Case Studies - ECO TOWN

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The document discusses learning from international experience in developing eco-towns and provides case studies on Adamstown in Ireland, developments in the Netherlands and Germany, as well as Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm.

The case studies discussed include Adamstown near Dublin, Ireland; developments in Amersfoort, the Netherlands; Freiburg, Germany; HafenCity in Hamburg, Germany; Kronsberg in Hanover, Germany; and Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm, Sweden.

Some characteristics of Hammarby Sjöstad include its mixed-use design, emphasis on water and ecology in its design, quality landscaping and materials used, and its popularity as a residential area.

Eco-towns: Learning from

International Experience
Appendix - Case Studies
PRP, URBED and Design for Homes

October 2008

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Contacts Sponsors

Andy von Bradsky

10 Lindsey Street

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7653 1200

Fax: +44 (0) 20 7653 1201

Dr Nicholas Falk
Founder Director
URBED (Urban and Economic
Development) Ltd
26 Gray’s Inn Road

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7831 9986

Fax: +44 (0) 20 7831 2466

David Birkbeck
Chief Executive
Design for Homes
The Building Centre
26 Store Street

Tel: +44 (0) 870 4163 378

Fax: +44 (0) 20 7436 0573

Adamstown, Dublin, Ireland 5

Vathorst, Nieuwland and Kattenbroek, Amersfoort, The Netherlands 14

Rieselfeld and Vauban, Freiburg, Germany 23

HafenCity, Hamburg, Germany 31

Kronsberg, Hanover, Germany 41

Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm, Sweden 52

3 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

We selected six places for our study that are widely considered as
Adamstown near Dublin, Ireland, a private initiative in a rural
area (and therefore the most similar to many of the proposed
Amersfoort, a small historic city in The Netherlands, with its
three new suburbs: Nieuwland, Vathorst and Kattenbroek;
Freiburg, Germany, with its two new urban extensions:
Vauban and Rieselfeld;
HafenCity in Hamburg, Germany, the redevelopment of a port
area close to the city centre;
Kronsberg in Hanover, Germany, designed as part of the
Expo 2000 international exhibition;
Hammarby Sjöstad, an urban extension of Stockholm,
Sweden, and once promoted as the site for an Olympics bid.

Each of these is large in scale, some city centre and more urban, others
peripheral and suburban, and innovative in environmental terms. Each
has reached a sufficient stage of completion to be able to assess
success in terms of being substantial new places, which are popular
with their residents, and where infrastructure is keeping pace with
development. They are not unique, and we could have included several
other examples members of our team have visited, such as Bo1 in the
former shipyards of Malmö in Sweden and Kirchsteigfeld, an extension
of Potsdam, Germany.

4 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

Case Study
Adamstown, Dublin, Ireland


CASE STUDY Adamstown, Dublin, Ireland

Adamstown, Dublin, Ireland

Introduction Assessment Adamstown is a new

town promoted by
Adamstown will be the first New Town created
private developers.
in Ireland since 1982. Located 16km from Look and feel A vibrant central area
Dublin city centre on a 214 hectare site, this Adamstown repeats the original Georgian is planned with a range
new settlement will provide much needed experience of expanding cites and towns onto of civic buildings and
housing for people working in and around ex-farmland maintaining the urban grammar of mixed use
Dublin. It is built on a Greenfield site on building heights roughly equal to the distance
agricultural land outside Lucan village and lies between them. A visit to Adamstown is still a
between the heavily used N4 east-west trunk visit to a large building site – with only about
road and the main Dublin to Kildare railway line. 6% of the 10,000 homes built and occupied
By 2016, it is anticipated that Adamstown will there are still more site hoardings than there
provide 10,000 homes for 30,000 people. are streets. However, the masterplan decisively
The land is held by three private developers slices the development into 11 self-contained
which pooled resource to set up a joint venture neighbourhood districts, each with a different
(JV) development company Chartridge. identity and the developers make sure
Initial community objections to development that each phase in each neighbourhood is
have been overcome through extensive completed including the public realm before
consultations. Although Adamstown’s residents move. This helps occupants in each
development is private sector led, the local phase to avoid the worst impressions of living
authority has played a significant role in in a building site.
nurturing its development, moulding and The first completed neighbourhood,
influencing its masterplan and detailed design. Adamstown Castle, is also the access from
Putting infrastructure in place early has been the R120 and the nearest to the rest of
a priority, with a new railway station opened Lucan village. It uses the formal concept of
in April 2007 – this has been seen as key principal boulevards of 4 storey buildings with
to raising values and densities. Three small continuous frontages, then with housing at 3
primary schools have been built in a new and 2 storeys in the secondary streets behind.
complex and a secondary school is also on This is simple to read, easy to navigate and
site, while less than 600 homes are occupied comfortingly familiar.
and less than 1,000 in development. Adamstown Castle’s architecture also blends
the best of Georgian with a contemporary twist,
using strong regular patterns of fenestration but

6 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Adamstown, Dublin, Ireland

updating external elements such as porticos to Leafy neighbourhoods

glass and steel. Key areas of public realm are with well defined street
finished and in the secondary streets there are frontage
new parks and local play areas already in use,
supported by the established landscaping in
rear parking courts.
Dublin had very little new flatted development
until the late 1990s and flats are still considered
to be unsuitable except in extremis for families.
The developer has balanced higher coverage
rates with this cultural antipathy to apartment
living with a series of maisonette arrangements.
These are most obvious on the boulevards
where the 2 storeys at ground floor level have South Dublin County Council, the development
private outdoor space to the rear and the agency, put four staff into a project delivery
2 storeys above have a terrace to the street. It team for Adamstown and this team met
helps give the scheme the necessary height with a committee of local elected members,
for the urban design of the masterplan without representatives from statutory undertakings
resorting to too many flats. and the developers to agree on a timeframe
for the delivery of infrastructure. This was a
Success factors collaborative process with the developers able
to negotiate when key non-residential elements
Many who know the history and individuals
should be delivered. In return the local authority
behind Adamstown privately credit the
was able to drive its own bargains, such as the
Chartridge (JV) directors for their vision and
demand that the fast railway link to Dublin’s
conviction that sales rates are a function of
Houston station be up and running at the
a wider environment. Chartridge has paid for
beginning of the development – and not when
nearly all the infrastructure, notably the €6.2m
half the new residents would have to unlearn
railway station, but there have been some
driving to work.
concessions too. For example, the Lucan
to Dublin railway line is being upgraded to
Located on the edge of
four tracks and all developers in the Lucan
Dublin, it boasts a new
corridor have to make contributions to this,
railway station delivered
but not Chartridge. Upfront investment in civil
early on
engineering must be a burden on balance
sheets, and there must be doubts as to
whether the same arrangements would be
so easy to emulate in the current climate of
reduced expectations.
Planning inducements to the developers must
have helped. Chief among these was the
creation of Ireland’s first Strategic Development
Zone (SDZ) which was drawn up to streamline
risk in the planning process. Elected members
have reduced rights compared with those There is a schedule showing the progress for
in the English planning system to influence the number of units, typically stepped in 500s
detailed permissions, which local authority or neighbourhoods, and the amenity that must
officers decide on. But under Irish planning be delivered alongside. The agreed plan of
law, an individual or company has the right development was published and is monitored
to appeal a detailed planning decision made by the four staff who visit typically three times a
on behalf of another applicant. This has led week to check.
to abuse by companies with rival interests to So a railway station, bus link, new roads,
slow the progress of a potential competitor, or crèche, primary and secondary schools, district
by individuals seeking to slow change to their centre, play areas and public parks are all
locality. So the key concession in the use of itemised within this schedule of development,
the SDZ was to immunise land held within the each element staged to coincide with the
lands designed as Adamstown from third-party number of homes released for occupation.
appeal. Once the masterplan was approved in This is a public document which is online and
September 2003, the developers have known available from Dublin County. Each year the
they were no longer vulnerable to objections. Adamtown’s team publish an annual report
Second, there is a binding legal agreement showing progress against this schedule and
drawn up for delivery of the infrastructure and a website shows live updates, such as new
the method of its design and implementation. planning applications, approvals, starts on site

7 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Adamstown, Dublin, Ireland

and completions and occupancies. A quarterly Purchasers are able to see that the amenity
newsletter informs residents and stakeholders they need such as schools are in place, while
of progress on applications and construction. other competing developments could shelve
such key features.
It is possible, for example, to look at this
schedule as a potential resident and This is also a sizeable programme of 10,000
understand that the new park will open units so to allow the development’s reputation
before unit 500 is built and occupied. The to be damaged in the early years would risk the
local authority, with its building control and 90% of the development to follow (where the
development control powers, has the threat of real money will be earned).
enforcement action to stop the homes being
There is an additional question unrelated to
occupied by withholding sign off. However,
the current market: handover of large areas of
this has so far proved only a threat as the
property for occupation all at the same time
developing company actually accelerated
in order to avoid people living in a building
delivery of some amenity from later phases
site. Most of these homes are houses, and
into the first. This has been put down to a mix
although linked in continuous frontages, it
of knowing that they would have to pay for it
appears counter-intuitive to cashflow models
later anyway – at possibly increased prices
to complete on so many all at one time. It
– balanced against the benefit of having the
means a lot of money is locked up in build. One
amenity in place early to support or raise the
surprise of a visit to Adamstown is to see runs
value of sales and the rate of sale.
of completed houses, maisonettes and flats
For example, schools have been brought unoccupied while the public realm is polished.
forward so the developer can sell homes
Questions aside, the scheme’s method of
on the basis new residents will get access
guaranteeing that amenity is delivered in
to these new schools. Access to primary
tandem with new homes remains a beacon of
and secondary schools in the Dublin area is
good practice in the Dublin area and one of the
increasingly fraught so this would have been a
least troubled by the market downturn. It is also
driver for some purchasers. Likewise the new
a significant enough lesson for the UK to have
railway station linking the scheme to Dublin was
attracted interest from the Royal Town Planning
opened by Ireland’s Taoiseach Bertie Ahern
Institute, English Partnerships and most
in April 2007 ahead of schedule and phase 1
recently the Homes and Communities Agency.
of the new district centre around the railway
station was given planning in July 2008, earlier
than anticipated.

This is a market-dependent structure. If the
sales rates are good, a development company
should be able to finance the infrastructure. If
sales rates are weak, reduced cashflow ought
to put pressure on the mechanism. The Irish
housing market had risen to some 90,000
starts a year in 2006 and then fell back sharply
in 2007. On paper, a collapse in sales rates
should impact on the cashflow at Adamstown, Community The first schools were
built with the first
but 2007 was marked by project milestones, housing. For every 500
including the opening of threr primary schools dwellings a schedule of
within the complex of new school buildings Social context amenities is due to be
ahead of delivery – less than 500 units had ‡,QSURMHFWLRQVIRUWKH'XEOLQ completed
been occupied on 31 December. 2008 is Metropolitan area indicated a need to rezone
potentially a worse year for sales but work has further land for housing. Housing demand
started on site on the delivery of the secondary was outstripping supply.
school and the application for the district
centre’s first phase has been brought forward.
settlement, equivalent in size to a small new
There is a feeling that in the short term the town. Over 10,000 homes have now been
developers are willing to suffer the cashflow proposed for the whole development.
pain in order to enhance the unique appeal
of Adamstown, with its guarantee of parks,
been that the land at Adamstown is lower
school and transport, in order to sustain sales
the further you go from the N4 main road,
rates and values. Adamstown is known to be
with the least attractive values close to the
taking sales from other outlets because of this
railway land. Until this time, all residential
mix. There is evidence that Adamstown sales
development had addressed the arterial
rates remain healthy while other sites struggle.
roads into the city and ignored the railway.

8 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Adamstown, Dublin, Ireland

Community engagement Masterplan with the

railway station and town
centre to the south
requirements of local people. The Council
distributed 11,000 pamphlets asking the
public views on a range of subjects.
roads layout and public transport received the
most attention. Quality supervised open space
was seen as important as well as playing
pitches, a leisure centre, health and childcare
facilities. Schools were at the top of the list.
High quality streets and housing were wanted.

Objectives Parks and play areas

supply available to residents of Dublin. neighbourhood

The non-residential uses included shopping,
employment, community and leisure facilities.

Housing mix
been envisaged.
‡VRFLDOKRXVLQJWKHPLQLPXPDOORZHG friends, good local shopping, something
under statute. for kids to do, to work and have recreation
facilities in their community.
‡7KUHHODUJHSXEOLFSDUNVKDYHEHHQ further development in the area. However
designated. the good relationship between the Local
‡7KHUHZLOOEHWKUHHSULPDU\VFKRROVDQGRQH Authority, the Developer Groups and Public
secondary school. Representations, and the huge demand for
housing and the promise of a new model
‡$PXOWLGHQRPLQDWLRQDOSODFHRIZRUVKLSZLOO for sustainable higher density housing,
be provided. convinced the council executive to support
provided throughout the development with a
civic building in the heart of the town centre.
Health clinics, police stations and fire stations Connectivity
will be provided.
Wider context
community infrastructure. The first houses
agricultural land at the edge of Dublin’s
were completed in Feb 2006 and the railway
western suburbs and is enclosed by the N4
station was opened in 2007. Two primary
Lucan bypass, the railway line from Dublin
schools are already open and construction
to Galway and agricultural land. In 1997,
of the town centre will commence in 2008,
when the scheme was mooted, the local
comprising over 40 shops, a multiplex
roads were stressed and there was no
cinema, crèche, health centre, offices,
railways station.
employment, bars, restaurants, library and
access could be provided.
services are kept in balance with the number
of competed dwellings through a sequential External connections
rather than time based approach. ‡3RRUFRQQHFWLYLW\LQGLFDWHVORZYDOXHV
particularly if the development is predicated
on repeating existing planning approaches,
comprising of densities of 6 /8 dwellings per
hectare and monotonous architecture.

9 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Adamstown, Dublin, Ireland

capacity. guidance to avoid congestion, rat running and
to ensure permeability and easy traffic flow.
Adamstown has been designed as a rail-
based community taking inspiration from
‘The Transit Metropolis, a Global Enquiry’ by Climate Change
Robert Cervero. The concept has completely
changed the focus of the development. Key targets
the Irish Government responded to the
located on the southern edge, double
climate change agenda through the building
tracking of the rail line to provide a dedicated
permit system. In general, Adamstown has
suburban service, a dedicated bus priority
been designed to the statutory and building
link between the station and the N4, with a
regulations that were operative at the time.
park and ride facility.
Internal connections area, has adopted a progressive approach to
energy conservation for their development.
permeable and accessible. There are three ‡,QWKHFHQWUHEXLOGLQJVZLOOEHGHVLJQHGWR
categories - Principle access through roads, make an energy saving of 40% over normal
Secondary access through roads and standards. Overall CO2 reduction is estimated
local roads. to be 1,750 tons per annum.
roads 9m wide, providing routes across Methods
the development. These roads differ from ‡$FRPPXQLW\KHDWLQJV\VWHPZLOOXVHRI
traditional distributor roads in that building its fuel from renewable sources.
frontages will be allowed and roundabouts
design and specification.
access roads and provide second level Construction
vehicular access.
‡$YDU\LQJKLHUDUFK\RIORFDOVWUHHWVGLIIHULQ Castlethorn Construction will save 7,300 tons
width between 4.5 and 7m, which form the of carbon. Generally the structure of homes
core plan area with frontage development, is concrete, sometimes prefabricated panels,
street parking and traffic calming. partly in response to the need to build long
runs of linked properties at speed.
provided throughout, which is safe,
permeable and supervised.
a bus or train. and Process
Vision and leadership
Dealing with the car own virtually all of the land. They collaborated
‡&DUVGRQRWGRPLQDWHWKHSXEOLFUHDOPDQG on a joint submission to the County Council.
underground parking is provided in the
and ability of the three parties to deal with
issues of equity, apportionment of cost, A variety of parking
phasing, delivery etc. solutions are employed

Special structures
designation was made in June 2001.
South Dublin County Council became the
Development Agency for Adamstown for the
SDZ. A steering group of South Dublin Senior
Directors, Developer representatives and
Design team representatives was set up to
augment the South Dublin County Council
Project Team and Developer Teams.

10 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Adamstown, Dublin, Ireland

The Steering Group ensured that government champion from the developers and a lead
departments, agencies and public transport architect from the developer’s side.
representatives were involved in the delivery
of the planning scheme.
examples of urban extensions and New
‡$-9LQIUDVWUXFWXUHFRPSDQ\KDVEHHQ Towns. The concept of a high density
created by the three major land owners. development based around a railway
The architects regard this as the single most connection was taken from the writings
important decision affecting the delivery of of Robert Cervero Professor of City and
the project. Regional Planning at the University of
California, Berkley, who was also asked to
Planning process advise on the project.
agriculture and in the intervening period up steering group monthly. Local councillors
till final adoption of the plans in September were updated regularly at local area meetings
2003, there were many changes in legislation and specialist groups met twice weekly.
and attitudes that had to be taken into An environmental impact study was also
account as the proposals evolved. undertaken.
process of approval taking 5 years. The land integrated transport and land use framework
was rezoned for housing in 1998, a Local plan, a services framework plan, an urban
Area Plan was approved in April 2001 and design public realm framework, an economic/
a draft planning scheme was approved in PPP framework plan, a landscape framework
December 2002. Final approval was given in plan, a retail /commercial framework plan and
September 2003. a community framework plan.
of a Local Plan by the South Dublin County the planning scheme proposed a phasing
Council. and implementation policy. The phasing
schedule is sequential rather than time
specific and is based on the premise that the
effort. OMP Architects coordinated the
number of dwellings permitted in each phase
developer’s urban design teams through an
is dependant on a predetermined amount of
ongoing series of design team workshops
works to provide infrastructure, amenities and
and working meetings with South Dublin
services having been completed in
County Council’s Project Team, a process
each phase.
that continues in variable formats today.
developers employed specialist consultants ‡7KHILUVWSKDVHVROGRXW
for landscape, civil engineering and
infrastructure planning who worked closely
with their counterparts in the Council. Character
Delivery and context
stakeholders have been at the root of the The development is set on largely flat farmland
long timetable. However, at each stage in containing few trees or landscape features. Aerial View
the process, there has been greater design
clarity, greater certainty for the public and the
developers and their design team.
Authorities, the Developers and the public.
has set up a dedicated team, with high
level leadership, to prepare an Area Action
Plan and to liaise with the developers. The
architects see this as another critical step in
realising a successful outcome.
included a senior project manager and senior
urban design architect from the council, a

11 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Adamstown, Dublin, Ireland

It is bounded on two sides by low density ‡7KHGHQVLW\RIHDFKQHLJKERXUKRRGDUHDLVVHW

housing estates and separated from both as low, medium or high. The low has a range
by the R120 and N4 main east west national of 35– 54 dwellings per hectare, the medium
route. As earlier schemes make no attempt 50– 78 and the high a range of 75– 90.
to address the R120 so the early phase of
Adamstown likewise ignores it. The access to
plan allows some flexibility in the relationship
the Adamstown Castle area suggests you are
between the floor space and number of
arriving at a discrete location.
dwellings, to allow variety of design.
The Kildare to Dublin railway line runs along
one side of the scheme and its presence Design coding
originally discouraged development but will
be the stating point for the scheme’s ability
and supervise the public realm.
to function as a satellite town of Dublin, but
with its own sub-regional district centre. The
Housing is generally
district centre (€1.2 billion) is planned as a
low rise but dense
major counterpoint to central Dublin and the
first phase received planning in July 2008. At
present little of this more intensive development
around the railway station can be seen, other
than the ground works in preparation for build.
The masterplan highlights how the development
plans to function as a self-contained town of
25,000 people in 10,000 homes divided among
11 neighbourhood areas The ambitious plan
for the €1.2 billion district centre proposes that
people use the bus, road and rail links to visit
Adamstown to shop, as an alternative to Dublin.
‡7KHUHDUHGHYHORSPHQWQHLJKERXUKRRGV transition zone to the urban zone.
‡$ODQGVFDSHVWUDWHJ\LVLQWHJUDOWRWKHSODQ for distinctive buildings to denote focal points,
and provides for open space and linear nodes and at the culmination of significant
parks. (See section on landscape.) vistas.

density and a significant amount of mixed discouraged.
125,500m2 is in this centre, the remaining is
distributed in the other 10 neighbourhoods. Landscape
village centres and smaller nodes. 4 hectare park in a mature valley in the north
east of the site, a 12 hectare central park and
‡$OWKRXJKPRVWRIWKHQRQKRXVLQJXVHVDUH a 4 hectare linear park which incorporates
located at these centres, pubs, corner shops, existing mature trees.
crèches and community centres are located
parks, canal ways and space for linear green
‡7KHVFKRROVDQGSDUNVDUHDGMDFHQWWRWKH boulevards has been allocated.
village centres.
Landscape is generous
respects existing
architectural firms have been employed to
features and provides
counteract the featureless and homogenous
some defensible space
quality of many of the surrounding suburbs.
to maximise density and encourage
sustainability. Maximum block sizes are 1
hectare and minimum 0.4 hectares.
public parks is traditional.

12 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Adamstown, Dublin, Ireland

No costs have been published for the entire
development. The district centre has been
priced at €1.2 billion.

Gunne New Homes
South Dublin County Council, Adams
Town web site
The Real Dirtbusters
Update report on feasibility study into
sustainable energy measures for Adamstown
by the Adamstown Steering Group 21 (June
Castlethorn Construction web site
Cervero, Robert “The Transit Metropolis a
Global Enquiry” (1998), Island Press

13 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

Case Study
Vathorst, Nieuwland and Kattenbroek,
Amersfoort, The Netherlands

CASE STUDY Vathorst, Nieuwland and Kattenbroek, Amersfoort, The Netherlands

Vathorst, Nieuwland and Kattenbroek,

Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Amersfoort is an historic town situated in the
‘green heart’ of The Netherlands, 15 miles
north of Utrecht. In 1981 it was designated
as a growth area by the national government.
The population was set to grow from
130,000 in 1981 to about 160,000 by 2016.
The government’s policy was to develop
new housing close to cities of over 100,000
population at densities of a minimum 30 to the
hectare and with good connections to shops
and jobs. The expansion of Amersfoort formed
part of the government’s VINEX (VINEX stands
for Fourth Planning Report Extra) ten year
housing programme designed to increase the
stock by over 7%.
The expansion comprises three new
settlements, Kattenbroek, Nieuwland and
Vathorst, each with a different character and all
well connected with the existing centre. They
make extensive use of combined heat and
power (CHP) and use water imaginatively and
Assessment Nieuwland waterside
carefully. Amersfoort is designated as one of Look and feel
the greenest cities in Europe.
The three urban extensions are to the north
Planning of Kattenbroek began in 1986 with of Amersfoort city centre. The A1 motorway
the first houses built in 1990. A total of 4,547 divides Vathorst from the rest of the Amersfoort
homes have been built at an average density of with Kattenbroek and Nieuwland to the south of
31 to the hectare in a variety of styles, offering the motorway.
much choice.
Three new settlements
Planning in Nieuwland, Amersfoort’s first VINEX
each well connected to
suburb, started in 1993 and building work in
the existing city centre
1995. 5,420 new homes have been built at an
average density of 31 to the hectare.
Vathorst, the largest of the new communities,
is still under construction and over 3,000 of a
planned total of 11,000 new homes have been
completed. The final homes should be built by
2014. The total estimated number of residents
will be over 30,000. Vathorst is being built at an
average density of 36 to the hectare (ranging
from 27 – 48 to the hectare).
Much of the new growth in employment in
Amersfoort has been in the hospitality and
trade sectors and tourism is an important
source of income. An industrial estate covering All three border the A1 motorway. Nieuwland
45 hectares and 100,000m2 is planned as part is protected by 56 sound barrier houses (with
of the Vathorst development and should led to solar panels) and Kattenbroek by a business
approximately 5,000 jobs. park. Vathorst will be shielded from the A1
and A28 motorways by the planned industrial
estate, business centre and a gabion wall made
from stone dug up during development and
sprinkled with seeds to create a green edge.
Businesses including a nursery school have
also been built into the wall.

15 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Vathorst, Nieuwland and Kattenbroek, Amersfoort, The Netherlands

All three developments are connected to the (it is connected to the A1 and the connection
city centre through a bicycle network, footpaths to the A28 is due to open in mid 2008) has led
and a regular bus service. Vathorst also has its to high car usage (in line with the rest of the
own railway station. Netherlands). The Vathorst railway station has
now been open for a year and it is hoped that
Vathorst when complete should have the
residents will start to use it to commute to work.
community and leisure facilities, the shops
and employment opportunities to create a self
sufficient and sustainable new district but one
with good links into the centre of the city. Community
Kattenbroek has its own busy shopping street, Social context
which means that everyday goods can be
bought locally.
the most equal countries in Europe and social
Kattenbroek and Nieuwland are essentially housing accounts for 30% of all stock.
residential but Vathorst’s business and
industrial area when completed could provide Objectives
jobs and facilities for the wider community.
Water features a great deal in all three new areas should be for everyone, with
developments adding to the attractiveness of no separation of the poorer and richer
the new housing. The Dutch are not afraid to households as had happened previously.
use water in their developments they believe in
‘making water your friend and not your enemy’.
mission (Municipality of Amersfoort and a
consortium of five private companies) is
Success factors to lay the foundations for a well-balanced
Satisfaction studies are carried out after an area society. Where 30,000 residents can live and
has been developed and research is carried out work (there will be job prospects for 5,000
by the University. employees) in a comfortable environment.
Property prices are higher in Vathorst then ‡7KHREMHFWLYHIRU1LHXZODQGZDVWR
many of the other parts of Amersfoort which is experiment with new environmental
evidence of strong demand. techniques
Residents are proud of their neighbourhoods
and this is evident in the care taken of the Housing mix
spaces outside their homes and the lack of ‡,Q.DWWHQEURHNRIKRPHVDUHIRU
litter, vandalism and graffiti. owner occupation and 30% for rent but
with designs that are indistinguishable from
The city of Amersfoort demonstrates the
each other from outside although it seems
benefits of a city council taking the lead and
common for blocks to cater for different types
adopting proactive approaches, rather then
of household.
just sitting back and waiting for developers to
move in and develop the land piecemeal. The
Members of the
results speak for themselves – three critically
study tour looking
acclaimed developments, providing over
on Kattenbroek -
20,000 new homes (once Vathorst has been
the model is now an
completed) which provide attractive places to
urban sculpture
live and work.

The local authority were originally very reluctant
to develop the land north of the A1 motorway
as they feared that any new settlement would
feel detached from the rest of the city. They
also had contaminated farm land to deal with.
To tackle this, high quality cycle and footpaths,
a regular bus and train line into the city centre ‡.DWWHQEURHNKDVWKHKLJKHVWSURSRUWLRQRI
have been put in place to connect Vathorst with affordable housing at 45%. Nieuwland has
the rest of the city. 32% and Vathorst has the lowest proportion
at 30%.
It was hoped that Vathorst’s great public
transport facilities would lead to reduced ‡RIKRXVLQJLQ.DWWHQEURHNLVUHQWHG
car usage. Unfortunately Vathorst’s great in Nieuwland and 20% in Vathorst.
connections to the motorway network

16 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Vathorst, Nieuwland and Kattenbroek, Amersfoort, The Netherlands

Kattenbroek is a large lake. The city insisted 100,000m² of office space in a campus
that this prime area was used for higher environment which will deliver an estimated
density social housing rather than premium 5,000 jobs.
value private housing.
Vathorst railway station.
shopping street with a variety of high street
ensure that infrastructure and community
names, a supermarket, a pub and cafés.
facilities were developed hand in hand with
Parking is provided just outside the shopping
the housing.
area in a multi-storey car park with a green
edge to help disguise it and create a more
attractive frontage.
Vathorst, Amersfoort
Community engagement
into consensus building, using skilled
intermediaries and local architecture centres.
which is a dedicated facility for visitors and
residents and includes a café, visitor centre
and scheme model.
has been funded to work with residents,
community groups and the local authority
to realise the vision to create a well
communities are available as soon as people
move in.
temporary buildings to house shops, schools, Wider context
crèches and healthcare facilities while the
permanent facilities were being built. ‡&RQQHFWLYLW\LVFHQWUDOWRWKH9,1(;
programme in that it focuses on mainly
‡:KHQFRPSOHWHWKHGHYHORSPHQWZLOOLQFOXGH suburban expansion of existing successful
5–6 primary schools, a secondary school towns and cities, of which Amersfoort is one.
and agricultural college, 10 football courts,
10 tennis courts, a skateboard park and ‡7KHDLPZDVWRGHYHORSLQDFRPSDFW EXWQRW
swimming pool. over dense) way a minimum of 30 density /
hectare close to existing cities so as to
‡7KHPDLQVKRSSLQJFHQWUHZLOOEHEHWZHHQ preserve the countryside and keep car travel
17,500 – 20,000m2 and there will be a smaller to a minimum.
local shopping centre (2,500m²).
‡7ZRKHDOWKFDUHFHQWUHVDOLEUDU\DWKHDWUH and set within a large conurbation which is
and five catering establishments are planned. well connected with the rest of the country
businesses such as osteopathy and dentistry. ‡7KHFLW\RI$PHUVIRRUWZDVWKHILUVWWRWUDQVIHU
‡/RWVRIVPDOORYHUORRNHGDQGRIWHQVLPSOH substantial transport planning powers to the
play areas are sprinkled throughout the operator in the hope of optimising services.
settlements providing safe spaces for
children to play unaccompanied by adults. External connections
elderly in Kattenbroek is clustered in the heart Amsterdam and Utrecht and many residents
of the development, not marginalised to the commute to these cities to work.
periphery as is so often the case. ‡*RRGSXEOLFWUDQVSRUWLVNH\&HQWUDO
‡9DWKRUVW·VQHZLQGXVWULDOHVWDWHZLOOOLQHWKH$ government provided financial assistance for
motorway and the planned Podium business transport and traffic measures.
centre will run alongside the A28 motorway.

17 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Vathorst, Nieuwland and Kattenbroek, Amersfoort, The Netherlands


skateboarding and rollerblading which are cyclists, pedestrians
signposted in a fun way. and traffic calming
for cars
facilities throughout the new settlements
particularly at schools.
in Vathorst along with over 4km of bus lanes
(the bicycle lanes link into a network which
includes the long-distance LF9 which runs
from the Belgium border to the German
Border via Amersfoort and Amsterdam).
Amersfoort by a motorway Vathorst has high
quality cycle routes and footpaths across the
motorway to the city centre. Climate Change
access to the centre of Amersfoort and
on the standards set by central government.
‡9DWKRUVWLVFRQQHFWHGWRWKH$PRWRUZD\ Nieuwland, the first VINEX suburb in the city
and the connection to the A28 motorway is is the most ambitious of the three new areas.
due to open mid 2008.
of 10% improvement on government targets
Internal connections for emissions and energy consumption. It
‡7KHQHZGHYHORSPHQWVDUHGHVLJQHGWR is attempting to do this through the use of
reduce car dependency and to encourage renewable sources of energy and
walking and cycling as well as the use of co-generation or the use of CHP.
public transport.
‡,Q9DWKRUVWPLQLPXPVWDQGDUGVKDYHEHHQ efficiency, known as Energy Performance
set, such as a maximum of 400m from every Norms (EPN), are monthly and yearly energy
home to a bus stop, connections to train consumption figures. These relate to different
stations and frequency of service. energy consuming activities, such as heating,
lighting, cooling, humidification, fan power
and others.
housing area as are most cars. There is no
car access to the centre.

Dealing with the car

in Vathorst are not able to drive through the
residential neighbourhoods although they
can drive in and out via the same route.

1 Terraced housing
with mixed parking
strategy helps reduce
impact of car on

2 Nieuwland solar

3 Nieuwland
open feeling the roads in the housing areas renewable energy
are narrow so as to discourage cars and - notice the
encourage cycling. photovoltaic facade

18 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Vathorst, Nieuwland and Kattenbroek, Amersfoort, The Netherlands

Methods Character
1.0. Through the use of solar energy, district Context
heating through waste incineration, the ‡$PHUVIRRUWKDGDYLVLRQWRVWD\¶VPDOO
use of sustainable materials, high quality beautiful and modest’ but if it was to grow it
construction, and insulation standards, a would do it in its own way.
figure of 0.7 has been achieved.
‡7KHVL]HRI1LHXZODQG DERXWKHFWDUHV  VINEX suburbs to stand out, and builders
gave the city of Amersfoort and Dutch and developers agreed that providing
energy company REMU the opportunity variety would help sales by offering buyers
to experiment with new environmental more choice.
techniques and ownership models. They
installed photovoltaic panels and initiated five ‡7KHWKUHHQHZQHLJKERXUKRRGVKDYH
projects with a variety of partners including: each been developed to have a distinctive
character or brand although each is well
‡ Three low energy primary schools with connected with the centre of Amersfoort.
displays which show the pupils how much
energy the solar panels are generating. ‡7KHGLIIHUHQWQHLJKERXUKRRGVXVHGWKHPHV
of woods, water and local history to develop
‡ Solar energy on 50 rented dwellings via
their brands.
solar collectors and solar gas combination
‡ 19 luxury owner occupied homes with farmstead ‘De Vathorst’.
‡ A 1MW photovoltaic project for 500 each new suburb its own unique character.
dwellings achieving an optimal installation
on as many houses as possible. Wide choice of homes
‡ Two zero energy houses. on offer from the
output at peak plus new learning about
photovoltaic technology.
and some 15% of development area is given
over to water.
encourage recycling and to keep streets free
of clutter. By placing these strategically, the
streets can be narrower as they do not have …to the traditional
to accommodate large refuse vehicles.
within easy walking distance to encourage
people to stop using their cars for short trips.

enable owners to add additional stories as
their families grow or they have to funds for
the work


academics and sustainability experts were ‡ De Velden (The Fields) ‘for leafy living’
bought in by the local authority to help plug is set in the original landscape, between
the skills gap. the existing wooded banks, ditches and
farmsteads, blending rural surroundings
with diverse architecture. 4,767 homes
are planned.
‡ De Bron (The Spring) is a large water
retention area, many ditches, long
wooded banks and a view of the Vathorst

19 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Vathorst, Nieuwland and Kattenbroek, Amersfoort, The Netherlands

farmstead (from which the area took its by internationally renowned urban planner
name). 1,600 homes are planned. Ashok Bhalotra (who also worked on the
‡ De Laak has the feel of a new canal Kattenbroek masterplan) and Adriaan Geuze
town. 65% of the dwellings are sited by into the masterplan.
the waterside or are looking out onto ‡7KH9DWKRUVWPDVWHUSODQQHUVVHWRXWWR
water. Individual canalside houses, prove that new housing estates need not
embankments and mooring posts are necessarily be uniform and dull. This has
characteristic features. The quarter been achieved through bold design and
features Amsterdam style housing where residential quarters that are completely
25% of the brickwork colour is picked up different from one another. To make this
in the next house creating individuality possible the individual development areas
and a sense of continuity. The landscape, are quite small with a maximum of 70 _ 80
which was former grassland, has been homes developed by one architect.
transformed and redesigned with many
canals. 4,300 homes are planned. ‡,QRUGHUIRU9DWKRUVWWRJHWLWVRZQUDLOZD\
station ProRail insisted that there be some
500 houses with a one mile radius of the Variety of homes on
station. A ratio of 25% apartments and 75% newly created canals
houses is being built. To the northern side of
the station 100 houses per hectare are being
built, in the shopping centre to the west there
are some 300 apartments, on the east there
is an existing village plus a new area of about
35 houses per hectare and to the north east
there is 100,000m² of office space.

Design coding
detailed design of Kattenbroek which has
‡7KH'H/DDNGHYHORSPHQWKDVSURYHG resulted in an enormous variety of colours,
particular popular with visitors from the UK textures and use of materials.
who are attracted by the variety of brick ‡,Q1LHXZODQGKRXVLQJGHVLJQKDVEHHQ
homes on newly created canals. more influenced by solar issues where the
‡$URDGWKDWFRQQHFWHGVHYHUDOIDUPVWHDGV alignment of houses and their roof angles
has been turned into one of the many bicycle have been optimised and this has in turn had
routes through Vathorst. Called Het Lint (The an effect on the look and feel of the layout.
Ribbon) it cuts right through De Velden with
spacious building parcels at low density at Landscape
‡+LJKHUGHQVLW\KRXVLQJDQGDSDUWPHQWV  much as possible of the original landscape,
houses per hectare) are being built near the structure and sense of security of the old
railway station and shopping centre. town centre of Amersfoort. The original farm
house owned by the farmer who sold his land
for the development of Kattenbroek has been
Masterplan kept with the new homes being built around it.
that the first scheme, Kattenbroek, should Indigenous planting and
be different and appointed an Indian born countryside character
architect, Ashok Bhalotra, for the masterplan. retained
The aim was to get a different perspective
from outside The Netherlands.
cheerful neighbourhood in which people felt
at home. His plan featured an inner circle
the precise size of Amersfoort old city to
represent the theme of ‘being at home’.
home’ and ‘the four seasons’ were used to
‡7KHYLVLRQIRU9DWKRUVWLV¶DZRUOGRI farm tracks, ditches and old lanes, are
difference’. This theme has been developed incorporated as cycle and footpaths.

20 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Vathorst, Nieuwland and Kattenbroek, Amersfoort, The Netherlands

‡,Q9DWKRUVWRIWKHKRPHVZLOOKDYHYLHZV government in the form of grants for

over water or be situated on a waterfront. This transport and traffic measures as well as
will give distinctiveness, a sense of place and site decontamination.
add value.
‡3XEOLFUHDOPGHVLJQLVVLPSOHEXWFDUHLV by the municipality and its appointed
taken to reduce clutter and signage and champions.
putting street signs on buildings rather than
posts, for example parking is identified by
to develop its own unique approach and
the use of a very discreet, small ‘P’ signs on
either buildings or the roads.
sustainability so it used academic help to
grow wild (in a controlled way) to encourage
bring all available information together;
and so together with the experts, the local
authority learned a lot very quickly.
Look and feel
open feel – these contrast with the narrower
roads of the housing areas which discourage
between the local authority and developers,
large vehicles and encourage cycling.
through public /private partnership.
in the Netherlands to use a public /private routes throughout help
partnership but it is usual for the public reduce car dependency
sector to take charge of pooling the land and
providing serviced sites. They then charge
an ‘equalisation fee’ to cover public facilities
such as roads, utilities, parks and open
spaces. The municipality charges developers
between 20% and 28% of the sales value for
this infrastructure.
into the next. A ‘quality panel’ has been
set up working for the municipality to set
‡7KHDLPLVWRDWWUDFWDZLGHUDQJHRIGLIIHUHQW environmental goals and monitor results.
demographic groups into Vathorst, so a wide
range of different homes are being provided.
Vathorst (OBV) a public-private corporation
Each section of the development has its own
between the municipality of Amersfoort and a
atmosphere reflected in architecture, density,
consortium of five companies are responsible
scenery and structure.
for land acquisition, planning, engineering,
‡,Q.DWWHQEURHNZLQWHUJDUGHQVSURYLGH preparing the site for building and granting
residents with enclosed glazed areas or allocating land. The public sector owns
between houses to be outside during 50% of the joint venture and the five private
inclement weather. companies own the rest.
outdoor space. property developers under the supervision of
the OBV. Houses are then sold or let by the
property developers. The subsidised rented
Many of the homes are quite wacky, bright,
and owner-occupied sector is managed by
colourful and unusual shapes and although
the Local Authority.
this may not be to everyone’s taste they are
popular with residents.
Planning process
Collaboration developing the brief and appointing
urban design criteria and installs the basic
Vision and leadership infrastructure of roads and utilities. It then
‡1LHXZODQGDQG9DWKRUVWIRUPSDUWRIWKH sells lots back to private developers and
central government’s VINEX programme, so housing associations.
encouragement and incentives were given by

21 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Vathorst, Nieuwland and Kattenbroek, Amersfoort, The Netherlands

consensus using skilled intermediaries and
by the use of architecture centres. Local
project offices convey information using large
models and displays as well as information
on the houses for sale or rent.
low rates of interest from a bank (BNG)
which has been set up to support public
sector investment.

multi-disciplinary teams of officers working
closely with private house builders.

1 Vathorst Masterplan
- achieved through
a public private
partnership company
benefitting from
both community
leadership and
experience as well as
business enterprise
and knowhow
2 Vathorst Waterside

‡7KHFLW\ZDVGHWHUPLQHGWRGHYHORSPL[HG Lörzing, Han, Klemm, Wiebke, van Leeuwen,

areas of social and private housing. Miranda, Soekimin, Suus “Vinex! Een
Developers feared this would harm sales morfologische verkenning” NAi Uitgevers,
but in reality there has been no problem. Ruimtelijk Planbureau, (2006).
Ontwikkelingsbedrijf Vathorst Beheer bv,
“Vathorst: a new district in Amersfoort, in the
Costs heart of the Netherlands” Amersfoort, 2004.
URBED, “University of Cambridge Study Tour of
This was investigated in a separate study tour
New Urban Extensions in Amersfoort” (October
please refer to the document
‘Making Eco-towns Work: Developing Vathorst’.
Lörzing, Han, Klemm, Wiebke, van Leeuwen,
Miranda, Soekimin, Suus “Vinex! Een
Bibliography morfologische verkenning” NAi Uitgevers,
Ruimtelijk Planbureau, (2006).
ERBEDU and URBED, “Eco-towns: Learning
from Best Practice” report for the Academy for
Sustainable Communities, (May 2008)
Lörzing, Han, “New Suburbs in the
Netherlands” PowerPoint presentation,
(October 2007)
Lörzing, Han “Reinventing Suburbia in the
Netherlands” article for Built Environment,
volume 32, number 3, 2006, Towards
Sustainable Suburbs, edited by Nicholas Falk

22 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

Case Study
Rieselfeld and Vauban,
Freiburg, Germany


CASE STUDY Rieselfeld and Vauban, Freiburg, Germany

Vauban and Rieselfeld,

Freiburg, Germany
Vauban. A former army
barracks, led the way in
promoting solar panels

Freiburg, in South-West Germany, has been
leading the way in environmental practice
and policy for over two decades. In particular, Look and feel
Freiburg is known as the solar capital These two urban extensions are situated a
of Europe. 15 minute tram ride away from the city centre.
There have been many studies and tours of Vauban, the earlier of the two schemes, was
Freiburg from the UK. The main focus has been formerly the site of a barracks for the French
on Vauban, which is an urban regeneration army and some of the original buildings have
project based on a former army barracks site. been retained. Rieselfeld was the site of a
A second scheme, Rieselfeld, on the site of a sewage works.
former sewage works. The City of Freiburg decided to use the land
Vauban has a population of 5,000 residents to develop housing based on sustainable
whilst Rieselfeld currently has 8,000, with principles. The process was open to public
a planned expansion of 10,000 – 12,000. debate and issues such as mobility, energy,
Planning of Vauban started officially in 1996 housing and social aspects were all considered
and was completed in 2006 and Rieselfeld is by working groups. The result is that both
due to be completed in 2010. schemes have distinctive characters which
reflect the aspirations of openness and
The political and environmental context is very communal activity combined with a great deal
different to the UK as there are Government of variety and individuality within the design.
and Regional policies in place which give
economic incentives to install solar panels and ‡,QERWKVFKHPHVWKHKRXVHVDUHVHWZLWKLQ
sell surplus electricity back to the grid. But there a green framework which gives a very
are wider lessons about transport, waste and pleasant feeling, with much interest and a
design which are applicable. variety of places for walking, playing and
general enjoyment.
Perhaps the biggest lesson is about public
engagement from the beginning of the process ‡7KHJHQHUDOVW\OHLVVLPSOHDQGUHOD[HG
and the way in which all aspects of the project, modernism with a preponderance of
social, economic and environmental have been rendered walls, with some timber and
considered and planned in a coherent and metalwork used to create balconies,
joined up way. enlivening the facades.

24 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Rieselfeld and Vauban, Freiburg, Germany

middle-classes and does not pay enough Vauban. Colour is

attention to mixed social communities. used extensively along
with planting to offset
There have also reportedly been some
otherwise simple
difficulties and disputes between those
building forms
residents who have chosen a ‘car free’ life
and those with a car.

Social Context
Wurtemburg) and is a long way from the
‡&RORXULVXVHGH[WHQVLYHO\WRFUHDWHKLJKOLJKWV capital, Stuttgart. There is no history of grant
and emphasis. dependency and Freiburg has a high degree
of independence.
panels, are evident but contribute to the ‡7KHWKUHDWRIDQXFOHDUSRZHUVWDWLRQDFWHG
character rather than detract from it. as a catalyst for community cohesion and
pedestrian friendly streets and only allowed ‡7KHFLW\KDVD\HDUROGXQLYHUVLW\DQG
in under sufferance. has long been regarded as an interesting
and enjoyable place in which to live. The
Success factors population is therefore generally affluent
without major problems of inequality. There
The Vauban development was concluded at the
has, however, been an influx of new people
end of 2006. The architecture is striking and self
in a short space of time, many of whom are
assured and the layout creates a child friendly
single parents or of limited means. The city
environment which is attractive for families. A
therefore has a growing housing demand.
great many ecological objectives have been
achieved with a major reduction in CO2 due
to technological innovation, particularly with Rieselfeld, Freiburg play
regard to the use of solar energy and locally areas overlooked by
produced combined heat and power. housing (Source Glen
Richardson, Cambridge
Major behavioural changes have been City Council)
achieved in regard to modes of transport.
About 50% of households have pledged to
be car free. This has been made possible
through a range of ‘stick and carrot’ measures
whereby households pay extra for having
parking spaces but they can choose to be car
free in return for which they receive annual car
sharing tickets and generous public transport
The design and the social infrastructure was the Objectives
result of widespread public consultation and ‡7KHREMHFWLYHKDVEHHQWRRIIHUKLJKTXDOLW\
participation at an early stage which created the buildings and spaces for families within
conditions for success. the city boundaries and to counteract
Some 25% of housing in Vauban/ Rieselfeld
is social but it is indistinguishable from the ‡%HFDXVHRILWVORQJWUDGLWLRQRIEHLQJDW
rest. The soft infrastructure of education the cutting edge of the environmental
and community facilities are seen as just as agenda, with an enlightened political and
important as the hard infrastructure. professional leadership, it was inevitable that
the new developments would have a strong
Both settlements are very popular and have
sustainability emphasis.
very low turnover (only 22 of the 2,000 homes in
meet the growing population of the city. They
Difficulties account for 5% of the total population but for
a higher proportion of the new housing.
There have been accusations from some
quarters that Vauban is too focused on ‡7KHUHZDVDFRPPLWPHQWWREXLOGRQO\ORZ
the environmentally aware, educated, energy buildings on municipal land.

25 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Rieselfeld and Vauban, Freiburg, Germany

their way of life and, in particular, to reduce terraces of houses provide for a wide range
car usage and shift to cycling, walking and of activities including adventure play for
public transport. children and barbequing and pizza baking for
families. The spaces were designed by and
Housing Mix for the people living around them.
housing but is indistinguishable from the rest. Community engagement
community with the design and planning
development by self-build or co-build groups.
process. Design competitions for Rieselfeld
were organised and the judges included
Facilities local groups. The process brought people
facilities were available from the start of
to attract people from a wider area and
increase numbers. The old site was Wider Context
redeveloped for extra housing. Thus the ‡,WLVLPSRVVLEOHWRFRQVLGHUWKHQHZH[WHQVLRQV
school was a generator or community hub to the city separately from the movement
rather than a later addition. This approach patterns and systems developed by the city
was used in other places such as a as a whole. The ideas are based on reducing
community centre, café and country park. congestion and time wastage, healthy activity,
clean air and a reduction of noise.
some used as craft workshops. A good ‡7KHFLW\KDVOHGWKHZD\LQUHGXFLQJFDU
restaurant and bar in a converted barracks dependency and promoting walking and
also serves as a community focus. cycling. It has done this by providing high
quality public transport and through making
cycling and walking easy and pleasurable. 1 Vauban,
‘SonnenSchiff’ a
mixed use building
with workspace over
three floors and
terraced housing on
the roof

2 A new school in
Rieselfeld built prior
to new housing
has become a
community hub
3 3 The tram way is a
‘green’ route into
External connections the town centre,
connected to the city centre via the tram swales and mature
system, which is reliable and user friendly. tree planting
streets are well designed for pedestrians
using high quality materials, with water as a
constant theme flowing through in open rills.
This approach has been extended to the new
extensions where pedestrians have clear
priority over cars.
hub which connects the international main
line with the City’s own tram and bus system
but it also makes significant provision for
cyclists in the form of a substantial cycle park
2 with a café and a cycle repair shop.

26 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Rieselfeld and Vauban, Freiburg, Germany

contribute substantially to reducing noise.

Internal connections
spine down which the trams travel. Access
into the housing areas by car is discouraged
and controlled. Consequently, the streets are
quiet and pedestrian friendly, encouraging
children to play.
shift from cars to cycling, walking and by
public transport. By 2010 it is anticipated that
only one third of trips will be by car.
all journeys in Vauban are by bike.

Dealing with the car Methods Vauban, orientation of

blocks for passive solar
design, roof mounted
a large multi-storey car park on the edge of using CHP and solar, which increases
PV and effective
the development. In Rieselfeld, there is some efficiency from 40% – 80%
shading all contribute to
on street parking and blocks have small ‡$FRJHQHUDWLRQSODQWXVHVZRRGFKLS   the solar strategy
underground car parks for 12 cars maximum. and natural gas (20%). CO2 savings are
Car sharing clubs are used. estimated at about 60%.
residents in Vauban). Parking is carefully first place; for instance, through returnable
controlled and the cost of a parking space packaging. Waste has to be sorted into
in a garage in Vauban is £10,000 – £14,000. four different containers. Residual waste is
‡$ERXWRIKRXVHKROGVKDYHDJUHHGWROLYH incinerated in a plant that serves seven city
without an owned car for which they receive and rural districts. As a result, waste has
financial benefits because they don’t have to been cut by a factor of six over 17 years and
contribute to the cost of the public car park. now amounts to 114kg per resident a year.
in houses. Hard surfaces are permeable
Climate Change and water is infiltrated into the ground.
In Vauban, the groundwater is treated to
Key targets remove contaminants before being released
‡7KHDLPKDVEHHQWRH[SORLWWKHSRWHQWLDORI back into a small river. In Rieselfeld, the
combined heat and power (CHP), which Sustainable Urban Drainage system supports
will contribute to the city’s energy balance streams and ponds that add to the attraction
with a reduction in CO2 emissions by of the area.
‡)UHLEXUJKDVDOVRGHYHORSHGDFOHDUEUDQG cooling in the summer and contribute to
as ‘The Solar Capital of Europe’ and the city biodiversity.
accounts for over half the solar installations ‡([WHQVLYHSODQWLQJLVXVHGWRFOLPEXSWKH
in Germany. In spite of this, renewables only balconies and provide natural shading.
account for only 10% of electricity consumed
in the city at present. The target is to increase ‡%XLOGLQJVDUHOLPLWHGWRPLQKHLJKWWR
this to 40%. enable cooling breezes from the mountains
to cool the city in summer.
encouraged by means of a feed-in tariff
which enables small producers to sell back
electricity to the grid at twice the standard ‡&RQVWUXFWLRQLVDVLPSRUWDQWDVWKHHQHUJ\
price. This means that the pay back period savings achieved through high levels of
for solar panels is less than 12 years. The insulation and careful siting of homes.
incentives are paid for through a tax on ‡$OOKRXVHVEXLOWPHHWDWOHDVWLPSURYHGORZ
energy producers. energy standards of 65 kWh/m2. About 150
units will meet passive-house standards
(15 kWh/m2) or even energy plus standards,

27 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Rieselfeld and Vauban, Freiburg, Germany

Special structures With well insulated,

airtight buildings, all
penetrations are a
as a non-governmental body but financially
potential risk - here
and administratively supported by the City
balconies are designed
of Freiburg.
to reduce cold bridging
working groups to deal with innovation and
resolving sometimes conflicting matters in all
the strands, including legal, financial, social,
transport and energy issues. These groups
were open to experts and all interested
dedicated to the Vauban project as
employed staff.
initiative started with a handful of volunteers
including students and people from the
environmental movement. When funding
which are houses which produce more became available, the NGO created a few
energy than they need. moderately paid jobs for young graduates.
toilets and a bio-gas plant. economical structures led to a breakthrough
in the Forum’s work.
‡$NH\WRWKHSURMHFW·VVXFFHVVKDVEHHQ and a publicity campaign mobilised the first
the establishment of forums and structures future inhabitants to meet, bring forward their
which allow citizens to become involved in ideas and form co-building groups.
the decision making process at the earliest ‡7KHSURMHFWKDVDVSHFLDOVWDWXV
stage. It has ensured that people understand ‘development site’ and its own budget (US
the implications and the benefits of $85 million) controlled by Project Group
environmental issues and can make informed Vauban.
choices, learn from mistakes and become
owners of the concept and the ongoing
management issues.

and process
Vision and leadership
powers are vested with the municipalities.
main sites for development or acquired them
from the Federal government.
of power in the city and the Lord Mayor is Planning process The neighbourhood
internationally renowned for his environmental resource centre
vision. expresses civic pride
infrastructure, including neighbourhood
through its double
‡,QLQ9DXEDQWKHSURFHVVZDVVWDUWHG centre kindergartens and primary schools,
height facade and
by the City Council with a clear set of came from the redevelopment fund of the
generous modern
objectives to achieve a sustainable piece Federal State of Baden Wurtemburg and
of city planning. It was agreed that to from credits raised by the city of Freiburg.
achieve this there was a need to engage All credits had to be repaid through the
with the public and to create awareness and selling of building plots. As a whole the
involvement with a wide range of people. project received no further subsidies.

28 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Rieselfeld and Vauban, Freiburg, Germany

Besides the many other participants, there people who were going to live within the
were three main parties to the process, communities in their design.
Project Group Vauban (Local Authority
administration), City Council Vauban Masterplan
Committee (political platform for information
exchange, discussion and decision making)
stages (the so called ‘adaptive planning’
and Forum Vauban (local citizens association
principles). Control is exercised through the
responsible for social work within the district).
Building Plan, which lays down the main
Regular meetings took place between the
principles on a single sheet and through
City Council and Forum Vauban. Further
development briefs for each block.
round tables and workshops were organised
for issues such as the design of the
green spaces.
modest regulations within the masterplan,
such as general layout, height of buildings,
low energy standards, the traffic concept,
rainwater filtration and the greening of
facades and roofs.

areas of the site.
a specific structure and identity within the
community and made it quite easy to keep in
touch with the future residents.
overseen by further special committees,
which collaborated with the cities welfare
institutions. Social work was targeted at
special groups, such as children, youth,
families and others.
developers, some of whom were quite small.
There are about 40 groups of building owners
(co-building and co-housing) as well as self
builders. The resulting architecture exhibits
greater variety than is common in the UK.
People have a greater sense of ownership ‡7KHVHWZRQHZVHWWOHPHQWVZHUHGHVLJQHGWR The Vauban
and individuality and it enables people to be usable without reliance on a car. Bebauungsplan
enter the market at an affordable level. summarises the design
code on one sheet
pay for high quality infrastructure (around 60

Character dwellings per hectare) but not so high that

they cannot accommodate family housing.
‡)UHLEXUJGHFLGHGWKDWLWZDQWHGWRH[SDQG four stages, each of which has taken between
within its boundaries, close to the city. It 7 and 14 years.
believed that the first step must be to decide ‡7KHOD\RXWLVWKDWRIORRSURDGVOHDGLQJRIID
what kind of city it wanted. It had learned central spine, which is the tram route.
from the mistakes of high rise flats and
wanted a built form where families could ‡,Q5LHVHOIHOGWKHUHLVDORFDOFHQWUHZKLFK
call their children from their own flat on includes a cultural centre and a church next
whichever floor. They wanted variety, limited to a sports hall and schools. These form part
areas given over to parking, a denser form of a green arch which connects the centre
of development with green wedges to bring with the surrounding country park.
of 320 hectares is given over to housing.

29 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Rieselfeld and Vauban, Freiburg, Germany

There is a loose grid layout with higher

density next to the tram route and with shops
and restaurants at ground level.
distributed around the development. Other
services are located along the main the main
spine. In Vauban, the large communal areas
run North South and separate the shops
from each other. In Vauban, the layout is less
formal. Whilst there are some doctors and
health facilities on site, the excellent tram
service connects the developments to the city
centre for more extensive services.

Design coding
procurement method there is considerable
variety in architectural typology and style.
duplexes but in Vauban, there are also a large
number of three storey terraced houses.
micro climatic reasons but this also promotes
sociability and enables mothers to monitor
children playing outside.

imaginatively landscaped and used for a
variety of play and social uses.
and creepers, which aids shading in summer.
the countryside and in Vauban, there is a kind
of community farm which provides a contrast
to the houses.

The process of urban development in
Vauban was supported by the Forum Vauban
association which was approved by the City
of Freiburg as the coordinator of citizens’
participation in 1995. Since 1996 the Federal
Environmental Foundation supported the
association with a grant for research into
the impact of citizens’ participation in urban
The total investment in Rieselfeld is in the order
of €500 million for a total of 4,200 dwellings.
Land value works out at €430/m2. Building
costs are €3,300/m2 on average but only
€2– 2,400 for cooperatives.
Car usage is kept down by having to pay
£10-14,000 for a car space.

30 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

Case Study
HafenCity, Hamburg, Germany


CASE STUDY HafenCity, Hamburg, Germany

HafenCity Hamburg, Germany

The HafenCity development in Hamburg is
a project extending over 25 years, for the
construction of a new city quarter of circa
5,500 dwellings, for 12,000 residents. It will
also have an extensive mixed use element,
comprising 55,000m² of retail, several major
cultural facilities and commercial office space,
which is anticipated to generate employment
for 40,000 people. Construction started in 2002,
and by the end of 2007, 800 people were living
in HafenCity and 1,500 jobs had been created.
Much of the open space has been completed
and works have started on a children’s day
care facility and elementary school
Of all the case studies, this is the most urban
in character as it is on the old docklands area
immediately adjacent to Hamburg’s city centre.
It has thus been conceived as an expansion of
the central district. The site covers 155 hectares
of brownfield area – much of this is water,
providing unique waterfront opportunities, but
leaving about 100 hectares of land.
Hamburg is Germany’s second largest city with
about 1.7 million inhabitants, though as the
centre for Northern Germany, it has a greater
catchment area of 3.5 million people for whom
it provides a cultural and shopping metropolis.
The city lies on the River Elbe, one of Europe’s
major rivers, and in 1888, they designated the
port as a tax free zone, helping Hamburg to
develop one the world’s biggest warehouse
locations for coffee, cocoa, spices and
carpets. These older docks have now closed There was a demand for high value dwellings
with the advent of container shipping, and the within the city, and a vision to provide a mix of
construction of new docks south of the river has subsidised housing. Both rented and
replaced the original docks. Many of the old cooperative models of development have been
warehouses, in all their fine brickwork, are listed encouraged, as well as those for private sale.
and will form the backdrop to the new HafenCity. In Germany, there is a wider band of affordable
housing, making it accessible to many more
Hamburg is still a prosperous city, with an
income bands; there has been a policy of not
average of 30m² living space per person, and
providing for the lowest bands of affordable
14% green open space, offering a high quality
housing, with a view that this sector already has
of life for its people. The HafenCity extends this
sufficient provision in the town centre, and that
quality, with great emphasis on good materials
the success of the district relies on achieving
and attention to detail, as well as investment in
higher values all round.
public open spaces.
There are sustainability targets, but these are on
In 1989, a ‘Bauforum’ (or a public planning
a voluntary basis, and developers can apply for
workshop) organised by the city, identified
a certificate of compliance, upon which they can
the dockland area as a vast potential for
display and market their ‘gold’ or ‘silver’ award.
brownfield development. In the early 1990s,
a few parcels of land were released for high The energy supply for the area is currently a
profile buildings but it was professor Volkwin gas fired district heating system (achieving
Marg, an internationally renowned architect 28% CO2 savings), with each residential block
based in Hamburg, who in 1996 first devised a obliged to provide on site generated hot water.
strategic plan which presented a realistic vision, A small hydrogen fuel cell plant is in operation
and which the city parliament approved the as a prototype. The costs for the installation
following year. of the district ring main, boiler plant and the
running of the energy supply was put out to

32 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY HafenCity, Hamburg, Germany

European tender with a fixed tariff and a fixed Am Sandtorkai, the

CO2 emission rate per kWh. Further, an annual first phase. Alternating
CO2 reduction programme was also part of residential blocks with
the contract. In response to the OJEU, the commercial buildings
Hamburg energy company partnered with will help create the
Vtenfall and secured the contract. environment of
mixed use
The masterplan exploits, to a certain extent,
south facing frontages – these luckily also
coincide with river views but some apartments
have winter gardens and effective passive solar
measures in place.
Once the vision had been set and the City
had sanctioned it, a Local Authority special
committee was set up in 1998, comprising of vehicles and pedestrian routes, squares and
members of the urban design, economic, public spaces, should encourage walking and
environment and transport ministries. Between cycling, as well as to allow social interaction.
them, a masterplan was drawn up for the area,
This, along with the excellent new tube
which highlighted primary goals, statements
connections, should ensure that the 40,000
on density, land use, issues of flood defence,
people travelling in and out of the HafenCity do
public transport and traffic, as well as decisions
so without their cars.
on industry to be retained or introduced to the
development zone.
Success factors
Social and design objectives also underpinned
the thinking. The new quarter was to provide a
helped generate enormous design richness
range of mixed uses, commercial, shopping,
and quality whilst delivering a uniform and
leisure, the arts and housing for a range of
coherent cityscape.
income groups. Though low carbon economy
was less of a driver back in the early 1990s, ‡7KHTXDOLW\RIPDWHULDOVGHWDLOLQJDQGGHVLJQ
social sustainability is at the core of the suggest that the delivery agency and the
thinking. More recently, higher performances in developers have worked closely together to
carbon reduction have been introduced. deliver good buildings to a fair price.
A special development agency, HafenCity
GmbH (to whom the land has been transferred),
a dedicated Local Authority planning team and
a bespoke delivery mechanism were set up to
work together in releasing building plots and
achieving on each a consistent excellence in
architectural quality.
Implementation is geared towards diversity by
engaging with a multitude of small, medium
and large enterprises covering many uses and
sectors. This diversity reduces the vulnerability
of the new quarter to economic and social
changes in future years.

Look and feel
The district, as it is emerging out of the ground
(only two phases of 18 have been completed to
date), gives a very convincing feel in terms of
the speed at which it has moved forward buildings are under
scale; the quality of design and robustness of
through a period of relative decline in the rest construction and
materials have created a rich and long lasting
of Germany, demonstrates the strength of infrastucture for the
piece of urbanism, with the promise of flexibility,
marketing, vision and location, as well as the later phases for a
diversity and civic activity that all characterise
clarity of purpose in the local authority team. commercial and retail
some of our favourite, and hence successful,
quarter are complete
historic centres. ‡7KHGHOLYHUDJHQF\+DIHQ&LW\*PE+
(a local authority controlled body) tasked
The setting on the river lends it a natural unique
with disposal of land, can either nominate
identity of waterfront living, and the separation
a business or a developer which it feels is

33 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY HafenCity, Hamburg, Germany

beneficial to the overall concept, to take

on a parcel of land at a pre-agreed price.
Alternatively, it can offer the land to a range
of developers, and select one on the basis
of their proposals, not on land value. All
developers then need to procure the design
through a competition process.
throughout detail design, and thus can
control quality of design and adherence
to concept.
infrastructure and supply has proved an
economically viable model for the European
energy market. Heavy traffic to serve
each of the 13 neighbourhoods having their city extension is taken
Difficulties own distinct mix of uses, character and blend along a perimeter
‡7KHGHFLVLRQWRUDLVHWKHKDELWDEOH of buildings, parks and open spaces. Each highway - No street
accommodation level to 7.5m above will be self standing in economic terms and frontage, only access
the normal river level as a flood defence have the necessary social infrastructure to to undercroft parking
measure, has created a huge plinth of support its residents. zones - pedestrians at
underground parking, leaving little street podium level
frontage on the one side, nor indeed much
engaging with a multitude of small, medium
‘interest’ at eye level on the footpath side.
and large enterprises covering many uses
Access to this parking from the perimeter
and sectors. This reduces the vulnerability
road, or main street leading into HafenCity,
of the new quarter to economic and social
has created a very car orientated streetscape,
changes in future years.
yet it has also allowed widespread car free
areas and routes through the site.
Housing mix
political parties in Hamburg, both of which
be provided because of the lack of space
have been in power during the last 10 years,
elsewhere in the city to provide it. However,
a policy against providing for the poorest
there is still a large amount of low cost
social housing group at all in the HafenCity
housing provided through cooperatives.
area would be seen unfavourably in the UK.
social mix within housing.
Subsidised housing in
Social context the form of
river frontage available for development, with high quality apartment
still some war damaged sites remaining. The living with sunspaces
city wishes to expand and position itself for and water views
the future.

centre by 40% and in doing so, reposition
Smaller building plots
Hamburg as a focal point of economic activity.
allowed a rich variety of
strengthen residential accommodation in the masterplan. Historically,
city centre. smaller floor plates have
proven to be inherently
flexible in use over time
and digital economy, and provide a new city
centre that will support retail, entertainment,
culture and tourism. It will have the social
infrastructure of schools, health, open space
etc to support the residential element.

34 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY HafenCity, Hamburg, Germany

Facilities Connectivity
cultural themes but cultural provision is Wider context
planned and much is under construction or ‡*RRGSXEOLFWUDQVSRUWLVVHHQDVLPSRUWDQWLI
complete. An international Maritime Museum the area is to be attractive and good values
is virtually complete, a science centre and are to be achieved.
aquarium is planned (designed by Rem
Koolhaas) as well as the Elbphilomoniie ‡(DV\DFFHVVE\FRPPXWHUVWRMREV
concert hall for 2,200 people (designed by generated in the area is important.
Herzog & De Meuron). A 5-star hotel will
adjoin the concert hall.
scale cultural events are being organised
by various cultural foundations. There are
performances, competitions and exhibitions,
often using public spaces as venues.
care of children. Some will be located
outside the area, in new elementary schools,
and some will be provided in dedicated
to provide whole day care, which encourages
community use and provides an educational
establishment close to the parents’ place
of work.
schools, which will be built as demand
increases. The new secondary school will not External connections Canals and listed
warehouses separate
be able to cater for all pupils at peak demand ‡7KHSXEOLFWUDQVSRUWEHHQLQWHJUDWHGLQWRWKH
HafenCity physically
and some pupils will have to attend schools existing systems of the adjoining areas.
from the city centre,
outside the area. The new schools will have
their own outdoor space a few minutes away.
have or will be constructed. Otherwise connecting the two
‡%\SODFLQJVFKRROVFORVHWRHPSOR\PHQWLWLV buses will serve the area. Its capacity will mean it is just 5 – 10
intended to support family oriented living and have to be large enough to serve both minutes walk
promote women’s employment. residents and those visiting for employment
or other purposes. Trams have been
discounted for the moment but will be
the built environment, and based on existing
reconsidered within the context of Hamburg’s
Hamburg educational establishments.
overall transport needs.
hectares will be provided, integrated into one
of the parks.
capacity to serve the volume of traffic when
consideration will be given to representations
the whole development is complete and they
for such provision.
will be improved. Because circumstances
‡7KHUHZLOOEHPDQ\VKRSVUHVWDXUDQWVDQG change, the detailed decisions on the scope
leisure facilities. of work at each existing bridge will be left until
action is required.
Community engagement
contribution from public planning debate, ‡7KHUHLVYHKLFXODUDFFHVVWRDOOEXLOGLQJV7KH
the ideas from an international design road layout is conditioned by the layout of the
competition and political decision making. existing quays.
part of the open space and will provide links
between different neighbourhoods and bring
riverside walking close to the city centre.

35 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY HafenCity, Hamburg, Germany

reserved for cyclists and pedestrians. 70% of the quaysides provide opportunities for
the footpaths are not adjacent roads but run solar energy.
along promenades and squares, while 30%
lie alongside the water.
Residential locations and design take
account of industrial noise from the harbour
Dealing with the car opposite the site, controlled through public
‡+DPEXUJ·VQRUPDOSDUNLQJDQGF\FOHSROLFLHV regulation. Sales contracts on land define
will be applied. It is estimated that 20,000 noise generation for commercial uses.
parking spaces will be required on private
property. Much will be in underground parks,
species will be protected.
but some will be in the streets.

friendly construction, in the design, methods
Key targets of construction and materials used.
of 7.5m above mean sea level to provide
flood protection and be connected by flood
protected roadways. Building ground floors to
Methods provide parking space.
heating and decentralised heat generation
or are, being undertaken covering soil
plants and solar thermal installations. Also
contamination, noise and odour pollution.
and solar energy.
A detailed ecological study was also included
district heating.
‡&RPELQHGKHDWDQGSRZHU &+3 LVEHLQJ studies will be undertaken to access the
considered, a prototype CHP using Hydrogen potential of a basin and ditch system for
fuel cell technology is in operation. retention and pre-treatment.
HafenCity, a CO2 limit has been placed on the Information and support
heat supply system with a cap of ‡7KHFRPSHWLWLYHSURFHVVIRUVHOHFWLQJ
200kg/MWh. It is intended to reduce this developers placed a premium on climate
to 175kg in the future. This represents a change issues (see section on Delivery).
27% reduction in comparison with modern
individual heating systems.
achievement, a Silver and Gold standard.
are set at 60kWh/m² or 40kWh/m². For
energy consumption within buildings,
commercial buildings, they are set at
providing sustainable public facilities,
between 100kWh/m² and 190kWh/m².
incorporation of ground floor open plan
‡,WLVDQWLFLSDWHGWKDWVXEVHTXHQWKHDWLQJ public spaces such as cafés, restaurants
tenders will specify lower limits. or shops, use of environmentally friendly
building materials, high internal environmental

High quality public realm expressed in street By retaining a high level of control through the design period the Delivery
furniture, lighting and details Agency has ensured highest quality in design, use of materials and detailing

36 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY HafenCity, Hamburg, Germany

standards (air quality, light, heating level etc) effecting quality, the estimated area is now
and use of low maintenance materials. 1.8 million m². With additional sites, it is
conceivable that this will rise to 3 million m².
selected on the basis of the quality of the
proposals they are prepared to build. This Delivery
may involve a sale by the City of land at less ‡'HVLJQFRPSHWLWLRQVKDYHSOD\HGDPDMRU
than highest value. part in developing the masterplan.
planning authority and has a high technical
Collaboration capability, it is able to control the nature of the
Vision and leadership is owned by the City of Hamburg. By act
‡7KHGHYHORSPHQWKDVEHHQOHGE\WKH&LW\ of parliament it was transferred to a body,
who has been able to maintain its vision and ‘Special assets - City and Port’. Deutsche
momentum because it effectively owns all the Bahn AG, (German Railways) owned a piece
land and has the technical ability to analyse of land approximately 30 hectares in size plus
and understand the issues and the finance to other land. Further parcels of land were, and
accept less than best value for land so that still are, privately owned.
railways and from some of the private
Special structures owners.
responsible for the development of HafenCity. hectares, of which 55 hectares is water. The
It is fully owned by the city of Hamburg. The net building land is 60 hectares in area.
City Development and Environment Agency
has assigned building permit procedures to
a separate task group and, as of 1 October There are hidden
2006, HafenCity has been given the status of open areas within
'priority area'. building plots

in the development plans through a
development committee especially created
for this purpose. The intention is to achieve
fast decision making but not at the expense
of quality.

Planning process
encompassed the City’s objectives. It
is flexible and allows for change without
threatening these objectives. The City’s
control of land, through ownership, is crucial
to the maintenance of the vision.
the City State Parliament for approval.
Some plots have large
each of the neighbourhoods, although those
to be developed later in the development are
open to change. This character is generated
by predominate use and the appropriate
sizes of plots, and sizes of enterprises invited
to develop to support these uses.
original masterplan allowed for
1.5 million m² of gross floor space, but
because it has been proven possible to
increase this by placing buildings closer
together, without increasing heights or

37 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY HafenCity, Hamburg, Germany

step basis, within the neighbourhood based to avoid construction sites across the whole
framework of the masterplan, through a area at any one time.
programme that will spread over 25 years.
‡3ODQQLQJZLOOUHPDLQIOH[LEOHEXWDGKHUHWRWKH in deciding the amount of space and rate
concept of each neighbourhood having its of allocation to different uses, to ensure a
own identity and character and that they will balanced built environment at all stages.
be able to function independently of what is
undertaken in later stages.
on financial capacity but also on commitment
to quality and innovation.
through a competitive process.
not based on their financial offer. The sites
are advertised with a fixed bid price and
candidates are selected on the quality of their
offer. Importance is placed on providing a
range of housing tenures.
invitation to tender. Instead, companies
wishing to occupy a minimum of 50% of the
lot / building for themselves must submit an Character Second phase of the
13 phased project,
application to the City. Following a review by
Hamburg’s business development agency,
Context Dalmannkai. Land value
fixed and developers
they will then be treated as ‘business ‡$VDFLW\FHQWUHH[WHQVLRQ+DIHQ&LW\KDVD
are chosen on quality
development cases’. The following process very strong urban grain with a mix of uses,
of design, development
ensues: emphasising a number of themes which
concept or usage
include employment activities, residential
‡ land division committee approval
accommodation, the arts and leisure.
‡ companies enter a competition
‡ detailed costed proposals are prepared,
join to the existing city centre and connectivity
sufficient to receive building consent
is emphasised.
‡ a contract is entered into which
encompasses the design and intended ‡,WLVORFDWHGRQWKHVLWHRIWKHWKFHQWXU\
uses of the development dockyard. The basic quay structure has been
retained and the warehouses adjoining the
‡ building permits are frequently issued
site have been, or will be, refurbished and
at the point of sale and developers are
brought back into use.
obliged to commence construction
is an overriding theme - the existing quays
The process typically takes up to 18 months define the layout; they provide vistas and
and ensures detailed quality control by opportunities for leisure, landscaping and
the City. open space.
‡ ensures quality developments; proposed cruise ship terminal at Strandkai
‡ strong coordination of programmes; quay, the revival of the historic port in
Sandtorhafen and new marinas in Grasbrook
‡ avoids speculation;
and Baakenhafen harbours (each of
‡ increases certainty and reduces risk these are neighbourhoods within the total
‡ enhances value. development).

not seriously pursue their projects.
‡'HYHORSHUVFRPSULVHRIFRRSHUDWLYH neighbourhoods), some of which have
building societies, joint building ventures, subdivisions of different characters, mixes
multi-proprietor developments, and housing of uses and which will be built out in a
schemes for the elderly and developers / logical construction sequence. The planning

38 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY HafenCity, Hamburg, Germany

guidelines for each area will take account of

these differences.
others operate at a large scale which can
create conflict. The town planning has
accommodated both by modulating their
location in buildings, both horizontally
and vertically, and in different quarters or
mix of floor plate sizes was a big advantage.
The smaller ones offered models for London
waterside development.
destinations and focal points, which includes
a new opera house and a maritime museum.
for private cars.

Design coding
The quays are well
parameters, which relate to plot sizes, heights
landscaped to
and uses.
encourage interaction
‡,QQRYDWLRQLVHQFRXUDJHG and recreation but also
to ease pedestrian
Landscape movement across
the site
connections to the green spaces in the
region. The landscape at HafenCity will
be directly connected to the Wallanlagen
parks (former city fortification) and on to the
network of waterside footpaths along the
River Elbe.
transformed into wide promenades open to
the public. They form part of the open space
strategy with large highly detailed landscape
areas at the dock ends, providing vistas over
the water. The larger public squares will be Scale of streets and
supported by a number of smaller squares, variety of buildings with
whose designs take account of the uses in integrated mixed use all
the adjoining buildings. help create a pleasing
urban character
diverse vegetation which compliment the
individual identity of each quarter. There will ‡)ORRUSODWHLQGH[DYHUDJHVULVLQJWRLQ
be easy access to the waters edge. some places (excluding water areas).

has been designated for parks. In addition single use buildings.
there is 3 hectares of private green space. ‡7KHDUFKLWHFWXUHLVPRGHUQWKHQHZEOHQGLQJ
Promenades and squares will cover an area with the adjoining old warehouses.
of 11 hectares.
have worked on the site, many of international
Look and feel standing and often selected by competition.
neighbourhood will have its own identity
but all are overtly city centre environments.
Densities are high.

39 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY HafenCity, Hamburg, Germany

approx. €5.0 billion – €5.5 billion

Price structure of
residential property
For example Dalmannkai, with approximately
45% rental apartments:
and €17/m²
€9/m² and €13.5/m²
Owner-occupied apartments:
‡)URPDSSUR[€2,900/m² (joint building
‡$ERYH€3,500/m² – €4,500/m² (developer
managed projects)
‡8SWR€6,000/m² – 8,000/m² (luxury market

(Brooktor 11), D-20457 Hamburg, Germany,
E-mail:, www.HafenCity.
info, “HafenCity Masterplan” (2006 edition).
as above “HafenCity Hamburg. Projects” (9th
edition March 2008).
Facts and Figures”.
Interview Bianca Penzlien, Assistant to the Chief
Executive of HafenCity GmbH
Visit by Study Group

40 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

Case Study
Kronsberg, Hanover, Germany

Kronsberg BERLIN
CASE STUDY Kronsberg, Hanover, Germany

Kronsberg, Hanover, Germany

Introduction water run off. Other features, such as soil Kronsberg aerial view.
conservation and ambitious social goals, have Access to well designed
Kronsberg was built to meet severe housing also been achieved. open space was
need in Hanover and in particular that arising fundamental to the
from the world trade fair EXPO 2000. Work Kronsberg is a convincing demonstration of
strategy of minimising
started on site in 1995 and by 2000, nearly the feasibility of sustainable development in
building footprints,
3,000 units were completed, covering 100 a post-industrial society. Independent studies
optimising land use
hectares. The planned size is for 6,000 homes confirm the environmental achievements and
providing accommodation for 15,000 people. the popularity of the housing.
The legacy of the EXPO continues to provide The City attributes its success to the integrated
local employment opportunities, which now planning process. By UK standards, the local
number 3,000 jobs. authority played a massive role, providing
Kronsberg is an urban extension on the edge leadership, setting high environmental
of Hanover, built on farm land which had standards, establishing and funding policy and
been designated for housing for many years, implementation bodies, as well as by providing
although no masterplan had been prepared. subsidies.
The City masterminded the housing and has In discussing transferability to other projects
provided visionary leadership, for which a that have high environmental, urban design and
commitment to the United Nations’ Agenda social objectives, the City authorities emphasise
21 played a dominant role. Both social and the need for integrated development planning
green sustainability have driven the design and that involves all specialist directorates of the
implementation. local authority, at an early stage. They suggest
At commencement, an Environmental Impact that extended public participation should be a
Assessment was undertaken, which has been route to quality conflict-free dialogue between
updated regularly. This has driven a strategy local people and the city authorities.
that has achieved big savings in energy
consumption, construction waste and rain

42 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Kronsberg, Hanover, Germany

Look and feel
The new district runs roughly north-south
along the western slope of Kronsberg Hill
beside the new tramline. It is laid out across
the contours in neighbourhoods with their own
distinct identity, each of them grouped around
a neighbourhood park, and bordered by park
corridors or green zones along the streets.
The appearance of the district is shaped by its
wide-meshed rectangular grid layout, which
creates frames for very varied block structures.
Buildings are restricted to 4 storeys, although
some are as low as two storeys.
High-density reduces the land take. A design
code controlled storey heights and other key
design parameters.
The main connections with the rest of the city lie
along one perimeter of the development, and
while this ensures that noise and disturbance is
minimised, it has meant that shopping is limited
to this perimeter.
This development is essentially residential, with
shopping and social facilities only sufficient
to meet the needs of the residents, and not
a wider community. The adjacent EXPO
development has meant that employment
uses are effectively off-site, even though
very local. Kronsberg feels like a residential
neighbourhood, with plenty of open space and,
in addition, close proximity to the countryside.
It has a relaxed suburban and open feeling, The City had the necessary extensive powers, Kronsberg siteplan
even though in places the housing density is through land use contracts and bye-laws, 3,000 new homes within
relatively high. to provide a coherent framework for the a comprehensive plan
whole development, and to ensure planning for landscape design,
objectives were not diluted as construction social amenity access
Success factors proceeded. and low energy
An emphasis on the objective of Agenda 21,
and a delivery mechanism that ensured that Energy saving targets of 60% improvement over
standards were not diluted as the development 1995 levels were met.
was implemented. Comprehensive social objectives, such as
An environmental agency, KUKA (Kronsberg targeting low income households, provision of
Environmental Liaison Agency), was set community infrastructure, were met.
up, which spearheaded and managed the
successful environmental achievements. Difficulties
A system of ongoing environmental audits The central area seemed a little unused,
which was used to steer the evolution of the windblown and uninviting, possibly because
masterplan and subsequent site plans. there were insufficient uses to attract more than
very light continuous pedestrian traffic.
The four private land owners agreed to meet
the City’s design guidelines and forego large Some accommodation for older people was
profits on their land. This cooperative attitude to be provided near to the central area by a
avoided the need to use compulsory purchase private company, but had to be cancelled
powers available to the City. because of lack of interest.

Extensive public consultation and participation

led to a conflict free dialogue between the City
and local people.

43 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Kronsberg, Hanover, Germany

Social context
Hanover in the 1990s. EXPO 2000 which was
to be held in the city offered an opportunity
to develop and showcase a new eco-friendly
housing development under the motto
‘technology, nature, humanity’.
allocated as temporary housing for EXPO
and therefore had to be completed to a
strict timetable.
as attractive. The EXPO site offered
employment opportunities.
accommodation to people born outside

comprehensive vision of urban planning and
Of the 3,000 homes, around 300 are owner The neighbourhood
construction, optimising eco-principles using
occupied, the rest being publicly subsidised – resource centre
all available knowledge.
almost a third of which are taken by residents expresses the civic
‡7KHREMHFWLYHVRI$JHQGDZHUHSULRULWLVHG nominated by the City from its social pride through its
and from the start, sustainability was a key housing list. double height facade
element that guided design, procurement and generous modern
and allocation of the housing. design
those dating from the 1970s, there are no
‡7KHDLPZDVWRSURYLGHIRUDEURDGVRFLDO voids and a strong demand for apartments.
mix, and complex measures were taken to We were told that the varied dwelling sizes
achieve this (see Collaboration and Process). and types were liked by young couples.
They were able to move to larger family
accommodation as their needs grew, without
seen as important to allow for change. The
having to leave the area.
objective was to avoid social segregation
by mixing various forms of housing finance ‡7KHKRXVLQJPL[SURYLGHVIRUIDPLOLHV
and ownership, and limiting the number studios, 35% 1 bed, 40% 2 bed, 14% 3 bed
of units to which the municipality could and 1% 4 bed. Space standards are higher
nominate low income residents. Provision of than the UK.
social infrastructure, such as schools, was
specified, as well as layouts that encouraged
kept low, mix and tenure was designed to
a sense of neighbourhoods. Social facilities,
be attractive.
such as meeting places and open spaces,
were specified. It was seen as crucially ‡,WLVQRWDKLJKYDOXHDUHD+RZHYHUWKHUH
important to develop the social and has been no problem in the take up of
cultural infrastructure in parallel with accommodation and the area is popular with
housing construction. specific groups of people.
Housing mix let by large property companies as well as by
and as such, specified the tenure and mix
of units; made pepperpotting requirements Facilities
and in the early stages, limited the number
of units to which they would allocate people
to achieve a social objective. The Focus
from the social housing waiting list, and
housing project’s decentralised care system
specified the community infrastructure in
makes it possible for elderly and disabled
great detail.
people to live independently. The Habitat
project brings together German and foreign

44 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Kronsberg, Hanover, Germany

External connections Community rooms

spread across
development. This one
the transport infrastructure improvements.
is in centre of local
The city is only 17 minutes away.
open space
as well as by a tram line. Distance between
stops is 550m. A bus route provides other
the edge of the development alongside
the tramline.
Although a suburban
extension, the new
residents, providing housing that reflects tramline provides quick
their own cultural traditions, in the same access to the City
development block. Eighteen different
nationalities live across the development.
facilities, many located at the centre of the
development but at the edge close to the
adjoining tram line. These facilities include a
shopping centre, church centre, community
centre (including a library), business
accommodation in mixed use blocks and a
health centre.
Internal connections
across the site and play activities and schools
so most facilities are within easy walking
are located along the perimeter.
distance; however the shopping is all located
at one place at the centre edge of the site.
Community engagement
whole site.
complexity of addressing their concerns, was
recognised early on and taken into account ‡7KHJULGSDWWHUQRIWKHURDGVWKH
as the concept was developed. development sites and location of the local
open space provided within the development
sites present easily understandable routes for
to manage the project. It included investors,
pedestrians and cyclists.
property developers, architects, civil
engineers and construction companies as
well as the local authority. A policy of safe and
pleasant walking routes
through the site ensure

Connectivity good non-vehicle


Wider context
accordance with the ‘Regional City’ model
formulated in the 1960s, which foresaw
development wedges of high density
expansion along the city’s tram and local
rail network.
linking the area with the rest of the city. Dealing with the car
This is designed to serve the residential
development as well as the EXPO site.
controlled. There are no through routes,
narrow sections on the road and 25kph
zones. There are also traffic calming

45 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Kronsberg, Hanover, Germany

‡7KHSDUNLQJUDWLRLVZLWKLQEXLOGLQJ Cumulative reduction of CO2 emissions
curtilages, compensated for by a 0.2 increase at Kronsberg
in parking ratios on the public roads. (i.e. 80%
This shows a 60% carbon reduction was achieved prior to
of the parking is on private land.)
consideration of renewable energy generation
set into the hillside or at ground level. A third
100% = 23,800t CO2 p.a.
of the spaces are below ground. 100 0

+ quality assurance (-7%)

Climate Change
Key targets
addressing climate change. + LEH standard (-17%)

emissions by 60% based on national
construction standards, 1995 insulation
regulations and gas fired decentralised
60 40
energy provision. The 60% was made up by
7% on quality assurance (i.e. airtightness), + CHP & district heating (-23%)
17% building fabric, 23% through combined
heat and power (CHP) and district heating
and 13% on low energy lighting. This was to
be achieved at no extra cost. + electricity saving (-13%)
40 60
‡$IXUWKHUUHGXFWLRQLQ&22 was achieved
through specific grant funded initiatives.

heating energy for housing was + wind energy (-20%)
55KWh/m2/yr and all non-housing buildings
20 80
had to achieve insulation values of -30% on
+ microclimate zone,
the 1995 standard.
photovoltaic, solar
different apartment types occurred, which passive houses
were attributed to drying out time required for (- 5-15%)
buildings, and a learning period necessary for 0 100
residents. By the third heating period (2000-
2001), a consumption of 55KWh/m2/yr
was achieved.
and hectare was set for the release of water established.
into the drainage system. ‡$SHQDOW\SD\PHQWRI€5/m2 for
non-compliance to the LEH standard.
‡$FRPSOH[(QYLURQPHQWDO,PSDFW6WXG\ZDV by employees of the city’s energy utility,
undertaken, made more important because Planning and Environment directorates. It
of EXPO 2000. It commenced in 1994 and employed a local consultancy to devise
was undertaken in 5 stages, each going into an aims-oriented system and to evaluate
more detail than the one before. It was seen options. It also looked at possible demand
as an ongoing process, through the post- side reductions in energy consumption.
utilisation phase, extending over at least 10
years. The primary aim was to go beyond ‡(FRORJLFDORSWLPLVDWLRQZDVVXEGLYLGHGLQWR
issuing warnings about ecological risks, but 5 themes:
also to guide the process. ‡ Energy efficiency optimisation
standards was devised and made legally ‡ Waste concept
binding through land sale conditions and ‡ Soil management
other relevant regulations and bye-laws.
‡ Environmental communications

46 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Kronsberg, Hanover, Germany

‡(QHUJ\REMHFWLYHVZHUH (e.g. toilets) was likely to be expensive and

‡ In all areas, priority was given to energy could cause serious hygiene problems.
‡ Use of Combined Heat and Power process as well as the needs of residents.
‡ Housing to achieve maximum heating for waste sorting in dwellings, areas for
energy usage of 55KWh/m2/yr2 composting and local facilities for low
‡ District or waste heating to have priority waste shopping.
‡ Heating should be centrally provided
Solar collectors feeding
‡ Washing machines and dishwashers an interseasonal
should be connected to heating by short heatstore are being
pipe runs trialled on one block
‡ No electrical heating

gas powered CHP stations. It is a legal
requirement for all buildings to connect to a
district heating system.
identify further ecological and energy saving
measures. Nine submissions were provided
with funding. These include Lummerland
Passive Housing Development, which
comprises 32 terraced family houses which
utilise high levels of insulation and heat
recovery systems. In 2000, consumption
figures were close to the target of
15KWh/m2/yr and in some cases lower.
Another initiative is Solarcity. It is a social
housing complex of 104 dwellings, heated by
solar power. In the summer, surplus
solar energy is piped to a well insulated ‡&RQVWUXFWLRQPDWHULDOVZHUHFKRVHQWRDYRLG
cistern which returns the heat to the use of waste that would be expensive or
dwellings during cold periods. It provides for difficult to recycle.
40% of the heating needs of the dwellings. ‡([FDYDWHGVRLOZDVXVHGORFDOO\IRU
Limited use is made of photovoltaics for landscaping to avoid truck journeys and
electricity generation. the mixing of local soil types in other areas,
‡:LQGHQHUJ\LVWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWXVHRI which could upset the biological balance
renewable energy. Two turbines were in in the area.
operation by 2000, one a 1.8MW converter
and the other rated at 1.5MW. Information and support
drinking water requirements, avoiding Agency was set up to support the process.
overloading drainage systems and not ‡6XEVLGLHVWRGHYHORSHUVZHUHSURYLGHGWR
starving the water table of run off. improve energy performance. This was up
‡3RRUVRLOSHUPHDELOLW\UHTXLUHGD to 50% of the expense with an upper limit of
sophisticated system of local and semi-local €5/m2 of living and useable space. There
retention and controlled release into streams. was a further subsidy of €25 per hot water
Therefore, rainwater retention is provided by connection to washing machines and dish
both public and private open spaces. washers. Free low energy light bulbs were
distributed to residents. Grants of €50 were
‡$IWHUFRPSOHWLRQDILQDQFLDODVVHVVPHQW offered for electricity saving appliances such
showed that the drainage system was as washing machines, fridges etc.
cheaper than the conventional approach.
‡'ULQNLQJZDWHUUHGXFWLRQZDVDFKLHYHG publications and help lines available to assist
through fitting water saving devices and people to respond to the energy initiative.
environmental education measures.
Experience at the EXPO site showed that ‡ Land sale contracts specified minimum
piping ‘grey’ water for non-drinking uses standards.

47 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Kronsberg, Hanover, Germany

Collaboration Of the 3,000 dwellings,

400 were built as

and Process family houses for

private tenure. This
helped create a stable,
Vision and leadership
attractive community at
the new standards aspired to would require
carefully guidance during the whole period of
planning and construction, and new legal and
organisational instruments were put in place
1. An assessment of the impact of EXPO
to manage this.
2000 on the whole region
2. Preliminary investigations to clarify basic
the radical concept, an initial priority would
design guidelines and location of key
be to convey the vision, new standards and
activities (the EXPO Centre, roads etc)
quality benchmarks to all stakeholders.
3. More detailed studies to compare different
design strategies
Special structures
‡7KHHQWLUHDUHDZDVWUDQVIHUUHGLQWRWKH 4. Studies relating to specific planning
planning jurisdiction of the City of Hanover to proposals (potential applications)
allow them to oversee the adjoining 5. Establishment of environmental
EXPO site, surrounding countryside and accounting methods, which would
transport policy. be used throughout the life of the
process as it had to meet the timetable ‡7KHIHHGEDFNIURPWUDFNLQJWKHRQJRLQJ
requirements of EXPO 2000. The Kronsberg environmental impact was taken into account
Advisory Council was set up to expedite the in planning decisions.
process and included the local authorities,
investors, property developers, architects, ‡7KHVHFRQGVWDJHFRPSULVHG
civil engineers and construction companies. implementation, often based on individual
The City used this forum to introduce its aims construction projects, each of which might
and objectives to the other stakeholders. require its own series of planning and
other permissions.
‡7KHUHZDVDKLVWRU\RISURSRVDOVIRUWKHDUHD the principle that residential development
going back as far as the 1950s. should, in the main, expand along local
rail and public transport routes. Planning
‡7KHUHZHUHHVVHQWLDOO\WZRVWDJHVWKHILUVW competitions covered the entire area,
covered all the preparatory work prior to including the EXPO grounds, the countryside
construction. The second phase covered as well as the new settlement.
implementation of the overall concept with
all its many components. Passivhaus design.
making, studies into the environmental house standard was
impact, transport and shopping, services mandatory to all,
concept etc. Before statutory planning some developers went
procedures began, the City staged a series further and achieved
of competitions to test approaches to the ‘Passivhaus’ standards
overall concept and objectives, and to
examine ways to address a multitude of
issues, including; landscape, town planning,
house construction, traffic, green space,
social and cultural infrastructure, energy,
water and waste.
evolving the plan. It had 5 phases, each ‡'HVLJQFRPSHWLWLRQVSOD\HGDPDMRUSDUW
building on the results of the previous stage: in creating the masterplan and its
subsequent evolution.

48 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Kronsberg, Hanover, Germany

the site, bringing variation and interest to the
architecture. The styles are welded together
through the grid layout of the streets and
the landscape.
and Social Services Directorates where held
to identify social objectives. As a result,
provision was made for a broad range
of social classes and types of people,
integrating ethnic minorities and specialist
facilities for older and disabled people into
the overall development.
to achieve the social objectives:
‡ Incentives were provided to ensure
pepperpotting of different social groups
on each development site. This had an
impact on the mix of dwelling sizes and
types as well on the values and tenure.
‡ Subsidies were provided to developers
through grants and incentives because
of the poor state of the housing market
in the 1990s. They were allowed to of nature conservation requirements Mixed use blocks.
provide 500 units of the social housing (tenure and mix was controlled through Here an under 5s
off site in order not to have too many at the use of subsidy). nursery integrated into
Kronsberg. 2,700 of the homes received ‡ The planned rate of build could not be a terrace of houses
public subsidy. 1,050 were used as maintained because of a slow down and flats
accommodation for EXPO personel. in demand. As there is no scarcity of
‡ Energy objectives were achieved housing in Germany, the market regulates
through placing conditions on land sale output. (By contrast in the UK, where
contracts, use of bye-laws and subsidy although there is scarcity, output can be
for the social housing. The City produced constrained by lack of grant, cheap loans,
guidelines and held seminars for the planning process and developers
designers and developers. need to maintain some scarcity to
keep values up.) 70% of new family
‡ The municipality renounced its right to
houses were purchased by previous
allot units to people on their housing list
Kronsberg residents.
for the first tenancies.
‡ 200 terraced houses were built (about
10% of the total in the phase). They
were erected early to create a positive Character
image and to provide stability for the new Masterplan
development. Values were kept low to
grid, with the main public transport artery
‡ Specific development blocks were running along one edge of the development,
designed to achieve social objectives, and the commercial / office zone beyond
such as the Focus and Habitat that to the west. Along the other edge is the
developments (see section on green belt, with both productive farmland and
Communities). recreational open countryside and woodland.
‡ Public authorities owned 60% of the
land and most of the remainder was ‡7KHQHZGHYHORSPHQWLVODLGRXWDFURVVWKH
owned by two construction firms and contours in neighbourhoods or development
two farmers. They all cooperated and blocks, with their own distinct identity, each
therefore no compulsory purchase grouped around a neighbourhood park and
was required. Land sale contracts had boarded by park corridors or green zones
conditions attached regarding; specified along the streets. Buildings are restricted
low energy standards, use of the rainwater to 4 or 5 storeys, although some are as low
management system, commitment to the as 2 storeys.
City’s construction waste management ‡7KHGHYHORSPHQWEORFNVKDYHEHHQDUUDQJHG
scheme, participation in the soil in grids of nine square plots, allowing eight
management scheme, and acceptance building blocks around a central open green

49 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Kronsberg, Hanover, Germany

square. The grid layout and open space Exemplary approach

planning is designed to help unify many to surface water and
different approaches to construction landscape features -
and style. zero increase in run off
from the site achieved
the countryside. The highest densities, with a
floor space index of 1.2 were achieved in
4 and 5 storey blocks along the main access
road at the bottom of the Hill.
becomes looser, with 3 storey blocks
and pavilion structures giving way to a
terraced house development beside the
border avenue.
plots (1.2 hectares and 1.8 hectares on character. Soakaway hollows and gravel
the uphill side) are relatively large, and the filled trenches to take rainwater run-off are
proportion of public access space is thus integrated into grass verges.
comparatively low.
‡0RVWRIWKHEXLOGLQJVDUHDOLJQHGWRWKH open space plan, for which the municipality
contours of Kronsberg Hill, which makes set ecological standards.
the best use of natural light from the
east and west.
whether garden, balconies, loggias or
rooftop terraces.
Design coding
European countries, but unlike the UK, some
of the housing. The wide-meshed rectilinear
grid provides a framework for the varied
block structures.
land take.
building heights and building lines along the
street, to provide an urban quality.

the layout.
hilltop woodland parallel to the development,
create the primary link to the adjoining of the provision for very young children is Simple building forms
countryside. A differentiated system of closely integrated into the housing, in the set in well designed,
interconnecting public, semi-public and form of accommodation on the ground floor, free flowing garden
private areas offers green space throughout. with fencing and security provision that is little providing play areas,
different from the adjoining housing. safe pedestrian routes
juncture of the development with the Look and feel climate change
countryside. There is also play provision
within each of the development blocks. ‡7KHUHLVDYHU\RSHQIHHOWRWKHGHYHORSPHQW
as a whole, with generous roads and green
neighbourhood parks make a strong
contribution to the legibility and design quality ‡7KHDUFKLWHFWXUHYDULHVIURPSORWWRSORW(DFK
of the district. has its own character, some quite dense, up
to 5 storeys in height, while others comprise
define the streetscape. Different varieties in
each neighbourhood help create individual

50 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Kronsberg, Hanover, Germany


4 to 5 storey blocks along the main access the tram route to the EXPO grounds and
road at the bottom of the Hill, which have a Kronsberg, and a further €175 million on
floor space index of 1.2. Densities decrease other buildings.
towards the countryside and here, some
of the housing could almost be 2 storey
financial advantages for the City. Free soil,
English terraces.
suitable for landscaping was made available,
‡7KHSORWVDUHUHODWLYHO\ODUJH KHFWDUHV and spoil removal and construction site costs
and 1.8 hectares on the uphill side). The for landscaping were reduced.
proportion for public access space – at 19%
of the 70 hectares for the whole site – is
proved to be 8% cheaper than conventional
small. Despite this, overall, there is a sense
systems. We were unable to ascertain
of openness and a generous amount of
whether there was a significant difference in
open space.
the cost of ongoing maintenance.
buildings have stepped storeys with roof
top terraces. Facades are typically of light
coloured rendering or red brick, with
some exceptions.
City of Hanover Hanover Kronsberg Handbook
attractive, and the shopping was a little far showcases/kronsberg_Hanover_handbook.pdf
from some of the housing.
City of Hanover Hanover: Kronsberg, a new
‡7KHH[WHUQDOHQYLURQPHQWIHOWVDIHDQGZDV sustainable development as part of EXPO 2000
well looked after. The day previous to our in
visit, a group of school children had cleared
the drainage channel of rubbish. By British
standards, there was a pleasing lack of BRE Garston Watford WD25 9XX, UK 2003
security measures. The fencing to an
under-fives provision comprised of no more showcases/kronsberg_handbook.pdf
than a low picket fence.
United Nations’ Agenda 21, comprehensive
plan of action to be taken globally, nationally

Costs and locally by organizations of the United

Nations System, Governments, and Major
Groups in every area in which human impacts
largely third party financed. The municipality’s
share of the €2.2 billion was €77,000 financed
by a bond. agenda21/index.htm


made available for infrastructure in the European Commission funded), (2003).
new development area. Through the land
redistribution regulations and the urban
construction contracts, the private sector
landowners were obliged to contribute to
creation of the local infrastructure. In this
way, most of the necessary funding was
made available.
services infrastructure for around 3,000
homes required around €61 million.
was subsidised with around €150 million
made available through preferential loans
and subsidies.
from 1997 – 2000, more than €500 million
was invested by both the private and
public sectors.

51 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

Case Study
Hammarby Sjöstad,
Stockholm, Sweden

Hammarby Sjöstad
CASE STUDY Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm, Sweden

Hammarby Sjöstad,
Stockholm, Sweden
Although higher density
and mostly apartments,
Hammarby has
nevertheless attracted
many families with

Introduction environmental programme developed by their

partners Stockholm Water Company, Fortum
First conceived in 1990, Hammarby Sjöstad Energy Company and the City of Stockholm
is Stockholm’s biggest modern urban Waste Management Administration.
development. It will provide 10,000 residential
units for 20,000 people, rising to a total of To date, the scheme has and continues to
30,000 people living and working in the area be a success story. It is a model of a holistic
when completed in 2016. approach to sustainability, and is well liked
by residents, as underlined by increasing
Located south of Stockholm’s city centre and house values.
designed to continue the inner city pattern,
the scheme is sited on former industrial land
around the lake of Hammarby Sjö.
The genesis of the present scheme was a bid
Hammarby is an
to host the 2004 Olympic Games on the site. Look and feel extension of Stockholm
Land purchase by the City, decontamination Hammarby feels modern but still has a city centre - the
works and infrastructure was commenced well uniformity and look which relates to traditional development in red at
before the decision was made by the Olympic forms in the adjoining City centre. Small blocks the bottom right of the
Committee. By the time the City learnt the are set within an attractive landscape of well image
bid had failed, £77 million had already been
invested. The special committee to take the bid
forward was used to progress a new extension
to the City.
Housing demand in central Stockholm had until
then been met by improving historic buildings
but by the 1990s, the supply had dried up, and
there was unmet demand and pressure for new
accommodation close to the city centre.
The scheme has been designed around a
holistic programme of environmental and social
sustainability with a comprehensive approach
to infrastructure.
The masterplanning of the scheme has
been led by Stockholm City Council, with the

53 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm, Sweden

detailed courtyards and waterside walk ways, ‡6KRSVZHUHLQLWLDOO\GLIILFXOWWROHWDQGUHQWIUHH

ensuring all flats have a view of greenery or periods were offered.
the water. Connectivity to the City is good and
increasing house prices reflect its popularity
considered desirable.
and success.
Despite the fact that the development is
comprised of flats, there are a large number
of children (16% of the population), perhaps
reflecting that good and generous landscaping, Social Context
with good management, can overcome the
demand for private gardens.
housing and has sought to ensure that there
are enough homes for all who need them.
Success factors Its post-war 1 million homes programme
‡$GHPDQGIRUKRXVLQJLQWKHDUHDDQG eradicated housing shortage in general but
employment opportunities close by. it created many of the same problems that
were experienced in the UK’s housing of the
City’s planning department.
‡$QLQWHJUDWHGPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDU\SURMHFWWHDP abandoned the concept of social housing
with common goals. The City of Stockholm as being something separate from the
established a dedicated project team for mainstream. It no longer subsidises houses
Hammarby Sjöstad responsible for all but rather, it allows people to occupy their
aspects of the project. own choice of home through a system of
‡$SDUWQHUVKLSDSSURDFKOHGE\WKHORFDO housing allowances or tax breaks.
authority. Working with developers and
their architects led to high quality design The development does
and successful delivery. Open working command high values
arrangements drove up the standard due to the proximity to
of design. the city centre and the
high quality of design
on the form of infrastructure, especially
transport and its funding.
and detailed design, assisted by the use of
design codes drawn up in conjunction with
private developers.
parking provision to reduce its impact on the
environment, associated with good public
transport and incentives to reduce car usage.
an add on. Ongoing commitment through
educating the community and the raising of
income area close to the City centre, which
‡8VHRIPL[HGWHQXUHDQGSURYLVLRQRIVKRSSLQJ would arrest suburban sprawl and replicate
leisure and other social infrastructure. the popular housing of the city centre.
Difficulties apartments, and the City and developers
‡&KDQJLQJSROLWLFDOFRPSOH[LRQRIWKH&LW\ thought that it would attract mainly young
Council meant that policy with regards to couples or empty nesters. In reality, it has
tenure mix, number of cars and provision attracted far more families with children
of social infrastructure, changed at every than was envisaged. This was made
change of administration. possible because of the generous sizes of
‡/RQJDQGGLIILFXOWQHJRWLDWLRQVEHWZHHQ the flats and the child friendly nature of the
different local authorities and central open spaces.
government over funding of the infrastructure. ‡7KHVFKHPHZDVDOVRGHYHORSHGWREHKLJKO\
‡6FKRROSURYLVLRQLVQRWLGHDOGXHWRFKDQJHV sustainable in terms of the environment and
in strategy by the City. More schools are the lifestyle of the residents.
having to be built.

54 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm, Sweden

Housing mix
However, there is a mix of private developer
housing for sale and rented housing
developed by local housing companies and
there is no significant distinction between
design of tenures, which are separated on a
block by block basis.
for sale and Housing Company rented has
varied through the course of the scheme,
and has fluctuated in line with the changes in
political complexion of the Council.
because it has become expensive to buy and
to rent. This is due to its success in attracting 1
people to its high quality green environment
near the City. Service and management 1 Water views
charges are high. and landscaped
pathways lend the
whole project a
Facilities unique character
years was built on site at an early stage. 2 Affordable housing
This proved inadequate due to more is indistinguishable
families moving to area than expected and a from its open market
municipal school has now been built. Other neighbours
pre-schools and nurseries are gradually
being built.
Sikla kanal.
Sjöstaden on the north quay.
supermarkets on site. 2

Kopvarter, which is readily accessible. on-site information and education centre for
‡7KHUHLVDQDWKOHWLFVFHQWUHVNLVORSHDQG environmental issues for the residents and for
bathing beach. the many visitors that the site attracts.

children and young people are run from within the development with festivals and
Kulturama and Fryshuset. events taking place quite regularly.

theatres, concert hall and cultural workshops.
Wider context
most important economic centres of Sweden
with a population of about 1.2 million. It has
Community Engagement experienced steady growth over recent years.
was not controversial as it regenerated ‡3UHYLRXVO\QHZKRXVLQJKDGWHQGHGWR
former industrial land and docks which were sprawl outwards from city centre following
redundant. the lines of the Metro system. This expansion
was unpopular with existing suburban

55 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm, Sweden

1 To stop suburban
sprawl - the City
identified Hammarby
Sjöstad for

2 City blocks often

replicate the popular
historic housing
of the city centre,
however strict
daylight codes
ensure sunlight can
always enter into the

1 2

a site for development formed part of a new although much of the innovation of
policy by the city to stop the sprawl and Hammarby revolves around the provision
build closer to the city centre, replicating the of new or modernised methods of heating
popular inner city housing. and recycling.
large sites which ring the city. Dealing with the car
External connections A moderate amount of parallel parking is
available with the remainder of car parking
located in discrete blocks under buildings or
was reinforced by the provision of major
new infrastructure by central and local
government, including a new ring road, ‡&DUSDUNLQJSURYLVLRQZDVLQLWLDOO\VHWDWD
tram system and free ferry. low level of 25%-30%, with people being
encouraged to participate in car clubs. This
proved unworkable in practice and the level
connectivity with the city, employment
of parking has been raised to 50% as the
opportunities are easily accessed.
development has progressed.

Internal connections ‡&DURZQHUVKLSLVSHUIODW

Even with the higher
scale of the existing Stockholm city centre
density and the green
garden courtyards, a
ends with the wider area and with the new ensures the streetscape
Stockholm inner ring road. is not dominated by
sided city blocks with courtyards that are
open to the public but mainly used by
residents. These connect seamlessly with
the many public open spaces, parks and
lakeside walks. It is convenient and enjoyable
to walk or cycle around the site. Climate Change
and bus route which follows the spine road
with a transport hub / tram station forming a
impact compared with standard development
local centre.
built in 1990s.The entire heating strategy is
‡9DFXXPUHIXVHFROOHFWLRQOLPLWVQHHGIRU based on capturing waste energy or zero
heavy vehicles to penetrate residential areas. energy from renewable sources.

56 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm, Sweden

produced by the residents themselves. to landfill.
litres per person per day through provision Methods
of low flush toilets and air mixer taps. ‡&RPEXVWLEOHZDVWHLVFRQYHUWHGWRGLVWULFW
Storm water is primarily treated locally and heating and electricity.
discharged to the lake.
‡RISKRVSKRUXVLQZDVWHZDWHUVKDOOEH district heating and electricity.
reuseable on agricultural land.
by 50% of Stockholm’s norm.
‡%\(QHUJ\VKDOOEHH[WUDFWHGIURP electricity and solar panels utilise solar
of all domestic waste from which energy energy to heat water.
can be recovered. Reuse or recycling shall
however be prioritised.
evaluate new sewage treatment techniques.
shall be reduced by at least 50% between
sewage sludge, with digested bio-solids used
2005 and 2010, and the amount of domestic
for fertilisation. Buses and taxis run on bio-gas.
bulky waste to landfill shall be reduced by
sorting of fractions for recycling.
heating. residents into
bins, then taken to
transport, on foot or bicycle by 2010. system, where
some of it is used to
by 2010.
1 2 The Envac waste
by 2010. assists site wide
recycling and waste
to energy concept

3 Safe and attractive

footpaths and cycle
ways are provided

vehicles that meet environmental zone
2 standards.

between 2005 and 2010. in the masterplan (subsequently increased
to 50%)
in for biological treatment (for plant cultivation ‡)DVWDWWUDFWLYHSXEOLFWUDQVSRUWKDVEHHQ
or energy content). provided from day one, including free ferry
services linking with buses to the city centre
to be 60% of norm.

57 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm, Sweden

fuel cars. There has been a 10% take up at Collaboration and
are provided.
Vision and Leadership
Construction one or more individuals was key to the
establishment and success of
precast concrete panels for spine and party ‡7KHYLVLRQZDVODUJHO\WKDWRIWKHODWH
walls, with lightweight infill for the external Jan Inghe (one of the city planners) who
walls using timber or steel framing. lived overlooking the lake and could see the
‡*RRGDLUWLJKWQHVVDQGLQVXODWLRQVWDQGDUGV potential for a special kind of development.
were aimed for. There have been some He and colleagues carried out the initial
problems of damp penetration with the masterplans which formed the basis of what
lightweight wall panels. is there today.

materials delivery and storage compound land but it purchased the remainder so that it
used by all contractors on site. could control the process.

Information and support Special structures

support provided via the GlashussEtt Stockholm Vatten (water), combined with the
environmental centre, which houses an City Council’s cleansing department, formed
exhibition and runs talks and lectures on a partnership which evolved and developed
environmental issues. This is operated by a The Hammarby Model, which forms the
partnership between the City and the energy basis of the environmental and infrastructure
and water utilities. planning at Hammarby.
day one. GlashusEtt an
on-site education and
information centre for
information centre.
environmental issues

Planning process
decontamination and infrastructure and then
sold plots on to the developers.
decontamination, main roads, tram routes
and local parks, were commissioned and
procured by the Stockholm Council and its
partners and was provided from day one.
major infrastructure, such as the ring road.
and carefully controlled by the City and its
in-house planning team. The masterplan was
divided into 12 areas with various areas put
out to competition amongst local architects,
working closely with the City Council’s team.
into phases and sub-phases.
not appear to be environmental activists,
though environmental awareness is at a high ‡$SDQHORIFRQWUDFWRUV GHYHORSHUVKRXVLQJ
level in Sweden. The Hammarby model is companies and architects was set up for
predicated on a system which provides green each area. Developer’s architect teams were
energy and allows people to live normally given, typically, a single block within a phase
without major change to their lifestyles.

58 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm, Sweden

to design. They did this in a collaborative and

interactive process with the City planners. All
had to work within the overall masterplan and
within broad design codes set up by the City.
By this means, no one developer or designer
had responsibility for very large contiguous
areas, though many have carried out several
blocks across the development.
statement booklet was produced for each
area by the teams, which became the
detailed planning permission. The first
areas of Sickla Udde and Sickla Kaj were
completed in 2001 – 2003. The final phases
should be completed by 2015.

but about 30% is carried by the local housing
companies (local authority owned arms
length companies. The proportion of private
to rented has varied according to the political
complexion of the council.
each sub-phase according to market
the design throughout the process. 1 A view before
subject to the approval of the local authority. complete shows
influence of a
offered subsequent phases. balances uniformity
developers and new entrants. variety in detail
average build rate of 833 units per year. All 2 Masterplan of
phases have been fully occupied as soon as Hammarby Sjöstad
they were built, including non-housing uses.
an Olympic Village, that idea came after the
initial masterplan. The Olympics bid did 2
give extra impetus to the project and
political support which carried on after the Masterplan
which follows and adapts to the edge of
Hammarby Lake.
Context scheme along which runs the tram route.
form and density of the city. The blocks are water or landscape.
approximate in size to those in Sodermalm,
the nearest part of the existing city. However,
or more open sides and public access.
there are differences in that the blocks are
sometimes higher (up to 7 storeys) and
daylight and sunlight issues as well as views Design Coding
need to be accommodated. The result is ‡9DULHW\RIGHVLJQLVSURYLGHGE\XVLQJPDQ\
that most courtyard blocks have one open or Architects but within a controlled and agreed
partially open side. masterplan /palette of materials.

59 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm, Sweden


located at strategic points to provide accents design code
and ease way-finding.
2 Each courtyard is

non-residential uses.
1 feel because of the low key design and the
palette of colours.
city centre.
because of the quality of the landscape and
the relationship with nature.
derives partly from design and location but
also because of its eco and sustainability
predominantly 4 storeys up to 6 / 7 storeys,
if expensive, suburb of Stockholm.
reflecting scale of city centre.
the building and to allow for roof terraces.
form, with individual stair and lift cores
serving two to four apartments per floor.
Circulation areas are naturally lit and lifts are
provided to all upper floors.

carefully landscaped using quality materials.
and board walks.
retained. 3


reserves via eco-bridges across roads. quality materials in
the design of external
and water features. Artists and designers
were involved in the designs. 4 A mixed use district
has been envisaged
surrounding residential block, with facilities
for play or gardening by residents.
and quiet enjoyment.

Look and feel

applied using coloured render, timber, steel
and granite with large windows and extensive
balconies and terraces. 4

60 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

CASE STUDY Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm, Sweden

Costs Bibliography
The cost quoted below was provided to PRP in CABE, Case study
2004, and for comparison with today’s prices, default.aspx?contentitemid=1318&aspectid=7
should be adjusted for inflation:
PRP, “High Density Housing in Europe: Lessons
private firms for £38 million, prior to the
GlashusEtt, “Hammarby Sjöstad - a new city
masterplan being approved.
district with emphasis on water and ecology”
further £15 million.
There are many references to awards won by
of the development.
Hammarby Sjöstad on the internet.
£1.5 billion.
land receipt reduced this to an average of
up, land purchase, infrastructure within the
site, parks and other external works.
was agreed after costs had been largely
finalised and sale values ascertained, in
other words it was a mutually agreed
economic price.
the shops.
e.g. the new ring road, were separately
financed largely by central government.
Sodermalm) increased from £308/m2 to
£616/m2 in 1995 to £923/m2 in 1998.
increased form £1,538/m2 in 2000 to
£2,308/m2 in 2003. This is much faster than
the increase in construction costs.
‡$URRPDSDUWPHQWP2, let by a large
social landlord costs £700 per month
inclusive of service charges, hot water and
‡$QRWKHUH[DPSOHZDVDP2 flat let for
approximately £1,400 per month.
responsibility of the City.

61 Eco-towns: Learning from International Experience

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