Amortization Calculation
Amortization Calculation
Amortization Calculation
Usually, whether you can afford a loan depends on whether you can afford the
periodic payment (commonly a monthly payment period). So, the most important
amortization formula is probably the calculation of the payment amount per period.
Example: What would the monthly payment be on a 5-year, $20,000 car loan with
a nominal 7.5% annual interest rate? We'll assume that the original price was $21,000
and that you've made a $1,000 down payment.
You can use the amortization calculator below to determine that the Payment Amount
(A) is $400.76 per month.
P = $20,000
r = 7.5% per year / 12 months = 0.625% per period
n = 5 years * 12 months = 60 total periods