Applied Automation - 2017 02
Applied Automation - 2017 02
Applied Automation - 2017 02
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n this issue, AppliedAutomation begins its focus data acquisition (SCADA), remote terminal unit
on application stories and case studies. Most of (RTU) monitoring, and control of its electric,
the content will explore how system integrators water, and wastewater utilities. In the other case
and control engineers apply automation, instru- study, the author describes how the controls
mentation, and control theories and techniques for Russellville, Ark.’s treatment facilities were
to help you operate your facilities profitably, effi- becoming obsolete, and how the legacy system
ciently, reliably, and securely. was replaced with a secure industrial control sys-
The cover story is presented in three parts. tem, which is now part of an integrated plantwide
Jack Smith The author explains how the plethora of indus- SCADA system.
Editor trial control system choices have evolved and The second article in this issue explains how a
how the lines that separate them continue to southern U.S. chemical manufacturer solved its
blur. He offers selection criteria for modern alarm management issues while focusing on goals
controls and provides valuable decision-making and aligning with industry standards.
criteria. In addition, the author includes two Although the new focus of AppliedAutomation
case studies. Clarksville Light & Water Co. is starts now, tutorial-based content still will be
a municipally-owned utility that has been serv- included. Such is the case with the third article in
ing the Clarksville, Ark. community since 1913. this issue, which provides an elementary under-
He explains how a new control system provides standing behind the terminology, concepts, theory,
a secure platform for supervisory control and and physics behind permanent magnet motors.
ON THE COVER The photo shows one of the four Clarksville, Ark. substations controlled across the city’s new fiber optic network using a supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) remote terminal unit (RTU). Courtesy: Brown Engineers LLC
and ongoing maintenance of control systems. Because
controllers sometimes last for more than 20 years, they
he choices for a controller are as diverse now often are forgotten behind gray panel doors where no one
as they have been at any time in the history of sees them and they tend to run until failure. Out of sight,
industrial control systems. Many types of con- out of mind, as the saying goes. Many times, there are
trollers are available for discrete, process, and plant expansions or retrofits where a vendor or contractor
hybrid control applications, including program- may install a later version of a controller—or even change
mable logic controllers (PLCs), programmable to a different controller—guided more by personal prefer-
automation controllers (PACs), distributed control sys- ence than overall control system maintenance. Such was
tems (DCS), industrial PCs (IPCs) or PC-based control, the status of operational technology (OT) for many years.
and embedded (board-level) controllers. And the lines Reliability was the key. The emergence of Windows-based
that differentiate them continue to blur. What criteria human-machine interfaces (HMIs) required controllers to
should be used to choose among them and why? add Ethernet connectivity, but even then, control systems
As control system engineers who have designed many were largely isolated from the rest of the business.
utility-based control systems, we see a large variety of
controllers even within the same plant. This diversity Controls for the 21st century
However, Internet connectivity now drives many technol-
ogy decisions. More people are relying on smartphones
and tablets to access data while on the go. Information
technology (IT) changes have exploded and OT and IT
are converging. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
also has moved to center stage and businesses need to
combine OT and IT to make it work. Control systems engi-
neers are well-poised to help this merger because they
understand plant floor operations as well as real-time data
that operates in millisecond timeframes.
Decision time
The convergence of OT and IT now drives the decision
as to which controller best fits a particular application.
Originally, control system engineers and technicians decid-
ed which controller best fit their application and others in
the organization didn’t interfere. Hardware selection was
based on factors, such as processing capability, control-
Figure 1: The photo shows one of the four Clarksville, Ark. substa- ler memory, and modularity where input/output (I/O) could
tions controlled across the city’s new fiber optic network using a easily be added as needed. Consideration was given to
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) remote terminal availability of spare parts or support. It was up to the pro-
unit (RTU). All graphics courtesy: Brown Engineers LLC grammer or system integrator to use the device with which
systems we install has broken the mold when it comes to works. During his 25 years of electrical engineering project
leveraging what was once competing standards. Scalable experience, he has specified and supervised numerous
architecture with one backplane (in five-slot, 10-slot, and generator installations and generator system improve-
20-slot options), one power supply, one blazing fast CPU ments, both as stand-alone projects and as components of
module, and a few I/O modules (including a universal much larger construction jobs. Brown has a BSEE and an
module that is software-selectable as input or output and MSEE from Louisiana Tech University.
discrete or analog). The platform is scalable to any size
while reducing part counts to a dozen or so components,
rather than having to select from thousands of part num- n CASE STUDy
bers like some vendors expect of you.
Standardizing on one platform throughout the enterprise
can have a significant benefit. Moving data between con-
Utility upgrades SCADA
trollers for proper automation functions can be a hassle.
Having a single platform that can reach from field remote
and RTU
terminal unit (RTU) all the way up to plant controllers with
DCS functionality of programming and HMI integration By Dee Brown PE
could yield benefits for years to come. Brown Engineers LLC
Even the protocols have changed: Even as fast as
software applications change, historically, the base-level larksville, Ark. needed to implement water utility
protocols were fairly constant—not so anymore. Publish/ SCADA and HMIs as well as take advantage of the
subscribe protocols have changed the way we implement communications inherent in the protective relays
networks. No more hammering the networks by polling that safeguard electrical circuits from abnormal conditions.
for data continuously. With the pub/sub model, we have Likewise, power metering equipment had to be integrated.
the ability to push the data—when changing data neces- Because the integration of electrical and power technolo-
sitates—to anywhere in the enterprise: to the ICS, HMIs, gies together would be phased in over many years, the
enterprise resource planning (ERP), inventory control, and solution also had to be easily expandable.
so on. Protocols that do this are available today with mes- Clarksville Light & Water Co. (CLW) is a municipally-
sage queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) and are in pro- owned utility that has been serving the Clarksville, Ark.
cess with OPC UA (OPC-UA stands for OLE for process community at not-for-profit rates since 1913. With annual
control, unified architecture). revenues of approximately $25 million, it provides retail
The right expertise: Having the right expertise on electric, water, and wastewater services to the community
hand to implement modern control technology is still key. as well as wholesale water to eight other cities and water
Whether that expertise is in-house staffing, or outsourced districts in the region.
engineering and integration, users will benefit from hav- A small town with a big vision, the city now is imple-
ing a team that is responsive and agile at quickly meeting menting a plan to realize as much as $2 million in sav-
business needs. Training in industry standards such as ings through improvements in reliable, predictable, and
IEC 61131-3 also will be a plus. consistent utility service levels, which is expected also
There are many disruptive technologies that affect the to attract new investment from the business community
ICS. We are asking more of the industrial control system and stimulate job creation. The plan included enhancing
ICS than ever before. Staying with the status quo is no its municipal infrastructure with 16.7 miles of 288-strand
longer good enough. For digital natives who grew up in fiber-optic cable in redundant loops throughout the city as
this space, the selection criteria will be second nature to part of a long-term vision for locally-owned and operated
them. This requires us to think differently about control fiber optic networking capability.
system platforms, the vendors, and partners to determine CLW general manager John Lester also saw this as an
which systems can now meet these challenges as we look opportunity to leverage overdue monitoring and control of
ahead to increased growth, reliability, and cybersecurity of the city’s four electrical substations, and water treatment
the ICS and the infrastructure it controls. It is time to stop and distribution operations, and eventually its wastewater
thinking about hardware and start demanding the open utility systems, which include supervisory control and data
and secure automation platform and tools required for the acquisition (SCADA) and human-machine interface (HMI)
digital enterprise. implementations (see Figure 1).
trol the facility.
ontrols for the water and wastewater systems at the
treatment facilities in Russellville, ark. were becom- n It can operate from 90 to 260 V ac or dc power without
ing obsolete. The city turned to Brown engineers for fans or dual inline package (dIP) switches for simplic-
a badly-needed upgrade. ity and robustness; and embeds standard, open sys-
Russellville city corp. has provided Russellville, ark. tem technologies, including OPc ua, a fully compliant
with quality water and wastewater systems for approxi- Iec 61131-3 programming environment, and standard
mately 25 years. The utility oversees 25 square miles of ethernet support at the control and I/O networks.
the water and wastewater systems in Russellville, serving
more than 20,000 customers and supplying drinking water n The new control system consists of only a dozen
to residents living within an additional 240 square miles part numbers, reducing installation and maintenance
outside the city. costs.
alarms were chattering, and each operator had more than
80 standing alarms. Chattering alarms were a significant
larm management can become wild over distraction to operators because they had no significant
time as a result of changes in process, immediate consequence. Operators were experiencing
equipment, and personnel. Such was the alarm flooding. However, without context to these alarms,
case at a manufacturing facility in the they were difficult to address and were affecting the oper-
southern U.S. where the automation system ators’ ability to do their jobs efficiently.
was controlled by a mixture of a distributed The facility team decided to perform a migration of
control system (DCS) and programmable logic control- more than 9,000 input/output (I/O) to Emerson’s DeltaV
lers (PLCs) for compounding units. Over time, the plant’s distributed control system (DCS) and DeltaV safety
alarm management had lost efficiency and had grown instrumented system (SIS). But when the team migrated
difficult to manage. The facility leaders knew they had to the new system, new alarms were generated and the
to change the status quo because alarms were dragging alarm count went up. What happened next wouldn’t have
down productivity and efficiency. been possible with the previous control system. The facil-
ity team decided to tame both the new and the old alarms
and created a program to manage the whole alarm sys-
tem more effectively. New functions in the DCS would
make this easier to accomplish.
The reduction strategy shift. After research, though, the team realized the alarm
Correcting chattering alarms were first on the to-do numbers were inflated because of the chattering alarms
list. The chattering arose during the conversion to the that were being addressed. Still, the flood conditions eas-
new DCS because there was not any alarm ON or OFF ily could have buried important alarms.
delays. In the rationalization effort, most of the alarm To solve the three remaining issues (per hour aver-
OFF delays ended up being set to 20 seconds, and the age, standing alarms, and alarm floods), tools were
team then decided to set some delays longer on a case- available in the new DCS as were a mix or custom
by-case basis. Most of the alarms were rationalized out templates and codes, out-of-the-box functionality, and
with a 10-second ON delay, but each case was rational- account management.
ized individually to determine if a longer or shorter ON The team chose not to use the out-of-the box analog
delay was appropriate. input (AI), digital input (DI), and proportional, integral,
Implementation of the ON and OFF delays resulted and derivative (PID) block internal alarm parameters
in a significant improvement in alarm metrics. In fact, available in the DCS because the facility’s alarm strategy
chattering alarms were reduced from 25% of the alarm had too many mutually-exclusive conditions with different
count to less than 4% in the first stage. As the project time delays. Instead, the team created custom code for
continued, the chattering alarms fell below 0.25% of the these conditions: dc module fail alarms because of an
monthly alarm count. interlock condition, bad process variable (PV) alarm chat-
ter caused by failing instruments, and operator-initiated
DCS code strategy unit shutdowns that then initiated alarm floods that would
Larger issues awaited the team in the next phase with last for 20 minutes. In addition, Emerson’s AMS asset
per hour average, standing alarms, and flooding. management software assisted by alerting maintenance
Alarms/operator/hour average: When the group ini- of issues with instruments (see Figure 2).
tially formed, it had raw data from the startup of the units. Out-of-the-box conditional alarming parameters were
Standing alarms average: After the DCS conversion, implemented for the AI, DI, and PID modules, which
the team realized it had unknowingly converted I/O points brought a huge improvement in alarm numbers just by
that no longer existed in the field, thus contributing to the adding a 20-second OFF delay to alarms.
standing alarms. Many more alarms indicated that instru- The team created higher-level user accounts that
ments needed repair. The standing alarm numbers put allowed supervisors and specialists to suppress and un-
management support to the test. The maintenance man- suppress alarms. In fact, instead of just suppressing an
ager dedicated a technician to fix or remove the problem alarm, they could change the alarm setpoint to a higher
instruments. or lower value. By allowing the supervisors and special-
Alarm flood percent average: It is very difficult for ists to adjust the alarm setpoints, the alarm still will be
operators to correctly comprehend all the data and react enabled and will alarm if necessary. A hard copy safety
if alarm flood conditions exist for more than 35% of their system bypass form and nuisance alarm form are required
and reviewed at each shift (see Figure 3).
Understanding permanent
magnet motors
a permanent magnet (PM) motor is an ac motor that uses magnets imbedded
into or attached to the surface of the motor’s rotor. this article provides an elementary
understanding behind the terminology, concepts, theory, and physics behind PM motors.
sensors. This is made possible using a permanent mag-
net (PM) motor and a process called the “high-frequency
ontrolling the speed of ac motors is accom- signal injection method.”
plished using a variable frequency drive (VFD)
in most cases. While many scenarios involve Induction machines
using VFDs with induction motors with stator An ac induction machine (IM) also is commonly
windings to generate a rotating magnetic field, referred to as an ac motor. A rotating field is generated
they also can achieve precise speed control using speed by the stator winding. The rotating field induces a cur-
or position feedback sensors as a reference to the VFD. rent in the rotor bars. The current generation requires
Figure 1: Magnetic saliency is the inductance variation at the motor terminals according to the rotor position.
All graphics courtesy: Yaskawa America Inc.
Flux linkage is defined by the following equation: Inductance: Inductance (L) is the constant of propor-
tionality that defines the relationship between the volt-
Flux linkage: λ = Nφ ages induced by a time rate of change in current that
produced a magnetic field. In simpler terms, inductance
Magnetic flux: Magnetic flux is defined as the rate of a is the flux linkage per unit current. It must be made clear
magnetic field flowing through a given conductor’s cross- that inductance is a passive element and is purely a geo-
sectional area. Magnetic flux field is generated by a per- metric property. Inductance is measured in Henrys (H) or
manent magnet within or on the surface of a permanent weber-turns per ampere.
magnet motor. The d axis and q axis: In geometric terms, the “d” and
Inductor: An inductor is a circuit element that con- “q” axes are the single-phase representations of the flux
sists of a conducting wire usually in the form of a coil. contributed by the three separate sinusoidal phase quan-
A conductor carrying a constant current will generate a tities at the same angular velocity. The d axis, also known
constant magnetic field. It can be demonstrated that a as the direct axis, is the axis by which flux is produced
magnetic field and the current that produced it are lin- by the field winding. The q axis, or the quadrature axis is
early related. Changing the magnetic field will induce a the axis on which torque is produced. By convention, the
voltage in a nearby conductor proportional to the rate of quadrature axis always will lead the direct axis electrical-
Figure 2: The drawing on the left shows that when high-frequency voltage is injected, motor impedance changes. The graph on the right
shows IPM motor impedance variation according to injection angle.
ly by 90 deg. In simplistic terms, the because the magnets are outside the
d axis is the main flux direction, while
High frequency rotor and do not limit the amount of
the q axis is the main torque produc- iron linked by the stator field.
ing direction. injection is an Magnetic saliency: Salience or
Magnetic permeability: In elec- saliency is the state or quality by which
tromagnetism, permeability is the something stands out relative to its
measure of the ability of a material to inverter methodology neighbors. Magnetic saliency describes
support the formation of a magnetic the relationship between the rotor’s
field within itself. Hence, it is the main flux (d axis) inductance and the
degree of magnetization that a mate- used to detect a main torque-producing (q axis) induc-
rial obtains in response to an applied tance. The magnetic saliency varies
magnetic field. PM motor’s magnetic depending on the position of the rotor
PM motor equivalent circuit: A to the stator field, where maximum
permanent magnet motor can be saliency occurs at 90 electrical deg
represented in a few different motor pole position. from the main flux axis (d axis) (see
models. One of the most common Figure 1).
methods is the d-q motor model. Excitation current: Excitation cur-
PM motor d-axis and q-axis inductance: The d axis rent is “the current in the stator windings required to
and q axis inductances are the inductances measured generate magnetic flux in the rotor core.” Permanent
as the flux path passes through the rotor in relation to magnet machines do not require excitation current
the magnetic pole. The d-axis inductance is the induc- in the stator winding because a PM motor’s magnets
tance measured when flux passes through the magnetic already generate a standing magnetic field.
poles. The q-axis inductance is the inductance measure Secondary current: Secondary current, otherwise
when flux passes between the magnetic poles. known as “the torque-producing current,” is the cur-
In an induction machine, the rotor flux linkage will be rent required to generate motor torque. In a permanent
the same between the d axis and the q axis. However, magnet machine, torque-producing currents make up
in a permanent magnet machine, the magnet reduces the majority of the current draw.
the available iron for flux linkage. A magnet’s perme- Pull-in current: Unlike an amplifier and servo
ability is near that of air. Therefore, the magnet can be matched set intended for motion control, a convention-
viewed as an air gap. The magnet is in the flux path al VFD does not have information about the position
as it travels through the d axis. The flux path traveling of the motor’s rotor magnetic pole. Without knowledge
through the q axis does not cross a magnet. Therefore, of the magnetic pole position, a field cannot be gen-
more iron can be linked with the q-axis flux path, which erated in the stator to maximize torque production.
results in a larger inductance. A motor with an imbedded Therefore, a VFD has the ability to provide dc voltage
magnet will have a larger q-axis inductance than the to lock the magnetic field into a known position. The
d-axis inductance. A motor with surface-mount magnets current draw required to pull in the rotor is called the
will have nearly identical q-axis and d-axis inductances “pull-in current.”
Back to Basics
Figure 4: These four drawings compare the saliency characteristics of surface permanent magnet motors (SPM) and interior permanent
magnet motors (IPM).
tive high magnetic saliency ratio (Lq > Ld). Due to their production. Opposing the flux field will negate the existing
magnetic saliency, an IPM motor has the ability to gener- magnet field of the motor. The reduced magnet field will
ate torque by taking advantage of both the magnetic and limit torque production, but reduce the back-emf voltage.
reluctance torque components of the motor (see Figure 4). The reduced back-emf voltage frees up voltage to push
the motor to operate at higher output speeds. Both types
PM motor structures of operation require additional motor current. The direc-
PM motor structures can be separated into two catego- tion of the motor current across the d axis, provided by the
ries: interior and surface. Each category has its subset motor controller, determines the desired effect.
of categories. A surface PM motor can have its magnets
on or inset into the surface of the rotor, to increase the Angle of excitation
robustness of the design. An interior permanent magnet The angle of excitation is the angle at which the vector
motor positioning and design can vary widely. The IPM sum of the d-axis and q-axis waveforms are excited to
motor’s magnets can be inset as a large block or stag- the motor with respect to the d axis. The d axis is always
gered as they come closer to the core. Another method is viewed to be where the magnet exists. Maximum mag-
to have them imbedded in a spoke pattern. netic flux is achieved at the q axis, which is 90 electrical
deg from the d axis. Therefore, most references of the
PM motor inductance variation with load angle of excitation already take into account the 90-deg
Only so much flux can be linked to a piece of iron to difference from the d axis to the q axis.
generate torque. Eventually, the iron will saturate and
no longer allow flux to link. The result is a reduction to Phase angle and torque
the inductance of the path taken by a flux field. In a PM Magnetic torque is maximized when the stator field
machine, the d-axis and q-axis inductance values will excites the motor rotor 90 electrical deg from the d
reduce with increases to the load current. axis (motor magnet position). Reluctance torque fol-
The d and q axis inductances of an SPM motor are lows a different path and is maximized 45 electrical deg
nearly identical. Because the magnet is outside of the past the q axis. The maximum magnetic torque takes
rotor, the inductance of the q axis will drop at the same advantage of both the motor’s reluctance and magnetic
rate as the d axis inductance. However, the inductance torques. Shifting further away from the q axis reduces
of an IPM motor will reduce differently. Again, the d-axis magnetic toque, but is far outweighed by the gain in
inductance is naturally lower because the magnet is in reluctance torque. The maximum combined magnetic
the flux path and does not generate an inductive property. and reluctance torque occurs near 45 electrical deg
Therefore, there is less iron to saturate in the d axis, which from the q axis, but the exact angle will vary based on
results in a significantly lower reduction in flux with respect the characteristics of the PM motor.
to the q axis.
IPM motor power density
Flux weakening/intensifying A PM motor’s power generation depends on the con-
of PM motors figuration of the motor magnets and the resulting motor
Flux in a permanent magnet motor is generated by the saliency. Motors with a high saliency ratio (Lq > Ld) can
magnets. The flux field follows a certain path, which can increase motor efficiency and torque production by
be boosted or opposed. Boosting or intensifying the flux incorporating the motor’s reluctance torque. An inverter
field will allow the motor to temporarily increase torque can be used to change the angle of excitation with
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Back to Basics
Very good properties for PM motor magnets, except the Curie temperature is only
Neodymium-iron-boron (Nd-Fe-B)
150°C; relatively abundant.
Low cost and good properties, however, coercive force is too low and the B-H loop
Aluminum-nickel-cobalt (alnico)
is too square, which means that permanent demagnetization occurs easily.
Low cost, moderately high service temperature (400°C), and a straight-line demag-
Ferrites (barium and strontium) netization curve. However, the Br is low, which means the machine/motor volume
and size would need to be large.
Source: Yaskawa America Inc.
respect to the d axis to maximize both the reluctance such as coercivity and retentivity are used to define mag-
torque and magnetic torque of the motor. netic material strength retention capability.
Finally, large electrical disturbances can cause a per-
PM motor magnet types manent magnet to demagnetize. These electrical distur-
There are few types of permanent magnet materials bances can be from the material interacting with a large
currently used for electric motors. Each type of metal has magnetic field or if a large current is passed through the
its advantages and disadvantages (see Table 2). material. Much in the same way a strong magnetic field or
current can be used to align a material’s magnetic dipoles,
Permanent magnet demagnetization another strong magnetic field or current applied to the field
Permanent magnets are hardly permanent and do have generated by the permanent magnet can result in demag-
limited capabilities. Certain forces can be exerted onto netization.
these materials to demagnetize them. In other words, it is
possible to remove the magnetic properties of the perma- Self-sensing versus closed-loop operation
nent magnet material. A permanent magnetic substance Recent advances in drive technology allow standard ac
can become demagnetized if the material is significantly drives to “self-detect” and track the motor magnet position.
strained, allowed to reach significant temperatures, or is A closed-loop system typically uses the z-pulse channel to
impacted by a large electrical disturbance. optimize performance. Through certain routines, the drive
First, straining a permanent magnet is typically done by knows the exact position of the motor magnet by tracking
physical means. A magnetic material can become demag- the A/B channels and correcting for error with the z-chan-
netized, if not weakened, if it was to experience violent nel. Knowing the exact position of the magnet allows for
impacts/falls. A ferromagnetic material has inherent mag- optimum torque production resulting in optimum efficiency.
netic property. However, these magnetic properties can
emit in any multitude of directions. One way ferromagnetic Servomotors
materials are magnetized is by applying a strong magnetic Servomotors are permanent magnet motors used for
field to the material to align its magnetic dipoles. Aligning motion control applications. Typically, in an interior/inter-
these dipoles forces the magnetic field of the material into nal permanent-magnet motor design, these motors are
a specific bath. A violent impact can remove the atomic paired with a specific amplifier as part of a matched set
alignment of the material’s magnetic domains, which weak- to maximize performance. The amplifier has been fine
ens the strength of the intended magnetic field. tuned to the PM motor to reach optimum performance by
Secondly, temperatures also can affect a permanent its manufacturer. The motion amplifier/servo configura-
magnet. Temperatures force the magnetic particles in a tion typically uses motor feedback, which also provides a
permanent magnet to become agitated. The magnetic magnetic pole position and speed feedback.
dipoles have the ability to withstand some amount of
thermal agitation. However, long periods of agitation can Christopher Jaszczolt is a drives product management
weaken a magnet’s strength, even if stored at room tem- specialist at Yaskawa America Inc. He has more than nine
perature. In addition, all magnetic materials have a thresh- years of experience in motion control. In addition to his
old known as the “Curie temperature,” which is a threshold current title, Jaszczolt has worked as a technical support
that defines the temperature at which the thermal agitation engineer and an application engineer. He has a BSEE
causes the material to completely demagnetize. Terms from Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Ill. | 864-439-7537
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