Ivp Patton Leah
Ivp Patton Leah
Ivp Patton Leah
What are you interested in? What do you enjoy What activities are you involved in at school and
doing in your free time? Think about things that outside of school? Think about sports, clubs,
you are passionate about or things that you feel fine arts, volunteering, church activities, etc.
would give you purpose in a career.
What things come easy to you? What are you What things could you do better? What do you
good at? wish you could improve about yourself?
What career path do you plan to follow? Paste a picture here that represents this career:
What are three possible pros or advantages of What are three possible cons of disadvantages
choosing this as a career? of choosing this as a career?
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How does your potential salary compare to the How does your potential salary compare to
national average? Is this what you expected? average expenses? Is this what you expected?
What do you plan to do after high school? Paste a picture that represents this program:
What high school courses will you need to best prepare you for success in your chosen career path?
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How will these experiences/skills help you to reach your career goal?
What support do you need at the high school to help you accomplish your goal? Who will help you to
reach your goal (family members, peers, staff, other adults in your life)?
● Pay attention to instructions.
● Be kind and considerate of all Lancers.
● Maintain an academic focus.
● Strive for your personal best.
● Set short- and long-term goals.
● Make every mistake a learning opportunity.
I agree to put forth my maximum effort in the pursuit of my career goal. I am capable of achieving my
career goal. I realize that I have the right to change my career goal at any time. I will accept the help
of my Career Support Team as they guide me toward accomplishing my career goal.
Student-Selected Teacher
Seminar Teacher
School Administrator