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Gifted and talented children in (and out)

of the classroom

A report for the Council of Curriculum,

Examinations and Assessment (CCEA)

Feb 28th 2006

Gifted and talented children in (and out) of the classroom 1

A report for the Council of Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) 1

Feb 28th 2006What does it mean to be Gifted/Talented? 1

What does it mean to be Gifted/Talented? 6

Definitions of giftedness and talent 6

Giftedness versus talent 6
Categories of definitions of giftedness 8

Identifying gifted and talented students 9

General Characteristics of Gifted, Talented and More Able Pupils. 11
Parent’s reports 12
Peer nominations and self-report. 12

Why provide for gifted and talented students? 13

The concept of intelligence 14

Renzulli’s Three-Ring Model 14

Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences 18

What Learners Like To Do 20

Interpersonal 20

Intrapersonal 20

Bodily-Kinaesthetic 20

Linguistic 21

Musical 21

Sternberg’s triarchic model of intelligence 22

Provision for Gifted/Talented Children within the regular classroom 23

Curriculum Differentiation 23
Enrichment 23
Extension 23
Acceleration 24
Competitions 27
Mentoring 27

Ten approaches to differentiation 28

Ten ways to encourage challenge in children’s learning 30

Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Bloom, 1956) 32

A teacher’s guide to structuring activities and asking questions using Bloom’s Taxonomy 34

Ideas and Suggestions for Challenging Extension and Enrichment activities 38

Using Questions to promote effective learning and critical thinking 43

The Tic-Tac-Toe task choice menu 45

Providing challenge for gifted/talented students 47

What is challenge? 47

What kind of challenge is appropriate? 47

Social and Emotional issues in the development of gifted children 49

Self-concept, self-esteem, social adjustment and identity 50

Subtypes of giftedness from a socio-emotional viewpoint 51

Emotional Giftedness: Overexcitability and Extreme sensitivity. 52

Family Relationships for gifted and talented children 54

Relationships with siblings 54

Managing Stress in gifted and talented children 55

Career planning and support for gifted/talented children 57

Underachievement in gifted and talented children 58

Primary Characteristic of underachievers: Low self-esteem 59

Secondary Characteristics of underachievers: Avoidance Behaviour. 59

Tertiary Characteristics of Underachievers 61

The effects of culture and socio-economic class on giftedness and talent 64

The Twice Exceptional Child: Gifted and Talented Children with Disabilities 65

Gifted children with ADHD 66

Gifted children with Asperger’s Syndrome 69

Gifted and Talented Children with Learning Difficulties and Dyslexia 70

Gifted and talented children with sensory and motor impairments 72

International Provision for Gifted and Talented Students 75

Gifted and Talented Education in North America and Canada 76
North America 76
The Talent Search Model 77
Centre for Talented Youth (CTY) 78
On- and above-level testing 78
Davidson Institute for Talent Development 79
The Apex Program 81
Advanced Placement 81
Canada 82

Gifted and Talented Education in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. 84
England 84
Excellence in Cities (EiC) 85
Physical Education, School Sport and Club Links Strategy – Gifted and Talented Strand 86
Multi-skill Clubs 87
The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth 87
Other approaches: 97
Villiers Park 97
The Brunel Able Children's Education (BACE) Centre 97
Wales: 99
Scotland 100
Scottish Network for Able Pupils (SNAP) 100
Northern Ireland 101
Republic of Ireland. 101
IBM/DCU Irish Science Olympiad 101
Irish Centre for Talented Youth (CTYI) 102

Gifted and Talented Education in Asia 104

China 104
Japan 105

Gifted and Talented Education in the Antipodes 106

Australia 106
New Zealand 108

Gifted and Talented in Europe 109

Spain 109
Hungary 110
Scandinavia 111
Russia 112

References 113

Appendix 1 – Information on Gifted and Talented Education on the World Wide Web and in
print 119

Gifted and Talented on the World Wide Web 119

Associations, Publications and CPD 119

Associations 119
Global 119
United Kingdom 119
Ireland 119
United States 119
Canada 120
Australia 120
New Zealand 121

Teacher CPD 122

Appendix 2 – List of extra-curricular activities and enrichment ideas available on the World
Wide Web for Gifted and Talented Students 123

What does it mean to be Gifted/Talented?
Identification of the gifted and talented can pose a problem to teachers and education
professionals because they are not a homogeneous group. The typical picture of the
highly able child is of a hard-working pupil who diligently completes work, and is
perhaps known as the class “swot” or “brain box”. In reality the picture is much more
complex than that. Alongside the gifted achievers are those who - despite their gifts
and talents - persistently underachieve due to boredom, lack of interest, or crippling
perfectionism; young children who are cognitively advanced enough to play games
with complex rule structures and yet not socially mature enough to deal with the
frustration that occurs when their peers cannot grasp the game; children whose
giftedness may be masked by the fact that they are not being educated in their first
language or who have also have a disability.

The vast number of definitions for giftedness and talent can be quite confusing. We
have provided some of the better known definitions in the section below in order to
give you an overview of the area. No one definition is perfect – highly able children
can no more be fitted into one neat category box than any other child whose range of
experiences has shaped his or her attitudes to learning and achievement.

Definitions of giftedness and talent

Before beginning to develop provision for gifted and talented students it is necessary
to understand just what is meant by these terms, and how they apply to children in our
classrooms. There is large variation in the range and breadth of definitions of gifted
and talented students, and little consensus on a satisfactory definition. This lack of
clarity led Gagne to remark that the concept of giftedness is at times difficult to
defend because it is “defined too loosely while being measured too restrictively”
(Gagne, 1995, pp 104).

Giftedness versus talent

Originally the words gifted and talented were often used interchangeably, or at times
the concept of “talent” was seen as being in some way lesser compared with the idea
of giftedness. For example Morelock (1996) referred to a hierarchical categorisation

with “talent” referring to specialised aptitudes that are assumed to be unrelated – and
inferior - to general intelligence and giftedness. In the mid 1990’s, the term “talented”
was often used to replace “gifted”, which was thought to have connotations of
“getting something for nothing”, or being specially chosen in some way. Freeman
(2000) and Winstanley (2004) both comment that the term “gifted” often seems to
have religious overtones of gifts bestowed by God. Winstanley also remarks that this
also implies moral connotations to do with being gifted, as if the child has a
responsibility to apply themselves and not waste their abilities. The term “able” and
variations of it are used frequently in the educational literature as it is felt to be more
appropriate and less emotive. In both Wales and Scotland pupils are classified as
“More Able and Talented” and “Able” respectively. Winstanley (2004) notes that the
term “able” is often prefixed by words such as “more”, “very”, “severely” or
“profoundly”, in order to create subtle distinctions that are often neither objective nor
useful. She advocates using the term “highly able” for the majority of able pupils and
“exceptionally able” for those who are particularly outstanding. However, the terms
“gifted” and “talented” are those that are used most frequently in government
strategies and research literature and so will be used in the rest of this review. In this
report the terms are not intended to be synonymous, and are defined separately.
Gagné (1991) differentiated between the concepts of gifted and talented by defining
giftedness as above-average competence in human ability, and talent as above-
average performance in a particular field. Giftedness refers to human aptitudes such
as intellectual or creative abilities. Talent however is demonstrated in an area of
human activity such as mathematics, literature or music. Freeman (2000) echoes this
definition, adding that gifts are usually easy to measure as intellectual aspects of
development, whereas talents are normally discovered by experts in those fields. This
can be further clarified by Munro’s (2001) distinction between talented students as
displaying exceptional ability in areas in which they have been explicitly taught, and
gifted students as those who display exceptional ability in certain areas without
explicit teaching. Thus it follows that a gifted student may not necessarily be defined
as talented.
In 1988 the US Congress defined gifted and talented as:

“The term “gifted and talented students” means children and

youth who give evidence of high performance capability in

areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership
capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who require
services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in
order to fully develop such capabilities”

Deborah Eyre (1999) provides a simpler definition: “An able child, as defined by our
school, is one who achieves, or has the ability to achieve, at a level significantly in
advance of the peer group. This may be in all areas of the curriculum or in a limited
As of 2005 the current definitions from the Department for Education and Skills in
Great Britain (DfES) are as follows:

Gifted: the top 5-10% of pupils per school as measured by actual or potential
achievement in English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Modern Foreign
Languages, RE, ICT or Design and Technology.
Talented: the top 5-10% of pupils per school as measured by actual or potential
achievement in the subjects of Art, Music or PE.

However one element of this description should be emphasised: it is the top 5-10% of
pupils per school, regardless of the overall ability profile of pupils.

Categories of definitions of giftedness

McAlpine (1996) classified definitions of giftedness according to three criteria;
whether they are conservative or liberal; single- or multi-dimensional; and whether
they are based on potential or performance.

Conservative versus liberal

Conservative definitions tend to restrict the areas that are included in the
categorisation of giftedness or talent, or how many people will be regarded as gifted –
for example the top 5% of any given measure of ability. These definitions also tend
to use a single dimension such as high intelligence (as measured on an I.Q test), to
define giftedness. More liberal definitions would suggest that there is no meaningful

difference between those who score in the top 3-5%, and the 10-15% who come just
below and so would advocate that 15-20% should be included in the gifted category.

Single- versus multidimensional

Some definitions of giftedness refer to ability in just one domain, usually academic,
while others include achievements in a number of domains. The more domains that
are included the more liberal the definition could be considered to be. While a broad
definition of giftedness is desirable as it makes it less likely that individuals who are
gifted will be overlooked, it is also necessary to guard against creating a definition so
broad that everyone is regarded as gifted, undermining the exceptionality of the

Potential versus performance

Some definitions require concrete evidence of above average performance. Others
include children, for example those who are underachieving, whose performance may
not be exceptional but who would be considered to have further potential. Freeman
(1998) remarked that the inclusion of the word “potential” in within a definition of
gifts and talents, rather than only recognised performance, often serves to diminish the
“elitist” nature of many definitions.

Culture and Context

Along with these categories it should be remembered that the ideas of giftedness and
talent and dependent on both culture and context. Which categories of definition are
advocated internationally depends on the educational culture and school system of
that particular country. On a more local scale, and because the term gifted is always a
comparison, children can be called gifted at very different levels of achievement. In
highly selective schools some children might be viewed as “stupid” by classmates,
whereas they might be termed “gifted” in other schools.

Identifying gifted and talented students

Clear, objective and useful criteria are needed in order to identify the most able pupils
in education and provide for their needs. However, the vast array of definitions, as
well as common prejudices about what constitutes giftedness/talent can often hamper

the establishment of these guidelines. Giftedness is often equated with high IQ, and
yet IQ measures alone may not pick up the all of the highly able children in a
classroom setting. A number of researchers have proposed checklists of
characteristics, implying that it should be possible to simply tick boxes pertaining to
the attitudes and behaviours of pupils. Winstanley (2004) notes however, the desire to
be inclusive means that the checklists are often unwieldy, too vague to be useful and
at times completely contradictory. To give an example of this below are elements
from two checklists displayed side-by-side:

Able pupils are likely to:

Demonstrate unusual curiosity Exhibit boredom
Finish work with ease and speed Take extra time to finish tasks to a high
Have many friends Be quite isolated
Contribute willingly in class Refuse to comply with instructions
Be interested in a broad variety of topics Only express interest in a narrow range of

These examples are taken from Eyre (1997) and the DfES website “Excellence in
Cities”, and are reported in Winstanley (2004). They are a good illustration of why
gifted children cannot be treated as a homogeneous group and caution those who seek
to describe them according to a set of pre-defined attributes. Checklists can be
valuable instruments for stimulating thought and they may spark recognition in
teachers for pupils perhaps not previously considered gifted. It is recommended that
any checklists in this document are used as a starting point for thinking about
giftedness and talent rather than as a diagnostic tool.

General Characteristics of Gifted, Talented and More Able Pupils.
Many educationalists have produced lists of characteristics of very able children.
Familiarity with these characteristics can help teachers to build up a pupil profile of
learning strengths. Such a profile may help to identify a pupil who might not be
achieving at a particularly high level but who may have real ability in certain areas.
He or she may:
• be a good reader
• be very articulate or verbally fluent for their age
• give quick verbal responses ( which can appear cheeky)
• have a wide general knowledge
• learn quickly
• be interested in topics which one might associate with an older child
• communicate well with adults – often better than with their peer group
• have a range of interests, some of which are almost obsessions
• show unusual and original responses to problem-solving activities
• prefer verbal to written activities
• be logical
• be self taught in their own interest areas
• have an ability to work things out in their head very quickly
• have a good memory that they can access easily
• be artistic
• be musical
• excel at sport
• have strong views and opinions
• have a lively and original imagination / sense of humour
• be very sensitive and aware
• focus on their own interests rather than on what is being taught
• be socially adept
• appear arrogant or socially inept
• be easily bored by what they perceive as routine tasks
• show a strong sense of leadership
• are not necessarily well-behaved or well liked by others

None of these behaviours are proof of high ability but they may alert teachers to the
need to enquire further into a pupil’s learning patterns and ability levels.

Parent’s reports

Parents often have a detailed knowledge of their children’s abilities, and can be a very
useful source of information in identifying a child as gifted/talented. Louis and Lewis
(1992) found that parents were correct 61% of the time in identifying their child as
gifted, with the remaining 39% correct in that their children were advanced but did
not meet the criteria for giftedness. Parent’s reports are often dismissed as biased or
as evidence of a pushy parent, but in actual fact most parents think that their own
child is gifted (Davis & Rimm, 1998) and it is more common for parents to
underestimate their children than overestimate, especially when the parents are well-
educated (Chitwood, 1986).

Peer nominations and self-report.

One form of identification that is often overlooked is peer nominations. Children in

the classroom are very good at nominating gifted and talented students, as they have
the opportunity to observe who finishes work with ease, or who helps them out to
complete their own work. Peer nominations can be especially useful in identifying
students from disadvantaged, culturally different or minority backgrounds. One
example of a peer nomination exercise takes the form of a game of make-believer.
Children are asked to imagine that they are stranded on a desert island and must name
the classmate who would be the best organiser (leader, persuader), best judge (settles
arguments, fair), fixer (improves things), inventor (invents, discovers), entertainer, etc
(Jenkins, 1979).
Self-reporting should be used with older children who are often more self-aware and
know their capabilities. Teachers may be unaware of the interests, motivations or
extra-curricular activities of older students, and in some cases underachievement may
mask the presentation of abilities.

Why provide for gifted and talented students?
The idea of specialised provision for gifted and talented students can be very emotive
and can raise arguments ranging from accusations of elitism to the dangers of “hot-
housing” young minds.
Arguments that differentiated provision for gifted students is elitist are most often
levelled in the context of academic subjects. Our society strives for equality and
fairness, so it seems unreasonable to give extra attention to those who are already
highly able in languages, sciences or the arts. However, such an argument is rarely
made when a student excels at music or sport. In those cases the student is rarely
expected to stand aside and wait for those less talented to catch up but encouraged
with private lessons and extra-curricular activities. Such thinking implies that some
gifts and talents are more valuable or more deserving of nurturance than others, which
itself it elitist.
Another common attitude towards provision for gifted and talented students is that
due to their abilities and potential, they already have the right tools for future success.
Time and money instead needs to be devoted to the children at the “other end of the
spectrum”, those with disabilities and disadvantage to allow them the same
opportunity to succeed. There are two compelling (and related) arguments to rebut
this viewpoint. Firstly, as previously mentioned and contrary to the popular
perception, the gifted and talented are not a homogeneous group of hard-working,
well-adjusted and achieving students, nor can we talk about a dichotomy between
those who are gifted and those who have disabilities or learning difficulties. As will
be discussed in this course of this document, children who are gifted and talented may
also have emotional problems, adjustment issues, intellectual disabilities or they may
be underachieving due to boredom, frustration, low self-esteem or stress. It is neither
useful nor fair to attempt to categorise assume that just because they are gifted some
students will not need further encouragement or help. All pupils are entitled to an
education based on their needs.
Secondly, all pupils are entitled to an education that takes them beyond the minimum
basic skills and stretches them to develop their abilities as best they can. If we do not
expect a student who is a talented sportsman to play less than his best because his age
peers are not so advanced, why should a student who is gifted/talented in mathematics

be required to sit quietly and wait until the rest of the class is finished or to complete
more of the same sums to fill the time? Boredom often turns to frustration and
underachievement and disaffectation with the learning process. The education system
has a responsibility to provide an appropriate level of challenge for students of all
abilities, not just those who may be classified under the traditional bracket of “special
needs”. This is true, even in cases where the student’s potential performance will
outstrip the necessary requirements (Winstanley, 2004). In her book “Too Clever by
Half – a fair deal for gifted children”, Carrie Winstanley gives an excellent overview
of the range of economic, moral and educational viewpoints proposing and opposing
provision for gifted and talented children that are not covered here.

The concept of intelligence

There is no one agreed-upon definition what constitutes intelligence but the one most
widely used by psychologists today describes intelligence as “knowledge and
information about the world, and the ability to use that knowledge to reason about,
and adapt to, our surroundings” (Sternberg, 1985). A number of theorists in the field
of education have taken components of this definition and applied it to our knowledge
of gifted and talented individuals in order to provide their own conceptions of what
constitutes giftedness/talent. Three influential model of giftedness and talent or
intelligence are presented here.

Renzulli’s Three-Ring Model

Renzulli (1986) reports that research on gifted and talented individuals shows that
they possess three particular traits that interlock and affect each other: above-average
ability, creativity, and high levels of task commitment. Taken together, these three
traits constitute giftedness.

Well above average ability is characterised by:

1) High levels of abstract thinking, verbal and numerical reasoning,

spatial relationships, memory and word fluency.

2) adaptation to novel situations
3) rapid, accurate and selective retrieval of information
4) the application of these abilities to one or more specialised areas
of knowledge, techniques and strategies
5) appropriately using the abilities in (4) in pursuit of particular
problems or interests
6) the capacity to sort relevant from irrelevant information in (5)

Task Commitment is characterised by:

1) the capacity for high levels of interest, enthusiasm, fascination and

2) the capacity for perseverance, endurance, determination, hard work
and dedicated practice
3) self confidence- belief in one's own ability to carry out important
4) drive to achieve
5) ability to identify specific problems and tune in to major channels
of communication and new development
6) setting high standards for one's own work
7) maintaining openness to self criticism and other's criticism
8) Development of an aesthetic sense of quality and excellence in
one's own and others work.

Creativity is characterised by:

1) fluency, flexibility and originality

2) openness to experience and receptivity to what is new and different
3) curiosity, speculative thinking, adventurousness and willingness to
take risks in thought and action
4) sensitivity to detail and the aesthetic characteristics of things and
5) A willingness to act on or react to external stimulation and one's
own ideas and feelings.

Renzulli maintains that between these clusters of characteristics there is overlap and
interaction and that all traits cannot be expected in any single individual.

Fig 1. Renzulli’s three-ring conceptualisation of giftedness

Critics of this model argue that Renzulli’s model is not so much about giftedness, as it
is about how potential can be translated into talent. Feldhusen and Hoover (1986)
claim that the three tenets of Renzulli’s model, when taken together, actually account
for the realisation of gifted potential. Once this “sense of self” has been created, it
spurs a motivation to learn and to achieve. Essentially Feldhusen and Hoover see
motivation and creativity as the result of an en environment that facilitates educational
development and a “sense of self” with regard to talent. While motivation and
creativity are goals that we should aspire to develop in any education system, they are
not the cause of giftedness or talent, and therefore should not define it.

Further, Renzulli’s model does not provide any means of identifying children who are
underachieving, as they may lack the necessary criteria of task commitment. With
respect to younger children, the model is also inadequate. Renzulli’s accepts that the
three criteria may not be fully developed in young children but suggests that they will
still be identified as gifted if it is likely that they will later go on to develop these
traits. However, how this potential could be assessed is unclear, and also if their
environment is not stimulating, then they may not be motivated – they will lack task

The role of creativity in this model is contentious. If creativity is seen as distinct from
giftedness or talent, as some would suggest, then the child is actually required to show

capability twice over. Alternatively, if creativity is characteristic of any thinking
(Ebert, 1994) then that criterion is superfluous. Renzulli’s model basically
conceptualises giftedness and talent as internal to the individual.

Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Gardner suggests that the idea of a general intelligence or g is not sufficient to capture
the breadth and adaptability of human intelligence. Taking a multi-disciplinary
approach, Gardner (1983; 1997) has proposed the existence of eight co-existing
intelligences possessed by each individual.

The intelligences are:

1. Logical-mathematical – entailing good reasoning ability
2. Spatial – involves the ability to interpret information in two or three
dimensions, such as when appreciating art, constructing graphs, or reading
3. Verbal – the ability to use language well and creatively to express oneself
4. Musical – an aptitude for patterns and rhythms in music, for expressing
emotion in music
5. Bodily-Kinaesthetic – entailing motor skills and physical co-ordination,
perhaps expressed through dance or sport
6. Interpersonal – the ability to deal with varied social situations, to read social
cues and produce effective social behaviour.
7. Intrapersonal - involving knowledge and awareness of one’s own strengths,
weaknesses and needs, understanding of one’s own emotions and the ability
to use this understanding to inform your behaviour
8. Naturalist – involving knowledge and awareness of the environment,
sensitivity to features of the natural world.

The intelligences are relatively autonomous and can be combined in many adaptive
ways by individuals and cultures. The intelligences are described as biological and
psychological potential, and are unevenly distributed across the different skill areas so
that everyone has an individual cognitive profile. However, Gardner claims that the
skills work in harmony with each other, so “their autonomy may be invisible”
(Gardner, 1983). Gardner cites as evidence for his theory the cases of autistic savants,
who show exceptional ability in one particular domain, while struggling with severe

impairments in other aspects of their cognition and patients with acquired brain
injuries where one faculty or talent has survived intact. While there are a number of
documented cases of such individuals, the case of the savant is in itself an exception
to the norm.
People who test highly on one particular subscale of the eight intelligences usually
tend to also score highly on a number of the other scales. While Gardner might argue
that this is the intelligences “working in harmony” there is little evidence to support
this and it is interpreted by others as evidence for a single capacity or general
intelligence. The fact that Gardner is currently proposing the expansion of the model
to include a further three intelligences has also provoked scepticism with regard to the
scientific basis of the model.
Gardner and others have also debated the appropriateness of labelling each of the 8
segments an “intelligence” – some appear to better suit the definition of a talent, and
do not correspond with even the more modern and liberal definitions of what
constitutes intelligence. Others deal with the outcomes or products of intellectual and
cognitive processes, but not the processes themselves.

The strength of Gardner’s theory lies in its contribution to broadening educator’s

views of ability and in valuing a broad and differentiated curriculum, providing
diversity for children. However, the scientific basis of the theory needs further
investigation before it is held up as a model of giftedness/talent.

The Multiple Intelligences Table

Adapted from the book Succeeding with Multiple Intelligences

By Howard Gardner (1996)

Intelligence Teachers Can

What Learners Like To Do
• Sensitive to the mood and feelings of • Use co-operative learning
Interpersonal others • Assign group projects
• Understand people well • Give students
• Interact and co-operate effectively with opportunities for peer
others teaching
• Good at leading, sharing and organising • Brainstorm solutions to
• Mediate between people problems
• Enjoy playing social games • Create situations in which
• Listen well to others students are given
• Enjoy many friends feedback from others
• Meditate
• Build consensus and empathise with
• Like to work alone • Allow students to work at
Intrapersonal • Motivate oneself own pace
• Intuitive • Assign individual, self-
• Sensitive to one’s own feelings and directed projects
moods • Help students set goals
• Know own strengths and weaknesses • Provide opportunities for
• Use self-knowledge to guide decision students to get feedback
making and set goals from each other
• Control own feelings and moods • Involve the students in
• Have a sense of independence journal writing and other
• Are strong willed and have strong forms of reflection
personal opinions
• Pursue personal interests and set
individual agendas
• Self confident
• Reflective
• Learn through observing
• Use metacognitive skills
• Use ones’ body to communicate and • Provide tactile and
Bodily- solve problems movement activities
• Remember through bodily sensations • Offer role playing and
Kinaesthetic • Learn best through physical activities acting opportunities
• Find it difficult to sit still for long • Involve students in
• Have gut feelings about things physical activity
• Is adept with objects and activities • Allow students to move
involving fine or gross motor skills while working
• Play sports and be physically active • Use sewing, model
• Use body language and gesture making or other activities
• Do crafts and mechanical projects using fine motor skills
• Dance, act or mime
• Mimic easily

• Think in words • Create reading and
Linguistic • Use language and words in many writing projects
different forms to express complex • Help students prepare
meanings speeches
• Tell jokes, riddles or puns • Interest the students in
• Like to read, write or tell stories debates
• Use an expanded vocabulary • Make word games,
• Play word games crossword puzzles and
• Have a good memory for names, places, word searches
dates, poetry, lyrics, trivia • Encourage the use of
• Create poems and stories using the puns, palindromes and
sounds and imagery of words outrageous words
• Find spelling easy

Logical - • Approach problems logically • Construct Venn diagrams

• Understand number • Use games of strategy
Mathematical • See patterns easily • Have students
• Like abstract ideas demonstrate
• Recognise and solve problems using understanding using
reasoning skills concrete objects
• Work out sums easily in their head • Record information on
• Work with numbers, figure things out graphs
and analyse situations • Establish time lines and
• Know how things work draw maps
• Ask big questions
• Exhibit precision in problem solving
• Work in situations win which there are
clear black and white solutions
• Like computers
• Devise experiments to test things out
• Think in categories and see relationship
between ideas

• Sensitive to non-verbal sound in the • Re-write song lyrics to

Musical environment, including melody and tone teach a concept
• Aware of patterns in rhythm, pitch and • Encourage students to add
timbre music to plays
• Listen to and play music • Create musical
• Match feelings to music and rhythms mnemonics
• Sing, hum, whistle and move to music • Teach history through
• Remember and work with different music of the period
musical forms • Have students learn music
• Create and replicate tunes and folk dancing from
• Like to listen to music when working other countries

Sternberg’s triarchic model of intelligence
Sternberg (1997) is another critic of the single-capacity approach to defining
giftedness and talent. Instead he contends that giftedness comprises three core
qualities: analytic skills or componential intelligence. This is the ability to think
abstractly and process information efficiently and effectively.
Synthetic skills or experiential intelligence: This is the ability to combine pieces of
information in new ways, to be creative or to see links and patterns in seemingly
unrelated information.

Contextual intelligence or the application of one’s thinking skills to everyday

practical problems. This ability is often considered in lay terms to be “street smart”.
It requires adaptability, and the skill of constantly reassessing ones strengths and
weaknesses and building plans accordingly.
According to Sternberg, an important part of giftedness lies in the ability to make use
of each of these three thinking styles and to recognise when each is most appropriate.
Sternberg argues that modern IQ tests tap analytic intelligence only, and therefore
there is the potential that very creative and adaptive thinkers are not identified as
While Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences model concentrates on the different content
areas where one can excel, Sternberg’s triarchic model is more concerned with the
processes that we engage in order to produce an intelligent response.

Fig. 2 Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence

Provision for Gifted/Talented Children within the
regular classroom

Curriculum Differentiation
Curriculum differentiation refers to the provision of different learning activities for
same-aged children who have different learning needs and preferences (Kulik &
Kulik, 1997). In dealing with gifted and talented students it is especially important to
consider the extras that can be provided above and beyond what others in the class are
studying. However, Sawyer (1988) points out that any extension activities must have
be academically rigorous and that entertainment should not be mistaken for
educational value.

It is important that teachers are willing to be flexible within the whole curriculum
when providing for gifted and talented pupils. Enrichment implies horizontal
flexibility whilst extension implies vertical flexibility.

Enrichment is any type of learning, or activity, which is outside the core of learning
which most pupils undertake. It is additional to the established curriculum. It is a
supplement to, not a replacement for, the core of work being undertaken. In a well
planned and interesting classroom it may already be available. It can broaden pupils’
horizons and help them to look at different aspects of their work. It may well be
interest led. Enrichment could involve groups of pupils working together; it may
mean working in a different way from usual. It should enrich the core and widen it

Extension is allowing, or enabling students to move through the curriculum at a faster
rate than normal. It can mean ‘acceleration’, or skipping sections to move further
ahead. It can also mean ‘compacting’ the curriculum so that it is denser and more

complex. It should give opportunities to work in depth, and to work at the student’s
individual rate.

This vertical and horizontal stretching allows teachers to use work from other key
stages of the national curriculum and from other subject areas, other than those
generally being worked on. Flexibility in the national curriculum is recommended for
gifted and talented pupils. They may well be working with pupils from higher age
groups in certain subject areas.

Extension and enrichment may take place within a mixed-ability class, where gifted
children are given further or more challenging activities to tackle, or alternatively
there may be organised “pull-out” classes, outside of the regular class timetable,
where extended work is tackled at a faster pace. When extension and enrichment
activities are provided in the classroom, they should be sufficiently different from the
material being studied by others in the class. Assignments that are intended to be
extended or enriched work should not simply be “more work” that is doled out to
keep the gifted/talented student occupied while others finish the original assignment,
nor should it be “harder work” that they are expected to finish. Both of these
measures may be perceived as punishment (“Why should I work hard in class as it
only results in more work being handed out?”) and may lead them to reduce their
effort and become unmotivated.
Where extension and enrichment are operated as “pull-out” programmes and able
individuals are grouped to work together outside of the classroom it is important that
the class teacher can integrate work that the group have covered and build upon it.
Further, students who take part in such pull-out programmes should not be punished
by being expected to also complete the work that they have missed in class on
extension activities, as again this can lead to a reduction in motivation.

Acceleration of children into classes beyond their age-group is a very emotive subject
among both educators and parents. At present the leading academics on gifted
education in the US and Australia endorse the use of acceleration in appropriate
circumstances when provision of the child’s needs can be adequately met. At present,
two large centres for gifted and talented education, The Belin-Blank Center for Gifted

Education and Talent Development in Iowa, USA; and the Gifted Education Research
Resource and Information Centre (GERRIC) in New South Wales, Australia are
endorsing the findings of a series of studies on acceleration entitled “A Nation
Deceived: How Schools hold back America’s brightest students” that strongly
advocated the use of acceleration.

The aims of acceleration are

o To avoid boredom, and resulting behavioural difficulties
o To promote the child’s development of good study skills such as higher-order
thinking skills
o To allow children to mix more successfully with others, by placing them with
children who differ in age, but share more similar interests
o To capitalise on young children’s interests and abilities.

Research consistently reports that acceleration meets all of these academic, social and
emotional aims. Accelerants mostly adjust well socially and emotionally and they
report preferring to be with the older children compared to their age peers. A number
of studies have found that children who are accelerated display no difference in
adjustment compared with equally gifted children who were not accelerated. A study
carried out at CTY in the USA found that over 95% of students who had been
accelerated found that the experience was positive, and that it increased their interest,
challenge and movement through the educational system. Some negative aspects such
as feelings of isolation from age peers were reported but very infrequently, and it
seems that the opportunity to be accelerated far outweighed any social disadvantages (
Ablard, Mills & Duval, 1994) While it appears in this case that no benefit has been
found, it is also possible that children who elect to be accelerated might be damaged
by a refusal to move them on, becoming unmotivated and bored, leading to a decrease
in achievement. Swiatek and Benbow (1993) found that an early exit from school for
gifted/talented learners did not hamper later achievement, and they continued to work
well in university.

On the other hand a few studies have highlighted some negative effects of
acceleration. One specific study indicated that 20% of early entrants to school were
assessed by teachers as performing poorly (McCluskey, 1996). However, whether

this was due entirely to the early entrance is not clear – it is possible that these
children may have performed poorly in any case. Also Porter (1999) points out that
these findings could also have been due to raised expectations on the part of the
teachers, who perhaps expected to see “outstanding performance” that would warrant
the early entry, or the fact that acceleration is used so rarely that the children felt

There seems to be agreement however, that the best way to manage acceleration is in
terms of early school entry rather than later grade-skipping which can cause
dislocation from friends and peer group. The issue must also be handled sensitively by
the school and the appropriate support for the child provided.

Key provisions include:

o A flexible classroom structure and a teacher who is sympathetic to the idea of
early entry
o Support from the school in filling in any gaps in the child’s skills that may
have occurred due to early entry
o The child will need to have sufficient fine motor control to cope with
academic skills such as handwriting, and a readiness to begin reading
o The child must be comfortable with the idea of mixing with older children,
and with the idea of being one of the youngest in the class
o Support for parents, as their comfort with the notion of acceleration is likely to
have an effect on their children’s coping strategies.
o Children need to be socially and emotionally mature enough to cope with
school. However, among all school entrants - not just early ones – there is a
wide range in levels of maturity (Braggett, 1992) and younger children tend to
“grow into” the social-emotional levels of those around them (Vialle, 1998).
Lack of maturity therefore, may not be an impediment to early entry.
o Children need to have the physical stamina to be able to cope with a long
school day

Given the uneven development of gifted children, and the individual differences
present, all gifted/talented children may not be mature in all of these domains, and it
is strongly recommended that there should be extended consultation between parents

and the school as well as any early childhood staff (e.g. crèche workers etc) in order
to decide on the best course of action for each particular child. Further, the decision
to enrol a child at school early or to accelerate a child at any stage of their schooling,
should be looked upon as a trial, and closely monitored, not as a finite solution.

While competitions may not be marketed exclusively as vehicles for gifted/talented
students, quite often they provide an excellent avenue for such pupils to work and to
shine. At first glance they may appear to be passive entities, making use of talent that
is already developed rather than encouraging new growth. However, they can activate
and strengthen feeling for a particular subject, provide enrichment in researching a
topic beyond its coverage within the curriculum, and development skills in problem-
solving, perseverance and experimentation (Freeman, 2000). If the competitors can
choose the basis or topic of their entry, it can also provide a sense of autonomy that is
not always readily accessible in curriculum-based schoolwork. An example of one
such competition on this island that meets the above criteria is the annual BT Young
Scientist’s Exhibition. Students are encouraged to develop a research hypothesis on a
science-related topic within the realms of biological, chemical, physical or social
sciences and to carry out a piece of original research to test their hypotheses. Their
work is written up as a scientific report and presented on a display stand at a four-day
exhibition. During the exhibition, they are interviewed and judged by academics and
experts in their chosen project areas. Students get the opportunity to meet and interact
with other exhibitors from all over the country and also to show the fruits of their hard
work to family, teachers and the general public.

There is some suggestion that competitions tend to appeal more to boys than to girls
and to those who are naturally more competitive, confident, and ambitious by nature.
That said, they also offer potential for others to develop confidence and ambition if
they are given the appropriate support and encouragement.

Gifted, talented and more able pupils can appear way ahead of their chronological age
in their ability area. This may lead to unfair expectations of their social and personal

development. Mentoring is a strategy that can work effectively with any age pupil and
can offer intellectual and emotional benefits. On a basic level, it could be just finding
someone to spend time with the child, talk at length with them and obtain a clearer
view of their ideas, abilities, views and feelings. The mentor could be another adult, a
teacher or even an older child. On a more sophisticated level, the mentor may have an
interest, or even be an expert in the pupil’s area of ability. If relationships with peers
are difficult or stressful, the existence of a mentor can be very beneficial for defusing
fraught situations.

Acceleration, enrichment and extension can all be used to good effect with
gifted/talented learners in normal classrooms, without the need to create pull-out
programmes. The following suggestions and activities give examples of how
different learning styles can be employed that give the student the chance to use broad
range of talents and to develop new ones.

As gifted/talented children may be advanced thinkers and enjoy the challenge of new
tasks, one of the key themes in these approaches should be independent learning. Try
to avoid “telling” the student new information; instead encourage them to seek it for
themselves. Try to move towards more investigative, resource-based and active
forms of learning.

Where possible, try to allow them to choose the method or activity that they would
like to do in order to learn, as this promotes a sense of autonomy and “ownership” of
learning. However, do encourage them to try new activities in order to broaden the
learning experience.

Ten approaches to differentiation

1. Task Children, either as individuals or groups, are given different tasks based on
prior attainment. Able children can be challenged by setting tasks that encourage
them to think at higher levels through the inclusion of problem-solving, investigation
and the use of higher-order thinking skills.

2. Outcome Children work on the same task following a common stimulus, but the
teacher has different expectations for each child based on previous experience.
Learning how to explain something to someone else so that they can understand a
concept or process can be very challenging. An able child could be asked to explain or
teach something to someone else, or write to someone else, or write or design
something for children of a different age group.

3. Pace Children are given a common task but the time allocated for completion is
based on prior skills. An able child might be expected to spend less time completing
the core task than others and may then undertake some more challenging extension
work (i.e. opportunities for extending the breadth and depth of learning related to the
core curriculum objective rather than moving on to the next learning objective). Many
able children miss the chance to do extension tasks where they are available because
they take too long completing the core task, through lack of interest and motivation.
Where appropriate, some children should be allowed to skip activities (known as
‘compacting’) and move quickly to extension work.

4. Support Children work on a common task, but some receive more or less support
than others. An able child may need help in weak areas of their own such as
recording, use of ICT, developing study skills or co-operative learning.

5. Resources Children are set a common task, but are given different resources, which
require more advanced reading or research skills. Able children can be encouraged to
use a range of resources or alternative methods for presenting their work.

6. Grouping Children have a common task to complete but are grouped in a way that
ensures success for all. Able children can sometimes be grouped with peers of similar
ability and expected to perform at a higher level.

7. Information Children are set a common task but are given different information,
or different amounts of information, which can support or stretch their thinking.

8. Role Children undertake a common task but individuals are given different roles.
An able child could be given the role of the main researcher, or organiser of the
group’s information and resources.

9. Homework Children are set different homework whilst some pupils may need time
to complete work started in class. More able children might be given more complex
aspects of the topic to research in more depth, or to carry out a different task.

10. Dialogue/Using Questions The teacher adapts the questions they pose and the
responses they make to different children. Differentiation by dialogue has recently
been stressed as a key area to consider in meeting the needs of highly able children.
The use of questions is summarised on the following page.
- Adapted from Eyre (1997) Teaching Able Children in the Ordinary School.

Ten ways to encourage challenge in children’s learning

Work can be made more demanding, and children’s thinking extended through the use
of a wide range of teaching strategies. Deborah Eyre (1997) identified the following:

1. Plan/do/review Able children can be expected to plan more systematically and

with greater rigour, and to be more critical and analytical in the reviewing stage.

2. Working from more difficult texts Useful in that children can work on the same
content but research information from more challenging texts and resources.

3. Using a wider range of information/resources As above, but children are

expected to bring together information from many more sources.

4. Recording in alternative or more imaginative ways Children can be encouraged

to move away from recording in a written format and explore more imaginative ways
of presenting information.

5. Role play Encouraging children to interpret and empathise with different people
and situations, to bring greater life and meaning to their learning.

6. Problem solving and enquiry tasks Children can be encouraged to explore
alternatives to solving problems and research real-life problems. The Cognitive
Acceleration through Science Education (CASE) programme has been used as a
highly effective tool in this area and has recently been extended into the areas of
mathematics, technology and performing arts.

7. Choice in how to handle content Choice usually results in greater motivation.

Able children can often think of more unusual and challenging lines of enquiry.

8. Decision making Children can be given the outline of a task and then given the
choice of how to develop and record their ideas. See TIC TAC TOE MENU on page

9. No correct answer This is often linked to work on open-ended tasks. Children are
asked to research widely and then use their critical skills to consider the pros and cons
of arguments.

10. Using one text or artefact Limiting the stimulus can help children to look more
carefully, think more deeply and more imaginatively.
- Adapted from Eyre (1997) Teaching Able Children in the Ordinary Schools

Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Bloom, 1956)
Bloom’s Taxonomy, or more formally the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives:
Cognitive Domain has had an international impact on education by drawing attention
to the difference between “low-level” and “high level” academic thinking. “Low
level” thinking includes acquisition of knowledge and comprehension, whereas the
higher levels stress analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Each of the categories is
outlined further below.

1. Knowledge
Knowledge is simply the ability to recall information, recite or list facts.
Students can say they know something if they can recite it or write it down or
recall its location.

2. Comprehension
Comprehension means that a student can describe what they know by
describing it in their own words. They are able to restate, give examples,
summarise or outline basic key points.

3. Application
Application means that the information learned can be applied in different
contexts. Students are able to transfer knowledge learned in one situation to

4. Analysis
Analysis is when a student can compare and contrast; recognise inferences and
opinions or motives. At this level a student can characterise the attributes of
something, thus allowing the constituent parts to be studied both separately
and in relation to each other.

5. Evaluation
Evaluation allows a student to make judgements about what he/she has
analysed. Judgements are made against agreed criteria and this guides
decision-making and the critique or rationale or an argument.

6. Synthesis
Synthesis is the construction of new wholes based on an informed and detailed
understanding of constituent parts. Formulating a new theory, an original
argument, a summary rationale, a forecast or prediction all require complex
and sophisticated thinking.

A guide to structuring activities and questions follows.

A teacher’s guide to structuring activities and asking questions using
Bloom’s Taxonomy


Activities Questions for learning

• Tell • What three things are the most important?

• Recite • Describe them to someone else

• List • List the key characters in the book

• Memorise • Write your list, turn it over, repeat it

• Remember • Write your list, turn it over, repeat it, try again

• Find • Look for and list the ingredients needed

• Summarise in • List five key things and explain each

your own words

• Locate • Where in the book would you find…?

• Name • Name as many characters as you can, go for five


Activities Questions for learning

• Restate • What do you think is happening here?

• Explain • What is significant?

• Give examples of • Can you think of any other similarities?

• Summarise • What do you consider essential?

• Translate • What might this mean?

• Edit • Using the cut and paste facility, can you…?

• Draw • What three things are the most important?


Activities Questions for learning

• Demonstrate • Plan and deliver a presentation to…

• Based on what you • What is most important for your chosen audience?
• How can you best demonstrate your understanding?
• Model


Activities Questions for learning

• Investigate • What information is needed? Where will you get

• Classify • Organise the data using flow chart/concept map

• List the data in categories for a given audience

• Categorise
• List arguments for and against, compare them

• Compare and contrast • Choose a target audience: list R&Is for them

• Relevant and irrelevant • Separate into fact and opinion using a Venn
• Facts and opinions
• What assumptions are being made? Why?

• Fallacies

Leading on from Bloom’s Taxonomy, give students space and time to think about the
questions that you pose…..

Pause for thought After asking a question allow pupils to collect their
After a response pause yourself to show you are

Think-pair-share Allow individual thinking time and ask pupils to

share his or her ideas with someone else

Probe Ask follow ups to probe their understanding –

Why? Do you agree? Tell me more? Give an
example? Can you elaborate? How did you
arrive at that answer?

Withhold judgement Respond in non judgemental ways “That’s

interesting” “Who agrees?”

Play devil’s advocate Challenge the answer “Explain why?” “What are
your reasons?”

Encourage questioning Invite pupils to write down their questions

Think about thinking “What thinking have you been doing?” “What
have you learnt?” “What have you found out?”

Ideas and Suggestions for Challenging Extension and
Enrichment activities
1. Resource-based learning: you provide some resources and directions to follow
so that pupils can find their own sources of information. You will need clear
directions and parameters as to the areas in which they are researching. Allow for
pupils to follow interesting tangents of their own.

2. Supported self study: this again involves pupils finding out for themselves, but
usually supported by a study guide written by the teacher, which frames their
investigation by areas of study, methods of presentation, time limits and so on.
Pupils can work individually, in pairs, or in groups. Clear targets are set. End of
unit assessment methods and areas are also known.

3. Role-play: this is not just ‘play-acting’ and should be introduced with care. It
should involve careful research of the area to be presented, and of the parts the
different ‘role’ or personnel play within it. A good role-play presentation would
show a clear understanding of the key issues being researched, so these must be
selected carefully either by the teacher, or in negotiation with the pupils involved.
Participants should attempt to pull out the essence of the subject matter for
presentation in this matter.

4. Debating: a formal debate situation can be set up so that pupils are deliberately
researching one side of an argument for presentation to the group with the intent
of influencing ‘voters’. Again it makes for clarification of the key points around
an issue, and also ensures careful listening, noting points to use later, making
informed judgements, ensuring the facts are correct, waiting to make a point.
Debaters will have to understand the whole picture to make an effective argument.

5. Oral presentations: once more this requires a clear understanding of the area for
presentation, and an ability to find and present the salient points. It also requires
considered use of language forms, and vocabulary, and recognition of ‘audience’.

6. Poster making: this is often seen as a method for the less able to present the point
of view, and indeed can be used as such, but it can also be seen again as finding
the most powerful arguments, and the most important points around an issue, and
being aware of audience, so that the poster can be effective.

7. Video making: this task requires a number of skills and can be a challenge to the
more able pupils to make an effective video concerning a topic they are working
on. It will probably be a useful group task, with pupils designated to particular
roles in the production team.

8. Interviews: this is an interesting process for pupils to decide which questions they
wish to ask about a particular issue (a task in itself), and then to interview
members of the public for facts and opinions. If a large number of interviews are
done, then mathematical work can be done with the statistics generated, and it can
be seen how statistics can be manipulated to prove a point.

9. Creative writing: based upon the topic being addressed. Using pupils’
imagination to create poems, plays, stories which illustrate the key points being
dealt with. Again good background research and understanding will be needed to
support such work.

10. Art work and cartoons: another form of self-expression concerning the work
being addressed in other subject areas. This will articulate what to the student are
the most important points, and the sequencing component of cartoon work is an
interesting element.

11. Book, film, newspaper reviews: a useful way of gathering opinions and angles
on the topic being addressed is to review books written about it, films produced
about it, and newspaper articles written at the time. Poetry and stories written on
the subject can be analysed for deeper content. Analysis of content of books,
newspapers etc requires skills in selecting relevant information and opinions.

12. Writing newspaper articles: an interesting way of presenting the facts, whilst
putting an individual opinion on them. Requires pupils to know the facts, and
know what they think about them, and then to be able to present these things to
someone else using ICT packages such as ‘Front Page’, ‘PowerPoint’, ‘Publisher’,

13. Using statistics: this can be an exercise in collecting and developing their own
statistics, or analysing statistics already available to assess what they show; for
example, perhaps about public understanding of a particular disability, or
experience of sexual harassment; or opinions on women’s role in society.

14. Producing flow diagrams: to represent a series of events (could be used in

science, geography, history, story making and so on). This ensures a logical view
of the ‘flow’ of events and clarity regarding key points which occur.

15. Carrying out surveys: including questionnaires: Surveys of local issues will be
of interest and will involved detailed observation, counting, interviewing,
producing graphs and statistics, and interpreting the information gathered.

16. Organising and running events: such as exhibitions, mini-enterprise and so on,
any of which again involve detailed fact finding, assessment of key issues, good
management of self and others, and of resources.

17. Fieldwork: doing real fieldwork out in society. An example might be:

How are disabled people catered for in a particular firm?

Who decides this?

Who’s in authority?

How much say do the disabled themselves have?

Role of Social Services

Role of NHS/Health Boards

Role of pressure groups

Role of charities.

What are the ideas and opinions of these groups? Do you agree?

The same could be done for women’s groups, political movements and ethical and
racial issues. Gather statistics from local firms. Find out about rights of women,
working mothers, pregnant women and so on. Do research, interviews with the
various political parties, local politicians, MEPs and so on. Conduct surveys in

18. Problem solving: using facts and opinions gathered identify a ‘need’ or problem,
analyse it, plan solutions, try them out if possible, evaluate.

19. Pupil self-assessment: build in opportunities and methods for pupils to be

involved in their own assessment. This can range from simple techniques such as
self-marking of right and wrong answers, through groups analysing other groups’
posters, role-plays and so on, to negotiating the value of a piece of work with the
teacher. This, obviously, needs to be built into the setting of tasks with the pupils
at the start of the work.

20. Experiential learning: pupils put themselves in the position of the groups they
are investigating, for example experiencing being treated as disabled.

21. Using ICT: gifted and talented pupils often work more independently than others
when making use of computers to research in greater depth. They should be
encouraged to do this through opportunities both in school and at home where
they may have better facilities to enhance the quality of their work.

Using Questions to promote effective learning and critical
Questions that seek clarification

Can you explain that…? Explaining

What do you mean by…? Defining
Can you give me an example of…? Giving examples
How does that help…? Supporting
Does anyone have a question…? Enquiring

Questions that probe reasons and evidence

Why do you think that…? Forming argument

How do we know that…? Assumptions
What are your reasons…? Reasons
Do you have evidence…? Evidence
Can you give me an example/counter-example…? Counter examples

Questions that explore alternative views

Can you put it another way…? Re-stating a view

Is there another point of view…? Speculation
What if someone were to suggest that…? Alternative views
What would someone who disagreed with you say…? Counter argument
What id the difference between those views/ideas…? Distinctions

Questions that test implications and consequences

What follows from what you say…? Implications

Does that fit with what we said earlier…? Consistency
What would be the consequences of that…? Consequences

Is there a general rule for that…? Generalising rules
How could you test to see if it were true…? Testing the truth

Questions about the question/discussion

Do you have a question about that…? Questioning

What kind of question is it…? Analysing
How does what was said help us…? Connecting
Where have we got to…? Summarising
Who can summarise so far…? Summarising
Are we any closer to answering the question…? Drawing conclusions

- Adapted from Teaching Thinking – Philosophical Enquiry in the classroom by

Fisher (1998)

The Tic-Tac-Toe task choice menu
Pupils often feel more motivated if they are given a choice over their work. One
strategy found to be useful, particularly in primary classrooms, is the TIC TAC TOE
menu approach developed by Susan Winebrenner in the USA and shown below.
Pupils are asked to choose three activities and they colour in each square as the
activity is completed.

Make something Teach or demonstrate Compare

Model, design, collection Something you have learnt Select and then compare
of artefacts, artwork of an to someone else or to the different elements of your
aspect of your study. class. study. Find similarities and

Creative recording Graph Demonstrate

Photos, video, collage of Visual record of some Give a demonstration to

your work for a aspects of your work. show what you have
presentation. learnt.

Survey Dramatise Forecast

Gather people’s opinions, Organise a role-play on Look to the future, how

feelings about some fact, something you have learnt. will your topic change in
idea or aspect of your the next 10 years.

From Able Pupils: Providing for Able Pupils and those with Exceptional Talent, Nottinghamshire County
Council 2000

This strategy can readily be adapted to the secondary school situation for the time
when pupils are planning a topic or as a way of offering alternative homework. It is an
enrichment/ extension approach.

Providing challenge for gifted/talented students

What is challenge?
There is no catch-all definition for what constitutes appropriate challenge in school;
however schools have a moral obligation to ensure that a pupil is not wasting her time
on activities that are ill-suited to her level of ability. All students have the right to
expect that they will receive an education appropriate to their level of ability. In the
case of gifted and talented children, this may mean curricular enrichment, extended
lesson plans, or acceleration through course work. It is neither feasible nor practical to
suggest that the need for challenge must be met in every single aspect of the
curriculum to the detriment of other students, but pupils should not be allowed to
grow bored and frustrated.

What kind of challenge is appropriate?

Challenge and motivation are practically inseparable - in order to respond to challenge
the student must have the interest and motivation to engage with it. Extrinsic
motivation (from outside sources) such as the promise of reward or threats is rarely
enough to sustain interest and application to tasks over time. Instead the pupil must
have internal motivation and undertake the task through interest. As far as possible an
able child should be exposed to a wide range of activities in order to find those that
excite them most, and will continue to hold their interest if they are to work alone
beyond the rest of the class.
Once the type of activity has been decided upon, the level of difficulty should be
pitched in order to stave off boredom but avoid extreme frustration. If tasks are too
easy the pupil may become bored easily, leading to disengagement or disruptive
behaviour. Alternatively, if they can constantly achieve perfect scores on their
extension activities it may reinforce their belief that they must always produce perfect
work – a belief that can be damaging as they progress through school and work
becomes tougher. Challenge must include a risk of failure, and it is preferable that
students should learn to cope with failure in support environments to avoid the
distress brought about by failure late in their academic careers.

On the other hand it can be very demoralising if tasks are too difficult and the pupil
can see no way to attempt them, especially if they are used to handling their regular
schoolwork with ease. Winstanley (2004) suggests that children will intuitively
struggle to attain something just outside of their grasp and to improve, giving the
example of children in a playground who never injure themselves attempting
outrageous stunts – instead they grow bolder as they slowly build confidence by
trying slightly more daring moves when they feel able. Extension activities should
aim to provide challenge that is just outside the grasp of the student in order to
stimulate them, without seriously denting their morale.

Social and Emotional issues in the development of
gifted children

At times there can be the perception that children who have been identified as gifted
or talented are blessed with special qualities and advantages that will help them to
succeed and make life easier for them. However, there is growing recognition that
being gifted can bring with it challenges for social and emotional development, and
those who are gifted are just as much in need of support as their peers in dealing with
emotions, self-perception, behaviour and in looking to the future. That said, the idea
of the gifted individual as a “mad genius” still prevalent in lay understanding is both
unfair and inaccurate, and can lead to reluctance from parents to classify their children
as gifted or talented. There is ongoing debate over whether gifted children have more
or fewer emotional problems than their peers with some researchers claiming that they
are better adjusted and others portraying them as emotionally fragile. As outlined the
first sections of this document, gifted and talented children are not a homogeneous,
easily-classifiable group. Therefore, we cannot infer that all gifted children will
develop emotionally in the same way. While the following paragraphs outline the
need for consideration of the emotional well-being of gifted and talented children, the
behaviours discussed should not be considered necessary for giftedness. Freeman
(1991) found that parents and teachers stereotypes of gifted children as social misfits
caused adults to identify children who were experiencing social and emotional
difficulties as gifted, while overlooking gifted and talented children who were well-
adjusted. This is especially true for gifted girls, who are often less vocal than boys
and draw less attention to themselves.

According to Davis and Rimm (1995) the high intelligence, ability for self-analysis,
perfectionism and creativity possessed by many highly gifted youth may lead them to
evaluate themselves critically. The superior thinking strategies of gifted/talented
children, including the ability to hypothesise and to consider multiple scenarios may
mean that they are more likely to reflect on themselves and to understand and
articulate the many facets of their behaviour and motives. Piechowski (1991)
suggests that highly gifted and creative students will feel different; they will

experience self-judgement, self-doubt, self-criticism and sometimes even self-
loathing. They may also be more concerned than their peers with their purpose in life
and in the world, and may display signs of extreme sensitivity and emotional

A number of studies have collected a checklist of the most frequently occurring socio-
emotional problems:

o Difficulty with social relationships; isolation from peers

o Conformity pressures; hiding or down-playing talents in order to gain
acceptance from peer group
o Anxiety; depression
o Difficulty in accepting criticism
o Nonconformity and resistance to authority
o Excessive competitiveness
o Difficulty in understanding the nature and significance of intellectual
o Intellectual frustration in day-to-day and life situations
o Confusion and stress in considering a future vocation or career, especially
where the student has a diversity of interests and talents
o Difficulty in developing a satisfying philosophy of life.

Delisle (1992); Landrum (1987); Silverman (1983)

Self-concept, self-esteem, social adjustment and identity

Problems and challenges associated with being gifted may begin early. Silverman
(1991) reports that from birth children who are gifted are often active babies who
require less sleep, respond intensely to their environment and may physically exhaust
parents with their demands for stimulation.
Once schooling begins, gifted children who find themselves grouped with same-age
peers may find themselves in situations that meet neither their intellectual nor their
social needs. This can lead to feelings of frustration and isolation and can lead to the

development of poor social skills if they do not have opportunity to mix with others of
similar interests and cognitive ability.
Academic self-esteem is often high in gifted (especially young) children; however
social self-concepts are often poor. Some studies have shown that while children are
pleased with the effects that being gifted had on their schoolwork, they disliked the
connotations that it carried for them in their social lives, especially as they felt that
non-gifted peers and teachers held negative views of them. Relating to this is the
concept of labelling, and the discomfort it can pose to children who have been
identified as gifted or talented in some domain. While the terms gifted/talented are
often perceived by others as positive, they can be a source of discomfort for older
students whose main desire is to “fit in” with their peers and who thus dislike being
marked as different. Further, some adults find the terms distasteful as they go against
the idea that “all people are created equal”. They may even find the term threatening
when it is applied to someone younger than them.
Renzulli and Reis (1991) have suggested that one way to avoid the problems of
labelling is to refer to the students’ behaviour as gifted, rather than applying the term
to the student herself. Thus, giftedness is not a quality that is bestowed on the
individual but a behaviour (or set of behaviours) that can be displayed and developed.

Subtypes of giftedness from a socio-emotional viewpoint

Betts and Neihart (1986) proposed six categories of gifted students that are based on
both cognitive and personality/motivational dimensions of behaviour. Their profiles
include what each type needs for better functioning.

1. The successful gifted are conforming, achieving and perfectionistic. While

admired and liked by peers and adults, they need to develop risk-taking,
assertiveness skills and intrinsic motivation.
2. The challenging gifted are creative, but their frustration, boredom and
rebellion can often lead to power struggles with peers and those in authority.
They need greater self-awareness, self-control and flexibility as well as
support for their creativeness.
3. The underground gifted are insecure, shy and quiet, and have poor self-
concepts. They may not be identified as gifted, or viewed as conformers.

They need help to develop self-awareness and self-acceptance and a chance to
interact with gifted peers.
4. Gifted dropouts show resentment and anger as they feel that the school system
has not provided for their needs and they have not developed to their potential
as a result. As they do not fit with the stereotypical image of one who is
talented or gifted. They are often viewed by others as average, or even below
average due to their lack of application to study and their rebellion.
5. The double-labelled (now referred to as dual-exceptional) gifted may have a
physical or intellectual disability, or severe emotional disturbance. Adults or
peers may have difficulty recognising their talents, focussing instead on the
areas where they are less able. Such students are prone to frustration and low
self-esteem, and need to be encouraged to emphasise their strengths and learn
coping skills. They also need the supportive adults who will remind them of
their giftedness and reinforce it.
6. The autonomous gifted have a good sense of self and accept both their
strengths and weaknesses. They are enthusiastic, well-motivated and
confident. Adults and peers admire them and consider them to be responsible.
They need support, advocacy and the opportunity to develop talents.

While these categories are helpful, they should be used with caution. They are not
mutually exclusive and some students might show characteristics from more than one.
Also, the way in which a student is categorised should not be static. For example,
depending on the type of support given to a challenging gifted student, they might
develop the desired autonomy of the sixth category, or drop out of the school system
as in category three.

Emotional Giftedness: Overexcitability and Extreme

Many highly intellectual or creatively talented students might experience emotion
much more intensely than their peers, and display behaviours that are quite alien to
their classmates, teachers and parents. Some of this emotionality can stem from their
advanced capacity to wonder and hypothesise about scenarios. The ability to think

about certain situations and follow them to conclusion can lead such children to be
concerned about issues of social and moral justice, or environmental problems such as
global warming. They may also have greater capacities for sympathy and empathy
than other children their age. Although the word “overexcitability” has connotations
that imply distress or even psychosis, in the context of theories of emotional
development it was originally intended to denote abundant mental energy which
provides “positive potential for further growth” (Tucker & Hafenstein, 1997).

Piechowski (1991) described the effects of this heightened emotional sensitivity over
five areas:

1. In the psychomotor area, children show a great drive and huge amounts of
energy and enthusiasm which can lead to restlessness. They may feel pressure
to be constantly moving, and nervous behaviours such as rapid speech and
nail-biting can develop. They may be workaholics, like fast sports, and could
possibly get involved in delinquent behaviour.
2. In the intellectual area, children are very curious and have a capacity for
sustained concentration, formulating probing questions and metathinking
(thinking about thinking). These students enjoy questioning, discovery and
love ideas and theoretical analysis.
3. The imaginational area includes activities typical of highly creative people.
There individuals often engage in day-dreaming, fantasy, magical and
metaphorical thought and poetic or dramatic interpretations of events. There
may be a mixing of truth and fiction and a strong ability for visual recall.
4. In the sensual area there is constant stimulation of sensual experiences. These
students take pleasure in seeing, smelling, touching and tasting and may often
describe and interact with the world on these terms.
5. The emotional area includes intensely positive and negative feelings, with
soaring highs and dark lows. The highs can be waves of joy and feelings of
fantastic energy. Coupled with a strong sense of right and wrong these
individuals are very sensitive to issues of justice and are keen empathisers.
Lows can include extreme self-doubt, feelings of guilt, anxiety and inferiority,
concern with death and depression.

Family Relationships for gifted and talented children
Educators in the field generally agree that positive family relationships play a large
part in shaping the development of the gifted child, and that the support of parents is
crucial to the realisation of full-potential. However, parenting a gifted or talented
child may be stressful, and can strain both the parent-child relationship, and sibling
bonds. While it is not universally true that problems will arise, raising a
gifted/talented child may present parents with unique challenges or unfamiliar
situations that they did not have to tackle when rearing other children in the family.
Bridges (1973) noted that a lot of parents fear that they will have neither the
emotional or intellectual coping skills to raise and support a “different” child. This
feeling of inadequacy can affect the interactions within the family. Further, parents
worry that their gifted child will grow up to be “socially maladjusted”. Laycock
(1952) and Bridges (1973) report two common parental reactions to a diagnosis of
giftedness or talent. On one hand the parent may feel threatened by the uniqueness
and creativity of their child and find it easier to cope if they play down or completely
ignore the ways in which they are exceptional. Alternatively, parents may be very
over-excited to find out that their child is talented, and can try to impose unrealistic
expectations on the child. Bridges (1973) reported that this was especially the case in
circumstances where a child’s giftedness was seen as a stepping-stone to a higher
socio-economic status. Contrary to common belief however, some studies have shown
that parents of academically talented students are not always guilty of being “pushy”
and pressuring them to achieve. Although many parents in a longitudinal study of 800
participants at a summer programme defined academic success in terms of concepts
outside the individual (e.g. out-performing peers, attaining a successful career) a large
proportion also attributed success to internal factors such as happiness, attaining
personal goals, trying one’s best and being inquisitive (Ablard, 1997)

Relationships with siblings

A diagnosis of giftedness or talent may disrupt sibling relationships. There is some
evidence that the siblings of gifted individuals feel greater jealousy and competition,
and may be less well-adjusted than the siblings of non-gifted children. Gifted children

may receive more attention from their parents than their siblings do, most likely
because they are more demanding and require more stimulation, and this too is likely
to cause competition and envy. However, it appears that difficulties among siblings
are most intense soon after the label of “gifted/talented” has been applied; within five
years the negative effects were negligible.

It is important to remember that giftedness/talent does not cease outside of the

classroom – a child will continue to be creative, interested and demanding of
stimulation at home. As the child’s home life plays such a large role in moulding
their cognitions and behaviours it is necessary to bear in mind the impact of a
diagnosis of giftedness on the dynamics of the family as a whole.

Managing Stress in gifted and talented children

Stress can be defined as a biological reaction to circumstances where an individual
perceives a discrepancy between a situation or event and their ability to cope with that
event. Everyone experiences stress, and the extent to which we suffer is related to
factors such as personality and temperament. Stress in gifted children can arise from a
desire for perfectionism, feelings of being “different” from their peers, or worries that
they cannot maintain the standard of work that is expected from them. Younger
gifted children may find the classroom stressful if classmates constantly rely on them
for help and support rather than asking the teacher. Often, young children would
rather ask a classmate who they perceive to be “clever”, instead of admitting to a
teacher that they don’t know an answer. While in small measures this may benefit the
self-esteem of the gifted/talented child, if it happens regularly it can cause stress due
to worry about falling behind with their own work, being caught talking when they
shouldn’t be, or being constantly distracted by others. Busy teachers may be happy to
let more able pupils help their classmates, but often forget to convey the fact that they
know they are helping and that the gifted child is not misbehaving, or neglecting their
own work.
While challenge is necessary to extend and enrich the school curriculum for gifted
and talented children, it is important to ensure that the challenge is not too difficult, or
too far out of the reach of the child. Anyone if set near-impossible targets will find
the situation stressful and it is wrong to assume that a child will relish tough

challenges simply because they are gifted/talented. Extension activities should be
graded in difficulty in order that the child does not move from the classwork they can
complete with ease to a task that they struggle with, as this can be frightening and
damaging to self-esteem.

Older gifted children may experience stress as they come to the senior years of the
school cycle and the standard of work becomes more difficult. Suddenly the student
who has always achieved straight A’s with no problems at all may no longer be
receiving such high grades, and they need reassurance that they are not “losing their
giftedness”. If this problem does not arise during the final years at school it often
occurs in the early years at university, where it is no longer possible to maintain a
100% record on assignments and examinations. Such a revelation can be quite
damaging to the esteem of the gifted student, and again they need reassurance and
preparation for this situation before they leave school. Also, students need to be
reinforced with the idea that failure provides feedback and is an important part of the
learning process. Gifted students may be particularly reluctant to adopt this view,
especially if they have an unblemished academic record, so it is necessary to highlight
the process of learning, rather than allowing them to continually focus on the

As end-of-year and school-leaving exams loom gifted students may experience

intense stress as they struggle to live up to the high goals that they have set, to
maintain their standard of work and “prove themselves”. This problem can be
exacerbated by teachers and classmates who dismiss them as “having nothing to
worry about”. Being gifted/talented does not alleviate exam pressures and may in fact
intensify it, and these students need a trusted adult to whom they can express their
fears and not have these fears dismissed as groundless. Further, hard-earned results
deserve due praise and should not be dismissed with comments such as “we wouldn’t
have expected anything less from a gifted pupil like you”. It is easy to forget the
amount of care and attention that a student might have put in to their work, if they
frequently turn in work of a high standard that appears effortless (Winstanley, 2004).
Such comments are not only unfair to the student, but also explicitly state the weight
of expectation that the student may already feel to perform well at all times in all

Career planning and support for gifted/talented children
Gifted students need help in relating their personalities, interests and abilities to
specific career alternatives, and in understanding the personal requirements, training,
lifestyles, advantages and disadvantages of different careers. Gifted and talented
students often display multipotentiality, or the ability to succeed in a wide range of
possible careers or fields of study. The gifted/talented student with a diverse range of
interests may be faced with a bewildering array of opportunities and may have real
difficulty in deciding which career path they would like to follow. Common career
aptitude tests may not be helpful, as often such students perform to a very high level
on a number of (or all) subscales, leaving them unable to narrow down their choices.
Highly talented students may profess that they could imagine themselves being
equally happy studying modern history, engineering, philosophy or medicine, so how
could they possibly choose? Equally unhelpful are career counsellors or parents who
tell students “Well, with your brains you can do anything”. Provision of work
experiences, and mentors from industry and universities can provide students with a
much clearer insight into possible careers and future study than hours poring over
confusing university prospectuses.

Underachievement in gifted and talented children
According to Davis and Rimm (1995) the gifted or talented child who is
underachieving represents both society’s greatest loss and its greatest potential
resource. Such children have the potential for high achievement, and yet are not
reaching the levels of attainment that would be expected for individuals of their
ability. This lack of attainment often leads in turn to frustration and annoyance in
teachers, parents and within the child themselves. With appropriate interventions
however, it is possible to reverse the pattern of underachievement and modify the
pupil’s cognitions and attitudes about work.

Underachievement is defined as a discrepancy between the child’s school

performance and some index of his or her actual ability, such as intelligence,
achievement or creativity scores, or observational data. Although numerous different
versions of this definition appear in the literature on underachievement, the key part to
all of them is the discrepancy between actual and potential performance.

While such discrepancies are often easily picked up on in examinations, intelligence

and attainment tests, some children may not perform well on any of these measures
due to poor test-taking habits, and so the only way that they may be identified as
gifted is through observation in classroom and home situations. For example teachers
may note class behaviours, comments or vocabulary which hints that the child has
more intellectual, creative or artistic potential than they are currently exhibiting in
school. However, this requires teachers to be open-minded about the ways in which
giftedness or talent can manifest itself – indeed, they must be open to the idea that a
child who has previously been labelled as “average” or “below average” could have
the potential to shine. Children who are highly creative may occasionally considered
to be no more than average because their personalities and thinking styles are at odds
with the traditional classroom. Rimm (1987) found that a lot of highly creative
children express themselves through nonconformity, and this concern for thinking and
acting differently from others compromised their ability to achieve and work to their
full potential within the classroom. Boys tend show signs of underachievement
earlier than girls, although the rates of female underachievement increase during the

last years of primary school and the first years of secondary, as peer pressure

Due to the frustration that teachers and parents may feel towards an underachieving
gifted child, it is sometimes easy to label them as “lazy”, or “wasteful of their talents”.
However, the roots of underachievement run much deeper than this, usually in socio-
emotional problems that may in turn underlie certain negative behaviours. The
characteristics of underachievement can be divided into primary, secondary and
tertiary characteristics.

Primary Characteristic of underachievers: Low self-esteem

The characteristic that is most frequently and consistently found among
underachieving children is that of low self-esteem. Often these students do not
believe that they are capable of achieving the expectations of their family, teachers
and friends and of themselves. In a sense, the problems of low self-esteem arise from
the pressure to “be gifted”. Related to this issue is a sense of personal control over the
tasks in their lives. Pupils with low self-esteem may attribute failure to a lack of
ability (rather than a failure to study adequately or appropriately), and success to good
luck. Thus, they will take responsibility for their own failure but not their success.
Weiner (1985) found that students who attribute success to the effort that they have
put in are more likely to work hard and expend further effort in the future, while those
who attribute success to luck or task ease do not show such behaviour.

Secondary Characteristics of underachievers: Avoidance

Low self-esteem often leads to unproductive behaviours based on the avoidance of
work or study. This avoidance actually has a self-protective function – if the pupil
has not studied then they can attribute failure to this, rather than having to question
their own ability. If they study they may feel that they risk confirming their possible
short-comings if they subsequently do not do well. In such scenarios pupils may also

assert that they find the curriculum work “boring” or “pointless”, as they feel that this
provides further vindication for not studying.
Perfectionism and the expectation of low grades – although they appear to be
opposites – both act as defence mechanisms for the underachieving child with low
self-esteem. If the underachiever expects low grades, then she has lowered the
possible gap between attainment and failure, meaning that she has at least achieved
her (albeit low) goals. On the other hand, a perfectionist will strive for the
unattainable, thus providing herself with the “get-out clause” that she sets higher
standards for herself than others and so failure is not due to her own incompetence.
Adderholdt-Elliot (1989) named five characteristics of perfectionistic students that
contribute to underachievement:
1. procrastination
2. Fear of failure
3. An all-or-nothing mindset (e.g. even one grade B means failure)
4. Paralysed perfection
5. Workaholism, often leading to isolation, depression and burn-out.

Avoidance behaviours are most common in secondary school students, although not
by any means unknown in younger cohorts. Typically, those displaying poor grades
and avoidance behaviours in the early to middle secondary school years had excellent
school reports earlier on. Such reports include comments such as “impossible to
improve!” or “wonderful student. Set for big things”. It seems that the student’s
excellent performance and such high praise from teachers often led to perfectionistic
tendencies. Later, when the school curriculum became more challenging, so as to no
longer permit constant perfect performance these students became demoralised and
avoidant of study. Onset of these behaviours may be as late as college or university
for some students, especially those who consider themselves to be happy and
interested at school without finding any assignments or study particularly difficult.
Such cases highlight the need for all school work to be tailored to provide an
appropriate level of challenge for every student.

Tertiary Characteristics of Underachievers
Because underachieving children avoid effort and achievement to protect their
precarious self-esteem, tertiary characteristics arise which support the pattern of
underachievement. These most frequently manifest themselves as poor study skills
and concentration and/or poor discipline at home and school, but may also appear as
peer acceptance problems. It is often these behaviours that provide the “tip-of-the-
iceberg” indication that avoidance behaviours are masking low self-esteem. Also in
this category are skill deficiencies. Redding (1990) found that gifted achievers and
underachievers performed equally on tasks that required global or holistic processing,
but where precision was needed in tasks with detailed computation, underachievers
performed less well. If the gifted child finds writing difficult, they may prefer to
focus on the verbal aspects of a task. Further Rimm (1991) noted that young children
tend to equate “fastest” with “smartest”, so those with writing difficulties may
experience stress and worry that they are not as smart as their parents or teachers
believe them to be.

The school environment has a large part to play in the management of

underachievement in gifted and talented students. Whitmore (1980) described the
characteristics of classrooms that seem to cause and support underachievement.
These included a lack of respect for the individual child; a strongly competitive
climate; inflexibility and rigidity; and an unrewarding curriculum.
Inflexible and rigid classrooms that show a lack of respect for the learning styles and
ability of individual children can be one of the main causes of underachievement in
gifted learners. Gifted individuals may process information more quickly and at a
more advanced level than others in the class and as a result will need challenging and
enriching extension activities. If extra assignments are given that are simply “more”
or “harder” types of the same work, the pupil may begin to view this “busywork” as
punishment for finishing quickly and slow their rate of completion accordingly.
However, as their mind still remains active they may occupy themselves with day-
dreaming, trouble-making or even reading other more exciting material. Over time

these behaviours may acts as reinforcers that prevent the child from completing even
the regular assigned class work.

Competitive classrooms where marks awarded are announced, or where a teacher

expresses surprise at a student’s high or low grades can have serious effects on
gifted/talented children. Even students who are highly motivated and achieving may
find that exaggerated emphasis on external rewards and punishments may detract
from the inherent enjoyment that they get from learning. Those who underachieve
may not have a clear picture of their competencies in certain areas, and receiving
continuous feedback from teachers that they are not meeting expected standards may
lead them to believe that they are actually below-average, or it may set in motion
some of the avoidance or defensive behaviours outlined above.
Finally, gifted children may be especially sensitive to an unrewarding curriculum
because of their advanced facilities for analysing and criticising material, or for the
creative ways in which they think about subjects. Gifted underachievers can often be
seen to perform at a very high standard in extra-curricular activities where they have
the opportunity to choose the type and level of the pursuit they are engaged in. Where
possible this should be applied to the classroom by letting the gifted/talented learner
choose the type of extension activity they would like to do thereby giving them the
chance to exercise some autonomy over the curriculum.

A number of common misconceptions exist with regard to giftedness/talent and

underachievement. The first is that underachievement is a key criteria or component
of giftedness, and some teachers nominate students as gifted on these grounds. While
underachievement can be an indicator of underlying talents, it is by no means a
necessity in defining giftedness. It is important not to overlook bright students who
might be achieving and enjoying the school experience and assume that they do not
meet the criteria for giftedness/talent.
The second misconception is that underachievement and trouble-making go hand in
hand. However, a gifted child may be at the top of the class and not causing trouble
but still be “coasting” on assignments that do not provide sufficient challenge. The
discrepancy between their output and what they could potentially achieve could be
grounds for a diagnosis of underachievement that is not recognised because they do
not draw attention to themselves with discipline issues.

A checklist to identify gifted underachievers
Observe and interact with the child over a period of at least two weeks to determine if
he or she possesses the following characteristics. If the student exhibits ten or more
of the listed traits, including all that are asterisked, individual intelligence testing (e.g.
on the Stanford-Binet or WISC-R) is recommended to establish whether he or she is a
gifted underachiever.
___*poor test performance
___ *achieving at of below grade-level expectations in one or all of the basic skill
areas: reading, language arts, mathematics
___*daily work frequently incomplete or poorly done
___*superior comprehension and retention of concepts when interested
___*vast gap between qualitative level of oral and written work
___exceptionally large repertoire of factual knowledge
___vitality of imagination; creative
___persistent dissatisfaction with work accomplished, even in art
___seems to avoid trying new activities to prevent imperfect performance; evidences
perfectionism; self-criticism
___ shows initiative in pursuing self-selected projects at home
___ *has a wide range of interests and possibly special expertise in an area of
investigation and research
___ *evidences low self-esteem in tendencies to withdraw or be aggressive in the
___does not function comfortably or constructively in a group of any size
___shows acute sensitivity and perceptions related to self, others, and life in general
___tends to set unrealistic self-expectations; goals too high or too low
___dislikes practice work or drill for memorization and mastery
___easily distracted, unable to focus attention and concentrate efforts on tasks
___has an indifferent or negative attitude towards school
___resists teacher efforts to motivate or discipline behaviour in class
___has difficulty in peer relationships; maintains few friendships

From Whitmore, (1980) Giftedness, Conflict and Underachievement .Needham

Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

The effects of culture and socio-economic class on
giftedness and talent
It is important to guard against the stereotype that gifted children from minority
cultures will suffer due to deficient backgrounds and home lives (Porter, 2001).
However it is important to recognise that gifted students from such backgrounds
suffer educationally because they are not identified as gifted/talented. This inequality
is unacceptable as giftedness is assumed to occur with equal frequency in all cultures
(Boland and Wright, 1994). Frasier (1993) argues that minority cultural membership
may also be a disadvantage when it is coupled with poverty, isolation or limited
language exposure. It is further suggested that children from minority backgrounds
may not show “traditional” signs of giftedness, as different values and skills are
prized in different cultures, and so teachers may not be attuned to signs of giftedness
beyond the norm (Frasier, 1997; Harslett, 1996).
Contrary to popular conceptions, socioeconomic status has very little impact on
individual children’s academic achievement: factors such as parental encouragement
of learning are much more important (Freeman, 1993). Further, even when children
are hampered by their family life, many show great resilience and with the help of
some other significant adult in their lives as a mentor they can achieve highly.
Gifted/talented children who live in rural areas may be disadvantaged for a number of
reasons, both in respect of developing their talents and with regard to identification
and provision (Porter, 1999). Living in rural areas my mean children have less
exposure to a range of social contacts from whom to learn; a smaller range of
experiences to promote their development; fewer opportunities to come together with
intellectual peers; and resources such as libraries, IT, and school support may receive
less funding than in metropolitan areas (Bailey et al. 1995; Knight et al. 1997)

The Twice Exceptional Child: Gifted and Talented
Children with Disabilities

“It is a well-kept secret that a child can be both gifted and disabled”
- Linda Kreger Silverman (1989)

Usually, children who are both gifted and disabled are recognised primarily for their
disability. Since most disabilities do not prevent giftedness, it is logical to expect that
there would be the same percentage of gifted and talented children with disabilities, as
exist in the general population. More frequently however, emphasis is placed on
remediating the disability than on nurturing the child’s individual gifts and talents and
in some cases the disability may entirely obstruct recognition of talent. This is not to
suggest that identification of talent should be easy with increased vigilance on the part
of parents and teachers. At times, a child’s disability can obscure the expression of
gifts and talents or gifted children with disabilities may rely on their intelligence to
compensate for the disability, thus making both exceptionalities seem less extreme.
In such cases, the disability may appear less severe because of the effort that is being
expended to cope with it, and in turn the effort that is expended may hinder the full
expression of gifts.
The usual methods of identifying gifted children such as observational checklists and
IQ tests may not be sufficient to unmask gifts and talents in children with disabilities.
Due to their sensory deficits, children who are blind and deaf tend to exhibit more
“concrete” thinking and can have difficulty with abstract reasoning, which leads to
lower scores on this portion of IQ tests. Also, children with hearing impairments may
have trouble with oral instructions, and they may not have sufficient vocabulary to
express the complexity of their thoughts. Children with dyslexia will certainly suffer
on the verbal components of IQ measures, although it is suggested that these children
will often display above-average ability in spatial tests.

Gifted children with ADHD
A factor of primary importance in dealing with a child with ADHD is establishing the
appropriateness of the diagnosis. Research indicates that in many cases, a child who
is diagnosed with ADHD may in fact be gifted and reacting to an unfulfilling and
understimulating curriculum. Willard-Holt (1999) suggests that the key to
distinguishing between the two lies in the extent of the “acting out” behaviours. If the
acting out occurs only in specific situations, and especially in school, then it is
possible that the behaviour is related to giftedness; whereas if the behaviour is
consistent across a range of situations then a case can be made for a diagnosis of
Willard-Holt (1999) proposes two checklists to help highlight the similarities and
differences between students with ADHD and those who are gifted.

Characteristics of Gifted Students • Lose work, forget homework,

Who Are Bored are disorganized

• May appear careless
• Poor attention and daydreaming
• Highly sensitive to criticism
when bored
• Do not exhibit problem
• Low tolerance for persistence
behaviours in all situations
on tasks that seem irrelevant
• More consistent levels of
• Begin many projects, see few
performance at a fairly
to completion
consistent pace (Cline, 1999;
• Development of judgment lags
Webb & Latimer, 1993)
behind intellectual growth
• Intensity may lead to power

struggles with authorities

• High activity level; may need

less sleep
• Difficulty restraining desire to
Characteristics of Students with
talk; may be disruptive
• Question rules, customs, and

• Poorly sustained attention

• Diminished persistence on • Difficulty adhering to rules and

tasks not having immediate regulations

consequences • Often lose things necessary for

• Often shift from one tasks or activities at home or

uncompleted activity to school
another • May appear inattentive to

• Impulsivity, poor delay of details

gratification • Highly sensitive to criticism

• Impaired adherence to • Problem behaviours exist in all

commands to regulate or settings, but in some are

inhibit behaviour in social more severe
contexts • Variability in task performance

• More active, restless than other and time used to accomplish

children tasks. (Barkley, 1990; Cline,
• Often talk excessively 1999; Webb & Latimer,
• Often interrupt or intrude on 1993)
others (e.g., butt into games)

She also proposes a list of questions that can be used to consider the differences
between giftedness and ADHD

o Could the behaviours be responses to inappropriate placement, insufficient

challenge, or lack of intellectual peers?
o Is the child able to concentrate when interested in the activity?
o Have any curricular modifications been made in an attempt to change
inappropriate behaviours?
o Has the child been interviewed? What are his/her feelings about the behaviours?
Does the child feel out of control? Do the parents perceive the child as being out
of control?
o Do the behaviours occur at certain times of the day, during certain activities, with
certain teachers or in certain environments?

This is not to say that giftedness and ADHD cannot co-occur in a child. Gifted
children with ADHD differ from average ability children with ADHD in a number of

ways. While gifted ADHD children may be deficient in support skills in school such
as note-taking, outlining, organization of ideas and writing skills, they often display
greater proficiency for rapid learning. Compared with their age peers, gifted ADHD
children are better at using learning strategies such as grouping by category, spatial
arrangements, and mnemonics. However, their difficulty lies in remembering to use
these strategies, and using them efficiently. When they do use these strategies the
quality of their work can be outstanding, but can drop significantly if the strategies are
abandoned. Gifted children with ADHD may also show differences in social and
emotional maturity compared to average ability age peers. They may behave less
maturely than their peers some of the time, for example they may be disruptive in
ways that are viewed as “silly” by others in the class, but at other times they may
display greater maturity, perhaps in having very complex ideas about how to play a
game. Gifted children with ADHD can show much more sensitivity and emotional
maturity than age peers with ADHD, and when feelings are negative gifted children
with ADHD may be consumed by worries that would never occur to other children.
Gifted children with ADHD need and like more complex activities than their age
peers, and seek it out in their activities and interests. They can show intense focus
and diligence beyond their years on complex tasks that excite them.

Gifted children with ADHD also differ from other gifted children. As before, they
show a greater variation in social, emotional and cognitive domains and in their
ability to act maturely. Cognitively, compared with other gifted children, those with
ADHD have more trouble thinking sequentially, employing working memory and
reasoning, often because they have trouble picking out the main or important features
in data. Compared to their gifted peers they complete less work, try to hurry through
it, may change topic mid-way through a project, and have difficulty working in

Given the difficulty that can occur in distinguishing between ADHD and giftedness -
as well as the possibility that they could occur together - as far as possible,
assessments should be carried out by a practitioner who has experience in both fields.

Gifted children with Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) is characterized by pedantic speech content, impairment

of two-way interactions, excellent logical abstract thinking, repetitive and stereotyped
play, isolated areas of interest and ignorance of environmental demands. Neihart
(2000) comments that there is growing recognition that gifted children with AS are
sometimes not diagnosed because their unusual behaviours are attributed to either to a
learning disability or to their giftedness. A number of similar characteristics have
been noted between gifted children and those with AS, though distinctions can be
pointed out. While both groups usually display above average verbal fluency, AS
children are often very pedantic in their speech. Both groups may express a dislike for
routines especially in school, but AS children are often much more rigid in their
routines and less able to cope with change or disruption. While gifted AS children
demonstrate creativity with word play and puns, they lack the social reciprocity that
underlies most humour and so they often do not get the joke. Ordinary gifted children
however do not have such difficulties.

Neihart suggests that the most pronounced feature to distinguish a gifted AS student is
his or her lack of awareness regarding the feelings, needs and interests of other
people. She comments that an AS child may talk at length on a topic without picking
up cues that their listeners is bored, needs to leave, or would like to contribute to the
conversation. They often are oblivious to social conventions and may interrupt
conversations, leave abruptly, or show disregard for even the simplest rules. AS
children also often avoid eye contact or appear to be looking straight through the
person to whom they are speaking.

Proposed Characteristics to Differentiate Ordinary Gifted Children from Gifted Children with
Asperger's Syndrome

Differentiating Ordinary Gifted Gifted with Asperger's Syndrome


Speech Patterns Normal, but may have Pedantic, seamless speech

language of older child

Response to Routines May passively resist, but Very low tolerance for change, agitation,
will often go along aggression

Disturbance of If disturbance exists, it is Disturbance is internal
Attention usually external

Humour Engages in socially Can do word play, but typically doesn't

reciprocal humour understand humour that requires social

Motor Clumsiness Not characteristic of most 50-90 % of Asperger children manifest

gifted children

Inappropriate Affect Not a characteristic Nearly always observed

Insight Insight usually good Usually remarkably absent

Stereotypy Not a characteristic May be present

AS children generally display difficulties in three areas: learning, socializing and

behaviours. Mesibov (1992) suggests that interventions should concentrate on
information, general support and managing problem behaviours. AS students can
benefit by learning strategies to cope with these difficult areas, and these are best
taught in ways that are in tune with the AS brain. Most children with AS are strong
visual thinkers and much use should be made of diagrams, pictures and visualizations
(Atwood, 1998). The strategies should be taught in the exact order that the student
will use them in order to be successful. Interestingly, rote learning is recommended
for gifted AS children, unlike other gifted/talented children, as it appeals to their rigid
sense of structure.

Gifted and Talented Children with Learning Difficulties and


Students who are gifted and learning disabled are those who possess and outstanding
gift or talent and are capable of high performance, but who also have a learning
disability that makes some aspect of academic achievement difficult (Brody & Mills,
1997). Quite often recognition is given to students who exhibit talents in areas such
as music, art or sport, but who have trouble with academic learning. A harder concept
to accept, and for teachers and parents to spot, exists when a student’s giftedness and
learning disability both lie in related academic areas. For example, a student might

demonstrate advanced reading ability but have troubled with written expression and
spelling. Brody and Mills (1997) suggest that it is students’ whose gifts and
disabilities overlap who are most often misunderstood and unrecognized.

Dyslexia is perhaps the most commonly known learning difficulty, affecting reading,
comprehension and writing production.
A definition of the learning disability that provides a broad conceptualisation comes
from the Report of the Irish Task Force on Dyslexia.
“Dyslexia is manifested in a continuum of specific learning difficulties
related to the acquisition of basic skills in reading, spelling and /or writing,
such difficulties being unexpected in relation to an individual’s other
abilities and educational experiences. Dyslexia can be described at the
neurological, cognitive and behavioural levels. It is typically
characterised by inefficient information processing, including difficulties
in phonological processing, working memory, rapid naming and
automaticity of basic skills. Difficulties in organisation, sequencing and
motor skills may also be present.”
Dyslexia is not a developmental delay but can occur across the lifespan and may
also involve difficulties with numbers. With early and appropriate intervention
it can often be improved or alleviated. Dyslexia can occur in all socio-economic
classes and can co-exist with other problems such as Attention Deficit Disorder.
Gifted children who are dyslexic may show intense frustration with their
difficulties in written expression, and may find other ways to compensate for
their difficulty. For example, in spelling they may rely heavily on memory
strategies rather than the phonic structures that other children will grasp.

Toll (1993) noted three distinguishing profiles of Learning Disabled/Gifted children:

a) The Subtle Gifted LD:

• have good verbal skills

• poor spelling and handwriting
• disorganized in their classwork
• discrepancies between strengths and weakness widen as they grow older

• Giftedness compensates for learning disability, so the disability is usually not
• often viewed as 'underachieving'

b) Hidden Gifted LD:

• not labelled as gifted nor as Learning Disabled

• bright enough to compensate for their learning disability
• usually appear as average students
• usually recognize their giftedness and learning disability as adults
• need occasions where they can exhibit their superior thinking in creative ways

c) Recognized LD:

• they usually excel in an area of interest

• their disability depresses their intellectual performance
• teachers or parents detect good reasoning or thinking skills

Willard-Holt (1999) notes that gifted students with learning disabilities often show
high ability in abstract reasoning, advanced vocabulary, insight and creativity, keen
spatial and mathematical skills and are good problem solvers. Such traits,
accompanied by disorganised work, failure to complete assignments, difficulty with
computation or phonics/spelling and difficulties with sequential tasks may indicate a
gifted student who has a learning disability.

Gifted and talented children with sensory and motor


Willard-Holt (1999) suggests that it is students with sensory impairments who are
most likely to use their intellect to compensate for their disability, which hampers the
expression of their gifts and talents. She suggests three checklists with characteristics
of giftedness/talent in students with sensory or physical disabilities, which could be
used as a guideline for teachers.

Gifted Students with Visual • Development of speech-reading
skills without instruction
• Fast rate of learning • Early reading ability
• Superior memory • Excellent memory
• Superior verbal communication • Ability to function in the
skills and vocabulary regular school setting
• Advanced problem- solving • Rapid grasp of ideas
skills • High reasoning ability
• Creative production or thought • Superior performance in school
that may progress more slowly • Wide range of interests
than sighted students in some • Non-traditional ways of getting
academic areas information
• Ease in learning Braille • Use of problem-solving skills
• Great persistence in everyday situations
• Motivation to know • Possibly on grade level
• Sometimes slower rate of • Delays in concept attainment
cognitive development than • Self starters
sighted students • Good sense of humour
• excellent ability to concentrate • Enjoyment of manipulating
(Whitmore & Maker, 1985) environment
• Intuition
• Ingenuity in solving problems
• Symbolic language abilities
(different symbol system)
(Cline, 1999; Whitmore &
Maker, 1985)
Gifted Students with Hearing
Gifted Students with Physical Disabilities

• Development of compensatory skills

• Creativity in finding alternate ways of communicating and accomplishing tasks
• Impressive store of knowledge
• Advanced academic skills

• Exceptional problem- solving skills
• Rapid grasp of ideas and superior memory
• Greater maturity than age mates
• Good sense of humour
• Persistence, patience and motivation to achieve
• Curiosity, insight
• Self-criticism and perfectionism
• Cognitive development that may not be based on direct experience
• Possible difficulty with abstractions
• Possible limited achievement due to pace of work (Cline, 1999; Whitmore &
Maker, 1985; Willard-Holt, 1994)

International Provision for Gifted and Talented

It is not possible to provide a detailed overview of all the opportunities and provision
made for gifted students around the globe. The first part of this section takes a
detailed look at some of the provision available for gifted and talented students in the
United States, as the US was a world leader in educating the highly able for many
years. Next we look at the measures that the UK and Ireland are implementing to aid
their most talented students. Finally the last part of this section highlights some
countries that are making interesting provision, and some whose philosophical
conception of giftedness or the way in which it is dealt with in the education system
differs from the norm. For further in depth reviews there are two excellent
comprehensive articles dealing with provision for able and talented children in Europe
and around the world, the first by Joan Freeman (Freeman, 2001), and the second by
Franz Mönks and Robin Pflüger (2005). You can link to these articles here:

Gifted Education in 21 European Countries: Inventory and Perspective ( by Franz

Mönks and Robin Pflüger (2005).

Out-of-school educational provision for the gifted and talented around the world by
Joan Freeman (2001)

Gifted and Talented Education in North America and


North America
The USA has always been at the forefront in the Western world in terms of the
amount of provision for gifted and talented pupils. The gifted child movement surged
ahead at the beginning of the 1900’s, with the work of Terman, Goddard and Binet in
developing IQ and other psychometric tests. The movement gathered pace until the
late 1920’s when the Great Depression necessitated cutbacks. After 1950 there was a
resurgence in interest in gifted and talented individuals, spurred on by the 1983
publication “A Nation at Risk” which identified a steady decline in science and maths
scores and higher order thinking skills as well as functional illiteracy in 13% of 17-
year olds. At a national level, the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Education Act
(1995) funded the establishment of the National Research Center on the Talented and
Gifted. This was strengthened by the 1998 Gifted and Talented Students Education
Act which provides states with resources to strengthen programs and services for
gifted students.

The definition of giftedness most frequently used in the USA today comes from the
1988 Javits Education Act:

“The term gifted and talented student means children and youths who give
evidence of higher performance capability in such areas as intellectual,
creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and
who require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the schools in
order to develop such capabilities fully.” (Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented
Students Education Act, (1988) Title IV, Part B for P.L. 100-297)

Today gifted programming is mandated in 29 states. Funding is not always available
specifically for gifted students in all of these states. Other states that have not
mandated education for gifted/talented students may provide funding.
In 1993, the US department of education listed the desirable characteristics in a
programme for gifted and talented youth:

1. Seeks variety - looks throughout a range of disciplines for students with diverse
2. Uses many assessment measures - uses a variety of appraisals so that schools can
find students in different talent areas and at different ages;
3. Is free of bias - provides students of all backgrounds with equal access to
appropriate opportunities;
4. Is fluid - uses assessment procedures that can accommodate students who develop
at different rates and whose interests may change as they mature;
5. Identifies potential - discovers talents that are not readily apparent in students, as
well as those that are obvious;
6. Assesses motivation - takes into account the drive and passion that play a key role
in accomplishment
7. Is integrated - provides assessment to identify the specific talent areas that the
program is designed to address.

The Talent Search Model

The Talent Search Model of provision for gifted/talented students was pioneered in
the 1930’s by psychologist Leta Hollingworth and first put into practise by Julian
Stanley of Johns Hopkins University. Talent Searches are conducted annually
throughout the USA by various organisations dealing with gifted and talented
individuals. An individual’s participation in these searches is usually based on
teacher recommendations and is most likely to occur around the 7th grade.
Participants will usually have achieved a score in the top 3% on a national attainment

test. As of 2002 about 5,200 middle-schools and 5,000 elementary schools distribute
Talent Search applications to students each year.

Centre for Talented Youth (CTY)

The largest of the talent search organisations is the Centre for Talented Youth (CTY)
associated with Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. The Centre was founded in
1979 and since then close to 1 million students have taken part in the talent searches.
CTY offers intensive and fast-paced courses in the humanities, natural and social
sciences, mathematics and computers. They offer both residential and commuter
courses for students, taught by expert instructors. In some subjects a year-long school
course is compacted into a few weeks, in others college level courses can be studied
for school or college credits. Residential programmes not only allow for intensive
tutoring and intellectual challenge, they also allow the student to make a wide range
of social contacts, mix with like-ability peers and experience being away from home
for a short period of time. CTY has a vibrant alumni community and a research
department that focuses on disseminating research on giftedness to the public. CTY
has international branches in Ireland, Spain, Bermuda and Thailand, and is associated
with the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth in the UK.

On- and above-level testing

On-level testing (where a child is tested for attainment or potential according to their
age) does not allow for adequate diagnosis of giftedness and talent. Such tests
produce a ceiling effect, where the scores of the most able pupils are clustered at the
upper limit of the test scale, and so do not offer any information about what the child
could potentially have achieved. Above-level testing uses tests designed for older
children but given to younger students who have already reached the ceiling criteria
on their own age-appropriate tests. Thus, high-ability students, and their current
levels of achievement can be more clearly delineated. Talent Searches employ above
level-testing, most frequently in verbal and mathematical reasoning ability, and
usually assess children at a level of between two and five grades ahead, depending on
the age of the participant.
Most of the major talent search centres offer summer academic enrichment
programmes, with an emphasis on residential campus-based courses at major

universities. These courses aim to provide students with more advanced and faster-
paced work than they would encounter in school or to introduce them to new subjects
that they have not yet had the opportunity to study.
High scores on above-level tests are usually the main criteria for participation on
these summer programmes, which give students the chance to participate in intensive
study in the humanities, social or natural sciences, mathematics or computer science.
Residential programmes usually last for between two and four weeks. Some centres
also run programmes for commuters, correspondence courses, after-school classes or
one-off day long events.

Davidson Institute for Talent Development

The Davidson Institute for Talent Development was founded in 1999 by Bob and Jan
Davidson to provide learning opportunities for profoundly intelligent young people.
At present, their work can be divided into the following categories

o Davidson Young Scholars Program.

This programme takes a very holistic approach to the idea of talent development and
assists profoundly gifted and talented young people and their families with facing the
challenges presented by their high abilities. As well as providing assistance and
counselling in areas such as parenting, and appropriate educational placements, each
family receives counselling and consultancy, and distinguished mentors can be found
to support the gifted/talented child. Online colloquia in selected topics within art,
literature and science are run frequently, as are online parenting seminars. As of
December 2004 there were 558 individuals from 49 states enrolled in the Young
Scholars Program

o Davidson Fellows Awards

These fellowship awards recognise the outstanding achievements of highly gifted
young people and provide scholarships annually to students up to age 18.
Any young person, under the age of 18, may apply who has created a significant piece
of work in the areas of science, technology, mathematics, music, literature and/or

Judges, with high levels of expertise in the domain areas of the works submitted,
carefully review the qualified applications and select recipients. In 2004 there were
15 recipients of awards: 4 Davidson Fellow Laureates each receiving a $50,000
scholarship; 7 Davidson Fellows each receiving a $25,000 scholarship; and 5
Davidson Fellows each receiving a $10,000 scholarship.

o Educator’s Guild
Davidson Institute Educators Guild is comprised of teachers, school counsellors and
school/district administrators who are interested in connecting with colleagues to
locate resources and discuss strategies for identifying and serving highly gifted
students. Members of the Educators Guild have access to electronic mailing lists and
bulletin boards and to the Davidson Institute for Talent Development’s team of
professionals who are available to assist with resource location and curriculum

500 teachers, school counsellors and school/district administrators are members of the
Educators Guild.

o The Davidson Academy, Nevada

The Davidson Academy is a public school that is scheduled to open in Autumn 2006
in the grounds of the University of Nevada, Reno. The schools mission is to provide
fast-paced, challenging and enriched teaching to profoundly gifted middle- and high-
school students. Teaching will be provided by instructors from the Davidson Institute
and college professors from the University of Reno. It is intended that each student
will have an individualized learning plan based on his or her academic achievement
level, interests and motivation and students will attend small, academically rigorous
classes with intellectual peers of similar age. When students are ready, they will take
one or more progressively challenging university courses along with their Academy
courses, and when enough credits for a high-school diploma have been achieved they
will have the opportunity to become fully matriculated students of the university.
However, the support systems provided by the Davidson Institute will not be
withdrawn until the student has turned 18. The Academy is the first public school in

the US established with the purpose of providing solely for profoundly gifted and
talented individuals.

The Apex Program

The Apex Program is run by the Center for Gifted Education Policy under the
direction of Dr. Rena Subotnik and is sponsored by the American Psychological
Association. It brings together established leaders in scientific research and the arts
who act as mentors for a selected group of gifted and talented high-school students.
The adolescent participants were identified in one of three ways: (1) through
established channels/talent searches conducted within each discipline, (2) by the
master or his/her associate, or (3) via gifted education networks.

A one-week summit is held in July or August of each year, which gives the students
an opportunity to meet with their mentor frequently and to benefit from their guidance
and expertise. The objective of these sessions is to establish a mentoring relationship
based on a project and career guidance through the beginning of the student's college
career. Mentors are asked to continue their relationship throughout the following year,
by visits, email, post or telephone. The following summer both mentors and students
are invited to return to the next summit to present the progress they have made in their
work and to meet the new cohort on the project.

Advanced Placement

The Advanced Placement programme offers first-year university level courses to

students still in high school. Students can sit national AP exams and as a result gain
college credits while still at school, reducing the length of their degree once in
university. In 2004 over 1.9 million AP exams were taken in the US in 34 subject
areas including all sciences, mathematics, a number of foreign languages and a range
of humanities subjects. Over 60% of high schools in the United States offer at least
one AP course, meaning that students from isolated and rural backgrounds can also
get a chance to taste college-level subjects. According to a report on acceleration in
the US entitled “A Nation Deceived” (Colangelo, Assouline and Gross, 2004), college
students who have not taken an AP class in high school have a 33% chance of

completing their Bachelor’s Degree. This number rises to 59% if just one AP course
has been taken, and to 76% if two have been completed. Advanced Placement courses
have the benefit of allowing bright students to study challenging college-level
material while still keeping them with their friends and familiar social activities until
an age where they are socially and emotionally more ready to move to a university
environment (Colangelo, Assouline and Gross, 2004).

On a national level, interest in gifted and talented youth in Canada has diminished
considerably over the last decade. Leroux (2000) blames the state of the economy and
governmental changes, but also notes a lack of enthusiasm for teacher to specialise
resulting in less competence at identifying and handling gifted and talented students.
Leroux further states that in most regions the term “gifted” refers only to intellectual
giftedness and that provision is only available to assist those who are obviously
already achieving in school. Canadian interest in Talent Searches has also
significantly declined and as of Dec 2005 the Canadian branch of the Duke Talent
Identification Programme (TIP) was no longer in offering assessment or summer

The GATE Programme

Education in Calgary city is organised by the provincial government department,
Alberta Learning, which is responsible for the delivery of education programs and
services in the province of Alberta. The Calgary Board of Education, CBE,
administers the education system within the city. The Centre for Gifted Education at
the University of Calgary provides a program supported by the CBE - The Gifted and
Talented Education (GATE) program, established by the CBE in 1987.

The program is currently offered in four congregated settings in the geographical

north and south of the city. There are two elementary (grades 4-6) sites and two junior
high schools (grades 7-9) sites. Queen Elizabeth Junior/Senior School introduced a
Senior High school (grades 10-12) GATE program last year. The latter has been based
on languages, arts and humanities. As of this year, the program in Senior High is to
be extended to include Biology (including a university credit element), a careers and
life management course (CALM) and Physics and Mathematics courses.

Admission to the GATE program is based on CBE Special Needs criteria for those
children in grades 4-9 who are intellectually gifted. Referrals to the GATE program
are made through the individual School Resource Group in consultation with parents.
The Admissions Committee reviews all referrals and determines the applicants to be
admitted to the GATE program.

Criteria for placement in the program include:

• Very superior scores on an individual psychological assessment (WISC-III IQ test
and WAIS achievement test). An IQ of 130+ is required to.
• School nomination form Parent nomination form Student written response.
• An IPP (Individualised Program Plan) submitted from the referring school.

A rare aspect of the GATE program is that it also includes students who are coded as
gifted and have a learning disability. Currently, the GATE provision takes in 550
students. Students admitted to the GATE program studied in the GATE schools
dependent on their age and home location in the city. The students met for certain
lessons as a GATE group taught by specifically appointed GATE teachers and at
other times were integrated with students in the rest of the school.

GATE is not the only option for the more able student. The Junior/Senior high school
visited had recently set up a GATE program for grades 10-12. However, not all
GATE students progressed to this program, instead choosing other forms of
qualifications. Advanced Placement schemes and particularly the International
Baccalaureate were proving to be popular, particularly the latter as it was more readily
recognised by the 'top' American universities. A small number of pupils who go
through the GATE program do not continue on to university, choosing to set up or
expand their business interests.

The teaching and learning styles observed in GATE classes centre around open ended
project work. Discussions and student presentations features heavily. GATE lessons
often gave the appearance of 'hot housing' where students discussed and creatively
thought about issues and topics. Students are aware of their role in the education
process and their responsibility for their own learning.

Gifted and Talented Education in the United Kingdom and
Republic of Ireland.
The current UK government, in power since 1997, has made great strides in provision
for gifted and talented students, and in raising the profile of these students in schools.
The revised National Curriculum “access” and “inclusion” statements (Department
for Education and Employment/Qualification Curriculum and Assessment, 1999)
makes it a statutory responsibility to “provide for all pupils” according to their
abilities. In particular, the identification of individual needs, differentiation in school,
recognition of individual differences and “education of the able, gifted, and talented
child” as a topic of teacher training is written into the guidance of governmental
agencies (Monks & Pflüger, 2005).

In 1998, the Office for Standards in Education commissioned Joan Freeman to
undertake an extensive survey of gifted and talented provision worldwide (Freeman,
1999), in order to inform the direction and scope of the UK plans.
The most recent White Paper on Education “Higher Standards, Better Schools for
All” (DfES, 2005) makes specific reference to guidance and support for gifted and
talented students. One of the keystones of this White Paper is the idea of
“personalised learning” – described as “a tailored education for every child and young
person, that gives them strength in the basics, stretches their aspirations, and builds
their life chances. It will create opportunity for every child, regardless of their
According to the White Paper the proposed school census (secondary, 2006; primary
2007) will ask all schools to identify students on their gifted and talented register, all
students who are members of the Excellence in Cities (EiC) scheme and all members
of the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth (NAGTY).
While committed to expanding provision and services for gifted and talented learners,
and to the creation of a national register of gifted/talented pupils, at present the focus
of the DfES and their core partners, including The National Academy for Gifted and
Talented Youth, is still on secondary school students. However, moves are underway
to expand provision for primary school learners.

Excellence in Cities (EiC)

Excellence in Cities programme was launched in 1999 as a targeted programme of

support in schools in deprived areas of the country. It originally comprised 25 Local
Education Authorities, a number that has risen to 57 and is due for further expansion
in 2005-2006. At present there are over 1000 primary and 1000 secondary schools
involved in this initiative. Its aim is to provide a series of strategies for dealing with
teaching and learning, behaviour, attendance, and leadership.
One strand of the EiC programme is to target gifted and talented students from
disadvantaged areas. The aim of this gifted and talented strand is to

• Achieve significant, measurable improvement in the attainment, aspirations,

motivation and self-esteem of gifted and talented pupils and students,
especially those at risk of underachieving, including those from disadvantaged
• Improve the quality of identification, provision and support in schools,
colleges, and local education authorities, giving priority to the weakest, and
develop robust quality standards to support this.
• Develop tools, and identify and use levers, to help ensure that every
maintained school and college in every LEA is equipped to differentiate
teaching and learning to meet individual needs at the upper end of the ability

Each of the EiC areas has a Strand Co-ordinator, as well as a School Co-ordinator for
each school. The school co-ordinator is required to implement, develop and monitor
the school’s strategy for identify and providing for gifted pupils, to liaise with other
schools in the district, to work with learning mentors to identify and address the needs
of disadvantaged, and to generally “champion” the gifted and talented students and
ensure that their social and emotional needs are catered for with an appropriate mix of
challenge and support.

Physical Education, School Sport and Club Links Strategy – Gifted and Talented

The gifted and talented (G&T) in physical education (PE) and sport strand is a key
component of the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) PE, school sport and
club links (PESSCL) strategy.

The main aim of G&T in PE and sport in PESSCL is to establish pathways which co-
ordinate the development of, and the demands on talented (and potentially talented)
young sports people so as to enable them to maximise their academic and sporting
potential. Gifted and Talented programmes focus not only on high achievers but also
on those who show sporting potential, including pupils at risk of underachieving and
those from disadvantaged areas. The Youth Sport Trust manages the Gifted and
Talented strand of the Government’s Physical Education, School Sport and Club
Links (PESSCL) strategy.

Junior Athlete Education (JAE)

JAE is a support programme that assists school sport partnerships in helping their
most Gifted and Talented young sports people to manage the demands of not only
their sport, but their school and social life.

The aim is to identify a young person’s needs and, with the assistance of teachers,
parents and coaches, give that person the opportunity to maximise their sporting
potential while reducing the conflicting demands that developing sporting talent often

As well as running workshops for young people and their parents, the programme also
identifies a school staff mentor to support the athlete and help them plan and balance
their schedule.

Multi-skill academies

Created for Gifted and Talented 8 to 12 year olds, multi-skill academies are focused
on developing core skills such as movement, co-ordination, agility, body awareness
and thinking skills

Multi-skill Clubs

Multi-skill clubs provide a weekly opportunity for 7 to 11/12 year olds to take part in
a wide range of sporting activities outside of school hours.

They enable young people to develop fundamental movement and sport skills, such as
agility, balance, co-ordination, running, jumping, throwing and catching.

Support is also provided for gifted and talented athletes with disabilities and provision
is made for research

The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth

The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth (NAGTY) was founded in
2002. Its stated objective is to drive forward education of gifted and talented students
by providing support and leadership for education professionals. In order to achieve
this aim NAGTY works with teachers, students, parents, education professionals,
universities and businesses.
Based on the government directives, NAGTY proposes what it terms “The English
Model” of gifted and talented education. It argues that the bulk of provision for such
pupils must come from within the school classroom and that gifted education must be
an integral part of general educational policy. In this respect, every teacher becomes a
teacher of the gifted, and lesson planning must reflect this. However, if specialist
provision is required that the school is not able to provide, then it must be made
available externally and the lack of availability in school should not hinder the
progress of the individual. NAGTY suggest that this approach raises school standards
overall. By age 14-19, the emphasis should be on personal pathways in learning, to
reflect personal needs, and this is echoed in the most recent White Paper’s ideas on

personalisation of learning. In the English Model special attention is paid to under-
represented groups, through school identification and NAGTY co-ordinates a number
of initiatives with Local Education Authorities to raise aspirations and increase
opportunities for gifted and talented individuals from minority groups.
NAGTY is currently divided into four strands: The Expertise Centre, The Student
Academy; The Professional Academy; and the Research Centre.

The Expertise Centre

The purpose of the expertise centre is to create a link for policy makers and education
practitioners to the relevant expertise and knowledge, in order to improve provision
for gifted and talented pupils and in turn boost their attainment. They run a number of
expert advisory groups based on provision for primary, secondary and 14-19 age
groups, and for developing research, professional development and regional services.

The Student Academy

The Student Academy provides an opportunity for the gifted/talented student to join a
community of peers who will provide support and stimulation.
Through the Student Academy, members can take part in:

• A year-round programme of short courses delivered by experts at locations

across the country
• Summer Schools providing a lengthier, in-depth focus on one subject in a
university environment
• Academic Study Groups, offering Internet-based learning guided by academic
• Online forums where members discuss wide-ranging topics

o Online learning:

The Student Academy runs a number of Academic Study Groups (ASG) which are
free to student members of NAGTY. ASGs are informal virtual learning environments
creating communities of students who share interests in a particular subject or
discipline, and are led by experts in the field. The student is not limited in the number

of these groups that they join. Current ASGs include Astronomy; Classics; Film
Studies; Ethics and Philosophy; Engineering; and History. Below are two samples of
monthly topics in the ASGs.

As part of its online community, NAGTY also offers a selection of discussion forums
for students, in debate topics (e.g. views on the war in Iraq) and general chat forums.
As these forums are available round the clock online it means that gifted/talented
students always have somewhere to go if they need to talk to a peer.

Classics Study Group

Art and artefact in Greek and Roman cultures

What is ‘art’? What is an ‘artefact’? Are they different things? Does it

just depend on who you ask?

This discussion group will look at a variety of images from the ancient
world – a different one each two weeks or so. Each of these mini-
discussions will centre on an individual object or piece of ‘art’. What
do these things mean to us? Are they works of art? Did the ancient
Greeks and Romans consider them art? How can we tell?

The things we look at will be as varied as prehistoric figurines from

Greece and Roman wall paintings from Pompeii. Or maybe you’ve got
a favourite object or image you would like to talk about?

We will examine these objects or images in detail to get as much

information as we can about what place they had in ancient cultures.
But we will inevitably need to think about much bigger issues too - the
nature of art; how we can know about what long-dead people thought
about and were interested in; the difference between a museum and an
art gallery and why we bother visiting them.

This discussion group is for anyone interested in art or in the ancient

world – or both! No prior knowledge is necessary. Just bring your
ideas, questions, and thoughts.

Ethics and Philosophy Study Group

What is betrayal?

Is it an evil thing to do? If so, why? Is betraying a friend the same as

betraying a stranger?

According to Aristotle, friendship should be regarded as the supreme

human relationship. Can betrayal ever be the right course of action?
Is betrayal something we cannot get rid of even in our advanced and
evolved society?

According to Nietzsche, "that lies should be necessary to life is part

and parcel of the terrible and questionable character of existence".

o Summer Schools

The NAGTY summer schools provide residential courses that take place in higher
education institutes around the UK. The course are aimed at gifted/talented students
aged 11-16. This summer courses will be provided at universities in Warwick, Bristol,
Leeds, York, Durham, Canterbury, Lancaster and London. Some of the topics to be
covered this summer include Legal Studies, Robotics, Religious Studies; Advanced
maths; Creative writing. Students study one subject for 2-3 weeks, attending classes
and study sessions daily. The classes are usually led by university lecturers, helped
by teaching assistants, who are usually postgraduate students. The summer schools
also provide a wide range of social activities from sports to drama and talent shows,
giving the students a chance to interact and make friends outside of the classroom.
Living on a university campus for 2-3 weeks allows the students to fully immerse
themselves in all aspects of the programme, develop close friendships bonds, and to
develop a sense of independence in being away from home.

o Outreach Programme

NAGTY runs an extensive outreach programme for students in a variety of locations

throughout England and Wales. These events are short courses that normally take
place at weekends or on school holidays. The events may be residential or non-
residential. Most take place at universities, but some are held at specialist sites such as
theatres, museums, or science and technical facilities.

o The Higher Education Gateway

NAGTY’s Higher Education Gateway is part of a national project by the Department

for Education and Skills (DfES), entitled AimHigher. AimHigher is a student portal
that provides information to all students considering higher education. It provides
information on university and college courses, advice on securing funding, and aims
to widen participation in UK higher education, especially among non-traditional
groups, ethnic minorities and those with disabilities.

The HE Gateway is for students who are in the national top 5% in terms of ability
and have little family experience of higher education. The HE Gateway offers fun,

high quality learning opportunities to students with little experience of higher
education. Students can take part in events with leading academic experts at a
participating higher education college or university. The NAGTY HE gateway has
partnerships with 30 universities all over England in order to provide outreach events
specifically for gifted/talented students who otherwise might not consider higher

o Gifted Entrepreneurs Programme

The Gifted Entrepreneurs Programme was run in 2004 and 2005 and trained young
people in a very practical way how to plan and run their own business and to think in
an enterprising way about their future careers. The programme is sponsored by the
Goldman Sachs Foundation. School teams submitted business ideas and received

• Expert training in Entrepreneurship skills from The Network for Teaching

Entrepreneurship (NFTE - pronounced "Nifty"), an international non-profit
organisation that introduces young people to the world of business and
• Specialist mentoring that participants receive as they develop their businesses,
from Goldman Sachs staff and from MBA students at Warwick Business

Prizes for the best business ventures were awarded at the culmination of the
programme this year. It is likely that the programme will run again in 2006.

o The Student Council

NAGTY runs six regional student councils across England, facilitated by a member of
staff at NAGTY, who meet once a term to discuss issues regarding NAGTY students.
The councillors are all NAGTY students who stand for election and are voted in by
their peers. Being a NAGTY student councillor helps the young person to develop a
set of skills including

• Framing an argument or opinion

• Social skills through networking
• Presenting the ideas of others

• Liaising with staff
• Committee servicing (through attending meetings with associated agendas and

The Professional Academy

The Professional Academy works with schools, colleges, LEAs and other education
providers to improve their provision for gifted and talented students by alerting them
to guidance and examples of best practice. It also aims to increase access to high
quality professional development opportunities and support examples of innovative
practice. Working in partnership with the DfES, the Professional Academy strand of
NAGTY aims to help ensure that every teacher feels confident in their ability to cater
for the gifted pupils in their class.

Regional Gateways are part of NAGTY’s delivery framework and exist to create
opportunities for children and teachers and to foster the efficient sharing of
information between educational professionals in a region, who are involved in the
education of gifted pupils. The nine Gateways are aligned to the government regional
structure. The work of each Gateway is organised through a steering group of
representatives of Local Education Authorities, Higher Education Institutions,
NAGTY and other relevant regional organisations with an interest in gifted and
talented education.

At present there are nine Regional Gateways in operation, or currently under

construction. They are: NAGTY East Midlands; NAGTY Eastern; NAGTY North
East; NAGTY North West; NAGTY South East; NAGTY South West; NAGTY West
Midlands; NAGTY Yorkshire and Humberside; and London Gifted and Talented.

o Ambassador Schools

In order to promote the exchange of ideas and best practice in education NAGTY has
recognised a number of Ambassador Schools, whose provision for gifted and talented
students was singled out for praise during Ofsted inspections. These schools usually
have specific policy guidelines and stated aims with regard to gifted pupils, and
encourage a broad range of enrichment and extra-curricular activities and offer

extension and acceleration in some subjects where appropriate to the student. At
present NAGTY has identified 18 Ambassador Schools.

o PGCE+ Programme.

PGCE+ is an innovative programme for early career maths and science teachers
funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. The overall aim of the PGCE+ is to
increase the capacity of an NQT to address the needs of gifted and talented students.
The programme is designed for teachers who have just completed their PGCE course
and presents a unique opportunity for participants to work alongside a NAGTY
Summer School and to benefit from ongoing support through their early years of
teaching. The PGCE+ comprises a two week course at one of the NAGTY summer
schools, with the opportunity to work with the students and observe the teaching of
maths and science at the summer school. The participant also receives follow-up
support online and face-to-face meetings facilitated by NAGTY. During the summer
school the key pedagogical issues covered include:

• The importance of gifted and talented as part of the inclusion agenda

• Identification of gifts and talents
• An insight into giftedness from the perspective of the student
• An overview of key research into thinking
• Characteristics of effective teaching for the most able in both a generic and
subject-specific context
• Resourcing the teaching of the most able
• Assessment
• Monitoring and evaluation
• Developments in national priorities and provision

o Quality Standards

Quality Standards is a joint project between NAGTY and the DfES to create a
nationally recognised framework for schools to evaluate their performance and
provision for gifted and talented students. It is designed to be accessible and relevant
to all schools and colleges, with varying experience and expertise in gifted and
talented education and in all areas of the country.

The structure of the Quality Standard is based around five key headings:

• Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies

• Enabling Curriculum Entitlement and Choice
• Assessment for Learning
• School Organisation
• Strong Partnership beyond the School

Within these five headings are a number of sub-criteria against which the school can
rate its performance. As the QS provides a standardised mode of evaluation, a school
can not only gain information on its own performance, but also see how they compare
with others in their area, and gain ideas for further improvement.

The Quality Standard is built around a model of three levels of practice

A baseline level of practice, where the school has made the

Level 1:
first steps towards the implementation of a whole school
approach to Gifted & Talented provision

The school is effective in meeting pupils’ needs and has

Level 2:
practice which has scope for reinforcing, progressing and
further improvement

Level 3: Exceptional and sustained practice, which has scope for

Exemplary disseminating beyond the school/college, and also for
continuous improvement as best practice nationally evolves

o Think-Tanks

NAGTY organises a number of two-day events for recognised leaders in key subject
areas to come together and discuss ways to move provision for gifted and talented
students forward in these areas. Each session is led by a convenor with recognised
expertise in the subject area who will lay out the challenges and provide the context
for structured debate. From these discussions NAGTY plan to develop a range of
support materials, online training and subject specific conferences.

The Research Centre

The Research Centre at NAGTY is concerned with producing academically rigorous
research that will inform education policies and provision, CPD training, and
development of effective pedagogies. At present there are five research strands
underway at NAGTY looking at all aspects of gifted and talented education from
following Student Academy members throughout their schooling, to identify effective
pedagogy for gifted and talented students. There is also support for teachers who wish
to carry out their own piece of school-based research

Other approaches:

Villiers Park

Villiers Park Educational Trust is a partner organisation and provider for NAGTY.
Their current focus is on creating “inspirational classrooms for gifted and talented
students”. They run an extensive range of short courses for students in science and
humanities but their approach also includes teachers, providing not just general CPD
on gifted/talented learners but also courses dedicated to extending and enriching
teaching in a wide range of subjects to cater for more able learners. The philosophy of
the centre is to help teachers to reconnect with their subject and rediscover the interest
and excitement that they had when they studied it first, with the idea that this
enthusiasm will then filter down to the students. For example, one course entitled
“Neuroscience in the Classroom” not only aims to promote a deeper understanding of
the anatomy and physiology of the brain for AS/A2 level, but also to give teachers a
chance to study some of the recent research findings and their theoretical and clinical
ramifications. By placing this research in context outside of the parameters of the
curriculum it is hoped that it will inspire teachers and remind them of the importance
of their subjects to the wider world.

The Brunel Able Children's Education (BACE) Centre

BACE is located at Brunel University, West London.

The centre aims to:

o offer support to professionals to make effective provision for higher ability

o provide research evidence to help increase understanding of the most able
children in our schools and their needs;
o establish principles of curriculum design and show how they may be
incorporated into actual curriculum materials;
o offer programmes for gifted pupils through professional development

They run professional development courses in educating exceptional children and

mathematics enrichment for able children; an MA in Gifted Education and various
Doctorate degrees by research; and have a number of research and development
schemes underway including an Urban Scholars Programme, and a mathematics
enrichment project.

In the 2003 Welsh parliament consultation document “Educating Pupils Who Are
More Able and Talented: Guidance for Local Authorities”, the term ‘more able’ and
‘talented’ is used to describe "pupils who require extended opportunities across the
curriculum in order to develop their abilities in one or more areas". In general,
approximately 20% of the school population may be ‘more able’ while the top 2%
could be considered ‘exceptional’. Ability and talent can manifest itself in many
different ways e.g. academic, practical, creative and social fields of human activity.
The definition in Wales also takes into account the fact that children may have a
specific learning disability and references is made to ensuring that identification
processes are broadly based in order to identify children including those with the
potential to achieve at higher levels and those who may be underachieving.

The approaches selected could include taking into account any of the following:
• Teacher observation and assessment, using agreed criteria, such as generic
and subject checklists
• National Curriculum attainment and non attainment e.g. tests and
Teacher Assessment;
• Attainment in externally accredited courses e.g. GCSEs;
• Standardised test scores;
• Involvement and achievement in competitions;
• Achievements in extra-curricular activities;
• Nomination by the child’s parent(s)/carer(s);
• Peer group nomination;
• External agency nomination e.g. health visitor.

In “Inclusion and Support”, a 2005 consultation paper there is also a section dedicated
to the needs of more able and talented learners within the Welsh curriculum.
However, given the size of the document they section on talent is afforded relatively
little space.

The Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales (ACCAC) have
also produced a piece of guidance for schools entitled “A curriculum of opportunity:

developing potential into performance” (ACCAC, 2003). This dual-language
document provides an overview of identification, classroom strategies and outside


In the “Ambitious, Excellent Schools” progress report the Scottish Executive have
outlined plans to implement indicator rating scales to check on schools’ performances
and also the abolition of “age and stage” related examinations, meaning that students
can be more flexible in when they take state exams, which will impact gifted and
talented learners.

Scotland has nine centres of excellence that allow gifted children to maximise their
potential, both academically and with regard to their particular talents. These centres
offer a specific focus on a child's gift, be it music, sport, dance or language. More
than five of these schools are dedicated to music, with only one of each for dance and
sport. Also, these schools are mainly clustered in the large cities of Edinburgh,
Glasgow and Aberdeen.

The Scottish branch of the National Association for Gifted Children run explorer
clubs and a range of enrichment activities. They also provide support for teachers and
counselling for the gifted/talented and their families.

Scottish Network for Able Pupils (SNAP)

This association was founded in order to provide support for gifted pupils and their
parents and teachers in Scotland and is based at the University of Glasgow. The
colourful and easily accessible website has pages dedicated to
pupils, and extensive lists of research articles and books. Some are available for free
and others for a small membership fee. SNAP also runs a brief online CPD course for
teachers, which although not formally accredited provides useful background
information and reflections. SNAP also hosts an annual conference for parents and
educators, and recent keynote speakers have included Prof. Howard Gardner.

Northern Ireland
Explicit measures to provide for gifted and talented students in Northern Ireland are
scant. In late 2004 the South Eastern Library Board (SELB) initiated a programme
whereby approximately 20 students, nominated by teachers, were tested using
standardised IQ and self-perception tests, including Ravens Progressive Matrices, the
Mill-Hill Vocabulary Scale and the Myself-as-a-Learner Scale. These children
subsequently took part in a series of “Discovery Days” at the AMMA centre in
Armagh organised by the SELB, where they had the chance to attend classes such as
Animal Behaviour, Engineering, and Media.

Republic of Ireland.
The educational needs of gifted students are not explicitly stated in Irish law.
However the 1998 Education Act states that provisions should be made for those with
“special educational needs” to ensure development to full potential and the Special
Education Review Committee in 1993 advocates for respect and recognition of
individual differences in the following statement: “Class organisation is to include
class group and individual activities in an effort to enable each child to go forward
educationally at a pace and depth of individual capacity….enrichment and
acceleration should depend on ability related output.” (Monks & Pfluger, 2005).
However, many schools do not have the resources or facilities to offer extensive
enrichment programmes and whether a child is accelerated very often depends on the
school’s own policy. Where acceleration occurs it is usually in the form of early grade
skipping, although the perception of the negative effects of acceleration often mean
this option is not considered.

IBM/DCU Irish Science Olympiad

Provision for gifted students is mainly organised outside of school. The IBM/DCU
Irish Science Olympiad is open to post-primary students who wish to extend their
knowledge of chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology and computer programming.
The early rounds of the competition begin at school level, eventually building up to
national and international competition. At the national level the top 250 students are
invited to take part in the finals, held at Dublin City University

Irish Centre for Talented Youth (CTYI)

Founded at Dublin City University in 1992, the Irish Centre for Talented Youth is a
branch of CTY International and provides extra-curricular enrichment to students
aged 6-16 as well as guidance for their parents and teachers. The first three-week
summer programme was offered in 1993, and at present CTYI caters for approx 2,600
students each year in a variety of residential and non-residential programmes in
centres around Ireland. Two three-week residential summer programmes are now
offered each year at the Dublin City University campus for students aged 12-16.
Students have the opportunity to study subjects such as Psychology, Medicine in the
Laboratory, Archaeology, Engineering and Game Theory at a level equivalent to first-
year university standard in a fast-paced but supportive atmosphere. Entry
qualifications for the programme are based on Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores
and eligibility to take the SAT is determined by a score above the 95th percentile on a
standardised mathematical/verbal reasoning test; notable achievement in a national
competition demonstrating talent in fields such as maths, science or literature, or a
personal statement explaining why the individual believes they would fall in the top
5% of the school population. All applications must be supported by a parent, guardian
or teacher. In recent years the Centre has organised a number of one-off events for its
students at weekends and it also runs a successful correspondence course for it 12-16
year-old students. Participants are assigned one essay or assignment per month with
recommended reading and are required to email their essay to the Centre where it is
marked by an experienced tutor and detailed feedback is given. The correspondence
course aims to promote essay-writing skills, provide a background knowledge of the
course topic and teach time-management, research skills and critical thinking.
Previous correspondence course topics include mathematics, psychology and
Non-residential classes for 8-12 and 6-7 year olds run each summer and on Saturdays
during the year. Some recent classes for this age group have included World
Geography, Aeronautical Engineering, Psychology, Greek and Roman Mythology,
Mathematical Magic and Film Studies. Classes for younger students take place in
Dublin, Galway, Cork, Limerick, Letterkenny and Waterford.

As the topic of gifted and talented education is not a compulsory part of teacher-
training in the Rep. of Ireland, CTYI also provides training and information for
interested teachers and parents.

Gifted and Talented Education in Asia
The view of giftedness and talent in Asia highlights key differences between Eastern
and Western philosophies. Asian views of education place a great deal of emphasis on
individuals taking responsibility for their own achievements and the environment of
an individual is considered just crucial to their development as innate ability, if not
more so. Whereas in the West we tend to consider certain abilities to be genetic, and
we screen children to discover their aptitudes, in Eastern Asia every baby is seen as
being born with similar potential – it is their rate of development that varies. The
keys to success in all aspects of life are diligence, persistence and hard work, along
with the belief of the pupil and teacher in the pupil’s capabilities, and the teacher’s
efforts are seen as a key factor in this success. In almost all international studies of
student achievement, East Asian countries consistently top the polls in mathematics
and science, yet studies of Chinese children have shown that they do not show any
exceptional ability in mathematics at pre-school. Further, it is not just a few excellent
performers who raise the average: overall the standard of achievement is very high
and appears to be rising (Freeman, 2001)

Intellectual development in China is seen as very fluid and it is considered acceptable
to accelerate a child as soon as they have achieved certain standards in their work.
The basic quality of education in China, at least in the big cities is very high, with
Chinese school-children out-performing their peers in Japan, Taiwan, Hungary,
Canada and the United States. Elite schools do exist for exceptional students, and a
number of universities run extra-curricular programmes for gifted youth, but really
this provision meets the needs of only a tiny percentage of the country’s enormous
population. However, one of the most successful approaches to encouraging talent in
China comes in the form of the Children’s Palaces. They use a very different and
popular means to identify children’s abilities which lies in the motivation of the child
herself. Children’s Palaces may be houses or large purpose-built edifices crammed
with a huge variety of activities. Children may choose exactly what they wish to do,
be it music, drama, work in science labs, exercise, play with others in the playground,

calligraphy etc. The concept of the Children’s Palace is that it is freely available to all
children and that they have autonomy in their choice of activities. There are no entry
tests and no child is turned away. Those children who find stimulation and enjoyment
in certain activities can choose to take their subject further. They agree to a contract to
attend for a certain number of lessons. If the contract is broken without good reason
then they are not permitted to continue. The Children’s Palaces play a large part in the
moral, social, physical and artistic development of children although the precise
impact of the movement is difficult to quantify due to the vast numbers of students
who attend.

In Japan the emphasis in education is on equality for all: up to high school streaming
is virtually unheard of and only those with sensory impairments or severe intellectual
disabilities are educated separately. In keeping with the Eastern ideas of collectivism,
separating able children from their peers would be seen to constitute an attempt to
diminish their understanding of the role they play in Japanese society. Classes often
have up to 40 pupils per teacher and a strict curriculum is followed meaning that there
is little opportunity for teachers to assign more advanced work or reading. In
classroom group work innate differences in ability are often disregarded and groups
are mixed so as to contain members of both high and low ability, or children with
different temperaments. Able children are expected to help their peers to learn, the
pay-off being a deeper understanding of the material. Interest for more able learners is
often maintained by the style of teaching. Japanese teachers aim to act as
“knowledgeable guides” rather than lecturers, allowing students to discover
information for themselves, and then requiring their pupils to evaluate and appraise it.
Thus even more intellectually able children can be challenged to explain their
reasoning or evaluate the proposals of another student. At the level of high school,
education in Japan begins to disperse, as students decide whether to follow
professions or trades. After-school activities in Japan are strongly encouraged and are
often compulsory after the fourth grade. Up to 60% of Japanese teenagers attend Juku,
expensive after-school schools, often perceived in the West to be “cram schools”. In
reality a large number of activities in personal and social development are offered,
from journal-writing to English conversation.

Gifted and Talented Education in the Antipodes

School education in Australia is the responsibility of each state so policies vary but
during the mid-nineties all of the states committed themselves to furthering the
education of gifted and talented students in their policy documents. Within the
education system itself, equality of opportunity is considered especially important and
the majority of gifted and talented students are educated in mixed-ability classrooms,
with little differentiation of the curriculum (Freeman, 2001). The story is beginning to
change however, with a number of universities providing undergraduate and post-
graduate training in educating highly able children, and dedicated teacher in-service
In New South Wales a number of primary schools have established “Opportunity
Classes” – self-contained classes dedicated to gifted and talented students where they
can work on a fast-paced and challenging curriculum. Students are selected via
teacher and parent nomination and through a battery of achievement tests. The State
Education Department of Southern Australia operates SHIP (Students of High
Intellectual Potential) schools – six high schools and three primary schools – which
are specially focussed to the needs of gifted and talented pupils. Acceleration, in the
forms of early school entry, grade-skipping or single-subject skipping is permitted and
in a number of high schools telescoping takes place, where six years of school are
completed in five. In the State of Victoria the Victoria Strategic Plan (2000-2005)
predicted that provision for gifted and talented education would continue to grow in
the following areas:
o Identification of gifted students
o School-based program options
o Use of School Models for educating the gifted/talented
o Planning the whole school program
o Classroom strategies and use of mentors
o Extensive professional development for teachers.

In Victoria there are 48 networks that provide links between schools and the central
office responsible for teacher training and policy implementation. Accredited

providers are authorised to identify students and provide them and their families with
counselling, while parent support networks organise informal meeting, information
nights and guest speakers (Freeman, 2001).
In New South Wales the Gifted Education Research Resource and Information Centre
(GERRIC) is a largely self-funding organisation based at the University of New South
Wales and under the direction of Prof. Miraca Gross. It was established in 1997,
although a number of its programmes had been running informally for a number of
years before that. In 1998 GERRIC ventured into partnership with the Belin-Blank
Centre for Talent Development at the University of Iowa in the US to create a talent
search programme for Australia. The outcome has been the Australian Primary
Talent Search (APTS). Pupils in grades 3-6 take a test called EXPLORE, an above-
level test that is normed on Grade 8 pupils in America. The test is multiple-choice and
covers the areas of English, mathematics, reading comprehension and scientific
reasoning. Pupils are required to take each section, regardless of where they feel their
talents lie, and GERRIC have found that gifted students are likely to underestimate
their abilities in a subject that they feel is a relative “weakness”. The large size of the
Australian landmass makes the running of APTS a very difficult enterprise, so in
consultation with educators from other states GERRIC have devised a list of criteria
which qualify pupils for testing.
Insert list here

These criteria are purposely broad in order to give parents and pupils guidelines and
to reduce the likelihood that societal and teacher prejudices would hamper access to
testing. Children are able to attempt practise tests online, meaning that they are not
faced with daunting exam situations and unfamiliar material on their test day.
The main goal of APTS is to provide teachers and parents with information on
differentiating the curriculum for gifted pupils. Information is provided that allows
teachers to align the pupil’s scores with the core curriculum outcomes and to plan a
suitable strategy of work for the pupil. Thirteen educational options are listed for
talent search participants and from this range teachers can select the most appropriate
combination of interventions for the student.
All students who take part in the APTS are eligible to participate in GERRIC’s
holiday enrichment programmes for gifted students. Children are grouped roughly
according to age/grade with the Poppyseeds and Tall Poppies programmes aimed at

the youngest students and the Scientia programmes at the older cohort. Workshops are
lead by instructors with postgraduate qualifications and/or experience in teaching
gifted children. Participants are not formally evaluated on their performance but
presentations are made to an audience of family members and other students to
showcase the work that has taken place.

As well as test scores GERRIC has found that other non-standardised methods of
selection are effective and necessary. Insert list.

New Zealand
Freeman (2001) considers the approach taken by the Ministry of Education in New
Zealand to be one of the most impressive worldwide, in the range of learning
experiences provided for schoolchildren. She also notes that “provision is…more
unified across the country and the model more robustly applied”. One of the main
schemes is called Learning Experiences Outside the Classroom (LEOTEC), where
over sixty providers such as museums, historic parks, zoos and art galleries offer
stimulating and interactive experiences on behalf of the Ministry. Often these
providers develop their own professionally developed materials that teachers can
incorporate into their planning and teaching. Access to these programmes is not
selective, all children can attend, and it is the belief of the government that these
activities outside the classroom “add value in a cost-effective way to the curriculum”
(Freeman, 2001). National projects have been implemented in environmental science,
technology, and the arts to provide LEOTEC opportunities to students from primary
school right the way through to school leavers. Students can have the chance to take
measurements in environmental fieldwork, go on virtual fieldtrips, visit conservation
islands, develop skills and knowledge for TV production, and offer them the chance
to get involved in drama and music productions not just on stage but behind the
scenes in all aspects of set design, costumes, lighting and directing.

Gifted and Talented in Europe

Spain is one of the few European countries where giftedness is mentioned explicitly
in the legislation on education. The “Royal Decree 696/1995” explicitly “regulated ht
conditions for educational attention to student with temporary or permanent special
needs that are associated with educational history, or that are due to the conditions of
giftedness, mental disability, or motor or sensorial handicap”. The Quality Education
Law 2002 states that intellectually gifted pupils will receive specific attention from
educational administrations and that early measures for identification need to be
adopted. In 1996 the procedures to allow flexible acceleration of students in primary
and secondary education were put in place. Required schooling can be reduced by a
maximum of two years, and acceleration will be closely monitored and will cease if a
student fails to reach proposed objectives. Evaluations on the suitability of a student
for acceleration will depend not only on their performance at grade level but also on a
psychological assessment of their socialisation ability and personal stability.
Where a student shows exceptional performance in one or two areas of the
curriculum, or where their overall performance is exceptional but they have socio-
emotional problems that preclude them from acceleration, enrichment is carried out
and the student can be assessed under for flexible criteria that takes into account the
role of learning styles (Mönks & Pflüger, 2005).
Despite all the requirements under law, according to Mönks and Pflüger (2005) there
is little specific provision for gifted students in Spanish classrooms, although a
growing interest in the area is noted. Despite the fact that schools are obliged by law
to identify the special needs of students, neither identification criteria for gifted
children nor the psychometric instruments to assess them have been standardised. The
Centre for Talented Youth in Spain (a charter member of CTY International, which
runs extra-curricular enrichment programs) has plans to develop a Talent Search
along the lines of the US model, and such services may be offered to schools. Teacher
training in Spain makes little reference to the topic of gifted/talented education, and
although some administrations or professional associations offer such training the
courses are infrequent. There is recognition in Spain that despite forging ahead in

make legislative provision for their students, there is now an urgent need for more
funding and training and for improved identification measures.

Hungary is one of the European countries that works hardest to serve its gifted and
talented students and since the beginning of the 20th century special attention has been
paid to highly able children by government, teachers and experts in education.
Legislation in Hungary explicitly recognises special needs. In 1993 the public
education law states “every student has the right of education, which corresponds to
its interest, abilities and potential and which will enable him/her to continue the
education on a higher level as far as he/she is capable of”. Responsibility for
providing for gifted and talented students lies with teachers and schools and for
identification and recognition of individual strengths and talents. Extra-curricular
activities and enrichment are not only encouraged but also regulated by law and all
schools are obliged to arrange them.
Acceleration is not common in Hungary, and instead respect is given to the
homogeneity of learning groups. Only in private special schools is acceleration used
as the norm, with enrichment preferred as a means to stimulate able learners. Extra-
curricular activities, often held as afternoon workshops cover subjects as diverse as
mathematics, foreign languages, science, the visual arts, music, sport, folk and
classical dance and a range of folk arts such as weaving, dyeing, pottery and textiles.
For students aged 14-18 the extra-curricular activities are more academically based
but still contain opportunities to study subjects such as philosophy, film studies and
history of art.
Within-school and external achievements are often used to identify children as
gifted/talented and teacher nomination is also widely accepted as a criterion,
reflecting the value that is placed on the teacher’s role in nurturing talent. “Education
of the gifted” is one of the main topic areas of the teacher-training curriculum and
includes the following topics:
o Identification
o Giftedness and age
o Giftedness and creativity
o School programmes for gifted children

o The cooperation of school and family
o Underachievement of gifted children
o The special role of teachers in gifted education
o Special fields (e.g. sport, music, math)
o The international picture in gifted education

Internal in-service training also focuses regularly on dealing with gifted/talented


Freeman (2001) surmises that it is highly unlikely that the Scandinavian countries will
ever conceptualise giftedness and talent in the way that the US and UK do. The
educational philosophy is rooted in the cultural values of modesty and egalitarianism,
and it is regarded as somewhat improper to claim personal privileges (Persson, 1998).
Freeman suggests however that Scandinavian classrooms are beginning to adopt
Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences as a way to move forward and extend
provision for all, and to bypass the ethical dilemma posed by provision for the highly
able. In Sweden the rights and welfare of every student have been safe-guarded in the
classroom since the 1920’s, but special needs have only been recognised in the
domains of learning disabilities or physical and psychological disorders. High ability
has never been earmarked as an educational issue and some would think it unethical
to argue for extra provision for achievers (Persson, 1998). Despite the lack of explicit
provision for gifted/talented children, it seems that in some areas opportunities have
long been available. Almost all Swedish towns and cities have dedicated music
schools for all ages, and secondary schools devoted to developing music and sport.
Basic proficiency is usually required for entry, but selection is based on interest rather
than special ability. It seems that the situation is roughly similar in all Scandinavian
countries, although Finland is more open to ideas of acceleration and enrichment.
Further, while explicit provision may not be available, the Scandinavian countries
advocate personalised learning that is tailored to each individual - a notion that has
cropped up in the recent White Paper on education in England and is considered to
have important implications for gifted/talented learners. In the Third International
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS, 1999), Sweden and Denmark were among

the top performing countries, despite having virtually no provision for the most able.
Attitudes to education in Scandinavia differ greatly from those in the UK and Ireland
also. Teaching is a very well-paid and highly respected profession and a greater
number of students in Scandinavian countries aspire to be teachers than in the UK.
This cultural respect for learning may also go some way to ameliorate the lack of
resources aimed at the talented. It appears that plans are afoot in Sweden to bring the
issue of high ability to the fore, and to initiate teacher training schemes leading to the
award of a diploma from the European Council for High Ability.

Russian education has undergone huge changes since the era of perestroika and the
end of Communism. In what might seem to be a contradiction of Communist ideals
the Soviet system of teaching the talented ensured that the brightest minds enjoyed
tuition in private boarding schools, better teachers and ultimately went on to study at
more prestigious universities and gain desirable jobs. Similarly those talented in the
arts or sports often endured gruelling training in the pursuit of excellence. However,
education of the gifted was seen as a way to benefit society as a whole, and to
promote progress. The personal development of the individual was only placed third
on the list of priorities. These dedicated schools for the gifted still flourish, although
on the whole provision for the gifted is provided through enrichment and extension
activities in schools. However funding is often a problem and it is usually only the
most gifted students who can avail of these services. The nature of the curriculum in
Russia has changed in the past 25 years, making it much more open to study of the
arts and humanities, thereby catering for students whose interests and aptitudes lie
outside the domain of science and mathematics. In-service training for teachers,
though available is often patchy, and the extent to which teachers promote
individualised learning and differentiation really depends on the teacher and their own
personal workload. As in many other countries there are a number of extra-curricular
courses run in conjunction with universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and
perhaps the most spectacular is the Summer School of Cosmonauts in the city of

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Appendix 1 – Information on Gifted and Talented
Education on the World Wide Web and in print

Gifted and Talented on the World Wide Web

Associations, Publications and CPD



• European Council for High Ability (ECHA) –

• World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC) -

United Kingdom

• National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth (NAGTY) –
• Children of High Intelligence Support Society (CHI) -
• National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) -
• National Association for Gifted Children Britain (NAGC) -
• Scottish Network for Able Pupils (SNAP) -
• Specialist Schools Trust -


• Irish Association for Gifted Children (IAGC) -
• Irish Centre for Talented Youth (CTYI) -

United States

• American Association for Gifted Children at Duke University (AAGC) -
• Appalachian Institute for Creative Learning (AICL) -
• Arizona Association for Gifted and Talented (AAGT) -
• California Association for the Gifted (CAG) -
• Advocacy for G&T in New York State
• Center for Gifted Education Virginia (CFGE) -

• Centre for Gifted Studies -
• Center for Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (CTY) -
• Davidson Institute for Talent Development (DITD) -
• Duke University Talent Identification Program (North Carolina) -
• Georgia Association for Gifted Children (GAGC) -
• Gifted Child - A Center for Evaluation of Gifted Children - www.a-gifted-
• Governor's Program for Gifted Children Louisiana (GPGC) -
• Hollingworth Center for Highly Gifted Children -
• Illinois Association for Gifted Children (IAGC) -
• Kansas Association for the Gifted, Talented and Creative (KGTC) -

• The National Foundation for Gifted and Creative Children (NFGCC) -
• New Jersey Association for Gifted Children (NJAGC) -
• Ohio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC) -
• Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education (PAGE) -
• Ricks Center for Gifted Children (University of Denver) -
• Texas Association for Gifted and Talented (TAGT) -


• The Academy for Gifted Children (PACE) -

• Association for Bright Children of Ontario (ABC) -
• Gifted Canada -
• Gifted Childrens Association of British Columbia (GCABC) -
• Gifted Resource Center of New England (GRCNE) - www.grcne.coma


• Gifted and Talented Children's Association of South Australia (GTCASA) –
• New South Wales Association for Gifted & Talented Children Incorporated
• The Queensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children Incorporated
• Gifted Education Research Resource and Information Center (GERRIC) -
• Gifted Children Australia –
• Papers on giftedness from the Faculty of Education at the University of
Melbourne -

New Zealand

• New Zealand Gifted and Talented Community News -
• Hoagies Gifted Education Page –

International research Centres:

Research - UK

• Oxford Brookes University Research Centre for Able Pupils -

• National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth -
• Brunel Able Children’s Education Centre (BACE) -

Research - International

• Centre for Talented Youth - Johns Hopkins University -

Information for students, parents and educators.
• Information Center on Disabilities and Gifted Education
Discussion groups, fact sheets and digests.
• The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented (NRC/GT)
Latest news about the NRC's research along with downloadable resources

Online Publications and Helpful Advice

• DfES Gifted and Talented Unit -

• London Gifted and Talented -
• Gifted and Talented Cybersource -
Large range of articles and resources dealing with all aspects of giftedness. Highly
• G&T Wise – support for teacher of the gifted and talented

Teacher CPD

• DfES
Gifted and Talented Good Practice Case Studies
• Oxford Brookes University
G&T Professional Development
• Gifted Education Online Professional Development Package. Developed
by Prof. Miraca Gross, a leading expert in the field of gifted & talented
education, this is an excellent resource.
Guidance on Teaching the Gifted and Talented
The Training and Development Agency for Schools
• Teachers TV
• European Council for High Ability


• Free Spirit Publishing – a large range of titles suitable for children, teachers and
parents of gifted/talented children.
• Great Potential Press – this company publishes a wide range of books dealing with
various aspects of giftedness, including parenting, diagnosing disabilities and
dealing with emotional issues.

Appendix 2 – List of extra-curricular activities and
enrichment ideas available on the World Wide Web for
Gifted and Talented Students
Irish Chess Union

Bangor Chess Club

Ulster Chess Union


The Sandford Language Institute, Dublin

Instituto Cervantes, Dublin

Alliance Francaise

NICILT French Debating Competition

Goethe Institute

NICILT German Debating Competition

Italian Cultural Institute

Scouts, Guides and Brownies

Girl Guides

Girl’s brigade

Catholic Girl guides of Ireland


Scouts, Cubs and Beavers

First Aid and Civil Defence

Red Cross

Order of Malta

St. John’s Ambulance of Ireland
29 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4, Telephone (01) 6688077.

St. John’s Ambulance - UK

Civil Defence Ireland
Civil Defence is an organisation comprising of approximately 6000 members who
voluntarily make themselves available in their spare time. The classes are in many
disciplines during this training period. The skills which they require include First Aid,
Search and Rescue, Fire Fighting, Boating Techniques, Radiation Monitoring, Radio
Communications and Welfare Provision. They operate a large schools programme.


Duke of Edinburgh Award
The Duke of Edinburgh award is a voluntary personal development challenge open to
young people aged 14 to 25. It is non-competitive – each individual selects their own
appropriate level of challenge – flexible and achievement focused.

Gaisce Presidents Award
The President’s Award is Ireland’s National Challenge Award, the country’s most
prestigious and respected individual award programme, and a challenge from the
President of Ireland, to young people between 15 and 25 years of age.

Texaco Children’s Art competition

Credit Union art competition

IBM/DCU Irish Science Olympiad
Open to all Irish second-level students on both sides of the border. The Olympiads
take place at Dublin City University in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and
Computer Programming.

Creative Writing competitions listed at

Round Table Leader’s Competition –Northern Ireland and the Republic

The Rotary Youth Leadership competition is sponsored by Marks and Spencer and is
open to students between fifteen and nineteen years old. It rewards young people who

have shown leadership skills in their school and community. The competition is held
at local and regional level and the ultimate prize is a sponsored visit to the European
Parliament in Strasbourg, where winners take part in the Euroscola event. This is
when 500-600 young people from all over the EU participate in a multi-lingual,
parliamentary-type experience.

Information on cultural exchanges are also on the Rotary Club website

BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition

Environment, Science and Nature

Make and Do Nature Projects using recycled materials is a resource for people of all ages who are interested in science. It brings
together information on many areas of science, engineering and technology in Ireland
for students, parents and teachers amongst others.

Neuroscience for Kids

Great website exploring the brain and nervous system, as well as the current research
in neuroscience

Information on the environment
Lots of teaching materials, information on schools programme, exhibitions etc.

Archaeology in the Classroom

An Taisce – Ireland’s Largest Independent Environmental Charity
Lots of resources and activities.Hosts a number of competitions including the
European Young Reporters for the Environment Compeititon

Science and Astronomy

Science experiments at home

Astronomy website

Armagh observatory

Armagh Planetarium

Astronomy Ireland

Dunsink Observatory
Ireland’s oldest scientific institution, based in Castleknock, Dublin 15


NASA kids

Neuroscience for Kids


Nrich Maths site


Dog training and handling classes

Feebeg Kennels and Dog training

The City of Belfast Dog training Club

Glandore Dog Training Club of Ulster (Antrim)

Copperbirch Dog Training Centre (Armagh)


Dublin Zoo

Belfast Zoo

Fota Wildlife Park

Charities and Other organisations

Irish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Ulster Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Dog’s Trust Charity

Cat’s Protection Charity

Irish Animals

Irish Kennel Club

Dog Club


National Youth Orchestra

Irish Association of Youth Orchestras

Ulster Youth Orchestra of Northern Ireland

European Association of Youth Orchestras
EAYO assists in the promotion and development of youth orchestras and National
Youth Orchestra Associations throughout Europe and is a Forum for Youth Orchestra
activities at European level.

Cross-Border Orchestra


Association of Irish Choirs/Cumann Naisiunta na gCor

Cork International Choral Festival

Cathedral Youth Choir, Waterford

Royal Irish Academy of Music

Traditional Music
Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann

Music Network of Ireland

Sonic DJ Academy
Classes for beginners and those who wish to improve their DJ skills, with well-known
DJs and producers.

The Contemporary Music Centre
The Contemporary Music Centre is Ireland's national archive and resource centre for
new music, supporting the work of composers throughout the Republic and Northern

Largest Alternative Music Arts Community

The Federation of Music Collectives
The Federation of Music Collectives (fmc) is a cross border umbrella group for music
collectives in Ireland. The fmc aims to promote, encourage and develop the work of
music collectives, to facilitate those already in existence and to help in the start up of

new groups. The fmc also plays an important role in providing information and advice
to all facets of music and to act as one of the voices for the grass roots sector of
popular music in Ireland.

Betty-Ann Norton Theatre School

Rainbow school of performing arts, Belfast

Youth-Music-Theatre UK – Northern Ireland Branch

Belfast Community Circus

Lyric Theatre, Belfast

Abbey, Dublin

Stagecoach Theatre Schools, Dublin & Belfast

Gaiety School of Acting

Playhouse Theatre, Derry

Gate Theatre, Dublin

Lambert Puppet Theatre

Lambert Puppet Theatre is a venue and puppet company based in Monkstown Co.
Dublin. The Lambert Puppet Theatre creates and presents its own productions at the

Buí Bolg
Bui Bolg Productions, a Wexford based company, has been responsible for much of
the countries more spectacular outdoor events in recent years.

National Youth Arts Programme

The Mermaid Arts Centre
The Mermaid Arts Centre in Wicklow presents an ambitious programme of
performance including innovative dance, spellbinding theatre, cutting edge music and
art-house cinema.

WheelWorks exists to provide artistic and creative opportunities to young people in
Northern Ireland. We seek to increase the artistic, social and cultural inclusion of
young people who live in urban and rural communities who experience barriers to
participating in the arts.

National Performing Arts School

Smashing Times Theatre Company Ltd
Smashing Times Theatre Company is a professional theatre company that is
committed to: presenting high quality and innovative theatre productions and projects

that have genuine relevance to audiences, using professional dama and theatre practise
to explore social and political issues relevant to people’s lives with a particular
interest in portraying the wide and varied spectrum of women’s experiences.

CentreStage Theatre School
CentreStage Theatre School, was established in Limerick, Ireland in 1996 and it\\\'s
pupils have become very prominent contributors to the theatrical landscape of time.
The CentreStage Mission Statement:

To encourage creativity, individuality and a love for Theatre and the performing Arts.
Introduce and enhance acting skills through participation and self expression. Help
build self-confidence and allow personal development in a safe, friendly and creative

youthartsonline is a dedicated directory or “portal” aimed both at young people who
want information about opportunities in the arts wherever they live in the UK and
youth arts practitioners and organisations who want to provide young people with
information about workshops, training, courses and events.

Baboro International Children's Arts Festival

Baboró International Arts Festival for Children in Galway is recognised as the leading
Irish arts festival devoted exclusively to children. For the last seven years, one week
in October has been devoted to presenting high quality national and international arts
performances and workshops for children in and out of schools and families. Venues
in and around Galway are used for the presentation of this festival with selected artists
travelling out to county schools, youth centres and community centres.

CREATE is a resource and enabling organisation that provides support services for
arts development and practice in Ireland. Services - focused on standards of practice
and sustainable development - are aimed at arts practitioners, arts organisations and
arts projects irrespective of their area of practice or programme.

Blast UK
Blast aims to inspire 13-19 year-olds to bring creative ideas to life by offering new
and stimulating experiences and building their confidence and know-how through
professional support. Through local and national media (TV, radio, online) and face to
face activities Blast aims to inspire, nurture and showcase young people's creative
ideas across the UK, focussing on music, dance, art, film, writing and digital

Blast Northern Ireland


Dance Northern Ireland

Dance Theatre of Ireland

Daghdha Dance Company
Daghdha Dance Company is a group of active, highly skilled artists based in
Limerick, dedicated to a rigorous discourse in dance, choreography, arts and culture.
Daghdha's fresh thinking is embodied in all fields of activity, from performance to
education, research to outreach.

Dance Theatre of Ireland
In the decade since its inception, Dance Theatre of Ireland has exemplified excellence
and innovation in choreography, music & design. Featuring the work of its Artistic
Directors Robert Connor and Loretta Yurick and distinguished international guest
choreographers, it has developed a reputation for producing dance theatre which is
passionate, evocative, sophisticated yet arrestingly pure - exciting dance which is at
times both fierce and uplifting.

Streets Ahead Dance
Streets Ahead Dance & Performing Arts has just opened a state of the art full time
dance facility in Santry, North Dublin. The school features 5 mirrored studios with
sprung floors, a cafe, changing facilities & parking. There are classes for children &
adults of all ages in hip-hop, drama, break-dance, belly-dancing with other styles such
as ballet, tap, salsa & singing on the way.


The Irish Writers' Centre
The Irish Writers' Centre was founded in 1991. The aim of the centre is to foster
writing and an audience for literature in Ireland, and this it does by a year-round
programme of readings, workshops, lectures and seminars as well as a range of
support and information services.

The Children's Book Festival

Run by Children's Books Ireland, the book festival takes place every year in October

Poetry Ireland
Poetry Ireland is the national organisation dedicated to developing, supporting and
promoting poetry throughout Ireland. They are a resource and information point for
any member of the public with an interest in poetry and work towards creating
opportunities for poets working or living in Ireland.

Festival of World Cultures

Dun Laoghaire International Poetry Competition / Comortas Feile Filiochta

Categories for under-12 and under-17 in both Irish and English

IrishWriters Centre

News of creative writing course and a large list of poetry, fiction and drama
competitions open to young people

Children's Express is a charity which provides a unique news agency across the UK.
Young people aged 8-18 produce articles on issues which matter to them. The
programme helps and encourages young people to research and write stories for
publication in local and national newspapers, magazines, television and radio.


The Ark – A Cultural Centre for Children


National museum of Ireland

Museum of Natural History

National Gallery

Hugh Lane Gallery Kids Club


Cookery classes for kids:
Ballyknockan House, Wicklow

Who’s Cooking, School of Cookery, Belfast

Junior Chef Cookery School

Uncle Ben’s Schools Cookery Competition

Art, Photography and Film

Irish Museum of Modern Art
The Education and Community Programme at the Irish Museum of Modern Art is an
integrated part of the Museum's overall structure. All programmes and projects are
designed to place participants on an equal footing with artists, creating a forum where
artists can meet people and people can meet artists, where meaningful exchange can
take place, so that both parties acquire new understandings of issues explored.

Sculptors Society of Ireland
The Sculptors' Society of Ireland (SSI) is an all Ireland membership body for
professional visual artists. Many of the artists who are members of the Society work
with young people as part of their practice, covering a range of media from traditional
sculpture, to photography, video, installation, performance, ceramics, crafts etc.
Please contact the Society for information on artists in your area.

Fresh Film Festival
This is a unique event in the Irish Cinematic Calendar. Now in its sixth year, the Fresh
Film Festival caters solely for a youth audience and has at its core the distinctive Irish
Schools Video Competition which holds creativity as its maxim. The festival is non-
profit making, aimed specifically at the 12 to 18 age-group and takes place in
Limerick each Spring.

The Irish Film Institute
The Irish Film Institute preserves, presents and promotes film culture in Ireland. This
year the schools section reached an annual audience of more than 8,000 students,
providing in excess of fifty screenings of films in an educational context, workshops,
educational materials, school visits and teacher training programmes. The department
caters for both primary and secondary levels of the Irish education system.

Deaf - Dublin Electronic Art Festival - now has a section for younger people called
Deaf Junior. More details at their website.

The Digital Hub
The Schools Programme of the Diageo Liberties Learning Initiative seeks to develop
a range of programmes in the local primary and second level schools aimed at
addressing the digital divide. These include providing Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) equipment and technical support to local schools;
providing professional training to teachers so they are fully informed about the
education benefits of ICT, and advising and informing the schools of employment
opportunities in the digital sector. The Schools Programme aims to equip local

children with the skills needed to live in a digital age, and to work in the digital media
industry, which will be located on their doorstep.

The AmmA Centre

AmmA is a Southern Education and Library Board multi media creative learning
centre. Digital technology and traditional media can be used by organisations and
individuals from schools, the youth sector and the community. Skills and creative
ideas can be developed and produced in film and animation, music and sound, web
and graphic design, traditional art media and digital photography.

Studio ON
Studio ON is a new creative learning centre. It is run by The Nerve Centre and the
South Eastern Education and Library Board. Located on the site of the former O’Neill
Primary School at Crossnacreevy, Studio ON provides young people with an
accessible and interactive space for training and experimentation in creative learning,
new media and the arts.

Cinemagic Festival

Belfast Film Festival

Foyle Film Festival

Irish Museum of Modern Art

Linenhall Library

I am an artist website
Produced in conjunction with primary school teachers and aimed at primary school

HP Digital Imagination Challenge – Digital Photography competition

RTE Weather Photo competition

ESB Environmental Photography Awards


Sustainable Energy Ireland Photo competition

Belfast Exposed
Photography classes and projects in the Belfast area.

Arts Council of Northern Ireland


The Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland

The Irish Georgian Society

Youth Organisations

International Youth Foundation

Youth Action Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Youth Awards
The Northern Ireland Youth Awards are being launched in 2005 as
a way of recognising and celebrating the achievements, talents and
energy of young people and those who work with them.

School Council
Union of Secondary Students of Ireland

Student Councils of Ireland Online

Dail na n-Og - Youth Parliament


Evening Classes –comprehensive listings of night courses in Ireland

Queen’s University Belfast Institute for Lifelong Learning

Trinity College Dublin Evening Classes Prospectus available from

Soccer Schools

FAI Pepsi Summer Soccer Schools

Northern Ireland Soccer Camps

European Football Camps

Gaelic Football




Ice Hockey





Martial Arts

Community Games
National competition, not just for sport! Includes categories for choirs, drama groups
and dance.

Public Speaking

Soroptimist Girls Public Speaking Competition

UCD Literary and Historical Debating Competitions for Schools

Gael Linn Debating Competition


Aoife Begley Memorial Debating Competition, National University of Ireland,

Credit union quiz for Northern Ireland and Rep. of Ireland.

Irish Science Teachers Association Senior Science quiz

Volunteering Ireland and Volunteering Northern Ireland
Two large databases with a huge range of volunteering opportunities

Conservation Volunteers Northern Ireland

Conservation Volunteers Ireland

Cultural Exchanges

Experiment in International Living


Rotary International

Children’s Expres


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