Law of The Sea: UNCLOS. It Also Includes Matters Submitted To It Under Any Other
Law of The Sea: UNCLOS. It Also Includes Matters Submitted To It Under Any Other
Law of The Sea: UNCLOS. It Also Includes Matters Submitted To It Under Any Other
LAW OF THE SEA Its jurisdiction covers all disputes submitted to it in accordance with the
UNCLOS. It also includes matters submitted to it under any other
agreement. It is composed of 21 independent members elected from
among persons enjoying the highest reputation for fairness and
integrity and of recognized competence in the field of the law of the sea.
Mary Louise D. Tuscano
Jervin S. Budek Where no successful settlement can be achieved, or if the parties are
Pilita Annang unable to agree on the means of settlement of a dispute concerning
Victoriano Clive Davis P. Mallillin the application of UNCLOS, such dispute may be governed by the
Augustines Lagadon principle of compulsory settlement, where procedures entail binding
The parties may choose, through a written revocable and replaceable
INTERNATIONAL LAW OF THE SEA declaration, to submit the dispute to:
A body of treaty rules and customary norms governing the uses of the 2. ICJ;
sea, the exploitation of its resources, and the exercise of jurisdiction 3. Arbitral tribunal;
over maritime regimes. 4. Special arbitral tribunal.
It is a branch of Public International Law which regulates the relations The court or tribunal has jurisdiction over:
of states with respect to the use of the oceans. 1. Any dispute submitted to it concerning the application
or interpretation of UNCLOS; or
UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF THE SEA 2. Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application
(UNCLOS) of an international agreement:
a. Related to the purposes of the UNCLOS;
It defines the rights and obligations of nations in their use of the world’s b. When such dispute is submitted to it in accordance
oceans, establishing rules for business, the environment and the with that agreement.
management of marine natural resources. The court or tribunal shall apply the UNCLOS and other rules of
international law not incompatible with the UNCLOS. It may also
INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE LAW OF THE SEA (ITLOS) decide a case ex aequo et bono (what is
and just) if the parties so agree.
The ITLOS is an independent judicial body established by the Third
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to adjudicate disputes BASELINE
arising out of the interpretation and application of the convention. It was
established after Ambassador Arvido Pardo Malta addressed the A baseline is the line from which a breadth of the territorial sea and
General Assembly of the United Nations and called for “an effective other maritime zones, such as the contiguous zone and the exclusive
international regime over the seabed and ocean floor beyond a clearly economic zone is measured. Its purpose is to determine the starting
defined national jurisdiction.” point to begin measuring maritime zones boundary of the coastal state.
2 Kinds of Baseline
1. Normal baseline - where the territorial sea is the low-water line Facts: RA 9522 reduces the territory of the Philippines in violation to
along the coast as marked on large scale charts officially the Constitution and it opens the country to maritime passage of
recognized by the coastal state [Article 5, UNCLOS]. vessels and aircrafts of other states to the detriment of the economy,
2. Straight baseline - where the coastline is deeply indented or cut sovereignty, national security and of the Constitution as well. They
into, or if there is a fringe of islands along the coast in its added that the classification of Regime of Islands would be prejudicial
immediate vicinity, the method of straight lines joining the to the lives of the fishermen.
appropriate points may be employed in drawing the baseline
from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured [Article Decision: The Supreme Court dismissed the petition. RA 9522 did not
7, UNCLOS]. delineate the territory the Philippines but is merely a statutory tool to
demarcate the country’s maritime zone and continental shelf under
How baseline is formed UNCLOS III. SC emphasized that UNCLOS III is not a mode of
1. Mouths of Rivers – If a river flows directly into the sea, the acquiring or losing a territory as provided under the laws of nations.
baseline shall be a straight line across the mouth of the river UNCLOS III is a multi-lateral treaty that is a result of a long-time
between points on the low‐water line of its banks. (Article 9, negotiation to establish a uniform sea-use rights over maritime zones
UNLOS) (i.e., the territorial waters [12 nautical miles from the baselines],
contiguous zone [24 nautical miles from the baselines], exclusive
2. Bays – Where the distance between the low‐water marks of the economic zone [200 nautical miles from the baselines]), and continental
natural entrance points: shelves.
a. Does not exceed 24 nautical miles – closing line may be drawn
between these two low‐water marks, and the waters enclosed In order to measure said distances, it is a must for the state parties to
thereby shall be considered as internal waters. (Article 10 [4], have their archipelagic doctrines measured in accordance to the
UNCLOS) treaty—the role played by RA 9522. The contention of the petitioner
b. Exceeds 24 nautical miles–straight baseline of 24 nautical miles that RA 9522 resulted to the loss of 15,000 square nautical miles is
shall be drawn within the bay in such a manner as to enclose devoid of merit. The truth is, RA 9522, by optimizing the location of base
the maximum area of water that is possible with a line of that points, increased the Philippines total maritime space of 145,216
length. (Article 10 [5], UNCLOS) square nautical miles.
It is a well‐marked indentation whose penetration is in such proportion
to the width of its mouth as to contain land‐locked waters and constitute Archipelagic states
more than a mere curvature of the coast. (Article 10 (2), UNCLOS) A state constituted wholly by one or more archipelagos and may include
other islands. (Article 46, UNCLOS)
RA 9522
3046, AS AMENDED BY REPUBLIC ACT NO. 5446, TO DEFINE THE It means a group of islands, including parts of islands, interconnecting
ARCHIPELAGIC BASELINES OF THE PHILIPPINES, AND FOR waters and other natural features which are so closely interrelated that
OTHER PURPOSES such islands, waters and other natural features form an intrinsic
geographical, economic and political entity, or which historically have
Magallona et. Al. Vs. Executive Secretary been regarded as such (Article 46, UNCLOS)
Petitioners assailed the constitutionality of RA 9522. There are two kinds of archipelagos:
1. Coastal, situated close to a mainland and may be considered part Archipelagic states have sovereignty over the archipelagic waters.
thereof (i.e., Norway); However, such sovereignty is subject to the right of innocent passage
2. Mid-Ocean, situated in the ocean at such distance from the coasts which is the same nature as the right of innocent passage in the
of firm land, (i.e., Indonesia). The archipelagic state provisions apply territorial sea. (Article 49[1] in relation to Article 52[1], UNCLOS)
only to mid-ocean archipelagos composed of islands, and not to a It is also subject to….
partly continental state. 1. Rights under existing agreement on the part of the third states
should be respected; (Article 51[1], UNCLOS)
How may an archipelagic state draw straight archipelagic 2. The traditional fishing rights and other legitimate activities of
baselines the immediately adjacent neighboring States (Ibid)
By joining the outermost points of the outermost islands and drying 3. Existing submarine cables laid by other States and “passing
reefs of the archipelago provided that within such baselines are though its waters without making a windfall” as well as the
included the main islands and an area in which the ration of the water maintenance and replacement of such cables upon being
to the area of the land, including atolls, is between 1 to 1 and 9 to 1. notified of their location and the intention to repair or replace
(Article 47, UNCLOS) them. (Article 51[2], UNCLOS)
Guidelines in drawing archipelagic baselines Suspension of the right to innocent passage in areas of
1. The length of such baselines shall not exceed 100 nautical archipelagic waters
miles, except that up to 3 per cent of the total number of
baselines enclosing any archipelago may exceed that length, The suspension must be:
up to a maximum length of 125 nautical miles. (Article 47 [2], 1. Without discrimination in form or in fact among foreign ships;
UNCLOS) 2. Essential for the protection of its security; and
2. The drawing of such baselines shall not depart to any 3. Shall take effect only after having been duly published. (Article 52[2],
appreciable extent from the general configuration of the UNCLOS)
archipelago. (Article 47[3], UNCLOS)
3. Such baselines shall not be drawn to and from low tide Right of archipelagic sea lanes passage
elevations (Article 47[4], UNCLOS) It is the right of foreign ships and aircraft to have continuous,
4. It shall not be applied in such a manner as to cut off from the expeditious and unobstructed passage in sea lanes and air routes
high seas or the exclusive economic zone the territorial sea of through or over the archipelagic waters and the adjacent territorial sea
another State. (Article 47[5], UNCLOS) of the archipelagic state, “in transit between one part of the high seas
or an exclusive economic zone.” All ships and aircraft are entitled to the
5. If a part of the archipelagic water of an archipelagic State lies right of archipelagic sea lanes passage. (Magallona, 2005; Article 53[1]
between 5. two parts of an immediately adjacent neighboring in relation with Article 53[3], UNCLOS)
State, existing rights and all other legitimate interests which the
latter State has traditionally exercised in such waters and all OTHER RIGHTS RELATING TO ARCHIPELAGIC WATERS
rights stipulated by agreement between those States shall
continue and be respected. (Article 47[6], UNCLOS)
1. Rights under existing agreement on the part of third states should
Archipelagic waters be respected by the archipelagic state.
These are waters enclosed by the archipelagic baselines, regardless of 2. Within its archipelagic waters, the archipelagic state shall recognize
their depth or distance from the coast. (Article 49[1], UNCLOS) traditional fishing rights and other legitimate activities of immediately
adjacent neighboring states.
Sovereignty of the archipelagic states to archipelagic waters
3. The archipelagic state shall respect existing submarine cables laid
by other states and “passing through its waters without making a
No, the right of innocent passage applies only to territorial sea and the
archipelagic waters (Magallona, 2005; Article8[2], UNCLOS)
However, A coastal state may extend its internal waters by applying the
straight baseline method in such a way as to enclose as its internal
waters areas which are previously part of the territorial sea. It also
applies to straits used for international navigation converted into
internal waters by applying the straight baselines method. Thus, the
right of innocent passage continues to exist in the “extended” internal
waters. (Magallona, 2005; Article 8[2], UNCLOS)
Territorial Sea take into account the subject to adoption by
These waters stretch up to 12 miles from the baseline on the seaward recommendations of competent international
direction. They are subject to the jurisdiction of the coastal state, which competent international organization upon the
jurisdiction almost approximates that which is exercised over land organization proposal and
territory. agreements of states
Except that the coastal state must respect the rights to (1) innocent bordering the straits
passage and , in the case of certain straits, to (2) transit passage.
• Innocent passage ➔ navigation through the territorial sea w/o
entering internal waters, going to Internal waters, or coming
from internal waters and making for !he high seas. It must Contiguous zone
(a) Involve only acts that are required by navigation or by This is the maritime zone (up to 24 nautical miles) adjacent to the
distress, and territorial sea where the coastal stale may exercise certain protective
(b) not prejudice the peace, security, or good order of the jurisdiction.
coastal state. Thus, the coastal stale may exercise the control necessary to:
• Transit passage ➔ the right to exercise freedom of navigation
a. Prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or
and overflight solely for the purpose of continuous and sanitary laws and regulations within its territory or territorial sea;
expeditious transrt through the straights used for international b. Punish infringement of the above laws and regulations
navigation. The right cannot be unilaterally suspended by the committed within its territory or territorial sea.
coastal state.
The coastal state must not extend its contiguous zone beyond 24
Innocent passage Transit passage nautical miles from the baseline Note that the contiguous zone is merely
• Pertains to navigation of • Includes the right of a zone of jurisdiction for a particular purpose. It is not a zone of
ships only overflight sovereignty.
• Requires submarines and • Submarines are
other underwater vehicles allowed to navigate in THALWEG DOCTRINE
to navigate on the surface “normal mode”
and show their flags It provides that for boundary rivers, in the absence of an agreement
Can be suspended, but • Cannot be suspended between the riparian States, the boundary line is laid in the middle of
under the condition that it the main navigable channel.
does not discriminate
among foreign ships, and Exclusive Economic Zone
such suspension is It gives the coastal State sovereign rights over all economic resources
essential for the protection of the sea, sea‐bed and subsoil in an area extending not more than 200
of its security, and nautical miles beyond the baseline from which the territorial sea is
suspension is effective measured. (Magallona, 2005; Articles 55 & 57, UNCLOS))
only after having been duly
published (Article 25, Within this zone, a State may regulate nonliving and living resources,
UNCLOS) other economic resources, artificial installations, scientific research,
• In the designation of sea • Designation of sea and pollution control.
lanes and traffic schemes, lanes and traffic
the coastal state shall only separation schemes is
Under the UNCLOS. states have the sovereign right to exploit the States to the living resources of its exclusive economic zone, has taken
resources of this zone. But shall share that part of the catch that is into account the need to minimize detrimental effects on fishing
beyond its capacity to harvest. communities and economic dislocation in States whose nationals have
habitually fished in the zone. (Article 70[1], UNCLOS)
1. For the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and High seas
managing the living and non‐living resources in the super These are all parts of the sea that are not included In the EEZ. In the
adjacent waters of the sea‐bed and the resources of the sea‐ territorial sea, or in Internal waters of a state or are In the archipelagic
bed and subsoil; waters of the archipelagic state. They are beyond the jurisdiction and
2. With respect to the other activities for the economic exploitation sovereign rights of states
and exploration of the EEZ, such as production of energy from
water, currents and winds; High seas are open to all states whether coastal or land-locked, and no
state may validly purport to subject any of the high seas to its
1. With respect to establishment and use of artificial islands; It is the right of every state to sail ships flying Its flag on the high seas,
2. As to protection and preservation of the marine environment; and thus no state can prevent ships or other states from using the high
and seas for lawful purposes. The high seas, however, Is reserved for
3. Over marine scientific research peaceful purposes.
OBLIGATIONS OF A COASTAL STATE IN EEZ What comprises freedom of the high seas
1. Proper conservation and management measures that the living (a) freedom of navigation
resources of the EEZ are not subjected to overexploitation; (b) freedom of overflight,
2. Promote the objective of “optimum utilization” of the living (c) freedom of fishing ,
resources. (Magallona, 2005, (Article 61[2], 62[1] UNCLOS) (d) freedom to lay submarine cables and pipelines
(e) freedom to construct artificial islands and installations and
LAND-LOCKED STATES (f) freedom of scientific research.
These are states which do not border the seas and do not have • All states must exercise these freedoms with due regard for the
Exclusive Economic Zones. (Magallona, 2005) interests of other 5tates.
In the high seas a state has exclusive jurisdiction over ships sailing
Rights of land-locked states under Its flag, hence it is called a " flag state·
Land‐locked States shall have the right to participate, on an equitable Warships and ships owned and operated by a State also enjoy
basis, the exploitation of an appropriate part of the surplus of the living immunity from the jurisdiction of any other state other than the flag
resources of the exclusive economic zones of coastal States of the state.
same subregion or region, taking into account the relevant economic
and geographical circumstances of all States concerned. (Article 69[1],
Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREGS). The Tribunal found that [12] Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia; Convention on Biological Diversity
China, through the actions of its law enforcement vessels, [13] This article deals with the Parties’ obligations to “exchange views regarding [the dispute’s]
endangered Philippine vessels and personnel and created a settlement by negotiation or other peaceful means.”
serious risk of collision and found China in breach of Article 94 of [14] Para. 278, Permanent Court of Arbitration’s Award on the South China Sea Arbitration
the Convention[34].
The Tribunal, in response to Submission 14 of the Philippines, [15] A feature that is exposed at low tide, but covered with water at high tide; low-tide elevations
do not generate entitlement to a territorial sea, exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.
opined that China had, in the course of the proceedings of this
arbitration, aggravated and extended its disputes with [16] Features that are above water at high tide; of these, those features that have the capacity to
sustain human habitation or economic life of their own are referred to as islands.
Philippines, through its actions of dredging, artificial island-
building and construction activities[35]. [17] High tide features that cannot sustain human or economic life of their own; rocks do not
generate entitlement to a territorial sea, exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.
Lastly, the Tribunal did not find it necessary to make any further
declaration, owing to the fact that both the parties are already [18] Para. 403, Permanent Court of Arbitration’s Award on Jurisdiction
parties to the Convention and are already obliged to comply with [19] Sovereignty of this elevation rests with the State by virtue of its sovereignty over the high-
it. tide feature.
[1] Available at: http://ichef- [20] Exclusive sovereign rights and jurisdiction lie with the coastal state.
[21] These elevations are part of the deep seabed and no state can claim sovereignty over the
[2] As available at: same.
[22] This was in line with the Convention which deals only with ‘naturally formed’ features, as per
[3] As available at: its Article 13.
[23] Since 2012, China considers the Spratly and Paracel Islands, as well as the Scarborough
[4] “If one of the parties to the dispute does not appear before the arbitral tribunal or fails to Shoal, to be part of the Hainan Province; despite repeated requests from the Philippines, China
defend its case, the other party may request the tribunal to continue the proceedings and to never clarified the status of the Hainan Regulation.
make its award. Absence of a party or failure of a party to defend its case shall not constitute a
bar to the proceedings. Before making its award, the arbitral tribunal must satisfy itself not only [24] The moratorium was placed by China in the area north of the 12°N latitude, was applicable
that it has jurisdiction over the dispute but also that the claim is well founded in fact and law.” to foreign ships as well and was, as China claimed, in an effort to rehabilitate the area’s marine
[5] “Any decision rendered by a court or tribunal having jurisdiction under this section shall be
final and shall be complied with by all the parties to the dispute.” [25] Rights of the coastal state over the continental shelf
[6] “The award shall be final and without appeal, unless the parties to the dispute have agreed in [26] Rights, jurisdiction and duties of the coastal state in the exclusive economic zone
advance to an appellate procedure. It shall be complied with by the parties to the dispute.”
[27] Rights and duties of other states in the exclusive economic zone
[7] Available at:
[28] These practices were found to cause extensive damage to the coral reef environment.
[8] P. 11 – 12, Permanent Court of Arbitration’s Award on the South China Sea Arbitration
[29] This includes China’s activities of using propellers to break up coral, fishing for endangered
turtles and using poaching practices.
[33] Especially in 2012 when these vessels physically obstructed Philippine vessels from
approaching the Shoal.
[35] See Para. 1181 of the Permanent Court of Arbitration’s Award on the South China Sea