived from them
depend upon the imagination of scientists and “are subjective through
and through.” The ancient cosmology developed at length is the Greek,
the basis of which is the “two-sphere universe,” a small, spherical
earth located at the center of a far larger sphere carrying the stars; if
the radius of the larger sphere is taken to be indefinite, this is the model
now called the “celestial sphere.” It is not itself a cosmology, for as yet
it lacks the moving bodies, the planets, but a framework for a cosmol-
ogy. The two-sphere universe can itself account for the phenomena of
spherical astronomy, that is, the risings and settings with respect to the
local horizon of all bodies considered as points on the celestial sphere,
including the apparent motion of the sun projected onto the celestial
sphere as the ecliptic.
Kuhn calls the two-sphere universe a “conceptual scheme,” a term
we have already used many times without defining, and we have noted
that it was used by Conant, who sometimes glossed it as “theory,” as
Kuhn does also, although it means more than that, as he goes on to
explain.19 A conceptual scheme is a product of the human imagination,
a model, derived from observations, but transcending them, with both
logical and psychological functions. It has “conceptual economy,”
replacing a great number of observations and giving them order and
coherence. In this sense, the conceptual scheme may be held as true or
19 CR, 36–41.
78 n. m. swerdlow
20 CR, 39.
21 Cf.above, 69–70.
22 CR, 41.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 79
23 CR, 44.
24 CR, 73.
80 n. m. swerdlow
of epicycles and such. I do not know its original source. It is quite com-
mon in the literature, but it simply did not happen, and it no longer
appears in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. If we leave aside the
Marāgha astronomers, to be discussed below, whose motives were pri-
marily physical, there were no structural alterations in Ptolemy’s models
and only two significant alterations of parameters, which I shall briefly
describe since they seem not to be well known but should be. The first
is a reduction of about 20 percent in the eccentricity of the solar
model, found in both Indian and Arabic astronomy, which affects only
the sun. The second is more important and affects everything. Because
Ptolemy’s observed date of equinox was a day late, there was a system-
atic error of about 21° in all longitudes at his own time and a cumula-
tive error in mean longitudes of about 2269 250 per century. By the time
of al-Battānı̄, the systematic error was 24° 209, by the time of the Al-
fonsine Tables (late thirteenth century) it was 25° 509 and by the be-
ginning of the sixteenth century it would have reached nearly 27° had
anyone still used Ptolemy’s tables directly, which, it is fair to say, no
one did. And this error in mean longitude has a variable effect in dif-
ferent parts of each planet’s synodic cycle, the period between conjunc-
tions with the sun, reaching its maximum, far greater than the mean, in
the retrograde arc. This cumulative error was periodically corrected by
finding a new, more accurate epoch, a position at a given time, for the
mean longitude of the sun, presumably by observation, and then cor-
recting the epochs and mean motions of the planets accordingly, more
likely by computation than observation. This is what one calls “reset-
ting the clock and adjusting its rate,” and other than that, Copernicus
inherited Ptolemy’s planetary theory much as he had left it. There are
of course other problems in Ptolemy’s theory, both structural and nu-
merical, but they were not of concern to anyone before Tycho and
With adjustment of mean motion and epoch, rather than structural
alterations to models, understood as the only significant change, we
may consider Kuhn’s following examination of how one conceptual
scheme replaces another, what may be called his “first” theory of a sci-
entific revolution.25 There are any number of conceptual schemes ca-
pable of accounting for observations already made, but not necessarily
for all possible observations. For this reason, “a scientist must believe
in his system before he will trust it as a guide to fruitful investigations of
the unknown.” But this comes at a high price, for a single observation
incompatible with his theory shows that it has been incorrect all along,
25 CR, 75–76.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 81
26 CR, 76.
82 n. m. swerdlow
27 CR, 86.
28 CR, 91–94.
29 CR, 113.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 83
this there are two reasons, first that the remainder of the book is too
technical and mathematical for an introductory treatment, and second
that the principal arguments, or the most accessible arguments, for the
motion of the earth and the heliocentric theory are found in the open-
ing chapters. However, as Kuhn later points out, these arguments are
“profoundly unconvincing,” which may have had a good deal to do
with the incredulity and ridicule with which Copernican theory was
initially received.31 All of this is true, as is Kuhn’s well-known descrip-
tion of De revolutionibus as “a revolution-making rather than a revo-
lutionary text.”32 It stands within the ancient astronomical tradition of
the Almagest, which is almost entirely mathematical, yet contains
innovations that changed the direction of scientific thought in ways
unforeseen by its author. “It is at once ancient and modern, conserva-
tive and radical. . . . a scientific work which, although born within one
tradition of scientific thought, is the source of a new tradition that ulti-
mately destroys its parent.”33 There are two aspects of Kuhn’s analysis
on which we shall concentrate, Copernicus’s motivation and justifica-
tion for his innovations, which are quite well known because, with
some compression and alteration, they figure prominently in The Struc-
ture of Scientific Revolutions.
The first, motivation, is illustrated by Copernicus’s preface, in
which he criticizes the state of contemporary astronomy on grounds of
numerical accuracy, but more so on grounds of formal incoherence—
the comparison to a “monster” with disparate body parts is well
known—referring to the separate models for each planet with no
“fixed proportion of its parts,” meaning no common measure or unifi-
cation of the system, and the crucial problem that the models “appear
to violate the first principles, of uniformity of motion,” meaning that
in Ptolemy’s models the uniform motion of the center of the epicycle
takes place about a point, the equant point, not at the center of the
eccentric sphere.34 These are very powerful objections, for they amount
to saying that the planetary system is formally irrational and physically
impossible. Kuhn adds that the objections are also directed against
later modifications of Ptolemy’s theory, but as we have noted, there
were no such modifications, and this point is dropped in The Structure
of Scientific Revolutions. There he calls Copernicus’s preface “one of
the classic descriptions of a crisis state.”35
31 CR, 145.
32 CR, 135.
33 CR, 136.
34 CR, 136–44.
35 SR, 69.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 85
36 The first, partial, discussion of the relation of Copernicus’s models to those of the
Marāgha astronomers appeared in the year of the publication of CR in the second edition of
O. Neugebauer’s The Exact Sciences in Antiquity, Providence: Brown University Press, 1957,
203–04. A more thorough examination came only in following years in papers by E. S.
Kennedy and his students and by Neugebauer. Copernicus’s adaptation of the models of the
Marāgha astronomers is described in appendix 2 below.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 87
was right about the system of the world had better show that every-
thing in this list is inconsequential or coincidental. I would also recom-
mend reading Kuhn’s less compressed account, which has figures and
makes everything clear, and since I think the point is particularly impor-
tant, I have set out a description of the relation of heliocentric and geo-
centric theories in appendix 1 to this paper.
But there is yet more because Copernicus also saw relations that,
since Kepler, are known to be erroneous—they were the result of
Copernicus’s direct adaptation of Ptolemy’s models or parameters—
and we must include these also if we are to consider what convinced
Copernicus that his theory was correct. So we continue our numbering:
(23) The equations of center of the inferior planets are functions, not
of the motion of the planet, but of the earth with respect to the planet’s
apsidal line, as though these inequalities were caused by the motion of
the earth itself. The reason is that in Ptolemy’s models the equation
of center is a function of the annual motion of the center of the epi-
cycle, which Copernicus replaces by the annual motion of the earth. (24)
The variation of the radius of Mercury’s sphere is also a function of the
motion of the earth with respect to Mercury’s apsidal line, again as
though caused by the motion of the earth; this is due to Copernicus’s
adaptation of Ibn ash-Shātir’s model for Mercury. (25) The inclina-
tions of the orbital planes of˙ the superior planets vary as a function of
their synodic periods, reaching maximum inclination at opposition and
minimum at conjunction, as though the motion of the earth with
respect to the planet caused these variations just as it causes the equa-
tions of the anomaly in the same period. (26) The inclinations of the
orbital planes of the inferior planets vary with a semi-annual period as
a function of the motion of the earth with respect to the planet’s
apsidal line, reaching maximum when the earth is in the apsidal line
and minimum when the earth is a quadrant from the apsidal line, again
as though the variation was caused by the motion of the earth. (27) In
yet another component of the latitude of the inferior planets, the incli-
nations of the orbital planes also vary as a function of the earth’s dis-
tance from the planet’s apsidal line and the orbit itself must rotate
through the mean anomaly so that the point of maximum inclination
coincides with the planet whenever the earth is in the planet’s apsidal
line. Kepler did not approve of these oscillations of orbital planes—he
called them “like a monster,” which should now sound familiar—and
they are in fact due to errors in Ptolemy’s extreme latitudes, upon
which Copernicus based his theory. But what to Kepler and to us are
errors, to Copernicus were more likely further confirmations of his
theory, yet more “harmonies” of the motions of the planets with the
motion of the earth, a good reminder that it is possible to be right for
the wrong reason.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 91
colossal labor of deriving all the elements over again from Ptolemy’s
and Copernicus’s observations with meticulous (and superfluous) pre-
cision for preparing the Prutenic Tables (1551), which became the
basis of most later tables and ephemerides for nearly a century. (It is
worth noting that the results of hundreds of comparisons with obser-
vations of the Alfonsine and Prutenic Tables carried out by Tycho
many years later are ambiguous, so complex are the effects of errors in
both sets of tables; on the whole, the Prutenic Tables are somewhat
better but still far from accurate, although hardly anyone could know
that.) But Reinhold did not adopt the Copernican theory, which would
make no difference in the computation of tables anyway, and may him-
self have devised something like the Tychonic theory. Nevertheless, as
Kuhn points out, “if the decision between the Copernican and the tra-
ditional universe had concerned only astronomers, Copernicus’ pro-
posal would almost certainly have achieved a quiet and gradual victory.
But the decision was not exclusively, or even primarily, a matter for
astronomers, and as the debate spread from astronomical circles it
became tumultuous in the extreme.”40
It is certainly true, as Galileo remarked more than once, that the
opponents of Copernicus, the followers of Aristotle and Ptolemy, had
mostly never read, and those few who had did not understand, the
arguments for Copernican theory, but there were also two compelling
reasons for opposing it, one scientific, one not. The first is that to all
appearances the earth is not moving, and for nearly a century after
Copernicus it was very hard to convince anyone that the result of its
motion would not be catastrophic. Copernicus had his own explana-
tion, which he evidently considered a minimal alteration of Aristote-
lian physics, that the natural motion of a spherical body is to rotate by
virtue of its form, so that the rotation of the earth, along with the adja-
cent water, air, and anything in the air, being a natural motion, would
have no ill effects. Heaviness (gravitas), the descent of bodies with
weight toward the surface of the earth in straight lines, is the motion of
a body out of its natural place, the surface of the earth, where it would
have only the circular motion of the earth, and was explained by a
“natural inclination placed in the parts by the Divine Maker of all
things” to come together to form a globe. It is not a bad explanation
because it does account for things as they are, that is, if the earth
rotates, it explains why bodies do not fall behind or fly off but fall
down in straight lines, for which we can only be grateful to the Divine
Maker of all things. And far from overthrowing Aristotelian physics, at
40 CR, 188.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 93
42 CR, 200–09.
43 My colleague Howard Margolis has shown, contrary to what everyone (including me)
has believed, that the Tychonic theory is compatible with solid spheres, for the sun can carry
the entire system around the earth without intersecting the sphere of Mars, which is always
around the sun, although the sun’s path does intersect the path of Mars. The belief that the
spheres intersect turns out to be an illusion, although a very natural one, in interpreting
the standard diagram of the Tychonic theory, which disappears if the circular path of the sun
is deleted from the diagram and the sun with the planetary system is seen as moving about
the earth. See Margolis’s note “Tycho’s Illusion and Human Cognition,” Nature 392:857 (30
Apr 1998).
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 95
above and eliminates all the physical and scriptural objections, al-
though, as Kuhn notes, it has its own incongruities: the planets are
badly off center, the center of the universe is not the center of most
celestial motions, it is hard to imagine a physical mechanism that can
produce the required motions, and, something Kuhn does not mention
but does show in his figure, the superior and inferior planets move
around the sun in opposite directions, a significant point, overlooked
in whole volumes on Tycho, that he must have caught in drawing the
figure. Hence, it does not meet the aesthetic criteria met by the Coper-
nican theory, as shown by Kepler, who marshaled no less than eighteen
arguments against it in his Epitome of Copernican Astronomy (1618–
21). But as Kuhn also notes, Tycho was an unwitting friend of Coper-
nicus, for “any break with the tradition worked for the Copernicans,
and the Tychonic theory, for all its traditional elements, was an impor-
tant break.” Tycho’s elimination of solid spheres is not Copernican—
Copernicus still retained them, although this point has been disputed—
but it is definitely not Aristotelian as then understood, and the location
in the heavens of the new star of 1572 and of several comets was also a
serious blow to Aristotelian cosmology. “Somehow, in the century
after Copernicus’ death, all novelties of astronomical observation and
theory, whether or not provided by Copernicans, turned themselves
into evidence for the Copernican theory. That theory, we should say,
was proving its fruitfulness.”44
It is difficult to say which of Copernicus’s two friends, Kepler and
Galileo, was the greater Copernican. But each was a Copernican in a
different way, and Kuhn catches the distinctions perfectly. One thing
common to both, however, was a commitment to Copernican theory,
in the sense that Kuhn holds that commitment to a conceptual scheme
is essential to its extension, for it to be “fruitful.”45 First Kepler, whose
contributions are of three kinds.46 First, and the best known, are what
we now call the ellipse and area laws of planetary motion, which cor-
rectly describe a planet’s first inequality, its nonuniform motion about
the sun, developed in the Astronomia nova (1609), to which we must
add the new elements of the planetary orbits, derived over a period of
many years from Tycho’s observations, and the computation of the
Rudolphine Tables (1627), in accordance with the new theory and new
elements, which put all previous astronomical tables in the shade
(although that was not immediately obvious and their use is extremely
44 CR, 208.
45 Cf.above, 78.
46 CR, 209–19, 244–47.
96 n. m. swerdlow
47 CR, 214–16, 244–47. The most complete treatment is B. Stephenson, Kepler’s Physical
of these relations makes sense, most do not even exist, in anything but
the heliocentric theory, and Kepler considered them overwhelming evi-
dence for the truth of Copernican theory and for his discovery of God’s
plan. Again, it is possible to be right for the wrong reason, but right or
wrong, Kepler’s is the boldest cosmology ever conceived, and only a
committed Copernican could have conceived it.
For anyone who studied Kepler’s work with an open mind and
could understand it, which is not easy, Kepler had proved the Coperni-
can theory. He had, as Kuhn says, solved the problem of the planets.
But here now is a paradox. Galileo, who had no confidence, perhaps
no interest, in Kepler’s reasoning and evidence, and did not have the
patience to study Kepler either, also set about to prove the Copernican
theory in his own way, which has nothing to do with Kepler’s way, for
Galileo was only interested in doing things his own way. That is the
way it is with original genius. It is all so well known, but it is worthy of
its fame. The telescopic observations of the surface of the moon
showed that the moon is a solid body with a rough surface like the
earth, the explanation of the secondary light of the moon, the “ashen”
light of the dark regions in the crescent phases, showed that the earth is
a body shining by reflected light from the sun, in turn reflecting light to
the moon as the moon reflects light to the earth. Hence the earth down
here and the moon up there are alike, and the moon certainly moves.
The stars were numerous beyond all counting, and shown to be so
small by the telescope that they could be removed to distances at which
parallactic effects would be undetectable without being any larger than
the sun. So much for Tycho’s argument. The satellites of Jupiter, the
first additions to the planetary system discovered since the most remote
antiquity, showed that the moon could move around the earth as the
earth moved around the sun, as Jupiter was certainly moving about
something. The phases of Venus showed that it unquestionably moved
about the sun, which could be extended by induction to Mercury and
then to the superior planets since, aside from reaching opposition to
the sun, their motions do not differ from that of Venus. If all the plan-
ets, why not the earth? And the highly irregular spots that appeared
and disappeared on the surface of the sun showed, even more than the
occasional comet or nova, that the heavens were far from unchanging
and, as Kuhn remarks, “worst of all, the motion of the spots across the
sun’s disc indicated that the sun rotated continually on its axis and thus
provided a visible paradigm for the axial rotation of the earth.” 48
48 CR, 221–22.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 99
49 CR, 224. I would give more weight to Galileo’s evidence, which appears to me all but
50 CR, 227.
100 n. m. swerdlow
51 CR, 229–30.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 101
52 CR, 232.
102 n. m. swerdlow
chemistry, and in “A Discussion with Thomas S. Kuhn,” 170–72, he discusses his early
interest in atomism.
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 103
54 CR, 237–52.
55 CR, 254, quoting Hooke.
56 CR, 256.
104 n. m. swerdlow
sun, that the center of gravity of the planetary system, about which the
sun and planets move, must be very near the sun proved the Coperni-
can theory beyond any doubt. Newton’s demonstrations in the Prin-
cipia are summarized in appendix 3. Very simply, if Newton’s laws of
motion are true and the periods and distances of planets and satellites
are those given by observation, the Copernican theory is true. It is as
certain as that.
However, two difficulties remained, and they were both incompati-
bilities with corpuscularism. By Newton’s demonstration, that the cen-
tripetal force acting on the moon is identical to the force of gravity, the
attraction of the earth, whether on the moon or a stone, is inversely as
the square of the distance from its center. But the attraction of the earth
must, by the principles of corpuscularism, be the sum of the attractions
of all the corpuscles that make up the earth. And while distance from
the center may be a reasonable approximation to this for the remote
moon, either because its distance from all parts of the earth is nearly
the same or because its distance from the center may be taken as an
average, it is far from clear that anything like this applies to a nearby
stone, for which the attractive forces of parts of the earth at different
distances must differ very greatly. Only in 1685, when working on the
Principia did Newton succeed in proving that the inverse-square rule
holds rigorously for all distances from the center of a sphere beyond its
surface, that is, a “corpuscle” placed anywhere without the spherical
surface of the earth and attracted inversely as the square of the distance
from every corpuscle of the earth is attracted inversely as the square of
the distance from the center, as though every corpuscle making up the
earth were at its center.
That surprising discovery, which at last rooted gravity in the individ-
ual corpuscles, was the prelude and perhaps the prerequisite to the
publication of the Principia. At last it could be shown that both
Kepler’s Law and the motion of a projectile could be explained as the
result of an innate attraction between the fundamental corpuscles of
which the world machine was constructed.57
And that is the reason for Kuhn’s detour through corpuscularism
instead of going straight from Kepler to Newton, and he could not
have been more right, more profoundly right, than to do it the way he
did. For it is this series of demonstrations, which became Principia
l.71–76 and their corollaries, and which Newton himself, who hardly
ever commends anything, called “worthy of note” (Quod est notatu
dignum), that unifies the mechanics of the heavens and the earth under
58 In the preceding section 11, on the motion of bodies attracting each other by centripetal
forces, Newton considers proportionality to mass, but in bodies without size. The closest he
comes to the modern formulation is in 3.7–8, where the restriction is still to spheres with
spherically symmetrical distributions of matter. The case of direct linear force is considered
in 1.77–78 and the difficult extensions to arbitrary forces and non-spherical figures in 1.79–
93; all are present in the first edition of the Principia, which is likewise worthy of note.
59 CR, 260–61. This is the beginning of Kuhn’s conclusion, “The New Fabric of
Thought,” CR, 261–65. Rather than condense or comment on it, for it must be read, I would
simply recommend reading it.
106 n. m. swerdlow
Appendix 1
Relation of Ptolemaic, Copernican,
and Tychonic Theories
with the sun, such that the planet is at apogee A at conjunction, mov-
ing in the same direction as C, at perigee B at opposition, moving in
the direction opposite to C, and in general that the radius of the epi-
cycle CP is always parallel to the direction OS9 from the earth to the
sun. The ratio r/R is derived from observation, as are the zodiacal and
synodic periods, and the two radii r and R are unique to each planet,
with no common measure of distance in the system of planets. Conse-
quently, the distances and even the order of the planets are undeter-
mined without further assumptions, as that order corresponds to period.
It follows from the conditions just described that the apparent motion
of the planet is fastest near conjunction, when the motions of P and C
are in the same direction, and slowest, in fact retrograde, near opposi-
tion, when the apparent motion of P in the direction opposite to C
exceeds the motion of C. Likewise, the planet is farthest from the earth
and faintest near conjunction and closest to the earth and brightest
near opposition. Now, what is the reason for all these relations of the
motion of the planet to the motion of the sun? Because that is the way
the model is designed; it conforms to these relations, all of which are
correct, but does not explain them. In order to explain them, we must
transform the model from geocentric to heliocentric, which shows why
these relations are necessary.
Complete parallelogram OCPS and let the sun be at S, which lies in
the direction OS9; the apparent direction of the planet OP is the diago-
nal of the parallelogram. There are two significant transformations, the
Tychonic shown in Figure 1b and the Copernican in Figure 1c, in both
of which we show parallelogram OCPS, from which they are formed,
and its diagonal, the apparent direction OP. We shall explain the
Copernican theory first as it is the more familiar. The earth on a circle
of radius SO 5 r and the planet on a circle of radius SP 5 R move
around the sun in the same direction through their respective zodiacal
periods, one year for the earth, longer for a superior planet. The syn-
odic period, return of the planet to conjunction with the sun, is now
defined by the return of the earth to A on line PS extended, and oppo-
sition takes place when the earth is at B. It is now obvious why the
planet is fastest, farthest from the earth, and faintest near conjunction,
slowest, in fact retrograde, closest to the earth, and brightest near
opposition. Indeed, retrogradation occurs near opposition because the
faster earth is then passing the slower planet. It is also apparent why in
the geocentric theory the radii of the epicycles of all three superior
planets are parallel to the direction from the earth to the sun, because
the motion of each planet on the epicycle is in fact the single motion of
the earth about the sun. Were the motion on the epicycle measured
from a fixed direction in the ecliptic rather than the moving direction
108 n. m. swerdlow
of A, the period of the planet’s motion would be one year, the same as
the earth’s motion about the sun measured from a fixed direction.
What were only rules in the geocentric theory, perfectly correct rules,
are seen to have causes in the heliocentric theory in the relative motions
of the earth and planet. The ratio r/R, stated as R/r, is the same as before,
but now the radius of each planet’s orbit R is known in the common
measure of the radius of the earth’s orbit r, which means that the order
and distances of the planets may be determined securely by observation.
The Tychonic theory is shown in Figure 1b, in which the sun S
moves around the earth O in a circle of radius OS 5 r with its zodiacal
period of one year, and the planet P moves about the sun S in a circle of
radius SP 5 R, completing a revolution in its synodic period, return to
conjunction with the sun at apogee A, in the direction opposite to the
motion of the sun about the earth; opposition is reached at perigee B.
It is these opposite motions that make the Tychonic theory less intu-
itively obvious than the Copernican. Note that the sun carries the orbit
of the planet about the earth like an epicycle, which in fact it is, a large
epicycle. Since the motion of P is opposite to the motion of S, the zodi-
acal motion of the planet, which is their difference, is slower than the
motion of the sun and the period of the planet is longer than one year.
Were the motion of the planet measured from a fixed direction in the
ecliptic rather than the moving direction A, it would complete a revo-
lution about the sun in its zodiacal period, moving in the same direc-
tion as the sun. Still, since the orbit of the planet is carried by the sun,
the synodic motion in the opposite direction is its real heliocentric
motion. Just as in the other theories, the planet is fastest, farthest from
the earth, and faintest near conjunction at A, slowest, in fact retro-
grade, closest, and brightest near opposition at B. Retrogradation
occurs near opposition when the apparent motion of the planet, oppo-
site to the motion of the sun, exceeds the motion of the sun carrying
the orbit of the planet. Admittedly, this is less obvious, harder to visu-
alize, in the Tychonic theory than in either the Ptolemaic or Coperni-
can. Nevertheless, as in the Copernican theory, what were only rules in
the Ptolemaic theory, relations of the motion of the planet to the sun,
have causes in the Tychonic theory in the relative motions of the sun
and planet. And likewise the ratio R/r gives the radius of the planet’s
orbit R in the common measure of the distance between the sun and
earth, the radius of the sun’s orbit r, so again the order and distances of
the planets may be determined securely by observation.
The relation of the theories of the inferior planets is more straight-
forward. The essential property of the motion of the inferior planets is
that they reach only a limited elongation from the sun. In the Ptolemaic
model, shown in Figure 2a, the center of the epicycle S, moving on a
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 109
circle of radius OS 5 R, always lies in the direction OS9 from the earth
to the sun, the distance of which is not specified, completing a revolu-
tion around the earth in one year. The planet P moves on an epicycle of
radius SP 5 r, completing a revolution in its synodic period, return to
superior conjunction at apogee A, where P moves in the same direction
as S, and reaching inferior conjunction at perigee B, where P moves in
the direction opposite to S. Again the ratio r/R is derived from observa-
tion, and the two radii r and R are unique to each planet, with no com-
mon measure in the system of planets, so that order and distances are
undetermined; Ptolemy’s order was Mercury, Venus, sun, but other
orders were also used, even locating Venus above the sun. The appar-
ent motion of the planet is fastest near superior conjunction, when the
motion of P and S are in the same direction, and slowest, in fact retro-
grade, near inferior conjunction, when the apparent motion of P in the
direction opposite to S exceeds the motion of S. The planet is farthest
from the earth near superior conjunction and closest near inferior con-
junction, but the brightness does not quite correspond to distance because
the inferior planets show phases like the moon, as was first discovered
110 n. m. swerdlow
for Venus by Galileo with the telescope. Now, why should it be that the
centers of the epicycles of the inferior planets always lie in the direction
of the sun? Because that is the way the model is designed in order to
produce limited elongation from the sun, but to explain this essential
property, we must transform the model from geocentric to heliocentric.
In the Tychonic form in Figure 2b, we simply assume that the sun is
located at S, the center of the epicycle, which had already been sug-
gested in antiquity, so OS 5 R is the radius of the sun’s orbit around
the earth and SP 5 r the radius of the planet’s orbit around the sun. All
the relations of the motion of the planet to the sun in the Ptolemaic
model are preserved, but now it is obvious why the center of the epi-
cycle always lies in the direction of the sun and why the planet reaches
only a limited elongation from the sun, because the sun is at the center
of the epicycle, which is smaller than the orbit of the sun about the
earth, and why the planet moves retrograde near inferior conjunction,
because then the apparent motion of the planet, opposite to the motion
of the sun, exceeds the motion of the sun carrying the orbit of the
planet. Further, r/R shows the ratio of the radius of the planet’s orbit r
to the sun’s orbit R, so the order and distances may be determined by
observation in the common measure of the radius of the sun’s orbit,
just as for the superior planets.
In the Copernican form in Figure 2c, we let the earth O move
around the sun in an orbit of radius SO 5 R, completing a revolution
in one year, and the planet move around the sun in an orbit of radius
SP 5 r, completing a revolution in its own heliocentric period, which is
less than one year, both motions measured from a fixed direction. The
synodic period, the difference of the heliocentric motions of the planet
and the earth, is the same as in the Ptolemaic and Tychonic models, the
planet reaching apogee A at superior conjunction and perigee B at infe-
rior conjunction. All relations of the Ptolemaic model with regard to
speed and distance are preserved. It is evident why the center of the
epicycle lies in the direction of the sun and why the planet reaches only
limited elongation from the sun, because the sun is at the center of the
planet’s orbit, which lies within the earth’s orbit, and further, why
the planet moves retrograde near inferior conjunction, because then the
faster planet is passing the slower earth. Again the ratio r/R gives
the ratio of the planet’s orbit r to the earth’s orbit R and so determines
the order and distances in the common measure of the radius of the
earth’s orbit, as for the superior planets.
These then are the transformations of the models for the superior
and inferior planets in the three theories, in which it can be seen that
the Ptolemaic follow rules, all of which are correct, while the Coperni-
can and Tychonic give the causes of these rules. As noted earlier, an
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 111
Appendix 2
Relation of the Models for the First Inequality
of Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Kepler
motions due to the motion of the earth about the sun, which is the sub-
ject of appendix 1. The first or zodiacal inequality is the planet’s own
nonuniform motion about the sun. It is a more difficult problem than
the second inequality and its correct description is given by Kepler’s
first two laws:
1. The planet moves in an ellipse with the sun at a focus.
2. The line joining the planet to the sun describes an area propor-
tional to time.
These are shown in Figure 3a in which we let the apsidal line be AB
with center M and place the sun S at a focus distant from M by the
eccentricity e. The planet P moves on the ellipse such that the line SP
describes an area ASP proportional to time, that increases uniformly
with time. Note that in the figure the eccentricity and ellipticity are
greatly exaggerated compared with the orbits of the planets, which
are nearly circles with small eccentricities. Now, the line EP joining the
second, empty focus of the ellipse to the planet describes an angle AEP
Figure 3a, 3b. Models of the First Inequality of Kepler and Ptolemy
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 113
that happens to be very nearly proportional to time, that is, the angular
motion of P about E is very nearly uniform. This is the principle under-
lying Ptolemy’s model. For in Figure 3b we superimpose Kepler’s
model of an ellipse and Ptolemy’s model of a circle, now shown helio-
centrically so there is no epicycle, and we see that the circle is the major
auxiliary circle of the ellipse, the circle constructed on the major axis.
In Ptolemy’s model the planet P9 moves on the circle with center M uni-
formly with respect to point E, later called the “equant” point, that is,
angle AEP9 increases uniformly with time. The purpose of the model is
to separate the center of constant distance M from the center of uni-
form motion E such that the variation of distance SP9 is determined by
the single eccentricity SM 5 e and the inequality of direction, angle
SP9E, by the double eccentricity SE 5 2e. But point E is none other
than the empty focus of the ellipse, about which, as noted, the motion
of the planet is very nearly uniform. The difference between the two
models, the difference in the directions SP and SP9, is the small angle
PSP9, which, in the case of Mars with a rather large eccentricity of
about 0.1, reaches a maximum of about 41– e 2 < 89 of arc. Ptolemy’s
model is about as close as one can come to the effect of Kepler’s laws,
in both direction and distance, without knowing them, and Kepler
remarked that the difference of 89, which it took him years of hard
work to eliminate, led the way to reforming all of astronomy.
Kepler believed the physical cause of planetary motion to be a force
from the sun, which rotates with the body of the sun and moves the
planet such that the time required by the planet to describe each small
arc of its orbit is proportional to its distance from the sun; the areas
proportional to time were only a method of computation, of summing
the times in each small arc proportional to the distances. Before finding
the ellipse, Kepler had applied this method to motion in a circle, as is
also shown in Figure 3b, where the planet is on the circle at P̄ and area
ASP̄ is proportional to time; this also produces an error, angle PSP̄, of
about 89 compared to motion in the ellipse, but in the opposite direc-
tion. That difference of 89 also gave Kepler a lot of trouble to eliminate.
The relation between motion of the planet P̄ on the circle and P on the
ellipse is straightforward; draw an ordinate P̄N to the apsidal line, and
the planet P is at the intersection of the ordinate and the ellipse.
The motivation of Kepler’s model for the first inequality was both
accuracy and physical, a mechanics of celestial motion necessitated by
Tycho’s elimination of solid spheres carrying the planets, a conclusion
Kepler seems to have reached on his own. Copernicus’s concern with
the first inequality was also physical, but the opposite, a model com-
patible with the uniform rotation of solid spheres, which was violated
by Ptolemy’s separation of the center of distance and the center of
114 n. m. swerdlow
The direction from the mean sun to the planet is SP. In Copernicus’s
model, the center of a small epicycle with center C moves on a circle of
radius R with center M9, uniformly about M9 through k, and the planet
P9 moves on the epicycle, uniformly about C through k, such that
when C is in the apsidal line the planet lies at the lowest point of the
epicycle on the line M9C closest to M9. The direction from the mean
sun to the planet is SP9. Provided that SM9 5 32– e and CP9 5 12–e, P9
always lies on line EP just beyond P and coincides with P in the apsidal
line. Thus P9 also moves uniformly about the equant point E, which is
the purpose of Copernicus’s model, maintaining uniform motion about
the equant point of Ptolemy’s model but now by means of two uniform
circular motions, of C about M9 and of P9 about C. Hence, Copernicus
does not, as is commonly said, eliminate the equant, but retains it
strictly. However, the path of the planet is no longer a circle about M,
but a figure that has what Kepler calls an “exorbitation” from a circle,
that lies just outside the circle and coincides with it only in the apsidal
line. Nevertheless, Copernicus’s model is nearly identical to Ptolemy’s
in the direction of the planet, which is what can be observed. For
Mars, with an eccentricity of about 0.1, the greatest difference in the
directions SP and SP9 is about 39, near the limit of accuracy of Tycho’s
observations but so masked by other errors, as in parameters, as to be
Unlike the heliocentric theory and the motion of the earth, Coper-
nicus’s model for the first inequality was generally approved because of
its strict adherence to the uniform circular motion of spheres. Tycho,
even without solid spheres, continued to use it in the double-epicycle
form, used by Copernicus in the Commentariolus, also shown in the
figure. Here an epicycle with center C9 and radius C9C 5 32– e moves uni-
formly about S through k, C moves about C9 in the opposite direction
through k such that C9C is always parallel to the apsidal line, and CP9
moves through 2k measured from C9C. The location of P9 is identical
in the two models. But Kepler, who did approve of the heliocentric the-
ory, did not approve of Copernicus’s model in any form, and remarked
in the Astronomia nova that Ptolemy’s model is absurd if solid spheres
are assumed but quite suitable and probable physically if they are denied,
and Copernicus’s model is absurd if solid spheres are denied but barely
tolerable physically if they are assumed, right on target as usual. In
developing his own planetary theory, he began by rejecting Coperni-
cus’s model and returning to Ptolemy’s because the violation of uniform
motion, such that the planet moves slower when farther from the sun
and faster when closer, was the very foundation of his own physical
theory of planetary motion. So in the case of the first inequality, Ptolemy
was right after all.
116 n. m. swerdlow
Appendix 3
Newton’s Demonstration of the Force
of Gravity and the Definitive Proof
of the Heliocentric Theory
This can be seen in the case of the moon, for the motion of the
apsidal line in one revolution is about 3°, from which it follows, by 1.45
cor. 1, that the exponent of the centripetal force is (360/363)2 2 3 5
22243 4
––– . This is very close to 22, and the slight discrepancy can be
accounted for, not by a difference in the centripetal force, but by per-
turbation by the sun, although in the Principia Newton was not able to
account completely for the motion of the moon’s apsidal line in this
way. Nevertheless (3.3), this is very good evidence that the centripetal
force retaining the moon in its orbit about the earth is directed to the
earth and is in fact as 1/r2. In 3.4 Newton shows that this force is iden-
tical to the force of gravity that causes bodies to descend at the surface
of the earth. We shall give the demonstration briefly and in modern
units; Newton uses the distance the moon departs from a straight line,
one-half the acceleration, in one minute, but we shall use the entire
acceleration in one second. From the period and distance of the moon,
about 27.32 days and 60 radii of the earth or 384,000 km, it is found
that v < 1 km/sec and the acceleration of the moon toward the earth
am 5 v2/r < 0.272 cm/sec2. Hence, since the centripetal force acting on
the moon is as 1/r2, the acceleration at the surface of the earth ae 5
r2am 5 602 am < 9.8 m/sec2, precisely the experimentally verified accel-
eration of a falling body at the surface of the earth. The centripetal
force acting on the moon is therefore none other than the force of grav-
ity, since otherwise bodies falling to earth would be acted upon by both
forces and would fall twice as fast. And thus, the force of gravity must
also vary inversely as the square of the distance and, as shown in 3.5–
7, is itself the inverse-square centripetal force proportional to mass act-
ing throughout the system of planets and satellites.
There remains the definitive proof of the heliocentric theory. Empiri-
cal evidence is given in 3.Phenomena 3 that the planets surround the
sun with their orbs, namely, the phases of Mercury and Venus, Mars’s
appearing gibbous at quadratures, and Jupiter and Saturn always full,
but these appearances do not prove that the earth moves around the
sun. This requires a physical proof, which is also definitive for all
the planets. By 1.57, an application of the third law of motion, two
bodies that attract each other describe similar figures about their com-
mon center of gravity and about each other, and their distances from
their common center of gravity are inversely as their masses. In the case
of the sun and planets, where is the common center of gravity? The
masses of two bodies can be compared if their accelerative effects on
other bodies at known distances can be compared. Now the gravita-
tional force or acceleration is directly as the mass and inversely as the
square of the distance, that is, f , a , m/r2. But, as we have seen, the
centripetal force or acceleration f , a , r/p2, and it is now known that
thomas kuhn’s first scientific revolution 119
these are the same force. Hence, the mass m , fr2 , (r/p2)r2 5 r3/p2.
Therefore, if we are given the period and distance of a planet from the
sun, pp and rp, and the period and distance of a satellite from a planet
ps and rs, we have for the mass of the sun mS , rp3 /pp2 and for the mass
of the planet mp , r 3s /p2s . The ratio of the masses is therefore
m r3s ⁄ p2s rs 3 p 2
-------p = ------------------- = ---- -----p- .
mS r 3p ⁄ p2p rp p s
In 3.8 cor. 1–2, using the periods and distances of satellites of Jupiter,
Saturn, and the earth compared to the period and distance of Venus,
Newton finds the ratios of the masses of the planets with satellites to
the mass of the sun: Jupiter 1/1067, Saturn 1/3021, earth 1/169,282. 60
In 3.12 he concludes that the common center of gravity of Jupiter and
the sun falls in a point a little above the surface of the sun, the common
center of gravity of Saturn and the sun falls in a point a little below
the surface of the sun, that even when all the planets are aligned on the
same side of the sun, the common center of gravity of all is scarcely one
solar diameter from the center of the sun, and that in other configura-
tions it is always less. With modern figures, Newton’s conclusions are
still correct. Hence, the common center of gravity of the planetary sys-
tem, about which every planet and the sun itself move, is very near the
sun and nowhere near the earth. And with respect to the sun, by 1.65
and 3.13, the planets move very nearly in ellipses with the sun at a
focus and describe areas very nearly proportional to the times, the
qualification “very nearly” due to perturbations by other planets. I in-
clude this summary of Newton’s proof since even today one can read
that the heliocentric theory has not been proved, that it is only a theory.
Obviously, this is nonsense, as is the common idea that the detection of
stellar parallax was necessary to prove the heliocentric motion of the
earth. I note also in conclusion that anyone who believes the law of
gravity and the heliocentric theory to be true without knowing New-
ton’s demonstrations or something equally rigorous does not, if I may
paraphrase Conant, “understand” science, but accepts cosmology as
part of a revealed religion.
60 These numbers, from the third edition, differ in the earlier editions and in Newton’s
own annotated copies, and although Jupiter and Saturn have only small errors there is a
notable miscomputation for the earth, concerning which see R. Garisto, “An Error in Isaac
Newton’s Determination of Planetary Properties,” American Journal of Physics 59 (1991),
120 n. m. swerdlow
Writings of Thomas S. Kuhn cited in this essay:
The Copernican Revolution. Planetary Astronomy in the Development of Western
Thought. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1957.
The Essential Tension, Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1977.
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Third Edition. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1996.
Writings of James B. Conant pertinent to the historical method of teaching natural science
at Harvard:
On Understanding Science. An Historical Approach. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1947.
The Growth of the Experimental Sciences. An Experiment in General Education.
Progress Report on the Use of the Case Method in Teaching the Principles of the
Tactics and Strategy of Science. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
Science and Common Sense. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1951.
With L. K. Nash, ed. Harvard Case Histories in Experimental Science. 2 vols. Cam-
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1957.
My Several Lives. Memoirs of a Social Inventor. New York: Harper & Row, 1970.