Remember: Only One Hand Can Touch The Cup at One Time!

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Sept 24th, 2019

Santiago / Alex / Fausto

Flip Cup Game (Tip Cup)

Required skill: Flip cup, drink soda,

Setup time: 2–3 minutes.
Playing time: As long as teams choose.
Random chance: Easy
Things You'll Need:
 Long table
 1 plastic cup per person
 6 people (at least) to make 2 teams

Remember: only one hand can touch the cup at one time!

How to Play Flip Cup?

Flip cup is a drinking game where two-team of players must, in turn, drink quickly a plastic cup of
beer/soda and then "flip" the cup so that it lands/drops face-down on the table. If the cup falls/drop off
the table, any player can return said cup to the table and try again.
Two teams of an equal number of players stand on opposite sides of a table, (facing one another). The
players directly facing are opponents. In front of each teammate is a disposable plastic cup filled with a
set amount of beer/soda. (Generally, the first line inside a disposable cup is used as a marker)
At the start, it is customary for the initiating players to make a toast, after which the first member of each
team drinks the entirety of their beverage. When finished, the cup is placed open side up at the edge of
the table, and the player who drank it attempts to flip the cup, by flicking or lifting the bottom of the cup
until it flips and lands face down on the table, If a cup is knocked over in the chain whilst moving to the
next cup the player must go back and re-flip.
The player may not use two hands, or blow on the cup to guide it to flip over. If the player is unsuccessful
on the first try, the cup is reset and re-flipped. Only after the first teammate is done flipping successfully
can the next person proceed. Additionally, subsequent players may not touch or manipulate their cup
until the previous player has successfully flipped their cup. Whichever team finishes drinking and flipping
all its cups first wins.

Part 1: Setting Up the Game

1. Arrange the cups. Line up plastic Solo cups along each side of a rectangular table so that each side
has the same number of cups. There are two teams in flip cup: one on each side of the table. Players
take turn drinking the beer in their cup, then flipping the empty cup on the edge of the table until it
lands perfectly upside down on the tabletop.
Play flip cup with three or more people on each team – 6+ total. The more flippers on each team,
the longer the game will be.

2. Fill the cups. Pour each players drink of choice into his or her cup. If no one objects, simply fill each
up 1/4 to halfway up with beer. You can adjust the volume of beer to match the amount that each
person wants to drink. Keep in mind, however, that the game will be most fair if everyone has to drink
the same amount.
 If you're going to play multiple rounds of flip cup, consider playing with beer or another
relatively low-alcohol beverage. Flip cup is a fast-paced game, and it can be dangerous to play
with liquor.

Sept 24th, 2019
Santiago / Alex / Fausto

 If you don't drink alcohol, fill your cups with another beverage of choice. For an easier game,
fill the cups with something that you like drinking. For a more difficult game, fill the cups with
something that's harder to drink, such as hot sauce.

3. Line up on either side of the table. Find your partner and "match up." When each person's cup is
equally filled, he or she looks across the table to find someone to "match with." The teams should be
equal, and each person should be standing directly across from someone on the other team.
 Make sure that everyone knows which direction the flipping will go. This game is a relay race,
and each round of flip cup always begins at one end of the table and ends at the other end.
Each player should know which two players are starting the round, and which two players are
the "anchors" at the end.

Part 2. Playing Flip Cup

1. Touch cups before starting the round. Everyone at the table raises their cup to "touch cups" with the
opposing player across from them. Make sure that everyone at the table has a partner and is ready to
start the round. Hold cups in the air until everyone is matched up. Then, place all cups on the table,
and don't touch them again until it's your turn.
2. Yell "Go!" to begin. The first player from each team drinks the beer as fast a they can from his or her
cup. As the first player: when you finish your beer, set the empty cup on the table, open side up, so
that it hangs slightly off the edge of the table. The next player on your team cannot start drinking until
you flip your cup in the air such that it lands top-side down on the table.
3. Flip the cup. Use your finger to tap the bottom of the cup, flipping it in the air. Try to tap lightly
enough that the cup makes only a 180° rotation. You want the cup to land squarely on the table, open
side down. If the cup doesn't land right: reset it on the edge of the table, and continue to flip until
you get it right. Once you've successfully flipped your cup, tell the next player in line to start drinking!
 The flipping motion is an act of finesse. You may need to practice your flip many times over in
order to get it right.
 No steadying the cup. Only one hand can touch the cup at one time![3]
 Remember: the other team isn't waiting for you to flip the cup. This is a relay race. If it takes you
more than a few tries to execute the flip, then the race may be lost – unless the other team is also
taking a while!
4. Continue down the line until one team has finished drinking and flipping. The first team to finish
wins. All of the cups should sit squarely upside down on the tabletop. If you wish to play another
round: set the table up exactly as you did the first time, refill the cups, and play again!
 The second-place team does not need to finish all of their beers, unless both teams agree that
this is the rule. If you're playing multiple rounds, consider saving the beer for the next round!

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