Optimality Test - MODI Method PDF

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VAM Algorithm

1. Check whether the given Transportation Problem is balanced. If it is not balanced add
one more row / column with zero cost.
2. Find out the difference between second least and least element in each row and
column and write the value within bracket against each row and column.
3. Choose the maximum difference. Select that particular row or column which is
having the maximum difference for giving some allocation.
4. In the selected row or column, select a cell which is having the minimum cost for
giving allocation.
5. Look at the availability and requirement and give the minimum of these two values as
the allocation for that particular cell.
6. Strike off the row or column which is exhausted and draw the remaining
transportation table.
7. Repeat the above procedure until the whole availability and requirement are
8. Calculate the ZIBFS.

MODI Algorithm
1. Check whether the Transportation Problem degenerates. i.e., the number of
allocations should be equal to m+n-1, where m is the number of rows and n is the
number of columns. If it is not so, i.e., the number of allocation is less, give one or
more ε (Epsilon) allocation to one or more cells.
2. For all the basic cells (Cells having allocation) frame the set of equations ui+vj=cij.
Solve this set of equations by assuming any one of the variables which is occurring
more times as zero. Write down the values of ui and vj against each row/column.
3. Find the net evaluation for all non-basic cells (Cells not having allocation) using the
equation ui+vj-cij. Write down the values of all the net evaluation in all the non basic
cells. If all of them are –ve or zero, the current table is an optimal table or else
proceed to the next step.
4. Draw a loop starting from the non-basic cell which is having minimum +ve net
evaluation and connect some basic cells. The number of corners of the loop should be
even number. Except the starting point, all other corners of the loop are only basic
cells. The normal shapes of the loop are like this

5. Give +θ, -θ alternatively from starting point of the loop. Assume the value of
θ = Minimum of – θ value.
6. Substitute the value of θ and redraw the transportation table with modified allocation
for the cells connected by the loop without altering the other allocations.
7. Repeat the above procedures until you get an optimal table and calculate the Zoptimal.

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