Hce Performance Model: Solabs
Hce Performance Model: Solabs
Hce Performance Model: Solabs
The first software model was designed in the early 1990s, and upgraded several years later.
The software played a useful part in HCE improvements, which have proven to be the primary reason for
increases to the SEGS plants’ performance [Price et al. 2002]. However, the HCE performance software
tended to be problematic and in need of another upgrade.
The first version of the software model was developed by Virtus Energy Research Associates in 1992 and
written in Microsoft QuickBasic [Cohen et al. 1999]. It (along with the later version and this current
version) was based on a methodology proposed by SNL [1993]. Because QuickBasic had become
obsolete, SNL developed a second version in 1999 written in Microsoft Excel Visual Basic. The second
version improved algorithms and the user interface. However, it used a numerical solution technique that
often could not converge on a solution and, because of simplifications in the heat transfer model, could
not model many receiver configurations.
In conjunction with an expanded R&D effort to develop higher performance parabolic trough receivers,
the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
decided an improved HCE performance model was needed to meet the analysis needs of the program.
This work, sponsored by NREL, consists of developing and documenting this model.
The new HCE performance model implemented in EES improves the heat transfer analysis, versatility,
and speed of computation; provides additional model detail (two-dimensional energy balance model,
HCE support bracket losses, pressure losses, etc.); improves the model robustness (valid for larger ranges
of HTF flow properties, imbedded warning messages if correlations or HTF properties are used out of
range of validity); and improves the modeling input and output capabilities. It was developed
independently from the previous two models so it validates the heat transfer methodology originally
proposed by SNL and all the changes to the original methodology (more detailed Nusselt number
correlations, HCE support bracket losses, two-dimensional model etc.). Finally, it was developed in a
more powerful programming environment that is more amenable to model changes and improvements.
The model is described in Section 2.
The HCE performance model is based on an energy balance about the collector and the HCE. The energy
balance includes the direct normal solar irradiation incident on the collector, optical losses from both the
collector and HCE, thermal losses from the HCE, and the heat gain into the HTF. For short receivers
(< 100 m) a one-dimensional energy balance gives reasonable results; for longer receivers a two-
dimensional energy balance becomes necessary. All the equations and relationships used in both the one-
and two-dimensional HCE performance models are described in the following sections.
The HCE performance model uses an energy balance between the HTF and the atmosphere, and includes
all equations and correlations necessary to predict the terms in the energy balance, which depend on the
collector type, HCE condition, optical properties, and ambient conditions.
Figure 2.1a shows the one-dimensional steady-state energy balance for a cross-section of an HCE, with
and without the glass envelope intact, and Figure 2.1b shows the thermal resistance model and subscript
definitions. For clarity, the incoming solar energy and optical losses have been omitted from the
resistance model. The optical losses are due to imperfections in the collector mirrors, tracking errors,
shading, and mirror and HCE cleanliness (see Section The effective incoming solar energy (solar
energy minus optical losses) is absorbed by the glass envelope ( q& 5′ SolAbs ) and absorber selective coating
( q& 3′ SolAbs ). Some energy that is absorbed into the selective coating is conducted through the absorber
′ cond ) and transferred to the HTF by convection ( q&12
( q& 23 ′ conv ); remaining energy is transmitted back to the
′ conv ) and radiation ( q& 34
glass envelope by convection ( q& 34 ′ rad ) and lost through the HCE support bracket
′ ,bracket ). The energy from the radiation and convection then passes through the
through conduction ( q& cond
′ cond ) and along with the energy absorbed by the glass envelope
glass envelope by conduction ( q& 45
( q& 5′ SolAbs ) is lost to the environment by convection ( q& 56
′ conv ) and radiation ( q& 57
′ rad ). If the glass envelope is
missing, the heat loss from the absorber is lost directly to the environment. The model assumes all
temperatures, heat fluxes, and thermodynamic properties are uniform around the circumference of the
HCE. Also, all flux directions shown in Figure 2.1a are positive.
With the help of Figure 2.1, the energy balance equations are determined by conserving energy at each
surface of the HCE cross-section, both with and without the glass envelope intact.
′ conv = q& 23
q&12 ′ cond (2.1a)
q&3′ SolAbs = q&34 ′ rad + q&′23cond + q&cond
′ conv + q&34 ′ ,bracket (2.1b)
′ conv + q& 34
q& 34 ′ rad = q& ′45cond (2.1c)
q&′45cond + q&5′ SolAbs = q&56 ′ rad
′ conv + q&57 (2.1d)
q& ′HeatLoss = q&56
′ conv + q&57
′ rad + q&cond
′ ,bracket (2.1e)
In the case without the glass envelope, Equations 2.1c and 2.1d drop out, and the 4 subscript for the
convection and radiation from the absorber change to 6 and 7, respectively, since the heat loss from the
absorber outer surface escapes directly to the environment instead of through the glass envelope.
Note that the solar absorptance q& 3′ SolAbs and q& 5′ SolAbs are treated as heat flux terms. This simplifies the
solar absorption terms and makes the heat conduction through the absorber pipe and glass envelope linear.
In reality, the solar absorption in the absorber (opaque metal material) and glass envelope
(semitransparent material) are volumetric phenomena. However, most of the absorption in the absorber
occurs very close to the surface (about 6 angstroms) [Ozisik 1973], and although solar absorption occurs
throughout the thickness of the glass envelope, the absorptance is relatively small (α = 0.02). Therefore,
any error in treating solar absorption as a surface phenomenon should be relatively small.
All the terms in Equations 2.1 and 2.2 are defined in Table 2.1. Dotted variables indicate rates and the
prime indicates per unit length of receiver. A double prime will indicate per unit normal aperture area.
a) One-dimensional energy balance
absorber pipe
selective coating
′ ,bracket
q& cond ′ ,bracket
q& cond
heat transfer fluid
glass envelope
radiation radiation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
convection conduction conduction
convection convection
Figure 2.1 a) One-dimensional steady-state energy balance and b) thermal resistance model for a
cross-section of an HCE
Table 2.1 Heat Flux Definitions
2.1.1 Convection Heat Transfer between the HTF and the Absorber
From Newton’s law of cooling, the convection heat transfer from the inside surface of the absorber pipe
to the HTF is
q& 12conv = h1 D2π (T2 − T1 ) (2.3)
h1 = Nu D 2 (2.4)
h1 = HTF convection heat transfer coefficient at T1 (W/m2-K)
D2 = inside diameter of the absorber pipe (m)
T1 = mean (bulk) temperature of the HTF (oC)
T2 = inside surface temperature of absorber pipe (oC)
NuD2 = Nusselt number based on D2
k1 = thermal conductance of the HTF at T1 (W/m-K)
In these equations, both T1 and T2 are independent of angular and longitudinal HCE directions, as will be
all temperatures and properties in the one-dimensional energy balance model.
The Nusselt number depends on the type of flow through the HCE. At typical operating conditions, the
flow in an HCE is well within the turbulent flow region. However, during off-solar hours or when
evaluating the HCE heat losses on a test platform, the flow in the HCE may become transitional or
laminar because of the viscosity of the HTF at lower temperatures. Therefore, to model the heat losses
under all conditions, the model includes conditional statements to determine type of flow. The Nusselt
number used for each flow condition is outlined in Section
To model the convective heat transfer from the absorber to the HTF for turbulent and transitional cases
(Reynolds number > 2300) the following Nusselt number correlation developed by Gnielinski [1976] is
f 2 = (1.82 log10 (Re D 2 ) − 1.64)
f2 = friction factor for the inner surface of the absorber pipe
Pr1 = Prandtl number evaluated at the HTF temperature, T1
Pr2 = Prandtl number evaluated at the absorber inner surface
temperature, T2
Along with being valid for turbulent pipe flow, this Nusselt number correlation accounts for transitional
flow states for Reynolds numbers between 2300 and 4000. Furthermore, the correlation adjusts for fluid
property variations between the absorber wall temperature and bulk fluid temperature. The correlation is
valid for 0.5 < Pr1 < 2000 and 2300 < ReD2 < 5E6. If used out of this range of validity, the code will
display a warning message. Except for Pr2, all fluid properties are evaluated at the mean HTF
temperature, T1. The correlation assumes uniform heat flux and temperature, and assumes the absorber
has a smooth inner surface.
An option to model the flow as laminar is included in all the one-dimensional versions of the HCE heat
transfer codes. When the laminar option is chosen and the Reynolds number is lower than 2300, the
Nusselt number will be constant. For pipe flow, the value will be 4.36 [Incropera and DeWitt 1990]. For
annulus flow, the value will depend on the ratio between the pipe insert diameter and absorber inside
diameter, Dp/D2 (see Section Pipe and annulus flow values were derived assuming constant heat
flux. If the laminar option is not chosen and the Reynolds number is less than 2300, the code will use the
turbulent flow model described in Section, but will display the following warning message: “The
result may not be accurate, since 2300 < ReD2 < (5E6) does not hold. See Function fq_12conv. ReD2 =
One possible use of the HCE performance model will be to evaluate HCE testing conducted on an
AZTRAK testing platform located at SNL (see Section 3.1.2). The test platform is essentially a scaled-
down version of a trough plant. Unfortunately, the test platform does not have the same volumetric
pumping capability and collector lengths as a trough plant. Therefore, to simulate field heat transfer
characteristics, a pipe is inserted in the center of the HCE [Dudley et al. 1994]. This decreases the cross-
sectional flow area of the HTF, increasing the flow velocities, and thus increasing the Reynolds number.
To apply to this type of HCE testing, the code is set up to model the HTF flow as annulus flow when
The turbulent pipe flow correlations described in Section can be used for annulus flow by
substituting the inside pipe diameter, D2, with the following hydraulic diameter [Incropera and DeWitt
4 Acs
Dh = = D2 − D p (2.7)
Acs = flow cross-sectional area (m2)
Pw = wetted perimeter (m)
Dp = outside diameter of pipe insert (m)
D2 = inner diameter of absorber pipe (m)
For laminar flow through an annulus, the Nusselt number depends on the ratio Dp/D2. Table 2.2 lists
Nusselt numbers for various diameter ratios. The table is a modified version of a table for uniform heat
flux occurring at both the inner and outer surfaces of the annulus [Incropera and DeWitt 1990].
Dp/D2 NuDh
0 4.364
0.05 4.792
0.10 4.834
0.20 4.833
0.40 4.979
0.60 5.099
0.80 5.24
1.00 5.385
Fourier’s law of conduction through a hollow cylinder describes the conduction heat transfer through the
absorber wall [Incropera and DeWitt 1990].
In this equation the conduction heat transfer coefficient is constant, and is evaluated at the average
temperature between the inner and outer surfaces.
The conduction coefficient depends on the absorber material type. The HCE performance model includes
three stainless steels: 304L, 316L, and 321H, and one copper: B42. If 304L or 316L is chosen, the
conduction coefficient is calculated with the following equation.
If 321H is chosen,
Both equations were determined by linearly fitting data from Davis [2000]. If copper is chosen, the
conduction coefficient is a constant of 400 W/m-K [ASM Handbook Committee 1978]. Conductive
resistance through the selective coating has been neglected.
Convection and radiation heat transfer occur between the absorber and the glass envelope. The convection
heat transfer mechanism depends on the annulus pressure [KJCOC 1993]. At low pressures (< ~1 torr),
the heat transfer mechanism is molecular conduction. At higher pressures (> ~1 torr), the mechanism is
free convection. The radiation heat transfer occurs because of the difference in temperatures between the
outer absorber surface and the inner glass envelope surface. The radiation heat transfer calculation is
simplified by assuming the glass envelope is opaque to infrared radiation and assuming gray (ρ = α)
Two heat transfer mechanisms are evaluated to determine the convection heat transfer between the
′ conv ), free-molecular and natural convection [KJCOC 1993]. In the HCE
absorber and glass envelope ( q& 34
performance model, the larger of the two values is chosen. This results in a smooth transition between the
two heat transfer modes, as shown in Figure 2.2.
Heat Loss Vs. Annulus Pressure
Heat Loss (W/m)
Figure 2.2 Chart of heat loss per unit length of receiver as a function of annulus pressure
When the HCE annulus is under vacuum (pressure < ~1 torr), the convection heat transfer between the
absorber and glass envelope occurs by free-molecular convection [Ratzel et al.1979].
k std
h34 = (2.11)
(D3 2 ln(D4 D3 ) + bλ (D3 D4 + 1))
(2 − a )(9γ − 5) (2.12)
2a(γ + 1)
λ = mean-free-path between collisions of a molecule (cm)
a = accommodation coefficient
γ = ratio of specific heats for the annulus gas
T34 = average temperature (T3 + T4)/2 (oC)
Pa = annulus gas pressure (mmHg)
δ = molecular diameter of annulus gas (cm)
This correlation is valid for RaD4 < (D4 / (D4 –D3))4, but slightly overestimates the heat transfer for very
small pressures (~< 0.0001 torr). The molecular diameters of the gases, δ, were obtained from Marshal
[1976] and are shown in Table 2.3. The table also compares the convection heat transfer coefficients (h34)
and other parameters that are used in the calculation for each of the three gases included in the HCE
performance model.
Table 2.3 Heat Transfer Coefficients and Constants for Each Annulus Gas
Annulus kstd b λ γ δ h34
Gas [W/m-K] [cm] [cm] [W/m -K]
Air 0.02551 1.571 88.67 1.39 3.53E-8 0.0001115
Hydrogen 0.1769 1.581 191.8 1.398 2.4E-8 0.0003551
Argon 0.01777 1.886 76.51 1.677 3.8E-8 0.00007499
o 2
T1avg = 300 C, Insolation = 940 W/m
When the HCE annulus loses vacuum (pressure > ~1 torr), the convection heat transfer mechanism
between the absorber and glass envelope occurs by natural convection. Raithby and Holland’s correlation
for natural convection in an annular space between horizontal cylinders is used for this case [Bejan 1995].
gβ (T3 − T4 )D3
Ra D 3 = (2.15)
For an ideal gas
β= (2.16)
This correlation assumes long, horizontal, concentric cylinders at uniform temperatures, and is valid for
RaD4 > (D4 / (D4 –D3))4. All physical properties are evaluated at the average temperature (T3 + T4)/2.
′ rad
q& 34 =
σπD3 T3 4 − T4 4 ) (2.17)
(1 ε 3 + (1 − ε 4 )D3 (ε 4 D4 ))
Several assumptions were made in deriving this equation: nonparticipating gas in the annulus, gray
surfaces, diffuse reflections and irradiation, and long concentric isothermal cylinders. Also, the glass
envelope is assumed to be opaque to infrared radiation. Not all these assumptions are completely
accurate. For instance, neither the glass envelope nor the selective coatings are gray, and the glass
envelope is not completely opaque for the entire thermal radiation spectrum [Touloukian and DeWitt
1972]. However, any errors associated with the assumptions should be relatively small.
The conduction heat transfer through the glass envelope uses the same equation as the conduction through
the absorber wall described in Section 2.1.2. The anti-reflective treatment on the inside and outside
surfaces of the glass envelope is assumed to introduce no thermal resistance and to have no effect on the
glass emissivity. This should be fairly accurate since the treatment is a chemical etching and does not add
additional elements to the glass surface [Mahoney 2002]. As in the absorber case, the temperature
distribution is assumed to be linear. Furthermore, the thermal conductance is assumed constant – as
explained in Section 2.1 – with a value of 1.04 (Pyrex glass) [Touloukian and DeWitt 1972].
The heat will transfer from the glass envelope to the atmosphere by convection and radiation. The
convection will either be forced or natural, depending on whether there is wind. Radiation heat loss
occurs due to the temperature difference between the glass envelope and sky.
14 Convection Heat Transfer
The convection heat transfer from the glass envelope to the atmosphere ( q&′56 conv ) is the largest source of
heat loss, especially if there is a wind. From Newton’s law of cooling
The Nusselt number depends on whether the convection heat transfer is natural (no wind) or forced (with
If there is no wind, the convection heat transfer from the glass envelope to the environment will be by
natural convection. For this case, the correlation developed by Churchill and Chu will be used to estimate
the Nusselt number [Incropera and DeWitt 1990].
0.387 Ra D 5
Nu D5 = 0.60 + 8 27
1 + (0.559 Pr56 )
9 16
gβ (T5 − T6 )D5
Ra D 5 = (2.21)
(α 56ν 56 )
β= (2.22)
ν 56
Pr56 = (2.23)
α 56
RaD5 = Rayleigh number for air based on the glass envelope outer
diameter, D5
g = gravitational constant (9.81) (m/s2)
α56 = thermal diffusivity for air at T56 (m2/s)
β = volumetric thermal expansion coefficient (ideal gas) (1/K)
Pr56 = Prandtl number for air at T56
ν56 = kinematic viscosity for air at T56 (m2/s)
T56 = film temperature (T5 + T6)/2 (K)
This correlation is valid for 105 < RaDo < 1012, and assumes a long isothermal horizontal cylinder. Also,
all the fluid properties are determined at the film temperature, (T5 + T6)/2.
If there is wind, the convection heat transfer from the glass envelope to the environment will be forced
convection. The Nusselt number in this case is estimated with Zhukauskas’ correlation for external forced
convection flow normal to an isothermal cylinder [Incropera and DeWitt 1990].
Pr6 6
m n
N u D 5 = C Re D 5 (2.24)
ReD C m
1-40 0.75 0.4
40-1000 0.51 0.5
1000-200000 0.26 0.6
200000-1000000 0.076 0.7
n = 0.37, for Pr <=10
n = 0.36, for Pr >10
This correlation is valid for 0.7 < Pr6 < 500, and 1 < ReD5 < 106. All fluid properties are evaluated at the
atmospheric temperature, T6, except Pr5, which is evaluated at the glass envelope outer surface
As will be discussed in Section 2.1.6, the useful incoming solar irradiation is included in the solar
absorption terms. Therefore, the radiation transfer between the glass envelope and sky, discussed here, is
caused by the temperature difference between the glass envelope and sky. To approximate this, the
envelope is assumed to be a small convex gray object in a large blackbody cavity (sky). The net radiation
transfer between the glass envelope and sky becomes [Incropera and DeWitt 1990]
′ rad = σD5πε 5 T5 4 − T7 4
q& 57 ) (2.25)
2 4
σ = Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.670E-8) (W/m -K )
D5 = glass envelope outer diameter (m)
ε5 = emissivity of the glass envelope outer surface
T5 = glass envelope outer surface temperature (K)
T7 = effective sky temperature (K)
The sky, especially during less than clear conditions, does not act like a blackbody; however, it is
common practice to model it as such and to use an effective to compensate for the difference as stated by
Duffie and Beckman [1991]. As they stated, “the effective sky temperature accounts for the fact that the
atmosphere is not at a uniform temperature and that the atmosphere radiates only in certain wavelength
bands.” Furthermore, “the atmosphere is essentially transparent in the wavelength region from 8 to 14
µm, but outside of this ‘window’ the atmosphere has absorbing bands covering much of the infrared
spectrum.” Several relations have been proposed to relate the effective sky temperature for clear skies to
measured meteorological data; however, to simplify the model, the effective sky temperature is
approximated as being 8oC below the ambient temperature – as determined in the original HCE heat loss
model for an ambient temperature of 22oC [KJC Operating Company 1993].
The optical losses and solar absorption – given the direct normal solar irradiation, solar angle, and optical
properties of the trough mirrors and HCE components – is very difficult to model accurately with a set of
equations that can be solved with a software program like EES. Because of this, optical efficiency terms
are estimated and combined to form an effective optical efficiency, which in turn is used to determine the
optical loss and solar absorption terms.
The optical properties used in the HCE performance model were obtained from a combination of sources.
Some were determined by SEGS plant performance modeling completed by NREL. Some were
determined by tests conducted by SNL, and Solel Solar Systems Ltd. of Israel – the prime HCE
manufacturer. Some were evaluated and revised with ray tracing software developed by NREL.
Table 2.4 lists terms used to estimate the effective optical efficiencies. The table was generated from data
published in a report by NREL [Price et al. 2002], which in turn was based on field tests [Dudley et al.
1994], and software performance modeling . The first three terms, ε′1, ε′2, and ε′3, and the last term, ε′6,
are strictly estimates. The clean mirror reflectance ρcl is a known value, and the two dirt effect
approximations ε′4 and ε′5 are recommendations by Duffie and Beckman [1991]. The data in the table are
valid only for solar incidence irradiation normal to the collector aperture. An incident angle modifier term
is added to account for incident angle losses, which includes trough end shading, changes in reflection
and refraction, and selective coating incident angle effects.
In Table 2.4, there are terms for collector geometric effects (shadowing, tracking, alignment), mirror and
glass envelope transmittance effects (mirror reflectance, and dirt), and a term for unexplained differences
between field test data and modeled data. Testing continues to refine all these values and to better
understand the optics of the HCEs. In the EES codes for the HCE performance model, the optical
efficiency terms can also be manually entered (see Section 3).
Another term, incident angle modifier, is needed for cases when the solar irradiation is not normal to the
collector aperture. It is a function of the solar incidence angle to the normal of the collector aperture. The
equation was determined from HCE testing conducted at SNL [Dudley et al. 1994].
Other optical properties include the glass envelope absorptance, emittance, and transmittance; and the
selective coating absorptance and emittance. The glass envelope absorptance and emissivity are constants
(independent of temperature) and are constant for all selective coating types (α = 0.02, ε = 0.86). The
transmittance and the selective coating properties (see Table 2.5) coincide with the selective coating
types. Both the envelope transmittance and the coating absorptance are constants; the coating emittance is
a function of temperature. All the selective coating types listed are included in the EES codes. The “Solel
UVAC Cermet avg” selective coating is the reference value used in all the design study and comparison
charts shown in this report, unless stated otherwise.
The emittance equations used in the codes are shown in Table 2.6, and coincide with the emittance values
in Table 2.5. For all the coating types, the emittance values between the two reference points, 400oC and
100oC, are nearly linear. However, more test data were available for the UVAC (Universal Vacuum Air
Collector) Cermets, and thus this emittance is described with a second-order polynomial fit; the other
coating emittance values use linear fits. Also, the two proposed selective coatings (Solel UVAC Cermet
Proposed a and Solel UVAC Cermet Proposed b) were specified by the manufacturer for a single
temperature of 400oC; therefore, the temperature dependency had to be approximated. This was done with
a slope and intercept to resemble the trends of the results for the Cermet tested by SNL.
Table 2.6 Temperature-Dependent Emittance Equations
As stated in Section 2.1, the solar absorption into the glass envelope is treated as a heat flux to simplify
the model. Physically this is not true. The solar absorption in the glass envelope is a heat generation
phenomenon and is a function of the glass thickness. However, this assumption introduces minimal error
since the solar absorptance coefficient is small for glass, 0.02 [Touloukian and DeWitt 1972], and the
glass envelope is relatively thin, 6 mm. Also, an optical efficiency is estimated to calculate the solar
absorption. With this stated, the equation for the solar absorption in the glass envelope becomes
All terms in Equation 2.28, except for K, are from Table 2.4. The solar irradiation term ( q&′si ) in Equation
2.27 is determined by multiplying the direct normal solar irradiation by the projected normal reflective
surface area of the collector (aperture area) and dividing by the receiver length. All terms in both
equations are assumed to be independent of temperature.
The solar energy absorbed by the absorber occurs very close to the surface; therefore, it is treated as a
heat flux (see Section 2.1). The equation for the solar absorption in the absorber becomes
ηabs = effective optical efficiency at absorber
αabs = absorptance of absorber
τenv = transmittance of the glass envelope
In Equation 2.30, ηenv is the same value shown in Section Again, all terms are assumed to be
independent of temperature.
The HCEs are supported at the collector focal line by support brackets that run from the collector
structure to the absorber pipe (see Figures 2.3 and 2.4). There is a support bracket at each end of every
HCE (about every 4 m of receiver length). The bracket losses are approximated by treating the support
bracket as an infinite fin with base temperature 10 degrees less than the outer absorber surface
temperature T3 at the point where the bracket is attached. This estimated base temperature accounts for
heat losses along the short distance from the bracket attachment to the minimum cross-sectional area,
which is assumed to be the base of the fin (~ 5 cm with ~ 4 cm insulated).
The bracket heat loss is estimated with the following equation [Incropera and DeWitt 1990].
The perimeter of the bracket Pb in Equation 2.31 is the perimeter around the two 1-in.x 1-in. square tubes
(0.2032 m) that run from the absorber attachment bracket to the collector structure (see Figure 2.4). The
cross-sectional area Acs,b is the cross-sectional area of the two connection tabs, 1 in. x 1/8 in. (1.613E-4
m2), connecting the square tubes to the absorber attachment bracket. These dimensions were chosen
because the square tubes are the parts of the support brackets that are exposed to convection heat transfer
to the environment, and the two connection tabs form the smallest cross-section area near the base of the
support bracket (fin) where conduction heat transfer occurs from the absorber pipe. The conduction coef-
ficient (kb) for the HCE support bracket is a constant equal to 48.0 W/m-K (plain carbon steel at 600 K).
The film coefficient hb in Equation 2.31 depends on the wind speed. If there is no wind (<= 0.1 m/s), the
film coefficient is estimated with the same Churchill and Chu correlation described in Section
for natural convection from a long isothermal horizontal cylinder. If there is wind (> 0.1 m/s), the film
coefficient is estimated with Zhukauskas’ correlation described in Section For both cases,
“2 inches” is used as the effective diameter of the HCE support brackets and the average isothermal
bracket temperature is estimated as (Tbase + T6) / 3 – the bracket base temperature plus the ambient
temperature, divided by three. This estimate is based on intuition; however, the calculations gave
reasonable results (see Section 5.2). Also, during the comparison with experimental data, the film
coefficient was within expected values, 2-25 W/m2-K for free convection and 25–250 W/m2-K for forced
convection [Incropera and DeWitt 1990].
As mentioned in Section 2.1, the HCE is modeled with and without the glass envelope. Most of the
equations discussed so far are for the glass envelope intact case. When the glass envelope is missing, the
five energy balance equations, Equation 2.1, collapse down to three (as shown in Section 2.1). The
′ cond remain unchanged for the two cases. Without the glass envelope, the
equations for q&′12 conv and q& 23
convection and radiation heat transfer equations for the absorber are calculated with the same equations
given in Section 2.1.5. Also, the solar absorption term for the absorber is adjusted to account for the solar
flux that is no longer lost with the glass envelope. In this case ηabs equals ηenv as defined in Section, without the ε5 term, which accounted for particulate matter on the HCE.
Table 2.7 Assumptions and Simplifications Made in the HCE Performance Models
Table 2.7 (con’t)
Model Component Assumptions and Simplifications
• Estimated as an infinite fin.
• Wind is normal to the bracket axis.
• Convection and conduction coefficients are constant.
• Conduction cross-sectional area is at the two 1-in. x 1/8-in.
connection tabs from the square tubes to the absorber
′ ,bracket (Section 2.1.5)
q& cond connection bracket.
• Convection perimeter is the perimeter of the two 1-in. x 1=in.
square tubes.
• Convection coefficient is estimated by treating the bracket as
a long horizontal isothermal cylinder with a 2-in. diameter.
• Base temperature is estimated as (T3 - 10) and average
temperature is estimated as (Tbase + T6)/3.
• Minimal interpolation and extrapolation errors.
• HTF data are based on average test data at saturation
thermal-physical property data
• The HTF thermal-physical properties could change over time.
• Estimated as an infinite fin.
• Wind is normal to the bracket axis.
• Convection and conduction coefficients are constant.
• Conduction cross-sectional area is at the two 1-in. x 1/8-in.
connection tabs from the square tubes to the absorber
′ ,bracket (Section 2.1.5)
q& cond connection bracket.
• Convection perimeter is the perimeter of the two 1-in. x 1=in.
square tubes.
• Convection coefficient is estimated by treating the bracket as
a long horizontal isothermal cylinder with a 2-in. diameter.
• Base temperature is estimated as (T3 - 10) and average
temperature is estimated as (Tbase + T6)/3.
• Minimal interpolation and extrapolation errors.
• HTF data are based on average test data at saturation
thermal-physical property data
• The HTF thermal-physical properties could change over time.
• Temperature continuity between receiver segment lengths.
• Heat transfer analysis for each receiver segment assumes a
one-dimensional model evaluated at the average
temperatures along the length of the segment.
two-dimensional model (Section 2.2 and • HTF density is only a function of temperature.
Appendix) • Constant specific heat for each segment.
• Absorber pipe inner surface is smooth.
• Conduction in the longitudinal direction is negligible.
• All heat fluxes are normal to the surfaces.
• Constant mass flow.
• Heat losses through cross piping are not included.
• HCE end-losses from shielding and solar incident angle are
not included.
General • Shadowing from adjacent troughs is neglected.
• All heat fluxes, optical properties, thermodynamic properties,
and temperatures are uniform around circumference and
length of HCE segments.
The heat flux leaving the glass envelope can be determined by eliminating the summations in Equations
D.14 and D.15 and summing the heat fluxes from either side of the HCE.
q1′′ =
(σT14 − R1 ) (D.22)
q ′2′ =
(σT24 − R2 ) (D.23)
Assuming that the emissivity of the glass (pyrex) envelope and collector (low iron glass) is independent
of temperature
ε 1 = ε 2 = ε e = 0.86
ε 3 = 0 .9
All the required information for solving the four cases is now available. Table D.1 shows an Excel
spreadsheet used to solve the radiation heat transfer for each case. The results show that by assuming the
collector has no effect and that the glass envelope temperature is uniform around the circumference,
introduces an error in over predicting radiation heat transfer of 5%–10%. As shown in Figure D.3, this
error is consistent regardless of the temperature difference between the front and back of the HCE –
assuming the same average temperature around the circumference. Table D.1 also shows that neglecting
the collector and modeling the glass envelope temperature as nonuniform would increase the radiation
heat transfer by about 5%.
Table D.1 Radiation Heat Transfer Zonal Analysis Parameters and Results